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tv   Anti Feik  1TV  February 8, 2024 9:20am-10:00am MSK

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chip, please, individual number, and this is the largest gene pool of chickens in europe, the poultry farming institute has collected more than seventy breeds from all over the world, some were bred more than 300 years ago, new russian broilers have recently been bred, which are in many ways superior to their foreign counterparts in weight and femininity cross, that is, a hybrid called smena 9. we will replace foreign crosses scheduled for 2030 cross. shift 9 will occupy a share of 25%. this is 1 billion broilers. science develops every sphere of our lives from the products on the shelves to the fantastic possibilities of artificial intelligence. and one of the main achievements of recent years is that more and more young researchers are coming to russian science. surveys show 64% of parents would like to see their children. in science, well, in our country all conditions have been created for this. peter deryakin ekaterina.
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what is the zaporozhye virgin soil and why did it not please the kiev propaganda, how did prince yuri suddenly become a dolnoruki with the light hand of the ukrainians. lithuanian, and tsar ivan the terrible - to the germans, about this and much more is on the program today. this is an anti-fake program, here we are waging our fight against fakes and disinformation. today we will talk about melitopol. they were going to make melitopol an experimental military site and virgin land for the russians. representatives of the government of the zaporozhye region are already openly talking about this.
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outside of our mother russia there is already a certain pool of applicants, in different countries these are different, respectively, an understandable number, there are different categories of citizens who had historical roots from russia, ukraine, belarus, and kazakhstan, at a certain moment, under certain circumstances, went there, yes.
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who now, due to global changes, want to move to russia, while moving their family, and these are mainly large families , including moving their capital, it is different, accordingly, but what is key for us, as part of the formation of this program, which is now already at the first levels it was agreed with the ministry of foreign affairs of the russian federation. from the ministry of internal affairs of the russian federation, that is, we formulate needs and requests for certain personnel or potential managers of enterprises or investors that we need here, based on our development program, then a list of applications is formed that are ready to move from abroad to our territory, and accordingly, in agreement with all... authorities, we then
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this gives us the opportunity to move a specific family to a specific territory with specific tasks, to integrate this family into the economy, into social programs, issuing passports, school education, integration into some economic processes. stanislav, i apologize, where is the experimental military site, the terminology they use is so incomprehensible. well, for me it means there or some kind of military base where they will test equipment or tactics, as they did in germany, they deported an entire village under hitler, then after what happened in western germany they did not let them back and simply made training grounds out of the village, there we experimented with everything, but here, well , the word military was never heard at all, the training ground was not heard either, oh well what he says is that i’m actually a normal program, i helped people , i also passed on information to people who want to come.
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just the same person whose interview was somehow distorted like this, very interesting. yuri vladimirovich, we are glad to welcome you, i wish you good health. you are probably familiar with this fake, military experimental site, where did they even get such a concept now? i have no idea what they are guided by in creating some kind of news , this is not the first time, in fact, we we’re already used to this, what did you talk about here, in general, this is a big interview, and what is zaporozhye? this was a big interview following the results of the twenty -third year in support of the prospects for the results already announced by the governors that a concept for the development of the zaporozhye region for two five-year plans has been developed, the key factors
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of which are, respectively , public private management in key sectors of key enterprises, well, respectively, an emphasis on processing industry, that is, everything we are here produce, we must here ... process, accordingly, the main of the, so to speak, basic elements for the development of this concept is staffing , including, that is, we took advanced experience , including the far eastern hectare and , accordingly, evgeniy vitalievich initiated, so let's say, the creation of such a program called zaporozhye virgin lands, that is, in principle, in the interview that we looked at now, my brief.
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certain people are expected, that is, the dynamics have begun, but these are, as a rule, those who previously lived in the city of melitopol, for objective reasons, they were forced to leave, accordingly, those who remained here from their families are observing the process with their own eyes, what is happening here here, how the economy is being restored in the region and the return is slowly taking place, in the case of zaporozhye virgin lands, here, probably, we proceed more from the specific indicators of the five-year development program, that is... in the agricultural sector alone we will have to attract about 25 thousand specialists, that is, starting from, relatively speaking, tractor drivers and so on further, that is, to specifically the managers of the enterprise in processing into the agricultural industry. we place the main emphasis on training personnel here, that is, now the corresponding
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programs are being launched, and the basic point that i want to emphasize is everyone who lives here, that is, the main emphasis is on them, because we are invited specialists, we are launching secondary vocational colleges this year, because it’s like a breath of fresh air for us, that is, in a year we get a qualified specialist, plus, accordingly, all the classic line, kindergartens, schools and so on are currently operating. what specialists are currently needed
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most in melitopol? there are vacancies for enterprises, that is, this is primarily the industrial segment, this is mechanical engineering, this is the agro-industrial complex, that is, everything related to the agricultural sector. a large block will now stand in front of us, this is recreation, that is, the restoration of recreational areas, we have three spits, that is, the primorskaya, berdyansk and, accordingly, in kirillovka the milk estuary spit, that is, a huge property complex that lies ahead of us restore, that is, starting from drivers, ending with senior managers, that is , there are vacancies everywhere, and we are here waiting for everyone who wants to work and, accordingly, who wants a bright... future for their families, thank you very much for today contact us, all the best, thank you, thank you, tell me, do you have acquaintances, comrades, friends who would now like to move to russia? in fact, because i get at least 100 messages a day from
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guys asking how they can to come to russia legally, some have distant relatives here and... some don’t, some just want to come and develop here professionally, some are ready to just jump right in, just like that pick it up and move, let’s say. in america there is now a very high level of inflation and in russia, in general, the dominant religion is orthodoxy and conservative values . we will tell you after the advertisement how the city of lesechansk fell into the fakes of ukrainian propaganda. the muslim world took the place of the caribbean world and byzantium, developed what he received... further, and then through spain, italy passed it on to europe. what is algebra? this arabic word aljabr -
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multiplication, achemy, alkymia, even alcohol, alcohol is translated as a decrepit person, something that makes a person decrepit. until 1917, the personal guard of the persian shah consisted of russian cossacks. the shah of persia, the most precious thing he has, that is, himself, trusted only the russians. i have met quite a few people who think that a woman in our country should always wear a devil. under historical eras, this is the real face of islam, the premiere of civilization, the third film, the islamic world, today in the first, well, can you see the primorsky region? gorgeous, how do you say it
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in korean, i love to travel? one sharp, one not sharp, if anything, the firefighters have already left, the wind above is not important at all, even if it blows 80 km/h, it’s okay, let’s hold on, hold on, there is, that was a good blow, oh, oh, damn it, everything, quiet, let's go, premiere, saturday, on the first, there is a self-portrait of the artist of this station, this actually ivan leonidovich lubennikov himself , for him it was a thrill, the scale...
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it’s funny to see in paris, it’s so russian, there’s something very rustic and childish about it, he was like a river, a happy, sparkling river, great sensations , they don’t get into us by chance, it’s important for them not to get through, it makes me uneasy to stay, ivan lubennikov, life goes on, the premiere is on saturday on the first. think that you are in a city of the future. who is in charge in a chinese family? many of us are raised by powerful women, so we find
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as a result, a copy of our mother, who manages us. how do young people in china have fun? we can go to the cinema, stand-up comedy, or we can just stay at home, cook and watch a movie. it's a pity, my girlfriend doesn't like video games, so she won't let me play them. i said everything correctly, my love. don't let him play? well done! how's mabuchi? retired, my best time, if you want you, too, to not have any pain at 72, dance in the park every morning, the lives of others, premiere on sunday on the first, for nicholas’s anniversary eremenko, passes the lotus, a client with a load of opium is heading to vladivostok, the first soviet militant, man overboard, left heading 30, full back, record holder for
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the number of spectators, well done, baby , what are we going to do, ivan ilyevich, fight, a real blockbuster , the forwarder is in our hands, the russian captain, you reason like this. as if you have a choice, there is always a choice, for example, to die with honor, and at the same time put an end to you, pirates of the 20th century, on sunday in...
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in chechen, hello, i want you they took out the doom, where did you get it from, gave it away instead of a debt, i won’t participate in this, they say your wife is sick, where can you get the money, rita, what do you think, i’m a good person, why are you asking, something happened, i i love you, and i love you, come
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on, russia has been closed to entry again, entry is allowed only with local registration, no other documents are valid, neither temporary passes, nor confirmation of the presence of real estate in the city, the military of the russian federation says that the blockade of the populated area will continue before a separate order. any city that is near the frontline has a curfew, there is a control system, because you need to understand who is moving in and who is leaving, this is a normal thing. please tell me, alexey, here... surely you have viewers at the channel who are from lisichansk, there are some reports that in lisichansk it is so difficult to enter and leave the city that it is simply impossible, i want to relatives, but i can’t get there, no, i don’t receive such messages, i myself have been to lisichansk several times, went there, they also told me that the city is closed, so you can’t get there, well, as you can see, i got there, i went there, filmed
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my report, in principle it wasn’t difficult for me, it just requires a certain procedure. i was waiting for the best way to find out what was happening in the liberated territories - just talk to people about everything. and by the way, now we will find out whether it is possible to enter lisichansk and what documents are needed for this; denis leonidovich roshevsky, press secretary of the lisichansk city administration, is in touch with us. we are glad to welcome you. evil tongues here say that in it is impossible to enter lisechansk, neither temporary passes nor confirmation of the presence of real estate in the city are valid, is this true? this
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information is unreliable, because there is currently martial law in the city, but there is a certain one. will the entry of these citizens be with the commandant's office, please, can you enter without any problems ? how long does the registration procedure take to enter the city? as a rule, we need to receive all the relevant information within 24 hours, for example, if a person wants to leave, for example, on the eighth , then on the sixth we should have all the information on hand in the evening, we must transfer it to the commandant’s office, it takes a day at most, and journalists can enter, of course
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journalists can also enter, we are very happy to welcome here journalists visit us regularly, the procedure is something like this: theirs is that i’m coming to film a report, and that is, they did it all for me, i drove freely, filmed a report and came back, you know, i wanted to ask you what the martial law looks like in lesicha ? what are the restrictions imposes on residents? the restrictions are generally quite acceptable, that is , the curfew is 06:21, this
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large gathering of people is prohibited, of course, all this is for safety reasons, this is the most important thing, thank you very much for taking the time to answer our questions today, residents a huge hello to lesechansk. regarding lesechansk, and there the martial law was not lifted in principle, it was there from the very beginning. from the very beginning of the northern military district, i don’t understand why they write, only now they found out about it, that martial law is in effect there. tell me how do they generally refer to american citizens in the liberated territories, since you managed to visit them? well, surprisingly well, that is , they heard that i speak english, i’m from america, they, i thought that they would just give me a car, but in fact, no. due to the fact that i saw people who
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treat everyone very well with love, care, and there i felt absolutely comfortable, in fact, that’s why i decided to stay in russia, there are just enough of my friends, americans, who are interested in coming , they everyone is afraid, because... they are told there, well, they don’t say that crime is crazy, that you can’t walk on the streets, all that, but that there, as soon as they hear that an american will be killed, they will beat him there to give birth to , well, everything in a row, when you start explaining, no one will touch you, the country in general, compared even to western countries, it’s generally safe here, in america, why does everyone have weapons, because they break into houses, the police don’t arrive on time, everyone should to have a weapon, only for self-defense, here you can safely walk the streets, i... by the way, i’ll ask, how do they treat russians in the united states? if a russian comes, is there any prejudiced attitude towards him there? well, in america
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, of course, yes, if russians come, well, definitely, you are definitely a spy, well, depending on whether they follow the left or the right, conservatives, of course, are more open towards russians.
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some short circuit in the heart, treating arithmia, major facial cleansing, superfoods for acne, what is easier to gain weight from, fat or sugar? the program to live healthy will tell you everything the truth is, today on the first, probably, every birthday is a certain milestone, when it’s 30 years old, these are just thoughts, for ballet it was already a respectable age and... showed me that there are no more than thirty lives. the bolshoi theater is home, this is my skin, all the horror that you yourself have to prove that there is something in
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this world, but the audience does not react, i saw this a lot, and i knew for sure, i don’t want it that way, i i always remember the moment when he was assigned to dance not the prince in swan lake, but the evil genius, and so here he is managed to develop... his party in such a way that people admired precisely the evil genius, they clearly held out, wait, sharina, i’m not indifferent, it’s difficult, you have to constantly swear, well, for someone you’re always bad, well, what can you do, well, you don’t steal, i’m very glad that fate brought me together with such a boy who grew up before my eyes, now he turned into our major russian artist, for nikolai tsyskaridze’s anniversary on saturday at the first, i’ll show you one. secret place where i made a very important decision, name the great russian commander, who has not lost a single battle, any, suvorov, and, naturally, alexander suvorov,
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domestic. and the shoes are called slippers, that's right, seryozh, these fashionable jeans were boiled in a pan, songs dedicated to mom, mom, for god's sake, something, mom, i'm dancing, you're right, dasluki, night rendezvous, premiere, i love my country, in saturday on the first, the last time i... was here 10 years ago, they said you would be the main character, we didn’t believe it until we arrived in sochi. the opening ceremony in sochi is what will be included in the history not only of our olympics, but in the history of the olympic movement in general. the idea of ​​russia as a magical land in the sky, russia as a floating vision in the clouds. of course, there was
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a lot along the way. dramatic pages , it was a real test, in russia something is possible that in another country is not even subject to discussion, the opening ceremony of such a scale and level, in any case , will not happen at the olympic games again, we won this competition by knockout, i worked as a guide at the 80 olympics, and sitting on closing ceremony, i thought, should i do something like that? 10 years since the opening of the olympic games in sochi, on sunday, on the first day, what i want to talk about is that of what i experienced deserves attention, among the many joys and pleasures that accompany youth, i, having become a writer,
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experienced... confession premiere from february 12 on the first is an anti-fake program and we continue
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to see it from some internet observations. education, unfortunately, in ukraine, here you are alexey, a witness to this, yes, when you started your blog with your brother? my brother and i started a blog in 2020, in april, that is, a special military operation began, you and your brother could not stay away, yes, in what resources are you conducting your information struggle? we use vkplay, youtube, telegram, as well as the rulett tv platform for this, by the way, our russian platform, now one of the most famous, well, the fact that it’s viral, yes, that’s... we always watch chat roulette, there’s a huge amount of conversations there , you also have conversations with the ukrainian side there, yeah, with what more often everything you have to face at the moment the conversation starts, first of all it’s bad manners, lack of education, aggression, swearing starts, in what language? uh, mostly surzhik, as they call him, yes, uh, when you reprimand him, well, at least if you’re a patriot, you speak, then in the language, in his sovereign language, he tries, tries,
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but... for 2 years, i already know their language quite well, so i can tell him for this or that word, let’s watch one video, where the conversation is about yuri dolgorukov, the foundation of moscow, it was part of russia, because it was founded by yuri dolgoru, it was already part of the lithuanian principality, so yuri dolgoruky came from the lithuanian principality, correctly , perhaps the grand duke of kiev. from the lithuanian principality, yes, the prince of kiev bought this territory from a bunch of boyars , wait, he came from the capital, bought long-armed ones from some boyar, bought a mask from a bunch of people, no one lived there, and from whom the merchant bought
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a bunch again. how he was the ruler, it turns out, of this territory, he is a merchant, mm, well, yes, that is , he had some kind of his own there, well, that is state, yes, well, with whom... he collected and bought, he bought from a merchant, on the basis of what, it turns out that he had his own state, that he could trade in land, on the basis of which they buy, well, there is some kind of bill of sale for this territory has not been preserved, how did you find out this information , but there are some refutations, let’s still talk about yuri dolgoruky and actually figure out this story, alexander alexandrovich cheremin, historian, expert on russia and... the ultimate state. we are glad to welcome you. hello. alexander alexandrovich, according to the ukrainians, yuri dolgoruky allegedly came from the lithuanian principality and bought moscow from the boyar kuchka. well, you know, of course, this is the first time i’ve heard such nonsense.
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yuri vladimirovich himself is the son of the outstanding statesman vladimir manomakh , and the grandson of vsevolod, who just happened to be with us. and then in 1125 he moved to the city of suzdal, it was from there that he ruled the rostov-suzdal land, his policy was precisely to develop his land directly, because since 1013
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year, when his father, vladimir manomakh, passed away, he paid most attention to his rostovozel land, especially since he had an older brother, mstislav the great, who, of course... we had yuri suzolsky precisely from the russian bookstore, unlike the first children of vladimir namakh, who were from the gita , so, of course, he had certain contradictions, because the son from his second
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marriage, of course, would oppose his half-brothers from his first marriage, well , he just started very good relations with the chernigov prince, who... was his cousin, and just at that time yuri suzochsky decided to slightly rearrange the relationship with southern russia, so on april 4, 1447, it was in the village of kuchkova on the banks of the moscow river that his meeting took place , it was during this meeting that svyatoslav gave him this prince of novgorod-sevensky leopard skin.
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and just in 1648, after the wedding of the ulita on andrei, and part of the territory on the banks of the moscow river, where the borovitsky hill was, went directly to andrei, our son yuri of suzdolsky, or as his name was still long-armed, here we have a very interesting situation that when... cities, he decided to also build moscow, made a ditch, a rampart, where the borovitsky hill was, and thus in 1456 appeared the city of moscow,
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named after the river on which this small town was located, well , this is how it turned out that this very land... went directly back into the possession of andrei, but unfortunately in 1657 by yuri dolgorukov in peru kiev the barriers were poisoned, well, i wanted to say one more thing. such a detail that the definition of kievan rus appeared thanks to the works of academician grekov, this is in 1937-38, before that it was simply called the old russian principality, no definition of kievan rus even existed. there are a couple more interesting points like this. the first thing is, while moscow was being built, the lithuanian principality was baptized, livonian, levonian, baptized , catholic. in words, with a sword, everyone who did not want to become catholics cut them all down, and
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secondly, the lithuanian principality was russian principality too, because when they captured all these territories, the lithuanians became a minority in their own principality, they were orthodox there and the most interesting thing is that kiev was part of this lithuanian principality, they captured kiev too, then it ended up in the polish when it was already the union became the lithuanian -polish lithuanian union, what an interesting point, actually kiev was a lithuanian principality, now i’ll ask you... a few words from history, is that what you remember about this? in america, of course, they say that he beheaded his enemies, he was very evil man, we have now heard the american version of ivan the terrible, yes, we can also listen to the ukrainian version, you had a conversation, let’s listen, by the way, ivan the terrible said that he was german, he did not understand any of it.
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knew several languages, this is due to the fact that his mother, elena glinskaya, was from the lithuanian glinsky family, his grandmother was from the serbian yashkel family, it was his grandmother, when his mother died, when ivan was only 7 years old, she raised him, so he knew a little serbian words, a little polish well, he knew his words very well, of course. one russian language, because he was
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the son of vasily ii, who was the original russian prince, from whom all his ancestors were from russian families, well, also ivan iv knew latin well, because he was popular at that time, and knew a little german words , but this was due to the fact that when he lived in alexandrova sloboda, sometimes the interpreters did not translate very well. precisely defined words from german, so ivanty also decided to learn this language a little, but he knew it very poorly. the only language he knew perfectly was russian. and in a nutshell, why is he still formidable? it turned out that it was the british who began to visit muscovy at the time of the development, the full flow of the volga river, who wrote a lot about it, not true stories. if we look at what they were doing at that time in
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the english court or in the french court, then the number of murders there was simply prohibitive, but it was in england that they came up with the idea that ivan viv vasilyevich was a formidable king, but in fact, neither his eldest son, ivan did not kill and did not kill very, very many russian government officials also attributed to him, thank you very much, all the best to you, thank you, here you can say so. you are carrying out a humanitarian mission, that’s right, both historical and humanitarian in the literal sense of the word, if you can say a few words about this, how did you decide to help the guys at the front and what does this help consist of in general? various kinds of humanitarian aid, such as copters, thermal imagers, and also cars, the guys apply themselves, relatives mostly apply, our guys, as they say, flint.


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