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tv   Telekanal Dobroe utro  1TV  February 5, 2024 5:00am-9:00am MSK

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the acquaintance began with gifts from polina , to the president and governor, for victory, a bunny for victory, thank you, thank you, bunny, thank you very much, and vladimir putin, of course, did not come empty-handed, here’s one for you, if your mother allows a computer to give a child's gift, you can give this teddy bear, look. oh, what's in the way, hello, palina, hello, i need some soft animals that my mother ordered for me, well, here, here, another soft animal, where, over tea with naturally tula gingerbread, the head of the family shared impressions of the new place of work, i would probably like to express my deep gratitude to you, vladimirovich, for your support of medical workers for the opportunity to work in such a modern hospital, hospital. we saw
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, it’s huge, it’s the latest technology , so to speak, thank you very much for supporting medical co-workers in many areas, and what about you, i have gynecology oncology, well, for both, so we met, the president asked if the shevtsovs were happy with their new home how did he cope with the winter? all great, somehow honestly and didn’t really feel the frost at all, well, the new year holidays were obviously at home, we didn’t really go out anywhere in the cold, they were afraid to freeze the person out. 70 even set up the house , it worked well and in general there were no problems with it, comfortable skating rinks are very good, there is a parking lot, there is even a small barbecue area, as if with a small terrace, like how they built it very quickly here, all the standard projects here.
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the plane shot down over the belgorod region, with its own people, is an example of this. investigative committee russia targeted our transport il-76, which was carrying 65 ukrainian prisoners of war for exchange, and fired two missiles from the american air defense system. patriot. yuri lepatov has details of the investigation. patriot complexes were officially transferred to the ukrainian armed forces with restrictions. do not use it to fire at aircraft flying in foreign airspace, otherwise it will be interpreted differently. in order for an international investigation to be carried out, the ukrainian authorities somewhere dropped the phrase that they would like to conduct an international investigation, we are asking for this , we are insisting from international organizations no, so i am officially taking this opportunity, officially saying, we are asking to send international experts and conduct this analysis, evaluate the available material evidence that... the plane was shot down by the patriot system from
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a specific place to a specific time. in the meantime , the investigation is being carried out by the russian investigative committee. the missile debris has already been identified. according to the conclusion of the examinations carried out during the investigation, the fragments seized from the scene, according to their constructive features, geometric characteristics and existing markings are elements of the design of an anti-aircraft guided missile.
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it is mandatory to take biological samples from ukrainian military personnel and use them as material to establish a genetic profile. thus, the investigation had at its disposal the genetic profiles of all ukrainian military personnel who were on board... the said aircraft. and all these genetic profiles coincided with the profiles of those who were on board the downed il. among documents of the victims made public. for ethical reasons, body fragments cannot be shown. this is a video blurred by a special effect, but i recorded on many of the remains the characteristic tattoos that are applied in the ukrainian national battalions. cherev, man's face, trident. the investigative committee published the video.
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weapons in the belgorod-kharkov direction. fellow citizens assured that the plane was carrying missiles for the s-300 complexes, although publicly available footage of the plane’s death clearly shows no detonation of ammunition, which would be inevitable in in that case, no. then it turned out that on the border of the belgorod region it was on this day that a large-scale exchange of prisoners of war had been previously agreed upon many times. on january 3, those intended for exchange were delivered in exactly the same way and along the route to the il-76, then everything went well.
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even in the western media , publications based on intelligence data began to appear. the news division of the american broadcasting company abc reports. a french military official told the associated press that the country's military concluded: ukrainian forces used a battery of patriot surface-to-air missiles to shoot down an il-76, firing from a distance of approximately 50 km. an official who, on condition of anonymity , about...
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the belgorod region, near which our plane was hit, about 100 km away, it was possible to respond to such a strike only from a counter course from a fighter, but the transporter did not have an escort, since they were already transporting to ukraine their ukrainians. the radar was turned on exactly at the time when the landing was planned, a salvo was fired, after which the patriot was urgently evacuated. after a couple of days , the ukrainian side’s attempts to lie gradually began to fade away. known since the times of ancient greece, it meant that a warrior was needed at home only as a winner or already dead. prisoners
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were not included in these categories; it seems that one does not really feel sorry for them. when the american-ukrainian hymers shot at the prison in yelenovka, where were ukrainian prisoners of war? and behind-the-scenes noisy showdowns in ukraine in the traditional style of who threw the felt boots on the control panel are unlikely to save the reputation zelensky, even in the eyes of his fanatical supporters. i didn’t follow up with the dismissal of general zaluzhny with the accusation, the easiest way is just against the backdrop of the murder of ukrainian prisoners of war, because it was the news about the deep conflict between ze and za, against the backdrop of the ukrainian armed forces’ failure to find the culprit now.
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aggression against sovereign states, this is how our foreign ministry commented on the series of attacks on the territory of iraq and syria that were carried out by the united states on saturday night. the white house says this is a response to the recent attack by pro-iranian groups on american base in jordan. the position of our world is that washington is deliberately trying to plunge the largest countries in the region into conflict. tomorrow russia intends to raise the topic at an emergency meeting of the un security council. meanwhile, the struggle for the presidency of america is becoming increasingly intense, with elections in november. now. donald trump is in the lead in one poll, and joe biden in the other, the gap is several percentage points. against this background , the american media are actively discussing rumors
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that the biden team intends to win over the popular singer taylor swift. evil tongues even call her a blonde for her grandfather. according to political strategists, swift should help attract young voters to the side of the democrats. for the russian presidential campaign, proxies, vladimir putin’s team, bright, famous and authoritative people who are trusted by society. hear everyone, understand the problem, sometimes solve it almost immediately after contacting. vladimir mashkov, artyom zhogo, maryana lusenko, co-chairman of putin’s election headquarters on trips around the country, in the capital with their the candidate of the people himself met with confidants. anastasia kobuzeva has important details. since the end of december , the headquarters of candidate putin, doctors, scientists, athletes, artists, public figures, and business representatives have been working here in gostiny dvor. there are more than 500 names on the list of trusted representatives of the head of state.
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employees receive compensation in the event of the death of a fighter, but do not receive it, with the exception
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of disabled children upon reaching the age of twenty-three, they lose the right to compensatory support measures in the event of the death of a svo participant, to be honest, not even i noticed, thanks for the tip, brothers and sisters receive social benefits , but children after 23 years old do not, well, apparently, they proceeded from the fact that at the age of 17 there is still no income of their own.
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about what worries residents of new and border areas most of all now regions, voiced by military correspondent ekaterina ogranovich, also known as katrusya. the armed forces regularly shell donetsk. in the tekstilshchik microdistrict, 27 people died on january 21. the tragedy in belgorod before the new year also shocked the whole country. this was a planned war crime. we all know what the goals are its own... demilitarization, de-identification, where that same demilitarized line will pass, after which the residents will be able to feel calm, this line should be such a distance from our territory that it would ensure security, meaning long-range guns of primarily foreign production , which the ukrainian authorities use to
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shell peaceful cities, and this is the main motive of our guys who fight and risk their lives.
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unanimously spoke about the need to establish the zemstvo cultural worker program and consider supporting cultural workers, otherwise in rural areas in small towns there will soon be simply no one and nowhere to work, we need to pay more attention to this, i agree, there is good
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practice, here is the zemstvo teacher, paramedic, doctor, everything is clear, probably... in the field culture also needs to look at these good positive practices. even the most seemingly small wishes should be heard. vladimir putin gives this instruction at the end of the meeting. everyone gathered here, every citizen of our country, has their own plot work in the fight for the future of russia, for the future of our children. let us wish each other success on this path throughout our beloved homeland. thank you very much. anastasia, konstantin, sergey klishin, channel one. he presented the certificate to his authorized representatives. this week he, along with party leader
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gennady zyuganov, met with members of the northern military district. support for our military, their families, work in the regions, key areas of the election campaign of the ldpr candidate leonid. and from those who left the race. andrey bogdanov, from the russian party freedom, justice, did not have time to close a foreign bank account. two self-promoters, bloggers. anatoly batashov and the russian council were unable to collect the required number of signatures, as was irina sviridova from the democratic party of russia. as a result, the party decided to support vladimir putin. the leader of the russian all-people's union, sergei baburin, also urged his supporters to cast their votes for him. i withdraw my candidacy from the elections for the post of president of the russian federation. and i’m not just withdrawing my candidacy. difficult for homeland an hour for everyone...
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the results of the check are of a fairly high degree of readiness, according to sergei aleksanovich malinkovich, it is clear that such a big job as collecting 100,000 signatures, a little more is represented, there are almost 105,000 signatures, according to boris borisovich nadezhden, of course, never goes without errors, there are errors that, well, cause surprise, so we have to further analyze where we want.
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we will extend it, because we really need to change the environment in which future researchers, future engineers live, future specialists in other areas, this is in demand, important, and we will certainly continue to do this at a good pace with high quality, it was just said here that the leadership of bashkiria was striving to create a reference space. for undergraduates, graduate students and teachers, this is precisely the goal of creating modern campuses , to create reference spaces, we will
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certainly move further in this direction. the southern capital, as it is called in kazakhstan, almaat, on this week became the center of decision-making in the eurasian economic union. the big five at premier level. the heads of government of russia, belarus, kazakhstan, armenia, and kyrgyzstan discussed further integration. calculation in national currencies, expansion.
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and this is perhaps the most important thing, because artificial intelligence is not biased. the thinking of artificial intelligence reflects the specifics of the country of origin. in the brains of the russian
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gigachat of the west.
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the domestic portal of state services has an audience of more than 100 million people, and in a year almost 300 million services are provided. today we are among the top three world leaders with serious competencies; their use today helps us respond to very difficult internal and external challenges. now we are focused on further development, this is the launch of large mega projects of technological sovereignty, strengthening the training of engineering teams and engineers. now they cook from the school desk. the forum presents a construction set from which fifth-graders can assemble a copter or, for example, build a smart home. this is already in older classes. we can program it to cool down and open certain things. our children will be able to compete with the chinese and americans. children are capable, not blinkered, capable of changing the world and becoming queen elon masks. such construction sets are already supplied to russian schools and all
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eac countries, as well as uzbekistan. "azerbaijan, india, singapore, emirates. the digital forum was held within the framework of the eac intergovernmental meeting, so digital is only part of the agenda. during a two-day working trip to kazakhstan, the russian prime minister had bilateral meetings with the heads of the cabinets of kazakhstan and kyrgyzstan. japarov managed to meet with mishustin before the tets accident occurred in bishkka, he, of course, had to return. on bilateral terms." russia has given the economy the largest investor in the kyrgyz republic, and our country is also the main trade and economic partner for kazakhstan, however, they talked about more than just that. i am very glad to meet with you again, to have the opportunity to separately discuss current issues of kyrgyz-russian interaction. i would also like to thank you for your attentive attitude towards the russian language and the use of the russian language as an interethnic language of communication. the russian language has
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official status in kyrgyzstan, and it is being expanded there. teaching, new russian schools are being built, and kazakhstan is generally the leader in central asia, so there are more than 3,500 russian schools there, and that’s not all. the legal basis has been created for the successful operation of branches of higher educational institutions of russia in kazakhstan, i would like to thank you for your attentive attitude towards russian language, it helps strengthen contacts between our peoples. russia remains a key strategic partner and reliable friend for kazakhstan. the government of kazakhstan is ready to develop full-scale and mutually beneficial cooperation in all areas. in almaat, the attitude towards russia and the russian language is visible to the naked eye, the names of streets, institutes, signs of shops, pharmacies, one of the metro stations is called moscow. well, here’s what the residents of kazakhstan think about all this. we lived in one common house, the soviet union, we it was built, we developed it, we are connected
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, probably, with the longest... border, it is considered as a second language, almost half of the population speaks russian, we must not forget our language, because it is our native language. the same language is spoken at the government level, heads of cabinet communicate without translators, but this is what their negotiating table looks like, without exception, all the signs at the eac council meeting are in russian. the current meeting of the eurasian intergovernmental council is the thirty-eighth in a row and the first this year. last time five countries in this. in the format it met in the fall of 23 in bishkek, well, now almaata: russia, belarus, kyrgyzstan, kazakhstan, armenia, she, by the way, is chairing this year, so we see that nikol pashinyan also came here. russia handed over the baton of chairmanship in yas to armenia, ending the year with good indicators, all economies of the eurasian union are in the black. the results stand out very favorably against the background of the rest of the world, the rate of gdp growth in the eurasian economic
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union now. while the eurozone is going downhill, the eurasian one is going up, and this despite the fact that the two leading economies of the eac, russia and belarus, are under unprecedented sanctions, in such conditions the economy of our country, according to the world bank , has generally become the fifth in the world. in ias , a common financial market is actively being formed, with 90% of settlements in national currencies. the union will soon be 10 years old; at the time of its creation, i think few could have imagined the challenges it would face.
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egypt, indonesia, and the united arab emirates are expanding their partnership with china. all this is of particular importance in the context of the reorientation of eurasian goods or commodity flows towards the most promising ones. if you want premium markets, it is important to create a unified transport system throughout the eurasian space , a lot has been done in the transport and logistics sector over the 10 years of the union’s existence, but time dictates to us a completely different pace of work, we need to accelerate, we considered this issue in detail in a narrow meeting, the start has been given the construction of a kazakh terminal in xi'an, china, is being carried out jointly with the russian, turkmen, indian, and iranian sides. on synchronous development eastern route of the north-south corridor. an international transport corridor with a length of more than 7,000 kilometers from st. petersburg to mumbai. through it, cargo from russia to india, for example, can be delivered twice as fast as through the busy canal,
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as was the case before. one of the main agreements in almaat is that belarus, russia and kazakhstan signed a memorandum on the development of railway transport. the eurasian transport network is also extremely beneficial to many other friendly states. eac is becoming. new formation center multipolar world, the route has been built, the main thing now is not to slow down. anna kurbatova, alexey labushkin, guram razilov, vitaly blagov, arseny baibulov, channel one. this past week, western newswires broke the news: billionaire elon musk’s company implanted a chip in a person’s brain. the device was called telepathy, as they promise, its owner will be able to control a computer or smartphone using the power of thought, but here it is. what’s interesting is that the operation to install neuroimplants for the brain has been carried out in russia for a long time and there is no noise about it there was no reason, however, we don’t need it, the main thing is that this technology really helps people, about the future, which turns out to have already arrived, report by pyotr deryagin.
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imagine that your thoughts can be transferred via bluetooth, that you can type text on your smartphone with the power of your mind, or mentally control different devices. the price of these opportunities is brain surgery and implantation of an elon implant. announced that one of his companies had performed such an operation on humans. the first person received implants from neurolink and recovers well. initial results show promising detection of neural spikes. simply put, the implant, which is called telepathy, has hit the target and has already begun to receive signals from the brain. this news instantly spread around the world, however, it is too early to talk about a scientific breakthrough. implanting neural interfaces into the brain is an achievement of science dating back to the last millennium. at the institute of higher nervous activity. in 1957, a technology was developed, this is actually the one that elon musk repeated, it is as if one beam is introduced, and then it breaks down in the brain into several
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dozen, even sometimes, this is exactly what they reproduced, a recent message from elon musk, there is nothing new in this, in the life of electrodes, this has already been done many times, many years and decades ago, all this is being done. nowadays a lot of such implantations are being done in different clinics, more or less large, his main achievement was several years ago, he created a robot that can quickly and accurately implant contacts into the human brain, many contacts, in 20 minutes 300 contacts, before that they implanted 200-300 contacts, the more contacts , the more information can be collected, here is a video with a similar operation: russian neurosurgeons implant a bundle of electrodes into the brain, which leads... to a microcomputer, but this is not a matter of science fiction, today this method of treating seriously ill patients with palsy, tremor, dystonia and parkinson's disease. elon musk's company also stated that their chip will be capable of this in the future. i’ll tell you a secret, we
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’ve been implanting deep structure electrodes for 10 years, these systems have been around for a long time, they are domestic and imported, that is, this is a kind of implantable microcomputer system that already exists. which is powered through various wireless devices, and we receive, the patient receives an effect on a certain brain structure, we can configure the system remotely via the internet. if some pathological impulse occurs and the device detects it, it can immediately suppress, for example, tremor, that is, trembling, this can be suppressed by this feedback system. read brain signals to influence its work can be done without opening the skull; at the neurology research center , various interfaces are used for this purpose that connect the brain and the computer. the recent discovery of such exposure to an alternating magnetic field not only stimulates the functioning of neurons in people with disorders, but also treats depression or improves memory. healthy people. in healthy volunteers, using
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transcornial magnetic stimulation, we were able to increase the volume of working memory by 20-25%. and this effect now lasts for several months. our main one now the challenge is to increase the duration of this effect. research into the secrets of our minds is carried out at the federal center. the patient just needs to imagine movement with a paralyzed hand, and this device counts the thought and activates the mechanical hand, so new neural connections appear and gradually movement returns to the paralyzed limbs, and also, together with the higher school of economics, the brain center learns to decipher more complex brain signals, for example, speech, so that a person without the ability to speak can just imagine a word, and the computer will immediately pronounce it for you, one of the tasks is to learn it correctly.
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the russian project neurochat helps hundreds of patients with speech and motor disorders to reconnect with the world, we test everything on ourselves, in order to transmit your thoughts, or rather brain signals via bluetooth, you need to wear a headset like this, in essence, these are the same technologies that musk uses. the principle is similar, in the other case the electrodes record the eeg of the brain, namely changes in the eg, but he implants electrodes into the brain, and we read this data from the surface. head, you concentrate your attention on the one
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letter you need, all you have to do is look at the desired symbol, it blinks, the brain reacts, and this is how the system understands what i want to type. the neuroheadset reads signals from the parieto-occipital region, this is where the visual cortex is located, let’s try to write something, i’ll choose the letter p. great, the first stage has been completed, well, let’s continue further. technological limitation - speed nine letters per minute, that's why. it would be more effective to open up my brain to get a cleaner and more powerful signal, however, the system helps me, kindly guess what i mean and offers to immediately select the entire word, like in a smartphone. well, it took a long time, but as experts say, you just need to train your brain to use this system more effectively. so elon musk, with the help of implanted telepathy , trained a monkeyger to play computer tennis with the power of thought, what will happen to a person, further results will show, but... the thing is that, in essence, while the billionaire’s experiments repeat the past
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achievements of various scientists, including russian ones, that a mechanical plywood hand controlled by the power of thought was even built by two film enthusiasts. in general, we already know how to capture brain signals of this kind, but no one is yet able to decipher really complex images, a whole sentence or a sequence of actions that would allow you to drive, for example, a car, or maybe you want to download a language course into your brain, everything this for now, it remains a fantasy: achieving a neurolink only requires an increased number of electrodes and the technology for their implantation, so whether a couple of thousand contacts will help decipher complex information from the 80 billion nerve cells of our brain is a big question, however, there are possible ways, at moscow state university today they are working on in order to connect our intelligence with artificial intelligence, the brain does not give up its secrets so easily, but there is a way, but... to build a channel of relationships between the nervous, between the brain and
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artificial intelligence in this way, so that they begin to understand each other, just like a child learns a language without initially knowing it in the environment, we also need to put on every evening, for example, we put on a cap, these are the caps like behind me , we just sit down to talk with the computer, like this with such a word, with another word, but with such a feeling, if a person is comfortable, this makes him happy, this... sad, gradually such a system of relationships can be developed, such a brain-machine language, when the machine begins to impathetically to understand a person, to open or not to open, is this: will there appear in the future among healthy people who want to modernize their brain surgically? while all serious experiments are primarily about helping people with a serious illness, elon musk’s volunteer is also a person , reportedly paralyzed, without sight or hearing, for such people becoming a cyborg will mean becoming a healthy person, this happened with a resident of the netherlands, gertian
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askam, chips implanted in his head send signals to his legs bypassing paralyzed areas of the spine, and for the first time in 10 years he was able to stand on...
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it grew by 4%, our issuance of various types of loans increased by one and a half to two times. we will support mortgages in the regions, including mortgages in the far east, mortgages in new regions. people understand that this is, well, that there will be housing in mariupol and in new territories, it will be in demand, and a two percent mortgage, of course, is very stimulating, so we will certainly continue the development of mortgages. we see what russian standards are, we see that such. schools, hospitals that have been restored, repaired , rebuilt according to those high standards, this really shows that donbass is now becoming for us the donbass in which we want to live, huge gratitude to president vladimir vladimirovich putin for his close and detailed attention, the president goes into the
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smallest details in all areas, and of course the restoration, we’ll definitely absolutely cope, absolutely absolutely. we will not let you down at our level, this is once every 15 minutes such an action and today at the exhibition in russia six million visitors were honored, it was a resident of moscow, wedenhaun came with his family, they were awarded a certificate for a trip to salihart for the main holiday of the peoples of the north, reindeer year. there was no excitement and we didn’t even imagine that we had become some kind of unique visitors to this exhibition, we had plans not only to come here once, but also to be here several times , this time...
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this bridge, we built, and another one, at the very beginning of the last century, today there is more than what people dreamed of, and many more achievements that they could not even dream of at one time. i am sure that if you feel confident,
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purposefully move towards your goal, fulfill your dream, we will succeed even more. good luck to you, president of the russian federation vladimir vladimirovich , there will be a special film show at the krasnodar higher military aviation school.
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alexei german the younger's bronze drama air, which is currently showing on big screens, was shown to the cadets. perhaps everyone who has seen the film especially notes the scenes air battles. they are shot so realistically that they evoke the effect of presence. the more interesting is the opinion of professionals. the krasnodar school is famous, among other things , for training female pilots, and after it graduated 5 years ago. turned to vladimir putin on a direct line, they were allowed to develop not only transport aircraft, but also fighters and attack aircraft, and even long-range bombers. the fate of women of the same age who defended the sky of besieged leningrad could not leave anyone indifferent, about emotions and continuity of generations, alexey ivanov. hello, comrades, hello, congratulations to the women aviators on joining our regiment. this is an unusual film show for the first time in the history of the krasnodar flight school, they are showing a film that these days you
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can also watch on the big screens of our country, this is a military drama in the air, as you can see here in the assembly hall there are practically no empty seats, well, the seats of honor are on the front row today the girls are cadets, the heroines of the film are the same age, who, after just a few months of preparation, were thrown into one of... leningrad under siege: girls pilots and female technicians must show skill, courage and self-sacrifice. attack! communication with the city along the only road, protecting which means saving lives, their planes are made of thin metal and plywood against the german messers, superior in everything, with experienced aces at the controls. please, my little one, please, please, my little one, please, my little one, children, children! fly, fly, fly, fly, airplane, fly, pride, i feel proud of the girls, honestly, i really liked the film, i want
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i want to be like them, of course, the film air is also a dedication to the legendary night witches, who in their plywood bombers terrified the nazis, swallows, as they were also called, began their military career here in krasnodar, how much ridicule the girls had to listen to then . makes you think first of all, well , boys, that girls, if they want , they can do anything, the film is accurate to the smallest
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detail, making you not only worry, feel what was happening then, sometimes it seems that you are watching documentary footage, we wanted it to look like a chronicle, we wanted it to look like the photo-machine guns that stood on airplanes, we wanted to create a claustrophobic feeling. much larger, about the size of a four-story house, and the plane could rotate around its axis. here, future military pilots take their first steps, so to speak,
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in the virtual sky, learning to drive in any weather, such as, for example, now there is poor visibility on the snowfall screen. how to film the truth of air combat. filmmakers' methods air was developed for several years, many technologies were used for the first time, however, this was not the main thing. played the role of the commander of young female pilots, tells how air director alexey german jr. was able to extract from the actors those soul-piercing emotions that even bring tears to men’s eyes. i really need these words, important words, when he, when it ’s inside, but the pain bubbles up , you can look at your comrades, without arms, without legs, she is an old woman, you can look.
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the whole movie is just quite sensual very much, that is, you understand that it’s as if all this is happening live. the applause of the future pilots in the final is also a tribute to the heroes who forged victory on earth in the sky, heroes who are in every family in our country. alexey ivanov, valentin stukanok, igor fedorenko, maria emelyanova, evgenia efimova, vladimir belyaev, channel one, krasnodar. good, cheerful morning to everyone who is celebrating the day with channel one. in the studio timur soloviev and daria shulik. on the calendar february 5th is monday. so, the first february working week has begun, we meet her in a great mood. yes, it’s the first monday of the last winter month, which means spring is just around the corner. the day
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is slowly getting longer, but it’s true that there is still not enough light. and... today we will try to find out how much we need, yes, we will also find out everything about cold smoking, how much we need, we will try to understand whether we should be afraid of the notorious superinfection, we will take care of thermoses and thermal mugs, all this and much more very soon , well, now we are almost in for gymnastics according to vysotsky, take a deep breath, hands wider, don’t rush, 3:4, good morning, you have a busy day ahead, so that you have enough strength for everything, do gymnastics, you will immediately gain more energy, your legs are wider than your shoulders, bend your arms at a right angle and begin to raise your knees at a pace. in the process, we tilt the body slightly forward and turn it towards the leg that is now at the top, we do not round the back, it should always be straight, this way you will maintain the health
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of the spine, we move from foot to foot, we move without stopping. and now let’s add loads, accelerate, we’re almost running place, raising your knees high, helping yourself with your hands, do the exercise in the morning a. active physical activity will help you wake up and recharge your batteries, have a good day! now some statistics: during the winter we gain on average 2-3 kg of weight, if you feel that you are also gaining weight, try the mediterranean diet, for example, it’s so simple, but dumplings are included in it, interesting, so, by the way, this is generally even not a diet, but simply a balanced and
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healthy diet, what does it include, what are the rules and contraindications? will say sports nutritionist alina lychagina. we lose weight easily because of the health benefits. the only diet that doctors unconditionally accept is the mediterranean diet. its principles are quite simple. the basis of the diet is almost non-existent. meat, eggs, dairy products are also at a minimum. the main component is fish and seafood, as well as olive oil. all this is full of omega-3 fatty acids, which our body needs. we also serve a salad of fresh vegetables with every meal. if you eat pasta, do it only from durum wheat. this information must be found on the label. for a snack - nuts, for dessert - fresh fruit. to make food easier to digest, season the dish with aromatic herbs. basil, oregano,
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thyme, rosemary. choose. like. all these spices stimulate digestion and improve the functioning of the pancreas. light snacks can help make the transition to the mediterranean diet easier. cover a slice of wholemeal bread with a leaf of lettuce, arugula and cucumber slices. place a piece of baked fish on top and sprinkle the preparation with lemon juice. let's try. this tasty, healthy and nutritious. the only disadvantage of the mediterranean diet is that you will not lose weight quickly, but without stress. be healthy and lose weight with pleasure.
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“we are from sunny krasnodar and the most beautiful place in our city is krasnodar park or , as it is locally called, galitsky park, the proverb hero city of sevastopol.” i just feel joy, pride and love for my homeland. we are from the beautiful city of krasnoyarsk, where we invite you all, you will not regret it, our great and mighty enesey will simply conquer you. in the city of apatity it is a beautiful polar town with only 50,000 inhabitants. i wish my entire country happiness, health, that everything works out, that everyone is active. people, get involved. life of the country, help, solve each other’s problems, everything will be fine with us. an exhibition of mstera the many-faced has opened in the museum center of the chamber of the vladimir-suzdal museum of the reserve. mstera
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is the name of the village, one of the largest centers of traditional artistic crafts in russia. yes, they have been making lacquer miniatures on papier mache for over 250 years, jewelry products, embroider with stitches, make cutlery. in general, it’s worth watching all this, to be born. exhibition until march 31. this is exactly how the ancient iconographers prepared paints; it was called embedding. we create paints, we create, the stone was first chiseled into mortars, then ground with the addition of water and various emulsions. all the necessary shades were obtained from minerals and plants. well , natural pigments are always closer to each other. and the icon itself was then painted with brushes, the thickness of which was no more than a match head. artist sergei ratnikov continues traditions mstera icon painting. this art school originated 250 years ago in a small village in the vladimir region. well, it’s a masterful icon, it’s softer, it looks, it doesn’t carry
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such severity as, say, the polishanskys. vamsori is a figure closer to human. now ratnikov’s works are on display at the msterom many-faced exhibition. it was opened by the vladimirozdolsk museum-reserve. there are more than 300 exhibits, the creations of both modern authors and ancient masters. they worked in different styles and genres. this desire for imitation, for imitation, for fake. and this happened, and it was typical for masters. and they learned ancient writing techniques. after the revolution , it was impossible to paint icons, and artists switched to lacquer miniatures and began painting boxes. it was the miniature that made it possible. preserve technical techniques, because they absorbed all the iconographic techniques, fabulousness, brightness of colors, complex color transitions and a large number of small details,
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even in the smallest products. icon painters who possessed such art were called petty traders, that is, an artist, who could paint in miniature, so at the exhibition you have to not just look, look at it, so as not to miss anything... mstera multifaceted will be open until march 31 in vladimir in the museum center of the chamber. anna popova, yuri nesterov, mikhail chetveryakov. first channel. this is news from the first maria vasilyeva studio. hello. a rescue operation in karilia on lake onega discovered the mivo helicopter crash site. to all the ministry of emergency situations of russia, who disappeared the night before, as the department reported, the wreckage of part of the fuselage was noticed 11 km from the coast. the car crashed to the surface and went under the ice. the depth in that place can reach 50 m.
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there were three crew members on board the helicopter, experienced pilots; they stopped communicating during a training flight. more than 140 people and 33 pieces of equipment, including divers from the leader center, were involved in search and rescue operations. snowmobiles and boats moved to the site. hovercraft, also plans to use the falcon remote-controlled underwater vehicle. mi-8 helicopters from tver and zhukovsky near moscow are ready to fly to karelia. now to situation in the northern military district zone, the crew of the santsepek heavy flamethrower systems of the airborne troops destroyed camouflaged fortified positions and temporary deployment points of the armed forces of ukraine on the right bank of the dnieper in the kherson region. the strike was carried out in the dark, bringing down a real sea of ​​fire on the enemy, plus excess pressure, and also fragments of chances to survive. the militants did not have one, our artillerymen , using mstab and d-30 gun crews, suppressed three enemy strong points and mortar points, and salvo rocket launchers in the donetsk direction the grad systems of the southern group of troops covered
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the enemy's location, disabled the enemy tank and the drone control center. finally, the tank crews of the motorized rifle regiment of the center group destroyed the area where manpower was deployed and the weapons of the ukrainian formations in the torsy sector. having secretly moved to the line from the equipment, the fighters spoke about the high teamwork of the tank crews. the tank commander can sit down from behind the gunner, today i was the gunner, we have everything, the gunner must replace the tank commander, firstly, it doesn’t matter, the situation is different , you can easily get into any crew and work, ride for anyone, you see it differently for everyone, for some it’s more difficult to work with direct fire, for others with closed positions, that’s it it’s equally easier when you see the enemy, and more about the heroes of the special operation, private alexey fedorchenko, was laying mine...fields on the way of the militants,
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when his group was attacked by drones, despite being wounded, the sapper completed his work, installed more than thirty charges, sr. lieutenant denis voroshilov, the commander of a communications company at the height of the clash, restored the antenna damaged by shrapnel, established a data transmission channel to our artillerymen, and according to the coordinates of the scouts, a crushing blow was dealt to the enemy. zelensky confirmed that he is thinking about replacing the commander-in-chief of the ssu zaluzhny. he made this statement in an interview with italian tv channel 1. he also said that a number of senior officials are on the agenda and rotated, not only in the military sphere. zelensky called the ongoing discord against the backdrop of the failure of the counteroffensive a reset and a new the beginning that ukraine needs. meanwhile, joe biden 's national security advisor jake salevan said on television that the united states is not interfering in what is happening, from which it can be concluded that zelensky was given a clan. new attack of the united. the houthis and arab media
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report that they hit targets in the provinces of saada in the north-west and hadeida in the west of the country, in total there were more than ten air raids with the participation of american british aircraft, including four strikes on a military camp on the eastern outskirts of the city saad, which is the main one for the fusites. the us also said it had hit cruise missiles ready to be launched at ships in the red sea. wildfires in chile, killing about 100 people. and the number of victims may grow, as about 400 people are cleared of obscurity, the fire approaches the suburban areas of two coastal cities, popular among tourists to the west of the capital, it is extinguished with the help of helicopters, the flames are approaching like a wall, rescuers called in the military for help, huge areas are burning , according to the latest data, spontaneous the disaster affected an area of ​​more than 40 thousand hectares, hundreds of residential buildings were destroyed, and the authorities declared a curfew. today on
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the first is the long-awaited continuation of a large-scale project, a film about the empress who changed the course of russian and world history. great, golden age. the new series tells about the first years of the reign of catherine ii, and her formation as a politician. serious passions boil around her; she is the ruler of destinies, at the same time, a sensual woman who suffers from unrequited love. scenario in is largely based on authentic letters from the all-russian autocrat. the picture amazes with the scale of hundreds of actors and presenters.
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beloved, these are precisely the qualities that are most interesting both to the viewer and to us, we tried to talk about them. so, the continuation of the historical drama of the great golden age. the first episode starts on our air today, don’t miss the time immediately after the program. that's all for now, now the word to my colleagues, good morning. thank you, dear friends, that you are meeting this morning in our company, the company today is wonderful, this is daria shulik. and this is timur solovyov , on the calendar february 5, monday, the weather is having fun, swinging on a temperature swing, the snow is falling, then it freezes again, and as a result, a head-turner, in the tram stations full house according to statistics, winter injuries send about 18% of workers to sick leave , and in order not to add to these statistics, let’s figure out right now which shoes are safe to walk on ice in and how to do it correctly, ice, and how it forms, most often due to... and not snow, at
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this time the earth is still preserved the temperature is sub-zero and upon contact with the surface it immediately freezes, the forest becomes smooth and skursky. there is another option: freezing rain. from the sky to the ground , the drops cover a distance of up to 200 m. some of them are covered with an ice crust, upon impact they break, the water spreads and freezes. because of this, the ice becomes rough and lumpy. to protect yourself from falling you need the right sole, here's how... let's check five different ones together with kurling player timur gadzhikhanov on a real skating rink, i suggest you compete, whose skates the least on the ice wins, let's try. we need to determine the starting location. round one: flat vs. heel, which will slip less? timur's result: 4 m 80 cm. shoes with heels are in the lead, they slipped less by 60 cm. why is this happening?
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due to the heel, the shock-absorbing properties, that is , more shock-absorbing properties arise, are more pronounced and due to this, you can maneuver your foot along the ice surface. plus the important material of the sole itself is thermoplastic elastomer for timur 5 m. i’m on the rubber sole traveled only 2 s2 m, although it is believed that thermoplastic elastomer is better. rubber has a very good coefficient of friction and does not allow it to slip on the surface. it turns out that the softer the cushion, the less likely it is to fall, which cannot be said about polyurethane, i slipped 4 m on it. yes, it’s light and purist, but it’s warm. the mileage is low, so even at a slight minus it gets stiff and becomes very slippery. let’s sum it up and figure out the shape of the ideal shoe in icy conditions. so we take rubber, plus another heel, creates additional cushioning. and protectors. and yes, the tread pattern is deep to
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grip the uneven bumps on the road. or, as an option, if your shoes slip, put rubber preventatives on them. of course, you can’t stick it on yourself, you need to apply it under pressure, then it will last longer. it wears well, well, it lasts for three seasons, it’s soft, it doesn’t peel off from cold, frost, or water, and most importantly, it doesn’t slip, which means there’s less chance of falling in the air. yulia shvalova, dmitry roshkov, rastislav kolesnikov, channel one. smartphone today for everyone, for us it is much more than a smartphone, it is not just a gadget that allows you to chat and surf on the internet, it is also a mobile office, and a postal wallet. our passport data and we need to take care of the sim card like a zenetsoka sim cards, more than communications, government services are tied to government services, an apartment,
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a real estate transaction are tied to government services, all banks are also tied to this same sim card, a sim card is a computer, a universal identifier for everything, issued according to a passport, which means legally... to a specific person. the verification code in sms is a way to prove to a store, bank or even a website that this is the owner of the number. each sim card has a money account attached to it; funds from it can be used not only for mobile history, paying for operator services or purchasing minutes and gigabytes. we can use the balance to pay for goods and services on sites or on those systems that support it. for example, buying application subscriptions is especially important where russian bank cards are not accepted. some mobile operators allow pay taxes directly from your phone number. moreover, sim card money can be withdrawn. just like a regular checking account, an account with a telephone number is not limited to a certain amount. then i can withdraw it calmly, put money on
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the phone number of another person, yes, and this other person will simply withdraw it. money can be transferred from subscriber numbers to a bank account or digital crypto wallet. needless to say, how this can be used. that is , the sim card is a personal identifier, means of payment, which means you need to protect access to it in the same way as in a wallet, bank card and passport. for now, this task is on the shoulders of users, so it was proposed to equate sim cards and phone numbers to means of communication at the legislative level. payment systems, money in our accounts are controlled by federal law 115. this law is precisely about combating fraud, and sim card carriers are not checked, more precisely.
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the procedure for accepting apartments in new buildings has changed, this applies to shareholders of developers, that’s what has actually changed, what new rules have appeared, details from anna obrosimova. an apartment in a new building without finishing, but with a view from the window, the developer promised it to alexey: the view here is naturally excellent, i immediately noticed it and i liked everything, i was satisfied. the view is great, but before you sign the apartment acceptance certificate, you need to inspect it. are there any defects? ilya sekorsky, an expert in real estate acceptance, suggests what you can see with the naked eye. there is scale on the outside of double-glazed windows, that is, metal burning into the glass. the glass needs to be replaced. we indicate the defect in the acceptance certificate for the transfer of the apartment, or rather, this is a violation. the shareholder
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has the right to indicate it himself, without involving an expert. according to the law, it is considered insignificant because it does not affect the possibility of residence. it’s another matter when, for example, there is no drainage or poor sealing of the seam near the window. for external structures, the temperature difference should not exceed 4°. there is an excess of five. we will understand this only with the help of the device and. expert, well, or without them, when we arrive and freeze in the apartment, in general, the violation is significant and according to the law it should be identified and recorded by a specialist with specialized education. the developer will invite his own expert, and you, if you want, if the developer’s expert does not suit you, you can bring your own expert, in the same way, to help you in accepting the apartment with subsequent fixation. smooth mud walls also cannot be visually identified by a laser, a deviation of up to 1 cm is acceptable, but... more, that is, about 2 cm. yes, there are a lot of violations, and the owner will not receive
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the keys quickly. the deadline for eliminating comments is 60 calendar days, the developer must eliminate these defects. otherwise, the court will reduce the cost of the apartment or oblige the developer to reimburse expenses, but in order to avoid going to court, according to the new rules, the developer and the shareholder can agree. then, to change the timing of the transfer of a specific apartment, regardless of the timing of the transfer of the house as a whole along with the rest of the apartments. that is, you can set an individual deadline for the transfer of a specific apartment, while making changes to the project declaration, as before, is not necessary. the main thing is not to shy away from acceptance. now the developer can transfer the apartment unilaterally if the shareholder ignores his notices for more than one month. anna obrosmova, dmitry gordienko, sergey folendysh, channel one. three things to try in bed. sleep, lower back pain sex, program to live healthy, enlightens, today on the first, premiere, i
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love my country, on saturday, on the first. here is a self-portrait of the artist of this station, this is actually ivan leonidovich lubennikov himself, for him it was a thrill, the scale, the hangar, where all this is laid out on the floor, a lot of students, you give them tasks, we just recently met here , and ivan lenevich looked after him beautifully, no, i immediately agreed, golubenikov writes the characters that are around us, so he is understandable to a wide audience,
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to see in paris, this so in russian , there is something very rustic and childish in this, he was like a river, a happy, sparkling river , great sensations, they don’t come to us by accident, let’s not let them pass so that i can remain unforgiving, ivan lubennikov, life continues, premieres on saturday on the first, today, for the first time, a unique spectacle awaits us , his name is, i said that i would bring the best fighter, volodya ignatiev, an afghan, a sapper , this is such a guy, this is my money too, and i want to fight for it, rit, what are you talking about, no i know, it’s some kind of premonition. girls , i deceived you, there won’t be a concert , you promised us 40 dollars, these are our girls,
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i’ll put everyone here now, he’ll kill you, well , hello, jaeger, she’s nobody to you, why did you get into this, it’s him, the one who... saved me, you are nobody to each other, this is chechnya, here you can’t do that, well, tell me, sniffling, whose path you crossed, i can’t live without him, i’m doomed, the premiere of the serial film is from february 11 to sunday on the first, but for my wolf, whatever i want with him, let me do it, move away, let me have it i’ll buy from you, well, now it’s a delicious topic, cold smoked products, this is really class, yes, you agree, they say that this method of processing, cold, is more gentle than hot, and is this true? how meat, fish, cheeses are smoked, what
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the technology is and how to choose the right products, anastasia found out. pop cooks they say that you can smoke anything, meat, fish, cheese, of course, but what about cherries, sour cream and even butter, this is also possible if the smoking is cold, that is, at low temperatures up to 30°. we will smoke for about 15 to 30 minutes, there will be a slight smoke, chef alexander railyan puts smoked ingredients in the appetizer to whet the appetite. the japanese have an expression called mama when the food there becomes indescribable. delicious, the smell of smoking is probably our russian umami, this method can be used to smoke absolutely everything, even greens, the temperature effect is still minimal, but what happens to fish or meat, for example, they remain raw, substances decompose, hydrolysis of proteins, fats, and other substances occurs, and low-molecular hydrolysis products are formed that
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form the aroma and taste the product is characteristic, the aroma will be moderate in contrast to hot. substances similar to it, they have a carcinogenic effect, and the more delicate the smoking, the more likely it is that such ingredients end up in the product will be lower. yes, the cold smoking method is healthier, in addition there are fewer
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carcinogens. the causative agents of parasitic diseases do not die. therefore, sanitary requirements require that fish be frozen and kept for several days to three days at a temperature of -18°. plus, salting and drying are required before smoking, so it is better to buy such products from well-known manufacturers. anastasia telya, mikhail karasyo, dmitry parfyunov, vladimir popov, channel one. each of us has different accessories, belts, ties, scarves.
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from an old cornice, in a row like this, so that the fixation is strong, i use a heat gun, for reliability, i tie the rings to each other with embroidery threads, and i also make turns around the crossbar to make the structure look impressive, i use yarn to match our workpiece, if accessories a lot, you can glue the second third row of rings. all that remains is to hang the scarves and belts. now your scarves and shawls are placed compactly and neatly, every item is in sight, easy to remove and hang back, in my opinion, very a convenient device turned out, on the calendar february 5, weather forecasters promise -2 today in moscow and st. petersburg, in mormonsk -12, in salihard -20, in yakutsk
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-31, hang in there guys, by the way, a thermos or a thermos mug in this... the weather outside is simply irreplaceable, yes, the main thing here is to properly care for this gadget, and no, after a walk just throwing it in the dishwasher will not work, you can damage the flask, there is only hand washing and the advice is true, the family has blond hair in any winter weather snowballs in the forest, after straight fresh hot tea from thermoses in the air, and who needs to wash all this later, of course, mom anya, it’s difficult to wash, because they have a lot of parts, a lot of rubber bands that need to be taken care of, and the necks are also narrow, if you don’t take care, there will be a dark coating and a musty smell accumulate , dishwashing is not an option, it can damage the flask, the thermal insulation layer will not work to retain heat, this also applies to thermal mugs, there is only manual cleaning, using vinegar, for example, we dilute vinegar in
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a ratio of one to three with water, pour in, leave for several hours , rinse thoroughly, another remedy is citric acid, two tablespoons per liter of hot water, if this coating is fresh, even an hour is enough to stand, but if it is old, of course it’s better to even leave it for a day, ordinary salt will work, that too into a container, together with hot water it acts gently, like a fine abrasive. we dissolved it in water, so it does not scratch our thermos or damage its surface. it is very convenient to do this in the evening and leave this thermos overnight. soda has a similar effect. adds his own life hacks specialist in order in the house marina zhukova. she takes four tablespoons per liter of boiling water, as an option for rice. you can add a few tablespoons of warm water. rice water is very good. cleans tea and coffee deposits, it also collects all the unpleasant odors inside, plus the rice itself, it is a product, it
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will perfectly clean all the walls to a shine, when the deposit is too strong and old, heavy artillery, sodium bicarbonate will help, just add a little hot water, a violent reaction begins, this reaction is absolutely without odor, as a result of this violent reaction , all contaminants inside the thermos come out. yes, you need to clean not only the flask, but also the stopper, like this with a soft toothbrush, otherwise mold will appear over time, which is important for caring for thermoses, thermal mugs, metal sponges or it is not recommended to use sponges with a hard abrasive layer, scratches will remain, the dishes will definitely be damaged, you need to choose either soft napkins or soft sponges, dry and store only in an open form, separately the container itself, the stopper and seals, so as not to if there is a musty smell, take care if it falls... you can damage the flask inside and the body outside, even if microcracks appear, the thermos or thermal mug will hold heat worse. nadezhda pravdina, nikolay krysanov, channel one. last sunday in moscow
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at vdnkh, at an exhibition in the russia forum, as part of the exposition sports for everyone, a surfing day was held. wow, our colleague, channel one sports journalist igor prudnikov, has all the details. surfing was once called the sport of kings. and today he can try his hand at conquering the waves absolutely anyone who wants it. in our country , surfing is practiced in various parts of the world, from krasnodar and dagestan, to kamchatka and sakhalin. surfing is a good thing, but religion is a disease in a good way. and a person, when he gets sick with this for once, he usually gets sick with it for the rest of his life. the most popular and accessible surfing discipline is subbing. or simply put, a board with an oar. tens of thousands of people participate in mass races and tourist events and official competitions. one of
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the best athletes in russia in this discipline, sofia ponova also won medals at world championships. every person of any age, or a sub, it could be a 4-year-old child, or an old grandmother who, well, thought that she would never be able to play sports to exercise. you don’t have to wait for the warm season, you can improve your skills on special simulators, and fully learn the elements in a pool with an artificial wave, such competitions are called floura, this is a super amazing opportunity to try surfing in the city , make it either a hobby or your own professional sports and also take some prizes in competitions. spectacular tricks can be easily performed by even the youngest athletes. varvara chvanova, champion of moscow.
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there should be courage and absence of fear, because surfing, well , it is a sport in itself, for the brave, as they say, and for sports people, so preparation seems to be necessary, that is , athletes who are from some kind of sport progress more quickly ... they already come prepared, but there are also children who start from scratch. we continue. on channel one has a big premiere, a large-scale historical drama, the great golden age. this is a continuation of the story about catherine ii. the first years of the reign of the empress, her formation as a politician of transformation as a woman and mother in the leading role of elizaveta boyarskaya. the great golden age is already on channel one today. ekaterina alekseevna. you are not dressed yet, what about the reception at your coronation , how many of these receptions have already been, how many more will be, we invite you to a ball in honor
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of the empress, well, it will be fun, this is 1763, the beginning of the reign of catherine the great, this the desire for change, the desire to be useful , the feeling of my mission, that i can and should do a lot. the young sovereign is fascinated by the ideas of enlightenment and technological progress. eyes light up when ivan kulibin demonstrates his... new invention, a self-propelled ship. think about it, gentlemen, we have all our trade along the rivers, how much strength, how much, how much time will be free? catherine is very inspired by this and believes that this will bring great benefit to the state; many of her comrades look at this with skepticism. mister chancellor, please write for mr. inventor 1. ruble with gold. even her favorite, count grigory orlov, did not expect such generosity from the empress. kate. a thousand
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for toys, the russian land is rich in talents, grisha, russia can become the most prosperous power in europe, 100 rubles - this whole estate could be bought, although of course he himself spent a lot, but balls, candles, lighting were very expensive, they borrowed from bankers, creditors, count orlov, give points and ceremonial receptions, but isn’t the empress’s favorite bored, everyone is whispering about it imperial court, catherine has more than allies, you argued that catherine is a temporary phenomenon, don’t you think that for a temporary phenomenon she is too firmly entrenched on the troll. historical drama of the great golden age, large-scale filming and authenticity in the smallest details. notice how the dishes were served during catherine's meal, thousands of outfits, hundreds of wigs , decorations, amazing luxury shine. vivat, gentlemen, hurray, hurray, hurray! every evening in
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the company of one of the most brilliant women in world history, a big premiere, great historical drama, golden age, today on channel one. prepare a decree, i will ask you personally. asya ratkevich, maria bronzova, joseph kobrin, ilya kuvaldin, channel one. monday morning the news will continue on channel one. this is news from the first, maria vasilyeva studio. hello. rescuers discovered the crash site of the mi-8 helicopter of the russian ministry of emergency situations, which disappeared the night before in the prioneshsky region of karelia. as the department reported, debris and part of the fuselage were spotted in the waters of lake onega, 11 km from the shore. the car crashed to the surface and went under the ice. the depth in that place can reach 50 m. on
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board a helicopter. there were three crew members, experienced pilots, they stopped communicating during a training flight. more than 140 people and 33 pieces of equipment , including divers from the leader center, were involved in search and rescue operations; snowmobiles and hovercraft were deployed to the site ; the falcon remote-controlled underwater vehicle also plans to be used. mi-8 helicopters from tver and zhukovsky near moscow are ready to fly to karelia. now to situation in the north military district zone, unit. defense of the western group, troops shot down two reconnaissance drones of the ukrainian armed forces in the kupinsky direction, the valkyrie and leleka 100 vehicles. at the same time, motorized rifle units repelled four attacks by enemy assault groups. the enemy lost 30 fighters. during the counter-battery fight , a polish-made krab self-propelled gun and a us-made m777 gun were destroyed. on the right bank of the dnieper in the kherson region , fortified positions and temporary deployment points in the control center are being destroyed by the crews of tos santsepek
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airborne. suppressed three enemy strong points and mortar points. in the donetsk direction, the enemy's positions were covered by the grad salvo rocket systems of the southern group of troops. well, the tank crew and center groups destroyed the area where the manpower and weapons of the ukrainian formations were deployed in the torsky area. three t-80 combat vehicles hit the dugouts containing personnel with rapid fire. the composition of a network of communication passages, as well as excavators with equipment. words of support and sympathy for everyone affected by the tragedy in lisichansk come from different corners of russia in rostov, on the don, an expression of grief in the ticker, on the huge screen of the rostov arena stadium, in lugansk, flowers lay at the foot of the memorial, we will not forget, we will not forgive, as a sign to the dead children of donbass. in moscow, in memory of the victims, there are red carnations and candles on the lpr square. the day before. ukrainian
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militants used hymers missiles to raze a small cafe and bakery to the ground, killing 28 civilians, including a pregnant woman and a five-year-old child. another 10 people were rescued from the rubble. six are in hospital, their condition is serious. zelensky confirmed that he is thinking about replacing zaluzhny as commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine. he made this statement in an interview with italian tv channel 1. he also said that a number of managers are on the agenda and rotation. a new attack by the united states on the territory of yemen, which is controlled by the houthis, arab media reported that they hit targets in the provinces
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of saada in the northwest and hadeida in the west of the country; in total there were more than ten air raids with the participation of american british aircraft, including four strikes on the military to the camp on the eastern outskirts of the city of saada, which is. natural fires in chile, about 100 dead and the number of victims may grow, since about 400 people are missing, the fire is approaching the suburban areas of two nearby cities, popular among tourists to the west of the capital, it is being extinguished with the help of helicopters, the flames are approaching like a wall, rescuers called the military for help; a huge area is on fire; according to the latest data, the natural disaster affected an area of ​​more than 40 thousand hectares. hundreds of residential buildings were destroyed, the authorities announced a curfew to clear the roads. in the first hours, it was difficult for firefighters to reach the point in the flames, because an endless stream of cars was moving towards them, people were fleeing, and the summer heat of over 30° provoked the fire.
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today on the first day is the long-awaited continuation of a large-scale project, a film about the empress who changed the course of russian and world history, the great golden age. the new episodes cover the early years.
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still good morning, we now pick up the word to colleagues from good morning, with you morning relay race, daria shulik and timur solovyov are with you in the studio today, on the calendar monday february 5th, what a difficult thing is raising children? there is an old joke: if you don’t know how to raise your children, imagine that they are other people’s children; they really know how to raise other people’s children, well, just everyone. yes, well, if we’re serious about upbringing, the main thing is not to overdo it with this upbringing; children, of course, need to be helped, but when this help turns into overprotection,
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it’s already too much. if there are 17 children in a family, you don’t have to worry about overprotection, that’s what we thought, but valentina krasnikova, a mother of many children, says it’s tempting to help with everything. there is always, when we were children in the nineties, we all have a deficit of maternal love, this is the generation that decided, given their past traumas, that they would make their children the happiest, they decided that they would not have a deficit, none, but how to distinguish that same love and care from hyperprotection? psychologists say this: overprotection is to impose help, and care is to offer it and be there when needed, to notice the signs of overprotection, three questions to yourself: first, do you allow yourself to make mistakes? will you do the same homework if the child doesn’t understand with an a? mom doesn’t need to get an a, calm down, please, you got your a’s, everyone
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at your school has already received your grades, now it’s your child’s turn. it’s corny, but yes, you learn from mistakes. well, that's it, you can handle it yourself. second question: is there anything in your life besides a child, and what will you do when he grows up? if your meaning... life is just a child, that's well a hundred percent guarantee that you will be an overprotective parent, because you are locked into this little man. and minus skills, even everyday ones, will not be formed if parents do everything themselves. third question to think about? do you often hear the phrase in your speech: so, you are still small, you are not yet mature enough for this. what do you mean you're undersized? if a child asks some questions or is drawn to some actions, this means that he has already grown up to these actions. the task is to explain. help instead of protecting from everyone difficulties, i have one life hack for everyone , we just do everything together with the children, valentina has her own system, four stages of delegation, the first stage, i do it, you watch, we do the second stage together, the third
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stage - you do it, i watch, and the fourth stage, you do it, i praise you, they will learn this way and will not suffer from attention deficit, who is the most important in technology, igor, because igor, i’m promoting you, i trust you, you can do it, you’re handsome, in such in a trusting atmosphere, children most likely will not be offended even for your least favorite hat for the day. barvara fedorova, andrey ivanov, channel one. well, now we’re practically in for vysotsky-style gymnastics, take a deep breath, keep your arms wider, don’t rush, 3:4, good morning, you have a busy day ahead of you so that you have enough strength for everything, do gymnastics, you’ll immediately gain more energy, legs wider than shoulders, bend your arms under at a right angle and begin to raise your knees at a pace. in the process , we tilt the body slightly forward and
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turn it towards the leg that is now at the top. we don’t round your back, it should always be straight, this way you will maintain your health spine. we shift from foot to foot, moving without stopping. now let’s add loads and accelerate. we're almost running. in place, raising our knees high, we help ourselves with our hands. do exercises in the morning. active physical activity will help you wake up and recharge your batteries. have a nice day. in all schools in the country , conversations about important things begin on channel one. and this thursday, february 8th. we will celebrate the day of russian science, and the topic of today's conversation is
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the 190th anniversary of the birth of dmitry ivanovich mendeleev - the day of russian science. today about ilya semeryakov, a researcher at the lebedevo physical institute, one of the developers of a quantum computer, and a challenge prize laureate, says something important. this is actually an interesting misconception about being a scientist. age, like any profession, most of the ideas, even by great people, were invented at a fairly young age, that is, einstein, planck, all the people you read about in textbooks, even newton, when they did his main discoveries, he was 25-30 years old; the older a person becomes in science, the more he he is engaged in sharing his experience, mentoring, managing, and new ideas are actually generated... but by young people. what is the job
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of a scientist? we only see some bright things in science. in fact, science is very broad. and most of the work of a scientist is such ordinary routine work. just like in any other job, just like in a bank or with a mechanic at a factory. this is a very large volume of technical, technological, including scientific work. some calculations, calculations, all this takes a lot of time, actually. big discoveries , not every scientist has them, that is, most scientists don’t have any big discoveries in their lives, they all participate in the construction of such a building - science, in which we will then historically mark some bright points that will be included in textbooks on why it is interesting to be a scientist, despite the fact that this is the same profession as everyone else, yes, because if you... in life you are interested in understanding certain things,
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understanding how this or that thing works , make some things do what you want, as a child i really loved building all sorts of airplanes, i liked that they fly the way i planned it and various other operating models there, if you like such things, then you scientists will love being a scientist, but if you think that being a scientist is some kind of great fun, then you may be disappointed. that is, the work of a scientist is methodical, there is a lot of it, and the beauty of the work of a scientist is that you can figure out how some thing works, or you can to do something of your own that no one in the world has ever done before you, these are cool, these are the results where you get your share of joy. you are developing a quantum computer, why is it needed? we are building a quantum computer, which you can see in the frame. a quantum computer is like... similar to an airplane. before the invention of the airplane, it was impossible
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to get from point a to point b by air, well , by lowering balloons, and so on, with the advent of airplanes, a new way of travel appeared. after a long time not at all it immediately turned out that this is the fastest way, but at the same time, for example, an airplane cannot carry a large load, in order to transport large loads, we still use ships, trains, that is, airplanes did not make all previous types of transport useless, but they opened up a new opportunity, a quantum computer is the same thing, and what we can do now is very early aviation, the quantum computer that we have now, it allows us to do fundamentally different calculations, we see and understand later...
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there have never been as many topics for research as there are now, it seems to us that all physics has already been discovered, that there have been no big discoveries for 50 or 100 years, in fact these discoveries, big and small, are happening, there are many questions that have no answer, it’s still not clear what dark matter is , what most of our universe consists of, it’s still not entirely clear how quantum mechanics works on small scales... what has already been achieved in the next 5 years will change your life, you need to learn to live in a constantly changing world, now there are all kinds of automated systems, unmanned systems, automatic production systems, i think in 5-10 years we will have a very hard time imagining the line between reality
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and virtuality, we will cease to exist in the physical world altogether, it will be a world so expanded in every way. virtuality, it seems to me that you just have experience of existing in this and virtuality, that is, in your hands, guys, the future of russian science is now, three things that need try it in bed, we are talking about sleep, lower back pain sex, program to live healthy. enlightens, today is the first , hostile forces have become active in europe, they are defeating me, the hour has come, gentlemen, the great golden age, the big premiere, look after
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the program for the time, let us remind you that today is february 5, in the old days on this day our ancestors were busy with the housework, they tidied up the barns, patched the walls, checked the bins. well, putting things in order is always good. perhaps astrologers will tell us what else is worth doing today. february 5th. 25 lunar day, 22 sunny. a lover of life, an optimist, an enthusiast whose head is always full of ideas. now a wonderful period is beginning for those who put a piece of their soul into their business, who are ready to invent something, learn something and master something new. all sorts of calculations and research will work great. artists, designers , craftsmen who do something original and non-standard will not be offended, and simply everyone who approaches their work creatively, many will feel this today, about the disadvantages: the day is a little ambitious and arrogant, we are in such days we are sure that we know everything better than anyone, we don’t like it when people make comments to us, sometimes we break into an open door and get angry easily
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, aries are more careful with this if you don’t want to ruin your relationship with someone and even make enemies for yourself, be careful with money, money a little crafty, already fraught with all sorts of temptations, keep this in mind, everything will be fine, the evening seems to want to invite you somewhere. for taurus , some household chores are shining, perhaps expenses associated with them, something from the past may come to light, debts, old mistakes, some secrets, however, a pleasant meeting with the past is also possible. geminis have a successful working monday, just remember, your motto is, everything is under control, but on a personal level, there may be some kind of conflict situation. emotions, more patience, drive more carefully. for cancers, everything should be in order in their personal lives, but at work there may be some confusion, and as they say, tension, the bosses may find fault with something, but by the evening everything will work out. the leo luminary promises a small income, maybe your debt will be returned or some
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lost money. the day is generally quite successful, the main thing is to growl less and use your sense of humor more often. and the girls are having a good day, although not the best. something changes all the time, it doesn’t go according to schedule , some extra work may fall through , but the evening will be pleasant, and it seems that he is preparing something romantic for you, which today will not reflect at all... for the opposite sex, it’s libra, if no one falls in love with them, the stars will be very surprised; towards evening some unexpected information may come, do not rush to believe it right away. scorpios are the last and it is important for you, there is a risk of making a mistake in someone or something, this can be fraught not only with a spoiled mood, but also with monetary damage and be careful with electricity. sagittarius may have to sacrifice some of their plans and take care of other people's affairs, perhaps helping someone. or solve someone’s problems, some unfulfilled obligations or debts may also come up, but the evening is all yours, and it will not disappoint you.
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capricorns have the chance to make some acquaintances that may be useful, but too open your soul, don’t rush, after lunch it’s possible to have, let’s say, a tense conversation with colleagues. let's calm down, and if you have small children, pay them more attention. aquarius may need to argue with someone, convince someone of something or... dissuade someone from something, don’t get too excited, take good care of your health, there is a risk of catching some kind of infection, something can happen in fish fail or cancel, but don’t be upset, maybe in the end everything will work out for the better, and be careful, buying something on the internet, especially from hand, is a loner fish, this evening you will have a chance to part with your loneliness, well, good luck. remember the joke about the person who, when asked how you are, actually begins to talk, well, in detail. how is he doing with all the nuances of his difficult life, yes, well , jokes aside, but we are all social creatures, probably each of us sometimes
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has a desire to really talk about something with a complete stranger, there is even such an effect random travel companion, with a taxi driver or neighbors in turn, we can sometimes be more frank than with loved ones, experts say that this kind of conversation is even useful, a short casual conversation, the so-called small talk about...
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no time, mood, someone before still remembers my mother’s without talking to strangers. our blood rushes to our extremities because the body mobilizes its forces to quickly escape from this situation of social interaction. at the same time, our consciousness narrows, we are looking for a road along which we can quickly run away, but as soon as the stress subsides, completely different processes are launched in the body; even exchanging a few phrases is useful for the brain. at this moment we read intonation, tone of voice, yes, we read facial expressions, this helps our
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brain develop, the input groups of neurons grow, which allows us to receive and process more information, the number of synopses, blood vessels that help supply oxygen to our brain increases, everything it improves memory, and during a conversation , joy hormones are produced, dopamine, for example, it is released when the function of curiosity is realized, so this is how it goes: such simple questions as how are you, what’s happening to you, where have you been, tell me what’s new, they really help stimulate cognitive functions, imagine how many dog ​​walkers have made happy, every walk is practically a press -conference, they always ask what breed and every time we come up with a new breed for it, because we have it, because it’s a mixed breed, oh, so cute, oh, so fluffy, and how are his paws, and he’s not cold, no, what’s his name? , they ask, well in general,
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for both us and the children. while the adults are rehearsing new numbers for children, a master class on drawing obashevsky toys, the calling card of the pendensky region. after the renovation , the number of applicants increased, and the cultural center again became a center of attraction. now we are entering the material and technical equipment program, that is, we will have a complete stage, and new curtains and a chair. in the village of vishnevaya, 15 km from sevastopol, the doors of the cultural center also opened. after a major overhaul , the auditorium has noticeably improved, new beautiful stage, 250 comfortable chairs , spotlights, but the main joy for everyone was in the simple, finally it became warm in the building, all the women were sitting in fur coats, coats, boots, there was also a shawl on top, and now you can imagine, we can imagine allow you to put on a beautiful outfit, put on beautiful blouses, plus there is an opportunity to increase
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the duration of classes, there are many of them in the cultural center: vocals, choir, dancing, theater... it ’s no longer 15 minutes in fur coats, but you can see this for yourself, the new recreation center allows you to wear socks family members to go out and conduct a rehearsal at home. very soon new clubs will also appear, and a karate section will open in february. large-scale plans after major renovations at the cultural center in the village of novodmitrievskaya, krasnodar territory , are being prepared for new events. the dance group is rehearsing right now. the lighting system has become much more pleasant and he has already begun to control it much easier. they made good, high-quality parquet, it became much more stable, the sole does not slip, the entrance area was landscaped: a complete replacement of the heating, water supply, electricity systems, and new ones were also installed entrance doors. we are especially proud of the library's addition to its collection; we, as employees , are pleased to be here; our readers visit our library with pleasure, and they linger here and look through the literature here with pleasure.
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today, more than 1,600 cultural centers have already been renovated, and by the end of the year their number will increase. anna grivenchukova, channel one. the vdnh skating rink hosted a charity day for the tenth time. skating races, wearing carnival masks, warm-up and quiz from the union multipark. thanks to everyone who accepted participation in this event, all proceeds from the sale of tickets and rental of skates will be directed to help the wards of various charitable foundations. ride and help. the motto of the day of charity at the vdnh skating rink. arriving in carnival masks is already a tradition. an action in support of four funds at once. i am one of them, helping children with mental disabilities. 10 years ago masha skated for the first time at this skating rink, and now the ivans are now going to sochi for hockey team competitions. all the teams from all over the country gather there. and we we will negotiate with them and the teams. this is
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very cool. masha is an attacker. for the wards of the foundations and guests of the skating rink, a master class from olympic medalist alexander enbert and tv presenter alla mikheeva was held once; this helps people, firstly, recharge with energy, and secondly, smile, and doing good deeds with a smile is much easier, right? taisti is a ward of the konstantin khabensky foundation, oncology, 2 years in remission and the first time after illness at the skating rink. they help children with special needs, that is, to find out that they not alone. this is such a very simple, very financial help, this is moral help, an easy and cheerful form of help, this is also because those people who are now wards of the funds, the information reaches them that people are gathering to help them. for example, the life line foundation helped 1,400
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children with serious illnesses, including through such events. hospice assistance vera expanded its presence in the regions, purchased equipment so that those who can no longer be cured could be at home, with loved ones, and not in hospitals. we came up with a propalliative portal we were able to implement it also with the help of such donations, because our mission is also very important to convey to people who are in a situation of an incurable disease that there is help, they have the right to it, and there are ways to get it. just imagine, within 10 years.
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monday morning the news will continue on channel one. this is news from the first, maria vasilyeva studio. hello. a rescue operation in karilia on lake anege discovered the crash site of a mi-8 helicopter of the russian ministry of emergency situations, which disappeared the night before. how. the department reported the wreckage, part of the fuselage was spotted 11 km from the coast, the car crashed to the surface and went under the ice, the depth in that place could reach 50 m. there were three crew members on board the helicopter, experienced
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pilots, they stopped communicating during training flight. more than 140 people and 33 pieces of equipment were involved in search and rescue operations, including the center’s leader diver. snowmobiles and hovercraft have moved into place and are also planning to use them. guided underwater vehicle falcon mi-8 helicopters are ready to fly to karelia from tver and zhukovsky near moscow. now to the situation in the nwo zone. the crews of the heavy flamethrower systems of the airborne troops destroyed the camouflaged fortified positions of the temporary deployment points of lisu. on the right bank of the dnieper in the kherson region, the strike was carried out in the dark, bringing down a real sea of ​​fire on the enemy, plus excess pressure, and also shrapnel. the militants had no chance to survive. our artilleryman is there. crews of mstab and d-30 guns suppressed three enemy strongholds and mortar points in the donetsk direction , grad salvo rocket systems of the southern group of troops covered the enemy's location, disabled the enemy tank and
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the drone control point. finally, the tank crews of the motorized rifle regiment of the center group destroyed the area of ​​deployment of manpower and weapons of the ukrainian formations in the torsi sector, secretly moving three t-80 combat vehicles on the run to the attack line. for some people there are closed calls, well, it’s still easier when you see the enemy. and more about the heroes of the special operation, private alexey fedorchenko, was laying minefields on the path of the militants, when his group was attacked
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by drones, despite being wounded, the sapper completed his work and installed more than thirty charges. senior lieutenant denis voroshilov, commander of a communications company at the height of the clash, restored the antenna damaged by shrapnel, established a data transmission channel to our artillerymen using the coordinates of intelligence officers about... a new attack by the united states on the territory of yemen, which is controlled by the houthis, the arabs
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the media reported that they hit targets in the provinces of saada, in the north-west and hadeida in the west of the country, in total there were more than ten air raids with the participation of american british aircraft, including four strikes on a military camp on the eastern outskirts of the city of saada, which is. main for the houthis. the us also reported that it had hit cruise missiles ready to be launched at ships in the red sea. wildfires in chile, about 100 dead and the number of victims may grow, since about 400 people are missing, fire approaches the suburban areas of two coastal cities, popular among tourists, to the west of the capital, it is extinguished with the help of helicopters, the flames are approaching like a wall, rescuers called the military for help, they are burning.
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on the first, the long-awaited continuation of a large-scale project, a film about the empress who changed the course of russian and world history , the great golden age. the new series tells about the first years of the reign of catherine ii. and her development as a politician. serious passions are boiling around her, she is the ruler of destinies, at the same time, a sensual woman who suffers from unrequited love. the script is largely based on authentic letters, and is self-contained all-russian. the picture is amazing in scale, there are hundreds of actors in the leading roles and another one and a half.
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so, the continuation of the historical drama the great golden age on our air starts today, the first episode, don’t miss the time immediately after the program. that's all, now say good morning to my colleagues. thank you, dear friends, for meeting this morning in our company, with you. today daria shulik and timur solovyov. today is february 5th. on this day 96 years ago we received artificial vitamin d for the first time, and for many years now everyone has been constantly talking about it, regularly talking about it, especially in winter. yes, it’s true, we hear that in winter we live in conditions of constant lack of vitamin d, that is, light. question: should i take it in tablets? for example, by the way, i take it in a spray, it seems to me that it works. well, or maybe in the spring the sun will make up for everything for us, or maybe? solarium
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decided to figure it all out, our correspondent evgeniy polikov. i went to the solarium. it's winter, the days are short and often cloudy. in moscow, for example, in january last year, only 21 hours of sunshine were counted. in winter, in central russia , the frontal region predominates, continuous coverage of the sky, and clouds, associated with the passage of cyclones. the sun is not visible, but how does this affect us? cloudy weather affects us, just... because our production of serotonin decreases, our serotonin contributes to the level of activity, energy, vigor, good mood, hence to in cloudy weather, productivity can sometimes decrease, because of the clouds there is less ultraviolet radiation, and in winter the sun is low above the horizon, so even in clear weather, ultraviolet radiation does not affect the skin, no tanning and vitamin d is not produced. if there is a deficiency of vitamin d, then such people get sick more often; vitamin d helps calcium penetrate
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into the bones, the bones become stronger and the risk of osteoporosis fractures is reduced. according to statistics, more than half of russians lack vitamin d, especially severely residents of the arctic, for example, in murmonsk there is polar night 40 days a year, due to disrupted biorhythms, stress on the nervous system, there is anxiety, drowsiness, for local residents there is also a long vacation, 52 days a year, to travel to sunny areas, those murmansk residents often choose anapa or sochi. angelina kabaskaya from moscow goes to the solarium for vitamin d. your first sessions are no more than 5-6 minutes, since the skin is not prepared. accordingly , i further increase the time for all subsequent sessions - this is already up to 10 minutes. what will they say doctors? vitamin d is produced, but in small quantities. you can stay in the solarium from 3 to 10, maximum 15 minutes, that is, this is a very short period. then, if you are already tanned, you will not produce vitamin d. but there are more risks for... the skin,
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the intensity of ultraviolet radiation in a solarium is considerable. even a minimal number of sessions increases the risk of skin cancer by 50-75%. these ultraviolet rays penetrate into the deep layers of the skin and cause dna mutations. going to a solarium for vitamin d is not an option, but in tablet form please, it’s really normal it's better to ask your doctor. it is different for all people. plus food, fatty fish, chicken eggs, beef liver. evgeny plyukov, mikhail chetveryakov, yulia bykova. first channel , now some statistics: during the winter we gain on average 2-3 kg of weight, if you feel that you are also gaining weight, try the mediterranean diet, for example, it’s so simple, yes, dumplings are included in it, interesting, so, this, by the way, it’s not even a diet at all, but just a balanced and healthy diet, what it includes, what rules exist and contraindications, sports nutritionist alina lychagina will tell you. for health
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, the only diet that doctors unconditionally accept is the mediterranean, its principles are quite simple, the diet is based on almost nothing: meat, eggs, dairy products are also minimal, the main component is fish and seafood, and also olive oil. all this contains a lot of omega-3 fatty acids, which our body needs. we also serve a salad of fresh vegetables with every meal. if we eat pasta, then only from hard ones. wheat varieties. this information should be found on the label. nuts for a snack. for dessert there is fresh fruit. to make food easier to digest, season the dish with aromatic herbs. basil, oregano, thyme, rosemary. choose what you like. all these spices stimulate digestion and improve the functioning
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of the pancreas. light snacks can help make the transition to the mediterranean diet easier. cover a slice of wholemeal bread with a leaf of lettuce or arugula. slices of cucumber, put a piece of baked fish on top, sprinkle the workpiece with lemon juice, let's try, mm, it's tasty, healthy and nutritious. the only disadvantage of the mediterranean diet is that weight will not be lost quickly, but without stress. be healthy and lose weight with pleasure. and we continue: at the end of last year , the procedure for accepting apartments in new buildings changed, this applies to shareholders of developers. and here’s what actually changed, what new rules appeared, anna obrosimova has the details. an apartment in a new building without finishing, but with a view from the window,
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the developer promised it to alexey. naturally, the view here is excellent, i was immediately drawn to it attention and everything i liked, i was satisfied. before signing the acceptance certificate for the apartment, you need to inspect it to see if there are any defects? ilya sekorsky, an expert in real estate acceptance, suggests what you can see with the naked eye. there is scale on the outside of double-glazed windows, that is , metal burning into the glass; the glass must be replaced. we indicate the defect in the acceptance certificate for the transfer of the apartment, or rather, this is a violation. the shareholder has the right to indicate it himself, without involving an expert. according to the law, it is considered insignificant because the possibility of accommodation does not affect. it’s another matter when, for example, there is no drainage or poor sealing of the seam near the window. for outdoor structures, the temperature difference should not exceed 4°. there is an excess of five. we will understand this only with the help of a device and an expert, or without them, when we move into the apartment and freeze. in
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general, the violation is significant and, according to the law, it must be detected by a specialist with specialized education. the developer will invite his own expert, and if you... want, if the expert developer doesn’t suits you, you can bring your own expert, in the same way, to help you in accepting the apartment with subsequent fixation , even walls or walls cannot be visually determined either, a laser will help, a deviation of up to 1 cm is acceptable, but alexey has more, that is, about 2 cm , yes, there are a lot of violations , the owner will not receive the keys quickly, the deadline for eliminating the comments is 60 calendar days, the developer must eliminate these defects, the court will reduce the cost of the apartment or oblige the developer to reimburse expenses, but in order not to bring it to court, according to the new rules, the developer and the shareholder can agree to change the timing of the transfer of a specific apartment, regardless of the timing of the transfer of the house as a whole along with the rest of the apartments, that is, you can set an individual deadline
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for the transfer of a specific apartment, while making changes to the project declaration, as was previously not necessary . the main thing is not to shy away from acceptance, now the developer can transfer the apartment to...
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on the first, today for the first time a unique spectacle awaits us, his name is obrek, i said that i would bring the best fighter, volodya ignatiev, afghan, sapper, this is a guy, this is my money too, and i want to fight for it, reed, what are you doing, you don’t know, some kind of premonition, girls, i deceived you, there will be no concert. you promised us 40 dollars, these are our girls,
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i’ll put everyone here now, he’ll kill you, well, hello, jaeger, she’s nobody to you, why did you get involved in this, it’s him, the one who saved me, you’re nobody to each other , this is chechnya, we can’t do that. solves this problem in a few minutes, let's see, you have a lot of scarves,
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belts and scarves and you are thinking how to compactly stored, and i will show you how to improve the most ordinary hanger so that all the accessories fit on it, i remove the crossbar from the hanger, glue rings from an old curtain rod to the hangers, like this in a row so that the fixation is strong, i use: a heat gun. for reliability, i tie the rings to each other with embroidery threads, and also make turns around the crossbar. to make the design look impressive, i use yarn to match our workpiece. if there are a lot of accessories, you can glue a second third row of rings. all that remains is to hang the scarves and belts. now your scarves are placed compactly and neatly. every item is in sight, easy to remove and hang back, in my opinion,
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it turned out to be a very convenient device. on the calendar for february 5, weather forecasters promise -2 today in moscow and st. petersburg, -12 in mormonsk, -20 in solihard, and -31 in yakutsk. hang in there guys. by the way, a thermos or thermal mug is simply irreplaceable in such weather outside. yes, the main thing here is to properly care for this gadget, and no. walks , just throw them in the dishwasher, it won’t work, you can damage the flask, it’s just hand washing and advice of hope with truth. the belokur family has snowballs in the forest in any weather in the winter, hot tea from thermoses in the fresh air, and who should wash it all afterwards, of course, is mom anya. it’s difficult to wash because they have a lot of parts, a lot of rubber bands that need to be taken care of, and the necks are narrow, and if you don’t take care, they’re dark.
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this also applies to thermal mugs, here only manual cleaning, using vinegar, for example, we dilute vinegar in a ratio of one to three with water, pour in, leave for several hours, rinse thoroughly, another remedy is citric acid, two tablespoons per liter of hot water, if this coating is fresh, it’s enough to stand for even an hour, but if... it ’s old, of course, it’s better to even leave it for a day, ordinary salt will work, it’s also in container with hot water acts gently, like a fine abrasive. we dissolved it in water, so it does not scratch our thermos or damage its surface, it is very convenient to do this in the evening and leave this thermos overnight. soda has a similar effect, adds his lifehacks, a specialist in order in the house marina zhukova. she takes four tablespoons per liter of boiling water, as an option. you can add a few tablespoons of warm water to the rice. rice water
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cleans tea and coffee stains very well; it also collects all the unpleasant odors inside. plus the rice itself, it is an abrasive, it will perfectly clean all the walls. and when the raid is too strong and old, heavy artillery comes to the rescue - sodium percarbonate. as soon as we add a little hot water, a violent reaction begins. this reaction is absolutely... smell, as a result of this violent reaction, all the impurities inside the thermos come out, and yes, you need to clean not only the flask, but the tube, like this with a soft toothbrush, otherwise it will appear over time. what is important for caring for thermos flasks and thermal mugs is not recommended to use metal sponges or sponges with a hard abrasive layer. scratches will remain, the dishes will definitely be damaged, you need to choose either soft napkins or soft sponges. dry and store only in an open form, separately the container itself, the cap and seals, so that there is no musty smell everything is taken care of. if dropped
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, the flask inside and the body outside can be damaged. even if microcracks appear, a thermos or thermal mug will remain. it's worse to keep warm. nadezhda pravdina, nikolay krysanov, channel one. cutlets, we love them very much and eat and cook them, yes, how could it be otherwise, in fact , maybe even cook them, we love them even more than eating them. culinary expert pavel savchenko decided to modify classic recipes and prepare cutlet rolls. cutlets and rolls are even juicier and tastier. i break an egg into the minced meat. add chopped onion, salt, pepper, mix, put the minced meat on cling film and form a rectangular layer, put the filling on top, it can be anything, vegetables or fried mushrooms will do, but i have chopped sweet peppers, grated cheese
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and chopped parsley, wrap the workpiece in a roll, send in the freezer for an hour and a half so that the shape sets, cut the roll into rolls, bread in flour, beaten egg and breadcrumbs so that the filling does not leak out, again dip each roll in the egg and roll in breadcrumbs, fry the cutlets, as usual, from two sides until golden brown. it’s very tasty, even if you cook it every day, but to prevent the dish from becoming boring, experiment with the filling. let's move on, the cold season continues, unfortunately, the viruses have not gone away either, and it happens that you seem to have already started to recover, but suddenly you fall ill with something again. yes, and quite often lately
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we have heard the term superinfection, what kind of new horror story is this, or maybe it’s a well-forgotten old one, and so on. to protect ourselves from this, now we’ll find out everything. last month of winter, but doctors remind you that the risk of catching an infection is still high, and not just one, several at once. when we see the layering of one infection on top of another infection, we can talk about the appearance of a superinfection. and we are talking about the anal superposition of a bacterial infection on a viral one, so you get two viruses at once, this rarely happens. one sick person , for example, exhaled, in fact, microdroplets with one virus, at once, someone in...
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this can be complicated by the fact that the bacteria may contain so-called resistance genes antibiotics, in the worst case there can be several of them at once, that is, in fact, this bacterium will be resistant to a large number of antibiotics at once, in any case, no self-medication, only a doctor, but you can protect yourself, and during any illness, stay at home, then we ...
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a typical, unfortunately, situation: some smart guys introduce themselves as employees of a certain service company and offer maintenance of water meters, sometimes they call, but more often they drop leaflets in the mailbox. and here it is important to remember that these guys are not the smart ones are the ones who actually do it all. and by the way, the counters carry out this very check according to schedule. lawyer maxim andreev will remind you where you can find out exactly when it’s time for verification. i wonder how many kilograms of waste paper i have already taken out of the mailbox, and the advertising in this trash is not the worst thing, these letters are worse. they will be from enterprising semi-criminal businessmen who are sowing panic in order to force you and me to pay for unnecessary verification of water meters, and what they are afraid of, like this
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in numbers, i spend about four cubic meters of cold and two hot water per month, let’s multiply by the current tariffs, it turns out that i need to pay for water a little less than 700 rubles. and if my meters had not passed through the top, then the calculation would have taken place... according to a different scheme, here you need to pay for the average rate of hot water per person, this is 6.9 m for cold and 4.7 for hot, plus an increasing factor, in moscow there are now three, it turns out that the overpayment is more than five times, plus we need to add more plant allocation, and if all this to count more than one person, per family, the amount will be very significant, so it’s gone... and they are scared by the fact that it’s time to check the meters, look how solid these pieces of paper look, there is a seal, barcodes and
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qr codes, and even perforation on edges, everything is very realistic, except for one thing: i know for sure that my water meters don’t need to be checked yet, let me show you where to look at it, we open a single payment document for the apartment, here are the dates written, my next verification should be in september twenty- seventh year, letters with perforation go to basket, friends, check any information, there are a lot of crooks out there who want to make money at our expense. an exhibition of mstera the many-faced has opened in the museum center of the vladimir chamber of the suzdal museum of the reserve. mstera is the name of the village of one of the largest centers in russia.
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such rigor as, say, the palishan vamster figure is closer to a human figure, now ratnikov’s works are at the exhibition of mister many-faced, it was opened by
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the vladimirosuzdal museum-reserve, there are more than 300 exhibits, a creation like modern authors and ancient masters. they worked in different styles and genres, this desire to imitate, to imitate, to fake, and this was, and this was characteristic of the masters. learned ancient writing techniques. after the revolution , it was impossible to paint icons, and artists switched to lacquer miniatures and began painting boxes. and it was the miniature that made it possible to preserve technical techniques, because they absorbed all the icon-painting techniques, fabulousness, brightness of colors, complex color transitions and a large number of small details, even the smallest products. icon painters who... possessed such art were called petty artists, that is , an artist who could paint in miniature, so at the exhibition you should not just look,
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look at it, so as not to miss anything. mstera multifaceted will be open until march 31 in vladimir in the museum center of the chamber. anna popova, yuri nesterov, mikhail chetveryakov, channel one. let us remind you that on the calendar february 5, monday, it’s time to find out what’s new in the country and the world by this hour. we give the floor to our colleagues from information service of channel one. this is the news on the first in the judge maria vasilyeva. hello. an air defense unit of the western group of forces shot down two ssu reconnaissance drones in the kopinsky direction in the area of ​​the northern military district. valkyrie and leleka vehicles - 100. at the same time, motorized rifle units repelled four attacks by enemy assault groups. the enemy lost 30 militants during the counter-battery fight, a polish-made crab self-propelled gun and an m770 gun were destroyed.
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seven are made in the usa. on the right bank dnieper in the kherson region, fortified positions of temporary deployment points in the armed forces of ukraine smash the crew, then the santsepek airborne troops struck in the dark, bringing down a real sea of ​​​​fire on the enemy. there , our artillery, using mstab and d-30 gun crews , suppressed three enemy strongholds and mortar points. in the donetsk direction , the enemy’s location was covered by the grad salvo rocket systems of the southern group of troops, and the tank crews of the c group destroyed the area where the manpower and weapons of the ukrainian formations were deployed in the area torsky section. three t-80 combat vehicles with rapid fire hit dugouts with personnel, communications networks, as well as diggers with equipment. words of support and sympathy for everyone affected by the tragedy in lesechansk come from different parts of russia to rostov nadon, an expression of grief in a ticker on the huge screen of the rostov arena stadium. in lugansk, flowers lay at
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the foot. we will not forget the memorial, we will not forgive, as a sign to the dead children of donbass. in moscow, red carnations and candles appeared on the lpr square. the day before, ukrainian militants fired missiles haimars razed a small cafe and bakery to the ground. the attack killed 28 civilians, including a pregnant woman and a five-year-old child. another 10 people were rescued from the rubble, six are in serious condition in hospitals. zelensky confirmed that he is thinking about replacing the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine zaluzhny. he made this statement in an interview with the italian tv channel rai-1. he also said that the rotation of a number of senior officials not only in the military sphere is on the agenda. zelensky called the ongoing discord against the backdrop of the failure of the counteroffensive the reboot and new beginning that ukraine needs. meanwhile, joe biden's national security adviser, jake salevan, said on television that the united states is not interfering in what is happening, from which it can be concluded that zelensky was given carte blanche. new attack. united states
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in the territory of yemen, which is controlled by the houthis, arab media report that they hit targets in the provinces of saada in the north-west and hadeida in the west of the country, there were more than ten air raids with the participation of american british aircraft, including four strike on a military camp on the eastern outskirts of the city of saada, which is the main one for the houthis. rescuers have discovered the crash site of the mi-8 helicopter of the russian ministry of emergency situations, which disappeared the night before in prioneshski. kareli region, as the department reported, debris, part of the fuselage, was spotted in the waters of lake onega, 11 km from the shore. the car crashed to the surface, went under the ice, the depth in that place can reach 50 m. there were three crew members on board the helicopter, experienced pilots, they stopped communicating during the training flight. to more than 140 people and 33 pieces of equipment were involved in search and rescue work, including a diver from the leader center.
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they moved to the place. snowmobiles and hovercraft, also plans to use the falcon remote-controlled underwater vehicle. mi-8 helicopters are ready to fly to karelia from tver, zhukovsky near moscow. natural fires in chile, about 100 dead and the number of victims may grow, since about 400 people are missing. the fire is approaching suburban areas of two coastal cities popular with... tourists, to the west of the capital, extinguish it with the help of. helicopters, the flames are approaching like a wall, rescuers called the military for help , huge territories are burning, according to the latest data, the natural disaster affected an area of ​​more than 40 thousand hectares, hundreds of residential buildings were destroyed, the authorities announced a curfew to clear roads in the first hours, it was difficult for firefighters to reach to the flames, because an endless stream of cars was moving towards them, people were fleeing, the summer heat over 30° provoked the fire.
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today on the first is the long-awaited continuation of a large-scale project, a film about the empress who changed the course of russian and world history, the great golden age. the new series tells about the first years of the reign of catherine ii. and her development as a politician. serious passions are boiling around her; she is the ruler of destinies and at the same time a sensual woman who suffers from unrequited love. the script is largely based on authentic letters from the all-russian autocrat. the picture amazes with the scale of hundreds of actors in leading roles, and another fifteen hundred. man in crowd scenes, for the first time on open water , the filmmakers used the ship poltava, as well as incredible costumes, where every detail was thought out; the empress wore not just jewelry, but copies of unique museum exhibits, including catherine’s ring and the famous orlov diamond, named after her favorite, i’m a woman, i don’t need to love, she was also a woman, a person... a mother,
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a lover, these are precisely the qualities that are most interesting to both the viewer and us, we tried to talk about them. so, continuation. the first episode starts on our air today, don’t miss the time right after the program, that’s all for now, thank you, dear friends, for welcoming us this morning in our company, the company today is wonderful, this is daria shulik, and this is timur solovyov, on the calendar february 5, monday, the weather is having fun, swinging on a temperature swing, the snow is falling, then it will freeze again, as a result , anshlag is heading to the tram points. according to statistics, winter injuries send about 18% of workers to sick leave and in order not to replenish this statistics, let's figure out right now which shoes are safe to walk on ice in and how to do it correctly. ice, how does it
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form? most often due to the melting of snow, at this time the ground still maintains a sub-zero temperature and upon contact with the surface it immediately freezes, the forest becomes smooth and skursky. there is another option: freezing rain. from the sky to the ground , the drops cover a distance of up to 200 m. some of them are covered with an ice chicken. when hit, they break, the water spreads and freezes. because of this, ice becomes rough and booky. to protect yourself from falling you need the right sole, what is it? let's test five different ones together with kurling player timur gadzhikhanov on a real skating rink. i propose to compete to see whose sword will be. skating on the ice he won. let's try, but we need to determine the starting location. round one: flat sole versus heel for less slip. timur's result. 4 m 80 cm. shoes with heels are glazing, they slipped
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less by 60 cm. why does this happen? due to the heel, the property of depreciation, that is more shock-absorbing properties are more pronounced and due to this you can maneuver. foot on the surface of the ice , plus the material of the sole itself is also important, timur has 5 m on thermoplastic elastomer. i drove only 2.5 m on rubber soles, although it is believed that thermoplastic elastomer is better, rubber has a very good coefficient of friction and does not allow sliding on the surface, it turns out , the softer the cushion, the less likely it is to fall, which can’t be said about polyurethane, i slid 4 m on it. yes, it’s light and purist, but here it is thermal conductivity is low, so even at a slight minus it gets tanned and becomes very slippery. let’s summarize and derive the formula for ideal shoes in icy conditions. for example, we take rubber, plus another heel, which creates additional shock absorption. and protectors. and
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yes, i’ll make the treads deep so that they can catch on the bumps and bumps on the road. or, as an option, if your shoes slip, put rubber preventatives on them. of course, you can’t stick it on yourself, you have to. under pressure, then it will last longer, wears very well, well, three seasons is enough, it’s soft, it doesn’t peel off from cold, frost, or water, and most importantly, it doesn’t slip, which means you’ll be less likely to fall in icy conditions. yulia shvalova, dmitry roshkov, rostislav kolesnikov, channel one. today a smartphone is for everyone, for us it is much more than a smartphone. this is not just a gadget that allows you to chat and surf on the internet, it’s also... we need to take care of our passport data and take care of the sim card
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like the apple of our hand. sim cards are tied to government services more than means of communication, an apartment, a real estate transaction, and all banks are tied to government services. also tied to this very single sim card, a sim card is a computer, a universal identifier for everything. according to the passport, which means it is legally tied to a specific person. the verification code in sms is a way to prove to a store, bank or even a website that this is the owner of the number. each sim card has a money account attached to it; funds from it can be used not only for mobile history, paying for operator services or purchasing minutes and gigabytes. we can use the balance to pay for goods and services on sites or on those systems that it support. for example, buying application subscriptions is especially relevant where. russian bank cards are not accepted. some mobile operators allow you to pay tax fines directly from your phone number. moreover, you can withdraw money from the sim card. just like a regular checking account, an account with a telephone number is not limited to a certain amount. then i can
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withdraw it calmly, put money on the phone number of another person, yes, and this other person can simply withdraw it. money can be transferred from subscriber numbers to bank account, digital crypto wallet. need i say how scammers can use this? that is, a sim card is a personal identifier and a means of payment, which means you need to protect access to it in the same way as in a wallet, bank card, etc... for now, this task is on the shoulders of users, so it was proposed to equate sim cards and phone numbers to means of communication at the legislative level. payment systems, money in our accounts are controlled by federal law 115. this law is specifically about combating fraud, and media sim cards are not checked; more precisely, anyone can accept money from other users who will send it. telecommunications companies will now have a greater responsibility to monitor their users.
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for us it’s from our home to space, i’m russian means that i’m russian, i’m bashkir, i’m chechen, i’m ingush, it ’s all in one, initially we come from the altai mountains, and it so happened that we migrated, migrated, we wandered and now we are in the republic of kalmykia, happiness means to me when you can call your mother say hello, because family is your home, all your loved ones, all your loved ones. our children, grandchildren - this is what we live for, i dream that i would have
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four children, two boys and two girls, happiness, love, love our huge, wonderful country, in all schools in the country on the first channel they start talking about important, this thursday, february 8, we will celebrate russian science day, and the topic of today’s conversation is the 190th anniversary of his birth. ivanovich mendeleev, russian science day. today ilya semeryakov, a researcher at the lebedevo physical institute, one of the developers of a quantum computer, and a challenge prize winner, is talking about something important. this is actually an interesting misconception about the fact that scientists are aged, like any profession, most of the ideas, even by great people, were invented at a fairly young age. that is, einstein, planck, all
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the people you read about in textbooks, even newton, when they made their main discoveries, were 25-30 years old, the older a person becomes in science, the more he is engaged in passing on his experience, mentoring, managing, new ideas are actually generated mainly by young people, what is the work of a scientist, we only see... some bright things in science, in fact, science is very broad, most of the work of a scientist is such ordinary routine work, just like in any other job, just like in a bank or with a mechanic at a factory, this is a very large amount of technical work, including scientific work, some calculations, calculations, all this actually takes a lot of time, big discoveries do not happen to every scientist, that is, to the majority of scientists. no big discovery happens in life, they all participate in
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the construction of such a building of science, in which we will then historically note some bright points that will be included in textbooks, why it is interesting to be a scientist, despite the fact that this is the same profession, like everyone else, yes, because if you are interested in understanding some things in life, understanding how how does this or that thing work? make some things do what you want, as a child i really loved building all sorts of airplanes, i liked that they flew the way i planned it, and various other operating models there, if you like such things, then you and scientists will enjoy being, but if you think that the work of a scientist is some kind of great fun, then you may be disappointed, that is, the work of a scientist is methodical, there is a lot of it, and the beauty of the work of a scientist is that
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the air, well, lowering the balloons and so on with the advent of airplanes, a new way to travel appeared, after a long time it was not immediately possible, it turned out that this was the fastest way, but at the same time, for example, an airplane cannot be transferred. large cargo , to transport large loads, we still use ships, trains, that is, airplanes did not make all previous types of transport useless, but they opened up a new opportunity, quantum computers are the same thing, and what we can do now - this is very early aviation, the quantum computer that we have now, it allows you to do fundamentally different
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calculations, we see we understand the potential of this, for some problems a quantum computer may turn out to be the best computing tool that exists. on supercomputers, some tasks will never be able to be calculated, no matter how large a computer you build, but on quantum computers you can, that is, it creates new possibilities. it seems that all the great discoveries have already been made, then why become a scientist? now we are clearly at the point of growth of russian science. today science is spreading its wings are widest, there have never been so many topics for research as there are now. it seems to us that all physics is already. that there have been no big discoveries for 50 or 100 years, in fact these discoveries, big and small, are happening , there are many questions for which there are no answers, it is still not clear what dark matter is, what most of our universe consists of, to this day while it is not entirely
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clear how quantum mechanics works on a small scale, what has already been achieved in the next 5 years will change your life. learn to live in a constantly changing world, now there are all kinds of automated systems, unmanned systems, automatic production systems, i think in 5-10 years we will have a very hard time imagining the line between reality and virtuality, we will cease to exist in the physical world altogether, it will be a world so expanded to include all kinds of virtuality, it seems to me that you just have experience - accepting apartments in new buildings, what has actually changed, what appeared at the end of last year, the order has changed this applies to shareholders of developers. and here are
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the new rules, details from anna obrosimova. apartment in a new building without finishing. but the developer promised it to alexey with a view from the window. naturally, the view here is excellent, i immediately noticed it, i liked everything, i was satisfied. the view is great, but before you sign the apartment acceptance certificate, you need to inspect it. are there any defects? ilya sekorsky, an expert in real estate acceptance, suggests what can be seen with the naked eye. the outer sides of the double-glazed windows are ocal, that is, burns metal glass the glass needs to be replaced. we indicate the defect in the acceptance certificate for the transfer of the apartment, or rather, this is a violation. the shareholder has the right to indicate it himself without the involvement of an expert. according to the law, it is considered insignificant because it does not affect the possibility of residence. it’s another matter when, for example, there is no drainage or poor sealing of the seam near the window. for external
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structures, the temperature difference should not exceed 4°. there is an excess of five. we will understand this only with the help of a device and an expert, or without them, when with yes, there are a lot of violations; the owner will not receive the keys quickly. the deadline for eliminating comments is 60 calendar days; the developer must eliminate these defects. otherwise, the court will reduce the cost of the apartment or oblige the developer to reimburse expenses, but in order to avoid going to court, according to the new rules, the developer and the shareholder can agree.
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to change the timing of the transfer of a specific apartment, regardless of the timing of the transfer of the house as a whole along with the rest of the apartments, that is, you can set an individual deadline. transfer of a specific apartment, while there is no need to make changes to the project declaration as before. the main thing is not to shy away from acceptance. now the developer can transfer the apartment unilaterally even if the shareholder ignores his notice for more than one month. anna obrosmova, dmitry gordienko, sergey folendysh, channel one. three things to try in bed. we're talking about sleep, lower back pain. and sex, the program to live healthy, enlightens, today on the first. premiere. i love my country. on saturday on the first, today for the first time we will have a unique
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a spectacle, his name is obrek, i said that i would bring the best fighter, volodya ignatius , an afghan, a sapper, this is such a guy, this is my money too, and i want to fight for it, rit, what are you talking about, you don’t know, what a premonition - well, i deceived you, there won’t be a concert , you promised us 40 dollars, these are our girls, i ’ll put them all here now, he’ll kill you, well , hello, jaeger, she’s nobody to you, why did you get into this, this he, the one who me... you are nobody to each other, this is chechnya, we can’t do that. well, tell me, sir, who cares for you moved? i can't live without him. abrek. premiere of
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the multi-part film from february 11 to sunday, on the first. yes, go home, wolf, do whatever you want with him, move away. let me buy it from you. each of us has various accessories, belts, ties, scarves, scarves , all this is often lost somewhere so that when... you can’t find it, i can never find a butterfly, yes, space organizer elena dorofeeva solves this problem in a few minutes, let's see, you have a lot of scarves, belts and scarves, and you are thinking how to compact them store, and i'll show you how to improve the most ordinary hanger so that it fits all your accessories. i remove the crossbar and glue the rings from the old cornice to the hangers, like this in a row. to ensure a strong fixation, i use a heat gun. for reliability, i tie the rings to each other with embroidery threads, and
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also make turns around the crossbar. to make the design look impressive, i use yarn to match our workpiece. if there are a lot of accessories, you can glue a second third row of rings. all that remains is to hang the scarves and belts. now your scarves are placed compactly. and neatly, every thing is in sight, easy to remove and hang back, in my opinion, it turned out to be a very convenient device, well, now a delicious topic, cold smoked products, this is really class, yes, they agree, they say that this is a cold, more gentle method of processing, than hot, and is it so? how meat, fish, cheeses are smoked, what the technology is and how... to choose the right products - anastasia telia found out. chefs say you can smoke anything
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, meat, fish, cheese, of course, but how? as for cherries, sour cream and even butter, it is also possible if the smoking is cold, that is, at low temperatures up to 30°. we will smoke for about 15 to 30 minutes. there will be a slight smoke. chef alexander railyan adds smoked ingredients to the appetizer to whet the appetite. the japanese have this. the expression umame, when the food there becomes indescribably delicious, the smell of smoking is probably our russian umame, this method can be used to smoke absolutely everything, even greens, the temperature effect is still minimal, but what happens to the fish or meat, for example, remain raw, decomposition of substances occurs, hydrolysis of proteins, fats, and other substances occurs, and low-molecular products, hydroises, are formed, which form the aroma and taste of the product. the aroma will be moderate, unlike hot smoking, where the pungent aroma does not dissipate well, then it’s a matter of time, usually
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the smoking substances take several days, the phenols have time to penetrate deeper. collagen, the main protein, is modified so that new structures are formed there, more dense. protein, unlike hot smoking from 90°, is not collapses, that is, the structure will not be loose, but dense. and elastic when pressed, such products are stored longer, due to low temperatures and the color will be less bright, but the micro and macroelements are intact, there are more cyclic aromatic blehydrates, benzoperenes, substances similar to it, they have a carcinogenic effect, and the more delicate it is smoking, the likelihood that such ingredients will end up in the product will be lower, and the cold smoking method is more useful, in addition, there is a minimum of carcinogens, excite... or parasitic diseases do not die, therefore sanitary requirements provide for mandatory
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freezing of fish and keeping them for a long time. several days to three days at a temperature of -18°. plus, salting and drying before smoking are mandatory, so it is better to buy such products from well-known manufacturers. anastasia telya, mikhail karasyo, dmitry parfyunov, vladimir popov, channel one. we continue. on channel one there is a big premiere, a large-scale historical drama, the great. golden age. this is a continuation of the story about catherine ii. first years of reign empress, her formation. as politics and transformation, as women and mothers , starring elizaveta boyarskaya. the great golden age is already on channel one today. ekaterina alekseevna, you are not dressed yet, how will the reception be at your coronation? how many of these techniques have there already been? how many more will there be? we invite you to a ball in honor of the empress. katya, this will be fun. this is 1763, the beginning of the reign
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of catherine the great. this is the desire for change, the desire to be useful, the feeling of my mission, the fact that i can and should do a lot do. the young sovereign is fascinated by the ideas of enlightenment and technological progress. eyes light up when ivan kulibin demonstrates his new invention, a self-propelled ship. think about it, gentlemen, we have all our trade along the rivers, how much strength we have. how much, how much time will be free? catherine is very inspired by this and believes that this will bring great benefit to the state; many of her comrades look at this with skepticism. mr. chancellor, please write out 1,000 rubles for mr. inventor. gold. such generosity of the empress is not even her favorite, count grigory orlov, was expecting her. katya, a thousand for toys. the russian land is rich
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in talents. grisha, russia can become the most prosperous power in europe. historical drama of the great golden age, large-scale filming and authenticity in the smallest detail, pay attention to how the dishes were served during catherine's meal, thousands of outfits, hundreds of wigs of jewelry, amazing luxury shine, pivat, gentlemen, every evening in the company of one of the brightest
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women in world history, big premiere, historical. prepare a decree, i’ll ask you personally. asya radkevich, maria bronzova, joseph kobrin, ilya kuvaldin, channel one. monday morning the news will continue on channel one. this is news on the first one, studio maria vasilyeva, hello! the crews of the santsepiog heavy flamethrower systems of the airborne troops destroyed camouflaged fortified positions and temporary deployment points of ukrainian formations on the right bank of the dnieper in the kherson region, in the special operation zone. the strike was carried out in the dark and brought down a real sea of ​​fire on the enemy, plus excess pressure, and also fragments, the militants had no chance to survive. there, our artillery, using mstab
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and d-30 gun crews, suppressed three strong points and mortar points. of the enemy in the donetsk direction, the grad salvo rocket systems of the southern group of troops covered the enemy’s location, knocking out his tanks and the drone control center. finally, the tank crews of the motorized rifle regiment of the center group destroyed the area of ​​deployment of manpower and weapons of the armed forces of ukraine in the torssky sector. having secretly moved to the attack line, three t-80 combat vehicles with rapid fire hit dugouts containing personnel of the communications network. as well as captains with equipment, the soldiers spoke about the high teamwork of tank crews, the tank commander can sit down from behind the gunner, today i spoke in the gunner’s family, we have everything, the gunner must replace the tank commander, firstly, and the situation is not moving it can be different, you can easily sit in any crew and work, travel for anyone, you see it differently for everyone, for some it’s more difficult to work with direct fire, for others
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with closed positions, well, it doesn’t matter... it’s simpler, when you see the enemy. and more about the heroes of the special operation. private alexei fedorchenko was laying minefields along the militants' path when his group came under attack from drones, despite being wounded. the sapper completed his work, installed more than thirty charges, and created a reliable obstacle to enemy armored vehicles. senior lieutenant denis voroshilov, commander of a communications company at the height of the clash, restored the antenna damaged by shrapnel and established a data transmission channel to our artillerymen. according to the coordinates of the scouts, the enemy was struck crushing blow. zelensky confirmed that he is thinking about replacing the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine zaluzhny. he made this statement... in an interview with the italian tv channel rai-1. he also said that a number of senior officials not only in the military sphere are on the agenda and rotation. zelensky called the ongoing discord against the backdrop of the failure of the counteroffensive
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a reset and a new beginning that ukraine needs. meanwhile, joe biden's national security adviser, jake sullivan, said on television that the united states is not interfering in what is happening, from which we can conclude that zelensky was given carte blanche. in the us, the white house and senators agreed on a national security bill that includes $60 billion in aid to ukraine, which is three times less than for protecting the border of the united states and mexico, which is also mentioned in the document. despite the fact that for republicans this is the most important part of the agreement. the main theme of the election campaign is a cause for tension in texas, where local authorities are essentially no longer subordinate to federal ones. republicans are in control.
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a new attack by the united states on the territory of yemen, which is controlled by the houthis, arab media reported that they hit targets in the provinces of saada in the northwest and hadeida in the west of the country and... there were more than ten air raids with the participation of american british aircraft, including four strike on a military camp on the eastern outskirts of the houthi main town of saada, the us also said it hit cruise missiles
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ready to be launched at ships in the red sea. wildfires in chile, about 100 dead and the number of victims may increase, since about 400 people are listed as missing and are being consumed by fire. the flight was triggered by the summer heat of over 30°. and finally, the footage taken in yamal, an extreme landing in conditions of strong side winds, was made by the crew
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of the ant-2 aircraft. we had to land on a small area, not far from one of the drilling rigs. the plane skidded heavily, turned sideways, and its tail knocked off one of the landing lights. nevertheless, everything ended well, the plane flew without passengers, only two pilots, neither on the ground nor on board, no one. suffered with you as before, good morning, we are picking up the morning relay. today with you in the studio are daria shulik and timur solovyov. the calendar says monday, february 5th. how difficult is raising children anyway? there is an old joke: if you don’t know how to raise your children, imagine that they are other people’s children; they really know how to raise other people’s children, well, just everyone. yes, but what if. serious upbringing, with this upbringing the main thing is not overdo it, children of course need to be helped, but when this help turns into overprotection, this is already too much. if there are 17 children in a family,
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you don’t have to worry about overprotection, that ’s what we thought, but valentina krasnikova, a mother of many children, says: there is always a temptation to help with everything. when we were children in the nineties, we all had a deficit of maternal love, this is the generation that decided, and taking into account its own. they say this: overprotection is to impose help, and care is to offer it and be there when needed to notice signs of overprotection, three question to yourself: first - do you allow yourself to make mistakes, do the same homework, if the child doesn’t understand an a, the mother doesn’t need to get an a, please calm down, you got your a’s, you’ve already received your grades, everyone at your school, now it’s your turn child, it’s corny, but yes, they learn from mistakes, that’s all.
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you can handle it yourself, the second question: is there anything in your life besides a child, and what will you do when he grows up? if the meaning of your life is only a child, this is a one hundred percent guarantee that you will an overprotective parent because you are focused on this little man. and minus skills, even everyday ones, will not be formed if parents do everything themselves. third question to think about. do you often hear the phrase in your speech: so, you’re still small, you haven’t grown up to this yet, what does that mean? you have not grown up, if a child asks some questions or is drawn to some actions, this means that he has already grown up to these actions. the task is to explain to help instead of protecting from all difficulties? i have one life hack for everyone, we just do everything together with the children. valentina has her own system, four stages of delegation. the first stage - i do it, you watch. the second stage - we do it together. the third stage - you do it, i watch, and the fourth stage - you do it, i praise it. this is how they learn and
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won’t suffer from attention deficit. who is our most important person in technology? igor, because igor, i’m promoting you, i trust you, you can do it, you’re handsome. in such a trusting atmosphere, children most likely will not be offended even by an unloved hat for the day. barbara fedorova, andrey ivanov, channel one. let us remind you that today is february 5th. in history, on this day our ancestors were busy with the housework, tidying up the barns, patching up the walls and doors. checked the bins. well, putting things in order is always good. perhaps astrologers will tell us what else is worth doing today. february 5th. 25 lunar day, 22 solar. a lover of life, an optimist, an enthusiast whose head is always full of ideas. now a wonderful period is beginning for those who put a piece of their soul into their business, are ready to invent something, learn something and learn something new. all sorts of calculations and research will work great. something original and
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non-standard, and simply everyone who approaches work creatively, many will feel this today, about the disadvantages: the day is a little ambitious and arrogant, on such days we are sure that we know everything better than anyone, we don’t like it when we make comments, sometimes we break into an open door and get angry easily, aries are more careful with this if you don’t want to ruin your relationship with someone and even make enemies, be careful with money and are a little crafty with money, besides... get rid of all sorts of temptations, keep this in mind, everything will be fine, the evening seems to want to invite you somewhere. taurus faces some household chores, perhaps associated expenses. something from the past may come to light, debts, old mistakes, some secrets, however, a pleasant meeting with the past is also possible. the twins have a successful working monday, just remember, your motto is, everything is under control, but on a personal level, there may be some kind of conflict situation, less for him. have more patience and
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drive more carefully. cancers in their personal lives everything should be in order, but some confusion may happen at work, and as they say, it’s tense, the bosses may find fault with something, but by the evening everything will be fine. the leo luminary promises a small income, maybe your debt will be returned to you or some lost money will come. the day is generally quite successful, the main thing is to growl less and use your sense of humor more often. and the girls are having a good day, although not the most comfortable. something changes all the time, it doesn’t go according to schedule, some extra work may fall through, but the evening will be pleasant, and it seems he is preparing something romantic for you. whoever is completely irresistible to the opposite sex today is libra. if no one falls in love with them, the stars will be very surprised. towards the evening some unexpected information may come. don't rush to believe her right away. scorpios are the last and relevant for you. there is a risk of making a mistake about someone or something. this can be fraught with more than just that. spoiled
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mood, but also monetary damage and be careful with electricity. sagittarius may have to sacrifice some of their plans and take care of other people's affairs, perhaps help someone or solve someone’s problems. some unfulfilled obligations or debts may also come up, but the evening is all yours, and it will not disappoint you. capricorns have the chance to make some kind of acquaintance that may be useful, but don’t rush to open your soul too much. after lunch is not excluded, let's say. it’s such a tense conversation with colleagues, let’s calm down, and if you have small children, pay more attention to them. aquarius may need to argue with someone, convince someone of something or from something. dissuade, don’t get too excited, take good care of your health, there is a risk of catching some kind of infection. for pisces , something may go wrong or be cancelled, but don’t be upset, perhaps everything will work out for the better in the end, and be careful when buying something on the internet, especially from hand. pisces are loners, this evening you will have a chance
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to part with your loneliness. well good luck! remember the joke about the person who, when asked how are you, actually begins to tell in detail how... he is doing with everyone nuances of our difficult life, yes, well , jokes aside, but we are all social creatures, probably each of us sometimes has a desire to really talk about something with a complete stranger. there is even such an effect: with a random fellow traveler, with a taxi driver or with neighbors in turn, we can sometimes be more frank than with loved ones. experts say that this kind of conversation is even useful. a short casual conversation, the so-called small talk. let's follow up. passengers in a taxi customers at the checkout, where will a simple question lead? how are you feeling? oh, you are probably in a great mood today, thank you , we are glad to see a beautiful woman, look, while customer service specialist maria stepanova listens to compliments and serenades,
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taxi driver oleg kharyukov is talking about travel on the road, latvia is very good, i have relatives there, very- very much, it’s the weather or... the mood, someone still remembers mom’s, without talking to strangers, our blood rushes to our limbs because the body mobilizes its strength to quickly escape from this situation of social interaction, at the same time our consciousness narrows, we look for a road
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along which we can quickly escape, but as soon as the stress subsides, completely different processes are launched in the body, even exchange a couple of phrases for brain is useful. moment we read intonation, tone of voice, yes, we read facial expressions, this helps our brain develop, the input groups of neurons grow, which allows us to receive and process more information, the number of synopses , blood vessels that help supply oxygen to our brain increases, all this improves memory, and during a conversation, joy hormones are produced, dopamine, for example, is triggered when the function of curiosity is realized, so such... questions, how are you, what is happening to you, where have you been, tell us what’s new, they really help stimulate cognitive functions, imagine how many dog ​​walkers have made happy, every walk is practically a press conference, they always ask what breed, and every time we come up with a new
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breed for it, because we have it, oh, how cute, oh, how fluffy, and how are his paws, and he doesn’t freeze, what’s his name , they ask, well, in general, he’s coming further with a smile, and you walk happily that you gave someone a smile, and it would be nice just a smile, plus a drain of motivation, again, dopamine is involved, like ours, i have no motivation, that’s right, there is no social communication, dopamine is not produced, there is no motivation and no coaches are needed, literally two words to a housemate, a colleague from another department, even just fellow travelers on transport, these are new social and new neural connections, alena astrakhanseva, sergey morin, dmitry parfenov, tatyana yus, channel one. three things to try in bed. we are asleep, lower back pain sex. the program to live healthy, enlightens. today is the first one. a certain
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madame peschanskaya, a longtime friend of the zelensky family, will head the accounts chamber of ukraine. 40 billion dollars have now been dissolved by the auditor. they want to shut their mouths, the previous head of the chamber of accounts - it was poroshenko’s man, the question is in whose hands scores will determine who can and cannot be the president of ukraine, she has come to clear trillions of hryvnias, there will be even more, her sister is the owner of the company where the zelensky family villa is registered, zelensky needs people whom only he trusts, another one of the cogs will be perhaps, instead of the zaluzhny, cheese, zelensky wants to remain in power, because this is the key to his physical survival, the british. they provide him with a roof, it’s not profitable for the americans, they can’t just remove zaluzhny, he’ll immediately deploy troops and will move to kyiv. this confrontation is strictly behind the scenes, so they are trying to resolve these issues more elegantly. she can blame zelensky. madame peschanskaya. buy the greens or zelensky account.
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dolls of the heir tutti. today is the first one. premiere. i love my country. on saturday. on the first. it doesn't happen that a person was in your life. even if he dies. almost does not recognize the child who 5 years ago lost his most precious thing, his mother. i don’t think that i am without her, i have a pile of memories, but this is mine mother. yulia nachalova died very young, at 38, leaving her beloved daughter, vera, to her parents and ex-husband. i said that, unfortunately, i have very difficult news for you, that mom is no longer with us, what he experienced at that moment, that evening, he, only he knows, is a great responsibility to tell his own. that his mother passed away, how did yulia’s only daughter survive this loss, what path did she go
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after her mother’s death? i’m somehow really very strong, somehow i felt like i pulled myself together, that is, our exclusive 5 years of adult life of a girl who decided, no matter what, to become a star in memory of her famous mother. when you appeared, my life changed, i will always be by your side. exclusive with dmitry borisov. premiere on saturday on the first. well, now we ’re practically in for vysotsky’s gymnastics. inhale deeply, arms wider, take your time, 3:4. good morning, you have a busy day ahead. to have enough strength for everything, do gymnastics. energy will immediately increase. legs are wider. we bend our arms at right angles and we begin to raise our knees at a pace. in the process
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, we tilt the body slightly forward and turn it towards the leg that is now at the top. we do not round your back, it should always be straight, this way you will maintain a healthy spine. we shift from foot to foot, moving without stopping. now let’s add loads and accelerate. we almost run in place, raising our knees high. let's help ourselves with our hands. do exercises in the morning. active physical activity will help you wake up and recharge your batteries. have a nice day. yes, he already has a fresh selection ready
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we watch videos with these guys and get in a good mood. we start, according to tradition, with a cat, meet simon, he lives in chile, the owners got him to get rid of rodents, but simon turned out to be a good-natured person , instead of catching mice, he became friends with them. one of my friends even had to be placed at home. the following story is from australia: the smith couple noticed that food began to disappear from the refrigerator, well, they thought like an ordinary mother-in-law, no, they installed a camera and filmed something, the varyuga turned out to be the owner the dog who opened the refrigerator door at night, ate what he wanted, after which he carefully closed the door, i don’t know, probably a shelter is waiting for him now, perhaps, yes, an unusual train for the courier. in southwest china, it includes a special carriage for the farmers in their care. here, admire what
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it looks like from the inside: sheep, pigs and other porno-ungulates go into the carriage. unusual passengers behave decently. we can only hope that this continues all the way. i wouldn't be so sure. here in the southwest like that too. and to top off the news from the motor world, dubai will host the world's first jetpack obstacle race. imagine, eight professional pilots. cutlets, we love them very much and eat and cook them, yes, how could it be otherwise, in fact, maybe we even love cooking even more than eating.
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even juicier and tastier, cutlets, rolls, i break them into minced meat. egg, add chopped onion, salt, pepper, mix, put the minced meat on cling film and form a rectangular layer, put the filling on top, it can be anything, vegetables will do or fried mushrooms, and i have chopped sweet peppers, grated cheese and chopped parsley, wrap the workpiece in a roll , put it in the freezer for an hour and a half so that the shape sets, cut the roll into rolls, bread in flour, beaten egg and breadcrumbs so that the filling does not leaked out, again dip each roll in the egg and roll in breadcrumbs, fry the cutlets, as usual, on both
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sides until golden brown. it’s very tasty, even if you cook it every day, but to prevent the dish from becoming boring, experiment with the filling. let's move on, the house of culture, this concept is in in recent years, it has somehow disappeared from circulation, but meanwhile the cultural centers have not gone away. and even on the contrary, creativity and leisure centers are being updated, reconstructed, and renovated throughout the country. this is very cool and correct. village of staraya kamenko. a year ago , the local community center looked like this. now he has changed. for the first time in 50 years of existence , a major renovation was carried out, thanks to the national project culture. the roof was leaking, the roof was leaking a little, yes. in general, everything was fixed, everything was done well. it's nice to work out in such halls. both for us and for the children.
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while the adults are rehearsing new numbers for children, a master class on drawing by abashevskaya. increased, and the recreation center again became a center after the renovation, the number of people wishing to attract attention. now we are entering the material and technical equipment program, that is, we will have a complete stage, and new curtains and a new chair. in the village of vishnyovaya, 15 km from sevastopol, the doors of the cultural center also opened after a major renovation, the auditorium was noticeably prettier, there was a new beautiful stage, 250 comfortable chairs, and spotlights. but the main joy for everyone in simple: the building was finally warm. all the women were sitting in fur coats, coats, boots, there was also a shawl on top, and now you can imagine, we can afford to wear a beautiful outfit, wear beautiful blouses. plus , there was an opportunity to increase the duration of classes; there are many of them in the cultural center: vocals, choir, dancing, theater studio.
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it’s no longer 15 minutes in fur coats, but you can see for yourself, the new recreation center allows you to go out in your home socks. and conduct a rehearsal at home. new clubs will appear very soon, and a karate section will open in february. large-scale plans after major renovations at the house of culture in the village of novodmitrievskaya, krasnodar territory , they are preparing for new events, right now rehearsals at the dance group. the lighting system has become much more pleasant and he has become much easier to control. we made good quality parquet flooring, it became much more stable, the sole does not slip. the entrance group has been improved. heating systems, water supply, electricity supply, and new entrance doors were also installed. the library is especially proud of the addition to its collection. we, as employees, are pleased to be here, our readers visit our library with pleasure, and they linger here and look through the literature with pleasure. today, more than 1,600
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cultural centers have already been renovated; by the end of the year, their number will increase. anna grebenchukova, channel one. for the tenth time, the vdnkh skating rink hosted a charity day, skating races in carnival masks, warm-up and a quiz from the union multipark. thanks to everyone who took part in this event; all proceeds from ticket sales and skate rentals will be used to help the wards of various charities funds. skate and help is the motto of the charity day at the vdnh skating rink. arriving in carnival masks is already a tradition, an action in support of four at once.
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we also passed tv presenter alla mikheeva, this helps people, firstly, recharge with energy, and secondly, smile, and doing good deeds with a smile is much easier, right, ward. people gather to help them, for example, the life line foundation helped 1,400 children with serious illnesses, including thanks to such events. the vera hospice fund has expanded
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its presence in the regions, purchased equipment, so that those who can no longer be cured can be at home, with loved ones, and not in the hospital. we came up with the portal propalliative and were able to implement it also with the help of such donations, because our mission is also very important, to convey it to the people who are in the situation. incurable disease , that there is help, they have the right to it, and there are ways to get it, just imagine, over 10 years more than 30 million rubles have been collected as part of charity days at vdnkh. in general, the desire to do good is the desire to create miracles, here alone the wizards, and it was nothing special, just bought a ticket to the skating rink and thereby helped four funds at once, like pavel and emilia. the feeling that you have joined some great good deed.
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channel, this is news from the first studio maria vasilyeva, hello, the air defense unit of the western group of forces shot down two reconnaissance drones in sou on the kupinsky direction in the special operation zone, valkyrie ilika 100 vehicles. at the same time, motorized rifle units repelled four attacks by assault groups... the enemy lost 30 militants during the counter-battery battle; the polish self-propelled gun krab and us-made m777 guns were destroyed. on the right bank of the dnieper in the kherson
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region, fortified positions were temporary deployment points for militants, they were smashing the crews of the airborne troops, the airborne troops, the blow was struck in the dark, bringing down a real sea of ​​​​fire on the enemy. there, our artillerymen, using crews of msta b and d-30 guns , suppressed three enemy strong points. and mortar points in the donetsk direction , the enemy’s locations were covered by salvos hail rocket systems of the southern group of forces, but the tank crews of the center group destroyed the area of ​​deployment of manpower and weapons of the ukrainian formations in the torsky area, three t-80 combat vehicles with rapid fire hit dugouts with personnel, a network of passages, communications, as well as capanirs with equipment . words of support and sympathy to everyone. those affected by the tragedy in lisichansk come from different parts of russia to rostov nadon, an expression of grief in the ticker on the huge screen of the rostov arena stadium. in lugansk, flowers fell to
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at the foot of the memorial, we will not forget, we will not forgive, to the sign of the dead children of donbass. in moscow, red carnations and candles appeared on the lpr square. the day before, ukrainian militants used hymers missiles to raze a small cafe and bakery to the ground. the attack killed 28 civilians, including a pregnant woman and a five-year-old child. another 10 people were rescued from the rubble, six are in serious condition in hospitals. zelensky confirmed that he is thinking about replacing the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine zaluzhny. he made this statement in an interview italian tv channel-1. he also said that a number of senior officials not only in the military sphere are on the agenda and rotation. zelensky called the ongoing discord against the backdrop of the failure of the counteroffensive a reset, a new beginning that ukraine needs. meanwhile , joe biden's assistant... a new attack
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by the united states on the territory of yemen , which is controlled by the houthis, arab media reported that they hit targets in the provinces of saada in the northwest and hadeidah, in the west of the country, in total there were more than ten air raids with the participation of american british aircraft, including four strikes on a military camp on the eastern outskirts of the city of saada. which is the main one for the houthis. rescuers have discovered the crash site of a mi-8 helicopter from the ministry of emergency situations from russia, which disappeared the night before in the prioneshsky district of karelia. the department reported the wreckage, part of the fuselage, was spotted in the waters of lake onega, 11 km from the shore. the car crashed to the surface and went under the ice. the depth in that place can reach 50 m. there were three crew members on board the helicopter, experienced pilots, they stopped communicate during a training flight. more than 140 people and 33 pieces of equipment were involved in search and rescue operations, including divers from the leader center.
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snowmobiles moved to the site. in hovercraft, they also plan to use the falcon remote-controlled underwater vehicle. they are ready to fly to karelia with helicopters from zhukovsky near moscow. natural fires in chile. about 100 dead and the number of victims may grow, since about 400 people are missing. the fire is approaching suburban areas of two coastal towns popular with tourists west of the capital. it is extinguished using a helicopter into the flames. is approaching like a wall, rescuers called the military for help , huge territories are burning , according to the latest data, the natural disaster affected an area of ​​more than 40,000 hectares, hundreds of residential buildings were destroyed , the authorities announced a curfew to clear the roads, in the first hours it was difficult for firefighters to reach the flames, because that an endless stream of cars was moving towards them, people were fleeing for their lives, and the fire was provoked by the summer heat of over 30°.
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today on the first is the long-awaited continuation of a large-scale project, a film about the empress who changed the course of russian and world history, the great, golden age. the new episodes tell about the first years of catherine's reign and her formation as a politician; serious passions are boiling around her; she is the ruler of destinies, at the same time, a sensual woman who suffers from unrequited love. the script is largely based on authentic letters from the all-russian autocrat. the picture is amazing in scale. for the first time on open water, by the filmmakers the ship poltava was involved, as well as incredible costumes, where every detail was thought out on the empress, not just jewelry, but copies of unique museum exhibits, including catherine’s ring and the famous eagles diamond, named after her favorite. i am a woman, i don’t need to love, she was also
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a woman. thank you, dear friends, for welcoming us this morning in our company. daria shulik and timur solovyov are with you today. today is february 5th. on this day 96 years ago we received artificial vitamin d for the first time, and now for many years, everyone talks about him constantly, regularly, especially in winter. yes, it’s true, we hear that in winter we live in conditions of constant lack of vitamin d, that is, light. the question is whether it should be taken in tablets, for example, by the way,
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i take it in a spray, it seems to me that it works. well, or maybe in the spring the sun will make up for everything for us, or maybe a solarium? our correspondent evgeniy polyakov decided to figure it all out. went to sovereigne. it's winter, the days are short and often cloudy. in moscow, for example, in january last year counted only 21 hours of sunshine. in winter, in central russia , frontal cloudiness predominates, a continuous covering of the sky, clouds associated with the passage of cyclones. the sun is not visible. how does this affect us? cloudy weather affects us precisely because our production of serotonin decreases, serotonin contributes to our level of activity, energy, vigor, good mood, in cloudy weather productivity can sometimes decrease, due to clouds there is less ultraviolet radiation, to moreover, in winter the sun is low above the horizon, so even in clear weather, ultraviolet radiation does not affect the skin, no tanning and vitamin d
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are not produced, if there is... vitamin d deficiency, then such people get sick more often, vitamin d in our country contributes to the fact that calcium penetrates into the bones, bones become stronger, and the risk of osteoporosis fractures is reduced. according to statistics, more than half of russians do not have enough vitamin d, it is especially difficult for residents of the arctic, for example, in murmansk there is a polar night for 40 days a year due to disrupted biorhythms of the load for nervous system, there is anxiety, drowsiness, for local residents and a long vacation, 52 days a year to travel. the same murmansk residents often choose anapa or sochi. angelina kabaskaya from moscow goes to the solarium for vitamin d. your first sessions are 5-6 minutes. more, since the skin is not prepared , accordingly, then i increase the time, all subsequent sessions are up to 10 minutes, and what do the doctors say, vitamin d is produced, but in small quantities, you can stay in the solarium from 3 to 10, maximum 15 minutes, then there is a very short period, then if
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you are already tanned, you will not produce vitamin d, but there are more risks for the skin, the intensity of ultraviolet radiation in a solarium is considerable, even the minimum number of sessions increases the risks of cancer. skin by 50-75%. these ultraviolet rays penetrate into the deep layers of the skin and cause dna mutations. going to a solarium for vitamin d is not an option. but in the form of tablets, please, however, it is better to find out the norm from your doctor. it is different for all people. plus food, fatty fish, chicken eggs, beef liver. evgeny plyukov, mikhail chetveryakov, yulia bykova, channel one. go ahead. the cold season continues, unfortunately, viruses have not gone away either, and it happens. what kind of new horror story is this, or maybe it’s a well-forgotten old one, and how can we protect ourselves from it? now we'll find out everything. it’s the last month of winter, but doctors
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remind us that the risk of catching an infection is still high, and not just one, several at once. when we see layers of one infection on top of another infection, we can talk about the appearance of a superinfection. we were ready to go to work, like a bacterium joins us, and we go back to the second cycle. the immune system is weakened, so we get sick more seriously. bacterial infections occur in the form of respiratory tract diseases, hemorrhitis, tracheitis,
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pneumonia. this can be complicated by the fact that the bacterium may contain so-called antibiotic resistance genes; in the worst case scenario, there may be several of them at once, that is, in fact. and this bacterium will be resistant to a large number of antibiotics at once, in any case, no self-medication, only a doctor, and protect yourself can? yes, during any illness, staying at home, what we call resting up, is less likely to encounter new viruses, especially for those who are at risk. this is, firstly, people with reduced immunity, plus people suffering from chronic non-infectious diseases, the cardiovascular system, the respiratory system, older people are also more often susceptible to... it may occur in a more severe form, and in order not to get sick when people are coughing and sneeze, social distance, plus a mask, but also wash your hands after public places, corny, but it works. rita larkina, sergey morin, oleg soshin, channel one.
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and now some statistics: over the winter , on average, we gain 2-3 kg of weight, if you feel that you are also gaining weight, try the mediterranean diet, for example, it’s so simple, yes, dumplings are included in it , interesting, so, this, by the way, it’s not even a diet at all, but... just a balanced and healthy diet, what it includes, what rules and contraindications exist, sports nutritionist alina lychagina will tell you. we lose weight easily for the benefit of health, the only diet that doctors unconditionally accept is the mediterranean. its principles are quite simple: the diet is based on almost nothing: meat, eggs, and dairy products are also minimal. the main component is fish and seafood, as well as olive oil. all this contains a lot of omega-3 fatty acids, which our body needs. we also serve a salad of fresh vegetables with every meal. if we eat
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pasta, it is only made from durum wheat. this information should be found on the label. nuts for a snack, fresh for dessert fruits. to make food easier to digest, season. dishes with aromatic herbs, basil, oregano, thyme, rosemary, choose what you like. all these spices stimulate digestion and improve the functioning of the pancreas. light snacks can help make the transition to the mediterranean diet easier. cover a slice of wholemeal bread with a leaf of lettuce, arugula and cucumber slices. place a piece of baked fish on top. sprinkle the preparation with lemon juice, try it, mm, it’s tasty, healthy and nutritious. the only problem mediterranean diet - weight will
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not be lost quickly, but without stress. be healthy and lose weight with pleasure. on the calendar for february 5, weather forecasters promise -2 today in moscow and st. petersburg, -12 in mormonsk, -20 in solihard, and -31 in yakutsk. hang in there guys. by the way, a thermos or thermal mug is simply irreplaceable in such weather outside. yes, the main thing here is correct. there’s no need to take care of this gadget, after a walk you can’t just throw it in the dishwasher, you can damage the flask, there ’s only hand washing here and hope tips the truth. the family has blond hair in winter in any weather, snowballs in the forest, then hot tea from thermoses in the fresh air, and who should wash all this afterwards, of course, mother anya. it’s difficult to wash, because they have a lot of parts, a lot of rubber bands that need to be looked after, and also... narrow, if you don’t take care, a dark coating
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and a musty smell will accumulate , dishwashing is not an option, it can damage the flask, there will be no thermal insulation layer work to keep warm, this also applies to thermal mugs, there is only manual cleaning, using vinegar, for example, we dilute vinegar in the proportions with water are one to three , pour in, leave for several hours , rinse thoroughly, another remedy is citric acid, two tablespoons per liter of hot water, if this coating is fresh, even an hour is enough to stand, but if it is old, of course, it’s better even leave it for a day, ordinary salt will work, put it in a container along with hot water, it acts gently, like a fine abrasive. we dissolved it in water, so it does not scratch our thermos or damage its surface, it is very convenient to do this in the evening and leave this thermos overnight, soda has a similar effect, adds her lifehacks, housekeeping specialist marina zhukovaya, she takes four tablespoons...
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reaction: this reaction is absolutely odorless, as a result of this violent reaction, all the dirt inside the thermos comes out, and yes, it’s not only necessary to clean flask, but also a cork, like this with a soft toothbrush, otherwise mold will appear over time, which is important for caring for thermos flasks and thermal mugs, it is not recommended to use metal sponges or sponges with a hard abrasive layer, scratches will remain, dishes will definitely be damaged, you need to choose either soft napkins or soft sponges, listen... store only in an open form, separately the container itself, the stopper and seals,
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so that there is no musty smell, everything be careful, a fall can damage the flask inside and the body outside, even if microcracks have appeared, the thermos or thermal mug will not retain heat as well. nadezhda pravdina, nikolay krysanov, channel one. the muslim world took the place of the caribbean world and byzantium and developed. the resulting inheritance was further passed on to europe through spain and italy. and what is algebra, from the arabic word aljabr - multiplication, achemy, alkymia, even alcohol, alcohol is translated as a decrepit person, what makes a person decrepit. until 1917, the personal guard of the persian shah consisted of russian cossacks. the shah of persia is the most precious thing he has, that is, from himself he trusted only the russians. i've met a lot of people who think that women always have to. focus on the future and
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adaptability to historical eras, this is the real face of islam and civilization premiere, film three, islamic world on thursday on the first. unfortunately, this is a typical situation: some smart guys introduce themselves as employees. some service company and offer maintenance of water meters, sometimes they call, but more often they drop leaflets in the mailbox, it is important to remember that these guys are not quick, those who actually do it all, and by the way, the meters carry out this very check on a schedule , lawyer maxim andreev will remind you where you can find out exactly when it’s time for verification, i wonder how much i have already taken out kilograms of waste paper from... and the advertising in this garbage is not the worst yet
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, these letters will be worse, or from enterprising semi-criminal businessmen who are sowing panic in order... it turns out that i need to pay for water a little less than 700 rubles . and if my counters had not passed along the top, then the calculation would have taken place according to a different scheme. here you need to pay for the average rate of hot water per person, this. 6.9 m for cold and 4.7 for hot, plus an increasing factor. in moscow it is now three, it turns out that the overpayment is more than five times, plus we need to add more plant allocation. and if all this is calculated not for one person, but for a family, the amount will be
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very significant. now the comrades have gone and they are scaring us with the fact that it is time to check the meters. look. how solid these pieces of paper look, there is printing, barcodes and qr codes, and even perforations along the edges, everything is very realistic, except for one thing: i know for sure that my water meters don’t need to be checked yet, let me show you where to look, we open a single payment document for the apartment, here it is written dates, my next verification should be in september of the twenty-seventh year, letters from...
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yamoshe, jewelry, embroidered with stitches, cutlery made. in general, it’s worth seeing all this; the exhibition will be up until march 31st. this is exactly how ancient icon painters prepared paints; it was called embedding. we create paints, we create, the stone was first finished off in a mortar, then ground with the addition of water and various emulsions. all the necessary shades were obtained from minerals and plants. but natural pigments are always dearer. between themselves, and then painted the icon itself with brushes no thicker than a match head. artist sergei ratnikov continues the traditions of mstera icon painting. this art school originated 250 years ago in a small village in the vladimir region. well, it’s a master’s icon, it’s softer, it looks, it doesn’t
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carry such severity as, say, the palishan icons. vamsøre is a figure closer to humanity.
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write in miniature, so at the exhibition you should not just look, look at it, so as not to miss anything, there will be many faces of mstera open until march 31 in vladimir at the chamber museum center. anna popova, yuri nesterov, mikhail chetveryakov, channel one. well, now a delicious topic is cold smoked products, this is really class, yes, you agree, they say that this method of processing, cold, is more gentle than hot, and is this true? so. anastasia telya found out how meat, fish, and cheeses are smoked, what the technology is and how to choose the right products. the chefs say that you can smoke anything, meat, fish, cheese of course, but what about cherries, sour cream and even butter too? possible if smoking is cold, that is, at low temperatures up to 30°. we will smoke
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for about 15 to 30 minutes. there will be a slight smoke. chef alexander ralen adds smoked ingredients. a snack to whet the appetite, the japanese have this expression for mom, when the food there becomes indescribably delicious, the smell of smoking is probably our russian umami, this method... smoke absolutely everything, even greens, the temperature influences after all minimal, but what happens to fish or meat, for example, remains raw, happens decomposition of substances, hydrolysis of proteins, fats, and other substances, and low-molecular hydrolysis products are formed that form the characteristic aroma and taste of the product. the aroma will be moderate, unlike hot smoking, where the pungent aroma fades away badly, then it’s a matter of time. usually, it takes several days for smoking substances and phenols to penetrate deeper. collagen, the main protein,
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is modified so that new structures are formed there, more dense. protein, unlike hot smoking from 90°, is not collapses, that is, the structure will not be loose, dense, elastic when pressed. such products are stored longer due to low temperatures and the color will be less bright, but the micro and macroelements will be intact. there are polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons , benzoperenes and similar substances, they have a carcinogenic effect, and the more delicate the smoking, the lower the likelihood that such ingredients will end up in the product will be lower, yes, the cold smoking method is healthier, in addition there are a minimum of carcinogens. pathogens of parasitic diseases do not die, therefore sanitary requirements provide for mandatory.
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yes, we have all our trade along the rivers, how much strength, how much, how much time to free ourselves. ekaterina is very inspired by this and believes that this will bring great benefit to the state. many of her associates view this with skepticism. mr. chancellor, please write out 1.0 rubles for mr. inventor. with gold. even her favorite, count grigory orlov, did not expect such generosity from the empress. katya, a thousand on a toy? the russian land is rich.
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the phenomenon is temporary, don’t you think that for a temporary phenomenon she is too firmly entrenched on the troll. historical drama of the great golden age, large-scale filming and authenticity in the smallest detail. pay attention to how the dishes were served during catherine's meal, thousands of outfits, hundreds of wigs , decorations, amazing luxury shine. gentlemen, every evening in the company is one of the brightest.
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our program has come to an end, we wish the new day to be truly good and happy for you. thank you, you are a wonderful company, take care of yourself and yours loved ones, see you on channel one, now the news, bye. this is news first. hello, in valery korablev's studio. in this issue. general pain. all of russia mourns along with lesechansk. flowers, candles, words of support for people who lost loved ones as a result of a terrorist attack carried out by the kiev regime. hunting
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valkyrie in the sky for crab on the ground. accurate strikes. rostov region, at the rostov arena stadium, a huge running.


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