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tv   Zhit zdorovo  1TV  February 5, 2024 10:00am-10:50am MSK

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thank you very much for this work, in general, we will wait for materials from our foreign colleagues who will tell the truth about what is happening now in russia to the whole world, this is probably the main task that now faces us, all the best to you hello , thank you so much for coming to us today, i will remind our viewers that if you have stories that you are proud of, you know people who are doing good work, be sure to tell about them in our program so that we are on air first channel also named their names, but do not miss suspicious news, send it: we will definitely consider all the best for you, the first channel presents, three things that you need to try in bed, we are about sleep, lower back pain, and sex,
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the program to live healthy, enlightens . so, friends, the nose, the main character of our first topic, what to do with it when it hurts, how to use the nose correctly, what friends are the enemies of our nose, this is what we dedicate the beginning of our program. we have such a symbol of our nose, this is a healthy nose.
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this is what the nose does in our body, we will ask you what friends the nose has and what enemies the nose has. so, the nose is the user manual. mikhaila egorievich, for users about the nose for users, the main function is the function of smell. there are special receptors in the nose that perceive odors and transmit them here to the brain, and this is how we feel. smells, let 's show you again, here they are, olfactory hairs, these are nerve endings, they go up, up, up into the brain, inside the brain there is a center, which is responsible for the sense of smell, the sense of smell has a number of other functions, the first function is informational, that is, we must understand what odors are and whether they are generally dangerous for our health, the second function is...
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an aesthetic function, that is, when we feel good smell , we release endorphins, our mood improves, the third function is taste, the fact is that in order to understand the organoleptic properties, we must know the smell, and accordingly these olfactory receptors of ours are connected with taste and such this is how organalyptic functions are formed, so to speak. that for a person with a stuffy nose, food often becomes tasteless for him, always, not often, always, mikhail egorovich, well, you are an ophthalmologist, yes, the ophthalmologist must also tell us one amazing function of the nose, a very important function , we must understand that the tear that is released from our lacrimal glands flows away, collects in the lacrimal punctum, and flows through the nasal canal through the tears. in our nose, tears come out through
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the nose, this has a fateful meaning for us, the body uses everything so carefully that it uses tears, firstly, to wash the eye so that the cornea does not dry out, and secondly, to moisten the nose, you understand, therefore.
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to get into our lungs, it must be cleansed of allergens, viruses, bacteria, the nasal mucosa must remove everything from the nasal mucosa with welds. and what mikhail egorovich has already said, the air must be humidified, that is , humidification, warming, removing unnecessary substances, these are the functions of the nose, our nose, now we have spectators sitting in the studio, question to to our viewers, here you are, for example, what are the enemies of our nose, come to us, please, what is your name, kristina, kristina, what are our enemies? viruses, and various bacteria , cold, frost, cold, frost, heat, why are these enemies , well, we get sick more often when it’s cold, when the weather worsens, these are the enemies of the nose, well
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, enemies, viruses, bacteria are really enemies, that’s for sure, the second the main enemy is the allergen, because when... allergens enter the nasal mucosa, they cause swelling of the nasal mucosa, that is, it infectious agents and irritants , which include allergens, the nasal mucosa swells, it becomes instead protective, very permeable to bacteria, we get sick, not from the cold, christina, but from bacteria and viruses, and what friends are the nose, that’s how it’s done take care of your nose so as not to let your enemies break through? comfortable conditions, warmth, i think that sea air, well, where is some sea air, where can we get it, comrade, where can we get sea air, we have nowhere to get it, friends of our nose, what, mikhal yegorich, well what, this is humidification, this
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ventilation, this is the absence of bacteria, this is moist air, rinsing, rinsing, washing the nose, ideally how is it done? it is carried out either with ordinary water or with slightly salted water, this is a weak hypertonic solution, we take about a large glass of water and half a spoon of salt, and take a syringe or a teapot with a spout and pour it into the nostril. we have a professional, she trained for a long time, a friend of the nose - yes, this is a nasal rinse, you can use this solution, you can make it yourself, it’s about a teaspoon of salt, so incomplete for a glass of water, and then the nose is washed, just like we brush our teeth, twice a day, in the morning you rinse,
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because you need to wash off everything that has accumulated there overnight, and in the evening you just need to do it hygienically in order to. slept in good hygienic conditions, which means nasal hygiene is rinsing the nose, go ahead, you know how, but no , well, you probably need to bend over somehow, yes, you bend forward, insert a syringe or this thing, so, if you want, give this one, keep pressing, it should pour out more from the other half of your nose, don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid, that's it. that’s great, fantastic, that’s great, now everything poured out into the second, into great, the same thing into the other half of the nose, and you just press , but it should pour out from the opposite side, there it is, it works, you’re already a professional in baptism, by the way ,
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you’re doing great, you really felt good on the floor, like it’s washed out, yes, well , how is it, can you breathe, can you breathe better? showed that the nose is washed out by tears, that is , fluid in the nose is so needed that the body has come up with whole mechanisms when the nose swells, you see these... these are the hairs, the hairs are olfactory, they swell and don’t work, so if you rinse, you just help your nose work, great, and about the hairs that are the hairs that are in the nose, it’s actually a very interesting fact, in 2023
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the so-called ig nobel prize was awarded, many people have hair growing in their nose, well, for example, i have, wait, actually all people. hair grows in the nose, but in some people we see that it comes out of the nose, and people pull it out, there are special devices for pulling out ordinary hair, not olfactory hair hairs, and...
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give tests, which is indicated by increased cereactive protein: sleep, great, this
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definitely needs to be done in bed. 6 minutes of reading a book, good, kind, slows down your breathing, relieves stress and gives you a sound, good, normal sleep. three rules for every person: the muslim world took the place of the roman world and byzantium, developed the received heritage further, and then passed it on to europe through spain and italy. what is algebra? these are the arabic words aljabr, multiplication, achemy, alkimy, even alcohol, alcohol is translated as a decrepit person, something that makes a person decrepit. until 1917, the personal guard of the persian shah consisted of russian cossacks. the shah of persia trusted only the russians with the most precious thing he had, that is, himself.
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i have met a lot of people who think that a woman should always wear black and cover her face, but this is not so, they asked, do you want to add a clause that he does not have the right to marry a second wife, i say, yes, looking to the future and adaptability to historical eras, this is the real face islam, civilization premiere, film 3 islamic world on thursday on the first, there is a self-portrait of the artist of this station, this is actually ivan leonidovich lubennikov himself, for him it was a thrill, the scale, the hangar, where all this is laid out on the floor, a lot of students, you tell them you give tasks, it’s just us here...
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he was like a river, a happy, sparkling river, with a great feeling they fall into us not by accident, we can’t pass that place from deprivation ivan lubennikov, life goes on, premiere on saturday on first, today for the first time awaits us a unique spectacle, his name is obrek, i said that i would bring the best fighter.
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well, hello, jaeger, she’s nobody to you, why did you get involved in this. it’s him, the one who saved me, you’re nobody to each other, this is chechnya, we can’t do that, well, tell me, soper, whose path you crossed, i can’t live without him, the premiere of the multi-part film from february 11, to sunday, on the first , let me do whatever i want with it, go away, let me buy it from you.
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like this, we take a piece of steak, wait, mikhail egorovich, we put it, uh-huh, here, our topic today is argentine steak, we must to say that we have a real argentinean chef who has already prepared a steak for us, so on the screen we have the famous argentinean... waterfalls, in the studio we have a guest ruben amar, lopus, please come to us, here, like this, friends , here is our argentinean steak with sauce, ruben
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, we started grilling the steak like this, yes , that’s right, there are no coals, nothing, argentinean steak, how does it differ from all the others, we have the most traditional argentinean grill, like working with wood , that is, this is coal, coal, this is the very traditionally, with us it’s all meat roasted on the bone, meat on the bones, no, but in russia we believe that if they put a bone on us, then the weight is counted, but the meat is not added, right, that’s why we don’t eat on the bone, right?
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first, they cook the steak like a grill on a grill of coals, this is the most important thing, the bone is the second, this too, you think we are already you, what a beauty, that’s all, look , that’s all, or something, of course, but then let’s wait, he cooks well, but let me remove the leaf from here, carefully, let’s remove the leaf, and look. necessary turn it off, we got distracted, okay, that 's it, turn it off, in general, in short, the first one is on the grill, but we can't spread the grill here, this is television, the second one is on the bone, and the third one - the meat is never marinated, never, but andrei petrovich came by the smell, i just can’t, look at the excrement, well, i
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must also say, the quality of the meat must be appropriate, because the bulls are raised first in the fields for about 12 months, and then they are put to fattening, fattened already wheat, but wheat is not just given there in some containers, and they scatter it, they collect it there, so the meat becomes like this with streaks, fat, the so-called, of course, it must be fatty, in short, the meat is fatty. and this is good too, like this i ’ve been living in russia for 10 years, but for about 8 years we haven’t had meat like this, now it ’s imported, now we have our products, which are a russian company, from which cities, and from kazan, you say, here ’s a professional argentinean telling you voronezh and
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kazan make meat the same as in argentina, here... then you will have high cholesterol , here is the plaque, you see what a tragic plaque, i know, i know, i eat meat, i have this meat on the jackpot, about uh 400 g every week, i eat a week a week, i can’t do it anymore , more is possible. but it’s not necessary, you’ve been in russia for 10 years, are you married to a russian? i have a russian wife, and a russian son, and i’m also russian , so tell me about your wife, where?
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this is the first time i went to the dacha and i’m walking in the car i’m not this is not mine like this neg straight snow up to my knee and knee i’m not mine because where i live this is argentina this one province, as we call missione, close to paraguay and close to vrasil, this tropical soup is very hot, i imagine 50° in our winter , we adapted at first, it was hard , hard, but then now. i’ve already gotten used to it, i’ve already gotten used to it for more than 3 years, everything is fine, everything is fine, in general, out of 10 years, only the last three years have he gotten used to our winter, so
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that you understand that we live in a serious, in a serious climate, well, let’s go further, mikhail egorovich, while ruben is preparing a special sauce for steak, and you will tell us why this meat is good, i must say that the steak has parsley, which is rich. the fact is that if we are talking about sauce, then there is parsley, parsley contains beta-carotene, and beta-carotene is antioxidants that are useful for the whole body, including the eyes, and they are also involved in the structure.
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impulse - a signal that enters the brain, this is the mechanism that provides the act of vision, the destruction of rhodopsin, an electrical signal, the brain, because we actually see with the help of the brain, this is a sauce, a special argentinean one, about it again let's say, but meat itself is protein, of course, 24 examples. per gram is contained in 100 g of meat , and protein is a building material for our entire body, this is immunity, these are our
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muscles, all muscles are built from protein, these are digestive enzymes, this is also our bone tissue, and these are blood proteins, therefore without protein albumins. squirrel, once again we draw your attention, the meat is the best for steak, this meat is fatty, this is marbled beef, the plus is that it is now made in russia no worse than in argentina, the argentines themselves are confirm, the downside is that if there is a lot of this, then there will be obesity, there will be high cholesterol, there will be plaques in the blood vessels, a word to our cook, what is the sauce made from, ruben, and what is it made from? we have sauce , we have parsley, garlic, then chili, chili pepper, yes, yes, chili pepper, well, that is, i
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understand correctly that argentines do not process meat in any way, they take a fresh piece of meat, then fry it with sauce , but no one marinates the meat in any way, let’s give a quick recipe for an argentinean steak in a minute, and ruben listens and if he corrects anything, and then we try the steak, now you see our steak, here are the pieces. for the sauce, cut parsley, garlic, pepper, chili and add vegetable oil, olive oil, yes, grind it all in a blender, or in river oil. cuts by hand no blenders? oh, can i use a blender? i’m always at my restaurant, when it’s work, i’m all about the knife , it’s all like everything else, we love primitive in a blend, well
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, we don’t know how to do it like him, he’s just like that, so he’s a professional cook, which means then the steak is cut into pieces, this you can pour the sauce on it or put it next to it, no, you can’t pour it over like this and, or you can put it next to it and you can, so what the rubenchik, sin us, please, steak, and we’ll try it , let’s go, this one turned out good too, by the way, maybe even better, this one is on the coals, but it’s already tired , and this one is still hot, just good , how to cut it, now we’ll cut it like this, let’s go here, well, again, we need to talk about how to fry it, but you can’t overcook it so that there is no dryness, so that there are no black ones, so to speak, black like this meat, these are the medium rar, yes it’s ideal, ideal, because it’s all a preparation, like this meat is vitamin, everything is sauce, salty sauce.
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thank you, rubenchik, please wish us something traditional argentine that you wish for people? no, are you telling us the most traditional wishes in argentina in your native language?
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and you look, the woman is very very beautiful , kindly say it right then, women of russia, you are the kindest beautiful in the world, but the woman of russia you are the most beautiful and kind to know, how is this, uh, as i know, this is culture, culture is traditional, russian - it is very big, huge, more like my country and... this place and especially the place on women who are who led the story on this and i really like it, in general, you understood in bad russian, i think he told us the following: russia is a huge country, much larger than argentina, but a woman - this is the salt of the russian, russian land. that's it, friends, i'll go through everything, try the argentine steak, but of course don't forget about this, our
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program continues, it continues. this is a conversation about medicine, russia for us, this is from our home to space, i am russian, you mean that i russian, i’m bashkir, i’m chechen, i’m ingush, it ’s all in one, initially we come from the altai mountains and so... what happened is that we migrated, migrated, migrated, now we are in the republic of kalmykia, happiness means to me when you can call your mom to say hi, because family is your home, all your loved ones, all your relatives, loved ones, our children, grandchildren - this is what we live for, i dream of having four children , two boys and two girls, happiness, love, love our huge,
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wonderful country, i am not the widow of the emperor, i am not the mother of the emperor. and i am not a regent for a minor emperor, i am an empress, and i have legal rights. you argued that catherine is a temporary phenomenon. in europe , innate forces interested in overthrowing the reigning person became active. i hate him, who? orlova! and i hate my mother too, they killed my father. will you go to her? she doesn't love you, krish. it is necessary to overthrow this german adventuress and establish a legitimate heir on the russian throne. they are defeating me. the time has come, gentlemen. brothers on the usurper throne
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impostor. german woman without roots. i had no illusions. i knew what power was, i knew what i was doing. what can i do to stop intrigues and carry my cross with dignity, a great golden age, a big premiere, watch the time after the program, this is your first appearance on television, yes, jack, what made marilyn monroe stand out from the crowd, starlet to fashion models, what made the whole nation, yes and the whole world unanimously proclaim her as their goddess.
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motador, goodby norma, on friday on the first. cereactive protein, andrey petrovich, let's get distracted from the argentine steak here, and here we take tests, we generally read the tests, and here we have vessels with blood, all this.
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the thing is absolutely true, but we did this smart, widespread, absolutely everywhere analysis of our experimental nine, and you know your results, if someone’s crh is elevated, here it is, crh, light up the red screen, if it’s normal it’s green, the crh is normal on our screen, normally the crh is less than five, less than five, so please, who has it higher. red, who is normal, green, press, one person, come to us, please, we are waiting you, let's go straight to the models, andrey
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petrovich, so, reactive protein is elevated, what can this even mean, give me your analysis, cereactive protein, case 25 , c-reactive protein 25, what does this mean? well, i took tests, and went to the dispensary, and as it turned out, it was elevated, i don’t know what the reason is, why it is elevated, i, in principle, of course, i’m not sick, in principle, it’s a healthy lifestyle, i don’t know why it’s increased, everything is fine, it says and what is it all about, with reactive. more to also protein, what is it? this is, in fact, one of the oldest, biological , not only for humans, but for mammals, markers of inflammation, it is a protein
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that helps the body recognize enemies, in particular bacteria, the so-called gram-positive bacteria , remove dead cells from the body, then there is this... the body's defense, which increases when either tissue destruction or a bacterial infection occurs in the body, in this case the body. professor, in this case it is necessary to carry out
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additional examination, to identify possible foci of inflammation, they may not necessarily be bacterial, unfortunately, for example, rheumatoid arthritis, an autoimmune disease that does not manifest itself, there may be some kind of inflammation of the joints right there, this may, unfortunately, be the case with destruction tissue and such a sluggish course, even tumor processes, when destruction occurs, then...
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we will help you with everything after the program, tell us what you need, okay, sit down, please. but not everything, that's not everything we have here there is a huge model of the vessel, and there is another option for determining c-reactive protein, which has already appeared in the modern world, this is the so-called highly sensitive determination of c-reactive protein, it is especially important not so much in bacterial infections or in autoimmune diseases, it is important for determining risks cardiovascular problems, so we'll show you now. this is a whole series of indicators for c-reactive
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protein, and also, please take a screenshot, photograph this screen, or if you are watching now we are on the website of the first channel or somewhere on the internet, do the same, because this is also a very important ability to explain to yourself what is happening to you, please show us these tests, so, cereactive protein, if less than 1 mg on l - low risk, checal plaques, in this case
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the risk of blood clots increases. large statistics have shown that even with average risks, the increase in risks and disasters is 46%, almost doubling. why? because this indicates that there is active inflammation in the vessel. this means the plaque is unstable, this means that it can rupture, even if it is small, and thrombosis will occur, and this is a heart attack or stroke. vessels of the heart, that's what we wanted to tell you about these three letters, these are wonderful three letters, know how to deal with them, let's take a break for a while and then continue, sleep great, you should definitely do this in bed, 6 minutes of reading a book,
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good, kind , slows down your breathing, relieves stress and gives you sound, good... normal sleep. three rules for every person. the muslim world took the place of the rip world and byzantium, developed the received the legacy continued, and then through spain, italy was transferred to europe. what is algebra? this is the arabic word aljabr, multiplication, achemy, alkimiya, even alcohol. alcohol translates to a decrepit person. that's what.
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an exclusive with dmitry borisov premiered on saturday on the first. junior lieutenant ignatia vladimir ivanovich. what's his name? abrek? this is a robber in chechen? hello obrek. i want you to take out
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the doomed horse. where did you get it from? instead they gave it away for a long time. i'm talking about this. from february 11 to sunday on the first, strange freedom, from sunset to sunrise, wait hoping for you again, oh day, i ask you not to talk to me about
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love, from pleasure to order, oh, this is the kind of redeployment we have here, it sounds polite. a song from sunset to sunrise and still they went to bed. our next conversation is called very simply: three things you should definitely try in bed. what, what, what are we going to talk about? are you probably looking forward to sex? no, although this topic will be there, it will also be, of course, let's start, let's start with something else, the first thing we need to try. in bed - accept it the correct posture to wake up without pain in the lower back or joints , i will show you what the correct posture looks like in this... young man, if a person sleeps on his back, this is a good posture, then always
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place a pillow under his ears, you should have these edges you pull out the pillows, just like that, straight , understandable, that is, never rest your shoulders on the pillow, lie down like this, so that the pillow is actually under your ears, it is called under the ear, and not under the shoulder, because it should be here, understandably, this ? first and second, very physiological, if under you have some kind of pillow lying on your knees , please note, we are not talking about orthopedic pillows today, we are talking about simple ones, like this, put your legs and lie, now if you lie on your side, nothing changes, the pillow lies under your ear, nowhere else , and there’s another pillow between my legs, i... that’s the only way, i don’t sleep without a pillow for my feet, ever. this is the first one. secondly, andrey petrovich, what else should you try to do in style?
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you need to sleep properly. and at the same time, we know and have said many times that the right dream, this is a sleep of 5 hours, well, at least 4.5 to 7.5 hours. more bad, less bad. moreover, a study of recent years. confirmed that those people who sleep less than 5 hours have a quarter more depression and bad mood if they sleep less than 5 hours, clearly, that means the step, 4.5 hours is the critical minimum for sleep, so when you go to bed, you must understand that in order for the hormone melatonin to be produced, you must close your eyes, this is how we closed our eyes, then it begins to be produced. will not be
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produced under any conditions, that is gadget and tv are a source of blue light, in this case - studies conducted on people, both older people and students, have shown that sleep is less sound and a person does not get enough sleep, this is what gives the opportunity. what will help a person sleep is at least 6 minutes of reading a book, a good , kind human book, not an electronic book, but a paper book, 6 minutes to yourself in a calm rhythm of calm breathing, this process slows down breathing, relieves stress and gives you a strong, good, normal sleep, finally you try to fall asleep in bed correctly, without a phone, without a tv, without any blue, under a book or just with your eyes,
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closed to sleep. mikhail egorovich, what else, what else should we try to do in bed, what else, what else? well, many people think that if we’re talking about sex, yes, i realized that i should talk about sex, right? come on, mikhail yegorich, i ’ll tell you about it. the thing is that many people think that sex should be had at night or in the evening, but in fact this is not entirely true, why are you making a tragic mistake you admit, because in the early hours, this is approximately from 7:30 to 9 o’clock, we wake up, this is approximately the period when our amount of cortisol increases, but the pressure in the intestines stops with...


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