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tv   Bolshaya igra  1TV  February 5, 2024 10:55pm-11:56pm MSK

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there are a lot of questions, you see, i don’t know , naturally, i can only guess, but i think that some channels of communication, especially between our military, exist, and before, so to speak, making any decision to destroy the crimean bridge, i think that ukrainians, americans, europeans should think 10 times, i understand that hadley, sculcroft, he can...
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i advise, but they probably should have taken some steps? i think that the main steps in this regard would be consultations primarily with regional forces, with the gulf countries, which themselves are not interested in this, frankly speaking, and not only them, because the houthis, they also behave a little differently, well, i’m not saying that they are all angels with wings, what they are doing is completely legal. this was all
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discussed in the security council , they talked about it, the question is not that, the question is the reaction, so that it is more pragmatic and brings better results, so that’s it. it seems to me that now it is very important to pay attention to the role of regional forces, namely regional states, take the mediating role that they are now trying to play, well, in gas, egypt plays qatar, yes , other states play, and this is very important, it is very important to use their potential, it seems to me that in this case it concerns yemen and the houthis , then there is also potential there.
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they say that iran is not interested in escalation, this is indeed true, by and large it must be said, and the united states is unlikely to be interested in a very large escalation in the middle east, and there are already enough problems that are not being solved, but in in this case, it would seem that pragmatic interests are relegated to the background, much more important is such a momentary reaction, we will now show you, and this, unfortunately, is conditional... by the fact that such a rehabilitation of military power in international relations has taken place , those who are strong are trying to take advantage of this, first of all, here are the americans, don’t you think that both the united states and iran, that they seem to talk a lot,
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talk threateningly, but in general show an element of restraint, let’s listen, what does it say about this. assistant - president biden jake sullevan. we don't want to drag the united states into a war, so we're going to continue a policy where we can respond if our personnel are attacked without inciting more conflict. this will allow us to respond strongly and clearly, which is what happened on friday night, but we will continue to take an approach that does not drag the united states into war, as has happened too often in the middle east. and it’s interesting that to some extent.
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themselves as if they were objective about this getting ready. there's a big game on the air, let's go to advertising. in the center of donetsk, allegedly pro-ukrainian partisans hoisted
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a yellow-blue flag. don’t believe your eyes, ask yourself questions: when was this taken, by whom, for what purpose, thousands of people pass by every day, but they didn’t notice the ukrainian flag. photoshop is a good thing, but there's no harm in dreaming. david burliuk went down in history as the father of russian futurism, but at the same time he was supposedly a ukrainian poet and artist. in ukraine they knew about urlyuk, but did not accept him as one of their own. this is done for the ukrainian audience, so that show: we have this great one, that great one, we didn’t come from nowhere. antifake, premiere, tomorrow on the first. all decisions were on the verge of failure. possible, it mostly worked out, although there were, of course, a couple of hiccups, there were a lot of skeptical assessments about whether we could hold such an olympics, somewhere only on the second or third day the skeptical assessments changed to the exact opposite, it’s unrealistic a super holiday of sports , everything else, what olympic games have i been to, they are not close,
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this miracle happened and we won at that moment overall standings, we beat everyone, the world shook when they saw sochi, how amazing it is, we want to do even... better and we are inspired by this to go further. 10 years since the opening of the olympic games in sochi, on wednesday on the first.
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interview, well, listen to the reaction this is causing among people in the united states, with whom tucker kalson once worked together at the republican conservative magazine weekly standord. let's hear what his former colleague krystal wrote. perhaps we need to ban it completely takiruson to return to the united states until representatives of our country can figure out what is happening. well, of course, many are already saying that it is about the kremlin, that it is pro-putin, well, everything is clear, but
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here is the proposal not to let carlson into the united states, according to american law, it is impossible not to allow an american citizen into the united states, he can be arrested , when he crosses the border, you can do something very bad to him, but you can’t let him back in, and so that this proposal comes out.
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it would be possible not to visit the united states, but in biden’s united states the impossible becomes not only possible, but even this is normally discussed. korin georgievich, what do you think about this? i said a long time ago that the united states, in my opinion, is going straight along the path of the soviet union, without any, it’s all so similar, we all went through this with deportations or. and other deprivation of citizenship, so that the condemnation of writers, writers, all this
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was, so in this sense it seems to me that the united states they are going straight ahead, as they say, in the same direction that the late ussr was going, i know, i’ll tell you yesterday, it might be interesting, but it seems to me that this is relevant, here is my impression, and by the way, you will help me.
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dmitry lived in the united states for a long time, do you agree with this and how do you evaluate it, but since this does not come from our mouths, but from our mouths. an american, and a truly excellent actor who understands what he is saying, it generally sounds very interesting, in this sense, as they say, a lot, to me seems to explain this internal split , which apparently is present in the united states itself, which was present in the soviet union, frankly speaking, in self-esteem,
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but here's what i'm also thinking, i think that you know, here's our special... really into a powerful inter-civilized conflict, this happens in history, this happens in history, it is such, such, as if the scale of this conflict is enormous, we still, i think, cannot yet evaluate it, so the actions of countries and actions, they they sporadically, no no example, we don’t have any
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example that we could follow, even the history of the second world war is all different. the first world war in history, we are faced with a completely new quality of conflict, this is a global conflict on a global scale, and the most important thing is that the northern military district gave birth to everything, hence, in my opinion, the middle east, and by the way, the crisis of the united states is borderline, it seems to me , it all ultimately comes from this, from this initial impulse. this is, in principle, a completely revolutionary impulse, but it seems to me that the unity of the american establishment, the so-called, what you were talking about dmitry, its absolute rejection of everyone in this sense of russia, is based on the main thing, they internally understand that, in principle, in the event of their defeat, they will lose
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everything, that what they say in the film is that they will lose their business completely. if america loses, is defeated in this conflict, it loses trust, the trust of europe, it loses the trust of the middle east, this means, this means a step towards the fact that they must leave there, like as soon as they leave europe, from the middle east of the east, they turn, in general, into a powerful, large, strong country, but which is already somewhere on the outskirts of the world, because today they have them...
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doesn’t have them, it causes rage, just as at one time in the soviet union it caused , so to speak, directly, let’s say, rejection of the publication there of the gulag archipelago somewhere and so to speak, and some others there, much, much less , much less significant, by the way, things, and for this a colossal blow will be dealt throughout information system of the united states, according to everything that is being typed in now.
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now there’s such a scandal, i would say, out of the blue, and this scandal tells me a very serious thing, but you know, when in
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america, a politician changes parties, no matter how often such a statement is made, it’s not me who left this party, it was she who left me, so i want to say, it wasn’t me who left america, it was america who left itself, because america in recent years, especially in the period after the cold war, but also before, especially after the cold war, it seems to me that it evolved in a very dangerous direction, and that there were things in america that for me were always unlikable or even unacceptable, but there were two things that seemed very important to me. positive, this is the american freedom of the media and the american judicial system, i’ll say right away that neither one nor the other was
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perfect, i could tell about both, what problems there were with them, but still they worked, now look what's happening with trump, let's forget for a minute about journalists, the former president of the united states.
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when it was difficult to prove some of his crimes, then it turned out that he did not work for the soviet union, did not work for russia either, they accused him of
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not registering as a foreign agent, not russian, turkish, and no he did not take money from any turkish official organizations; among his clients was some turkish company. which , among other things, had government contracts, on this basis they stated, that he illegally failed to register as a foreign agent, he says: no, i still don’t admit my guilt, then they summoned his son for questioning and said: but you, too, had something to do with your father’s consulting company, and you’re talking about everything did you know that? let's disarm ourselves before the justice when he said that no, i will not testify against my father, and in general i don’t know anything discrediting.
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as an example, but in general, some things in the united states, which, i think, before, i cannot say that they could not imagine, such things existed, as you know, during macarthyism, but you also know how they persecuted, for example, some film directors, actors, charlie chaplin were expelled, but you also know how they were protected, you know that they were leading publications that were television companies. that there were their
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leaders who actively objected to this, and what amazes me about the current situation is that this chaos of ideas is taking place without any serious resistance from american society. we're leaving for advertising, we'll be back in just a few minutes minutes. baby macron, as they call him in france.
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junior lieutenant ignatia vladimir ivanovich, what is his name? abrek, this is a chechen robber. hello, abrek.
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i want you... find out the doom to fight, where did you get it from instead of a debt, i won’t participate in this, they say your wife is sick, where will you get the money, rita, what do you think, i’m a good person, why you ask, something happened, i love you, and i love you, come back, doomed the premiere from february 11 to sunday on the first. you mentioned what is important in development situation in the middle east, these are like two.
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it’s worth noting that when i talked about the gas crisis, i talked about this paris meeting, this is not the only place where representatives of regional powers met, they were also there. countries are very balanced, they are all aimed at diplomatic actions, at a political settlement, this is what i want to emphasize , it is extremely difficult, but the fact is that there is a fairly large, large set of countries that
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are in favor, regional ones, that are in favor of a political settlement, for the creation of two states, ultimately , for a sequence of steps that will stop... these wild military actions, i believe, are a completely new phenomenon, in fact, how many crises have there been in the middle east, such a position, quite consolidated, we are all- we still don’t see it, thank you, and this is of course very encouraging, what is less encouraging to me is how the uk reacts to the crisis between russia and the collective west, so let’s listen to what the new foreign secretary said about this
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the minister of foreign affairs, in my opinion, does not feel it, when he says, our economy, obviously he means the collective west, this includes the united states, the european union, and great britain, but forgive me if this is the same as with the american budget , including the military one, when you start, when you start calculating gdp at purchasing power parity, it turns out that this economy is... times, that 80% of the western economy there is services, and production takes up only material production takes up only 20% there, in in contrast to the russian federation, where , probably, this is not very, not very good for
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consumers, but very good for the country, that in general we have gdp, services of gdp occupy a significantly smaller part than material production, moreover, when... cameron says that time is on their side, well, he probably means that they can say so, now launch, really, restart the military-industrial complex, revise it in the direction of tightening it or return there to the conscription system of mobilization and so on, but - that's all these fossils that we will, he... does not take into account at all, in my opinion, uh, what the united states thinks about this, what will happen after the elections in the united states, what will be, uh, so to speak, the position of this issue of trump and in general, like the european union, and what will be the reaction of china, and what will be the reaction of china,
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you understand, so now, for example, today information has appeared that in march they will be held, i assume , somewhere in the zone in the persian gulf zone, teaching: russia, china. iran, they are already were carried out quite a long time ago, but i think that this will be such a powerful signal to the same united states and the same collective west, so i, in response to all these statements by the british, well, the minister of defense, there is generally a person there, in my opinion , who held seven ministerial portfolios there, doesn’t always understand what he’s talking about, well , cameron seems to be a more experienced person, and yet. also sprinkles these fossils, and i think that this expeditionary force, i think, he also had a hand in this? you know, i'm uncomfortable talking about a country like england, but they have too many
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leaders who are inadequate from my point of view, this is absolutely correct, there was a clown johnson, but about whom i can’t say anything good, except that his name is boris. and he emphasized his allegedly russian roots, and this david cameron, he’s so, like so a little quieter, but i’ll listen to them carefully. he’s a pretentious idiot, well, it’s just becoming even uncomfortable, okay, it is as it is, okay, karen georgievich, although in what i say, now there is nothing good, last week there was an event in berlin, khodorkovsky played a major role there, there were a lot of foreign agents there, and, as i understand it, even former deputy ilya ponomarev was there.
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sparks of rebellion from abroad. president putin now talks a lot about these people. i always don’t want, especially considering my biography, to talk badly about people just because.
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scale of everything, by the way, i won’t say that i was
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a fan, so to speak, of that descendent movement, in some ways i agreed, but in principle i was always enough for me alien, but nevertheless we must admit that there was a completely different scale of people there , absolutely different, there were, there were personalities and personalities, with their own beliefs, none of those people. he did not propose to take russia into account. well, in general, yes, in general, no, they were , so to speak , he said something at one time, a liar, well, also like that, as if not this, well , listen, if such an anti-soviet, convinced as bunin, bunin was a convinced anti-soviet, but during the great patriotic war, so to speak, he said the famous, well-known phrase when stalin was flying there for negotiations in tiger. he said
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what it was all about, well, i don’t remember, word for word, he said what it was all about, how life had turned out, that i was praying for stalin’s life, so that god forbid nothing happened to him, but here’s my attitude, despite the fact that he absolutely did not accept the bolsheviks, absolutely did not accept their policies, but at the moment when his homeland was really in danger, in this battle, he was definitely... on the side of russia then, by the way, he did not return after the war, although he was persuaded, this is known , simonov went, they tried him, no, he kept his own, in this sense, he was consistent, here’s an example for you, but this public in my opinion, but it’s just, it seems to me, the main thing here is some kind of material interests are everything , there is no theology here, so their attempts seem very unconvincing and pathetic, but i would also like to say one more thing,
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and the truth is, and the british, apparently, still have such a deep complex, listen, 70, how old, the sixties years, yes, one might say, the end of the british empire has passed, yes, 70 years have passed, it still hurts, it still hurts, this one hurts all the time, so, in short , returning to your question, i think that these are not those sparks that can do something, some ignite the flame, even more so. in russia, which today, in my opinion, is quite consolidated. thank you, you know, i don’t think that this is the main thing, but last week the magazine foring affairs, a very serious publication, published an article by william, well, which can be so freely translated there management, management of a spy network, management of the state, you
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you know, i met with burns several times when he was ambassador here, then in washington, when... he was first deputy, by the way, when we came to washington at your invitation, you were very, i always considered him very balanced, such a person who is by no means a russophobe , moreover, he quite, so to speak , soberly assessed the state of our relations, so he writes this article, you know, there is no point in retelling it, what struck me is that... to be her determined by consciousness, he became director of the cia, and here is my impression of the cia, although a powerful intelligence service , one of the strongest intelligence services in the world was considered, these russian losses are starting again, there are 351 thousand people, a destroyed
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economy, well, in general, a complete collapse, advice to ukraine to strike, to strike in depth as quickly as possible.
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recently, one journalist of arab origin wrote that it would be a good idea for him to see what is happening in the state of michigan, because there is a very large arab community there, which is categorically against what he is doing in his neighbor in the east and he will not get the votes there that he is counting on, that is, the middle east is not just some region closed in on itself, it influences everything, and it seems to me that all politicians should think about what it is like. ..
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collapsed, at first you all experienced this illusion in yourself, and then suddenly you were faced with the fact that - no, we, it turns out, are becoming more and more a third-rate country, it was a rather painful feeling, but it seems to me that now we are definitely we also underestimate what happened in reverse order, here strictly speaking, since we still came from there and carry within us this kind of inferiority complex, we... russia, the united states, china, well, actually these russia have already become such a country, and this
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imposes, among other things, certain obligations , why am i saying this, we must understand that the elections in russia, coming in march, are no less important today than elections in the united states, no less important, because it is traditionally accepted that elections in the united states are almost...
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there is no need to push russia in the direction of some old doctrines, old possibilities, which
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today, in my opinion, very few people in russia want as their first choice, but which the country is quite capable of accepting if it is forced to do so. it was a great game, we'll see you on the air tomorrow. hello, i'm dmitry bak, and here is a literary podcast under a romantic name, let them not talk, let them read, we talk.
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perlina, hello, natalya vladimirovna, and let's start with this quick question, what is the most important thing for you in gaidar? you know, this is the first word that for some reason came to mind - honesty, honesty, decency, loyalty to one’s work, understanding of the child. it seems to me that the most important thing for arkadi petrovich is that he always remained a man, despite... the fact that he had a lot of trials, in childhood, the first world war, in his youth, the civil
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war, in adulthood, the great patriotic war, always remained a man who was true to himself, to his ideal and never betrayed himself, but mandelstam said a little later, after gaidar had already become a writer, that in the first half of the 20th centuries, in the first third, even xx. when this is still just a child, a child in the fourteenth year, accordingly he is 10
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years old, he writes to his father, his father went to the front... and he writes a letter in which he asks in detail and asks very professional questions related to the military body, it was not in the fourteenth, in the sixteenth, well, he is 12 years old, i just want to quote this letter, first of all i draw your attention to how a twelve-year-old boy addresses his father, dear, dear daddy, he loves his father with all his heart, please write me the answers to questions, the first thing the soldier thinks? writes arkady, is it true, they say that they will attack only if they put the bottomless bourgeoisie on the front line, well, look, i see a paradox in this letter, dear daddy, on the other hand, teach me how to be military, well, his dad won’t teach him to be a military man, why not, because by and large he’ll join the army, as strange as it sounds, his mother brought him, when his son came one day, he said
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that he was going to the front, his mother does such you know, from childhood, from childhood he has very good if we talk about what starts with the school in arzamas, which is probably excellent. my favorite teacher , literature teacher, let's name the city of arzamas again, because the city of arzamas, the city of gaidar, he was not born in this city, but this is his city, he is a man of the world, he lived everywhere, worked everywhere, yes in the urals, in the far east, and of course, timur and his team wrote there, and he was happy, the most important thing is that he was happy in the wedge, i believe that it was natalya’s mother
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arkadyevna salkova née pushed. the son of writing, he is still a golik at this time, he is a golik, for the first time in the twenty-fifth year this will be said , it is also an obvious fact that arkady petrovich kolikov became the writer arkady gaidar, communicating with his mother, who at that time was very sick and lives in crimea , arkady hears these words as parting words that son, everything you tell about the war is very interesting, i think that there will be people who will want to know how, how ours began story? and he writes, how wonderful this is, it happens, first they tell the children something, yes, and then it turns out that it can be written down and it will be interesting not only for your children, for everyone, but here it’s like the opposite of children, but initially arkady petrovich will write the story rvs, which today is perceived as a children's story, but when he brings this thing, let's decipher the rvs, revolutionary military council, revolutionary military council,
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r. exactly, periodically, he will bring it to the publishing house. will say: i wrote a novel for adults, but it says there’s no a novel, not for anyone, not for adults , a good children's story, i think that natalya is right in many respects, especially since she generally knows the biography of arkady gaidar very, very deeply, but it seems to me that this is still an era, that is, this time, time made writers out of many people, well, we mentioned that golikov became kaidar, this pseudonym, which later became a family name... and there are many hypotheses, but for me it’s kind of like in ida or guide, this is the slogan, forward, forward, yes, but there are others there, well, in the soviet time they were very fond of saying that gaydar is from the mongolian word haidar, which means horseman, where the rider is galloping in front or looking forward, that is, unfortunately, the mongols do not have such a word in the language, mongolian students who own
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the hypothesis told me about this legend, too many legends, yes. it seems to me that we are not too secretive, it seems to me that this is in the spirit of arkady petrovich in the spirit of yes, this is this, yes, he is a great cipher, well, yes, a military secret, and a military secret, and in general, because the growth- then he's in a lot on classical literature for boys, everything is there, there are spies, there are prairies, there are horse races, still, let’s
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remember, where did you study? arkady petrovich, well , in the fourteenth year, as tatyana valerievna said, he entered the arzomaz real school, yeah, the real school is not a gymnasium, but a school that is ready, a school with very good teachers, with a very strong staff, he was preparing , he passed the exam, yes, before entering, it was difficult, let us still introduce such a context for children's literature, there is children's literature in general, sergei timofeevich oksakov in the 19th century, childhood and adolescence, tolstoy's youth, and there is what is called soviet children's literature, i mean chikovsky, mashak.
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and he is special, he is special, here with me or special, yes, yes, yes, for him his reader, yeah, seems like a child, but he talks to this reader on an equal and serious basis, like an adult, yes, and you have some kind of book - here, well, this is my dear, but what about, here it is, gaidar, a volume, this is a four-volume edition, completely crazy replicate it.
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