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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  February 7, 2024 12:15pm-3:01pm MSK

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is very important, people are waiting for it, this is a priority, it must be implemented in the first half of this year, but everything will be done efficiently, there will be an opportunity to receive medical care, because the existing hospitals are both morally and physically outdated, but here everything will be in accordance with the standards and equipment and rooms for two people. a grandiose celebration of sports. and friendship, exactly 10 years ago the winter olympics started in sochi, the hot winter is yours, the entire sports world united under this motto for 17 unforgettable days. brilliant touching the opening ceremony took place on february 7 , 1914 at the fisht stadium. it was the best discovery in history. the chairman of the coordination commission of the international olympic committee, jean-claude kiely, stated that the games themselves in sochi became number one for the entire time of the winter olympics. dozens
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of unique sports facilities were built from scratch, and today this rich olympic heritage serves people and educates new champions, vladimir putin noted in his congratulatory message. the whole country was carefully preparing for these grandiose sporting events, we strived to ensure that the twenty-second olympic winter games and the eleventh paralympic winter games were held at the highest level. in beautiful, hospitable sochi , unique sports facilities were built , a modern... thanks to such creative work, the olympic dream of millions of russian citizens became a reality: the twenty-second olympic winter games , the eleventh paralympic winter games, became real holidays of sports and friendship, the triumph of fortitude and character and will. important, that today the rich olympic heritage of sochi serves the people. famous stadiums and ice palaces host large-scale social, cultural, sporting
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events... new champions are raised and new records are set. the twelfth winter spartakiad of russian students taking place these days, the meeting of famous athletes, coaches and mentors with talented youth , convincingly confirms this. together with channel one, we are immersed in the atmosphere of a sports festival. on sunday at 16:50, watch the documentary between earth and sky, 10 years later. and on thursday night at 0:00 the film “your winter, the grandiose achievements of our champions” unique filming behind the scenes of the opening ceremony, that’s all for now, we are monitoring the developments, and the information channel on the first will continue, the program time will tell, we are on the air on the first channel, friends , we are happy to welcome you, this is a stream of the popular front, let's go.
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so, nikita danyuk, roman romachev, ekaterina shugaeva anatoly kuzich, today we have , well, it’s clear, so to speak, a big important topic, the visit continues, let’s do it like this, let's start the visit of american journalist tucker carlson to russia continues, the longer it is, the longer he is here. is , the more close attention to it, so - you may know, we can judge any event, but maybe it directly, for this we have our respected intellectuals, our guests, our interlocutors, or maybe by oblique signs, so say, understand what kind of event this is, so i’ll repeat this simple joke, if you want to warm your hands or feet there in moscow today it’s snowing and frosty, just open it, for example, twitter and count the ukrainian’s comment about the kaza, it’s on fire, this is a good sign. in the states, in an amazing
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way, everything is also on fire, this is why they have the first amendment, freedom of speech, everything is on fire , which means, look, so, in fact , the interview that the americans and we have talked so much about, it has already been done, it lasted 2 hours, it will be released soon, by the way, i saw a message in tas today, but in my opinion, it’s the eighth, today is the seventh, and the eighth means tomorrow, that’s it, it will be released tomorrow, which means it will be ...
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the interview is 2 hours long, he will publish it very very soon, he is not going to shelve the material, and it will go down in history, we are trying to stop the third world war, all the censors.
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i really liked it here, i ’ve never been to moscow before, it’s a very beautiful city, i also want to go to siberia, i want to visit st. petersburg, it’s hard to call me an expert in terms of culture, i don’t even know the language, only a little of what i experienced it myself, i saw it last week, i think it’s a wonderful city, i don’t know if it’s possible should i say this, but it’s true, i’m 54 , i’ve never been here and didn’t know what to expect, i’m amazed by the amount of architecture, how beautiful the buildings are here, i want to ask you about the interview with putin, something very familiar, but i can’t nothing to say, i really
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like it, i’m amazed, you know, by the amount of architecture in moscow, practically not a single dugout, that is, people live in houses, guys, of course. program, i greet you, your interlocutors too, i have one question for you, i have my own opinion on this topic, but after all, why did this public opinion, i mean american and european, so arouse it, because
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he came to moscow and told the truth, so you answered your question, in fact, you are zakhar nikolaevich, yes, if i’m not mistaken, here’s a tip from the editor, zakhar nikolaevich, where are you from, your beauty doesn’t deceive you, i’m from moscow, thank you very much, you agree with tucker carlson that our people don’t eat children, that we a luxurious city and generally beautiful russia, let's call takir really carlson in siberia, my dear, the fact is that the only person who speaks the truth is not alone, but they are always drowned out, because the propaganda is moscow, that is, i mean american, and this is also normal.
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what was happening then, yes, what they were saying about the west and so on , they are repeating the same thing now, it will end, their story is probably not very good, thank you, thank you very much, it’s necessary here, probably, it’s necessary here, probably , i don’t know if it’s worth explaining, but sometimes it’s like this too to say, well, with all the respect for the respected zakhar nikolaevich, zakhar nikolaevich, our wonderful viewer, yes , who, especially , gave me so many, so to speak, advances, i now have to comply, here, but listen nonetheless.
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don’t let this word, tucker carson, well , according to certain information, may soon officially change his status, because there is an opinion that trump, if he wins the presidential race, will appoint tucker carlson as his vice president, and this is already saying about the interview and in general communication with the russian president , there is much more to it, it is not only journalistic, so to speak
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, in the states of america the second very important point about the surroundings, and i watched the entire video of alex jones, we watched part of it, he also says very an important point that shows that ours, let’s say, are on the other side of the ocean.
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relations, the only thing i don’t agree with is the fact that, let’s say, the coverage of tucker carlson, but in our country, this is filming from under the camera, so he gave us lunch, here he’s in the big theater, look, it’s great that a very respected and authoritative journalist came, and a leader of public opinion, but... they rushed to kiss his knees , thank you for coming, it’s great that you came,
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we’re naturally glad, in fact, most importantly, our president agreed to give this opportunity, by the way, he was there for several days, i think, waiting, as it turned out, yes, we will continue to watch how everything happens there, we have our own goals, our own tasks, come more often, he said, that hello to st. petersburg in siberia, well, let him come in the new status of vice-president, please, it will be even more interesting, i imagine the headlines in the american ones... i want to let you listen - this is actually a very typical commentary on this visit here about zarev, and they don’t just say so, you make do with hysterics , no, the former chief of staff , the vice president of the united states, seems to be a serious person, that is , he worked directly at the highest level, his name is bill crystal, look at what and how he comments on this visit of tucker carlson and
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somehow they will try to stop it, because well, in any case, in their interview it will be an effect, in any case, the effect of a bomb exploding, how should they work with this, what will they do? yes, anatoly , you are absolutely right, i will answer your question , i will add a little colleague, indeed tucker is not a journalist, he is, in principle , an information fighter, yes, that is, he is a leader of public opinion, he has influence on
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a certain audience, and his visit happened thanks to two factors, so to speak, the first - this, of course, is that americans are immersed in the election campaign , the politics that the united states is leading, it has, in fact, driven the united states into a dead end, therefore, due to the fact that the election campaign is now underway, some kind of alternative point of view is needed, it is necessary to negotiate with someone, with whom to negotiate , with another leader, with putin, this is an attempt, again, as my colleague correctly said, to now build communications in order to establish contacts already in the role of vice president, how the other side can counteract . indeed, they can, well, the favorite thing of americans is all kinds of sex scandals, yes, that is, discredit him, perhaps accuse him of something, yes, that is , impose some kind of criminal cases on attention, hammer him with an information agenda, yes, louder than that -it’s a scandal, but what i really understand is a scandal, okay, there’s something to raise some kind of garbage, there’s something
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to find a woman there to pay for and so that she ’ll do something there, but how will it cancel what putin says, that’s won't cancel it in any way, it's just... it won't will make its way, as they believe, into the information agenda, or the information agenda of the tacker, it will be lower than this loud scandal, yes, so it is important to make noise with this information with your narrative, while raman vladimirovich, we discussed what they have before the broadcast such a tsutsvank in fact, it seems to me that they will generally lose in the information war now, on the one hand, they first promoted vladimir vladimirovich, themselves, they shouted to everyone, russia, vladimir vladimirovich, this is generally a terrible border nightmare, they themselves they promoted the tucker.
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so because he came there, he loudly proclaims that russia is the enemy, now there is an alternative point of view, and the fact that vladimirevich will definitely say that we have a desire to negotiate, we were not the first to start this conflict , this is like a narrative, it’s not beneficial, so either...
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it conveys, so to speak, the sacred conviction of the strong of any american, everything is clear not to allow it now, sorry, very important, very important, just very important to understand simply what our people said dear colleagues, interlocutors , that means, that is, it turns out by all indications that they are wildly afraid of the truth, something will be revealed that turns out to be, well, that is, if they are so afraid, well, listen, do you have a position , if you are confident in your rightness, yes, well, please come say no problems. ha-ha, no, that means they’re really scared to the point of hysteria, they’re afraid that this will be convincing and that it will reveal everything, so it’s like, well, this is hysterical, there’s no other word for it, let’s talk about this hysteria let's ask ekaterina moore, and this is the own correspondent of the publishing house kommersantova ekaterina, hello, it’s very nice to listen to you all the time, yes katya, hello, please tell me, here we have this kind of idea, it’s clear
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that we analyze social networks and the press, we have a feeling that in the states everyone is talking only about this interview. for some reason they are terribly afraid of him, but looking from the states, what do you feel? well, you know, i have a slightly mixed understanding of reality in from the point of view of the information field, on the one hand, of course, they are actively trying to suppress this information, because there is such a person as the talker carlson, who seemed to be squeezed out of fox news, they did everything possible to shut his mouth, then he goes on twitter with your own project.
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appeared in this, he is indeed one of the most important influencers in the united states, a conductor of donald trump’s ideology,
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he, in principle, very, very closely follows donald trump, and donald trump follows behind him, and indeed there are very persistent rumors that one of the contenders for the post of vice president under donald trump may be toker carlson, but he is not... the only one and we cannot say with one hundred percent probability, because now many sides of the republican party, wings of the republican party are fighting to nominate this person number 2, for example, there is an opinion that niki halley remains in the presidential race precisely in order to show her ability somehow somehow attract. protest electorate of republicans who are not for trump, so that they still vote for this couple, talker carlson, by the way,
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is categorically against such a union, because he believes that niki heli is such a misplaced cossack, in fact she is more democrat than a republican, she is so very hawkish, she wants to start more wars, show strength, and talk using force with... some kind of, just an observation, i don’t know, everyday, if you like, that’s all, to me seems the most intriguing story is why such hysteria, well, okay, well, there will
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be another point of view, lord, my god, i have a problem too, or something will be revealed that even we don’t really understand, maybe yes, something will be voiced there that i wouldn’t really like so on, you have an explanation, but why there is such hysteria, of course, and i believe that... this is it, this is the explanation, it is imprinted in the american cultural code, so, for example, there are members of my family, yes, my family is half american, half russian, i can communicate with these people, see how they perceive russia, for example, my husband’s mother was very surprised when she saw photographs of moscow, she thought that we were still there, i don’t know, on bears, dugouts, still in the takilyanka, but i said, like this.
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what did vladimir zelensky come with and what did he say in congress, what is this , that this is a terrorist state, that we are all there, i don’t know, we hang everyone there on yelyakh, yes, and we don’t spare anyone, bloodthirsty, evil ears. "tucker carlson stands against the backdrop of the beautiful moscow landscape, and smiles, yes, no one is taking him there, no police are taking him away, he crossed the border calmly, no bruises , yes, no signs of violence, what is it, they could have been rattled, of course, but katya, you know, this is what you’re saying now, probably to ordinary americans, but you gave an example of your mother-in-law, interesting this is really what russia looks like, we sat before the broadcast, you know, we remembered, we used to..." yes,
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we will propose to do such a teleconference, i don’t know, there with washington, just so that people can talk, we have people with vdnkh, it will be interesting , just ordinary americans and in general it is possible to do this in america, us, it’s possible, but there, i think, with tucker carlson it’s quite possible, if he comes out and goes to ask the americans, talk to them there, and you’re hinting that you ’ll be on the other side, well, of course, you ’ve distributed the roles well, okay, i've already thought of everything, okay. thank you very much, thank you very much, ekaterina moore was in direct contact with us, in my opinion it was a very interesting conversation, so the administrators of my bear are just great, take it away guys, after the broadcast i ’ll leave on it, listen, well, of course it’s absolutely amazing, here we are like, well, really, well it’s true, how you can be amazed by a photograph of moscow and a supermarket, and then suddenly you realize that people, well, they have their own kind of coca nani there , live there and create some kind of idea there, this idea itself
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is spreading there and growing in your head. you seem to have, as if, as you think, this is how i imagine, some kind of consistent picture of the life of a morder, and all this, of course, destroys it, but i say seriously, this is just her truth, remember, we were still surprised, listen, a german journalist is walking around, that means there or someone is filming, that means on the phone, russian supermarket, look how many ketchups there are, well, 27 and what, like, but for him it’s simple, remember, there was another one that the bells are ringing, here in the churches the bells are ringing, he listen, here you really really want to.
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he can very quickly really shape public opinion, on the one hand, that’s right, we talked about the fact that this is an information confrontation, but there are conditional american partisans there and so on, but look, alex jones, who is tyker kalson’s friend there, had enormous ratings when could appear, for example, on youtube, as soon as it was banned on youtube in one social network, on the second, third, fourth, fifth platform, even despite all its popularity, it was popular. he lost it, so here is the story about the fact that when you control the information space, even wonderful cool initiatives can simply be cut down, you know, i want to touch on such an important point, really, as they say, why in the world of social networks are now citizens usa can't get information, what is going on in russia, why, and because social networks provide information very specifically, if you purposefully type in rush’s instagram on the prohibited network,
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then it will give you, yes, and so you... sweden has officially announced that it is stopping the investigation into the explosions on the nordic streams, do you know why? the americans are afraid to find them, because in the course of any investigation the main thing is not to expose yourself, just kidding , they didn’t say that, they didn’t say that, but because they failed to identify any suspects, listen guys, well, that’s the case there were traces in the water, well, well , you know, listen, well, damn it, this
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is actually a sensational statement. because, well, wait, well, it was putin who gave the order, well, yes, that is, they, you know , they couldn’t even create, excuse me, well, just such a cartoon, i can’t call it anything else, where they would try to tell their audience, which is zombified and lacks critical thinking, to tell them that this is really russian, why? because the first question is why is this beneficial for the russians? completely beats this strategy, he completely breaks it, so in this regard they left, excuse me, to put it in popular terms, out of consciousness.
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space, this kind of information cocoon, where there are only two versions: either some kind of nonsense of pro-ukrainian akolangists, which, in principle , a normal person wouldn’t want to believe, or... listen, we simply don’t have evidence, we, with all our intelligence, aerospace, that means satellites, omnipotence there, i don’t know, mi 6 and so on, they couldn’t find the suspects, and this is their tactic, by the way, i’m sure that the defense tactics will be approximately the same after the interview with tucker carlson and putin, they will go into unconsciousness: no, no, we don’t know anything, we can’t comment, it’s all wrong, this is the only way to defend, because on a rational level they don’t have a single counterpart. don’t you think that in the information war, we have learned now, but they will lose? we rejoice early, that is, we, thank god, our approaches in the information space have changed and so on, maybe a little i’ll tell you a story, in 30 seconds about just
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the information war, in 2010 it was somehow in the united states of america, don’t sign me up as an agent, here under the student exchange program, and there you know, a cafe where you go and they write yours name on the cup, it was 2010, then medvedev was president. and for the sake of interest i said that write here putin, a young man of such appearance who apparently loves soy armor and so on, such putin became thoughtful and such, and such and such a dictator was delighted with a smile, by the way, how is this it works, you know, how their zombification tools incredibly reflash people, and the fact that we are breaking through this defense is great, but it’s too early to rejoice. yes , we continue the program, with us is roman romanchev and a man i don’t know, who was in the states in 1911, okay, i ’m kidding and nikita, danyuk, yes, you know, here we are talking about the information war, about the information war and katya, it seems to me,
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too, to say that we are getting a little ahead of ourselves, we just pay attention, here we seem to have switched roles, as if on a battlefield with information, as i imagine, i ’m probably a small specialist, but i imagine that in the absence of opportunities, so to speak, massive,
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the air, which is called, about ours, yes, yes, yes, junior, about our female pilots, go definitely, the film is amazing, there is no falsehood, no pathos, it’s just a real movie about real heroes, go see it this weekend, go with your kids, the movie is very good, thank you friends for your attention, see you soon on the air, i'm kidding, i will never refuse - from friends and acquaintances, nikita danyuk, i know him, roman romachev, you were with us today, see you soon on air, thank you. friends, see you soon, i am not the widow of the emperor, i am not the mother of the emperor, and i am not
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the regent under the minor emperor, i am the empress, and i am in legal right. you argued that catherine is a temporary phenomenon. in europe, innate forces interested in overthrow have become active. a german woman without roots, i had no illusions , i knew what power was, i knew what i was going to, but i was sure that i could stop the intrigues
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and carry my cross with dignity, great, golden century, big premiere, watch after the program time! multiplication, achemy, alkymia, even alcohol, alcohol is translated as a decrepit person, something that makes a person decrepit. until 1917, the personal guard of the persian shah consisted of russian cossacks. the shah of persia trusted only the russians with the most precious thing he had, that is, himself. i have met a lot of people who think that a woman should always wear black and cover her face, but this is not so, they asked, do you want to add a clause that he has no right marry. to the second wife, i say, yes,
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focus on the future and adaptability to historical eras, this is the real face of islam, civilization premiere, film three, the islamic world, tomorrow on the first, some say that the architecture of shanghai will not surprise you, just wait evening and you will think that you are in the city of the future. "who is in charge in a chinese family? many of us are raised by powerful women, so we end up finding a copy of our mother who controls us. how do young people in china have fun? we can go to the cinema, stand-up comedy, or we can just stay at home, cook and watch a movie. it's a pity, my girlfriend doesn't like video games, so she won't let me play them. i said everything correctly, darling, don’t you allow him to play? well done! will settle down in retirement , my best time, if you want
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nothing to hurt you at 72 , dance in the park every morning, the lives of others, premiere on sunday on the first, behind mike pompeo, former head of the cia and us secretary of state at the time trump, the nickname mike wolk stuck. you should be aware that the ukrainian armed forces have been trained in the us for a very long time. when i was still the head of the cia, i visited the southeast of ukraine several times, and now he appears in ukraine again, becomes a member of the board of directors of kievstar. kyivstar has 25 million subscribers, it is a round-the-clock surveillance of people, you can look for those who disagree, you can look for clannishers, he is the main persecutor of the russian orthodox church , an attempt to crush the spiritual bonds of the foundation, the koch brothers, they are considered the main puppeteers of pompeo, the most. big guy who supplies most of the weapons
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to ukraine, the attitude of the kukhs, just like pompeo, towards the ukrainians as insignificant natives, which is why he winces so much when he talks about ukraine, mike’s diet or pompeo’s last chance, dolls of the heir tutti, today on first, all decisions were on the verge of the impossible and...
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this is the news on the first, hello, in valery korablev's studio. and first, about the attacks that our army inflicted on military defense facilities of ukraine, explosions in novomoskovsk and pavladar, dnepropetrovsk areas. rocket factories are located in these cities.
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about the terrorist essence of the kiev regime, report by georgy alesashvili. the attack on a cafe and bakery in lesichansk, moscow is classified as a terrorist attack against civilians. russian permanent representative vasily nebende began the security council meeting with this statement. over the past month and a half, this is the fourth terrorist attack of this kind. the actions of the kiev regime are striking
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in their cruelty and sophisticated misanthropic nature. shelling in belgorod, two strikes fired. big concentrations of civilians, and the time of the strike invariably coincided with the peak visit to a particular facility. in none of the cases was there military infrastructure located in the immediate vicinity. there could be no mistake , nebendia emphasized, because the strike was carried out by a high-precision weapon, presumably a missile from the american haimar multiple launch rocket system. it is possible that this is why the us representative questioned the obvious fact of the attack. we saw news reports about a bakery being hit on site eastern ukraine, occupied by russia, which killed at least 28 people. while we cannot independently confirm this information , the united states mourns all
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civilian casualties. what then to do with the confession of the representative of the main intelligence department of ukraine skibitsky? he's still a year and a half away.
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russia attacks the civilian infrastructure of ukraine, convening a meeting of the security council, it insults us. russia is undertaking gross manipulation of the council, only russia is responsible for everything victims of their war against ukraine. france, the former president, to whom he admitted that
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the minsk agreements were not intended for implementation, but for a respite and rearmament of kiev. french. the leaders cynically prefer to turn a blind eye to the fact that the weapons they supply are deliberately used by the kiev regime to kill civilians in russian cities. moreover, in paris they even tried to justify such atrocities by the right to self-defense, essentially justifying acts of terrorism. in turn , moscow, as nebendia assured, is working on so that those involved in all such attacks are identified and punished. georgy lisashvili, victor averin, ruslan bashko, channel one. the federation council demands that western countries stop supplying weapons to ukraine, because kiev is using them against civilians. senators also approved a law on confiscation of property for crimes against national security. we are talking, in particular, about those who spread fake news against the army, rehabilitate nazism or call for extremist activities.
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important clarification: these measures will be applied if the crimes were committed for selfish reasons or by order. myself.
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the white house and the democrats , the journalist said that for almost 3 years the biden administration has been doing its best to prevent an interview with vladimir putin, now propaganda is hitting carlson, cnn material, tucker carlson is accused of carrying out the orders of the kremlin, which he himself promised in his own appeal for verification will be available two versions of the interview on the social network x in a montage television format, well, on his website he will post the full version without cuts. sweden stops investigation. versions on nord streams was officially announced, the prosecutor's office gave reasons, the suspects could not be found, the country's citizens were not involved in these events, well, the terrorist attack itself was not
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directed against the interests of sweden, that 's all. the materials that we managed to collect were handed over to colleagues from germany, and they are still continuing the investigation. the terrorist attack on pipelines on baltic day, let me remind you, took place in september twenty-two, germany, sweden and denmark did not allow specialists from russia to investigate, despite numerous... usa, performed norwegian divers, here is his new statement, specialists from denmark and sweden deliberately led the investigation to a dead end. the failure of the two countries to complete the investigation may be due to the fact that, as i was told, some senior officials in both countries were well aware of what was happening. citizens of azerbaijan are showing high activity in the early presidential elections. the polling stations opened at 8
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am local time and within 2 hours 20% of voters had already expressed their opinion. elections of the head of state in azerbaijan are traditional held on wednesday. the day is declared a holiday. people are voting all over the country for the first time, including karabakh. the president is elected for 7 years, the number of terms is unlimited. the current leader, ilham aliyev, is vying for the top post. etyre. party candidate and two self-nominated candidates. ilham aliyev has already voted at a polling station in karabakh this morning. his wife was with him. mehriban aliyeva, she is the first vice-president of the republic. a big date for world sports, exactly 10 years ago the winter olympics started in sochi. russia gave the planet a sports festival, such hasn't happened yet. the opening ceremony, incredibly bright, touching, thought out to the smallest detail, was extremely complex.
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in beautiful, hospitable sochi , unique sports facilities were built, and modern transport, resort, and leisure infrastructure was created. thanks to such creative, constructive work, the olympic dream of millions of russian citizens has become a reality. the twenty-second olympic winter games and the eleventh paralympic winter games have become real holidays of sports and friendship, a celebration of strength spirit, character and will. it is important that today the rich olympic heritage of sochi serves the people. at famous stadiums and ice palaces, large-scale social, cultural, and sporting events are held, new champions are raised and new
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records are set. the twelfth winter spartakiad of russian students taking place these days, the meeting of famous athletes, coaches and mentors with talented youth, convincingly confirms this. the sochi olympics gave a powerful impetus to the development of the entire region. city where we went mainly for a beach holiday, today it has become a large all-season resort. which attracts millions of tourists every year. together with channel one, we are immersed in the atmosphere of a sports festival. on sunday at 16:50 watch the documentary between earth and sky, 10 years later. well, on thursday night at 0:00 the film “hot winter yours. the grandiose achievements of our champions , unique filming behind the scenes of the opening ceremony. at the sochi olympics , an exposition at the russia exhibition is dedicated. dnh, a walk of fame with awards of our champions and stories their victories. well, in the pavilions today we are talking about the most important things: family, children, what is
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the state doing to protect and support them? family mortgage. one of the significant programs , the deputy prime minister spoke about its results; since 2018, on behalf of the head of state , a family mortgage was launched at 6%, and for the far east it was 5%. during the operation of this program, the basic program for family mortgages, the housing conditions of more than 918 thousand families were improved. head of state at a meeting with families, most recently here in opening day of the year of the family, a decision was made to extend these programs, this is a very important decision, and the government is now preparing the relevant documents to extend these instruments. made by schoolchildren, robots, au pair,
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musician, nurse's assistant, valet diver , the most daring. ideas brought to life by young talents, the national education project has given great opportunities to children, even those who are still in elementary school, technology parks across the country, and today on world robotics day is another reason to show what managed to achieve, by the way, at the vdnh russia exhibition, a robot developed by schoolchildren is also there, welcoming guests. svetlana kostina, more about everything: cook something, that is, he can clean up the house himself, well, like a person. but, but not a person, the one who will do the most dangerous work in the conditions of the african heat or the arctic cold, or maybe do frankly boring things, or just sing, we will go on horseback, across the field together, robots are working hard, not people, at the russian exhibition at
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vdnkh a robot plays the accordion familiar melodies, this is the development of st. petersburg... schoolchildren, a robotic robot, created in the laboratory of itmo university, can entertain the public, turn its head and move its eyes, moves on a hoverboard, for this it was necessary to teach the robot to balance, write a special program. future engineers begin their journey right from school, thanks to the national education project , quantorium centers are opening in the country, where already from the first grade you can create someone who, at your command , will go or speak, go back and forth, take some objects, move from place to place, such a robot can be seen on all the roads of the country, it controls paid parking, for example, sends a payment reminder, monitors compliance with the rules, it sees with a camera that the numbers are dirty and eliminates any obstacles, yes obstacles, reading numbers. the nurse's assistant, another school development, can deliver medications to wards, and this is no longer just a prototype, a pilot project for a smart pharmacy in moscow, based on a city hospital, a robot
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very compact, understands all types of medicines, stores here. more than 80 thousand items, the robot can very quickly collect and prepare medicines for each compartment, preparing these containers that you see takes approximately 5-7 minutes. robots in medicine have long been helping to perform operations that are also indispensable in rehabilitation. the commander of the assault squad, ivan cherbakov , led the evacuation of his guys during an attack by enemy drones. he saved his colleagues, but he himself was blown up by a mini. smart prosthetics help him to return. in life, drones are a separate type of robots, drones, cars without a driver, here is a traffic police assistant when passing driving license exams, an employee is no longer needed in the car, the robot will record all the student’s mistakes and give an impartial grade, an unmanned mini-loader, perhaps everyone’s dream for residents of central russia, snowfalls do not stop here, look, no driver knows where to go, where to clean, he can work around the clock,
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a robot can replace a person even under water, in baltiysk such small devices with...
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in moscow at this time it will be 2:00 am, and apparently on friday you and i will actively discuss this interview, so get ready. and we are kind of waiting, waiting, because the topic is the most important now, the number of views of the announcement is increasing rapidly before our eyes, there are already more than 65 million views, well, we are transported to the front, we have
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war correspondent artie alexander simonov in direct contact, let's find out what is happening in the lugansk direction. hello, alexander, over to you. yes, good afternoon, well, here you go in the artyomovsk direction, the initiative remains with our units, now... to seize the initiative, in particular, and a similar phenomenon is observed in the bogdanovka area, this is north of artyomovsk, but again, at the moment they are not really succeeding, they continue to try to
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play local assaults, well, our guys are standing there, carrying out the combat missions assigned to them. alexander, well , almost 9 months have passed since the liberation of artyomovsk, and there something similar begins to... some kind of peaceful life, or is it now an active zone there are practically no fighting and civilians there, because we regularly talk about the aspect of fighting, but about the residents , not so often, unfortunately, because the fighting is going on, there are no civilians there at all, that is, it’s just a war zone, because directly adjacent to the front, and what and at the same time, and at the same time , uh, what are the enemy’s prospects there , what do they want and do they have reserves there in this direction? also - yes, they have reserves, they are constantly improving, but as i already said, according to them artillery strikes are constantly being carried out by our guys, so in fact the enemy
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has no prospects in this direction, our direction, our perspective, we are holding an active defense there or concentrating in order to move somewhere further, again, if this is relevant talk, because, of course, we shouldn’t reveal the command’s plans on air, well, i think we won’t talk about it for now.
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such instability greatly worries western curators, and the times believes that some allies may turn away from kiev altogether after zaluzhny’s dismissal. the two most popular political players in ukraine are at loggerheads. president zelensky has a 62% approval rating in the country. the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, valery zhelezny , general zaluzhny today boasts 88%. therefore, it is only natural that the president sees him as the commander-in-chief.”
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the war has been going on for 2 years, this has a certain psycho-emotional impact on people, not only in ukraine, but also on our partners, but for now we can overcome stagnation in they are not succeeding at the front, they are busy tightening the screws in the rear, and this , of course, concerns the issue of mobilization, lately maxim has been afraid to go out, i live in constant stress and anxiety, monitoring telegram channels to understand how i need to get from point a to point b without ending up in an army.
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russia. we must be so prepared, serving in the army, of course, for deterrence , so that russian generals and political circles clearly see that the european direction is not an option. russia must understand that european defense at the highest level is up against a brick wall, and that wall must be determination and...
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about how much ammunition they can use on that day, and how much they should hold back, they make decisions about maneuvers based on ability continue to support their military in the field further, it is difficult for them, american and any other support is critical and vital, we will continue to work to provide it. vladimirevich, it feels like everyone is waiting for something, west waiting for something to start helping more actively, and total mobilization in ukraine.
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it reaches a certain stage, not field operations in any case, and today nato does not have air defense systems that could stop russia’s modern weapons, i mean, of course, missiles that bypass any air defense system. accordingly, when they say, you know, kaliningrad won’t
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be there, you say this seriously, seriously, you can do something else, and we need to take this into account, this is the constant work of the west on by creating an incident, let's block russian ships. that is, you assume that they cannot or do not want to sweep away, after all, they cannot and do not want, on the one hand they do not want, if i look at the statement, starting from macron, ending there with the german minister of defense estorius, that the warehouses are empty and there is not enough production, rain metal, who is opening a new workshop,
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says: you give us contracts, you pay us for production work, and we will produce these shells, no one pays, it turns out that the west is satisfied with this the situation, in fact, this is not a political deception... no, of course, and the west really doesn’t care about the people, they don’t give a damn about the strategic games that they run very well through zelensky, and here zelensky’s big danger is really not in britain, not in the usa, and not in the lack of funding or supply of shells , the only danger for zelensky
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, of course, this is false, of course, if you are talking about the fact that tucker may be a future vice president, then i say that it is quite possible that a false future president , exactly also, i think, everyone is now waiting for vladimir putin’s interview so that... he can tell them who will end up where, how they will determine the policy, well , this is kind of conditional, we conventionally joke about this topic, although now there are more and more reasons for jokes less and less, oleg valentinovich, latvia is resuming military service, they are talking about this, the poles are threatening to destroy kaliningrad, the poles are offering all europeans to expel all ukrainians subject to mobilization from the territory of the european union, that is, as i understand it, they are set up for some kind of serious war with us, the west as a whole, are you ready? well, of course, they were always ready for a war with the russian federation, dreamed about it, wanted it and still continue to want it, but relying, strictly speaking, not so much on their own forces, but on the power of the nato bloc,
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the united states of america, before in total, well, let's remember, the population of latvia is the same, yes, which is, it is smaller than moscow, as they say, many times, yes. and from here we will calculate the draft content, well, this should be approximately 10%, so latvia itself, it cannot pose a serious threat, except by providing its territories for the forces of the nato bloc, the same airfields for takeoff, landing, landing of a division, and so on and so forth, so it’s not harmful to dream, as they say, for god’s sake, they can dream about anything. but the baltic states themselves were, and remain, such a limitrophe, which is ready to bark and bark at its suzerain, as they say, until the very last moment, thus talking about,
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in my opinion, any serious infringements or forces, which may be their own latvian or even other baltic countries, in my opinion it is not necessary, but we react to this. of course, now creating we need to react to latvia there, so i say, we are reacting by the fact that now a decision has been made, well, not only now, today, but some time ago, about the deployment, re-creation of our leningrad, firstly, military district , you know, an army is being created in petrozavodsk - a whole combined arms army, here in kaliningrad, in the kaliningrad region, ours is now very is greatly strengthened by expanding the reconstruction there of the strengthening of our baltic fleet, including, in this way, we must not talk about an attack from the pre-baltic, although this is quite possible, so to speak, if there are military operations. unfold in this theater of military operations, and not a strike,
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but that the baltic countries think first of all about their own security, if they decide to do so, because in accordance with the doctrine of the military doctrine of the russian federation, if our country is threatened , we can go for the use of the most serious types of weapons, i think we understand what we mean absolutely, absolutely, but let’s return to the topic of western support for ukraine, us senators are confident that the vote on military... assistance to ukraine is already doomed to failure. a hard -won preliminary agreement to unblock military aid to ukraine and introduce new border restrictions has once again found itself on the brink of collapse in congress. republican officials said wednesday's planned vote on the issues was premature. member house speaker mike johnson and other leaders warned the senate armed services committee's roger wicker that the proposal was dead. republicans in a joint statement on monday called attempts to reach a compromise in the senate a waste of time,
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well, while america is trying to slow everything down with the allocation of military aid, european leaders, on the contrary, are ready to fork out, or they are forced to fork out, and more widely, the truth here is already in their address more and more criticism than support, and ursula vonderijn sada, goddess of war, has now come under criticism after hundreds of thousands of people died due to the conflict in ukraine and millions more fled their homes. you now want to continue this fire to take another 50 billion euros from the citizens of the european union, and what will be the consequences, will there be peace? no, at least 100,000 more people will die, but they can be saved if the war is stopped, and how to stop it through negotiations, weapons cannot stop the war, the death of young people will not stop this war, we all know this, but unfortunately not we want to admit, well... in this background we must recall that assistance to ukraine in the us congress is tied directly with the help of israel, here
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let's remember the new argentine president, we smiled at him a little, because the figure is, well, a little comical, but well now it’s clear why he came to lay, and the hand that was put on his figurine, in fact, began to control him and sent him to israel, where he declared his support for the country in its fight against hamas and announced the transfer of the argentine embassy to.. from the israeli capital tel aviv to jerusalem, here it should be noted that jerusalem is not a purely israeli city, but after trump, america moved its embassy there, now argentina is repeating the same thing after them, what do you think, did they think of it on their own, a new support from the ocean was warmly welcomed in israel, as reported by the press service of the ministry of foreign affairs. foreign minister kats thanked president meley for his support for the state. israel for the visit to strengthen support for the jewish people and state of israel after the hamas attack.
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minister kats thanked the president for recognizing jerusalem as the capital of israel. vladimirovich, it would seem, where is argentina, where is israel, but we remember that in 924 in buenos aris there were terrorist attacks, they blew up the israeli embassy, ​​then they connected the whole thing with iran, they denounced, in fact, directly, it would seem, very, very far away, but then it became obvious.
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push through recognition of jerusalem as the capital, in sending aircraft carriers near israel we will bomb the houthis outside the security council, i mean that the americans with the british are doing this illegally in any case, then america, of course, in this case is considering only one option: the stability of the petrodollar is the future of the usa, if there is no stability of the petrodollar, and if argentina, argentina, breaks through, i am sure that it will simply . the inflation that argentina has, it
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’s necessary to transport tons of dollars, his proposal was, let’s introduce the dollar, in principle it will bring down the dollar for the dollar, this is definitely not necessary with such inflation in a country like argentina, i think... he’s just too forgive me for the movie, he is currying favor in this case, he really needs loans , he can’t give them away, so i think this is a political move: look, i’m a good guy, give me money, no more, no less, i don’t see it there depths, and america, america , in principle, it now faces a choice, it’s not about trump, america, whether trump or not trump, everything is the same for us, america is faced with a choice whether it needs to continue demonstrating its strength in the middle east, defend your petrodollar, and the conflict could spill over. very easy and just off the mark in sight, the houthis were bombed there and a couple of ships were not allowed through, and if iran gets technology or iran has technology, they will use it, and if pakistan suddenly gets overextended and also uses a nuclear bomb, now many are talking about the need to somehow package the conflict in the middle east , because if it starts there, then of course ukraine is not interesting at all in this case, then this is the third
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world war, but not ours, but it will destroy the us economy, as far as a large global one is now possible. in the middle east? well, nowadays, as they say, everything is possible. this is such a very complex, uncertain time, especially after the approximately existential gap between east and west occurred in the twenty-second year, when these tectonic forces separated these continents quite far. therefore, if we talk about the middle east, how the houthis operate the same against us aircraft carrier formations, without fear of an unretaliatory strike, already possessing the appropriate means. serious weapons, such as anti-ship missiles, all this suggests that america is increasingly no longer afraid, and not just to be afraid, but to respect, this is probably the most important thing, including the dollar system is involved here, which is falling and going through hard times, so, if we talk about a possible big conflict in
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the middle east, of course it is possible, and rightly said my colleague says that first of all this... conflict will hit the united states, its prestige, it is quite possible that the middle east will unite, all muslim countries will unite in order to defeat the united states of america, this is not the case nothing surprising because we know that so far the united states has not decided to strike either iran or iraq again, let’s be honest, they are unlikely to decide to strike the right way.
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their hands remained free, which was very important for them, we actually did it all from scratch , because they didn’t send us any devils, yes, we were only given the size of the rocket, its height, diameter, weight, and this is a very labor-intensive process, in fact he, despite the fact that we have already
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sent a batch of backpacks, they still require adjustments, because the soldiers... they send a video, that is, initially they said that everything was perfect, now, when they are using it in combat, they asked, for example, to replace the elastic band with a stiffer sling, well , some minor adjustments that require improvement , the unification of people takes place in the telegram channel stream popular front, because very good people communicate there, be sure to subscribe to the qr code on your screen, actually. speaking, i also appear there periodically, but it is impossible not to notice that the association is happening on all fronts, including on the cultural front, and more and more wonderful, stunning russian films are being released, one of these films is the film air, which tells about the ace girls of the times of the second world war, the times of the siege of leningrad, a film by alexey herman the younger, he simply
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amazes with his epic filming and the battles there are amazing, let's watch a small fragment. this is our story, it’s true, i shed tears, and my mother shed tears, it was touching and interesting, this. the film can really inspire, this is why people go to the cinema, such vivid emotions, the war is shown through the eyes of a woman, it was very cool, the air is already in the cinema, the film has already been watched by more than 1 million viewers, be sure to watch it too, a short advertisement and we’ll come back , behind mike pompeo, former head of the cia and us secretary of state at the time.
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an attempt to crush the spiritual bonds of the foundation. the koch brothers, they are considered the main puppeteers of pompeo. the largest one, which supplies most of the weapons to ukraine. the attitude of the kukhs, as well as pompeo, to the ukrainians as insignificant natives. that is why he frowns so much when he talks about ukraine. mike's diet or pompeo's last chance. dolls of the heir tutti. today. on the first, this is your first appearance on television, yes, jack, which made marilyn
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monroe stand out from the crowd of starlets of this model, which made the whole nation, and the whole world , unanimously proclaim her their baggina. director billy wilder said that it was monstrous, he couldn’t remember the text, the takes were terrible, he had to take different pieces to sculpt scenes from twelve takes. to to get something valuable, but as a result , magic arose when you get married, miss mandro, sometime between today and the future film, motodor, goo normajin on friday on the first. let's talk with our guest, the founder and artistic director of eterno music, the outstanding conductor theodor gurendis. what is the task,
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to take the public out of their state of comfort? this is not comfort, what we are looking for, but how can it be comfortable when you always want to create new and new and new and new. in general, mortier is not the same as the creator brilliant performances, what he did , he... a wonderful concert, and my phone is ringing , i don’t know how to turn it off, it’s like a nightmare, some kind of spanish shame, podcast lab on friday on the first, some say that
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architecture shanghai will not surprise you, just wait until the evening, and you will think that you are in the city of the future, who is in charge in the chinese family, many of us are raised by powerful women, so we end up finding a copy of ours... dance in the park, the lives of others. premiere on sunday on the first. what i want to tell you about, what i experienced,
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deserves attention. among the many joys and pleasures that accompany youth. having become a writer, i experienced incomparable happiness. in the outlying village of mala, i lived with a blacksmith and helped him forge horseshoes in his forge. many dangerous adventures that moved me into many adventures, in me, who i was, who i became, alexander prokhanov, confession, premiere from february 12, on the first. a frequent guest of our program, he
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comes to our studio whenever possible when he is in moscow, gorlovka, a place that is constantly under fire, and you know, i often ask ivan serge a question, ivan sergeevich, the line of contact runs right next to the city, how do you live, he always corrects me, ruslan, you know , he says, it’s wrong to say that, the line of contact is not nearby , it passes directly through the city, and moreover, taking into account... the administrative formation of gorlovka, which is larger than the city itself, part of the territory is still occupied, this city is constantly under fire, and communal workers work there, the real ones heroes within the framework of the project we are alive, alexander mozgovoy talked with one of the teams of utility workers.
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recently, not a day goes by without gorlovka being included in shelling reports, but it is also worth noting that literally within a matter of hours after the announcement of the next arrival , information appears that what is already working on the spot. hello, hello, here i am, here is the second floor, the blast wave, how powerful it was, blew out the iron door. it's
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a complete mess, and you were in the house, and at that moment, you were at work, and i was alone, but i didn't i didn’t understand anything, i just realized that there had already been an explosion when i was in the bedroom, i didn’t need to run here anymore, then the water started pouring in, you can see the pipes, everything, that’s it, when i walked in, i almost fell, but how is there compensation or something? they promise you, i don’t know, well, i went , wrote applications for the whole, they give me a hostel, but i don’t want to go there, that’s it, here we are in the bedrooms, for now, guys, this is the floor covering in three apartments, but it turns out that its volume it’s a lot of work, you yourself...
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you see, three ceilings were broken, it fell, i think it will take two or three days, that’s two, 100%. this is not your first such arrival, well, we are from kuzbass, we don’t have such a thing, we got to the first such object, roughly speaking, this week, well, it’s like the realization comes only when you see all this, shots, as if we hear , we hear banging, and where is it when we saw this that all this consciousness comes, right? that everything is serious, hello, good afternoon , tell me what happened here, when it arrived, at night at 192, i was already going to bed, they threw me up on the bed like that, and
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then... fire and something fell, but i, of course, it caught on, i actually slept dressed, because before that it was also very restless, i didn’t see behind the house, but a neighbor showed me, there was such a huge crater, right there in front of our house , how our house survived, this it’s just amazing, god saved us, but how are you holding on here, and we ’re holding on well, so what are we doing? we have everything, you know, we have heating now, they give us water 2 hours a day, that’s enough, well, he...
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roman, well, what kind of work do you have here, here many houses have been damaged, there’s dentistry, kindergarten, apartment buildings , we are restoring the warm circuit , that is, we need to close the houses, the temperature outside is low, we need to keep the heat in the house, i noticed that on your car it says something like a detachment, something like that, emergency detachment, detachment, yes, and how many guys do you have in the detachment, 14 people came here, together with me, it turns out, there are welders , drivers, excavator operators, that is, we have special equipment here, and
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trucks, well, when you first heard the sounds of shelling, remember your sensations, but we didn’t understand, the shelling in general , where it came from, what it was like, and then over the time you were here already... you know to distinguish what it is and where it is, upon arrival you were given some kind of instruction here, yes, yes, the ministry of emergency situations conducted instructions on how to behave , god forbid, if something happened somewhere nearby, do not pick up an unfamiliar object there, there are bells, there are some mine petals, also scattered throughout the city, entrances are open everywhere , that is, if anything happens, run into the entrance, or some kind of shelter, we know all this, you can say hello. family , everyone who knows me, hello to everyone, hello to kusbas from gorlovka,
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well, now we hear somewhere, i don’t know, shelling, minus plus, but that’s all. here you are working at heights, work is work, after arriving you need to seal up the windows now in order to at least retain some heat in the apartments, even if there, even if no one lives there, you still need to seal them up, because it will freeze and the house will be left without heating, but if , god forbid, something starts to fall here, well , it starts to fall, we’ll go down and flow entrance, not the first time. our profession is related to heights, and we
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are, let’s say, in a prominent place more than anyone else; now attacks by uuvs have become more frequent, which not only correct the work of artillery, but also drop explosives. items on our guys, on our equipment, respectively, when enemy shells hit , we almost have to burst into all the objects in order to get there as quickly as possible, the shortage is palpable; the shortage is palpable is not the right word, since at the moment i have 12 roofers throughout the city, some the guys are now on the front line, so unfortunately there are not enough workers, but nevertheless we are trying to help people as much as possible. quickly and efficiently, god willing, good luck to you , thank you, thank you, one of the shells hit the apartment where at that time there was a family with three children, now they have temporarily moved
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to live with their friends, oh, well, we were just literally in your house, of course it’s scary to imagine what you went through there, third floor? our fourth fifth fell on us and lower on the second it all fell down, i grabbed one child, the grandmother of the second, the third, the eldest was in the toilet at that time, that’s the gap between the first and second shell, this is the time compartment we managed to run into the corridor, that is, the next shell flew into our apartment, it’s really scary, then at that moment little was clear at all, a huge explosion. everything fell down, there was a lot of dust, there was nothing to breathe, well , my first thoughts were about the children, i felt that the baby was in place, and the eldest began to cry, well, at least i understand that she... is alive, everything is fine , most of all she was afraid for her son, he was there under the rubble
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, lost consciousness, but quickly recovered, somehow crawled out from under the bricks, miraculously, in general, he escaped with only abrasions on his back, so well, then, of course, the teams from the ministry of emergency situations and the management company quickly arrived , that is, our door jammed , they broke the door for us so that we could leave the apartment, you are here temporarily now, yes, we are with my husband’s relatives, with his brother, uh, their family took us in to your home... so that people know not only ours here, but also there, who think that we are shooting at ourselves here, or something like that , let people know, maybe not today, maybe not this year, but how...
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residents of gorlovka really want people all over the world they knew the truth, which means we continue to work, the news is on the first page. hello, news on channel one, andrey ukharev is with you. the russian army today launched a massive attack on...
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malyshev, his workshops were destroyed. arrival recorded in melnytsky and ivano-frankivsk regions, there is a hit on industrial facilities in kyiv. there, according to tradition, the local crooked air defense, trying to shoot down our missiles, hit their own high-rise buildings, because the complexes were installed inside residential buildings. eyewitness footage confirms this. the investigation into the sabotage on the nord streams has been completed, today it
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was officially confirmed by the swedish prosecutor's office, as german journalists reported the day before, stockholm was unable to find the perpetrators for a year and a half and decided to simply close the case. germany and denmark continue their proceedings, while they continue to contact russia in detail they refuse to dedicate. explosions on gas pipelines occurred in september 2022, causing colossal destruction. our prosecutor general's office opened a criminal case against an international terrorist. the swedish authorities knew what exactly happened that day in the baltic sea, so they chose to fail their investigation, american journalist seymour hirsch said today. let me remind you that back in february last year he published a sensational investigation in which he told who, on whose command, planted the explosive devices. biden accepted the decision to sabotage pipelines after 9 months of highly secret discussions about the best way to achieve the result. the debate took place within the washington national
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security community. the debate was not about whether or not to carry out this mission, but about how to hide evidence and avoid responsibility. the biden administration has done everything possible to avoid leaking these plans, which were discussed at the end of 2021, the beginning of the twenty- second year. the american explosives had to be disguised so that the russians systems, it seemed to be part of the natural background, and this required taking into account the special salinity of the water in this place. norse. found a way out. they suggested that the exercise would be an ideal cover for the installation of mines. the americans provided a key element of camouflage. they convinced sixth fleet planners to add deep-sea exploration and development exercises to the program. these exercises were replicated in the ministry of defense as operations of the sixth fleet in collaboration with research and military centers. vladimir putin has indeed already met with american journalist tucker carlson and answered his questions. the interview was recorded the day before. this information was confirmed today by presidential press secretary dmitry
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peskov. dmitry sergeevich, could you confirm that vladimir putin’s interview with tucker actually took place yesterday. yes, i can confirm this. but please tell me, then does the president already have any impressions and can you tell us about them? well, as it is prepared, it will come out, then you yourself will have the opportunity to compose your own impression. why did you choose corrus? well, he has a position that differs from the rest, it is in no way pro-russian, it is not pro-ukrainian, it is rather pro-american, but at least it is contrastingly different from the position of traditional anglos. the american press writes that the full interview may be published tomorrow, february 8. however, tucker carlson himself did not say anything about this, but in a short video posted by the social network x, former twitter, he explained the reasons for his arrival in moscow, several hours, this video has collected tens of millions
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of views, which is understandable, there is colossal interest all over the world, but the very freedom of speech that carlson talks about in the states is now just beautiful words that have no... tucker carlson caused quite a stir just by the promise to record an interview with vladimir putin in the first hour from the moment the video was posted on the former twitter, now a social network. into which it was renamed by the current owner elon musk, gained 10 million views, and the hashtags tucker putin, vladimir putin and moscow soared to the top of the world news trends. nearly 3 years ago , the biden administration illegally spied on our communications and then leaked the contents to its cronies in the news media. they
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did this to prevent the interview we were planning with putin. last month they definitely did the same thing again, but this time we still came to moscow. elon musk, to his great credit, promised not to pressure or block this interview after it was posted on platform x, and we are grateful to him for that. western governments, on the contrary, will probably go out of their way to censor this video on other less principled platforms because they are used to doing so, they are afraid of information that they cannot control. elon musk, by the way, not only wasn’t afraid, he himself actively participated in the promotion of tucker carlson’s announcement and reposted it on his page, also a huge number of views, but less. than carlson himself, either because the world-famous billionaire reposted it late, or the whole point is that the journalist turned out to be more popular, before his fired last spring from fox, he was the most watchable television presenter in the united states. every day on weekdays, his programs attracted 3.5 million viewers;
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his competitors, presenters from other tv channels, received several times, or even tens of times less. however, after parting with fokker , carlson not only did not get lost.
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americans are not told about the war that has been changing the world for 2 years now, they have no idea what is happening in this region, here in russia and 600 miles away in ukraine, but they should know, they are paying for it, although don't always understand, most americans have no idea why putin invaded ukraine and what his goals are now, they have never heard his voice, this is wrong. tucker carlson noted that many trade and military alliances are now being redrawn, the entire global economy is feeling the consequences, and the entire world order, established after world war ii, is changing. the system that ensured the welfare of the west is quickly falling apart, the american dollar is losing its value. and yet the majority of the population
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english-speaking countries seem to be unaware of the change, they think that nothing has really changed, but they think so because no one tells them the truth, their means are mass...
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in the states, this is not a traditional interview, are these sessions of observation, they are carried out in order to force the united states to agree to zelensky’s demand to get bogged down in the war in eastern europe as deeply as possible and pay for it, this is not journalism, this is government propaganda, propaganda of itself... and one completely uncut on its own website. mikhail akinchenko, vyacheslav arkhipov, victor averin, channel one. russia handed it over to canadian authorities. a request for the extradition of nazi jaroslav gunka, aka hunka, as he is called in canada, where he fled from retribution. this was reported at our
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embassy in atava. canadian authorities have said that they will consider this possibility, but there has been no response from the ministry of justice and other departments. the government of justin trudeau is trying with all its might to sweep this wild story under the rug, our diplomats emphasized. and today it became known why. trudeau personally invited the ss man to that meeting. previously prime minister tried to distance myself from this. blamed the speaker of the house of commons, who eventually resigned. let me remind you that in september last year , ninety-eight-year-old yaroslav gulka was invited to the canadian parliament in honor of zelensky’s visit. he was presented as a veteran of the fight against the russians. in reality, he turned out to be a nazi from the ss golyachin division, notorious for his atrocities. in russia, gonki was charged in absentia with genocide of civilians. today a new gathering of the popular front for our fighters starts, who are now on the front line. the goal is to congratulate them on the upcoming defender of the fatherland day. the campaign is held under the motto “everything for victory.” anyone can join,
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just scan the qr code on your screen and transfer any amount. by february 23 , suvs, quadcopters and anti-drone guns, body armor and helmets, first aid kits and winter clothing will be sent to the special operation zone. the fighters also asked to purchase electronic warfare equipment. they, according to the organizer of the gathering, representatives of the popular front yuri podalyaki, are especially needed for front. a large transfer of reb equipment is being planned for the soldiers on the line of combat contact, because at the moment this is one of the most important factors that allows our soldiers to advance, accordingly, the trench defense systems of the rap, they become the primary task to equip the entire army with these means, and accordingly we must to protect our soldiers as much as possible is very symbolic, i think it would be done on defender of the fatherland day. azerbaijan is electing a president today, this...
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we saw a large number of local observers, we exchange opinions , i can also say with satisfaction that local observers, who carefully monitor the voting process, voter registration, and so on, say that they did not note any comments, any evidence of violations of election legislation, i really hope that it will be like this until the end. means elections. a grand celebration of sports and friendship, exactly 10 years ago
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the winter olympics started in sochi. your hot winter ones. under this motto , the entire sport united for 17 unforgettable days. world. a brilliant, touching opening ceremony took place on february 7 , 1914 at the fisht stadium. and it was the best discovery in history. chairman of the coordination commission of the international olympic committee jean-claude. stated that the games themselves in sochi became number one for the entire time of the winter olympics. dozens of unique sports facilities were built from scratch, and today this rich olympic heritage serves and educates people. new champions, vladimir putin noted in his congratulations. the whole country was carefully preparing for these grandiose sporting events, we strived to ensure that the twenty-second olympic winter games and the eleventh paralympic winter games were held at the highest level. in beautiful, hospitable sochi , unique sports facilities were built, and modern transport, resort, and leisure infrastructure was created. thanks to such
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creative, constructive work, the olympic dream of millions of citizens. russia has become a reality. the twenty-second olympic winter games and the eleventh paralympic winter games have become real. holidays of sports and friendship, celebration of fortitude, character and will. it is important that today the rich olympic heritage of sochi serves the people. at famous stadiums and ice palaces, large-scale social, cultural and sporting events are held, new champions are raised and new records are set. the twelfth winter spartakiad is taking place these days. in russia, the meeting of famous athletes, coaches, mentors with talented youth convincingly confirms this. together with the first channel we are immersed in the atmosphere of sports holiday. on sunday at 16:50, watch the documentary between earth and sky 10 years later, on thursday night at 0:00 the film “your hot winter ones.” the grandiose achievements
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of our champions are unique footage behind the scenes of the opening ceremony. that’s all for now, we are monitoring the developments, and the information channel on the first will continue the “big game” program. good afternoon, the big game is live. exactly 10 years ago, on february 7 , 1914, the winter olympic games started in sochi. this was our second olympiad country after the moscow olympics in 1980 and, of course, great success for russian sports. let me remind you that our team became the first in the unofficial. medal standings for our country as a whole. foreign minister sergei lavrov today meets with representatives of parliamentary committees of countries, members of the collective security treaty organization, as well as with ambassadors of the csto countries in russia. well, that night , a meeting of the un security council convened at the request of russia took place in connection with the recent terrorist attack by the kiev regime in a bakery in lesechansk, as a result of which 28 people died, this is what
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vasily nebenzi, russia’s post-president at the un, said at this meeting. and we doubt that the targets at the time of the attack were not chosen by chance. neo-nazis deliberately waited for the moment when families went out for a walk on a day off, and cynically attacked what was perhaps the only place of leisure in lesechansk. presumably, rszzo hymers rockets were used. ukrainian militants have become brutal and insolent to such an extent that almost every week they commit terrorist acts, shelling civilian infrastructure, killing civilians on russian territory. of course, the ukrainian armed forces feel its impunity and permissiveness. i will say more, they feel the unconditional support of washington, london and brussels, who do not care about the killing of civilians, broken families and crippled destinies of people. in its blind hatred of our country, in its desire to somehow weaken russia, the west is ready to pay with the lives of others and sacrifice universal
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moral standards. on the fox channel, but was fired from there due to to the demands of the american deep state, he is now running his own program on the platform, on platform x, that is, former twitter, and let's listen to the announcement of this interview, in which tucker carlson, it seems to me, said very important things. the war has been going on for 2 years now, changing the whole world, and many americans are not informed about it, but they should know, because they pay for everything for it.
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this war is in the open with the sanctions that followed. finally changed global military and trade alliances, the same the sanctions that followed it were made, as a result they turned the world economy upside down, the economic order established after the second world war, the system that for more than 80 years guaranteed the west prosperity is very quickly falling apart, along with the dominance of the american dollar. and yet people in english speaking countries don't seem to realize this, they think nothing has changed, they think this because nobody has told them the truth, their media is corrupt, they lie to their readers and to the audience, they lie, mainly by omitting certain facts. for example, from the first day of the war in ukraine, the american media spoke with dozens of people. ukraine and conducted dozens of interviews with president zelensky, but all the interviews he gave in the united states were not traditional interviews, they were obsequious, ingratiating meetings specifically aimed at giving
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more weight to zelensky's demands for the united states to get even deeper into the war in eastern europe and finance it. this is not journalism, this is the most vile government propaganda that destroys people. not a single western journalist even thought of interviewing the president of another country involved in this conflict. vladimir putin, most americans have no idea why putin sent troops to ukraine, and what his goals are now. they never heard his voice. it is not right. americans have the right to know everything they can about the war in which they are involved. the american state and the biden administration are very afraid, apparently, of the release of this interview. and in the same in his speech, tucker carlson said that the administration did everything, just everything, to prevent this interview from taking place. they spied on him, they conducted full wiretapping, then leaked the information received to the mainstream media. today, tucker carlson is subjected to severe pressure and demonization by the leading american media; he is called a spy,
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a mouthpiece of the kremlin. some say that it is better for him not to return to america at all, and so on and so on, that is, they are very afraid of the release of this interview, which will be released without cuts, and everyone will watch it, only this one the announcement has already been viewed on platform x, more than 50 million. ivan olaseevich, here... considering this fear that exists among the american establishment, what do you think is the way out, and most likely tomorrow this interview will be held, how this could affect the course of the election campaign in the united states, on their policy regarding the ukrainian conflict? and this is not a simple question, but dmitry vyacheslavich, i completely agree with you that this is a very dramatic, very important turning point, there is a certain tradition of international relationships that governments communicate with each other.
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in fact, when biden meets here at a rally he held last year, suddenly they start shouting at him from the audience: are you crazy, there could be a third world war, what are you doing, what are the risks of a third world war? indeed, if
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there is a person in the west who, we ourselves probably would not do this, but if there is a person who says that western governments now do not fully, and perhaps at all, do not represent the will of their societies, western societies have the right to know what is happening and where it may lead. and tucker kalson gives western society the opportunity to find out all this first-hand, and indeed this can be a very turning point, and in this case he already acts not just as a journalist, but at least as a public figure, one who is on some small, even a very significant fork in history, even a small degree can turn, but this can have very big consequences; indeed, western societies have the right to know what kind of catastrophic policy i am pursuing.
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now there is actually the nearest combat zone of the armed forces of ukraine, from where the enemy is rotated, ammunition is supplied , the most active combat operations are now taking place in the serebryansky forestry in the area of ​​the chalk plant, which is located not far from belogorovka, the lpr, in fact, our fighters are knocking out, knocking out twenty fifth army, the twenty-fifth army works there, a unit of the twenty-fifth army, also a special forces unit akhmat from these concrete hangars of the me... plant, and also undertake, carry out activities if you can put it this way, by the surroundings of the white mountain, guys, in particular, i talked with the commander of the group aida, in fact, said, aid, the call sign of the group commander, they studied the literature before, before storming the environs of this very white mountain, here an interesting point is that during the second world war in 1942, also for a month
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, using large-caliber guns and cannons, soldiers of the soviet army tried, in fact, to hit the nazi positions, nothing came of it, they still came to what needs to be surrounded this is also what is happening with us now, the rotation is mainly only at night with our enemy, it should be noted that now is generally a period when there is mainly a war of fpv drones, a kamikaze war, despite the cloudless sky. which we now have a temperature of +10 at the moment, on our thermometer for 3 days in a row there was snow, sleet and, accordingly , the roads are broken, broken, which does not allow the actual movement of equipment, so basically what is used here now is birds, and i saw clearly at night, i can say that confirmed targets, confirmed hit targets per day from 10 to 20 people, that is, half a platoon during rotation, our snipers put... also daily, well
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, of course, the pressure continues on the kupinskoye, kupinskoye direction, krasnolimanskoye, moving, moving, moving , initiatives are now in our country, which, strictly speaking, cannot but rejoice. thank you very much, vladislav sergeevich, i completely agree with you, and take care of yourself, we are waiting for you again on our air. now let's talk about how the overall development of currently, the situation on the fronts, our military observer yuri ivanovich podalyaka will tell us about this, yuri ivanovich, good afternoon, the floor is yours, so how? i understand that today russia once again launched a massive missile strike on numerous military installations on the territory of ukraine, including the city of kiev. yes, indeed, today they delivered several very powerful attacks, first of all, on kiev, ukrainian power engineers are still trying to restore power supply to part of the city, there is a suspicion that the attack was in the area darnevskoyets, strikes were also carried out in places where the enemy is trying to establish military production, or some warehouses with military equipment, this is in kiev, the same in... in kharkov there is evidence
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that the ocean plant was hit in nikolaev , several workshops, in kharkov , the malyshevo plant, there is data, workshops were damaged, this is where armored vehicles are repaired, well, in general, there is information that is not confirmed, but nevertheless there were explosions in the starokonstantinov area, most likely another blow was struck in this regard airfield from which they are still trying to take off, well, they are not trying, an enemy plane is taking off , there is a very powerful shelter there from the modern soviet union, the concrete ones remain, we are gradually knocking them out , that is, we also received our share of blows, there was also a strike, there was a blow to the lvov region in the city of dorogobych some industrialized object was hit, most likely also connected with the defense industry, and our ministry of defense itself confirmed this. at the same time, i agree with my colleague that our army has full initiative, and first of all, it is now very difficult for enemy situation near avdeevka. yesterday, during a fierce battle, our troops were able to take a key point south of avdeevskaya as sakhima, this is a railway junction, from which, in principle, to the last road, the so-called road of life for... the avdeevka
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garrison, is only 500-600 m, moreover, it is there in line of sight zone, that is, we just see it, but for the enemy this is critically important, because the frost is frozen, the soil is now a colleague said, now it’s +10, it’s starting to warm up quickly, there’s a week ahead very warm weather, i looked at the forecast +12-15°, that is, naturally, this will still happen now, all the country roads will turn into slurry, there will be only one road left , this very thing, which is now under direct fire even from snipers and mortars, accordingly it is already possible. ..
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greater emphasis during combat operations falls on drones, on drones, and many are now talking about this, writing that this is indeed a new phenomenon, yes, which characterizes the new, changed nature of war, an article by an influential washington post columnist was published today david igneses, who is very close to the biden administration, and he generally writes that tanks and planes, so to speak, are means controlled by people, this is yesterday.
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let's listen to what zaluzno writes. everyone knows that the main driving force of the current conflict is the development of unmanned weapons systems. perhaps the highest priority task is to master the entire arsenal of relatively cheap, modern and highly efficient unmanned vehicles and other technical means. they allow for real-time reconnaissance time and adjust fire around the clock, without pauses, which makes it possible to deliver high-precision strikes against enemy targets as if they were on the front line. so in the rear, the challenges facing our armed forces cannot be underestimated, we are talking about the creation of a completely new state system of technological re-equipment. given the current situation, we believe that the creation of such a system may take 5 months. well, although at the level
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of rhetoric zelensky and zaluzhny do not agree about the prospects of the war and how it should be waged, it is precisely in this aspect, which concerns drones, that they apparently agree, because zaluzh zelensky began to write ... his writing, or scribbling, rather in the anglo-saxon press, in the presence, i repeat once again, of the adversity of anthony agut, the american general army , who is his colleague, sits right in kiev , it’s not clear to me, maybe antonia aguta writes, and this one signs it himself, as far as his troops are concerned, well
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, first of all, let me remind you that this has all been analyzed a long time ago , in the first world war they said that since machine guns appeared, because now it’s definitely not a gun there, nor any individual means for personal... are not needed, machine guns will solve everything, tomorrow, someone will be in berlin, someone in st. petersburg, depending on the methods found , new tactics, new strategy, now yes, the ukrainians produce a lot of drones, they make them literally everywhere in artisanal shops and workshops, babaega, yu2, and fury, and the so -called leleka, this is a developmental medicine, and a lot what else, and it really seems like a success, but what, the success of terrorism is actually something you can’t bet on. it was not the regular arab army of any country that fought, but the black shahenis with suicide belts, they will probably decide everything , run away, explode among the soldiers , there will definitely be no more war, so i suggest everyone consider in this case ukraine as a power that, even a power,
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a country that has finally taken the path of open state terrorism, we see this, indeed, as the permanent representative, not benzia, rightly said, every week over the past month and a half, four times the kiev regime has committed serious terrorist attacks against the civilian population, but as for the relationship between zelensky and zaluzhny, today the ukrainian publication ukrainskaya pravda, citing its sources on bank street, wrote that the decision zelensky accepted the dismissal of zaluzhny after he familiarized himself with the results of a closed opinion poll, which showed: firstly, that an increasing number of ukrainians are in favor of peace with russia through compromises. secondly, zaluzhny’s rating continues to grow, and zelensky’s own rating continues to fall. now a little advertising, then we will continue. all decisions were on the verge of the impossible, mostly it worked out, although there were, of course, a couple of hiccups.
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there were a lot of skeptical assessments about whether we could hold such an olympiad, and somewhere only on the second or third day, the skeptical assessments changed to the exact opposite. an unrealistic super holiday of sports. everything else, which olympic games i was at, they are not next to each other, this miracle happened, and we are at that moment won the overall standings, we defeated everyone, the world was shaken when they met in sochi, like this... the muslim world took the place of the roman world and
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byzantium, developed the resulting legacy further, and then transferred it to europe through spain and italy. what is algebra? this is the arabic word aljabra - multiplication. achemistry, alkemia, even alcohol. alcohol is translated as a decrepit person, something that makes a person decrepit. until 1917, the personal guard of the persian shah consisted of russian cossacks, persians. the most precious thing he has, that is, myself, i trusted only russians , i met a lot of people who think that a woman should always wear black and cover her face, but this is not so, they asked, do you want to add a clause that he has no right to marry a second wife , i say, yes, focus on the future and adaptability to historical eras, this is the real face of islam, the premiere of civilization, the third film from... the islamic world is on the first tomorrow. this is
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your first appearance on television. what made merlinro stand out from the crowd of starlets and fashion models? what made the whole nation, and indeed the whole world, unanimously proclaim her as their goddess. we had to take different pieces.
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call me, call me, well , what do i look like, lord, in the morning, very charming and attractive, sit down, i ’m glad to see you, i didn’t look like an artist, of course, now i’m very similar, the company serves, payment is made through the company, got mad. artist, i’m not in a bad mood, it rarely happens, and then i’ll say, i’m in a bad mood, i’m already starting to cheer myself up, i bought a hood for irina muravyova’s anniversary, hood, like he’s wearing a hood with a bag, carnival, that’s the kind of girl i am. when i appeared, there was a lot
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for a lot against, i really wanted to dance anegin, they did everything on purpose so that i wouldn’t perform it, he was assigned to dance not the prince in the swan lake, but the evil genius, he managed to develop his part in such a way that people admired it’s an evil day, the big theater is a house, this is... i was constantly tempted to betray, the speed of knocking is faster than the speed of sound, everyone knocks, i promoted the mafia in the dining room for 2 years, there was a gang working there, a real one, so what? survived kolya as an artist, rarely has anyone on this earth, wow, this is serious, they clearly pulled it off, stoish arina, they wanted to get a bow from me, they can kill me, well, it’s unlikely that they will be able to. there
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’s a big game on the air, it’s still going on in the united states and the fight is even intensifying over what was proposed by the biden administration and slightly changed by senators from both parties. a bill on joint simultaneous financing of ukraine, israel and the southern border, and also a few other allies of the united states, in asia, and which he opposed. and the republican part of the house of representatives, led by speaker michael johnson, and of course donald trump. the stakes are very high about how high they are, the new york times wrote today , where it is written in black and white that if this package is not accepted, and ukraine does not receive 60 plus billion dollars from the united states this year, then ukraine , according to new
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york times journalists, will be forced to capitulate and not only abandon their own. former territories, but also even accept neutral status , their situation is so serious, so to speak, in the opinion of the americans, but in recent days, so to speak, there have been very serious changes for the worse for ukraine and the biden administration , since the republicans in the senate made a 180° turn yesterday, initially they agreed with the administration, they developed this supposedly compromise bill, which means that just last week mitch macon, the head of the republican... took a kind of intermediate position, sort of supported this bill, but yesterday he said that there is no chance, we have no real chance to pass this, so even in the senate, not to mention the house of representatives, this bill will not pass, against this background, joe biden yesterday evening made an appeal to the nation, in which he again
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demanded to pass this bill, directly said that i was waiting for it to land on my desk, began to blackmail the republicans with a face from... history and that, so to speak, all responsibility for the failure would fall on them, in particular, what he said about that part which concerns situation on the southern border. several months ago, i directed my team to begin negotiations with a group of senators from both parties to finally fix our immigration system. the bipartisan agreement, the result of hard work, represents the fairest , most humane reforms to our immigration system in a long time, and the toughest package yet.
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ukrainians are now in a difficult situation, they are defending themselves from russian aggression against their brutal conquest, the clock is ticking, every week, every month without new help means a reduction in artillery reserves, air defense systems, and tools to protect ukraine from russian attacks. as i said, the stakes in this fight are far from just ukraine, unless we stop putin's quest for power and... in congress, who think they can oppose funding for ukraine and not be held accountable for it, history is watching you . republicans must decide who they serve, donald trump or the american people. paraphrased who they serve american
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to the deep state or the american people, i completely agree with you. this formulation, but the fact is that there was nothing new in biden’s speech, he is again trying to blackmail, so to speak, to read some kind of morality, but the truth is that he began to focus more and more on the element that they say you will reveal foul play, but i think , this will worsen the situation even more, because as much as the democrats in their white house are playing a dishonest game, endless manipulations, deceptions, attempts there... four, five, six questions put into one bill, to disguise something , that’s why the argument is that you are playing a dishonest game, they will be told, guys, about the dishonest game, well, it’s not for you to say, that’s why ukraine has fallen, the kiev regime has fallen into the millstone of american domestic politics, this may there can only be one result:
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they chew it up and that means it’s a secondary product, that’s it, there can be nothing else. the administration cannot say anything at all about what they are doing, what their goals are, so from my point of view, the republicans will continue to stand on this is a complete nightmare here, because in their own way, they clearly felt that ukraine, the kiev regime, is the stone that can be tied to the democrats. they will leave on their own, well, biden, in the same speech, once again confirmed that he would refuse to sign a bill on separate funding for israel, and,
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by the way, it did not pass that night in the house of representatives, because they tried to push it through an accelerated procedure , this requires 2/3 of the vote, not a simple majority, and these two thirds were not reached, although the majority, and a significant majority, 250 voted for this bill on separate funding for israel, and... based on the inability to pass a joint bill and a separate bill , all this polarization and inability to negotiate is demonstrated.
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donald trump, now perhaps even uses abusive language, to which biden has always perceived him as a person in fact inclined, especially when it is forgotten, why? because benjamin netanyahu does not accept those proposals which come from the american administration, as one of the american neighbors recently said here.
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mike pompeo, the former head of the cia and us secretary of state during the trump era, became nicknamed mike wolk. you should know that the ukrainian armed forces were trained in the united states
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for a very long time, when i was still the head of the cia, i visited the southeast of ukraine several times. and now he appears in ukraine again, becomes a member of the board of directors of kyivstar. kyivstar has 25 million subscribers. this is 24/7 surveillance of people. dolls of the heir tutti are on the first page today.
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here is a self-portrait of the artist of this station, this is actually ivan leonidovich lubennikov himself, for him it was a thrill, the scale, the hangar, where all this is laid out on the floor, a lot of students, you give them tasks, we just met here recently, and ivan lenevich looked after him beautifully, no, but i immediately agreed, lyubenikov writes the characters that are around us, therefore... he is understandable to a wide audience, a huge number of press representatives came to every exhibition of his works, it was deafening success, no one knew it, that’s how quickly popularity came. it’s quite funny to see a pockmarked hen in paris, it’s so russian , there’s something very rustic and childish about it, he was like a river, a happy, sparkling earring, great sensations they get into us without meaning, it’s important not to pass by.
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ivan lubennikov, life goes on, premieres on saturday, on the first. i wanted to call him sergei, but the eldest objected, if i fell in love with nikolai, here’s my son, come on, let it be nikolai. he told some stories, memories from childhood associated with his father, and he always felt great reverence for this , both as... a person and as a father and as an actor, he was the life of the party, but he was very lonely, he bought himself a mobile phone, asked him to fill out a notebook for me, he dictated seven phone numbers to me, it was his entire notebook, he hid his second life , it was a very strong novel, very beautiful, two decent people met who suffered themselves, tormented each other, he was very kind to his wife, to his
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loved ones, and did not want to offend anyone , today, for the first time, a unique spectacle awaits us, his name is obrek, i said that i would bring the best fighter, volodya ignatiev, an afghan , a sapper, this is such a guy, this is my money too, and i want to fight for it, rit, what are you talking about, i don’t know, some kind of premonition , girls, i’ll deceive you, there won’t be a concert , you promised us 40 dollars, but these are our
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girls, i’ll put everyone here now, he ’ll kill you, well, hello, jaeger, she’s nobody to you, why did you get into this, this he, then, the one who saved me, you are nobody to each other, this is chechnya, we can’t do that, well, tell me, snivel, to whom you crossed the road. i can't live without him. abrek. premiere of the serial film from february 11 to sunday on the first. this is mine, whatever i want with him, let me do it, move away. let me buy it from you. there's a big game on the air. today the apogee
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of the next one is already september 5th. in several israel, then the arab states of the middle east, saudi arabia, egypt, qatar, so he still has to go to the palestinian, occupied palestinian autonomy, and one of the main goals of this tour is to achieve a truce, in paris recently it seems like agreed on preliminary terms for a two-month truce. in exchange for the release of hostages from hamas, and today, or rather the day before, prime minister and foreign minister qatarani announced that hamas generally gave a positive response to this paris preliminary agreement, in general we’ll see, but so far there is no truce, and israel continues the fighting in the gaza strip is increasingly shifting the greatest activity of these hostilities to the south, the border between
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the gaza strip and egypt and... is going to fight in the city of rafah, it’s right on the border with egypt, the egyptians are not very happy about this, to put it mildly, because it is in rafahi that more is now concentrated. egyptians fear that they will simply flee to egyptian territory, which will lead to negative consequences in egypt itself. in general, the egyptians have already made it clear to israel that if all this happens, they will suspend the peace treaty with israel, that is, the same camp david agreements of 1978, when egypt, as the first arab country, recognized its own state. israel, in general, this is called into question, and the saudi arabian ministry of foreign affairs unambiguously stated, published a statement that it will go for recognition, saudi arabia will go for recognition of the state of israel only after the creation of a palestinian state, not within
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the framework of the process, precisely after its creation. elena viktorovna, can these statements by both egypt and saudi arabia somehow influence the israeli position and its behavior? you said it right. that the deal is already ready, it was discussed in paris at a high level, at the level of the heads of the intelligence services of the usa, israel, egypt and others, william bynes, david barne, all this has already been discussed, but the problem was the same as in the position of hamas, since this radical group did not accept some of the proposals, now they seem to have moved on, and the problem is still in the position of israeli prime minister netanyahu , as we have already said, he perceives this deal as a very nasty , unpleasant frog that he needs to swallow, and president biden, swearing in obscene words, says that otherwise netanyahu will have to choke on this frog, in other words, give way to others leaders, it will be in israel then, not without the help
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of the americans, another coalition has been created, but what netanyahu is trying to do before neither happens, he is trying to create a buffer zone, both in the north of the gas sector, and in the south, so that in the south. in egypt, of course, the egyptians perceive this with great suspicion, since this is a violation of all previous agreements, moreover, to make it clear to everyone what happened during this conflict, most of the inhabitants of the gas sector were swept away.
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egypt, this is unacceptable for egypt. well, indeed, a very difficult situation, and indeed israel is now focusing the most active ones. actions in the south , but news appeared, the wall street journal wrote that out of nowhere, in the north of the gaza strip, where israel had already seemingly won, hamas appeared again, and now israel, tsahal, must transfer some of its units from the south back to the north, from where they had already left, because they believed that they had won. alexandrevich, how would you comment on this situation, how do you basically assess the situation and prospects ? war in gas, you know, is actually a sector. gas is by no means a defenseless territory , we are now well familiar with the tactics of fighting in dense urban areas, in fact, where every floor, every building, every basement can turn into a festung , that is, a separate firing point
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, long-term, which is extremely difficult to take, especially moreover, the ground there is rocky; in fact, somehow fighting with people who enviously condemn themselves to death is also not an easy task, and if we take the statement of the same netanyahu, who it turned out to be very difficult indeed. situation, then no later than yesterday he said that they won, they killed about 75% of the hamas forces, that is, in fact, i offer everyone an insight into the situation, it is close to absurdity, when a regular army, heavily armed with all the means destruction that you can only imagine, it turns out that during a very profitable period of time since october, now february was able to cope with only well , how many 3/4 of the problems 1/4 are still dealing with. there are 25 hamas battalions, 24-25, about 8-9 militants, trained to work in these very collapsed dense urban areas, already shelled in the middle east, many come from isis,
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the organization is banned in russia, naturally, so in this regard, of course but you need to understand the opposition of egypt, selling a replica , that there are certain supply systems , there are long-standing connections, long-standing connections with kator from and... from egypt, there is money, in fact, now hamas is trying to shake up the situation in order to force israel to accept its conditions peace talks he had yesterday. while in qatar the day before, tony blinken made a statement that, in fact , the united states is waging a proxy war with iran, and that iran is supposedly behind all the destabilizing processes in the middle east, and hamas, the attack on american bases, the yemeni houthis, and so on, and blinken stated that yes, we are waging this proxy war with iran, but we do not want its escalation, and we, therefore, will respond to an attack on convoys along the red sea, on american ... military bases, but there will be no further escalation we want. in other words, blinken suggested that iran
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put an end to this cycle of escalation after the recent american strikes on iraq and syria, and on 85 targets, many people died there, and so on, that the americans responded, but now you should not respond in return, so as not to move to a new round of escalation. what do you think, ivan alekseevich, will iran agree to this, or will we still observe a new round of this proxy war? dmitry vyacheslavovich, first of all, i would say that iran is not at all interested in escalation and does not lead things to escalation, so when blinken scares everyone with some kind of escalation from iran, these are elements of lies and disinformation, because we see americans in the middle east have limited forces, they cannot do what they want , they are furious about this, but they are trying to save their ego, amuse their ego, we said the last word, everyone should stop there. "we will do everything we consider necessary, but you will
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not do it according to certain rules that we have set, this will not happen, measure against them ego, who was first, who struck last, who had the last word, iran will not play this stupid american game, but it is possible to connive with america, play by some rules imposed by america, much less put up with the illegal american military presence in syria soon there will be an american military presence." and syria, that’s what you think, will they really
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respond or accept the conditions that blinken proposed, that now you won’t answer, now we have the last word, the iranians, i absolutely agree, no are interested in escalating the conflict, but if anything happens, they can respond, of course, through their proxy forces, they are located throughout the middle east, which worries me, this is a statement by american hawks such as james jeffrey, yes he is... a retired diplomat, a retired ambassador, but also holds the position of special coordinator for the fight against terrorism and is closely connected with the white house, so he now openly says that the next stage is america striking targets in iran itself, and this, of course, is very dangerous, this is very dangerous, at the end i want to share one piece of news, since yesterday the world has been tensely waiting for what the swedish prosecutor’s office will say. nordic flows in its
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waters, waited, announced, the swedish prosecutor 's office said that after conducting a months-long investigation, it came to the conclusion that these explosions do not fall under its jurisdiction, because, in the opinion of the swedish prosecutor's office, neither the state of sweden nor the swedish citizens were not involved, and now they have handed over all the materials to germany, they say let her do this, there is no body, no things are going on, though... just there, this is such, such cowardice, we are now giving the floor to the news until 17:00, this is the news on the first, hello, in valery korablev's studio, our military launched a massive attack on ukrainian armed forces facilities in several regions of ukraine , data from the ministry of defense... missiles and drones were used for the attack. home


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