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tv   Vremya  1TV  February 6, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm MSK

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part of the weapons to ukraine, the attitude of the khas, like pompeo, towards the ukrainians as insignificant natives, which is why he frowns so much when he talks about ukraine. mike's diet or pompeo's last chance? dolls of the heir tutti, tomorrow on the first. hello, the program is about the most notable events of this day. fire-battery. our troops are pushing the enemy in the soledar direction. footage from the front line was received just before the broadcast. laws,
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justice in russia, humanization, norms, new technologies, vladimir putin, chapter supreme court. the question of the other world, with which deceased, what conversation biden remembered, is no less interested in personnel chimeras in kiev. congress, then it is a congress of the european union sharpening its teeth on the ukrainian military industry against the backdrop of new farmers' protests with fire. added time, to whom the election commission center showed goodwill and how the registered presidential candidates are leading the campaign. 10 years later, the olympics in sochi, how the city has changed, why the legacy of the winter games in russia is not only about sports. stroke without age, it can happen in kindergarten. your sms to number 7375 will support those who
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are helped by the orbi fund. and at the beginning of the special operation, one of its key areas was the western artyomovsk region. russian troops are pushing militants in the direction of chasy yar, an important fortified area and logistics center for ukrainian forces. on the way are the villages of krasnoe and bogdanovka. my colleagues work in the solidar direction. amir yusupov gave this report before the start of the episode. guys, listen to the sky, listen to the departures. solidarsky direction, advanced positions of the lynx detachment volunteer corps. come on, get up. soldiers are preparing for work the spg9, an anti-tank grenade that is often used to hit dugouts. the boot, as they call it here, is loved for its accuracy; it is placed right in the loophole. that's it, it's loaded, all that's left is to cock it, cock it. the gun is aimed at an enemy machine-gun point. this takes a lot of time at night. in addition, we have to shine flashlights, we are being identified. let's listen, listen. tell me,
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it’s getting cold here, quickly, let’s leave, it’s getting cold, which means precipitation has begun in the form of shells, well , they’re not putting it so close, but close, he’s behind, in front, the next one may be in us, the soldiers still continue to aim the gun, say it’s very cold, oops, the secondary is falling, that the secondary is falling, i understand, secondary here is called everything that scatters along with fragments after a shell explodes, glass, branches, stones , yes, yes
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, you want to move in complete darkness to be less noticeable, but you have to light the road, you need to see where you are stepping, in some places there are unexploded cassettes, cassettes, cassettes, under your feet, look, step on it, but the stump will roll away right away, maybe be, ah-ah-ah, yes, without a leg. but
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the detachment’s logistics are well-established, personnel, ammunition and provisions are delivered to the front line relatively calmly, part of the route is covered in cars, this is our minibus. favorite minibus, they drive here at top speeds, a car in the lens of a drone’s thermal imaging camera, a large bright spot, even just a person, a human figure, that’s also a heat signature, god forbid, but the equipment, especially in such a volume, has two cars, plus a lot of people, this is a whole spot, and quite a big one, and yourself, of course , you can’t blame it on wild animals, this is the best work in... i won’t go back to shagto, positional battles are going on in the sledar direction, the locations of the enemy’s fire weapons have long been known to our fighters, the enemy also took aim as soon as our mortars are working , two mines begum fire, mortar, mortar, flies in response
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, the shell just enters the ground not far from the dugout, lucky, without exploding, the whistle did not explode, guys, everything is fine there, i’m a crucian carp, yes, everything hits us well. enemy not a little, but still much less often than just a couple of months ago, the soldiers say that the enemy is saving shells, and if before it was just some incredible crazy artillery attacks, then at the moment everything is much simpler, ours on the contrary are actively using up ammunition, here is the crew of the multiple launch rocket system, the hail is aiming at the support of the armed forces of ukraine, a little overflight, this is the operator of the unmanned aerial vehicle.
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this is called active defense, the guys do not allow the enemy to attack, but they themselves do not attack yet. amir yasupov, vyacheslav chereshko, dmitry zelvyansky, natalya moshtakova, alexander kovalev, channel one. as for the situation in the same area, but south of artyomovsky, the ministry of defense reported that our units managed to advance at kleshcheevka, andreevka and kurdyumovka. several enemy armored vehicles, howitzers and a tank were shot down, and up to 300 militants were destroyed. the situation in the krasnolimansky direction in the impolovka area has been improved. attempts by ukrainian forces to counterattack were stopped. there they lost about 250 people. within a day, our aviation, missile forces and artillery. about strengthening anti-terrorist protection of important facilities and enterprises of the urals, was discussed in kurgan at a meeting held by the secretary of the russian security council, nikolai patrushev, while he noted the intensification
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of terrorist activities of the ukrainian regime, whose curators are recruiting our citizens. kiev neo-nazi regime against the backdrop of lack of success on the battlefield.
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speed over 2,000 km/h. along with the tu-95 and tu-22m3, they form the airborne component of our nuclear count. the current flight was carried out in strict accordance with international rules - noted in the defense department. now about the laws of their application. how to make the judicial system in russia more open and accessible. vladimir putin spoke about this today with chairman of the supreme court vyacheslav lebedev. humanization of law and new technologies kirill braine. studied practice. the supreme court, which crossed the century mark a year ago, nevertheless strives to keep up with the times. it remains the ultimate truth for citizens, but the form of searching for and finding justice is by no means frozen. knowing what is developing and
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electronic form of work with citizens. and last year, i think, about 9 million documents were submitted to courts of various instances in electronic form. how. this work is developing today in the system as a whole, using a form such as video conferencing, with its help, we consider about 500,000 cases a year.
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it will be quite enough to pass , and business, practicing lawyers, and the judicial system agree with this. the corresponding bill, at the initiative of the supreme court, was submitted to the state duma, as well as several others aimed at humanization of legislation. we have introduced a bill to ensure that preventive measures are taken against women with young children who have committed a minor crime . this should be prohibited, and if the detention, yes, yes,
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the detention, and if we are talking about crimes of average gravity, but not violent, also measures in the form of detention are not applied under this bill. for many years, lawyers have been talking about serious gaps in the so-called entrepreneurial processes. consequence sometimes the event was interpreted, to put it mildly, broadly, and as a result , more stringent measures of suppression were applied. there was such uncertainty, sometimes crimes committed in the sphere of business activity were classified as ordinary household fraud, this is wrong, such a bill has also been introduced, and is now being considered in the state duma. in addition, the supreme court insists on the immediate release of prisoners if it is recognized that detention is impossible for health reasons. now from a lot of time passes before the decision is implemented; the initiative is also submitted to the state duma. you recently gave other instructions, and on january 14, we have already begun to implement them, then
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three instructions apply to us, they are very important and we have started working with them. ok, thank you. meetings between the president and the chairman of the supreme court occur regularly. vladimir putin has repeatedly emphasized that the legal system serves to strengthen the state. this is the basis not only for development, but also for the very existence of the country. so pay attention.
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and also with japan, let me explain, it is part of the big seven, but not in nato, the joint summit that biden spoke about did not happen in nature, different places, different times, well, the president of america is 81 years old before the elections in the states, 9 months without one day. it is quite in the spirit of biden to say hello to the void; the american election campaign is intertwined with the ukrainian one, which has not been officially announced and will not be, but is going under the carpet. camouflage network, rather mikhail akinchenko about what is peeking out from there,
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even if the head of the ukrainian regime refuses to hold presidential elections in the allotted time, despite the fact that his powers are already expiring, this does not at all prevent the western press from reflecting on the topic of what would have happened if, and coming to a conclusion that is disappointing for zelensky. this is a huge challenge for zelensky, he knows what the reality is, zaluzhny is incredibly popular, ukrainians trust him. if we look at the december polls, 88% say they trust zaluzhny, and 62% zelensky, and zelensky knows this, and if you're going to fire this guy. it says so much about yourself, it's huge zelensky's adventure. the same skepticism oozes from the pages of the british newspaper the times, which writes that an uncompromising power struggle has unfolded in ukraine, and public squabbles could cause western allies to turn away from ukraine and weaken its support. there is bad blood between ukraine's two most popular political players, and president zelensky's approval rating
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for the country's most effective salesman still stands at 62% after nearly 2 years of war. its commander-in-chief is valery zaluzhny , nicknamed the iron general at the moment can boast of 88% and it is natural that the president sees the commander as his political rival and is probably going to fire him. the financial times analyzes a recent article written by zaluzhny for cnn, in which the ukrainian commander described the situation at the front in the gloomiest terms and accused the country's leadership of failing to ensure the mobilization and production of the necessary weapons. according to him, all this is just. apu resistance ability. according to two western officials from the g7 countries, whose government ensure the supply of weapons to ukraine, partners are nervous about the upcoming changes. one of them said there was a growing feeling that zaluzhny's popularity among the military, as well as in society at large, could lead to a backlash at a time when unity is vitally needed.
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moreover, there has been no unity in the west for a long time. negotiations that the biden administration has been conducting for several months with congress regarding. the allocation of the next financial tranche for the kiev regime has again reached dead end. the draft senate agreement, published recently in the republican party, has already been called dead. even if he gets the required 60 votes in the upper house, they promised to bury him in the lower house. and internal ukrainian political squabbles obviously only fuel such sentiments. the attempts of his assistants to justify themselves are negated by zelensky himself, who in an interview with italian television announced his intention to change not just one, but several people at once. in the upper echelons of their power, in the white house administration, where they continue unconditionally support the head of the kiev regime, they tried to pretend that they did not even consider it necessary to discuss this topic. in an interview with cbs, jake salevan, the national security adviser, even discussed ukrainian sovereignty. the personnel decision about the ukrainian armed forces - the competence of the ukrainian government - is
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not an issue that the american government should take into account, and is the sovereign right of ukraine and its president to make. personnel decisions, unclear for some reason, but in the video version of the interview with allivon, this particular piece was removed; it was preserved on the tv channel’s website only in the video text, perhaps because the attempt to pretend that nothing special was happening was not very successful, at least in the new york times newspaper attention to the fact that for the last 2 years zelensky has avoided such personnel changes. plans for a reshuffle in the government mean the collapse of an administration that has worked for almost 2 years of wartime. mostly in it... there were still those the same ministers that were appointed before the russian invasion. the general's dismissal could fuel fears of wartime instability in kiev's leadership and could be used by russian propagandists to discredit mr zelensky. here, of course, it should be noted that russian propagandists do not need to do anything to discredit zelensky; he himself does an excellent job of this
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work. mikhail akinchenko, vyacheslav arkhipov, grigory emelyanov, channel one usa. reputation separately, money for anti-russian project separately. the same biden on thursday is going to tell chancellor scholz about his decisive attitude to continue supporting ukraine. germany alone spent 30 billion euros on this ; the eu is going to print the fifty billion package in march. loans and grants linked to reforms and democracy in ukraine, as they are seen in brussels? there is no other way, we ourselves are not enough. ivan the blagoy was convinced. about disagreements between members of the german government with naturally a long time ago, but still it used to be considered bad to take quarrels out of public view at public events tone. finance minister christian lindner opened up at an evening hosted by bloomberg in frankfurt am main; he tore to smithereens the government of which he himself is a member. the minister of economy says that we are no longer competitive. the minister of finance says: we are getting poorer, we are not growing, we are falling behind. if
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the minister of economy and the minister of finance present such an analysis, it is inconceivable to me that the government does not do so. a few hours before this announcement , the organization for economic cooperation and development, which includes all the countries of the so-called g7, has published a new forecast for the german economy, which will grow by a meager 0.3% this year. the forecast has been halved; german economic giants bas, bosch, volkswagen, bair, continental, milli announce massive layoffs; meanwhile, farmers, having failed to maintain diesel subsidies , change tactics; they began to burn fires near the buildings of television companies whose work they are dissatisfied with. here is one of such promotions in hongoveri at the ndr entrance. the television company belongs to media giant ard. today we are no longer talking only about agriculture and not only about unskilled workers, we are talking about the population. who ruin. bonfires also burned in front of the european parliament building in strasbourg today. the head of the european commission in the hall thanked the deputies for their support of ukraine. she also mentioned farmers. this turns out to be why they are
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unhappy. farmers are the first to feel the effects of climate change, with drought and floods destroying crops. farmers are also the first to feel the effects of the war waged by russia. inflation, high prices electricity fertilizers. february 9, polish farmers. they are going to block the border with ukraine, no, not because of climate change, but because of ukrainian products, which undermine the position of local farmers. the deputy minister of agriculture of poland now urges us to take a closer look not only at grain and chicken meat from the non-farm crops, but also at raspberries, otherwise they are being delivered with arrogance. after such raspberries , there can be one conclusion - an embargo on ukrainian frozen raspberries, of which more than 60,000 tons arrived in poland in 2023. germany, france, poland, the netherlands, these are the tractors of the dissatisfied.
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and the word to the world from the head of the european council caused a real allergy. i am appalled to hear the far left say that we must stop supplying arms to ukraine. do you want ukrainians to defend themselves with water pistols or loud speeches? the head of european diplomacy, barel , arrived in kiev today and went to the training ground. today we observed our mission training exercises for ukrainian police officers, especially in support of ukrainian forces.
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the same principle should apply to the ukrainian military-industrial complex. that is why we involved ukraine in preparing our strategy for the development of the defense industry. this will be the first step towards integrating ukraine into some of our countries. considering ukraine’s rich experience in the collapse of its own industry, for example, the soviet aircraft manufacturing giant antonov, the european union faces extremely difficult times. ivan the good, dmitry volkov, lyubov dmitrieva, dalia serzhidinova, konstantin zhukovsky, channel one. head of the estonian orthodox church the church is deprived of a residence permit and leaves the country. authorities in tallinn declared metropolitan evgeny a threat to the state for not condemning the russian military special operation in ukraine. they even came to the defense.
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who exactly are we talking about and what’s new with the candidates? pavel pchelkin with answers. the center of the election committee has serious complaints about the signatures collected in support of the candidate.
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there were up to 2000 fake and unverified support in the signatures, boris nadezhdin himself verified this information, and today he visited the cycles and dialogues in these frames speak for themselves. we have some kind of problem with notaries in the moscow region; it seems we didn’t bring them. for example, a handwriting expert found many identical handwritings. what's this? this is somewhat written with one hand. yes, it’s clear that these, well, a number of signatures have been completed. after the discussion , it turned out that the signatures collected in the moscow region were not even delivered to the central election commission , that is, in short, apparently, we did not bring them here, this is my signature, nadezhdin suggested that the confusion arose due to the fact that they were collecting signatures for days without rest, he officially appealed to the central election commission with a request to give him additional time until february 10, if you bring it on the tenth,
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i will praise it everywhere.
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co-chairman of vladimir putin's election headquarters artyom zhogo visited rostov- on-don and taganrog today, where he met with university students and volunteers from public associations in the rostov region who provide assistance to svo participants. and this is part of the patriotic education that our president vladimir vladimirovich speaks about, that it should be at all levels, at different ages, and you need to show this by example. i’m also learning something for myself, i’m learning to work with these... guys, i’m learning from these guys to approach this life more easily, with a smile and to do a good, kind deed. the only presidential candidate from the new people, the party of growth, vladislav davankov, is now in the far east, today he opened his support headquarters in vladivostok and met with students and teachers of the far eastern federal university. conversation with young people about the future of the region and the country as a whole. it is important for us that everyone
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day a person could turn. their own problems, these are housing and communal services issues, environmental issues, questions , well, there are a variety of issues related to mortgages, with loans, so it is always important to be in touch, we talked about investments, in particular about a topic that is relevant for the region, about how to competently use money from chinese investors, the ldpr presidential candidate held an extended meeting of the federal election headquarters with the participation of representatives of the regions, a conversation about issues with the title:
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one of the main issues is after all environmental issue, it is linked to the gasification of the region. over the next two days, kharitonov will meet with the workforce of the krasmash enterprise and the solgona state farm, and will also talk with city residents. pavel cholkin, zulfiya khakimova, oleg smalkov, channel one. russian scientific developments need to be implemented as actively as possible. mikhail mishustin stated this at a strategic session on the implementation of socio-economic development. according to. premiere, moving forward is impossible without serious digital transformation and results has already. anna kurbatova with details. when prime minister mishustin just announced the digital transformation of many industries in 2021, it seemed like something out of science fiction, but now in 2024 it’s hard to imagine that things were different just recently. the results of the transition from offline to digital today became the main topic of the government’s strategic session.
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settlements where more than 2.0 people live, provided by the opening of fourth generation lti networks, about 115 million records are registered on the state services portal 3/4 of all notifications are sent by government agencies exclusively in electronic form, we are already accustomed to this. last year alone, more than 430 million government services were provided online, and russia’s e-government is now , according to the world bank, one of the most advanced in the world. about 90% of all certificates, social benefits, and benefits can already be issued online today. the rapidly developing technologies of modern times require specialists who will be these same ones. apply technologies. in russia they are prepared literally from the school desk. last year 100,000 students took courses in modern programming languages. there are 2 and a half times more people interested in this; students can now receive an additional it specialty for free. over 86 thousand young
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people have received additional qualifications in the so-called digital departments. also, 30 advanced engineering schools have been created in partnership with high-tech companies. another 20 have been selected. and the first domestic dna sequinator has already been created in advanced engineering schools, with which you can determine strains of coronavirus or, for example, biodegradable polyethylene. in just 4 years, there is no trace left of the film. the main objective of the project is to replace non-degradable traditional plastics with more environmentally friendly ones, which will subsequently be used to produce disposable tableware and packaging material. russia. becomes independent from foreign innovations, the recently appeared word import substitution is replaced by a new import advance in all areas, including aviation, take at least our newest pd-14 engine for long-haul aircraft and development space technologies,
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we are already talking about the technological sovereignty of the country in the present tense. taking into account the changing geopolitical situation, the president identified six most important priorities for the development of russia, including strengthening the technological one. sovereignty and movement towards leadership in key areas. the formation of the data economy national project was a response to new challenges; the initiatives currently being implemented by the government regarding the construction industry are no less important for the regions. one of them is cities great opportunities, the revival of small forms of settlement, and here we are moving ahead with a significant advance, almost twofold. construction is now also digital, and a new pace of construction has been set. that is, we have an average term.
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last year, the country set a record for the commissioning of new housing, 110 million square meters, more than half of which were private houses . thanks to new preferential programs, many were able to move from city apartments to villages. much work has been done to develop the regions. the most important initiative is the infrastructure menu, which means it is a set of all the support measures that we use today for the development of regions are investment budget loans at 3% for 15 years, these are... treasury loans, these are bonds, a set of measures that allow us to obtain financing on preferential terms for the construction of social transport structures, engineering networks, with a total volume of 2.300 billion rubles. well, another innovation in
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the country has appeared a national spatial data system, a unified digital platform where all information about land and real estate in the country is collected, for example, you need buy a plot or build a house, one click on the smartphone screen - all the data. as part of the national spatial data system initiative , the period for cadastral registration and registration of real estate rights has been reduced to 3 days. here the share of electronic services is already close to 60%. in pilot mode , the platform is already operating in four regions, the krasnodar and perm territories, tatarstan and the irkutsk region. this year , 20 more entities should join it. anna kurbatova, anna zayakina, alexey simonov, channel one. development of it. industries and information technologies were discussed at vdnkh, at the russia exhibition, today is the day of the digital economy, discussions with the participation of the head of the ministry of digital development, maksut shadayev, and the governor of the moscow region, andreev. most applications for government services are already submitted electronically. this
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means the online format is understandable and convenient. the number of different platforms will only grow over time, however, new solutions may appear in the coming years. everything related to digitalization and events that... we implement, but a person must evaluate, we have look, visits to the mfc are falling, and somewhere around 21-22 there is a noticeable decrease of 20%. now we are still striving to have fewer visits to the mfc every year, when this is possible, when public services appeared, the public services portal we know everything, we use them all, here is maksud igoriecha, i just asked, i say, maksud , that’s when the next upgrade will happen, all these improvements in government services, they will radically allow us to expand the base of digital services. that soon there may be no services at all in the portal, you will have services
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receive through a voice speaker, because you will say, i want to sign up for such a service at a clinic, i don’t know there, get such and such a permit, pass the license and everything will be done through the voice speaker, so it will talk to you, apply for you all statements, write down, remind, vyacheslav volodin spoke about the problems of school education today in saratov, the chairman of the state duma in his constituency met with a teacher. done at the regional level, at the local level, it is also correct to determine for yourself
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the development of education, improving its quality , as its president has determined for himself, is the main priority, then everything will work out, now advertising in the second part of the program is a place of glory at the exhibition russia, champions of the sochi olympics, tomorrow will be 10 years since the opening of the best light of our winter games, there will be and much more, don’t switch , innate forces have activated in europe, they are defeating me, the hour has come, gentlemen, great, golden age, big premiere, watch after the program time, civilization premiere, film the third, islamic world, premieres thursday on the first. i love my country. on saturday, on
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the first. it doesn’t happen that a person was in your life and then he disappears, even if he dies. in this girl, she almost doesn’t recognize the child who 5 years ago lost her most precious thing, her mother. i don't think i'm without her. i have a lot of memories, but this is my mother. yulia nachalova died very young, at 38, leaving her beloved daughter, vera, to her parents and ex-husband. i said that, unfortunately, i have very difficult news for you, that mom is no longer with us, what he experienced at that moment, that evening, only he knows, it’s a big responsibility to tell your child that his mother passed away, how yulia’s only daughter survived this loss, what path she passed after your mother died? i’m somehow very mega-strong, somehow i felt like i pulled myself together, that is, our exclusive 5 years of adult life of a girl who decided. by all means, become a star in memory
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of the famous mother, when you were born, my life has changed, i will always be by your side! exclusive with dmitry borisov , premiere on saturday at the first, there is a number of press representatives, it was
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a resounding success, no one knew it, popularity came so quickly, it’s quite funny to see a pockmarked chicken in paris, it ’s so russian, in this there is something very rustic and childish, he was like a river, a happy, sparkling river, great sensations, they don’t come to us by accident, let me pass so that i can stay, ivan lubennikov, life continues, premiere in saturday on the first. today, for the first time, we are treated to a unique spectacle. his name is obrek. i speak.
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he will kill you, well, hello, jaeger , she’s nobody to you, why did you get involved in this, it’s him, here’s the one who saved me, you’re nobody to each other, this is chechnya, we can’t do that, well, tell me, sopen, who cares about you moved on, i can’t live without it, doomed, the premiere of the serial film from the eleventh. in february on sunday on the first, this is my wolf, what do i want with him, let me do it, move away, let me buy him from you, this is the program time and we continue, in moscow on the walk of fame at vdnkh opened an exposition
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in honor of the anniversary of the sochi olympics, tomorrow marks exactly 10 years since the start of the winter games, portraits of our sports heroes from... medals, snow and a dizzying number of olympic champions together, this is not the olympics in sochi, this is moscow, the new an open-air exhibition at vdng, a walk of fame for athletes, their awards for our winter olympics and everything seems like it was yesterday. 10 years, on the one hand, seems like a short period of time, but this... is already half a generation, and we see new athletes, new heroes who, for the glory of russia will win victories, no matter how much our enemies would like to isolate us from sports, because world sport is unthinkable without russia, each athlete today had their own personal memories, how they were worried before the start, and then on the podium, how
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sochi 2014 became the most national the sochi olympics was a test in life, the relay races in men's biathlon were watched without sparing their voices by the whole country. from the country, charge yourself with this energy and go to sochi to the stadiums to train. the legacy of the olympics is the sporting future of the nation. on the opening ceremony, as they said, is also a holiday for builders. sports facilities are not just architecturally beautiful, they are high-tech. the olympic games in sochi were really the best, in terms of organization , accommodation, access to the tracks, in
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terms of attitude, all the foreigners told me this, they went there in this olympic village, which is now hotel 138, they were all in shock and did not understand , how is this possible when they have... someone had already finished running there or won medals, then he had no start, he went down to the spa and didn’t even understand where he was is located, at which resort, together with the biathletes, their medals for the exhibition , some were taken directly from themselves, given by skiers, figure skaters, so that’s what they are, well, almost hold them in your hands and definitely look at the details, you can have our gold, here on the lei of fame behind the glass stella , clusters of medals, each with a unique story, they looked at it, pressed against the glass, took pictures with sports stars, children saw that their heroes are people too,
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here the path to sports was nearby at the skating rink, olympic champion ekaterina bobrova gave a master class, we are left a piece these victories, which you just know, are captured within these walls, and for the next generation, for the children who will come to win after us. the walk of fame of the olympics in sochi became the beautiful final eighth part of the entire complex, so in these orderly ranks is the history of high achievement sports, our talent and labor. the unforgettable atmosphere of the sports festival 10 years ago united athletes and guests of the olympics. from all over the world. and now a photo panel has been opened in the olympic capital in honor of this event. we are together. canvas dimensions symbolic - 2014 to 2024, see the chronicle of the games,
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and also why their legacy is not only about sports in the material of ivan prozurov. rhythmic gymnastics, fencing and basketball, judo and badminton - 15 sports under one roof. sirius arena, the site where our speed skaters competed during the olympics, has turned into a whole sports cluster. and this is the iceberg arena, the home of our skaters. a sports laboratory has appeared here, where young scientists study how to expand the capabilities of athletes, but most importantly work with children. how they say in sirius, every child is talented in some way, in any case, it is only important to see it and direct him in this direction. for this purpose, the most modern complexes are here, for example, russian development. for skiers and snowboarders, almost all the components are domestic, you can set the speed, weather conditions, angles of inclination and
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, using a neural network, work on errors, class, wow, a complete feeling that this is actually unique in snowboarding, what recommendations do the athlete then receive after workout, training purposes - these are, first of all , recommendations on how to improve movement technique, but besides this there are also research purposes, we can take these parameters from elite athletes, from olympic-level athletes, and... this is part of sirius university, which opened in the former media center of the olympics, they actually wanted to turn it into a shopping complex, but science and the principle of all the best for children won out. we are trying to give the entire olympic heritage that exists in syria a second life. there will be a second life the olympic village, which will become one of the most modern student campuses. we train highly qualified personnel for the whole country. university laboratories that were once empty parking lots are now working on critical projects for our country. anastasia permenova and a team of scientists
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are developing drugs for the treatment of orphan, that is, very rare diseases. there are only specialists working here, professionals in their field, people so passionate about their work have gathered in one place to to create something new, something amazing and to fight really big problems. this treatment is, for example, spinal-muscular. trophies, dystrophies, duchenne. now sick children receive imported drugs with the help of the circle of good foundation. chemists from sirius university are completing work on the synthesis of domestic analogues. already next year, in the twenty -fifth, these technologies will be transferred to the resident company, which here in sirius will establish local russian production of these expensive and vital drug for russian patients. it was from the olympic venues that the development of the sirius territory, which united science, began. sports, art, where hockey players enthusiastically study physics. at what speed is the air resistance there, friction, washers,
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air, how it slows down, how it will be necessary to set up a trap, this is all physics. but at the desk are already the stars of our winter games, the first olympic champion in the history of russian skeleton alexander tretyakov and tatyana ivanova, silver medalist in luge. at the international olympic university they are preparing to become masters of sports. that in our country, on the federal territory of sirius in greater sochi, on the eve of the memorable date, they are summing up the results of ten years of development and remembering the beginning of the olympic path.
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urbanists have calculated that without the olympics in the usual rhythm of sochi, such development would have taken at least half a century, but the mobilization of all resources to prepare for the winter games made it possible to cope in just 7 years. and the olympic legacy is not only sports, it works for the residents of the city. one, two, let's smile. in krasnaya polyana before games, we built a modern world-class hospital, where we gained unique experience and opened a new department, this is, one might say, the development of the olympic heritage, but we already have our own methods, our know-how, which we first came up with, worked out, developed and share with other regions , there are no special celebrations prepared at the resort; everything here reminds us of our victories and boundless hospitality. the heart of the olympic park is the olympic torch as tall as a sixteen-story building and several more levels underground. we went down to
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compressor air preparation for. show with the help of air water is shot out 12 pieces we have robots mini-guns 246 pieces there are large hyperguns they are three meters high for 10 years the olympic torch brightly welcomes guests every day reminding us of our amazing winter olympics about what was done for the city and the country and of course what kind of work ivan is still ahead about
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the upcoming division of people literally into atoms, we are divided according to everything, by nationality, we are being drawn new borders that did not exist before, these borders even go according to the hearts of people, we were divided according to our attitudes towards each other, according to our attitudes towards values, basic values ​​and so on, these works contain the deepest meaning of connecting
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and uniting people. by uniting with the whole world, we can change a lot for the better, support, save, and give hope. today for those recovering from a stroke. in russia there is a specialized orbi fund, where they will provide guidance, pay for rehabilitation according to the required program, and so that assistance can be provided to everyone who applies for it, a qr code is on your screen or a message from any amount to the short number of the first channel project with the whole world 7375. in the meantime, alena germanova will talk about an insidious stroke, about the orbit fund. and his charges , hello, hello, come on, this is hard , i need to keep this, he is very hospitable, he loves it when guests come to us, what a handsome man, what a yes, beautiful man, when
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there are so many new people around, he is no longer stop, he's in a hurry to show us all his dinosaur cars, is this the dinosaur rex, rex? yes, yours is so big, it’s difficult for him pronounce words, my right hand doesn’t obey at all, a year ago kiryusha had a stroke right in kindergarten, then for long days in intensive care all these months i remembered the faces of my relatives, i learned to speak and walk again , i want it too, you want it too, come on dad, yes we ’ll put him here and go to him, right?
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there should be no rehabilitation, otherwise the body will again forget how to walk or sit, they are already ready to see kiryusha in a private medical center, but the course costs more than half a million rubles, money for the boy is collecting the orbi stroke fund , we can help the whole world, a message with any amount to the short number of the project of the first channel 7375, according to the operator’s instructions, you must confirm the transfer, and right now you can point your smartphone camera at the qr for the wards of the orbi fund. in russia , more than 500,000 strokes occur per year at the bottom of the screen. only 10% of people recover completely after a stroke. everyone else requires a long , constant recovery and rehabilitation. and this is no longer a disease only of older people , but increasingly of our wards, people of 30-40 years old, but rather young people. u...
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dreamed of becoming a dentist, studied in the third year, but right after the session, headache, intensive care, coma, his body forgot how to breathe, swallow food, he could only lie down, but after rehabilitation misha did...
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with a cane, but olga herself is already coming out to meet the family, well, just recovery, mom doesn’t need to fix anyone else, everything else is already there, and a pen, put the pen on your palm, put it, blow it, well done, give me five, kiryusha is only six, but he already understands everything, knows how much he needs these rehabilitation courses so that he can climb the hill without his brother’s help, hold on tightly to the swing with all his fingers, just be like all the boys. a link to
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the donation page on the orbi foundation website or a message with any amount to the short number 7375; it is important to confirm the transfer upon request of the operator. that's all, well, right now it's a movie, a premiere, a great one, a golden age.
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nikita ivanovich, everything needs to be canceled, i don’t understand what you’re talking about, ekaterina romanov, about our plans, it seems to me that he knows something without trying, he’s cold-blooded, he can’t know anything about our plans, do what you want, i don’t intend to play with this anymore, ekaterina romanovna. you are already in the game, as you deign to call it, and have made too many moves. mister abbot is already in st. petersburg. do you want me to tell him about your doubts? the party will be terminated.


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