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tv   Velikaya  1TV  February 6, 2024 10:00pm-11:01pm MSK

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nikita ivanov. everything needs to be cancelled , i don’t understand what you’re talking about, about our plans, it seems to me that he knows something without trying, a cold-blooded person can’t know anything about our plans, do what you want, i don’t intend to play this anymore, romanovna, you already in the game , as you dared to call it, you made too many moves, mr. abbot is already in st. petersburg, you want her to tell him about your doubts, stopping the game will be... very
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problematic, first of all for you. natalia, there is no need to rush so much. lev alexandrovich, we will definitely find him. dear sir, please show me your face. i would love to, but not now. i'm hiding here. excuse me, but from whom? from the girl natalia anenkova, the vrelin empress, pursues me through.
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horse guard officer grigory aleksandrovich potemkin, i have the honor, it seems to me that this is yours, thank you, do not take it for familiarity, but tell me, are you free tomorrow morning, grigory aleksandrovich, it seems free, then i earnestly ask you to do me a friendly favor, to be mine second, in a duel with one fool, this is a very unexpected proposal, believe me, this stupid and
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ugly attack, this pompous idiot is absolutely impossible to leave without satisfaction. well, i think i can provide you with this service. i'm really grateful to you. tomorrow at 9:00 at the old beam, do you know where it is? i know. you are a very sympathetic person, thank you, see you soon.
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your majesty, take the trouble to notify these gentlemen, in an hour and a half i’m expecting them at my place, ekaterina alekseevna, how come it’s night outside , everyone has been sleeping for a long time, that means they’ll wake up, yours majesty, ekaterina alekseevna, it is with regret that i am forced to speak about the fate of the runaway ship. to inform you that the allocated funds in the amount of 200 rubles were not enough for the implementation of the project, so the work had to be stopped, i believe that someday i will be able to find funds to finish what i started. these letters are addressed to me, what do you think is in these letters? forgive your majesties, but how can we know what is contained in your personal correspondence? tell me,
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mikhail arionovich, how much money did i ask mr. kulibin to allocate for his scientific research? research? it was a long time ago, i'm afraid that i... will remember, and you will strain your memory, your memory, mr. chancellor, is inadmissibly short for a statesman, i have to remind you, it was about a thousand rubles, isn't it, mr.... you were you present there? exactly. then why did mr. kulibin receive only 200 rubles? i gave
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ekaterina alekseevna’s order and was sure that it was carried out. your majesty. the fact is that the fact is that my orders are not being carried out. each of these letters testifies to the fact that that my instructions are being carried out improperly, or not at all? ekaterina alekseevna, you believe slander written by someone unknown and do not trust your closest assistants. i don’t believe in slander, mr. chancellor, as you deigned to put it. from this day on, after carrying out any of my orders , every official is obliged to provide a paper with a personal signature. i want every
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report on every case to have the name of the performer on it. prepare a decree. i'll ask you personally. mikhail laryonich. gentlemen, it's late, i'm bigger than you i won't delay. deftly tykh katya. this is what these brothers need , officials, cunning people, will always come up with something, just so as not to have to report to you, accounting and control, the only thing that can stop the series of bribes and bribery , why don’t they steal this money from the stagnation, is i ordered that kulibin receive only 200
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rubles. what do you mean you ordered? well, because i told you, davich, you shouldn’t throw away such money on visiting all sorts of craftsmen, this is not a state approach. you know what, mr. feltsykhmister, let me, i will decide what is useful for the state and what is not, katya. dare to follow me, from now on, grigory grigorievich, i forbid you to engage in government affairs, this is none of your business, well, what business is mine?
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and then through spain, italy was transferred to europe. and what is algebra, from the arabic word aljabr, multiplication, achemistry, alkimia, even alcohol, alcohol is translated. like a decrepit person, that which makes a person decrepit. until 1917, the personal guard of the persian shah consisted of russian cossacks. the shah of persia is his most valuable possession is, that is, itself. the future and adaptability to historical eras, this is the real face of islam, civilization, premiere, film three, the islamic world, on thursday, on the first, call
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me, call me, well, what do i look like, lord, in the morning, very charming and attractive, sit down, i’m glad to see you, i did n’t look like an artist, of course, now it’s very similar, the company serves, payment is made through the dog company. artist, i’m not in a bad mood, it rarely happens, and then i’ll say, i’m in a bad mood, i’m already starting to feel like to amuse, for irina muravyov’s anniversary, the little cuckoo bought a hood, put the cuckoo’s hood on, like in the hood he had a bag, a carnival, that’s the kind of girl i am. on the first
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, hello, lesanovich, you are on time, podporotchik, look at the beauty, the wonderful aroma, you know, grigory alexandrovich, i have one young lady i know, and she fainted from this smell. second lieutenant, don’t be such a beech, you know what this plant is called in latin, i don’t understand how you are able to talk about such nonsense, on the threshold possible death, and you would be talking about something serious, well, how long do you think ekaterina alekseevna will last in power in the current conditions, everything is appropriate for me,
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i’m on the verge of possible death, now come together. the general was wounded, ranenovich, it was worth it to fence the garden because of such a trifle, you are alive. he was killed grigory alexandrovich, ivanovich, are you not
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against our friendship? i'll be honored? what is this, nikita ivanovich? manifesto on the establishment of the imperial council and the division of the senate into a department? yes, the project deserves your close attention. i i thought a lot about your words about order in the state, the entire document was compiled solely from your wishes. it also relies on the political experience of foreign powers. behind. it is clear what you think the division of the senate
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into departments you propose will lead to, clearer interaction between officials and, as a result, dare to caress yourself with the thought of this most gracious empress, improving the lives of your loyal subjects, very curious, you have done a lot of work, i will carefully study your proposals , nikita ivanovich, and i will definitely let you know about my impressions. here, and where, here, in the rooms, now, now, now my crust, now, now, now, now, you are my pigtail, oh, alekha,
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come here, oh, you are my braid. grisha, grisha , go, i said, grisha, you’ve gone crazy, and if anyone tells mother, yes, who will say, whoever says, yes, anyone, sin, you don’t think about yourself, well, at least think about your brothers, you ’ll fly , let's all fly. what are you missing, everything is somehow wrong, lyoshka, somehow, somehow crooked and askew, i want to entertain her, she ’s angry, i’m trying to speak seriously, again, no thanks to god. with this
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coolie coolie kulibin, because of him she mixed me up with dirt, with dirt, but i saved 800 rubles for the treasury, i wrote a letter to her, she didn’t even read it, it’s not like that, hello, judging by the expression your face with the health of the heir, everything is in order , today i have not seen the heir yet, but i think that everything is fine with him, but how did you then report to the empress as me heirs.
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my report to the empress concerns you no more than me, your correspondence with her, your excellency, that good afternoon, ekaterina alekseevna, why did you come, alexey petrovich? with a little project, you also do not have the opportunity to reshape the foundations of the russian empire, let me be curious, this is a state matter , i am a statesman, nevertheless, let’s start with what you came with, alexey petrovich, i was once a child, i grew up among
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friends their friends'. “sorry, sorry, alexey petrovich, it’s very difficult for me to imagine you as a child, me too, but i assure you, if i were deprived of the company of peers, i would grow up withdrawn, gloomy, an embittered type, i don’t quite understand what you are saying to your majesty, heirs of your majesty, do you want to say..." that i don’t devote enough time to my son, that you, that you, your majesty, i’m only talking about peers, your son communicates only with a mentor, who today, for example, has not even seen his pupil, tell me
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, why do you dislike the count? well, what does love have to do with it, your majesty, it’s just that the count and i have different views on the future of the russian state, you wanted to ask, i will interesting to know your opinion, thank you, maybe she stopped loving me? maybe she stopped loving me, lyoshka , found herself someone else, who, who, ponyatovsky, ponyatovsky, who quietly writes ponytovsky letters, she answers him, i saw it myself, don’t judge by yourself,
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it’s nonsense, all this is nonsense? and the whole court is gossiping about your novels with the maids of honor, is this nonsense? yes, but i may have done it on purpose, i may have done it on purpose, to make her jealous, but... there is no jealousy, alekhan, and do you know why? because there is no love. katerina doesn't take me seriously. i'm a joke to her. naryshkin, who is called a jester is not a jester, but i am a jester. i'm a joke.
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tomorrow on the first. premiere. i love my country. on saturday, on the first. i wanted to call him sergei. and the eldest objected, if she fell in love with nikolai, here is her son. come on, let it be nikolai. he always told some stories, memories from childhood related to his father.
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the poor weak should have the same opportunity to defend themselves as the strong and
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rich. ekaterina alekseevna, have mercy, so that the lower classes can defend themselves, they must first know their rights, but how can this be done? perhaps if they can’t really read. this is what i'm leading to. and for me, a developed state is precisely one in which there are no dark and uneducated people. general education is undoubtedly interesting, ekaterina alekseevna, perhaps even progressive, but i can’t judge, i haven’t seen it anywhere yet, sweet honey, and her sponges, sweet honey, and sponges. she has , she has, it’s a pity, it’s a pity, it’s a pity for me, it’s a pity, it’s a pity, it’s a pity for me, it’s a pity for me, it’s a pity for me, it’s a pity for me, it’s a pity for me, it’s a pity for me, it’s a pity for me, it’s a pity for me, it’s a pity for me, it’s a pity for me, it’s a pity for me, it’s a pity for me, but it’s a soft, fluffy, ace of hers.
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and i’ll die, i’ll die, it’s a pity, a pity, a pity for me, i’ll die right now, it’s a pity, it’s a pity, i’m sorry, let’s get out of here.
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pavel petrovich, stop, gentlemen, his highness, what is happening here, your highness, only commoners sort things out with their fists, noble people resolve disputes with the help of a sword, pavel petrovich. and these are my pages, a bunch of handlers, your highness , you insult your subjects only because they do not dare to answer you, and you are insolent to the future emperor only because you are sure that i will not raise my hand against a girl who does not wield a sword, i dare say what i'm fibbing no worse than yours, give me your sword, nikita ivanovich, no, your highness, this is an order, count, your highness, give me space,
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this sword is too heavy for me. well then , take mine.
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and your highness, your highness , you told me that i’m great at fictitious, i told you that you shouldn’t communicate with these, your highness, what’s her name, excuse me, your highness, but i’m not aware of this, she’s fictitious better than you, and you don’t even... know her name, pavel petrovich, pavel petrovich,
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huh? excuse me, alexey petrovich, two days everywhere. speaks in an unknown direction, but that same morning he was seen by slahta fishermen, he got into a boat that took him to some european brik, which brik,
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they can’t say the name, there was fog, you think, he left the borders of russia. and what was he sniffing out here? i don't know, okay, what? sorry, alexey petrovich, but i would like to receive a more precise explanation about my future service. grigorsanovich, the position of empress ekaterina alekseevna is still precarious. foreign.
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tore it up, but it would be nice for nikita ivanovich take care of the problems of the pupil, politics should be dealt with by politicians, i don’t understand, nikita ivanovich proposes exactly this in
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his project, he proposes to put six nobles at the head of the departments of the imperial council who will make decisions for you, these masons are obsessed with numerology, and what’s more here are the freemasons, this is true, by the way... another question is more important: do you really want to rule, your majesty, or do you want to be a fairground doll in the hands of six members of the imperial council? think about it. and read this opus more carefully and first.
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what are you doing? look at this disposition. if our generals had adhered to these tactics in that battle, ryzhov would have been alive. and the rest too. you just reminded me of my late husband, pyotr fedorovich, your petrushka was a fool, but i was serious, it was necessary to march in a tight formation, not loose, loose gonin is only for reconnaissance, the artillery shifts its fire,
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the cavalry appears from behind the hill, i’m going to sleep i’ll go, for god’s sake, remove this trash from my office, yes. it was necessary to march in tight formation, own losses would be higher, who cares if the combat mission is completed. all the decisions were on the verge of the impossible , mostly it worked out, although there were, of course , pasyachikov, there were a lot of skeptical assessments about whether we could hold such an olympiad, and somewhere only on the second or third day, the skeptical assessments changed to exactly the opposite, an unrealistic super holiday of sports, everything else, which olympic games i was at, they are not close, this miracle happened and at that moment we won the overall classification, we all won, the world was shocked...
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we will talk with our guest, the founder and artistic director of eterno music, the outstanding conductor teodor kurendis. what is the task, to take the public out of their state of comfort? this is not comfort, what we are looking for, how can it be comfortable when you always want to create new, new, new, new. this is not the one who is the creator of geniuses.
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i’m in the hall for some wonderful concert and my phone is ringing, i don’t know how to turn it off, it’s like a nightmare, some kind of spanish shame, podcast lab on friday on the first, here there is a self-portrait of the artist of this station, this is actually ivan leonidovich lubennikov himself. for him it was a thrill, the scale, the hangar, where
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all this is laid out on the floor, a lot of students, you give them tasks, we just met here recently, he looked after him beautifully, no, but i immediately agreed, lubeinikov writes characters who around us, so he is understandable to a wide audience, a huge number of press representatives came to every exhibition of his works, it was a resounding success, no one knew him so fast. a draft manifesto was proposed on the establishment
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of an imperial council and the division of the senate into departments; we examined it and decided to abandon the idea of ​​​​creating an imperial council. the senate is divided into departments and headed by departments. supply people who are experienced, competent and dedicated. the manifesto will be finally adopted after it has been finalized.
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are you afraid of me? yes, your excellency, excuse me, i have to go, to whom does she owe it, come on. come on, look at me.
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when i think about the coup, about the events of that day, for a glorious reform, carried out without a plan, without sufficient funds, moreover, by people of different convictions, it is not worth begging for the will of implementation that guided our shaky and pathetic aspirations. your niece is a success as an orator. if at the same time my niece had enough sense of how much they owe to chance, she would not demonstrate her gift, so as to be less proud of her own merits, if she sees who your lordship is, no need, in the evening as a trick to the empress.
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come to my chambers, well, the abyss. for some reason, your majesty is upset, no, no, it seemed to you that you didn’t see grigory
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grigorievich, no. but i am sure that the count’s absence is due to some good reason. in any case, this is not a reason for the empress to be sad. so smile, they are looking at you. you do not intend to give gossipers a reason for their idle conversations. you guessed alexandrovich, not intentionally. then it’s worth remembering the old fairy tale about the forest, who wanted to deceive the whole world, i remember this fairy tale very well, and so what, but the fact that there was a fox in your environment, what a fox, very
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active and extremely talkative. as for me, hand on heart, i say that i played one of the main roles in not overthrowing an incapable monarch, excuse me, after all, the main role belonged to the empress, didn’t it? certainly. yes, although in fairness it is worth noting that at the most crucial moment ekaterina alekseevna fell into some confusion, to be honest.
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“i understand that you are discussing the events that preceded my ascension to the throne? do you want to know who got what role? so so, the role of princess dashkova in this event is as follows. she is the elder sister of the mistress of emperor peter ii. follow me.
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and how do you want to understand this, although i didn’t say anything bad, and i didn’t say anything but the truth, you won’t judge a person by deeds who have proven his devotion, remember, i was always there, for the sake of our common cause, i sacrificed relationships with all your relatives. “i wasn’t afraid of punishment for participating, it’s not about what you
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were guided by then, but what motivates you today, and i’m not talking about katya’s words, but about where, when and why you pronounce them, to my great regret, recently in your behavior, i see..." exorbitant ambitions and desires for power, princess dashkova ekaterina romanovna, you are no longer welcome at court, if you please leave.
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it doesn't happen that a person was in your life, then he disappears, even if he dies. in this girl, you almost don't recognize the child who 5 years ago lost the most precious thing, his mother. i don't think that i am without her. i have a pile memories, but this is my mother. yulia died very young, at 38, leaving her parents and ex-husband's beloved daughter. faith, i said that unfortunately, i have very difficult news for you, that my mother is no longer with us, what he experienced at that moment, that evening, only he knows, it is a great responsibility to tell your child that his mother i didn’t, how did yulia’s only daughter survive this loss, what path did she go after her mother’s death? i’m somehow very mega-strong, somehow i felt like i pulled myself together, that is, our exclusive 5 years of a girl’s adult life.
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exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere on saturday on the first. this is your first appearance on television. yes, jack. what made marilyn munro stand out from the crowd of starlets? sometime between now and the future movie? motador, goodby normazhin on friday
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on the first. today, for the first time , a unique spectacle awaits us! his name is obrek. i said that i would bring the best fighter. volodya ignatiev, afghan, sapper, this is such a guy. this is my money too, and i want to fight for it, well, i don’t know, i have some kind of premonition, girls, i’m telling you he cheated, there won’t be a concert, you promised us 40 dollars, these are our girls, i ’ll put them all here now, he’ll kill you. well , hello, jaeger, she’s nobody to you, why did you get into this, it’s him, the one who
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saved me, you’re nobody to each other. this is chechnya, we can’t do that. well, tell me, soper, whose path did you cross? i can't live without him. premiere of the serial film from february 11 to sunday on the first. whatever i want with him, let me do it, go away. let me buy it from you. how good. well, that's it, it's time for you, where to go, night outside, i’m a statesman, i have things to do, you’ll go to her.
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she doesn’t love you, grisha, and she’s not waiting for you, it’s none of your business, go.
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sober! i expected, forgive me, don’t be angry, if i’m angry with anyone now, it’s only myself. i had no illusions, i knew what power was, i knew what i was going to, but i was sure that i could stop the intrigues and carry my cross with dignity, but instead, there are
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more and more intrigues, and i always find myself in their... i 'm tied hand and foot, i want to do something important, real, but i have to spend time for this nonsense, i drove dashkova away, i found someone to cry about, i should have driven away this chatter a long time ago. stupid, talkative, yes, but she ’s not stupid, and that’s not the reason for her resignation, she was right, i was scared then, i’m
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scared of her again now, grizha. they are defeating me, i am weak, no, katya, you are strong, you are an empress, you are on the throne, and you have the right. thank you, just like me.
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fabulous. the court is concerned about the resignation that you gave to princess dashkova, but most of all the court
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is concerned that count orlov retained his position. and what does the count have to do with it? orlov? let me be honest with your majesty, i believe you know that... there are those who can hardly tolerate the mother of emperor paul on the throne, but no one will tolerate mrs. orlova on the russian throne. this is not me saying, these are the words of grafapanin. this is the rare case when i have to agree with him. thank you for your frankness and the participation of alexey petrovich. and one more thing: remember and tell everyone who has to put up with me, i am not the widow of the emperor, i am not the mother
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of the emperor, and i am not the regent for the minor emperor, i am the empress, and i am legally entitled. there is a big game on the air, in the collective west , in the united states, even more so in europe, there is now a lot of talk about the possibility
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of peace in ukraine, the ukrainian offensive has failed, political turmoil in kiev also suggests that, in general, some kind of big breakthrough in ukraine. spoke about the incident you mentioned, information from russian sources is difficult to trust, because they have been spreading disinformation not only in the region, but in the world for a long time. today general secretary


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