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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  February 7, 2024 5:00pm-6:01pm MSK

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you got lost in your intrigues and investigations, that you forgot that your house has been in disrepair for a long time, your house has long ago not met any of the sanitary epidemiological standards for citizens to live in. i can offer help, write a statement so that they can come and conduct an examination of whether the house is in disrepair or not, but are you all municipalities? yes, that's it, we did the examination.
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see where the cockroaches and bedbugs are coming from, you need to connect only in this case you can move to another house with good conditions, and since you will swear, blame each other, well, you will be left with bugs and cockroaches, you were given excellent advice, direct all your energy that you spend on war with each other to change your place of residence, but if i rent an apartment and move to good living conditions , this will allow your mother to restore her rights , well, do it, and i did it, i already found an apartment here, the roof is leaking very badly, the whole room is leaking from the ceiling, water is constantly dripping, and about the fires, there was a fire, a woman died, well , like, she died in a fire, god bless her do you know how long you will be waiting for relocation , how many gas explosions have happened in our houses , people are still waiting, we shower in rubber.
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such houses also died in a fire , we were offered to put a woman in one of the streets, and her son came to us today, let's alexey. calling the studio, good evening, there’s a big game live, and i’m vyacheslav nikonov, now russian president vladimir putin is holding a meeting with members of the government via video link, the topic is the development of air transportation in our country, which is really very important for our huge countries air transport is.
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the interview itself , which he is going to post on the internet, with a small appeal in which he drew attention to the fact that you know, several times the biden administration tried to prevent him from taking this interview, in general , it’s probably clear why, because the word of truth is not needed there, it hurts your eyes, that's what tucker carlson said. the war has been going on for 2 years now, changing the whole world. and many
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americans are not informed about it, but they should know, because they pay for everything for it. this war, coupled with the sanctions that followed, completely changed global military and trade alliances, and the sanctions that followed did the same. as a result , they turned the world economy upside down, the economic order established after world war ii, the system that guaranteed the west prosperity for more than 80 years is very quickly falling apart, along with the dominance of the american dollar. and yet people in english-speaking countries don't seem to realize this, they think there's nothing has changed, they think so because no one told them the truth, their media is corrupt, they lie to their readers and viewers, they lie mainly by omitting certain facts, for example, from the first day of the war in ukraine, the american media talked with dozens of people from ukraine and conducted dozens of interviews with president zelensky. not a single western journalist even thought of interviewing the president of another country involved in this conflict, vladimir.
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most americans have no idea why putin sent troops to ukraine or what now his goals. they never heard his voice. it is not right. americans have a right to know everything they can. voices were heard that tyker was a traitor , others, on the contrary, said that this, in fact, is an example of honest journalism, as for the ukrainian side, takir carlson said that he was ready to interview vladimir zelensky, but the answer
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was to include him to the peacemaker website, so now tucker carlson is an enemy of the ukrainian people for coming to moscow, well , really. extraordinary events and uh, stirred up international public opinion, american public opinion, well , it will just be some kind of thermonuclear explosion there in the usa, i believe that this event , regardless of the content of this interview, how it will go there, what maxims will be uttered, this is - negates the many years of demonization of putin in the so-called world, in quotes, press, this world press, the monopoly of the international media. which was this group, the so-called, in quotes, again, democrats who sit in the usa, they we worked around the clock on this idea of ​​demonizing the president of russia, now this bubble is bursting, in fact, they remain in these scraps, this is
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colossal damage to this machine, a huge machine of lies, which operates everywhere not only in the usa, but in europe, because europe is also subject to these very cruel totalitarian laws, and by the way, many foreign investors are now experiencing very strong discomfort, because they believed their experts, their politicians, that russia is about to collapse in just a year, well, at most in two, but this did not happen, neither in a year , nor in two, moreover, the effect is exactly the opposite, at this stage, the same
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western investors who lost a lot of money recorded monstrous losses, the same politicians who now found themselves broke, they understand , that...
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for enterprises of the military-industrial complex of ukraine engaged in the production of unmanned boats, coastal missile systems, missiles for multiple launch rocket systems of explosives. the target of the strike was achieved, all objects were hit. well, actually, the processing of ukrainian infrastructure began in the kharkov
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region, then there were explosions in nikolaev, and then the map shows that they hit dnepropetrovsk, krimovy rog, ivano-frankivsk, lvov. well, in kiev, where there are now serious power outages, so the blow was really powerful, against this background our armed forces continued their offensive... actions on a number of lines will now be told to us by boris aleksandrovich rozhin, our permanent military expert, boris directions, in including in avdeevka, about which aleksandrovich, good evening, the floor is yours , good evening, yes, indeed, against the backdrop of a powerful strike, which, again, we saw, hit targets not only in the kharkov and sumy regions, but we again saw the air defense shield in kiev, which is based on western systems, objects in western ukraine were squeezed, the enemy admitted that the missiles flew safely into the lvov region. hit the targets, so we see that despite all the efforts to strengthen the ukrainian air defense on
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the part of nato, it is completely protected from our missiles, they cannot, therefore the infrastructure of ukraine, the military, suffers very serious damage, and this is also reflected by the situation at the front, where our troops have the operational initiative, in the zaporizhzhya direction our troops continued attacks in the area of ​​​​rabota naverbovoy, in the area of ​​​​verbovoy there is a slight advance, on the temporary ledge, our troops have advanced a little more north of priyutnoye in the ugledar direction ; significant progress has been made in our favor over the last 24 hours; there is an advance to the southeast of ugledar in the direction of the supply route and mines of the south donbass, there is an advance in novomikhailovka 155 marine brigade, yesterday they were able to break through the enemy’s defenses in the east of the village and cling directly to residential buildings, in the marinsky direction our troops advanced a little more to... north of georgievka, in the ovdeevsky direction our troops again achieved
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an advance of several hundred meters in pervomaisky, and our troops also continued to go deeper into avdeevka itself, to take the railway bridge east of avdeevsky kaksakhim, that is, in fact, the battles are already underway directly in avdeevka itself, the enemy complains about heavy losses and the fact that they have to abandon even the repair workers, repairmen, because there are not enough people, and if... let's say, the threat of cutting off an entire part of the positions from the main group, our troops also advanced in the artyomovsky direction, there is an advance in the kleshcheevka area, one opornik has been taken, there is an advance to the west of artyomovsky. on the northern ledge, our troops were able to take two oporniks in the belogorovka area, where the enemy complains that entire units were essentially there destroyed or captured, in fact, no one even from the position. and could not escape, which means there is a small advance in the spornoye area, in the krasnolimansky direction our troops
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have also advanced in the direction of terna and yampolovka in the last 24 hours, there are several hundred meters of advance, well, in the svatovo-kupyatsky direction there is a small advance in the direction of berestov, here our troops also have the initiative. yes, thank you very much, boris aleksandrovich rozhin, our military expert. well, in these conditions kyiv conducts, tries in any case to carry out universal. and for this purpose, a corresponding law is being adopted, which was submitted by the government to the verkhovna rada, today they voted, there was a vote in the first reading, note that 243 deputies voted for this, in fact, a thin one, there is a quorum as in the state duma of 226, and this is the first reading, that is, in fact, this situation is precarious, the question of its adoption is still far from guaranteed, but most likely, of course, they will push through. will buy, accept, and so on and so forth, but this is a really important step
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forward, to generally grab everyone, including women, but to what extent can this really seriously affect the situation, in fact, in a special military operation, well, you know, in this bill there is such a very interesting clause where the word digitalization is present, then is in electronic form must be communicated to everyone who is being collected. notify, and some people's deputies of ukraine asked, they say: how will they notify those citizens who do not have sources - notifications, that is, there are no phones, no internet, because ukraine, it not the most advanced in this regard, it ’s only in our country that people buy the internet for coupons, and they have it like this, but it’s clear that no one answered them, because this is the mobilization that is going on, it is going on, it continues, until now, zelensky has generated another 90-day deadline, this is mobilization. that is, regardless of this law, people are seized and sent to the front line, despite the fact that the commanders
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of the ukrainian units say: why are you sending us those with whom we cannot fight, they still go like this, you can do this to say, a conditionally planned moment, when they say, they call the numbers that there will be 500,000, 600, yes a million, you need to understand that this is not a plus to what is on the front line, and this is covered up by the very losses that are suffered... constantly the ukrainian army, it is clear that when plugging the holes, no strategic or operational tactical success is envisaged, it simply holds the line of battle.
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bribes to judges in order to get some kind of mobilization, shooting in the knees, there is something else, but radical methods, people carry with these mobilized people, if they don’t want to serve a short period of time so that they don’t mobilize him, that is, there is complete discord there, against the backdrop of this complete discord, these sensitive blows that were dealt, they of course have a very painful effect, the screams are carried from that the sides are quite the same. i don’t understand, because even what is allocated to them, we destroy and will destroy, we don’t run out of missiles, we don’t run out of geraniums, we identify the target, destroy it, the situation is critical for them, but what did they want if they are completely dependent from the help of the west, if they completely surrendered to this ideology, fulfills the will of the west, thinking that they get lace panties in the eu for this, then they are mistaken, and not just
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consumables, consumables that the west uses for...
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blame for undermining the northern flows lies with the united states and personally with president biden, who gave this order. sweden and denmark never brought the investigation to its logical conclusion, precisely because they knew the truth and intended to hide it. their failure may stem from the fact that some high-ranking officials in both countries understood exactly what was happening. one of the goals of undermining the northern flows was to prevent reconciliation between russia and germany. when biden ordered the destruction of the pipelines, americans.
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are there any suspects? i have suspects, mind you, at the beginning, when this happened, voices were heard in western capitals, suspecting moscow of this madness, hinting, suspecting, now not a word is said about this, but at the same time everything is being done so that we don’t think, what could the united states do? america, although everyone knows perfectly well that this is so, that’s what carlson said that...
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courage does not appear, in this sense we see the cowardice and corruption and deceit of not journalism, but the political regimes of the western collective west, so this assessment for the entire west are cowards, and in fact they are vassals of this ruler in the person of the united states, who stumbles, forgets himself, meets the dead, and is elected by some incomprehensible votes, no, well... it’s clear, just these votes dead people, so that's all here understandable, but this is probably the reason why, in fact, the west is now in a very difficult situation and... continues to delight us with its bidenisms after advertising, mike pompeo, the former head of the cia and
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us secretary of state during the trump era, has a nickname mike wolk. you should know that the ukrainian armed forces were trained in the united states for a very long time, when i was still the head of the cia, i visited the southeast of ukraine more than once, now he appears in ukraine again, becomes a member of the board of directors of kievst. kyivstar is 25 million subscribers, this is a round-the-clock surveillance of people, you can look for dissenters, you can look for draft dodgers , he is the main persecutor of the russian orthodox church, an attempt to crush the spiritual bonds of the foundation, the koch brothers, they are considered the main puppeteers of pompeo, the largest one, who supplies most of the weapons to ukraine , the attitude of the kochs, as well as pompeo, towards the ukrainians as insignificant natives. that is why he frowns so much when he talks about ukraine. mike's diet or pompeo's last chance? dolls of the heir tutti. today on
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first. the muslim world took the place of the roman world and byzantium, developed the resulting heritage further, and then, through spain, italy, transferred it to europe. what is algebra? this is an arabic vocabulary.
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islamic world, tomorrow on the first, we will talk with our guest, the founder and artistic director of eterna music, the outstanding conductor teodor kurendis. what is the task? minutes i talked to him, he wrote text messages, i don’t know, maybe he was playing pac-man, so you understand that you, fashionable cutting, of the mainstream -
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what do you mean, make sure they understand everything they felt that they were smart, i ’m in the hall for some wonderful concert and my phone is ringing, i don’t know how to turn it off, it’s like a nightmare, some kind of spanish shame, podcast lab on friday on the first, call me, call , well, what do i look like, lord, in the morning, very charming and attractive, sit down, i ’m glad to see you, i didn’t look like an artist, of course, now i’m very similar, the company services, the payment is through the company, i’m special. artist, i’m not in a bad mood, it rarely happens, and then i’ll say, i’m in a bad mood mood, i’m already starting to cheer myself up, for
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irina muravyova’s anniversary, the little cuckoo bought a hood, put on the cuckoo hood, how he laughed in the hood, carnival, that’s her girl, on saturday at the first, what i want to tell you about, what of what i experienced, deserves attention, among the many joys and pleasures that accompany youth, i, having become a writer, experienced incomparable happiness, in the crumbling village of mala, i lived with a blacksmith, helping him forge horseshoes in the forge, with long tongs, i held a red-hot finished off the iron, and he hit him with his sonorous... hammer, i ask myself who i am, what force took me out of my moscow apartment, found me crossing
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my native threshold and threw me across the continent. confession premieres from february 12 on the first. big game live. president of the united states joseph biden confidently wins the democratic party's two-time victory. he recently won 96% of the state's votes in south carolina. he simply tears apart all the politicians from his party. but he is asked the question: what about the actual debate with trump? here's what he answered
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the president. mr. president, trump says he is ready to debate with you right now, do you accept the offer? he said on the radio that he was ready to debate immediately. immediately? if i were him, i would also want to argue with me, but he simply has nothing else to do. if i were a sultan, i would have three wives, yes, but he simply has nothing to do, he wants presidential debates instead of going to cafes there and... shaking hands with sellers and visitors, but biden has many different thoughts, different , especially about ukraine, putting on a ukrainian tie, he made a statement that a new bill on assistance to ukraine should be on his desk immediately, let's listen, this bill will not even be submitted to
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the senate for consideration, why the reason? just donald trump. in the last 24 hours he has done nothing but reach out to republicans in the house and senate, threaten them, try to intimidate them into voting against this proposal, it looks like they are giving up. this bipartisan bill is a win for america because that he makes important fixes to our broken immigration system. it will also solve another important problem - urgent financing for ukraine. today i am wearing a tie and badge in the colors of ukraine. i put them on because... ukrainians are in dire straits right now, they are defending against the russian onslaught, the clock is ticking, every week, every month without new aid for ukraine means less artillery shells, less air defense systems, less ability for ukraine to defend against russian attack, exactly what it wants putin. i urge congress to pass this bill and bring it to my desk immediately for my signature. immediately to the table for signature, but the reaction of the republicans is a little
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different, somehow they were not very scared. here is newt gingorich, the former speaker of the house of representatives, made this statement , listen, i'm starting to think that biden will not be the candidate, i say this because of the rate of decline of his cognitive abilities, there are a lot of new examples where he could not remember that he spoke or could not remember who he was talking to, he got involved everywhere in border policy, in matters of drug control, in relations with iran, in ukraine, and so on. at some point there may be an uprising within the democratic party. they'll say we can't nominate this guy in the fall because he's helpless. well, it seems that there is not even political paralysis there, some kind of political insanity, no, well, somewhere he is pretending to be blissful, even his vice president kamala harisa, she also constantly giggles and gives the impression that it has been a long time since control is lost, all that remains is to do some eccentric things.
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giggle, make some kind of semi-theatrical statements, there is such a strange feeling that it is as if they have already understood their fiasco, global, world, world-wide, historical, this era is lost, it is lost, a whole huge fifty years of globalism of this, which the american democrats themselves represent, they are already on the other side of history, this is where this means...
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the opinion of the leader of the republican minority mcconnoll. we had a very lively discussion regarding whether this bill would be approved. speaker johnson has made it clear to us that this will not
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happen, so i would like to thank senator landward for doing a great job negotiating with the other side. it seems to me, to the majority of my fellow party members, that we have no real chance of getting this bill passed. circumstances, he spends 40% of his time on vacation, this is the president, in principle, the president is a holiday, the president is on vacation, moreover, americans are very lucky, their president is a medium, he communicates with the other world, apparently with those who voted for him in the last elections, unfortunately, for
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american society, trump turned out to be right , there is a crisis of governance , and what does a crisis of governance mean? the problems that exist, they accumulate, they are not solved, and as a result, the bedlam in this house... can reach its apogee and it will begin to collapse, it is already collapsing, judging by the symptoms that the big game in the program constantly addresses them attention, and i think that if american society does not pull itself together now, but continues to watch this circus without doing anything, then, unfortunately, almost all of the us allies who believed in them may find themselves under the rubble of this empire, well, the empire continues to strike, now in the middle east, it is actively bombing the territories of as many as three sovereign states, it has no grounds for this, syria, iraq and yemeno, and well, biden leads as the supreme commander in chief of all these operations, but
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at the same time, he doesn’t even remember who he is bombing , who he is actually dealing with, just listen to how he froze when his politicians asked him closer... what needs to be done for the hostage deal to be resolved, sir? this is indirectly related to the hostage deal and what's going on in the middle east, the decision about what we're going to do in relation to israel, the decision about what we 're doing, or in terms of american funding, whether we're going to deal with the situation in ukraine? all this applies to question of american power, it all comes down to this: does america keep its word? america is moving forward, is there any?
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several games are played on the political chessboard, and since they don’t know what’s going on, they hit iraq, syria and yemen, and this is such a gross mistake, because my scientific adviser vitalisalovich naumkin often participates in the big game , he told me, he took me around yemen and introduced me to what it is, what it is, in fact, in addition to... the fact that it is the oldest civilization, look, here
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is the bab el-mandeb strait, babalmandab, that is, the strait of weeping or the strait of mourning, and there was our naval vase, where we repaired submarines and the island of sacotra, and there were also our specialists, and this a strategic path, which by blocking which we thereby undermine all world trade literally by 15 dash 15 to 30% we strike the strait of armu, which is under the control to a large extent of iran, that is, the keys here are not in the hands of either great britain or the united states states of america, although great britain once colonized southern yemen, northern yemen belonged to the ottoman empire, so i so...
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allah, as they translate, this will not lead to anything good, because the united states of america does not understand with whom they contacted yemenites. the americans nevertheless tried to strike
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iran or force it to react in such a way that it would be possible to strike this blow, but iran is still behaving in such a way that there is no reason to strike it, therefore iraq has to deal with these small, fractional blows to syria, and also to scold jordan, to suffer blows, but at the same time israel, mind you, today the new york times appeared: soldiers are exchanging these
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materials among themselves, which the israeli command is already against army to close, because the people of the world should not see what they are doing on this territory, you say such words, there is a babelmandep strait, babelmandeb, well, biden can’t remember hamas, and you say a babelmandep strait, what about the armu strait more complex words such as gates of lamentation, gates of s'.
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declares itself a superpower, but how can it then prove that it is capable of making some serious economic breakthroughs and creating a powerful military-industrial complex?
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17 trillion, this is in addition to the 34x national debt, that is , the situation there is actually very difficult economically and biden can say anything, but well, the thing is, look, when there was one of the companies in the middle east, yes, when iraq was ironed there , and other countries, arab spring and afghanistan is also added to this, then the entire company cost the us budget 7.5 trillion dollars, then...
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the us will not receive the complex. biden got involved in the war in gazzia against the houthis, he’s making a nightmare, he’s trying to make iran a nightmare. as if some investments should also be made, but they will not earn money either. that is, we see that his attempts to find some kind of fateful, small, victorious war that
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will save this rusty system from destruction do not work. that’s why biden is fighting so hard for money for ukraine. it's just as clear that ukraine will not receive this money, he admitted that all the aid that was given to ukraine, most of the money, he honestly admitted, returned to america, that is, he discovered this mechanism, that all this military aid is actually a write-off of money in order to reduce some kind of debt or other burden , but it doesn’t work, that’s why biden and his administration are so terrified, that’s why we need emigrants, money can also be written off on them, well, in general, the superpower doesn’t look very good...
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we live in russia, no forget, everything is possible here, great, golden age, big premiere, watch the time after the program, there is a self-portrait of the artist of this station, this is actually ivan leonidovich lubennikov himself, for him it was a thrill. the scale, the hangar, where all this is laid out on the floor, a lot of students, you give them tasks, we ’ve only been here recently since we met, and ivan lyanevich was handsome, courting, no, well, i was there right away. i agree, lubenikov writes the characters that are around us, so he is understandable to a wide audience,
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a huge amount of his work came to every exhibition number of press representatives , it was a resounding success, no one knew him, that ’s how quickly popularity came, the ryaba chicken is quite funny to see in paris, it’s so russian, there’s something very rustic and childish about it, he was like a river, happy, sparkling river. great feeling they don’t come to us by chance, it’s important not to pass by in order to stay with me, ivan lubennikov, life goes on, the premiere on saturday at the first, for the anniversary of nikolai eremenko, passes the lotus, the client with a load of opium is heading to vladivostok, the first soviet action movie, a man overboard, on the left at a heading of 30. full back
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, record holder for the number of spectators, clearly done, baby, what are we going to do, ivan ilyevich, fight, a real blockbuster, a tornado in our hands, russian captain, you reason like this , as if you have you... there is always a choice, for example, to die with honor, and at the same time end you, pirates of the twentieth century, on sunday on the first, seryozha, the last time i was here 10 years ago, they said you will be in charge heroines, we didn’t believe it until we arrived in sochi. the opening ceremony in sochi is something that will go down in the history not only of our olympics, but in the history of the olympic movement in general. the idea
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of ​​russia as a magical land in the sky, russia as a floating vision in the clouds. of course, there were a lot of dramatic pages along the way; it was a real challenge. in russia , things are possible that are not even possible in another country. olympic games in sochi, on sunday on the first. junior lieutenant ignatia
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vladimir ivanovich. what's his name? abrek, this is a robber. hello obrek. i want to you brought out the doomed to fight. where did you get it from? they paid it instead of the debt. i won't participate in this. your wife is sick, where can you get money? do you think i'm a good person? why are you asking if something happened? i love you. and i you.
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big game live. united states secretary of state blinken is making his fifth tour of the middle east since early october. and somehow it all seems very sour to him. a very sour reception in saudi arabia, in egypt, in qatar, and today it is in israel, where it is also received very sourly. and he himself, listen to what he said in qatar, performing with the slugs. just think what we've seen in the last 2 months. a couple of weeks: attacks on our bases in syria and iraq, attacks on israel from lebanon, attacks on merchant ships in the red sea,
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drone attacks in jordan, which killed three american troops. something happened to him, but in fact the us position is clearly sagging there, well, i’m lost, this middle eastern contour is getting lost, well, it really started to get lost after an unsuccessful breakthrough after september 11, because it was
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a gigantic leap into the middle east, an attempt... to grab everything to create in fact such a powerful springboard for expansion in eurasia, it failed. the second attempt is the arab spring, its scraps, its remnants are already melting before our eyes ; they don’t remember it anymore; in syria, this mechanism for overturning these arab states broke down, now, in fact, we are already observing the last phase, this phase, it will of course be extremely intense , extremely dramatic. including, probably, for israel, since its fate the future is quite vague, america does not refuse support for israel under any circumstances, and this also makes american policy in the middle east, well , powerless, in fact, they cannot agree with anyone, declaring that they will support israel under any circumstances. well, one of the key us allies, maybe the key
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us ally in the region has always been saudi arabia. and it is no coincidence that blinkin made his first visit there, and immediately after blinkin’s visit a statement followed ministry of foreign affairs of saudi arabia. let's listen. the ministry of foreign affairs confirms that the position of the kingdom of saudi arabia remains firm regarding the palestinian issue and the need for the brotherly palestinian people to assert their legitimate rights. the kingdom also informed the us administration that diplomatic. there will be recognition of an independent palestinian state within the 1967 borders with the capital , relations with israel will not be resumed, unless in east jerusalem, cessation israeli aggression in the gaza strip and the withdrawal of all military personnel of the israeli occupation forces. this is exactly the opposite of what blinken came with, after blinkin’s visit to egypt, there was a statement from the egyptian leadership that if even one refugee from
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gaza ends up in egypt, then egypt... a peace treaty with israel, that is, american diplomacy is giving the opposite result , this is called let the goat go, blinkin, in his five visits, we can trace how he was greeted, you said, he was sour, sour reception, i will add that with each visit it became more and more sour, sour and sour, and thus the arab leaders tried to demonstrate to him that this was their attitude precisely as a result of the fact that they began to unconditionally support israel’s policies, including on military strikes on arab countries and the policy of aggression against against gas, in this sense , i want to say that it is interesting in saudi arabia, it seems that at first it did not react very well,
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so to speak, reacted to october 7, did not express support. necessary, and the arabs all seemed to have not convened a session of the league of arab states, but recently my colleague from saudi arabia called, he heads a news agency and said: can you, uh, can we get permission from aleksandrch dugin to distribute his article throughout our agency? i say: you can, i read this article, and there is very sharp criticism there , it turned out that they are doing it on purpose.
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these countries understood perfectly well that in the united states, the crisis of governance in the united states gives them a unique chance to squeeze the united states out of the region, to make it clear to the united states that now they can cope with this wonderful matter, that is, regional influence, without the united states, of course, the united states has influence on weapons, all these countries, all these countries have been supplied with american types of weapons, but at the same time. as i understand it, the arab countries will separate weapons from weapons, and economic relations will be with china, with russia and so on, they will develop separately, well, the american position in general is always very interesting, so russia
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has brought its troops closer to the nato countries, and there uh-huh, the united states is attacking in the middle east, while the united states , this is their military presence, these are military bases, they occupy many parts there absolutely illegally and... are being set up, not just being set up, but endangering the lives of their military personnel, of course , the ukrainian media does not report on those who were injured, well , as if the wounded were there and so on, but then it turns out that the wounded were actually killed, taking into account the fact that citizens of the united states are not always serving in the middle east america, namely those who chose to serve in the american army in order to obtain american citizenship, the death of these...
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6:00 pm
it is perfectly clear that this cannot continue forever either, because our cause here is just, victory will be ours, we we give the floor to the news, the big game will return at 23:00, hello, there is evening news on channel one, andrey ukharev is with you. the increase, which affected 20 million russians, about the indexation of payments, a conversation at a meeting between the president and the government discussed the development air transportation.


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