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tv   Kukli naslednika Tutti  1TV  February 7, 2024 7:55pm-8:58pm MSK

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here is trudeau standing next to zelensky, then there was a huge scandal, remember that the speaker of parliament was fired because triot said, i was not in the know at all, it was all him, he was fired, pubs, it turns out that he invited this nazi, none other than trudeau, and now the canadian opposition is saying, listen, trudeau, but you yourself don’t want to follow the speaker, since we are being resigned for this, well , let’s see what will be the answer to labor. for now, let's look at the program of tootie the heir doll on channel one, it's also very much about people like that they tell interesting stories. since his school years, he has followed mike pompeo, the former head of the cia and us secretary of state during the trump era.
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you won’t even believe it, i brought him to kyiv. in our program, we will analyze the heir-doll tute, mike pompeo. right now, maria butina is with you, we are starting to make our way up. the fact that president biden allowed the system of deterrence that we built during our 4 years of service with trump to disintegrate was a disservice to the american people. apparently, i hope that all is not lost for him, mike pompeo is aggressively criticizing politics. biden, he
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had been preparing for this for a long time, back in 2020 he gave prosecutors documents on the burisma scandal, in response , the democrats opened an investigation into his illegal arms supplies to saudi arabia, bypassing congress. pompeo was accused of holding expensive dinners at the expense of taxpayers with influential businessmen and tv presenters who promoted his political image, he spent 2 years and millions of dollars trying to prove that the american ambassador in benghazi died because of the stupidity of hillary klee. "i solemnly swear that i will support defend the us constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. as the former director of the cia, he was charged with espionage against julian assange and his visitors at the london ecuadorian embassy. when i was director of the cia, we lied, cheated, stole, but we had these internal training courses. the secretary of state liked to use the employees of his office
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for personal errands and really did not like unnecessary questions, so national radio journalist marie louise kelly claimed that he yelled at her longer than the interview itself lasted, only because she asked him not about iran, but about ambassador maria yovanovitch, whom trump kicked out of kiev for disloyalty, and then she became one of the main witnesses in his impeachment case. pompeo then poured out all his anger in one phrase: do you think that americans care about ukraine, in general, show it to me in...
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in california, he has italian roots, and this is a lot in american politics, since the time of don caerleon the italian mafia has been firmly established in the form of a clan wing in deep state. even meticulous biographers are surprised by the meager information about pompeu’s past, but if you consider the strict scrutiny that even the junior clerk of the white house is subjected to, then mike and his ancestors are all right. rumor has it that on his mother’s side, mike even has some kind of relationship with the scottish royal dynasty of the stewarts. some of the relatives were with...
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went through tough competition when entering the west point military academy, from which he graduated as a leader in academic performance, served in western germany in the armor of a tank division, retired promoted to the rank of captain. as he himself later explained, to become a general, there were not enough wars with the participation of the united states. he himself later compensated for this shortcoming of american foreign policy, graduated from harvard law school and got a luxury job in a law office in washington. at various times, the firm handled client affairs for michelle and barack obama, both clintons, bush jr. and his wife laura, dick cheney and barbara streasant. the salary of a newbie lawyer started at $200,000. but pompeo is leaving for kansas, in the town of wichita, the center of american aircraft manufacturing, with three accomplices with no experience in the industry, they create their own company with the participation of the koch industries corporation, they buy up aerospace enterprises around kansas and mikey becomes a figurehead for the koch political lobbyists in
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aviation, the oil business, the high technology sector, then he uses their money to enter congress, and in his person they get their man in the committee.
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america is a force for good in the middle east. pompeo's entire political career is a creation hotbeds of tension in countries where there is oil or through which its traffic passes. the focus of efforts is the entire middle east. trump’s foreign policy intentions, which pompeo successfully ignored, forced him to actually break the inf treaty with russia. the russians are sowing discord and mistrust among the citizens of the united states and other countries, from belarus to zimbabwe. pompeo did not allow trump to withdraw american troops from afghanistan with dignity, and nahomil finally quarreled with kimshem. he considers the split of orthodox christians in ukraine one of his main achievements, as the beginning of the supply of jewels to kiev, under the slogan: “we will help them kill russians.” we
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hope that russia will begin to change its behavior towards ukraine. these actions cannot be attributed to the behavior of those countries that want to be part of the international community. we hope they get back on track. bidens, in order to register their patrons in the ukrainian energy sector and the shelf, even through war. how interested is the united states in ensuring peace and stability in ukraine, without any preconditions? very, very, very interested. yes, this is a project we are working on. pompeo came to kiev in all his guises and positions, he was seen there even a couple of days ago, only the role of the president of the united states remained. after he announced his desire to run for office, mikey took charge of himself, took up fitness, went on a diet,
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lost 40 kg in just the first six months, and began to look like the hero of a house of cards. his wife susan is actively involved in collecting political donations and organizing new ones. victories with influential republican donors, including including charles koch, out of habit , they use old connections in the state department for personal gain; it may seem to some that 24 is pompeo’s last chance, but not to him. the truth is that i'm preparing for 2044, hopefully i'll be around 2054. although after a new decision by the appeals court in washington, according to which trump is deprived of immunity in the case of falsification.
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to the board of directors of the mobile operator kyivstar, and ukraine for him is generally a purely project, with mr. pompeo such history, i think that from the moment he entered westpoint he was always in power, i don’t believe that a person who would not be so closely connected with the authorities would suddenly become the director of the cia, the cia, it doesn’t happen, it doesn’t miracles happen, he was engaged in work in eastern europe, what he did there, further, what we are now... with you, it means that this topic is certainly important to him, why? because usually
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mr. pompeo speaks calmly, here he pauses, he is interrupted, that is, the topic with ukraine is pressing for him, it would be not interesting, he would joke , grin, move away from the topic, not here, this is the topic directly of his, his, his, what are your versions, what project does pompeo have in ukraine, not so in general, but for him, that he calls ukraine his project, well... we can of course observe such an evolution, or i would even call it ironically a social elevator - in which mike pompeo moved, yes, you correctly noted, he was the director of the cia, was the secretary of state, then resigned, worked for a long time in hudson institute, there is also such a neoconservative brain trust in washington, here he suddenly announces the nomination of the president of the united states, knowing full well that he has no chance of this, or of winning the primary, but he takes advantage of his status as a candidate. from the president in order to constantly travel to ukraine, as you correctly noted, he is following the path of hunter biden, that is, he is sitting
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on this money of ukrainian lobbyists, the money of ukrainian oligarchs, well, i think that he was of course able to come to an agreement with everyone in time, also future candidates for president in order to be in kyivstar and of course work on this current agenda, so that later after the fact we can say that you see, i worked closely in ukraine, i have expertise there, maybe i will find myself in some future presidential administration when they come to power republicans, right now this is for... this is one of the leading european lottery
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companies, similarities with the following: kistara and omsl had the same shareholders, so accordingly, the president's office makes claims against kstar, says: you have shareholders russians, we will take the company from you, we will nationalize it, because the shareholders are russian, they prove that there are no shareholders, they have been removed altogether, and so on in ukraine in fact. the criminal state is simply squeezing out business, it’s just a mechanism that at some point turns out to be clouds over both of them according to the same pattern, which means these clouds are expressed in the case of smsl by sanctions, but in my opinion, poroshenko introduced sanctions there when they unsubscribed 50% share, they were removed from the sanction, they asked kiestar the same thing, 50% share, ermak came, called, said it was necessary unsubscribe 50%, they say we won’t unsubscribe anything, okay, don’t be, we will take everything away from you and through...
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why they brought pompeo in, i’ll explain now, the fact is that when there was this agreement, and kolomoisky was able to return to ukraine , it was mike pompeo who was entrusted with fulfilling all the obligations between kolomoisky and trump , what he did, kolomoisky came, said: i want my president, agrees with pompeo, pompeo says, who is speaking, here is zelensky, he says, let me agree now trump, well, i’ll decide and say, that is, he was direct curator of ukraine, and not only with regards to the president, this applies. and tomos and many other matters, he was very influential, influenced many processes in ukraine, and even once
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japarova’s name came up to him and said to support the crimean platform, take crimea, what he said, crimea is lost, world players they understand this, ukraine gave up crimea, and russia is not one of those from whom something can be taken away, the secretary of state’s statement is quoted, that is, he, he is not stupid, he still plays like that, interesting, yes, by the way, i would continue this thought, he said that pompeo is actually not about money. about great american power and specifically about military and maybe not only military intelligence, then why did he come to kievstari, look, if you take lloyd austin, then after all, the money comes first. then everything else, here’s pompeo, you brought up his biography, even it is quite consistent with what he did next in ukraine, 1986–1991, indeed, it was actually already eastern central europe, and he was 5 years in armored forces becomes a captain, this is a lot , that is, he will go a very long way, three at once, i would say grades, three ranks, and under
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the condition that initially he is actually just a military manager, he’s not even an engineer, in weightpoint department of military management management. and in principle it is quite clear and known to me, on the other hand, look, then, when he enters big politics from kansas, bob dole, who was the leader of the republicans in the senate, advocates for him, why for the unknown guy who in principle, there’s no place to call him , from well, yes, he graduated from spanish, which is already surprising, suddenly bubdul, oh well, bubduol bubdul, harvard, everything is also clear here, but after harvard , again, what, he becomes the editor of the harvard law magazine, law magazine. usa, you know, marie, what lawyers are in the usa, this is the number one profession, there, if you don’t count doctors, here he comes when he comes to ukraine, not just as a high-ranking appointee, he is the watchdog and, what’s more, he’s fanatically watching it process, very curious he had a breakdown, when he was working in ukraine, marie louise kelly
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from the us national broadcasting system asked him a question: regarding the change of the us ambassador, yuvovich, no, well, in general, it was a fairly high-profile case in the us, that is, the breakdown was associated with endless overexertion and fear in some way leak or transfer information that was a hidden secret, he said, it was not agreed upon, this question, and you forced me to answer it, and here it is surprising, he decides with himself, that is, with his body, to directly join the board of directors of kyivstar, which would it was there, big or small, it...
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all private owners get it right before the elections, they are generally criminals in fact, these people don’t have any churches, so they came and bam, and suspended it, you know, here too an important point, you are talking about his training in west point, where he came from, but the fact is that in west point there are no secret organizations as such, there are religious organizations, here it is important, religious organizations, they
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have the same weight , sometimes higher than even those organizations that we hear. when they start dragging him, the most important characteristic that john reed gives him is a person who is not afraid to take responsibility, that is, he says: i’m ready to do this, i don’t know about you, but i’m ready, he’s now working for his own the future, he is now showing, i am ready to be behind the stain, i am ready to bring you a folder with incriminating evidence, i am ready to serve in my country, the money is secondary, no matter what he does, there has always been money for him. secondary, he is a man driven to power, for him the most precious thing is that this power is when he says: i am this power, the only one who competes with him for power in this life is his wife. oh, how interesting, we’ll get to it, but for now let’s return to the pie, the pie is kyivstar, and apparently this pie is so important,
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if such a person still decided that he would put his paw on it, burisma’s scandal is on.. is gaining momentum now, entering at this time, well , it is clear that these are political risks for today, but the blind will not notice that this is an analogy of burisma entering in fact, yes, but he it still comes in, kyivstar is almost 25 million subscribers, 25 million subscribers means round-the-clock monitoring of people, today the population of ukraine is declining, they are already saying that about 20 million, 21 are being found...
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there are even more interesting schemes and more important, significant ones the puppeteers who stand behind it, right after the advertisement, everything that is most important
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and significant. the muslim world took the place of the rip world and byzantium, developed the resulting legacy further, and then through. spain and italy were transferred to europe. what is algebra? from the arabic word aljabr, multiplication, achemia, alkimia, even alcohol, alcohol is translated as a decrepit person, something that makes a person decrepit. until 1917, the personal guard of the persian shah consisted of russian cossacks. the shah of persia, the most precious thing he has, that is, himself, trusted only the russians. i have met a lot of people who think that a woman in our country should always wear black and cover her face, but this is not so.
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motador, the opening ceremony in sochi is something that will go down in the history not only of our olympics, but in the history of the olympics in general movements. the idea of ​​russia as a magical land in the sky, russia as a floating vision in the clouds. the trials that i experienced deserve attention, among the many joys and pleasures that accompany youth, i, having become a writer, experienced
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incomparable happiness in the local village of maly, i lived with a blacksmith, helping him forge horseshoes in the forge, i held long pliers in my hands white-hot iron, and he was hitting it with his ringing hammer, i ask:
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well, for me these are very interesting people, they call themselves white hat hackers, who in fact, they know how they get the data, and they can guess, like you and me, what happens to this data later. in our studio alexander alekseev, white hacker. greetings. hello, alexander. but now pompeo is one of the directors. what kind of influence can he get on the data through this post? well, starting with the fact that you can quite accurately determine your location and movement, even without using satellite communications, purely through base stations, and ending with all
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the information that is transmitted. data, that leave the phone , whatever it is, a letter, a message, a search, on the internet , whatever, these are packages that go both from you and return to you, in my profession people understand perfectly well that there is no such package that cannot be disassembled, therefore it is generally easy to control the minds of people , it is enough to simply understand which subscriber is going where, and either block or replace the endpoint, this can be used in any tasks, such a mechanism for a british company that was engaged in political consulting and later was it was found out that through a special application your digital lifestyle, let’s say, you receive a message: maria, during the next week there is an opportunity for you
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to receive all the services at a discount, but for this you need to follow the link, and the person will fail, well, a tempting offer, yes , the person fails through this link, he goes somewhere where the person already wants a discount, he already forgets that under this sauce, he starts asking him, gender, name, yes, where he lives, does he have children, medical data and will are pulled under this, a person did all this in order to get a discount, but in fact... in fact, the company secretly collects data about him, cambridge analytics collected this on order, as it turned out, trump and another american politician, but i think it ’s just not everything has been clarified yet, control over a telecommunications network is much more than control over banks or something else, imagine in a good way that a provider company sends an installation engineer to you to pull a cable,
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that’s actually what’s happening now - with mike, he is establishing a connection , and let’s not forget that not only people use the internet, all companies are also connected to kyivstar, please, these are medical institutions, and government institutions, whoever has access to all this data that is transmitted , he just feels like he’s in a big hypermarket, and if suddenly there’s a problem, because you can turn everything off, i would say that in addition to passive information collection systems, there are also active ones, because any phone, and mine is an exception, works naturally on wiretapping, and you already understand range of interests of a person, and secondly, note that when you talk about the presence of a phone, sometimes it happens that it offers you the information that you use hashtags, keywords, and i thought i was reading the consciousness of artificial intelligence, including another interesting property is that devices in particular are already at a level of at least 3g above, they communicate
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with each other, that is, if you put... i do not agree with many experts, i think that it is a purely business story, denis correctly noted, ibid. a large number of investors this company, they are american, has such a step as a capital management company. so-called, it is connected with a large large hedge fund blackstone, this is a major republican donor, a major republican sponsor, so when it comes to the nationalization of kyivstar, we are simply talking about the fact that they are trying to squeeze out a company associated with republican oligarchs in the usa, republican business. mike pompeo is such a pure example of a person who is ready to do anything for you for money, but i’m not sure what he has it will work out. and they choose pompeo, it’s interesting. and we shouldn’t forget, because experts said this, that pompeo is
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not about money, but more about politics. the united states for a very long time, when i was still the head of the cia, i visited the southeast of ukraine several times, we helped their special forces using various methods. that's all i can say. oh, everything's fine. pompeo except for one thing, he, of course, has facial expressions, she constantly deceives him, we helped the ukrainian special services, again grimaces disgust, he has absolutely no respect for the ukrainians, that is, this can be seen again, they are for him, he is a weight point, they are there, yes,
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thank you, i’m kind of talking about a psychotype, yes, it was said very well here about mike pompeo, he is pro-government and absolutely pro power , not about any money, about money they would send someone else, since kyivstar for him... manifests itself everywhere, she divides people into this person has an interesting manner, she has two camps, those who are lower than him and those who is above him, everyone who is below him, he treats, you know, with such patient contempt, if they start to pester him, he is rude, calls him names, does something else , he does not restrain himself, everyone who is higher, he patiently smiles and endures, this is his attitude towards ukraine, he is disdainful, what is this, he says, well, some ukrainians who don’t know how to do anything, they lost american money, they blew everything, he’s a politician, he’s a magician, make america great again,
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he’s trump’s competitor, and he sees that they invested in you and you lost again, again russia won, he feels bad, he’s shuddering all over, it’s like you were looking into water, look, i have there is a cut. how could you convince the american people that us foreign policy is not about their personal conflicts of interest? senator, i find this question very strange. north korea is still a nuclear threat. but the president says that he doesn’t think so. that 's not how he phrased it. north korea is no longer a nuclear threat. is there disagreement within the presidential administration about what should be done? is it permissible to accept incriminating evidence from a foreign state, yes or no? chris, you asked me not to call your questions ridiculous today, but now you were very close to this. many expect the us to
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discuss this at the highest level, we did so, so it looks like you are happy with this answer. i have nothing more to add. i came here to talk about foreign policy, and i think this is the third time you’ve asked me about some washington nonsense. lord, how aggressive he is, there’s a grimace on his face, of course, is he a businessman, no, a diplomat, no, he’s a tough manager, an army man manager, so we stood up and went forward, and quickly, come on, this is how he is, he has always been exactly like this, and about power, only about power, i absolutely agree, but there is another very important figure, we forgot about her, this is mary ann glendon , this is the lady with whom he studied at harvard, and you know who she really is, she was the us ambassador to the vatican, and then she... for decades actually represented us interests in the vatican bank, when the only person with whom she treats reverence, with the greatest michael pompeo, this is for this lady, because it is she conveyed very important things to him, money
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is not worth anything, look at the holy throne, power is the main goal of your life. michael pompeo, he went from his student days to this point, yes, yes, from west point, when he moved to harvard. he felt a taste of power, now very briefly, literally about the kiev star, today he somehow mentioned that communication companies allow for quieter revolutions, how curious, and you really look, you mentioned his teacher, i immediately in my head the following fragment surfaced: mike pompeo has a direct influence on inciting interreligious hatred in ukraine, he is the main persecutor of the russian orthodox church.
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political struggle for power. we take the position that the church should be separated from the state and there should be no state church, and this church should not be used for political purposes. i agree, but the first steps were taken by the poroshenko administration, and we know how our colleagues from the united states helped and contributed to the recognition of the independent ukrainian church. knowing that the us secretary of state called you. he supported you, as did i. yes, there is very tangible american support in this matter. i think that in the future
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brzyzinsky will also have the same great chessboard or a large chessboard, and the destruction of our common spiritual layer inherent in the slavs will further lead to destruction, much like it’s the same as if judaism is taken away from the jews, the nation as such disappears, this is exactly what hitler did , something that is a reprise of the supposedly ukrainian orthodox church that hitler created in zone controlled by the aunovites and headed by a certain hermogen, by the way, from the white russian emigration, therefore.
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the story of tomos had a specific goal for poroshenko in the election history, he came and first met with maria ivanovich, he explains. the situation that here the russian church has influence on people, we need our own church, it accordingly outplays with pompeo, pompeo gave the go-ahead and poroshenko went on his way, accordingly pompeo talked with bartholomew, because poroshenko came to bartholomew first talk, negotiated, bartholomew says: no, listen, i’m not solving this issue, i need the americans to allow me, so that i can let you in.
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there will be even more interesting, even more schemes and revelations about pompeo about the internal politics of not only the united states, but especially ukraine. i am not the widow of the emperor, i am not the mother of the emperor, and i... a non-regent, when the emperor is a minor, i am an empress,
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and i am in legal right. you argued that catherine is a temporary phenomenon. in europe , innate forces have become active, interested in overthrowing the currently reigning person. i hate him, who? i also hate orlov and my mother, they killed my father. will you go to her? she doesn't love you, grisha. it is necessary to overthrow this german adventuress and establish a legitimate heir on the russian throne. they are defeating me. the time has come, gentlemen. on the throne of the usurper is an impostor, a rootless german, i had no illusions, i knew what power was, i knew what i was going to, but i was sure that i could stop the intrigues and carry my cross, great, golden, with dignity
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century, big premiere, watch after the program time. how did prince yuri dolgoruky, with the help of the ukrainians, become a lithuanian? by the way, ivan the terrible said that he was german and spoke in prison language. this is the first time i've heard such nonsense. the only language he knew perfectly was russian. their main thesis is that you are muscovites and you have nothing to do with russia. what is zaporozhye virgin soil and why did it not please kiev propaganda? we place our main emphasis on training personnel here. a normal program, i helped. people who already want to come back, anti-fake, premiere , tomorrow on the first, short circuit in the heart, treating arrhythmia, major facial cleansing, superfoods for acne, what makes it easier
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to gain weight, fat or sugar, program to live healthy, will tell the whole truth, tomorrow. on the first, there is a self-portrait of the artist of this station, this is actually ivan leonidovich lubennikov himself, for him it was a thrill, the scale, the hangar, where all this is laid out on the floor, a lot of students, you give them tasks, we just met here recently , to every exhibition of his works a huge number of press representatives came, it was a resounding success , no one knew him, that’s how quickly popularity came, the pockmarked chicken is quite funny
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to see in paris, it’s so russian, there’s something very rustic and childish about it, he was like river. sparkling river, great sensations, they don’t hit us , it’s important not to pass by, ivan lubennikov, life goes on, premiere on saturday, on the first, some say that the architecture of shanghai will not surprise you, just wait until the evening and you will think that you are in a city of the future. who is in charge in a chinese family, many of us are raised by powerful women, so we end up finding a copy of our mother who controls us. how do young people in china have fun? we can go to the cinema, stand-up comedy, or we can just stay at home, cook and watch a movie. it's a pity, my girlfriend doesn't like video games,
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so she won't let me play them. i said everything correctly, darling, don’t you allow him to play? well done! how do you live on it? my best time if you want to have also, at 72, nothing hurt , dance in the park every morning, the lives of others, the premiere is on sunday on the first, today for the first time a unique spectacle awaits us, his name is obrek, i said that i would bring the best fighter, volodya ignatiev, afghan, sapper, here such a man. this is my money too, and i want to fight for it. reed, what are you doing, i don’t know, some kind of premonition, girls, i deceived you, there won’t be a concert, you promised us 40 dollars, these are our girls, i
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’ll put everyone here now, he’ll kill you, well.. i'll buy it from you, predator mike pompeo or mike wolk, as his so-called friends call him, and this is even a whole gang, sometimes
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called the west point after the name of the educational institution, or the trump mafia, what kind of group is this, who is in this big scheme, part of which is a cog - this is our today’s character, pompeo, it’s just that the question here was always what the goal was, look for now...
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they are beautiful because in the hostile environment of his presidency they were, perhaps, rare people who did not stick a knife in his back, because even wife milana and then it suited the time from time to time public floggings. it’s not that pompeo was very loyal to donald personally, but rather to the republicans as such, for whom he played, well, first of all to himself, acted at every stage of his career in the most advantageous way, spied on infidels, evaded and did not agree under oath, covered up shady deals and got rid of the evidence. it was no coincidence that he was chosen as director of the cia for some personal qualities. you have, of course, heard about the book that claims that trump is unfit
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to be president, that he lacks abilities that you can answer as a person who spent so many morning hours in the same room with him. yes, this is absurd, this is complete absurdity, i have not read this book and do not intend to, i have something to read, mostly reliable facts from primary sources. 3 years ago, he had a hard fact on his hands, the republicans. trump is not a phoenix; he is unlikely to rise from the ashes by the next cycle, and fierce democratic enemies cannot be allowed to win a second term. he, of course, then repeatedly made a reservation: i i’ll go if trump doesn’t go, or the journalists , with their questions, forced him to answer taking into account precisely this reservation. if the scenario turns out that trump refuses to enter the 2024 election race, would you decide to participate in it? i was always ready. to fight, okay, i heard this as confident, maybe, but otherwise i don’t know how to interpret it, then in march
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2021 he began to intensively prepare for his future presidency, during this interview he weighed under 140 kg, even with a height of one meter 80 is a bit much, and for an age under 60 completely dangerous, he set up a gym in the basement , with great difficulty gave up the burgers and sweets that were always lying on the work computer, due to his retreat into the shadows after the republicans lost, the public did not see him for a long time and even forgot when he appeared on the screens again, later 2 years, having shrunk by a third, everyone gasped, also because mike again confirmed his readiness to become president of the united states. will we decide to enter the race and run for president? i can't answer, but we do what we could do to be prepared to make such a statement. i'm here and it's no coincidence. here it is in new hampshire, one of the three most important states in america at the start of any race. pompeo wanted to turn his new image into a rating;
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he said that he began to get fat as soon as he was elected to congress. hard work, 24x7 with snacks instead of fractional meals, endless negotiations during lunch and dinner, hassle when making the most important decisions in the world, and of course, a passion for rich italian dishes, to give up which for panteo was the height of his military self-discipline. the truth is. that losing weight had become a lifelong struggle for me, there was nothing scientific about it, there was no trainer or nutritionist, it was just me. purely in theory, the election move was smart, according to statistics, 40% of americans have already tried to fight excess weight, and many have not tried yet, but the political strategists miscalculated, half of the voters decided that pompeo was seriously ill, they could not survive the second biden. the social media posts were quite nasty or just inaccurate. suggesting that i have health problems or cancer. and the other half of the taxpayers remembered the numerous dinner parties that he and his wife
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, susan justic mostro, hosted. for the necessary useful rich, as the american media write, at the so-called madison dinners, over 2 years, the pompeo couple fed at least 500 high-ranking guests at the expense of the state department. svyuzan was involved in successfully attracting sponsors even before her marriage, when she worked as a vice president of a bank without having an official positions, pompeo’s wife was involved in the work of the state department, had a personal office at the cia headquarters, and assisted her husband on the capitalist hill. mike even had to make excuses for being excessive. his wife's interference in his affairs. susan pompeo hasn't done anything inappropriate, unless you think it's inappropriate that she wants to help her husband succeed in the mission he's been given. they even indifferently noticed how well susan and mike did, they were in no way preparing to repeat the history of the obaba and clinton duets, but pompeo never succeeded raise his popularity rating from his knees, and trump somehow began to slowly
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fight off judges and prosecutors. in the end, even before the start. yes, many more from the military fraternity can be put under arms, the main thing is to get rid of the democrats. trump, in fact, surrounded himself with people who studied with him at the same military academy, and pompeo was one of them. what does it mean? this is once for all, this is an oath of allegiance forever, that is, they are going like one battering ram? well, they just graduated from west point, one year they were friends, like
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once being cadets, also, in the future i will remind you, in addition, that with ... mike pompeo and many of them served, some of them in germany, some in other places, then in the future they are still together they were doing business , yes, aerospace, in my opinion, it was the late nineties, the beginning of the 2000s, that is , of course they have such close connections there, they worked with each other, later, as we know, mike pompeo, he was elected congressman , he was given the fourth district in conzas, mark green, also his friend, also became a congressman, well, later, pompeo followed a certain career path and was a member of the house of representatives committee. intelligence one of the most influential, well, at the beginning of 1977 he was made director of the cia , he immediately brought all his friends, guys, i think that those whom he, let’s say, takes his word for, yes, with whom he can find a common language , perhaps they have some kind of joint dirt on each other, well, in general, his guys, he brought everyone to him, they worked for him as deputies, but not all of them, by the way, here is mark green, who is a congressman, he helped to kill representatives, but these guys literally helped him, mark kasper
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later became the minister of defense, and really in the nineteenth and twentieth years. usa, secretary of state and secretary of defense. therefore , it is understandable that mark esper fell out with trump and resigned. mike pompeo also, well , partly, let’s say, fell out with trump after the storming of the capitol. well, but i admit that specifically mr. pompeo personally still hopes that if there is a change in the administration in washington, he will have a chance to return, and he ’ll drag some of these guys back with him or into trump’s company.
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okay, at state expense , at state expense, maybe they invited foreign diplomats there, and they gave such a luxurious reception, but no, they invited lobbyists there, they invited those who then sponsored their various nominations and this happened at the same time, when trump had the most serious problems, when he was being blamed for protests at the capitol, at this time pompeo was having fun on dinners, have you been to these?
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local residents were discovered to have an increased content of a very dangerous chemical element, trials began, naturally, people sued mike pompeo’s organization, it was at this moment that the kochs, so to speak,
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lent their shoulder, since there was a risk of also losing their own money, so they created such a puppet company that was supposed to be busy cleaning up these underground waters, years passed, nothing... changed the water of the local residents, this company never did anything eliminated, no problems, here it is again , technologically, how it works, in 2020 there was one medison dinner, in total, suzon organized 24 such dinners in time, so one performer of country music was invited, it seems, what ’s the interest, why, the russian audience is he won’t say anything at all, his name, so maybe not even...
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the picture goes, reminiscent of the events associated with the murder, remember where the black life matters movement began, yes, and then the second verse so gently leads to the idea of that in general small towns in the united states are extremely dangerous to live in, and therefore raising questions about banning the carrying of weapons is wrong, they are actually making this song, making this song.
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will continue to work, when they talk about dirty technologies, they asked a fundamental question, to what extent does the united states of america need to withdraw, for example, from the paris club? was necessary, but it was a situational decision, when america understood that it was beneficial for them, for the kochs, the worse the better, they understand perfectly well that if they have the opportunity now to destroy the country for the sake of today’s gain, they will come there, and kievstar, and kievstar. allows you to make a very good overview of how they will react to them , how you can move money, and most importantly, how to make sure that the population never rebels against you, and here we get a very important role for the individual,
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when a person takes responsibility, takes himself shares, he understands that he is taking a risk, yes, of course, but he must understand that he has a very steep roof, kochs today are a very cool roof that allows you to use your money for...
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for this, it was pompeo who launched this whole scandal against the russian orthodox church, was it him, was he a worker? hands, whether this was his sincere initiative, we don’t know, but it is not for good, but for evil, and evil will definitely be punished, maria butina, the heir to the dome, was with you, now is the time for the program.
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hello, the program is about the most notable events of this day.


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