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tv   PODKAST  1TV  February 4, 2024 5:20am-6:00am MSK

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cinema could only be a disabled person with loss of orientation, and at the same time a boy who does not have 80 kopecks. for a movie ticket, but there is a mother who immediately lays out 100 rubles for a finger on a wooden box. 100 rubles in the eighty -eighth year was the usual monthly salary in the city of kazan, in that poor family in which the boy andrei actually grew up, most likely they never saw a full hundred rubles for a salary. receives in dozens, in addition, and the boy, having barely joined the group, immediately goes to the nearest police station to play on the computer , it is unknown how long he would have managed to live on the street safe after that, maybe a day, maybe two, and his friend , having stolen a baseball cap in a store, comes to exchange it for some kind of hat that same winter and exactly to the same store, the amazing thing is that after that they get hit in the neck, and...
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the father, an afghan warrior, having a serious manly conversation with him, sternly asks what dra is. maybe screenwriter zolotarev doesn’t know what dra is, but deciphering the abbreviation any parent whose children served in afghanistan knew the democratic republic of afghanistan, there are an inordinate number of such shoals, but at some point the question even arises about the climax, why did it happen? all the hype, because of which , the leaders of the dom byta group decided to go into absolute chaos, bring the elders of the other group to their knees, cut off the ear of a youngster , after all, despite the fact that minikaev the artist is quite mature, judging by the red tie, his hero no more than 14 years old, which is why everything happened because of an unfortunate video recorder, which was wrested from some random person, in general, the reason for such
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a sharp aggravation, most likely, the reason for the sharp aggravation is that the stan zlotarev urgently needed to catch up the degrees from scratch, bring the matter to a gunshot, interrupt shards in general burn bridges , in fact, many of the moves of the series are based solely on the needs of the screenwriter to inflate and drive certain intrigues, besides, the screenwriter for the 9 years that he lived under soviet rule was clearly completely he is offended by her for the rest of his life, because he wants to blame all the kazan upheavals, first of all, on the soviet school, the soviet family, the soviet police and the soviet komsomol, and again, things are happening that in 88 at the beginning of the eighty-ninth year could not have happened in any way, but komsomol operatives at their meeting drink "get up with a curse, branded", the mother of the main character begins to tell that in memorable places...
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which in general is not very good for the series, but it is clear today that the soviet past has become already some kind of relict reserve , where the most serious and respected screenwriters of our time are scorched and spoil their reputation, and primarily because they did not live then, but were small children, the former screenwriter kryzhovnikova, who wrote his films gorko and gorko two alexey kazakov,
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thus, burned himself out on the film chernobyl, the screenwriter of everything, oleg malovichka, completely in vain wrote trotsky’s script, as for zolotarev, he made this frankly chushpan movie, giving the chushpans the illusion that they could become among the thieves in their own way, without attracting the attention of the orderlies , all this, in general, does not at all correspond to reality, and even... inspires questions about whether the series about demons of aliens that zolotaryov used to make were really so good, it is quite possible that demons and aliens are now sitting somewhere at their meetings they also laugh, they say: what a fool, he wrote all sorts of things about us, if this is so, then wait for the demons, the kazan boys are coming to you in peace, laugh together, this is still a podcast of woe by fire. and i, its host denis
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gorelov, with a story about the most relevant premieres of domestic series of the season. the next issue of our program follows automatically from the first - this is the series frostbite. it should. it’s enough to frankly admit that modern screenwriters are completely lacking in gangsters, they need some kind of aggravated tough conflict, a conflict with any administration, no more than a regional one, doesn’t look very convincing, as for the colorful, big-fingered, cheerful guys, they’ve clearly already gone crazy scenes, they were either assimilated or buried, and today in... godfathers, who trample over the issue of dividing up real estate or send their dogs to solve questions, they all remain only in tv series, most often they are played by yuri tsurila, well, sometimes there are completely paradoxical,
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completely clown moments when such roles are played by alexey agranovich, like in a recent tv series to kill rita , agranovich is a wonderful artist, every second when he plays the beholder. for the southern region, the thief in law, it seems that he’s about to choke and laugh right in the frame, but he keeps the theme, which doesn’t make the series better, they themselves the bandits have disappeared, the anarchy that only gave rise to all this evil spirits has ended with us, but nevertheless, for the series, it was both anarchy and this banditry that created a certain balance of interests of the powerful in the world among all. which some stubborn and desperate blonde could leak in, playing off her invulnerability. understanding perfectly well the problems of the industry, mega-successful screenwriter ilya kulyakov decides not to simulate the existence of gangs in
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some modern russia, but simply to unfreeze a militant group from 2001 boys in general, to acquaint them with... with the achievements of the modern world, and to show them what russia has achieved in 20 years, first of all, all these cities, smoothies, subsans and the social world. at the same time, you can re-open old conflicts, dust off hidden kalash, play on the contradictions of old and new, on which the great master only periodically flirts with greed, from the series.
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they were ordered by their superiors to go collect debts from the inventor neumann, played by daniil. spevakovsky and if they looked closely at him, they would of course recognize grandfather pavel from the film guests from the future spevakovsky is very similar to vladimir nosik, especially in the false small beard, but this could only happen if they at least watched tv in childhood, they taught mawash on a children's tutorial with blind pictures. they didn’t do this, they found themselves in modern times, when, in general, no one needs their mawashi anymore, their deeds have been forgiven due to the statute of limitations, their girls have grown up to co-rocket with tail and only one mother, the legendary gangster mother, sits and waits
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for her lost children and believes that they were not killed 20 years ago, there are two mothers, i must say that there are actually tears in the picture twice, everything was done very well. and it’s great that the authors did not exploit the images of these meaty heavy bandits, who long ago turned into a caricature, the fact is that it was not the athletes who brought the greatest fear in the movement into crime, but the unsportsmanlike provincials - greyhounds and boys, which due to the fact that they looked very unauthoritative. were the first to start making fun of the shooters, thus knocking down the authoritative cubes of the first wave, and of the whole four, only one mass looks like such a full-fledged elephant, because he eats well, thus making an indelible impression, inspiring
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the confidence of all sorts of mothers who surround him, and the heroes instantly draw a variety of problems, because phill’s family was squeezed out by his former boss, played by ian. serves in it, which, of course, for bandyugan is a mess, petty burn, he’s nobody’s business, and hand-to-hand chuck has to re-wooze his friend, oksana, who, in general, due to the fact that she’s a redhead, redheaded girls have neither age nor inhibitions, the magnificent role of milia spivag, all the characters are clearly completely new the times don’t fit, they’ve never seen the euro in their lives, the exchange rate is the dollar.
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only the round bandit was educated , so he took proverbs from the treasuries of national folklore, and the uneducated bandit chuck comes up with all these very little tricks himself. but it belongs to him wonderful phrase: there were criminal faces, but now the guys are even, in fact, conveying the general meaning of the entire series. there is absolutely nowhere for the smooth guys to find refuge in the new world; at some point, out of grief, they even come to the disco.
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started to joke, then he will approach the matter like a marathon, run in circles and joke, joke, joke, joke, by the twelfth episode you already feel that you are running next to him, you still have to laugh, when the jokes start to slip, the screenwriter defrosts from cryogen , prostitute, which in general is possible calmly raise three more episodes under the slogan of princesses: to relieve stress, when once again the phrase is heard: again chuck saves the common fund, you begin, in general, to strongly empathize with his redhead, because she, of course, is in love, and she still has to live with for a very long time with all these jokes and jokes , which is quite difficult, but the visiting carlsons are still good with their one-time visits , it takes a lot of patience to endure carlson for a long time, and as for carlson... screenwriter kulyakov, they have one of the main signs , they don't fly away, bro! it's time to say
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a few kind words about the debutants. a series called once upon a time in abkhazia, directed by kve kve skiri, has just been filmed in abkhazia. the series tells the story of how teimur nadarovich changes his profession. the head of the fire brigade , temur, meets at some point. and the broken press, the pocket
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opposition, the tame police, all sorts of local gangsters with their interests, and even foreign counterparties with problematic assets that need to be transferred to a small republic, opposite all this , there remains one main character, he can defeat them without the intervention of higher powers. cannot in any way, higher powers intervene, ugly people make a decision and take the side of the new hero, weak people remember that they belong to the great caucasian. princely family and also make the right decisions, indifferent people get hit in the neck by their wife and go over to the bright side of power, and greedy people suddenly realize that there are no pockets in a thief, in russia there would be all this they didn’t believe it, but abkhazia is a country very similar to the real lukomorye, a mermaid sits on the branches there, so i must say that in
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general there is much belief in some beneficial revolutions within the human body. better than ours, a clear feeling of a fairy-tale land, clearly absolutely, that a huge lump of administrative resources, sassy women, some caucasian show-off old treaty negotiators is rolling towards the main character, but the only asset is a serious reputation, a firm word, the will to justice, as well as dear loved ones friends, he becomes an outright kung fu panda, breaks everything into this whole terrible lump... abkhazia, sometimes, of course, they abuse the intervention of higher powers on the side of the main character, sometimes their humor is still very designed for a short distance, for an immediate reaction, for a long
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they don’t always pull out the eight-episode theme, but some of them do. one must have leniency towards debutants, especially since the heroes he invented always look very attractive; the main character, played by tamuraz tania, has a brother, a veteran of the war with georgia, with the eternal with a finger, a pistol on his pocket and with the obligatory phrase he closed his mouth, yes, he has a brother, coward, a contractor for local construction companies, but with a heart of gold, he has one. according to the fire crew, who constantly drains gasoline from the car for resale if the protagonist wins , he really aspires to the role of minister of fuel and energy, and he also has a drug addict brother-in-law who quietly steals pills from his completely crazy mother. this whole team is incredibly attractive and in general the series in general, despite the fact that it went through
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quite weak, in general we can recommend it, it’s quite good. a nice , programmed happy ending turns out in such a way that people who love original constructions applaud in the most direct way, and people of a more traditional nature make a scandal online about how it ended, who is now the president of abkhazia, however, in the finale there is a complete list of people who sponsored and helped film, and it is immediately clear who the president of abkhazia is, because among...
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in the united states he directed similar films during the time of recovery from the great depression, frank capro, mr. dic moves to the city, mr. smith goes to washington, then they also met public protests, people said that this does not happen, that any financial oligarchy will always win, that in general everything will always be bad, now all these films are classics, i hope the series are too. one day a similar fate awaits in abkhazia. this is still a podcast burning with fire and me and its host denis gorelov with a story about the most relevant premieres of domestic series at the end of the year. our next series is cerberus - a rare decent four-part series. today, all films for four episodes
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are monopolized by studios that make films about how everything was fine with a businessman and his wife, but god did not send children. almost all four-part films are about exactly this, but there are exceptions, just like this time, and in the film, screenwriter alexander gonorovsky and director vladimir shegalkov clearly reinterpret the decembrist mythology, and it’s high time, frankly speaking, in the film during passionate love affairs with a bunch of sheets with half-dressed bodies, suddenly , behind the wall in the hallway , servants begin tossing and turning in the chest, because what to do with them, now we all live separately, then the servants lived together with the masters, during the highest inquiries in the peter and paul fortress, the lower ranks they quite easily go into the generals’ offices, where the investigation is going on, and put firewood in the stove, because it’s february
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and steam heating has not yet been invented. and pushkin, in a conversation with nicholas i, is not at all insolent and generally looks young, but why shouldn’t he look young at 27 years old, and the network was very unhappy with the choice of the main artist for the role of pushkin, played by lev zulkarnaev. i can only applaud this, zulkarnaev managed to play in two serious films at once at the end of the year, britov's nagolo of thieves' authority winter in the boy's word , on the contrary, kudlatov with pushkin's sideburns in the film cerberus, but in my opinion it turned out just wonderful, regarding the fact that alexander sergeevich talks to the tsar from bottom to top, it couldn’t be otherwise. that's why that nikolai pavlovich romanov was actually 2 m 8 cm tall, and alexander sergeevich pushkin was only 166 cm tall, and they
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could not talk to each other in any other way than from top to bottom from bottom to top. during the conversation, the tsar was quite openly gloomy and concerned, because he had already been told on his tail that the leader of the conspirators, pestel , was planning to exterminate his entire family by name, and from the germans everything was possible. cerberus, but one must always remember that, in fact , his father was killed by the conspirators, his son was killed by the conspirators, and his great-grandson, along with the whole broods of great-great-grandchildren, the conspirators exchanged fire, we are talking about paul i, alexander ii and nicholas ii with their heirs, if anyone has some problems in the dynastic issues of the romanov clan. you will basically become a cerberus here, the duels in the film are completely stupid, as often happened with duels, the air is damp, the poems are hot and
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generally quite brainless, as often happens with hot poems, death rides in a sleigh to the carnival, the horses are scared and even the artist of the tribunes performs in such makeup that it is simply impossible to recognize his first episode, he there's a fat man with shortness of breath. the languid city on the neva gives rise to imaginaries, including in the plot, according to the plot, the collegiate adviser boshnyak, a real figure, sits in the cells of the defendants, learning all sorts of secrets from them and passing them on to the investigation, in this role the handsome sergei marin plays, according to whom everything the girls are going crazy today, the scheme itself was worked out by the bosniak together with count witt. his role was played by evgeny tsyganov, from whom all the girls went crazy 15 years ago, they go crazy to this day, but not anymore the girls just grew up, the two of them
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organize a serious investigation, but in the process , in general, it suddenly turns out that people cooperating with the investigation are increasingly disappearing in st. petersburg, and then they are found either without a head, or with their heads in the neva, or in... .. in a completely different, torn apart and not entirely alive form, it is absolutely clear that in the peter and paul fortress that leak is coming from, and accordingly, both bashnyak and david find themselves under the cleaver of an unknown avenger, the unknown avenger is played by alexander gorbatov, who is attracted to the girls are two meters tall, both main characters share some of the attention of the polish beauty karolina sabanska, also absolutely. the persona is played by the utter beauty vyara kolestnikova, a dazzling lady in all respects, and at the same time she does everything exclusively in the name of the homeland, and the tsar in the name of the homeland, and the regicides in the name of the homeland, and even
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benkendor in the name of the homeland, the general was very respected, like everyone else guards, chiefs of the secret police, he oversaw the partisan movement and, by the way, was the first to enter moscow with partisan detachments after its abandonment by napoleon, in general, according to the plot, alexander gonovsky’s very great abilities in developing detective intrigue based on the material of the 19th century are visible, i have treated screenwriter gonarrovsky with all my heart since 2001, when he presented his, well, krai, at least the first successful film , told from the stage how he rewrote the script every day during filming, the leading actor moshkov came up to him and said: “dear, here you are.” hits him on the head with a board, the next morning they hit me on the head with a board, somehow humble your cavalry temperament, exactly at that moment i still
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appreciated it. the complexity of the screenwriting craft, and was imbued with great feelings for this man , i hope that great success awaits him, and of course, the picture goes back to another picture about the difficulties of the noble choice, about the complexities of pre-desiry succession, the picture of the star of captivating happiness, in this film also played the whole color - it was the handsome men of our screen, the rebel officers, who were played by parokhovchikov, yankovsky, kostolevsky, strizhenov, botalov, and even in the role of the judicial the bailiff was oleg dal. some of the confusion and carelessness of the december uprising in that picture was compensated by the legendary step of the decembrist wives, and of course the song of the young akuldzhava parodeva. this time the film clearly supports the old
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soviet tradition of attraction. great artists in the roles of gendarmerie colonels, timofey vladimirovich tribuntsev, who plays a moscow detective, specially brought in to investigate the death of informants, in company with his family blockheads played by kirill kero and vladimir krylov, the troika is absolutely delightful, and you can’t take your eyes off them, in general, they continue the national tradition, the viewer will ask who then... on the screen is cerberus, and, perhaps, everyone is a cerberus , the tsar, the huntsman, the detective, and benkendor and bashnyak with davit, and even alexander sergeevich pushkin , who in the history of the pugachev rebellion, said that this is how it should be, of course, people, bitches should be shoved under the ice in the neva, but all this does not refute the wonderful pushkin phrases said to the sovereign, any text, or... maybe
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to have exactly as much freedom as one can accommodate, this is, perhaps, the main moral of the picture. this was a podcast, mount with fire and i, hosted by denis gorelov, with a story about the most current premieres of domestic tv series of the season. cold spring, sleeping. under the distant lights, how long have i been looking for the dream of my love, the snow dances with the rain, the dream is to warm the way for me, i
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need to see you, my spring. it will be warmer, as spring cried, what will be there ahead, the bird will fly into the distance, find my love. snow and rain dance, dream warm my way, my spring, i need to see you, it will be warmer, the snow dances with the rain, dream warm my way, i need to see you, my spring, it will be warmer.
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the snow mixes with the rain, the dream warms the way for me, you are my spring, i need to see you, it will be warm, the snow dances with the rain, the dream warms the way for me, you are my spring. you have to see,
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it will be warmer. it will be warmer. the main hit of 2004 cold spring in the podcast 20 years later on channel one, i am the host konstantin mikhailov, my guest is the leader, founder, director, composer,
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arranger, poet and generally a very cool person whom i adore, but i didn’t know personally before this meeting, alexey podobny, lyosha, hello, hello, i’m very glad to meet you, finally. i admit honestly, i don’t know how to sing, but i love it , unfortunately, for those who are at the karaoke at the moment when i also get there, and my favorite song to start with is, of course, cold spring, for warming up, forgive me , please, i sing it all the time and mentally ask you for forgiveness, i also have my comrades from rostov-on-don, he warming up on a song before you, i’m just haunted by karookies in general throughout life.
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take it, it’s not not timbre there, it’s not super, it’s just so tasty and thick, sing with your soul, sing, thinking about what you’re singing about, worrying, absolutely, well, yes, i do that too, for me, besides in recent years
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, an interesting practice has emerged of singing songs that i like, but which were not written by me, this is exactly how i approach them, mainly war songs by soviet composers, and these are such soulful works, yeah. they are so written by professionals that i i’m in admiration for them, i sing them, of course , i try to tell them, it’s clear that you have to hold the notes, don’t just mumble, this is for rappers, but hold the notes, i’m a rapper, i don’t hold them, you can always go into rap, if something happens, it’s a trend now, listen, you just said about war songs, i myself... thought that when i listen to your cold spring, i sing it too, i understand that it’s about love, most likely, but for some reason the film still reminds me a little of the cold summer of '53, directed by proshkin,
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who took my directing exam when i was studying, thank you, this is a big compliment, for some reason the gorgeous film resonates, although i understand that the song is not about that, but here i have this one, and you think it’s cold spring my main hit , well, actually... this is really a song from the first album, the first album - it was some kind of miracle for me, because i was actually brought up on western music, first classical - german, but mostly there - well, beethoven, and god, i thought ramstein, no, no, ramstein wasn’t there yet it was, i’m still not, i’m sixty -nine, me too, yes, seriously, well, can you imagine, then i got carried away, when i was studying guitar,
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music, what is called the depth of the art of music itself, and these meanings , which, these great sensations of some kind of cosmic scale, i can tell you that the wall album helped me not to go crazy in the army, well, i had a player, there were only two cassettes, i won’t say that on the second, on the first i had pink floyd on both sides of the wall, not bad in the army listen to the album on two sides on a reel or something, no, well, on a plate.
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well, that’s how i say that with all this baggage, i was naturally interested in english- language music in russian, in general i didn’t even try to write, you had some projects on i had something there, they were called, i don’t quite remember there some jolie jail all the time jay this me is present janga is also here even. that means jolie jail swam and the planche, the planche, oh, exactly, yes, yes, and the planche - it was an interesting thing, there really was a lot of music, and we composed poems ourselves , that is, with a friend, we wrote in english, and there were friends in london, it’s difficult, being born with the russian language and writing poetry in english, one of my many stupidities during life, yes, that means it turned out very interesting there in such a way that we thought we had always done music. they sent this
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album, just listen to the music, this is what we composed, in london they said: listen, guys, you have such cool lyrics, we were like, what? and then i realized why? a because we have a completely different attitude to life, we have a different worldview, we wrote differently. in other words, about something else, about something they are probably not used to hearing about. it’s very cool that you wrote the lyrics, it’s really not like directly imitating some robert burns or something else, just thinking in russian, but simply translating it into english, theirs is, yes, most likely so, plus , of course, there were some rhymes, as pushkin said, i envy the british, they have a lot of rhymes, which means in the language, yes, because aishention, protection.
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a language or even a song language, it ’s different from the everyday language, it’s not a means of information, it’s a means of spiritual... one’s own attitude, just take the idiomatic expressions of the russian language, even the same one itself wasn’t, but that’s doesn’t translate into anything, but it’s me who sometimes, when i perform this song, i say, guys, this is our russian concept, it wasn’t called, we first fit in somewhere, and then we look.
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hello, the news is live in the studio sergei tugushev. at the beginning of the issue, briefly about the main thing. gratitude from kiev extremists for generous financial support from eu countries. the russian foreign ministry commented on the militant attack on a bakery in lesichanski. up to 40 people may be under the rubble.


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