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tv   Bolshaya igra  1TV  February 7, 2024 11:00pm-12:01am MSK

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we have judas these days, gentlemen, how do we understand this, this is just a joke, mr. aba, lev alexandrovich, could you at least remain serious now, everyone is assembled, gentlemen, let’s begin, perhaps. arrest all the conspirators, i obey, it’s up to me , it’s too early for initiation, pavel, child, but mr. abat believes... that then it will be
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too late, if we miss the moment, we may lose control over the heir, we cannot trust young man, you want our position, our lives, to depend on the length of the boy’s tongue, this boy, the future emperor, calm down, gentlemen, i propose a compromise, let’s trust the boy, but... let’s cut out his tongue for all of us at the same time, stop explaining, lev alexandrich, there is no place for jokes here, i, as the heir’s mentor, am ready to take responsibility for myself, i propose voting on who is in favor to invite pavel petrovich to our sacred brotherhood?
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and here are the last suppers. and why, when i said this, was i accused of buffoonery? was he taken seriously? in the name of the empress you are under arrest. you are under arrest on suspicion of conspiracy. grigory grigorievich. dashk where are you
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there is no princess among my guests, fun reigns in my house, not conspiracy, and you put a hole in my pot. grigory grigorievich, leva, forgive me.
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i’ll fix the ceiling for you, lyova, i feel so good with you, i feel so good, grigory grigorievich, what’s wrong with you? lyova, i'm renin. gentlemen, let's move the
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adjutant general to the couch, it seems to me that he is not very comfortable here. leva, what an evening, leva, what a! good evening, i’ll fix your ceiling, leva! gentlemen, let's dance, have fun, music! nikita ivanovich, why are you frowning? i’m trying to understand, aleph alexandrovich, whose side are you on? nikita ivanovich, the coin has two sides, here is one side, here is the other. and i have it in my pocket, and what side, just conversations to the point of entertainment, everything is funny and not at all scary, which, i must admit, makes me very happy, this is a letter from the english envoy, he
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reports that you are the adjutant general, your brother with armed guardsmen broke into the house of oberstalmester naryshkin and created an ugly scene there. chancellor vorontsov reports the same thing: and the envoy of the austrian court from this trick of yours makes a choice that i do not control the situation in the country. sorry, mother. we serve not for ourselves, but for the fatherland. and with your nose, grigory grigorievich, you are also for the fatherland. suffered, and why are you following the lead, you don’t have your head, you’re confused ekaterina alekseevna, go
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away. ostavykhan , why are you knocking like you did, you, alexey petrovich, tell me this, and if they find out, well, you, karl frantsch, make sure that if something happens, the bribes are smooth. “leave it, it’s okay, but tell me, you showed initiative, for safety reasons throne and the entire fatherland, they say, since he was kept in a fortress, it means he is a criminal, a dangerous, extremely dangerous criminal, such a one, in
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the event of a riot or an assault, has a direct road to the next world, oh my god, my god, it’s a sin, after all , sin"? "the late elizaveta petrovna gave you these instructions, she paid, by the way, a lot, i will pay, you will light 3,000 pounds of candles to atone for this sin, and it’s not a sin, if you look at it correctly, but a feat, after all, it’s interesting - it’s not personal, but sovereign, well...” just think about it, why? you’re trembling, well , drink some compote, and you’ll introduce it to people, get it into their heads, you know what you tell me, alexey petrovich,
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tell me this, is there any danger, is rebellion really possible? we live in russia, don’t forget, everything is possible here, there’s a big game on the air, american. the european press is full of reports about how russian troops are moving forward in ukraine, some are very impressed by this advance, some are less impressed, but everyone
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says that the dynamics have clearly changed in favor of russia, this is, of course, for us in moscow good news, well, i’m not sure what the west’s reaction will be. this event, this trend, can be read as good news. i'm actively looking for some messages.
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i really like the answer: we do not encourage them to do this, they know our position, that is , in their words, they know the position, the position they supposedly consider it possible to react, and we will give ukraine an answer to this more, more more. andrei valerievich kortopololov, chairman of the state duma committee on defense, you are a former general. colonel held major positions in the ministry defense, were deputy minister. how do you
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assess all these events? in general, events are developing in an understandable manner; today we can probably expect from the west some such positive movements from our point of view, or some kind of sane one. it’s probably too early for a clear reaction, it’s too early, why? because our advance, constant and steady advance, is not yet perceived there as an indicator of the collapse of the ukrainian front, well, firstly, because the ukrainian leadership continues to convince them that they... everything is fine in principle, it’s good that these are separate tactical episodes, in general they
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are in complete control of the situation, and what’s more, if they are given something else, then in general everything will even be fine for them, they believe or pretend to believe, although in reality they have nothing good, because in some areas today we have advances of more than a kilometer, if... two months ago we said that 150, 200, 300 meters of geblond, good, then today we are talking about kilometers, and kilometers of advancement in depth are square kilometers, territory, which is cleared of the enemy, this is our moral and psychological state, heightened and exactly the opposite, therefore... as usual, they are trying to put a good face on a bad game, and nevertheless, in the near
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future they will increasingly admit that everything that they did before is, in fact, useless, at least from an economic point of view; in a number of positions, such statements are already being made, but then they are a conclusion. the west faces a difficult choice: recognize
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the situation as it is and accept difficult, difficult for you, but a decision is necessary, either continue to allow yourself to be persuaded by the zelensky regime, then make a decision of a completely different configuration, you know, in a war in... conducting combat operations, one of the biggest mistakes is underestimating the enemy and overestimating own capabilities. today, today we see this clearly. from the point of view of what the west is doing, and what the ukrainian leadership is doing, they overestimated their capabilities during this famous summer counter-offensive, underestimated the capabilities of the russian army and is now reaping the bitter fruits; moreover, now
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several other laws will be in place, more ambitious, strategic, and from a strategic point of view. the russian federation has immeasurably more resources to continue a special military operation, and the west also understands this. the british foreign secretary , who was previously prime minister, said that the west has an economy 25 times larger than russia, that is, they seem to, if they mean what they say, then it seems to them that they have do they have more resources? they... when it seems they need to be baptized, so let them think about it, but it’s not without reason that the americans decided to multiply the production of 155 meter ammunition, already this year it has doubled and in the twenty-fifth year they are building a new plant for the production of this kind ammunition, understanding the realities
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that today correspond to modern combat operations, high-intensity combat operations. the western europeans say the same thing, that they are not ready today, but they need to prepare, but the facts are stubborn things, they remain facts today, we are much ahead than they are in the development of military production, in the restructuring of industry, especially the military-industrial complex, to produce the products that are necessary today so that... our guys do not experience anything and in no way needed continued to complete the assigned tasks. general, you know, probably better than me, that many now, including in the military and government structures, are asking the question: how to convince the collective west that their current line
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behavior is counterproductive, here in the west, including in the pentagon.
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then, in general, in the west they are quite ready to resist russia to the last ukrainian. is it necessary to make it clear to the collective west that if they continue to unilaterally escalate in an undeclared war against russia, then their territory, their military resources may also be vulnerable, or is this going too far? well. we have never hidden the fact that all western military assistance that will be provided to ukraine will become a legitimate target for our armed forces, in in general, this is what is happening, today, 90% of what was delivered to ukraine has already been destroyed during military
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operations, by and large today. the indian military-political leadership has no choice but to switch to a practical terrorist method of conducting military operations, they are losing on the battlefield, they are losing, let’s say, in traditional combat operations, it doesn’t work out, they don’t have enough brains, they don’t have enough resources, they don’t have enough no matter how many people they drive to the forefront, no matter how many they recruit within the framework of this his so-called grave. therefore , they will switch to terrestrial actions. the recent example of a crashed plane with its own military personnel only confirms this. by the way.
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there are some representatives of the american leadership who call their russian colleagues, there are some useful conversations about the status of embassies, about what weapons can and cannot be used, well, i’m asking, is there any initiatives to...
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appears in these exchanges with the american countries, that they not only represent someone, but also that they have , let’s say, that they have a mandate to conduct such conversations, and that they will be ready to listen to them seriously, and to talk with unofficial people who repeat semi-official ideas , and then they can’t even share them properly with...
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they didn’t hear him, russia answered: quickly, effectively, well, in general, what is it? and again this does not make an impression. i am very afraid, general, that if this continues, willy-nilly, at some
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at this stage, russia will have to consider the possibility of some kind of asymmetric response so that russia’s opponents will feel for themselves, but if you want, that this also directly concerns them. i understand the danger.
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has become a normal human language, they don’t always understand the normal one, which they generally don’t understand, well, that’s why for now we’re talking with the rough language of nagant, there on the fronts of a special military operation, you know, here we can go quite far, but i i can tell you that the west feels real...
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it won’t necessarily be some kind of russian saboteurs, special forces, it will be done by their own citizens, who are all this mess, sorry, it’s already starting to get boring, and many are already tired of it, and live in this a constant nightmare where they were dragged by their own politics, well, people won’t be like this for long, and last week you and i remembered farmers, we see what is happening today, you know, yesterday i met with one of my good... acquaintances, he’s like this -
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an influential businessman with a good business, and he called up his friend, who in the nineties went to the west, and lives there, he also has his own business there, and he is the owner of several transport companies, this friend told him that today the drivers of his heavy trucks... that is , his company, which belongs to him, refuses to travel from spain in order to take spanish citrus fruits to denmark or poland, why? yes, because in france they burned two trucks, they stopped him, they all dropped him off, they walked, the police stood nearby, didn’t do anything, he contacted the truck company, the truck company smiled and said, you know, this is force majeure, we
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can’t, this is not a clause. in our agreement , he went to court in court, they made it clear to him that he would not win anything, yes, this businessman comes from the soviet union, but other businessmen, french, german, they are also in this situation, and ordinary people are still in worse situation, so i am absolutely not surprised that this kind of accident will begin to happen throughout the european union, and even the uk herself. mainland united states , and there's nothing surprising about it, people are fed up with what their incompetent politicians are doing, i think what you say is absolutely fair, will it be enough, i hope so, because that way, which i spoke about, i myself really don’t like it, but i’m afraid, but i ’m afraid that if the reality of this path is not understood in washington, london.
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we don’t even know what was actually said, but the reaction in the united states is on the verge of hysteria, and it’s not very clear whether they are very afraid of something, or they are already so accustomed to their liberal-totalitarian, if you like, like-mindedness, the very fact of turning to
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the russian leader. causes them - well , some kind of simply uncontrollable psychological reaction, but the general comes to my mind, continuing our conversation with... then they have one very specific motive: they don’t want the american population, that the american voter heard that the american people may be in grave danger, which they carefully are hiding because president biden keeps repeating, both his secretary of state and his secretary of defense, that there will be no war with russia,
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and before that he was in the state department, held serious positions, was deputy assistant secretary of state for russia and eastern europe, back when there was such a post, now he is no longer there, and he was the ambassador to
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ukraine, let’s listen to what mr. pifer says. unfortunately, the american presenter most likely will not ask difficult questions, giving putin a mouthpiece for propaganda, do not forget that it is in the interests of putin to inflame divisions within as much as possible. u.s.a. vladimir mikhailovich dzhabarov, first deputy and chairman of the federation council committee on international affairs, former fsb general. i want to ask you a simple question. it's news to you that the russian president's statements are considered impermissible interference in american internal affairs. well, in general, it’s fantastic, i just remember my youth, when westerners were constantly proving to us that they had freedom of the press, freedom to express their thoughts, but with you everything
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is blinkered, everything is organized, and i don’t believe my eyes , i don’t believe my ears when i hear what’s going on in the west, of course, they are afraid of tucker carlson, why, because i have to give my due, a talented journalist. very talented , who is not afraid to talk about sensitive topics, and most importantly, they constantly lie about the fact that president putin, but i don’t know, they pin everything they can on him, or they give those parts of his speech that are nothing threaten the credibility and image of america, they are simply afraid, that thanks to carlson's interview, americans will recognize the real putin, recognize his thoughts, they will understand that it turns out that there are... absolutely sane presidents, not those who meet at the g7 with frenchman, who died 28 years ago, and talks about his meeting with miteran , and other failures, that is, he understands that
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, in general, it is impossible to constantly hide from this, this is from the american people, pay attention, he made an announcement, a video announcement of his future interview with the president of russia, there are more than 50 million views. this is colossal figure, i think that they are afraid of exactly this , and western europe is no better, they, too , the european union has already said that we will watch this interview, if we understand that he supports putin’s criminal activities there, we will impose sanctions against him, but where are they they will see that everywhere they are trying to threaten with these sanctions, i think that tucker carson, by the way, offered to do an interview with zelensky later, but i think that zelensky will be scared.
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to some extent this could cause irreparable harm to the american state, and, of course, in a blow to trump as a possible presidential candidate, and i, of course, did not see the interview, and no one told me what happened in this interview, but when i hear accusations in advance that tucker carlson did not ask tough questions, well if we are talking about the fact that he did not ask offensive questions, that is, not insulting questions, then i can fully believe it, this is not what is generally right to do when you speak as the head of state, and this is not a method at all .
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asked tough questions and so that with him they argued, so i don’t think that anyone would at least try to come to an agreement with tucker carlson in advance so that he would be gentler with putin and not ask anything, so i wanted to add, in 20 years, vladimir vladimirovich putin gave many interviews with western correspondents, we all saw and heard this, but i don’t remember anywhere that in his interviews he broke into... an unacceptable tone, he calmly won, even
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when he was openly attacked by a correspondent of a foreign publication, he answered calmly and intelligibly, and most the main thing is that the strength of his interviews is that he always tells the truth, people immediately understand this, when there is a lie disguised by some kind of big politics, when a person speaks the truth, that’s why he is not afraid of tough questions, on the contrary, he is ready to answer any pressing questions, understanding that this worries people, i my...
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nixon behaved this way because nixon was very confident in himself, because he was confident that in his intellect, in his experience. in terms of your ability to express your thoughts, let’s say you can’t cope with him easily. here when i watch president putin , i also have the impression, well, this is a leader of this large scale, not self-confident, but self-confident, so the idea that someone should be with him, well, let’s say , be careful, what is it expected, i can't even imagine.
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with putin, a trip to russia for journalistic work. at the same time, journalists from western publications are in russian prisons for no reason, they were simply engaged in independent journalistic activity. what can we say about the many russian ones?
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even such a fake, fake offer this lady, who declares that an unfortunate, innocent person who suffered from the regime, they also treated him gently, ours, just imagine, our former ambassador told me in the united states of america that in the hospital it was impossible for the driver to go, tail would immediately follow him, imagine, our journalist would go and collect information at a defense enterprise, i think he would stay there forever. so it's a lie. i do not know and cannot know what gershkovich actually did. i know it is often mentioned that this was the first journalist arrested, in the soviet union, in russia, after the famous scandal with danilov, you know what i’m talking about,
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with nikolas danilov. i knew danilov well. and he really was not a spy or a journalist. but the whole point is that... and they say that the top leadership of the cia did not know about this, that it was an initiative of the station, they call it dark, but they used him in the dark, but i won’t, i won’t try in this to figure it out, but i can say that at least the last precedent that took place was there was a case when a person actually
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provided services to tser, as for gershkovich, here it seems to me that the situation, in general, on the one hand, is very complicated.
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well, they proved to us that they had nothing to do with it, but the colonel general knows that not a single patriot will fire without the permission of the americans, that is, they knew that they were shooting down a transport plane, and yet they committed this crime, and as if nothing happened, they forgot.
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what is zaporozhye virgin soil and why did it not please kiev propaganda? our main focus we are doing staff training here, it’s a normal program, i helped.
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radsy , there is an impostor on the usurper’s throne, a rootless german, i had no illusions
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, i knew what power was, i knew what i was doing, but i was sure that i could stop the intrigues and carry my cross with dignity, a great, golden age, a great premiere, tomorrow after the program.
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there's a big game on the air, we know history well, or rather, we think that we know history well, we definitely know it better than the average american knows it, but still, i wanted to talk to you, russia with such an important country, which today is
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one of russia's main opponents regarding russia's relations with england. and let's start, if you don't mind, with the period of peter the great. what was britain's position then? well, you are right to start with the era of peter the great, because it seems to me that here.
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the islands are quite distant, the baltic sea too, nevertheless, these are the regions where russia penetrated in a completely natural way, not in the fight, by the way, with the british, in the fight in the north, that is , with sweden, in the south with the ottoman empire, but affect the interests of great britain, as far as one can judge, after all, the entire 19th century, with the exception of a very short period of the napoleonic wars, when russia and england were at one with napoleon, england acted. as a serious deterrent to any aspirations of russia, no matter where they are directed, along the entire perimeter of the actual russian border, if i’m not mistaken, then...
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a forty-thousand-strong detachment to the southern borders of the russian empire, in order to put pressure, that is, on future, that is, colonial possession of great britain, everything turned out to be hand of great britain, therefore , historians are seriously discussing the version of the involvement of the british embassy in st. petersburg in this conspiracy, that the british managed to form a coalition of nobles dissatisfied with paul,
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the aristocracy, which carried out this conspiracy, thinking that they were committing it in their... anglo-french crimea, by the way, but with bombings in arkhangelsk, yes, the solovetsky monastery was shelled by bombings in the far east, bombings in the baltic sea, that is , great britain showed that it, as a world a maritime power, is ready to put pressure on st. petersburg militarily, but the war in crimea was also waged by the british, of course, in the most inhumane way, support in support
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of turkey, that’s right, in support of turkey, and about that. gave a coalition against russia , including austria-hungary and, including austria-hungary, which took such a rather hostile position towards russia, not only because, after all, the signing of the paris peace treaty, which was unfavorable to russia, following the results of this war, was not dictated in large part so much by the military successes as an ally, but also because at the last stage england began to put pressure on sweden, so that sweden began to threaten the fleet in the baltic and...
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a lot of what it won, this is understandable, but also added significant preferences to territorial great britain, which did not seem to participate in this conflict in any way, and 916, russia was a very faithful, loyal ally of france and great britain in the war against germany, austria-hungary, russia was very difficult, devastation
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in the rear, at the front, by the way, at that moment it was not... so bad, but the devastation in the heads was already beginning, and absolutely, and there was a lot of pressure on nikolai so that he would at least... at least go for big reforms, which he considered them a threat to the regime, or even abdicated. what was the position of the british ambassador in st. petersburg on this matter? you see, by this time it was clear that the german-austrian alliance would lose this war, already from about the end of the fifteenth, from the beginning of the sixteenth year, the entente was thinking about the future world order, understanding the leading role of the russian empire in the victory over the triple. union , an agreement was actually reached that russia would receive the prize in the name of which it had acted for many decades, these are the black sea straits, they were actually
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guaranteed by russia, so england found itself in a very difficult situation in the sixteenth year, on the one hand it russia was necessary in order to end the war victoriously over the germans, over germany, on the other hand, it did not want to pay for this victory with russia - that is, in fact , the territory that russia was striving for, and therefore, apparently, england was playing a rather difficult game, it needed to make sure that russia was somehow forced to give up these preferences, but at the same time, it did not come out of the war , so the british government incited in every possible way, as in 1801, by the way, with paul, emperor paul, they incited a broader opposition coalition, the duma, which was set up at that time. strongly against nicholas's government and personally befriended him in order to commit, well, in fact , a coup d’etat, to try to build in russia a model of governance reminiscent of the british
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constitutional monarchy, there were different scenarios, each scenario was actually deceptive, not quite dishonest, but in the end it led to the fact that the country fell into a revolutionary, let's see, twice really... and great britain and russia were allies, the first and second world wars against germany, when england was really in serious danger and when she needed allies, i'm sorry, i forgot to ask you about the war between russia and japan, where great britain clearly supported japan and even helped japan build its fleet, but there were generally unique things there...
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we did not intervene let’s forget, during the civil war, the direct intervention of british troops, i say this not to make history one-dimensional, to lay everything on someone.


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