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tv   Goryachii sneg  1TV  February 4, 2024 2:00pm-4:00pm MSK

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such a suit burned the skin, it was like a real one with scales. and we zakharushka ourselves
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will skin this hero for a hero’s costume , don’t even think about being friends with you, yeah, be friends, over there in the forest with the bear, hey, listen, zakhar, it seems to me, or is he calling us fools, but no, makar, as murderers , now we’ll destroy you, yes, makar, as warriors, come to me, i’m tsarevich prokhar, i need heroes, young man, i’m talking about your business proposal, regarding heroes, heroes, but we’re just an artist . army zakharka, we are just ready,
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heroic army, we have no work, no food, you think they will feed you, they will feed you, take it higher, we will have a roof over our heads, a warm toilet, universal respect, but you are an actor, you should play a hero, spit it out, you agree, serve as heroes, well if so, let’s serve, but so that... double drinking? we agreed that the robbers were ahead of time, that’s good, there’s just no progress, but we won’t give it up and that’s the end of it. oh, dear robbers,
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denmark, that is, a charitable donation, perhaps, bread, zakhar, fellow countrymen, i found us vigilantes, together we will fight the robbers fight, and where did you dig up these aglo-eaters, cooking, now there will be more, dasha, dasha.
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yes, let’s see, they don’t believe us, yeah, we’ll prove it to them, yeah, here you go, and my dear, yulyusha, let’s sit and ruminate, oh my good one, and you’re an envious slaughter, and i’ll listen to you. zakhar makar, oh, wow, this is for me,
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dancing, yeah, just to conquer business. zakhar, makar, uh-huh. horse-drawn circus, zakar, zakar,
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and so am i. yes, in his youth fama didn’t swing his sword like that, yes, something more serious is needed, makar, zakhar, well, well... and we are trained, for example, targeted shooting, fortification, suppression by fire and power, how are you doing with this? like that
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, it’s late, now they’ll pile on, as always, well... peek-a-boo, peek-a-boo, maybe that’s enough already, oh, let’s run , okay, so be it, let’s take you, well, sons, all that’s left is to collect the tribute in this we're sailing home in a worthless kingdom, yes, yes , scoribius, eat shurma, lie in the sun, spa and all that, and i'll clean out the barrel, oh, mamon, in my opinion, it's been a long time since we wanted to forget about them, how the grapes gave in to us... peas, it’s better to have an onion sub, don’t tell me, son, order is order, today turnips and peas, and tomorrow which is better, for sure, you’re a fool, brother , everyone has to collect tribute to play, that means everyone has,
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oh, don’t fight, boys, mom will be angry, although in some ways you’re right, my dear, the kingdom is really nothing. at least they tried to defend themselves, or something, well, why, i’m a peaceful bird, well, for peace, for friendship, for heroic service. i don’t know about the service, but when it comes to eating, these are brave guys, well done. so, to everyone's attention, issues of strengthening. construction materials for the perimeter of the entire village are not enough. therefore, i propose to strengthen the turf
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tsar father, we’ll all take refuge there. the fence is defensive, crowned, honest-to-goodness, increased height.
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for peace, for friendship, for heroic service, the main gate, fire and ram-resistant, double-leaf with padlocks and bolts, but as for victory.
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an observation tower, watchtower, high-rise with loopholes with an all-round view, oh yes, we need to multiply beautifully, oh yes, we need to live our strength, strength of spirit and willpower. it's time to go, so tomorrow
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into battle, into battle, that's it, we ate, drank, it's time to know the honor, thanks to this house, and we let's go to someone else, well now we're safe, yeah, we can sing a song, we're weakening. my beloved, he gave hope to the world, he opened all the windows and doors for happiness, like
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prometheus, he set our hearts on fire, it’s enough to live, as if we were in debt, we will give a worthy rebuff to the thief, the boorish enemy, we don’t need someone else’s good, we won’t give up ours , we will win, we will win, the coming day, i firmly believe, will return to us the taste of victories long forgotten, we will deservedly measure out to all enemies, as it should be, our turn will come, oh my knight, with soul and body, you are taller than everyone else, you are smarter than everyone else, kinder, and you are my little, remote, beyond measure, you are loved by me and my maiden soul,
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i am not afraid, i know for sure that the coming day, our victory will illuminate, brave in battle i want to be fearless, fate itself is like that. if you please, as before, i am ready again to give my blood and my life in battle for my homeland, but if we don’t die before the battle, then of course we will give everything up. we will win, we will win, we will not live as if we are in debt, we will repel the worthy boor of stubbornness and fragging, we do not need someone else's goods, but we will not give up our own, we will win, we will win.
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zakhar, let’s not live as if we are in debt , we will give a worthy selection, boor, mountain to the enemy, we don’t need someone else’s goods, but we will give our own, we will win, we will win, we will win, oh, somehow i’m not at peace, makar , in a direct battle we cannot defend this miracle castle, i have a passion. idea, the main thing is to get it done before the morning, you use your hair in a number with aerial gymnastics, and you hang on your hair, yes cheese, then a cutlet, take a cutlet, then a tomato, how many lettuce leaves are needed,
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delicious, you have to do this, well, just so delicious, yama? only a whole choir of pioneers can be better than a pioneer, only the sky, only the wind, only joy ahead, best of all, a new season, look after the evening news, the muslim world has taken the place of the caribbean world and byzantium, developed. the resulting inheritance was further passed on to europe through spain and italy. and what is algebra, from the arabic word aljabr - multiplication, achemy, alkymia, even alcohol, alcohol is translated as a decrepit person, what makes a person decrepit. until 1917, the personal guard of the persian shah consisted from russian cossacks. the shah of persia is the most
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precious thing he has, that is, he trusted himself only to the russians. i've met a lot of people who think that we've always had women. under historical eras, this is the real face of islam, civilization premiere, film third islamic world on thursday on the first. you’re trying in vain, everything will be given up peacefully without a fight, but, but, i’m not for the fight, i’m for dani,
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teach me how to cut the sausage with lard, and i’ll just fill it once for appearance ’s sake, nabordu. rob, don’t rob, but get a donation, i’m a mother of many children, he has to get help, the boys need food, they need clothes, hey, you are there , you have arrived, let's pay tribute, what, what does he need, what is he always asking for food, aspit, tantarbia, barbados will run out, what is he saying, they have someone there again he died in barbados, i feel sorry for the man. “i don’t mind anything, go work, how long can you put up with here, i’ll cry , we accept pies, cloudberries , butter, be quiet with butter, not butter, cool down, tsarevich, tsar father, look after the young man, allow us to show you, wait , and what
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this is happening there, what does it mean? " " for the homeland, for the kingdom, for the fatherland, respected dad, daughter, for the homeland, we will all die as soon as we are paid , wait, please, it’s not your way out yet, come on, i understand, learn, you fool , mom, he’s just kaput,
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ready for battle, give them a toad, boys, come on, it’s strange, the population of the tower has increased, fly together for reconnaissance and quickly. dad, and here we are, here you are, supaskats,
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come on, sir, let me, “boys, such experienced robbers cannot surrender to the hillbillies, let’s use plan b, go ahead, brooch, cheers, well, rich people, not in vain you ate our shchida porridge, well done, prosha, we won, you were right, we won, i. you’re right, but i spent the entire battle behind the fence , it’s too early to share the victory, now the adversary has caught his breath and they’ll go on the assault again, their work
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is like that, remember, forward to the attack, wait, please, it’s not your way out yet, now the most important thing will begin , that’s right, robbers always have a plan b, c and so on, calm down, we have it. a couple more tricks, the main thing is that they are not revealed ahead of time, then the eagle’s flight from the mountain to the forest itself, but it may not happen to me hour, where are you going, there are traps
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, save the princes, we’ll help you now, grab him, wow, well done, just like that, flight of an eagle, flight of an eagle, time to go to the cellar, maman, what should we do now, what should we do, what should we do? we will punish them for disobedience, we will take everything from them, we will take everything from them, we will take everything from them, oh, what have you
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done, prince, now please, your time has come, such an attraction has been ruined. my best number, give them shana, boys, take everything, leave nothing. voilà!
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looks like we've set sail, sit down, keep your head down, polinka, where are you going, please look for him, why? look, and that’s true, if you haven’t killed yourself , the grandmother of the hive will come. what are you saying? i say what i say, right?
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entered. and where is everyone, is there really no one left, oh, our squad has returned from a military campaign, please, take over the state, now you are the head of the country. prokhor, alive, stole the king's folder. what have you done? prosha, she said , i warned you, and you were captured, because everyone was taken prisoner, everyone was taken prisoner, even daddy’s cat was taken away, so what, it’s all my fault, yeah, well, it’s my fault, i’ll fix it, i i'll catch up with them all
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i'll release you. and you, you, please, where are you going, wait, i’m with you, well, we, zakhar, it’s time , we did everything we could here, and, as they say, thanks to this house, yes, you guys, of course, we tried our best, hey, wait, i’m with you, but how, ah, yes, what’s wrong, eh? come on, good luck! it’s okay, now we’ll collect the logs, we’ll make fruit , along the river without a sail on a heavy board, we won’t catch up with them, but the river makes a big detour, while they swim, we’ll go straight through the barrel thorns and intercept them there, uh-huh, it’s necessary, eh the guy became after the flight
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think strategically, yeah. the destination has been received, the route has been successfully built, well, boys, a wonderful catch today, the girls into slavery, and tolstoy, the governor for golera, half, well, off to slavery, the king is a badie. that , in vain, i didn’t believe the robber, they could defeat these robbers, well, never mind, next time, it would be nice to live until the next time , there’s no one to rely on, straight ahead into the swamp, a detour on the right of five layouts.
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we need to develop a plan, for example, we dig a hole and flood the ship with a prickly ruff, we don’t know how to swim. hmm, neither do i i know how, it’s like a goat, but you can’t give up, oh, horn, here’s another idea, you need to strike a spark, blow it up, you’re out of your mind , and we’ll take off like a fireworks, right on the course of the ravine, use detour routes, but we know how to fly , so, zakhar, from home, like... what do i care about snow, what do i like sleep, what do i like torrential rain, when my friends are with me, what, repeat after me, prince, how do you catch, where
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it’s difficult for one, where it’s difficult alone, i can handle it together with you, that’s all. left, turn left, turn left, route change, zakhar, juggling acrobats, on a bear, i'm friends
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, follow me, i'll go out without fear, if i, and the bear without a friend, the route has not been built, there is simply no route , there is a windfall, the road ends, make a u-turn, we turn around, we turn around, we turn around. torrential rain, when my friends are with me, what to me, no, what to me, what to me, torrential rain to me, when my friends are with me, and i’m already used to flying, they’re ready, what’s to me
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, what’s to me, what’s to me, a test rod, when my friends are with me, what does it matter to me, well, recalculation of the route, do the math yourself, navigators are confused, but if this is the tsar father’s plan, oh, stop talking about it already. you’re in pain, oh, but my zakhar is probably sitting there unfed, yes, and so is my makar, where is my polina now, yes, where are we supposed to be, well, let’s go ahead and attack, let’s attack
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at once, no, we’ll think , think, hmm, we will do everything in the morning quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly, ah!
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oh, push up boys, mom, that's it!
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that's all, screw you, baby, truncated, my cap, what's wrong, we're being dragged into the hole, we resist, the hole back, lean on, once twice, you can't crawl, mabila, mama mia, mine darling, mama mia! my little gold, no
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, no, my inheritance, even a dowry, the girls have this dowry, gold, gold, money, my money, collect, immediately, dobenga, answer, listen to my command, starboard, two steps forward, execute, dad , don’t be distracted, we’re all listening to prokhor, father tsar, right, run, come to the left, left, dasha, i’m confusing.
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there’s one more, hurray, paragraph, forward, pressed pat, don’t stop, let’s throw a prokhor, wow, boys, be patient, mommy, now, we’re moving straight and fast, but ask where, i’m busy, busy means alive, forward, right,
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get, past, where am i going?
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this is how this story ended, our kingdom won, prokhor proved to everyone that we need to fight to the end and... never give up, and makar and zakhar turned out to be real heroes, well, yes, we won! glasha, now it’s time to say goodbye to our heroes, or is it too early, father, what should we do now? and i told you, it’s high time to get off this diamond needle. and that’s true, about this ship, i have this
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plan. well, as for the robbers, mother, i i’m afraid of the fish, don’t be afraid, grandpa, mommy is with you, and i’ll take our money, go, mom needs it more, this is the end, this is the end!
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if you mention this to him, he will shoot you right away. quite possible. what about willie? i got hit on the back with the butt of your russians.
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his legs are prorated. oh my god, stop. what do you look like? where is your cap? lost.
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whom you told to stand, stand! upstairs,
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it’s not going anywhere, so what, so you went to schneider for...
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wieder zeyan, what is this? will he sit with you here, comrade captain, temporarily, why should i sit there as a fascist, comrade, you are reaching for the bottle , it was the major general who ordered you to look, order, you are behaving badly, comrade captain, i will report, go, report, run to... from the bent and take the fascist with you and see, sergeant , if you put it here , i’ll strangle him, and to answer you, actually, it’s a strange story, charges with a delay of a year, i ’ve never seen this in my practice, but it’s technically feasible, technically feasible, if he’s telling the truth, you can’t hesitate, you have to
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send with him an experienced group, but who did i sew, comrade general, now... you’ll find me and not just anyone, comrade general, it means that the group would already leave the day after tomorrow, ugh, i just didn’t believe the chances, i asked where demin was, they said on the lip, why for the systematic evasion of the medical examination, i considered you to be an example to disciplined officers , and this is just childish, hiding like... a schoolboy from a vaccination, but no, comrade lieutenant colonel, what kind of vaccination is there, because i know for sure, they often write me off, why, what’s wrong with your health, but i’m healthier than them everyone, but they start knocking with your hammers , be sure to get through to them, they have it written down that the spinal nerve was damaged due to a concussion, something else, while there was a war, he was fit, now he’s retired,
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maybe it’s really something serious, but then, well, what’s wrong? you will return home to your family, now many officers are talking about this, so let them go there, but i have nowhere to go, so you had a wife, you had one. was, okay, i decided to send you to the union with a responsible assignment, so the question of a medical examination disappears, only honestly, really healthy, but what about comrade lieutenant colonel, fruits, so, well, the route is unclear, the nature of the task is also, where can i get the rest of the documentation, there is no documentation, the person will go with you. well, it’s somehow not serious, comrade lieutenant colonel, what kind of a person is he, smart, at least smart, kudin, yes,
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this is frith, a fascist, hitler’s underdog, but i’m on the same field with him, take it easy, captain, he speaks russian well understands, so much the better, let him know what i think about him, demin, huh? you follow this very well, this task is not only military, but also diplomatic, yeah, they should send a diplomat, he’s your comrade the lieutenant colonel will clear the mines and comply with this, stop chatting, he will clear the mines, and then why should i, for close-up? eat. you will observe, control , he will be the executor, he set these cunning mines himself, well, i thought so, it ’s written on his face, so captain, that’s it, no need
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to prove your hatred and intransigence to the enemy now, it’s clear, i’ve done it before proved, proved, proved, now our times are different, yeah, times are different, and they are also different. write, comrade dzyomin, i am your translator ninelya aleksandrovna pogodina, allow me handbag, you're out of luck, lieutenant
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, demin, viktor stepanovich, maybe just viktor, maybe nelya, it's him, he, he, votentak, so for the last 3 days the mood was bad, and then they said that a woman would be a translator, well, i think for sure they'll send klara ivanovna from headquarters, here you are.
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what a slow train! and when we went through the dodr to the top , we sat for hours in the water while the krauts combed the shore, froze everything we could, that’s all, well, not everything we needed, it’s in perfect order, exactly, exactly, checked, let’s not think about it, i missed it, i was a gymnast before the army, but i didn’t even think, come on... more forfeit ones, oh, i don’t drink straight, we’ll decide now, listen, lieutenant, you
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don’t have any water left in the kettle, how not to be, there is a comrade of the captain, hey, fellow countryman, come with us, no, thank you, comrade, captain, come on, come on, don’t worry, so what? for victory, for victory, for victory, friends! well, guys, let's go have a smoke, i'll treat you, american, i swapped with one black man, i think it was in vain.
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russia, russia.
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yes, life is just beginning, thank you, thank you.
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“what kind of pontoons, how do you know, i ’m the only one who knows, i figured it out with my own brains, the doctors didn’t bury my hand properly , you know, they threw away the landfill, flies eat it, ants crawl on it, but i decided so, i ’ll take a referral to the military registration and enlistment office, i’ll go to germany, find her, bury her, then she ’ll stop”? come on, captain, take care of your wife, don’t let the german go, i’ll check it out myself.
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stepanovich, why aren't you sleeping? yes, i wanted to smoke. why are you deceiving me? i worked at the hospital for a year. your spine is damaged, i'm not afraid, it's pain terrible. where did you get this from? i see how you sit down, how you get up, let me bring you some permedon, no need, your pyramidon is like grain to an elephant, it can massage my back, no need, thank you, it will pass, we have good
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company, the german doesn’t sleep, he’s tormented by nightmares, he even screams in his sleep, i have a bad back, and you... why aren’t you sleeping? i, and i'm afraid of who, this fritz? no, i’m afraid for you, i keep imagining that you open some door, an explosion, and there’s nothing left, a person, as if he never lived, well, that’s what they came up with for me too, the dishes are like work, since they've mined it, it means we can clear it, come on , it's going to bed, we'll get up early tomorrow morning, there's still five miles to go to this plant, we have to turn back
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, this, this, this and this, unscrew it, but there's a lot of boxes there, so, so and so, the fuse is chemical, right? chemical, chemical, two more of these, which are nowhere to get , non-removable elements, on the side and bottom, additional fuses, bottom and side, got it, bottom and side, ton, side, what is it, what happened,
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then i went from here to hell mother, now i see, wait, wait, wait, we’ve been waiting for 10 minutes, we’ve been waiting for 10 minutes, why? shook it, what a stupid woman, not a damn thing!
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come on, stop. put your hands, put your hands on the box, put your hands on the box, what’s there, i ’m asking you bastard, what’s there? speak russian, i don’t
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know what shpanzai is in russian. janjeburu.
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good, yes, i came up with something like that, so
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now you and i need to take care of the otvefritz as if it were our own, he’s not a fritz, he’s rudolf, yes, i know, i , i know, you understand, such mines, as a rule, are placed on non-removable, that is, in addition to main fuse, there is also additional,
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i don’t feel like eating something. so. okay, ja, möchten sie kartoffeln? ja, gern, mögen sie auch kartoffeln? abergern. ja, danke. danke schön. mögen sie zwiebeln? ein wenig. i was just shocked that you sat down to eat with this. i found a company. the war is over. for you, yes, but thank god you don’t have a scratch. but for others it was not over. my mother blaka died of hunger. back in '41, he died as a border guard, and i spent that whole winter in leningrad, sat under rubble for 2 days,
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and then volunteered, probably because there are more rations for the army , i studied at the university at inyazi, here they took me, the headquarters hired a translator, well then i don’t understand you at all, no, no, no, no, no, no, i’m still afraid of walking, and now i ask mukhina’s joy to follow me , the husband returned, for whom the funeral was held, but wait, we don’t know them at all. i have to know him, but you are the greatest joy for them, please, please, come to our hut, well, at least i’ll change clothes, come on, just quickly, dmitrievich will show the way, your hostess is also preening for me, and well on the peasants, what to bring beauty, and you are anywhere else, spinning, spinning, the blue ball is spinning right, you, vasily, don’t doubt it, claudia behaved exceptionally well, give me some bacon, but i have no doubt, i’m mitrofan, i have no doubt, you he brought a german, why the hell, he and the captain, they cleared the mines, this german
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is anti-fascist, rodfront, come on, well, well, hello, right away! i came in, yes, you are , come in, help yourself, thank you, brysyak said, petrovna, bring some potatoes , there’s nothing on the table, great, oops, is that daughter a communist?
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where i was at an impeccable height, i don’t think anything, it’s a new year, new orders, barbed wire, the whole camp is surrounded, stern eyes are looking at me and hungry death has crept up, i’m not sorry, let’s go. and i liked you right away, and now every day more and more, i realized this in the morning , when you told me to go to hell, it’s for your own good, but if you’re offended, i can
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apologize. and he, too, is a sapper, a lieutenant , he was blown up by a mine , he was completely stuffed with shrapnel, of course he was written off in honor, i tell him: you’re from saratov, and you have mine there in evacuation, wife and daughter katyukha, be a friend, take them something, explain, they say, he’s alive, well, calm down, he calmed down, once he came, the second came, and then he stayed, how do you know, maybe this is so, gossip, what kind of gossip, she doesn’t care about me...
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why? god forbid i meet her, i don’t know what i’ll do with her. i transferred the certificate to my daughter and put an end to that. the war tore off my arm, but now let’s blame it all on the war, it makes me feel better. look, you remember the hole at the station, but it still hurts. vasenka. yes to you you got the golden wife, how she carried herself, how she carried herself, you can ask whoever you want, why are you talking about the same thing and talking and talking and talking and talking, talk to who the fucked up bitch, i’m telling you, you’re saying that
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was! what do you mean, so what? did i kiss or didn’t i kiss? i’m just being human and don’t ever do that again.
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nikitinskaya, now i ’ll bring his bandit here. come on, come on, hero, well, how can i execute you, rip your head
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off, i should shoot you, come on, give me the gun, look, look at how i’m doing it now i will put you to death. oh, the joke is on you, run home to your mother, lo and behold, instead of a shot, a ball has been put into a bearing, it could have killed a bear. he had his father , they threw you into the well, but they didn’t let anyone come
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near him, he screamed, screamed, screamed, screamed, then the heat , what are you sitting, drink and have a snack, hey, fershtein, i say, drink quickly, have a snack, in our way, in russian, that i haven’t gotten used to it in 4 years, okay, be healthy, in short, whoever remembers the old one will have an eye, whoever forgets will be two, what are you thinking about now, about rudolf, the obnozorg? and i'm with her you, that’s right, that’s what a girl should do, i’ll tell you more, if we had yesterday, well, you wouldn’t have heard what you just
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heard, victor, i beg you, on this topic, but this is a different topic, i didn’t sleep all night , i thought and came to this decision, let ’s get married, i understand that your age is different, and your education is different, but life will show , i’m right, i think you will be a good wife, and people like me are on the road they’re not lying around, just think, it’s not sugar alone, but i’m for you, if anything, victor, i’m just a person, whom i love, and he loves me, we don’t return to this topic anymore, as they say, a sapper makes only one mistake.
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well, it’s a long time to wait for you, i’m afraid that he will beat you, who will beat you, come on, sit down and don’t be a fool, otherwise we’ll go to hell with your mother, 2 years, count both auto construction and at the factory and fucked up, he’s with the second let's go, then... you're coming back, now i'm going home, who the hell will die in this germany, granny has suffered enough, i
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'll tell you later, i'll tell you, i was thinking about choking, sasha, where are you going, there are relatives, uh, sister, uh, son and sister, godmother tracking. you’re in the kolfos of budyonny, well , you can’t cross the bridge, it’s not on the wall, go through the alkhovka, there’s a ford, it’s far away, six, eight kilometers, the grandmother didn’t have any trouble.
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what should i throw away? if you don’t want it, don’t eat it, let it go, eat it, there’s only coffee hanging out, and what the heck, a shell hit the house, the bear and the darling were right there. “we
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already buried what we found, alektina , take nyuka for now, what to you, with your water, come on, come on, quickly, quickly, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, yes, captain, thank you very much, thank you to the ground, thanks for that, well, we got a ride, and we got a ride, thank you for finally coming, i’ve been waiting for you like the sun, but we weren’t going to you, by chance we’re here, nelya , let’s go, come on, why did we go, okay?” there’s a mine detector on your cart, how many applications have i sent, and you say by chance, the land is disappearing like crazy, the dearest field is salty, but i can’t touch it with a finger, everything is covered in mines, i have less in stock, i got it, wept it out, i saved it all winter, but there’s nowhere to sow, clear the mines , and i’m at your feet. yes
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, you understand, we already made a detour, i have a serious task, you can’t have the task is more serious, you measure it, i’ll have time to shine, barley, i won’t sow , what to feed the cattle means slaughtering, it’s better you slaughter me, right here right now, come on, take it out on your legs, shoot me in the chest, come on, i’m sorry, chairman, i can’t , yes , i won’t let you in, i understand, i’ll lie down in front of the lo and drive through me, come on, people are looking at you, okay, to hell with you, we’ll get up early tomorrow morning, what are you looking at, let’s organize it on the dick, turn it around, here you go she was the most profitable cow, miraculously saved from the germans, kept in the forest, and the women ran around like partisans, didn't notice it here. apparently
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she had gotten loose, she wanted to eat some grass, i was even on duty here as a pigman, so god forbid, whoever stepped on a mine would end up lost, not for a penny, but a mine detector, a mine detector is good when the mines are metal, but here most likely anti-personnel ones in wooden ones case, you see the funnel, here the probe is more reliable.
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okay, something happened, stop, don’t come here, everything’s fine.
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oh and... now on the agenda for dinner, the roosters are boiled with noodles, be careful, they fried roach for you, oh, moonshine, you’ve never seen anything like it, straight champagne, and i’ll also surprise you, green cucumbers, where are the cucumbers from, a greenhouse, one for the whole region, of course, mine, thanks for dinner, but we had no time to be late, women on the road. they take it and once again captain , thank you very much, such a thank you, i really don’t know what to reward, you’d better feed the old woman over there, give her an easier job, and find some housing there, i don’t have an easy job, that means i had the strength to work for the germans , but she’s not here, why are you, she was taken away by force,
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and i don’t know who was by force, who was not by force, someone lived here and tore, someone over there with priysami, what did you say, what did you hear, but can you imagine? where, captain, and dinner, cucumbers, yes, you went with your cucumbers, yes, good evening, well , we’ve smoked, take it, here’s the order,
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we’re late, comrade captain, we’re late, that is , how late? and so, we had just launched this plant at full capacity, the whole city was rejoicing, here, right in the middle of the working day, a plant full of people, women, men, everyone had just returned from the front, so they warned you. they warned the city council, but i don’t care how you do it, it’s too late, warn, okay, captain, go to the
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collective farmer’s house, i’ll give you a car in the morning, you’ll go further. why did it explode? but who knows why? someone discovered it, tried to clear it, or it exploded ahead of time. you can't accurately calculate a chemical fuse. temperature had an effect, i don’t know, i don’t know. but rudolf said that it should explode only in the fall. you better ask your rudolf why he blew it up? were they your enemies too? victor, they thought of everything, the bastards, they calculated everything.
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the german left, so here he is, here he is, where are you going? you climb in, let him go, well, go back, what are you doing, go back, go back, he said.
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come on, grandma, into the cabin, the compartment is behind me. whoever the chairman
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of the german felt sorry for, you should have given him some more bread for the trip, you’re shooting at your own people, chairman, someone tell me... just a year ago that i would defend a german from my own people, from the russians, i would have even been offended, so it happened, i even got a drink in physics, you hear, you need it now. drink, drink, to the bottom, drink,
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to the bottom, i say, drink, it’s like medicine, you’ll drink it, you’ll calm down, you’ll fall asleep, why is he i woke up, i also found jesus christ, stupid head, but not a coward, not a coward, why, why?
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“go to bed, dad , come, please, listen, get off
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the roof, either you get one and a half lyam, or the conversation is over, and this ending will be very bad for you, you are in his apartment, where he did not transport you, which he did not want you gave, you were in conflict with vadi mirovich, we would like to come to some kind of agreement with you, they operate according to a special protocol, they are afraid of publicity, given the level of the victim, they do not want to attract attention, we have a warrant for your arrest, open up, or we will be forced to break into the door, the container, the final of the series, see after the program time,
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hier, jetzt ist es wieder weg. hier , hier ist es, ja, jetzt, hier, hier ist es, victor , maybe it’s your watch, i know it’s a watch, a watch, i got scared, okay, spray under the bench, we’ll work, there’s a spray under the bench.
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lights out, take the explosives.
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bagey stargrad, and his wife, pies, sorry, green onions and eggs, look what i found, victory in everyone’s heart. oh, i was into it before the war, by the way, second place i held it in the region, at the military academy, there was only one couple, come on. ready, let's go, here!
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well, that's enough, that's enough, sit down to dinner. lord, stop,
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lord, how little is needed, how little is needed, make peace, we didn’t quarrel with him, make peace anyway. yes, please, some kind of childhood, bon appetit, you’re already leaving , everything was blown up, but we’re not blowing up, we ’re clearing mines, but it’s a pity that you’re leaving, you should still try on your way back, stop by our club again, you won’t recognize the club at all, i’ll finish the renovation now, our section will start working, volleyball, chess, barbell. and a drama club, oh, we have such a drama club that the city theater will wash itself, olga will lead my drama club, and i
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’ll put together a choir here, i’m a choir athlete by training, and i also sang in the choir, it was such a good choir, for the whole region famous, they took us to the popes, prepared us for moscow, so what are you really doing? kurepeli, i sat in the sopranos, and there was a soloist, yes, well, maybe you can sing something for us, but the instrument is not working, i’ll sing it cappello, the month of bogrya is colored. and the sea is raging between the rocks, let's go
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beauty to go for a ride, i've been waiting for you for a long time, no, i heard you, forgive me, please, i just don't know what your name is, you... definitely need to leave, no, she doesn't have to, maybe, of course, she can stay, of course, so you stay, you will live here in the club, like we do, i’ll arrange it for the elders, grandma, how old are you, your voice is so fresh, that means it’s from your tenth year, what, so it turns out you’re 35 years old, 35, huh? on the cover to be equal,
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and do not remember it dashingly, but that’s it, goodbye, wait. where did you get this track and bake it? take it back, how are you doing, then put it down slowly, because they will kick you out, what are you going to do, beg, nah, don’t steal anymore.
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charl, der einfache mensch kann nicht immer wissen, was richtig und was falsch ist. put yourself in my place. listen, you, don’t confuse horseradish with carrots. i'm sorry, what? nothing. i say stop your fascist demagoguery. zehn
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mal habe ich dir das gepredigt. ich war in keiner partei. party and didn’t want this, well then take off your uniform to hell, it’s nothing but trouble, no, no, now in russia i’ve understood a lot, don’t forget who i was, that i am, this!
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do you believe in god? yes, what a fool, do you believe your father? well, he believed, which means he was also a fool, he was the smartest man, although if he didn’t believe,
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he would have been even smarter, but in general you don’t bother my father. you know how to swim, yes, yes, of course, definitely, i can, so, come on, get out of there. i did it, then i can do it for an hour, listen, neptune, let ’s do it this way, i’ll go first, and you follow me, i’ll bring the rope to me when i swim across, pull it three times, okay, hold it.
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i jerk three times.
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