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tv   PODKAST  1TV  February 5, 2024 12:50am-1:36am MSK

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a disease that could be prevented, which is classified as a preventable infection, within the framework of this movement that you said, yes, children can have serious consequences caused by infectious diseases, which perhaps a vaccine could somehow stop, but on the other hand, there is, for example, the idea that vaccines lead to autism, and we want children to be healthy and smart, and so on and so forth, but we can strengthen the immune system, but children can strengthen their immunity, but their immunity can be non-specific. strengthening hardening is certainly an excellent means of combating arvi of various kinds, but nevertheless, the idea that vaccinations lead to autism, they were left in the last century, was actually proven to be sabotage and malice on the part of the british doctor there, who promoted his ideas and his medicine, he only had... a diploma, from there came the fact that
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this myth is alive, but i didn’t invent it, the myth was caught up in the banners, the myth is alive, but in medicine there is such a postulate that not everything that is due to because of this then it turns out that, firstly, after the vaccine we can really expect an increase in temperature, there will be a local reaction, but nevertheless, if we are faced with the fact that a child... develops cerebral palsy or autism, this is not the root cause here could be that they simply paid attention to the child because of the vaccination, and after diagnosing it, they decided that the child had this particular disease, but the role of vaccination itself in the development of these conditions has not been proven anywhere in the world, i assure you you, what if at least some kind of relationship... was found between,
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say, autism and a vaccine, then insurance companies, especially abroad, they would grab onto it with their teeth, and vaccine manufacturers would play the accordion at the train station, so here it is absolutely certain, no there is no relationship, and this has been scientifically proven, it doesn’t happen that a person was in your life, then he disappears, even if he dies, in this girl she almost doesn’t recognize the child that she lost herself 5 years ago. mom, i don’t think i’m without her, i have a lot of memories, but this is my mom, yulia nachalova died very young, at 38, leaving her beloved daughter, vera, to her parents and ex-husband. i said that, unfortunately, i have very difficult news for you, that my mother is no longer with us, what i experienced at that moment, that evening, only he knows, it is a big responsibility to tell your child that his mother is gone. became. this loss, her only daughter, yulia,
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what path did she go after her mother’s death? i’m somehow very mega-strong, i felt like i pulled myself together, that is, our exclusive 5-year-old adult the life of a girl who decided, no matter what, to become a star in memory of her famous mother. when you appeared, my life changed, i will always be by your side. exclusive with dmitry borisov, prime minister.
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then it won’t happen, you promised us 40 dollars , these are our girls, i’ll put everyone here now, he’ll kill you, well, hello, jaeger, she’s nobody to you, why did you get involved in this, it’s him, the one who saved me, you are nobody to each other, this is chechnya... we can’t do this, well, tell me, soper, whose path you crossed, i i can’t live without him, abrek, the premiere of a multi-part film from february 11 to sunday on the first, yes, whatever i want with him, let me do it, move away, let me buy it from you, this is the baden badon podcast, i am its host, konstantin severinov , today we are talking about pediatrics and... we are discussing this
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very important topic with andrei alekseevich stepanov, chief specialist in pediatrics, administration of the president of the russian federation. autism, after all. this is also something that is the pain and fear of many parents, but this is a disease that has now become more common among modern children? well, firstly, due to the fact that diagnostics have improved, since criteria have been developed for what we call autism, and here a lot of symptoms are combined, when there are no healthy people, there are, no, diagnosed, well, in general, yes, in general, yes, if there... it could be called schizotypal diathesis or something else, today everything relates to autism and, accordingly, treatment takes place in this vein, but i don’t think that it has become more, i think that it was simply classified, but it was learned isolate
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from other conditions, that’s why it has developed to such an extent, something can be done about it, this is something that can be prevented, something that parents can do. this must be done undoubtedly, but unfortunately, this will not be a prevention of autism, because today this condition includes masses of genetic abnormalities, which is accompanied by the fact that... the child’s reactivity is structured differently, it ’s not that it doesn’t it works like this, it works differently, here, of course, this is a separate topic, like the universe, with this autism you can talk, even better, with those who are directly involved in this, but from
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the point of view of a pediatrician, you are the main specialist in pediatrics, we have come to you, the sheet here should be on autism in neurology, and i even think that... not just any a neurologist will undertake to discuss the topic of autism like this globally with details, and genetics, here we live in the 20th century, many say that this was the last century, the century of physics, now we live in the century of life sciences, biology, medicine. there are movements when people offer to do tests, genetic tests for their children, for based on the information received, make decisions that are related to both health and the choice of profession, a variety of things, but here, probably, after all... there is a certain commercial motive, when genetic tests are started indiscriminately for everyone, and most importantly then you don’t know what to do with their interpretation. today we have encountered, well, not encountered, but at least come to such a philosophical and medical concept as
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epigenetics, when the state surrounding a child, both in utero and for thousands of days by... after birth, when surrounding circumstances impose a certain influence on the genetic material on the genes themselves, when unfavorable conditions in the future lay the foundation, including many diseases that an adult faces, this includes diabetes, high blood pressure, and maybe even some mental state, today, of course, the state of a pregnant woman, the state of an unborn child and a newly born child, it is, in fact, a the root core of all those pathologies that a child will have as a grown child
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who has turned into an adult in the future, and here is this whole scientific layer that we still have to raise and raise, but this is very general, it’s almost what you yourself said. the word is philosophical, yes , what is it in essence, that everything affects everything, everything is interconnected, but recognizing this is one thing, but what to do on this topic is a little different , everything is a little different, for example, what do you think, should parents do genetic testing for your child, without medical indications, it makes no sense to do such tests, but if the doctor advised it and said exactly which exons need to be looked at for changes, then of course do it.
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and the specialist sends a geneticist to the doctor and recommends exactly those genetic tests that he needs to take. okay, you break all the myths and don't leave. no hope, you keep saying that you just need to go to the doctor, do it regularly and trust the doctor, i just wanted to ask about one more myth, as it seems to me, umbilical cord blood, there is... the idea of ​​biobanking blood storage stem cells, if god forbid with the child, even when he has already grown up, he has already become, maybe his parents are no longer there, but this is something that will help him and when replacing some - then organs, maybe even transplants, well, let's just say, the distant future, but nevertheless there are a number of conditions when cryopreserved blood taken from a cryo bank can be used, huh? with proper storage, with integrity, say, of the
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company that took this blood, and accordingly, these are private services , our affordable medicine itself does not represent this, no, this is mostly cryobank, this is all related to commercial processes, but nevertheless, in general there is a certain number of diseases, including blood diseases , when... this preserved blood can be used, but enough diseases that developed later, you don’t know that you have them, but if god forbid this happened, then it will help you, yes, yes, it can be , and this is happening in our country, this is not, not some kind of fantastic thing, everything happens, if a woman wants to donate blood, certain services carry out the collection, and storage, storage also costs some money, the collection costs. certain money, well, accordingly, the next question is whether it will be useful or
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not, how conscientiously it was saved and taken away, it will need to be protected throughout the life of the current child, that is, he will grow up, then grow old all this time, this emergency reserve is stored somewhere , yes, yes, and it is paid, respectively, every day storage, and this is the future, do you think that in 10 years or someday it will be like this for everyone? newborn children, well, i think it will be , if not for all, then at least the indications of possibility in this sense will be wider, we will certainly be able to use this material again for a larger number of pathologies, returning to the fact that you need to trust the doctor, well, i ’ll tell you more than that, that of course, you see, the difference between the concept of our... slavic doctor and the latin doctor, yes, that is,
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accordingly, a doctor is from lying, yes after all, a doctor is from vrati, but vrati does not mean to deceive or mislead, but from the original meaning, that is, when to talk, to persuade, including talking about pain, so in this sense, when we go to the doctor, it is first of all important establish contact with him so that you trust him. and on the part of the doctor, he must win your trust by talking, for the most part - problems, especially for young mothers, are resolved through a conversation between the doctor and the mother, when we answer her question, even if it seems stupid questions, there are no stupid questions to the minds, they are all smart, there are stupid doctors who refuse to answer them, and you offer to trust them, that is, here it is, besides, as far as i understand, in our country now... the doctor provides medical service, but it is regulated, you probably know better, in particular the time
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of communication with the patient, and so on and so forth. konstantin, you are absolutely right, you are pressing on a sore spot, but nevertheless , i am using publicity, so to speak, and i want to apply, the president already said about the educational service that this is no longer a service, well, i really want there to be no more medical services from now on, and we... with the patient did not provide services to him, but treated him, accordingly we talked, i assure you that a lot of problems go away when collecting an anamnesis, just having a heart-to-heart conversation, here is the latin name doctor, well, it simply states that a person has received a diploma, our medical institutions, from your point of view, are now training doctors or physicians in this dichotomy that you mentioned?
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including from medicine, but i hope that today we have already been able to fill it out, and the basis of the soviet pediatric school, it allowed us to adequately... get through covid, and i think that it will also allow us to adequately we need to educate, including young doctors, who will be able to treat patients, and not provide medical services. but personalized medicine, a very fashionable term, yes, in my opinion, comes just from the west, this is communication with the patient,
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look into his eyes, or is it something else, apparently what we have always had. in the west they suddenly saw the light and decided that medicine should be personalized, we always knew about this and always talked about it, that this is exactly how it should be, that it is the communication between the patient and the doctor that gives a better result than a machine filling out all the cells and making a diagnosis, you i’m not against the instrumental methods of all these high technologies that allow, well, in particular in pediatrics, it used to be more effective...
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but then those that are from fools, probably more, but they will work at least at the level, in this sense you provide the same quality, you are absolutely right, for this purpose there are certain standards for the disease, and this is even called protection against the genius of the doctor, yes, because genius it can also do harm, absolutely, that’s why we came up with certain standards for everyone, proved that this is... necessary, written by research institutes, these standards that everyone is obliged to comply with, which change, we started with once every 10 years, change, but still they change based on experience, based on new discoveries, that is, they change not because one of the brilliant doctors thought that everything was being done wrong, this is the podcast baden baden, and i am its host, konstantin
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severinov, today we we are talking about pediatrics and discussing this very important topic with andrei alekseevich stepanov, chief specialist in pediatrics, administration of the president of the russian federation. i see several useful, it seems to me, lessons, that is, you need to get vaccinated, yes, and genetic tests there’s no need to do anything yet, because you won’t find anything, but if it’s according to the doctor’s testimony, then apparently it’s still necessary and can be useful. and i beg your pardon, i’ll be honest, they do certain screenings in the maternity hospital. that is, blood is taken there on a special test piece of paper, sent to a special center , where a genetic analysis is carried out for the maximum amount, and this is just a medical service, you don’t look anyone in the eye, they just give you some kind of yes, but nevertheless here in general this is done by everyone, it’s like any screening
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, you know, that is, when the coverage is maximum, and if suddenly there is some deviation, then... they call the patient and look him in the eyes, of course, either for a repeat analysis, or they are already beginning to study in more depth, vaccines, genetics, and umbilical cord blood, most likely yes, if possible, and maybe it would even be worth expanding, at some point, well, in the end yes, well, and thereby we ensured that our children will be as healthy as possible, smart, is there some kind of golden key, we are all we want children to be smart. well, firstly, here, too , genetics comes first, which is not worth doing, which cannot be done, unfortunately or fortunately, we cannot intervene in this process globally. abilities, initial ones, they are given to us , but of course, it is in our power to improve something,
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level, in particular , to develop intellectual abilities, which will have a positive effect on intellectual abilities, it’s like talent, yes, which can be buried in the ground, but which can be allowed to grow, well, here are the kids, if we’re talking about very young children, it’s too early for them to play tennis or do anything else, it’s kind of unclear, they’re probably... we’re preparing lira for university so that he’s more intellectually developed, yes, but fortunately, a child has a certain structure in
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the brain, the so-called reticular formation, which simply filters out all transcendental potentials, what does this mean in russian, which means, for example, that a newborn child can wake up from the voice of his mother, quiet, gentle who is to her addressed, at the same time, if a cannon fire occurs, he... will not wake up, because this structure will cut off all transcendental impulses, and the child will continue, he is simply programmed for a small number of stimuli that are close to him and important, but because this is you know, like another legend on the topic of how a child can’t see at birth, when they confuse him with blind puppies and kittens, in my opinion, i remember, they don’t focus, it feels like they don’t focus their eyes on you , he somehow looks through a little somewhere in the sky. looks, no, they focus, they just have an optimal focus for vision - this is 30-40 cm, and these 30-40 cm, because the mother’s face when breastfeeding
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is located at approximately this distance, they do not need to look at the beacons in the open the sea, so in essence they don’t need to have such farsightedness, then theater, a theatrical performance is meaningless for him, because it’s somewhere far away simple, well, firstly... well, they don’t focus, and secondly they simply do not understand the meaning among this flickering, the best thing for a child is to focus on some contrasting images, studies were carried out on the face of the mother and all newborns, again they distinguish well , in fact, schematic images of the human face, the so-called emoticons, yes, that is, smiles, there are dissatisfied facial expressions, this is what they understand, they react to it... in fact, for a child, everything is aimed precisely at survival, so the child can move a little and the smallest newborns along the mother’s chest
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in order to reach the source accordingly milk, by and large , everything develops in the child as it should, it cannot be accelerated, well , unfortunately, it can be slowed down, if some kind of disease has occurred, this is possible, but... just force it and so that, like a hero in a fairy tale, he goes through all the stages in a year and he became thirty years old, 33 years old, on the contrary, he was lying on the stove , by the way, well, yes, but there are those who did not have time to be born right away, the very next year they went to get married, there are also a lot of such fairy tales, so everything coincides, the motor capabilities of the child, for example, when he begins to crawl, it is at this moment that he starts to be afraid. and distinguish between strangers , because before he started crawling, there was no point in being afraid, because you couldn’t run away anyway, so everything is physiologically
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justified, well, if everything is fine in this best of all worlds, then there’s no need to do anything, that is, it is really laid down by itself, well, by evolution, by nature, by anyone, so that we all go through a common path of development, but the results are still different, because different people get, you know, specially theatrical performances... maybe there is no point, you need to communicate with the child , you need to talk to the child, the child needs to put on really the right music, classical music has a beneficial effect on cognitive abilities, on interneuronal connections, this is all completely proven, there is a separate, so to speak, even direction, music therapy for children , for children, for newborn babies, for premature babies, right? it is more ancient than
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visual, i think all young mothers will agree with me that if, for example, a child is turned on some kind of monotonous noise, low-frequency, there is a hood , a vacuum cleaner, turn on the water, maybe the father ’s voice, by the way, studies have also been carried out that the male voice on a newborn child produces a more soothing effect, that is, low tones, but even so, if we...
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to practical advice, that is, there is what you need to listen to and what you don’t need, i’m afraid that there is a repertoire, it can be found on the internet, which is exactly what we started with when you said that there are too many sites with different information, for sure there are recipes, yes, what you need to listen to, what you don’t need, you can combine that you need to listen to classical music, modern music, but personally , i wouldn’t play it to my children when they were little, and now i have a granddaughter, so i tried not to stage contemporary repertoire. the problem is that when they grow up and become teenagers, they still start listening to it, well, if this is a problem, but they make their choice later, well , i think that by at least a more developed brain, more, at least at least, well, he continues to develop, he continues to develop throughout his life, but at least at that rebellious stage, it’s probably just normal, so that he can then return to the classical repertoire at a more mature age and torment his children.
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well, this is just homespun, here, here the pediatric recommendations will change, we will all be in such sync, yes, yes, yes, great, thank you very much, i’m obvious that the topic is very big, it suddenly occurred to me that because another very important thing is that it is actually artificial feeding, but i’m afraid we won’t be able to talk about it now, when you talked about it, it’s very interesting about the fact that the child focuses on his mother, that in his first months he lives in order to, well, to receive milk from his mother , but... well, when we transfer him to artificial feeding, it turns out to be a completely different battleship, right? you are right, konstantin, because any branch of pediatrics is like a separate universe, you can talk about this for a very long time, and if you conceive some kind of series of programs there about certain subsections, i think that you and i can cover, no, if you see this, it seems to me that this is
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a mission, but because it’s still information. “if you need doctors you can trust, then you need to see these doctors and talk to them and hear them, yes, otherwise you will listen to something else, because a holy place is never empty, yes , that would be absolutely wonderful, thank you thank you very much, this is the badonbaden podcast, today we talked about pediatrics with andrei alekseevich stepanov, the main specialists in pediatrics, administration of the president of the russian federation. what kind of writer is dostoevsky for me? unfortunately, no matter which of his works i take up, upon completion of reading, as a reader i experience complete devastation, i lose all desire to take out paper for writing, i think that
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this happens because he told me.
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dear friends, i want to offer you such a subjective view on this complex topic: we do not have the task of system analysis, but before we move directly to topic... let me ask you this question: my dear teacher palovich vyazimsky once said or repeats that in russian national literature there are three giants, not just geniuses, but giants. and he says that this is a unique situation, since in national literatures, at least european ones, there is either one person or one book, well, for the british it is shakespeare, for the spaniards it is donquihod, and so on. but in russian literature there are three giants in one century. dostoevsky, tolstoy, half of chekhov, because chekhov is a playwright on a global scale. how far are you ready to agree with this assessment? well, probably, if we talk about, we’ll start with the director, yes
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, i’m sorry, no, no, that’s exactly it, we have a hierarchical structure, thank you, well, if we talk about the world rankings, about ranks, about the hierarchy that has been established, well... that’s right, but it just so happened that pushkin, alas, entered the world cultural canon after the three great figures you named, evgenevna, and how did you react to this, well,
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i would say a little further that the situation is so complicated, because there is an internal point of view, there is an external point of view, from an internal point of view, of course , pushkin comes first, well, then they follow him, well, as a person... who studies gogol, of course, it’s not a shame that nikolai vasilyevich fell out of this frame, that is, from our point of view, yes pushkin, but the problem with pushkin is that in general for europe it is more of a name, they believe us that he is a really great poet, but he is not truly perceived , i'm just for a while i taught in french, at one of the french universities i tried something with students,
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is it possible, can we say, or will it still be journalism and a journalistic statement that world culture, certainly world literature of the 20th century, is unimaginable without dostoevsky, the first part of the question, the second immediately, if you allow me, that dostoevsky, in general, belongs, as they often say, to the 20th century, much more than to the 21st. i would say that the culture of the 20th century grows out of dostoevsky, it is simply the main root in to a very large extent. dostoevsky is a unique figure, first of all, because he is a very unformatted, very irregular and therefore amazingly effective classic, he is not a classical classic, he is a modern classic, but
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classics should not be modern, modernity challenges the classics, it opposes itself to tradition, right here it turned out to be more and more complicated, dostoevsky, who became part of the russian classical canon, the world classical canon, why...
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what is alien to dostoevsky, that is, it is already built on something completely different, based on writing, this not about dostoevsky, but on the other hand , if we take the same french literature, this is the jew, of course, this is proust, who in general was completely shocked, and the pre-daist surrealists, who in general cannot be imagined without dostoevsky, just as we cannot imagine without him and expressionism, but maybe it’s more likely not french, but german, and in the twenty-second year max ernst painted his famous canvas.
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we were sorting out, in my opinion, the lower ones, offended, in general, some of dostoevsky’s novels, and
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that they all read me in french, not in english, no, no, they read , they were french, our classes are in french, i understood, but i mean that they didn’t read in english, no, no, they read in french, although it’s different matter, your question is absolutely fair, because for many cultures there could be an intermediary language, but french was the intermediary language, well , let’s say, for the chinese there was an intermediary language, english, chinese, dostoyansky, with the publication of a book in 1886 called
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underground spirit yes this book is a translation galperin kaminsky, this is a translator of such a fairly famous emigrant from the russian empire and charles maurice, this is a very interesting work, because in essence it is a symbiosis of two very different texts of dostoevsky, cut, mangled and connected by the wind of his head, as they say. the story of the mistress of the late forties of the notes of the spathole, monstrously translated , very subjectively arranged, but it was this text that laid the paradigm for the perception of dostoevsky, yeah, it pierced the minds, and a year after its release in eighty-seven year reads nietzsche, and this becomes one of the most powerful reading shocks in his life, he enters into a deep internal dialogue with dostoevsky, largely under the influence of this reading, he
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formulates for himself the basic concepts of resentment, even a blond beast from a part of the future superman, and so on and so on. begins what he will call the struggle of geonis against the crucified, and nidsch, this book is very strange, curious, mangled, and so on, it sets the paradigm for the perception of dostoevsky, it determines his place in western culture. they begin to translate it into other languages, spanish, italian, and so on, it becomes the main, the main book of the intermediary, a certain madame peschanskaya, an old friend.
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her sister is the owner of the company , which is registered as the villa of the zelensky family, zelensky needs people whom only he trusts, another one of... zvintikov will be possible instead of the zaluzhny cheese zelensky wants to remain in power, because this is the key to his physical survival, the british he will be provided with a roof, this is not for americans profitable, the zaluzhny cannot be removed just like that, he will immediately deploy troops and move to kiev, this is a confrontation, it is strictly behind the scenes, so they are trying to solve these issues more elegantly, she can appoint zelensky to blame, madame peschanskaya, pack the green ones or zelensky bill, dolls . heir tutti, tomorrow on the first, i am not the widow of the emperor, i am not the mother of the emperor, and i am not the regent for the minor emperor, i am the empress,
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and i am in legal right, you argued that catherine is a temporary phenomenon, innate forces have been activated in europe. a usurper impostor, a rootless german, i had no illusions, i knew what power was, i knew what i was going to, but i was sure that i could stop the intrigues and carry my cross with dignity, great, golden age, big
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premiere, tomorrow after the program time , today we gathered our thoughts about the influence of dostoevsky’s work on the culture of the 20th century, ekaterina evgenievna dmitrieva, vadim vladimirovich polonsky, i’m vladimir ligoido, we continue, i somehow don’t remember, or we talked with andreemtsaturov, and he he says that, well, it’s clear that, so to speak , a phrase in an interview, he says, dostoevsky is an american writer, but in the sense that in general, all american literature of the 20th century is literature that also grew out of dostoevsky, permeated with dostoevsky. with his reading, if i understood him correctly, he still links this with religious themes in many ways, and then, of course, the interpretation of the authors, that’s how far one can agree with this, i would say that without the underground complex and without everything set of basic dostoevisms, american the literature of the 20th century is, in principle, unrepresentable
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until belluu, up to i don’t know kirouac, selenger bolqueras and so on, complexly self-defining in relation to this endless american space to the shining city on the hill, it is similar to dostoevsky, you understand, that’s why you can talk a lot about it, i i’m also not very ready, i don’t know american literature so well and deeply, but this seems to me like this, well, look at the cultures that have nothing in common with europe. basis, for me it was not by chance that i quoted syuss kuenda, this is one of my favorite authors of the 20th century, and the novel silence, one of my favorite novels, but he has just a rewritten idiot, yes, because the novel, which in russian translation is called dear mr. fool, sisokdo himself said that this is it i took the name from...


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