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tv   Anti Feik  1TV  February 5, 2024 9:20am-10:01am MSK

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in a cage, a man who is out of place, i think here i will find consonance with many viewers who will watch the film, because many of us are out of place, betrayal of loved ones, finding new allies, victory, defeat, struggle with the machinations of enemies, why all of europe turned against me, this is the long story on the path of a young german princess to the all-russian autocrat, whom even her enemies called only catherine the great, i am not the widow of the emperor. and i am not a regent for a minor emperor, i the empress and i are legally entitled. tatyana kozlova, maxim putintsev, khristina ivanova and maria emelyanova, channel one. in other words, that... so, the great golden age. we are watching the first episode today after the program time. well, antifake is on air right now. our
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editorial office received a letter from the worried mother of a russian actor, who learned from social networks about the death of her son in odessa. we will find out the truth today in the program, and also tell you which scientist they tried to steal from us again. this is an anti-fake program, here we are waging our fight against fakes and disinformation. i want to start today’s program with a letter from the worried mother of a russian actor, which came to us in the mail. you see this letter on your screens, and right now i propose that you include her in our conversation. natalya berdinskaya, mother of klim berdinsky, is in touch with us now, where you saw this information, which says that your son allegedly died. they sent me something i knew, of course, at first i was shocked because...
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the video got a lot of views, a lot comments, well, 7000 views - this is really serious, with what words did those who sent you, with words that they did not believe, clarified whether it was my son in the video, whether it was not my son, and whether it was those who believed? judging by the comments, ukrainians believe everything unconditionally, there are a lot of negative comments towards russian citizens and russia as well. let's read to our viewers, yes, uh, what was written in this fake, this is alexey marshak, who was sitting at the new year's table 312 planning to meet twenty-four, but on january 1, odessa , the rocket that hit his house, publication date january 2, what do you say, on the night of january 31 to january 1, twenty-four, strikes were carried out by our armed forces, but they were carried out only on military facilities of the ukrainian armed forces, this is even it’s not aimed at our audience, it’s...
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aimed at the audience of the west, to show that they are subjected to massive shelling, civilians are dying, and so on, this is connected precisely with this, because well, we see how a fake was concocted and a citizen was taken of our country, that is, it’s clear that he’s an ordinary guy, relatively speaking, yes, you can’t tell which one, but here, i want to say, they missed the mark, because he’s an unusual guy, and an actor, a boy acts a lot in films, indeed, yes, but i mean myself this video, that is, was fake and was clearly aimed. he was aimed at a western audience, in principle , at his own western audience, and not at the russian one, because well, we , as they say, quickly recognized our guy , we know him for sure, yes, that’s exactly what natalya says, that on everything in ukraine believed, in general , critical thinking immediately turns off after the words about the death of a child, that the mother found out about it, then the audience does not perceive anything, not only the parents themselves, even those who hear it, so i caught myself thinking that i first.
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when you see your child and they also say that he died, what were your feelings then? well, what feelings , any mother will understand me, of course i was in shock, and at first there was a general lack of understanding of what was happening, this piece was taken from our own video, which was posted and openly in social networks, and of course, at first there was a shock and a lack of understanding in general, what to do and how to deal with it, but i tried to fight to delete this video... that’s it, nothing worked for me,
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unfortunately, all my friends connected, this video is still since it’s online, and no one deletes it, i don’t know, on purpose, not on purpose, although there are a lot of stings. they thought about this boy, yes, this is the surname marshak, and it seems to me that there is still a very small subtle meaning here , the fact is that almost all women, men who can be a mother or this boy’s dad in the territory of the former soviet union, and the surname marshak
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works like some kind of subconscious trigger, this is our childhood , including poems, translations of robert burns, which we all have this surname sitting on the subcortex, and here it is ... worked too. natalya, please tell me, was your son in odessa for the new year? no. great. tell me, natalya, at that moment when you saw this throw, klim, where was he, was he nearby, or for some time we could not with him contact? it was evening and he was at home. and it’s clear that i immediately realized, of course, that it was a fake, that they were just using an image of my child, but in the first seconds, of course, there was a shock, and i ran into the room to check if he was there? how does she see the fake, what does she tell you? well, in fact, that evening i still didn’t know anything , i didn’t want to talk at all at first,
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i didn’t want to hurt his psyche in any way, i thought, my mother is running into your room, after i can handle this myself, i’ll delete this is a video and no one will know anything, but then when nothing worked out and i had to... with this fake? i was in complete shock, because what kind of heartless people do you have to be to take not just some real ukrainian boy, who might actually have died somewhere, or just a ukrainian boy, but they took a russian
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boy, me, and tell please, why do you think you ended up in this fake? well , it seems to me that this happened completely by chance, they took a person who would cause a response, right?
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especially to send this program for so that ordinary civilians understand how brazenly, inhumanly, such fakes are cooked up using our russian children. thank you very much, this is indeed a very true message. thank you for raising this topic, giving us the opportunity to cover it, and finding the time to talk with us today. klim, i certainly wish you creative success. natalya, thank you very much, yes, all the best. thank you, goodbye, now we have sorted out the fake of today, here are further falsehoods about the past, a famous russian the scientist, it turns out, according to ukraine was ukrainian, but details in a few minutes, three things to try in
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bed, we are talking about sleep, lower back pain, sex. the program to live healthy, enlightens, today on the first. the muslim world took over.
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islamic world on thursday on the first. there is a self-portrait of the artist of this station, this is actually ivan leonidovich lubennikov himself. for him it was a thrill, the scale, the hangar, where all this is laid out on the floor, a lot of students, you give them tasks, this is how we are here since i only recently met, and ivan lyanevich was courting the handsome one? no, but i immediately agreed. nikikov writes characters for a wide audience, for every exhibition, his
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work is around us, so he understands his work, a huge number of press representatives came, it was a resounding success, no one knew him, that’s how quickly popularity came, the pockmarked chicken is quite funny to see in paris, it’s so russian, there’s something very rustic and childish about it, he was like a river, a happy, sparkling river, ivan lubennikov, life continues, the premiere is on saturday on the first, today for the first time a unique spectacle awaits us, his name is obrek, i said that i would bring the best fighter, volodya ignatiev, an afghan, a sapper, such a guy. “this is my money too, and i want to fight for it. reed,
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what are you doing? i don’t know, it’s some kind of premonition, girls, i deceived you, there won’t be a concert, you promised us 40 dollars, these are our girls , i'll put them all here now, he 'll kill you, well, hello, jaeger, eh? you 're nobody, why did you get involved in this? it's him, here's the one who saved me, you're nobody to each other, this chechnya, we can’t do that here, well, tell me, soper, who did you cross the path of, i can’t live without him, the premiere of the serial film from february 11 to sunday on the first , give it what i want with it, let me do it, move away, give me it i'll buy from you. this is an anti-fake program and we
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continue. vladimir vernadsky is allegedly a ukrainian scientist, whose scientific merits russia ascribes to itself, allegedly illegally. and this fake was published on the official website of the odessa film studio. let's get to know each other better. founder ukrainian academy of sciences, discovered key areas of geology and mineralogy, he is also the founder of geochemistry, biogeochemistry and radiogeology. vladimir spent his childhood in kharkov and poltava. this is only a small part of ukrainians who have opened new horizons to the world. they gave. a new consciousness of our incredible world, but i admit, i’ve already seen this news
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in the form of a repost, if i’m not mistaken, we have elena manievich from kiev, who is generally known for publishing a lot of fakes, so well, first of all, our traditional scheme, we check the source, we see whether we can trust the reputation of the author of the public or let’s say a person who reposts something, well, of course, the goal is a lot of likes, views and... inciting some kind of hostility. timur, let’s remind our viewers what the odessa film studio is generally known for? this is the same, firstly, of course, rynda ringing, from which...
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the past of the odessa film studio, yes, if you go through its history, which began back in 1907, then in 1913, the predecessors of the film studio were already quite well known then on the territory of the russian empire, one of the first documentaries was dedicated to the liberation of odessa by the red units, that is, it was a real military correspondent, in fact, chronicle, yes, the red army entered odessa on... odessa, it was called differently then, at the film studio that worked in odessa, just in the same year , almost in the same month, the first military correspondent documentary was shot, about how the city was liberated. after that there was a lot of things, there were the thirties, there was evacuation to tashkent, naturally, where the odessa film studio continued to work, and then it really became a whole layer of our culture, our history, largely
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focused on the younger generation, we all remember the huge number of films that were made. experience, although he was born in st. petersburg, vladimir spent the first russian roots with enormous international years of his life in kharkov. subsequently, the vernadsky family returned to russia, where the young scientist began his career. the bolshevik coup forced vernadsky to go to poltava, where
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he became seriously interested in ukrainian history and language , became so interested that...
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he returned to russia, in fact he did not leave anywhere, he simply moved from one city to another city on the territory of our large state, so here these distortions, they are precisely aimed at instilling in the subcortex the idea that these were originally different countries, this fake is in english, by the way, well, because vernadsky is well known abroad, in principle, if follow this logic, well , let’s declare the french as their scientists, yes, because , for example, in the twenties... 20th century vernatsky worked a lot in paris, in prague, he lectured in sarbon, but in french , by the way , the book has been published, so why declare him a frenchman now? i propose to delve into the biography of vernatsky, in touch with us is sergei nikolaevich kiselev, political scientist, associate professor at the crimean federal university named after vernatsky, we are glad to welcome you, good afternoon, vladimir ivanovich vernatsky was fond of at one time
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ukrainian, he himself wrote about it, he himself spoke about it, but knowing a large number of... yish languages, he himself said that he hardly speaks ukrainian, this is his attitude towards the processes of ukrainization, which he experienced twice in his life, being in poltava during the hetmanate, he saw ukrainization and writes that it is happening by violent means and causes mass rejection, and most importantly, he noted that among the scientists there is not a single nationally minded ukrainian, which... ukrainizers complete desolation of the second since he experienced soviet ukrainization, already in this case he actively opposed the violent nature of ukrainization and... noted the dominance of the golicians, who even the ukrainian language that was familiar to him at that time, surrounded him, in the poltava region, yes, he
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said that this the ukrainian language is being subjected to monstrous violence by ukrainizers, it was then that hetman skoropatsky invited him to kiev to create the ukrainian academy of sciences, in fact, under the so-called, conventionally ukrainian government. on skoropatsky, he worked quite a bit, literally there for almost a month, having created the head of the ukrainian academy of sciences, in 1919 alone the power in kiev changed five times and the academy of sciences survived, but under denikinin, trying to save the academy, he went on a trip to rostov and thus ended up in crimea, where he already became a professor at the tauride university, and then became the second rector...
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thank you very much for taking the time today to give us answers to questions and dive into the biography of vernatsky, all the best to you. attempts to steal from our history academician vernatsky - this is the same thing that we have repeatedly considered as part of our anti-fake program, right? this is an attempt to steal everything that, to one degree or another , historically, fundamentally connects ukraine and russia. let's.
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in 1927 he went there , he published collections there, he opened scientific centers there, actively worked, yes, it is clear that this fake will be picked up by western partners due to the fact that this name, of course, as young people will now say, well, this is a brand , this is what is known, why not have something to do with it relationships, we sorted this out, well, immediately after the advertisement there are even more fakes and, most importantly, even more revelations. a certain madame peschanskaya, a longtime friend of the zelensky family, will head the accounts chamber
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of ukraine. 40 billion dollars have disappeared and now they want to shut the auditors’ mouths. the previous head of the account was poroshenko’s man. the question of whose hands the accounts are in will determine who can and cannot be president of ukraine. trillions of hryvnias have come to be cleared, and there will be even more to come. her sister is the owner of the company. this is not beneficial for the americans; they can’t just remove zaluzhny, he will immediately deploy his troops and move to kiev. this confrontation is strictly behind the scenes, so they are trying to resolve these issues more elegantly. she can blame zelensky.
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50 guardsmen will not be able to hold the throne with the empress for long. “ there are practically no friends next to the empress now, but there are plenty of enemies, i need proof that in the event of a coup, it will be me who will become the new empress, lord, help me, lord, who, wait, you can’t do this, gentlemen, i’m yours emperor i’m a woman, you don’t have to love, it was all your parsley , who you play tricks with, i won’t stand it, i understand,
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let you say, although... after the program, it’s time, this is your first appearance on television, yes, jack, what made marilyn monroe stand out from the crowd of starlet fashion models, what made the whole nation, and the whole world, unanimously proclaim her as their goddess. director billy wilder said that she was monstrous, she couldn’t remember the text, the takes were terrible, she had to take different pieces
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of petals from twelve takes. to obtain something valuable, but the result was magic. when are you getting married, miss monroe? somewhere between now and the future of the film. motador. on friday on the first. there was a person in your life, now he disappears, even if he dies, in this girl he almost doesn’t recognize the child who 5 years ago lost his dearest mother, i don’t think that i am without her, i have a pile of memories, but this is mine mother, yulia nachalova, died very young, at 38, leaving her beloved daughter, vera, to her parents and ex-husband. i said, that unfortunately, i have very difficult news for you, that my mother is no longer with us, what
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i experienced at that moment... that evening, only he knows, it is a big responsibility to tell your child that his mother has passed away. how did yulia’s only daughter survive this loss, what path did she take after her mother’s death? i’m somehow very mega-strong, somehow i was like this, i pulled myself together, that is, our exclusive 5 years of the adult life of a girl who decided, no matter what, to become a star in memory about a famous mother. when you appeared, my life changed. i will always be with you! exclusive with dmitry borisov. premiere on saturday on the first. this is an anti-fake program and we continue. foreign journalists for russia is the name of the project in which journalists from europe took part,
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thank you very much for not being afraid to come to russia, thank you for telling the truth about what is happening, this is very important, all the best to you, foreign journalists. get the opportunity to visit new regions russia, thanks to the organizers of the project “foreign journalists for russia”. ivan andreev and oleg sidorov are in touch with us now. hello, hello, alexander. it's very nice to see you today. please tell us the purpose of creating this project? the fact is that we unite under ourselves, let’s say, as if we unite with ourselves a large group of foreign journalists who have a need to tell russia the truth , including about what... is going on in new territories, in the liberated territories of their audience abroad, yes in the west, but sometimes they don’t have the opportunity to get to new territories themselves, but here we
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are, as such a link between their audience abroad and what is happening in new territories, we act as such operators, in fact, the goal of our project is through these people, through inform these journalists. the truth about what is happening in russia and in the new territories, now i propose to include in our conversation that journalist who has already traveled with you to the liberated new territories, arnaud devele, a journalist from france, you are welcome welcome, hello, thank you very much for inviting me, but please tell us how you got involved in the project, why you responded to it at all, why it was important for you to go and see everything with your own eyes? i was lucky, i was in the dpr three times, lugansk, this was the first time i came to lugansk at all. and i found out that there was also a german journalist, quite famous in germany, and he was in mariupol before reconstruction and after reconstruction,
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he was constantly asked if he could talk to civilians, and it was the impression that in germany they want to destroy the news from mariupol, in germany they want to say that mariupol was abandoned, no, that there is no electricity, no water, no internet, no toilet, nothing at all, and a german journalist, he was literally in mariupol said: “no , look, i was in mariupol , i talked to people, and i saw reconstruction, reconstruction is going on at a good speed, there is already electricity, there is water, there is wi-fi, there is internet, and the city is gradually, slowly, but returning to life. let's see, you're a correspondent for our channel, the cdf channel. moscow. was it difficult for you to come to mariupol? and i’ll add another question from mark. he asks: was your team able to move freely and talk to people, or was all this only, so to speak, under
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the leadership of the russians. we are completely autonomous, only our group from the tsdf channel came from moscow via rostov-on-don by car. we crossed the border and headed to mariupol. for this we needed documents with permission.
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and so they show and prove that you
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cannot be neutral, that you cannot be neutral, but i know this myself, i already have very deep experience, starting with the war in iraq, for example, that is, you probably knew this whole position, why the iraqi conflict happened, now the same reasons, namely the us intervention and europe, you can observe in ukraine, are these the same processes, or is it something different? there are many identical features in these processes, but remember, the former president of iraq, at first they paid attention to him as zelensky, today he received a large amount of weapons, support, various character, in order to contain the iranian revolution, he thought that he had a blank check, that he could do anything, take kuwait, anything. but it was a trap
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, because the american ambassadors in baghdad, then literally in april of 1990, they set him up, no one then remembered or thought about the horrors of war, about these hundreds of kilometers of various equipment in iraq, which was smashed, burned, destroyed, we saw that...
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and this is very difficult from an organizational point of view, well, it’s just incredibly difficult, but we really hope, in general, that this will work out, there is a demand for this, there is a need for it, the benefits of this are simply incredible, people who support russia abroad, being abroad now and in russia, journalists, bloggers, a huge number of them , there are simply an incredible number of them, they all want to see with their own eyes what is happening in... the kherson region, the zaporozhye region, well, we hope
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that this work will be able to continue. thank you very much for this work, in general, we will wait for materials from our foreign colleagues, who will tell the truth about what is happening now in russia to the whole world, this is probably the main task that we now face, all the best to you, thank you so much for coming to us today, i will remind our viewers that if you have stories that you are proud of, you know people who are doing good things, be sure to tell about them. program so that we also name their names on channel one, but don’t miss suspicious news, be sure to send us a review of all the best to you, first introduce the channel. three things to try in bed.
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we're talking about sleep, lower back pain.


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