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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  February 5, 2024 5:00pm-6:01pm MSK

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it seems that both sisters, by and large , are making one global mistake, they are trying to take mom’s place in this system , probably mom, when dad was too harsh in upbringing, mom stood up for you, yes, and now you are essentially trying also stand up for your sister, as your mother did, but you are not a mother in this family, you are not your dad’s wife in this family, you are only a daughter.
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it feels like they decided to be offended by mom and dad for hurting her, but remember one thing, your mom lived with it person, it was her choice, and you were offended by him for her, well, there was also jealousy for the new woman, without a doubt, the children are small, i can’t work, i can’t do the repairs with child benefits, so... i had to ask for help , she needs a phone, she needs a tv, she needs money for food, with your help we are starting to collect for the house, for the house, and then for the yacht, but people transfer money to them, where they spend it, to prisoners, well, they carry parcels, they were spent on food, on diapers, on toys, on clothes, and you have another source of income, i take care of dogs, breed puppies, sell them, one woman, but she lives in america, she had to send money for a bed to...
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germany helps, america, but it turns out that she is a slob, dirty , in the life of our heroine there are options, and one of these options will now be released to this studio with a very interesting proposal for you, ainya. good evening, the big game is live. and i, vyacheslav nikonov, you know, usually in our state duma, meetings begin with the fact that the chairman of the duma, vyacheslav viktorovich volodin congratulates the deputies who have a birthday on that day, yesterday, when vyacheslav volodin’s birthday was, he turned 60 years old, there was no meeting of the state duma, and today is monday the beginning of the regional one.
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with a chemical sense that knows how to find a common language with very different people, who are represented in the state duma and not only there, it is really to organize the legislative process in our country, it is not so easy, when you sit there for several convocations, you understand this perfectly well, how hard this work is, but also rewarding, so i wish you strength.
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there was a message from the georgian special services, which managed to eliminate the attempt to organize mass terrorist attacks. in our country , an attempt was made to transport a large amount of explosives to russian territory to carry out terrorist acts to blow up the crimean bridge, but then it was assumed that the georgian special services would blame everything, because they would leave a georgian trace. it didn’t work out; it was the ukrainians who were behind all this.
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rozhen, our permanent military expert, boris aleksandrovich, good evening, the floor is yours, and good evening, yes, indeed, against the backdrop of a crisis in the ukrainian military-political leadership, where rumors continue to circulate about the imminent resignation of zaluzhny and the head of the general staff shaptala, there are political, military reasons, the problem continues in su in a number of directions, in the zaporizhzhya direction our troops continue attacks on the rabotinsky ledge, over the past few days there has been an advance somewhere another 500... 600 m in the verbolovoye area, previously occupied the enemy is landing positions, that is, attacks in the direction of rabotin continue, on the vremsky ledge our troops have advanced a little more to the north of priyutnoye and are continuing pressure in the staromorskoye area, they are also testing the enemy’s defenses south of
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urozhaynoye, in the ugledarsky direction the main battles are still continuing to north and south of novomikhailovka, here the enemy is trying to use transferred reserves. attack in order to prevent further advance to the supply route to ugledar, but the initiative here is still retained by our troops, the main advances in our favor, are south of novomikhailovka. in the mar direction, our troops advanced about another 100-200 m in georgievka and more seriously moved north of georgi, taking several landings. in the avdievsky direction, our most serious successes were to the north of the city, where our troops had already reached the flooded quarry and advanced. directly to the territory of the city, where the enemy had a very serious defense crisis, literally there a couple of days ago there was real hysteria in the ukrainian social networks and media about the fact that the defense there began to sag very seriously, which means that in the artyomovsk direction our troops took two important positions in
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the kleshcheevka area, they also advanced a little more to the west of artyomovsky, they continue to fight for bogdanovka, here they are like street battles, so... and the battles for the adjacent heights, in the northern direction so far without serious changes, our attacks continue in the area of ​​the split between sporny and belogorovka, but so far without serious progress, but in krasnolimansky direction, while without change, our troops consolidated in previously occupied positions in the direction of tern and torsky, the enemy tried to counterattack, but failed to recapture the lost positions, well, on the kupyan swat in the kupyansky direction, our troops have achieved the most serious successes over the past two days. in the area of ​​​​tabaevka and karakhmalny, the main advances are in the direction of kotlirovka and berestov, here the enemy is trying to stabilize the situation, but so far he has not succeeded, his front is also sagging here, so again talk has intensified about the possible withdrawal
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of part of the ukrainian group to the right bank of oskol, because there are problems with communications, our troops are constantly hitting enemy crossings, well, the losses there, of course, are very large, this shows the growth of the treasure. that we are advancing in many directions, and i wanted to say what, thanks to what this is, and not only due to the fact that some events are happening in america today, the non-allocation of funds, the non-allocation of some resources for ukraine, but in many ways thanks to the fact that our fighters today, before
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entering into battle, learn a lot, tactics, tactics of using various types of weapons, a lot of kulibins appeared on the front line, i literally before leaving... watched as they unloaded a new batch of ibex, who, within the framework of the 150th army, created the kulyubins for precise fire, new drones are being created, i have seen their use, in ours, where we have the vostok group, the far easterners are fighting, training is carried out everywhere, that is, even before the assault on some fortified areas there are hidden trenches in the depths, and our guys are training in the dark before the assault, and the main thing is that interaction has been established, communication , the use of unmanned aerial vehicles for reconnaissance, this is also, as shown in the special report, this is training...
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conditions, contact on 12, i’m 300, an arm, two legs, i’m holding, now the guys are bandaging two legs and an arm with tourniquets to prevent blood loss, grab it, group, nothing, normal, normal. combat situation, we are working, we are working, the group is retreating, retreating, evacuation is taking place in a safe place
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district, in order to be able to provide first aid, load me into a car, and direct me to the exact medical institution that would not provide qualified medical care , possibly surgical intervention, they were now practicing training. for firewood, who doesn’t know what to do then, that there was coherence in the combat unit , staffing with first-echelon opticians
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- stretchers, that’s what your unit is like? well, let's say, 95 percent is closer to 100, that is, before, as a volunteer or young recruits go out on a combat mission , everyone is equipped with first-echelon first-aid kits, even second-echelon first -aid kits and a stretcher - and the medic who goes with them in the group has one two, that is, he has a fetcher’s backpack, a soft stretcher is strapped there, er, tires there , well, that is, everything you need is in this backpack, in addition to the first aid kits that the fighters have. well, indeed, every fighter must be a generalist, and artillery, tank crews, and infantrymen must know medical skills, since war without this it doesn't work, unfortunately. but zelensky is fantasizing about more and more new initiatives
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, probably, as he says, he is talking about a good life, because they are going from victory to victory there, but for some reason he introduced two bills, one on extending martial law in the country, which will allow to hold presidential elections, and the other about extending the date of holding. general mobilization, and besides , he is already openly talking about the fact that he will change the leadership of the armed forces, and, apparently, he will not limit himself to the zaluzhny ones, mass layoffs are coming, and not only in the ranks of the armed forces. let's listen to the president of ukraine. this question concerns the people who should lead ukraine. of course, a reboot and a new beginning are needed. when we talk about this, i mean the change of a number of government ones. and not just in one sector such as the army. i am thinking about this replacement, but it cannot be said that we
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would replace only one person. this is a problem that concerns the entire management team in our country. it is quite large and complex. if we want win, we must all push in the same direction, we must not look confused. we cannot be discouraged, give up, we need to maintain the right energy and positive attitude. and that's why i'm talking about a reboot? i have something serious on my mind. it is not about one person, but about the direction of leadership. well, in general, everyone was going to be fired, well, this is probably evidence of great success, but then we know that when they start firing, the corresponding organizations stop working in principle. so maybe he's on the right way? he is on the right path in the sense that the kiev regime is doomed, and no matter what they do, it cannot last long, what they are doing with their own people, but unfortunately, apparently, in conditions of limited western support
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that we we obviously see all these difficulties with the adoption of... aid packages; the zelensky regime is tasked with squeezing all the juice out of the ukrainian population and from those territories that the kiev regime, the kiev regime controls, therefore throughout apparently zelensky will pursue exactly this policy, that is, this is an even greater exploitation of those resources, internal resources, that are still available. is under his control, the cultivation of hatred, and the transfer of the regime completely to terrorist such functioning as a terrorist group, and this may even bring the end of this regime closer, but unfortunately, this stage will be very difficult, and we see that
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the west needed - still this showman, who is this violence against... from what to what? i think it depends on the dose dose and from instructions to instructions from washington. yes, but it must be said that the instructions from washington are somehow not being implemented very well, not only by the kiev leadership and not only, there is some lack of discipline, in the american ranks in the nato ranks too, here are two interesting messages in a row,
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a statement, the first statement by an official representative greek government, let's listen, yes. it must be said that there should be a limit regarding false news, especially when it is related to the defense of the country, its foreign policy and the interests of the country abroad. abroad, our image abroad. there is no intention to transfer the s-300 to ukraine, i categorically deny this, in any case , there was not even the government’s intention to risk protecting the country within the framework of its defense policy, that is, no s-300 to ukraine, which were promised, will not come, there is also a hungarian parliament decided to vote. for sweden's membership in nato, but for some reason the faction of the ruling party of hungary did not show up and the quorum was disrupted, therefore, well, the reception for sweden's accession to nato will not take place. corinne alexander, what's going on there anyway? i’ll express my personal opinion
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, it seems to me that the west, which initiated this tragedy on...
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remember, when this vote for approval of the turkish parliament was postponed, i understood that the swedes were quietly crossing themselves under the table, you know, here i thought, well
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what will happen next, will they rush, no , you see, as before, they are trying to delay this terrible, i think, here the hungarians shouldn’t be discounted either, and as for swedish neutrality, it has always been very, very non-neutral, that’s all -yes during the second world war... solidarity was financed by the central administration in poland at the end of soviet times, they took cash out of the swedish embassy, ​​yes, but still after the second world war, having the status of a neutral country, they are the only country , which has an embassy in the dprk, in pyongyang, from the entire west, as it were. now they have already been appointed to another role, in the united states they are now playing a new game,
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everyone there accuses each other of betrayal, forbes accuses the government of betrayed ukraine, republicans accuse democrats that they betrayed america by not protecting the border, democrats accuse republicans that they did not betray ukraine and israel. well, many democrats accuse tucker carlson of betrayal, which was discovered in moscow, about this after the advertisement, a certain madame peschanskaya, an old friend of the zelensky family, will head the accounts chamber of ukraine, 40 billion dollars have dissolved now they want to shut the auditors’ mouths, the previous head. chamber of accounts it was poroshenko’s man. the question is, in whose hands is the score? will determine who can and cannot be president of ukraine. trillions of hryvnias have come to be cleared, and there will be even more to come. her
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sister is the owner of the company where the villa of the zelensky family is decorated. zelensky needs people whom only he trusts. one more of the cogs will be possible instead of the zaluzhny syrsky. zelensky wants to remain in power because this is the key to his physical survival. the british provide him with a roof. americans don't. zaluzhny cannot be removed just like that, he will immediately deploy his troops and move to kiev, this confrontation, it is strictly behind the scenes, so they are trying to resolve these issues more elegantly, she can appoint zelensky as the culprit, madame peschanskaya, pack the green ones or zelensky account, dolls of the heir tutti, today on the first, what worries you?
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replacing barge labor with the achievement of science is a great idea, viva, it’s not enough to take the throne, you can still hold it, it looks like? no, i have no personal hobbies, i don’t have time for them, and don’t torment me with your stupid jealousy. great, golden age, great premiere, watch after the program time. the muslim world took the place of the caribbean world and byzantium, developed the resulting heritage further, and then through spain, italy transferred to europe. what is algebra, from arabic?
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under historical eras, this is the real face of islam. civilizations premiere, film three, islamic world. on thursday, on the first. here is a self-portrait of the artist of this station, this is actually ivan leonidovich lubennikov himself, for him it was a thrill, the scale, the hangar, where all this is laid out on the floor,
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a lot of students, a task, we just met here recently, he courted us beautifully, no, i immediately agreed. lubenikov writes characters that are around us, so he is understandable to a wide audience, a huge number of press representatives came to every exhibition of his work, it was a resounding success, no one knew him, that’s how quickly popularity came, the pockmarked chicken is quite funny to see in paris, it's so russian. there is something very rustic and childish about it, he was like a river, happy, sparkling river, great sensations, they get into us no matter what, it’s important not to pass by so as to remain unkind to me, ivan lubennikov, life goes on, premiere on saturday on the first, uh, junior
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lieutenant ignatia vladimir ivanovich. what's his name? abrek? this is a robber in chechen. hello obrek. i want you to bring out the doomed to fight. where did you get it from? they paid it instead of the debt. i won't participate in this.
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from february 11 to sundays on the first, the big game is live, president joe biden seems to have finally paid attention to our program was taken up by american railroads, in any case, speaking in las vegas, he gave this priority attention. let's listen. you know what, we're doing some pretty damn cool stuff in nevada. we're giving $3 billion for the nation's first high-speed rail, $3 billion. it will take you from here to las vegas in 2 hours instead of four by car. let me remind you that he said this in las vegas. therefore , a highway that will take you from
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las vegas to las vegas in 2 hours for 3 billion dollars - this is a cool thing, of course, i think it will solve many of the problems of rail transport in the united states of america, no less radical are its proposals in the field of border security, let's listen: my team begins to work on drafting the toughest, smartest, fair border security bill in history , this is the best bill i've ever seen. he would finally provide the funding i asked for from the beginning. it includes an additional 1,300 border patrol troops, 375 immigration judges who fairly decide whether someone can come or not. 1600 employees of the shelter, shelter, shelter service and more than 100 state-of-the-art inspection vehicles to help, detect the arrival of phenotonil on shana on...
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"i've seen enough, this bill is even worse than we expected, it doesn't even come close to stopping that border disaster , which the president was waiting for, as the lead democratic negotiator said, according to this project, our borders will never be closed if this bill passes to the house of representatives, it will be doomed to failure. well, naturally, after this, members of the house of representatives from the republican party, including republican majority leader steve scalise, announced that they would not even let this bill come to a vote. in return, they offered to simply send aid to israel, in the amount of 17 billion.
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so, briefly, why did this situation with the border arise today, why today did it cause rejection, sharp rejection of the republicans in the house of representatives, this means that there are two approaches, approach number one, which is the republican approach , that the border should be absolutely opaque, the number of illegal immigrants who cross the us-mexico border every day or in general should approach zero. currently , it is believed that from 10 to 15-20 thousand people cross the border, what is the meaning of the legislation, the legislation that has been agreed upon so far, at the level of representatives, the senators themselves, who
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conducted the negotiations, say that per day it is necessary cross so that no more than 4-500, if in addition the border is closed, but before that let them cross, it means it’s very easy to count, they took it. in nevada, the question of this legislation is now taking on a political dimension, who will win? the thing is that the administration, it supported this bill, that is, it is quite obvious that it still pushed through the senate, through
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the republicans, the compromisers, this bill, which is beneficial, which it is now trying to present as huge victory in the election year, trump said, well, johnson, as far as i understand, the republicans will not allow. this sense that the administration has achieved a political victory in the election year, so the stakes here are really high. it’s quite difficult to say how the situation will develop further, it’s really hard to predict, but i want to say the following: on the twelfth of the week, for two weeks, the us congress goes on vacation, or rather goes to different districts to work with voters, the election year, further, in general, absolutely. it is obvious that in february, apparently , nothing will be done, not even not only with the bill that is presented in the senate, or that the senate will pass, but even with the bill that on wednesday johnson promised to put to a vote in the house of
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representatives, all over the place it will pass, at least even with votes from the republicans, well then, of course, the senate is also going on vacation, and what will happen next in march is quite difficult for us to say, the last thing in... in connection i want to say, since this issue was affected, apparently the administration is trying to play with such a jack, a jack tied with what is happening today in kiev, that’s all that about... happening on the axis, zelensky zaluzhno - this is the card that is needed today in order to influence for the passage of these bills in the us congress, well, to say that you see, we have identified errors, a mistake has been made, now highlight, now we know how to do it, i ask you to allocate 60 of these billions, the fact that these messages , which appeared, which the white house does not seem to have approved yet.
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i can’t speak for the people, but i can speak
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for the president, he works tirelessly every day on our response to the challenges and threats that we face in the middle east, that’s what democracy is called, i think that he simply cannot speak out loud and to say frankly to the whole world that the scenario that has been launched and the car that is rolling down the mountain, it is no longer possible to stop it, in essence his words mean exactly that. a lot of things are happening nearby east, i understand that you were addressing me, what is happening there, that means , regarding, as they said in the soviet years, the american military, three aircraft carriers in the asia-pacific region and apparently tension is growing around china and taiwan, but it somehow i saw that the media didn't pay much attention to it, as far as...
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another center of pro-iranian organizations in iraq and syria, they were generally empty, the americans waved, waved, waved for so long that the iranians or pro-iranian groups managed to withdraw weapons and personnel, so the losses there are small, there are casualties among civilians, the accompanying losses among civilians mainly, now as for the babalmand strait of suffering.
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there is no need to explain anything, as i understand it, this greatly frightened the other side, so they strike often, intensively, but the effect of this is unknown to us, the american base in syria in the deres zor area is attacked very daily, there are several accommodation centers for american military personnel, that's where they're taking a serious beating.
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mar exercises, russia, china, iran, well this this is not the first time it has been heard, we already had it on air for two hours, there was a message from the iranian media. but we will also talk about the middle east, here is the situation with tucker carlson, it is gaining more and more resonance, in fact, in the united states there have already been comments that tucker is a traitor, senior political commentator for cnn, former
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congressman adam kiesinger, said that he is a traitor, some have already begun to declare that it is time to deprive him of american citizenship , on the other hand... here is a statement, let’s say, ergery taylor greene. let's listen. the democrats and their media propagandists are shaking at the thought of tucker carlson interviewing putin. they feel appointed as gatekeepers and believe that they are the ones telling you what to think and what to believe. they hate it when someone like tucker goes off script. this country has a free press, and people like tucker carlson, from whom...
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by going to moscow, perhaps meeting with the russian president, this figure will become, strangely enough, only stronger, and this really scares them, yes, this really really scares them, like the possibility that americans
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may remember that they actually have freedom of speech according to the constitution, which the american people have long, long been deprived of , when... they begin to sow democracy around the world, it’s the same thing that happens in the middle east, when aggressive actions are simply carried out against the state in accordance with any norms of international law, more about this after the advertisements, you’re empress katya, that’s it i want her maybe, it seems to me, 50 guardsmen will not be able to hold the throne with the empress for a long time , there are practically no friends near the empress now , but there are plenty of enemies, i need proof that in the event of a coup
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, it will be me who will become the new empress, god, help me, god, what? come on, you can’t do this, gentlemen, i’m your emperor, i’m a woman, you don’t have to love, it was all your parsley , who you play tricks with, i won’t tolerate it , i understand, but let me tell you if you want rule truly your majesty, or you if you want to be a fairground doll in the hands of six members of the imperial council, russia has no friends. will never happen, where does such confidence come from? do you forget where i was born? you and i still have so much to do, life is not enough. great , golden age, big premiere, watch the time after the program, diagnosis steps,
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we can do without doctors, why your knees can’t live without sea bass, the laser will restore eye pressure in a second, the program to live healthy, will tell you everything, tomorrow on the first. premiere. i love mine country. on saturday. on the first one. it doesn’t happen that a person was in your life and then he disappears, even if he dies. in this girl, she almost doesn’t recognize the child who 5 years ago lost her most precious thing, her mother. i don't think i'm without her. i have a lot of memories. well, this is my mom. yulia nachalova died very young, at 38, leaving her ex to her parents. no longer exists, what
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he experienced at that moment, that evening, only he knows, it is a great responsibility to tell your child that his mother passed away, like yulia’s only daughter survived this loss; what path did she take after her mother’s death? i’m somehow very mega-strong, somehow i felt like i pulled myself together, that is, we’ve been exclusive for 5 years. the adult life of a girl who decided, no matter what, to become a star in memory of her famous mother. when you appeared, my life changed, i will always be by your side. exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere on saturday on the first. here is a self-portrait of the artist of this station, this is actually himself ivan leonidovich lubennikov, for him it was
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a thrill, the scale, the hangar, where all this is laid out on the floor, a lot of students, you give them tasks, we just met here recently, he looked after him beautifully, no, but i immediately agreed, lubeinikov writes characters that are around us, so he is understandable to a wide audience. lubennikov, life goes on, premieres on saturday on the first. hey dervy, leder. junior
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lieutenant ignatia vladimir ivanovich. what's his name? abrek? this is a robber. in chechen, hello, obrek, i want you to take me out doomed to fight, where did you get it from, they gave it away instead of a debt, i won’t participate in this, they say your wife is sick, where can you get the money, rita, what do you think, i’m a good person, why are you asking, something happened, i love you, and i love you, come back!
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over the weekend, the united states of america, in violation of all international law , bombed the territories of three states, syria, iraq and yemen. russia even demanded the convening of the united nations security council to condemn these acts of obvious and completely brazen aggression, which the united states is taken for granted. but russia is not limited to only diplomatic ones. marches, listen to what shahram irani, commander of the iranian navy, said.
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naval ones will be held. iranian exercises jointly with russia and china. other countries were also invited to take part in these exercises. the navy's strategy in the current situation is to maintain the protection of the interests and economic resources of the islamic system of the people. these exercises are conducted to ensure the security of the region and general interests. ivan alekseevich, a very serious message to the united states indeed. and this is a very serious message, and i remain with my thought, which i have repeatedly expressed, that westerners. they are losing, because they are mainly maritime powers , these transatlantic ones, these are the united states, great britain, and they are accustomed to managing the approaches to eurasia from almost all directions as if they were at home, and even, so to speak, they tried to penetrate the land, so we see in the middle east region, in its southern
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part that the westerners suddenly lose the initiative. where they had it approximately from the middle of the 16th century, from the end of the 14th century, for two centuries, they could swim anywhere, control everything, they are losing this initiative, politically, militarily too, and this is theirs very, very worried, they are literally being thrown not into the sea, somewhere into the distant ocean, yes, sail away to your home, well - they should not only swim up, they should sail away, into the red sea, but he could not move away, actually unmoor in port, because it turned out to be broken. however, the united states, together with its allies, is striking yemen, here is a statement from the us department of defense. today, us and british troops, supported by australia,
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bahrain, denmark, canada, the netherlands and new zealand, carried out additional strikes. and necessary strikes against thirty-six houthi targets in thirteen regions of yemen, in response to ongoing attacks on international merchant ships as well as warships passing through the red sea. our goal is to de-escalate tensions and restore stability in the red sea. we will not hesitate to continue to protect lives and free trade along one of the world's most important shipping lanes in the face of ongoing threats. a good way to achieve de-escalation. i wonder what denmark, the netherlands and new zealand are doing there. here.
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focus, expanding further alliances at the expense of south korea, japan, they failed to understand that the other world can also consolidate its military, military-technical efforts, it also exercises its right in this, the right to self-defense, the right to ensure its own national security, this is the idea that was laid down by russia when it launched a special military operation,
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today it is spreading throughout the world. yes, coalitions must exist in order to ensure precisely this problem of our own national security, this is the most important thing. yes, but from a military point of view, the united states has really achieved nothing, so they are bombing yemen, they are bombing somewhere on the border of syria and iraq, but this only makes the attacks on american bases stronger and more often, this is the meaning of the united military strategy in general. you know, here i don’t think there is any strategy anymore, there is some kind of inertia, which was launched, relatively speaking, there in the middle of the 19th century, when they began this ascent to their dominance, and after all they are not achieving, so we see that they are moving by inertia, but they are not achieving any positive results, so we directly see in these last years, in not one theater of combat operations, they were kicked out
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from afghanistan, yes, because they understood that they would... cut down some dogs, and i’m more, for some reason, i’m sure that taking into account the development of modern unmanned systems, yes, attacks will begin on the united states of america, it’s unclear what kind of weapon that will come on some rafts from the pacific and atlantic coasts, there is no meaning here , the meaning is in something else, that the world today has begun to unite against this soulless, completely incomprehensible hegemony of the united states of america, well, in general- that they stopped being afraid of america, that means.
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reports that negotiations on a ceasefire in gaza and the exchange of prisoners did not result in results and that hamas allegedly rejected them. here is a complete cessation of hostilities, in my opinion, that is, this is how it goes latently, even the requirement not to initiate or start
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operations against lebanon, i must say that now the idf units are mainly grouped on the northern border, that is, the southern border of lebanon, and judging apparently, netanyahu and minister a...
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the power cannot cope with the military potential of yemen, they are not able to carry out a ground operation, just like with afghanistan, just like they fled from afghanistan, they will flee from everywhere, our cause is just, victory will be ours, we give the floor to the news, the big game will return at 22:55, do not miss. hello, evening news on channel one, andrey ukharev with you. six explosive devices at once.


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