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tv   Zhit zdorovo  1TV  February 8, 2024 10:00am-10:51am MSK

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moscow, at the time of the development of the full course of the volga river, they wrote a lot of nonsense about it, if we look at what they were doing at that time in the english court or in the french one, otherwise the number of murders there was simply prohibitive, but it was in england that they came up with, that ivan viv vasilyevich, the formidable tsar, in fact , he did not kill or kill his eldest son ivan. very, very many russian statesmen also attributed to him, thank you very much, all the best to you, thank you, here you can so to speak, because you are carrying out a humanitarian mission, that’s right, both historical and humanitarian in the literal sense of the word, if you can say a few words about this, how you decided to help the guys at the front and in general what this help consists of, various kinds of humanitarian aid, like copters , thermal imagers, also cars, the guys apply themselves
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, relatives mostly contact us, our guys, as they say, are flint, they don’t apply themselves, relatives apply, then we contact, contact and send, and how do you track, how do we personally bring everything ourselves and you also do reviews of humanitarian aid, but we can take a look, give us all the things here, boots, thermal underwear, 300 kg has arrived for the guys, we have a uniform here, a uniform here, a uniform here. completely full, this is what it looks like, here we have a uniform, here a uniform, here we have all the medicine, here we still have a generator in a drawer, we want to express our deep gratitude from the assault unit to sergei, alexey, everyone polite for the humanitarian assistance provided in the form winter uniform, not boots, quilted jackets, you
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are bringing us closer to victory, victory will be ours us, peaceful sky above, no one but us, bulletproof vest, fifth class, arrived, everything is fine, size 3, so everything is fine, guys, lucky guys, thank you very much, thank you for such a warm place, for two radio stations here, for the turnstiles, guys delivered, very grateful, thank you for your support, for yours. words, we see everything , read everything, try, feedback is coming from us, thank you very much, russia will win, we are only moving forward, thank you very much for not only staying there somewhere to deliver parcels in your city, yes and send humanitarian aid there, but the fact that they themselves came and looked, because well , it seems to me that when you see with your own eyes, then you have the right to at least talk about it, thank you for coming today, but i’m as always i remind everyone if there is any news. do not send to
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our editorial office, be sure to send reasons for pride too, all the best to you, channel one presents. short circuit in the heart, treating arrhythmia, major facial cleansing, superfoods for acne, what makes it easier to get better, fat or sahara? the program to live healthy will tell you the whole truth. so, dear friends, deception of substances,
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what is easier to gain weight from, sugar or fat? this is a serious question, our guest today is a woman who asked herself this question: come here, dina petrovna, and what is happening in your destiny? i wanted to lose weight, but for some reason it seems to me that i need to exclude fat, because fat. i buy exactly these products and in which i look, so that there is no fat, but either a low fat content, for example, there is cottage cheese low-fat, low-fat milk, low-fat yogurt, and i try to use these products more often, for some reason i have had zero results in six months.
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sugar, burn stress hormones , reduce blood pressure, we also think that in order to work off this energy, absolutely burn , lose weight, get rid of fat deposits, you need to remove fat from your diet, this is a hoax , why german shaevich, well, let’s... figure it out, that is , as a matter of fact, we store our fat, carbohydrates are absorbed, and insulin is released, and then what we
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not spent, goes to fat, let us show this picture, we have amazing graphics , so, here is a little man eating something, for example, a cake, we depicted carbohydrates as sugar cubes, because they are sugars, and fats are like these purple circles , what is happening, herman schaich, it means that all this is absorbed, first the sugar goes into the liver and is deposited in the form of glycogen, everything else is processed or the rock comes out, but if more sugar is produced... then it will then be deposited in fat, which means one a sugar molecule turns into two fat molecules, if you haven’t spent sugar, only muscles spend sugar, each fat molecule is stored on its own, so if you
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ate something, for example, low-fat, but it was carbohydrates, and you didn’t spend carbohydrates in your muscles, then it will turn every gram of carbohydrates. rich in carbohydrates, it doesn’t matter, low-fat, not low-fat, then there will be fat deposits like this, if you eat fatty foods, but there are no carbohydrates, it will only be like this, if you eat fatty foods without carbohydrates, it’s okay
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it won’t, this is actually determined by the glycemic index, look at the screen, what do you think the glycemic index is? in fats, that is, the ability to cause weight gain and an increase in appetite, which? well, probably, uh, somewhere, come on, well, big, i don’t know which one, i’m not an expert, i may disappoint you, zero, zero, what do you mean, because there are no carbohydrates, no carbohydrates, no release insulin, that there are no carbohydrates, there is no risk of acquiring an appetite, now what is the glycemic index, that is ability to increase appetite? for sugars, for carbohydrates, for glucose, 100, that is, for carbohydrates, a product rich in carbohydrates will certainly lead to the production of glucose, the release of insulin, a decrease in sugar, an increase in appetite, and what is not used up
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goes where it goes, into fat, glucose is energy , this is fast energy, if a person has not spent fast energy, just as he has not burned wood, the body... must store firewood, reserves are stored only in the form of fat, glucose has not been burned, carbohydrates have not been burned, a piece of bread has not been burned, will be stored in fat, from one molecule glucose forms two fat molecules; carbohydrates are a thousand times more dangerous than fats. german shaich, tell us about the study, a large one, where only one thing was determined: how do people lose weight faster? cutting out fat or cutting out carbs? this was published in 2015 in america, 53 studies combined , almost 70,000 people, and what turned out to be? yaar
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mishavic, let our guests read it. reducing carbohydrates is 2 and a half times more effective than reducing fat in the diet. clearly, a reduction in carbohydrates by 2 and a half times. carbohydrates during the same period of time you will lose five, what are carbohydrates? well, this is most likely just sugar, sugar, that’s right, also , flour products, that’s right, also, some foods, but not vegetables for sure, vegetables, by the way, are also carbohydrates, but with a large amount, sweet, not sweet , it doesn’t matter, but there’s a lot of fiber in there.
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you can eat eggs, you can eat everything, you can eat vegetables, we don’t mind at all, we’re not even against carbohydrates, let’s go to this layout, this is the answer to all the mysteries of the world, what is it, is it a muscle and what does a muscle do, and this is, in principle, glucose , look, if... something and you want to get rid of sugar,
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then you should just do physical activity, then it won’t be stored in fat , remember this, please, it’s a hoax that low-fat foods reduce weight, reduce weight, reduce carbohydrates, sugars in the diet, let’s take a break for a while, and then we will continue, big cleaning. there is no baby, my husband is in despair, what should i do?
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the muslim world took the place of the roman world and byzantium, developed the resulting heritage further, and then, through spain, italy, transferred it to europe. what is algebra? this is arabic the word aljabr is multiplication. achemistry, alkemia, even alcohol. alcohol translates as a decrepit person, something that makes a person. until 1917, the personal guard of the persian shah consisted of russian cossacks. the shah of persia trusted only the russians with the most precious thing he had, that is, himself. i have met a lot of people who think that a woman in our country should always wear black and cover her face, but this is not so. they asked, do you want to add a clause that he has no right to marry a second wife? i say yes. focus on the future and adaptability to historical eras. this is the real face of islam. civilizations premiere, film three,
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islamic world. today is the first one. we will talk with our guest, the founder and artistic director of eterno music, the outstanding conductor teodor kurendis. what is the task, to take the public out of their state of comfort? this is not comfort, what we are looking for, but how? can be comfortable when you always want to create new, new and new, new, in general mortier is not the one who created brilliant performances, what he did, he opened these boundaries, gerard martier, a legendary figure, i think who played a huge role in your professional life, i talked to him for 15 minutes, he wrote text messages, maybe he played pac-man, you understand , what... you're a fashionable conductor - what to do
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so that they understand everything, they feel that they are smart, i'm in the hall for some wonderful concert and my phone is ringing, i don't know how to turn it off, it's like a nightmare , some spanish shame, podcast lab tomorrow on the first one, call me, call me. well, what do i look like, lord, in the morning, very charming and attractive, sit down, i ’m glad to see you, i didn’t look like an artist, of course.
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on the hood, like in the hood he is with a bag, a carnival, that’s the kind of girl i am, on saturday at the first, today for the first time a unique spectacle awaits us, his name is obrek, i said that i would bring the best fighter, volodya ignatiev, afghan, rival, like this man, it will be, you promised us 40 dollars, this is some kind of thing, girls, i’ll deceive you, this is not the end reed, what are you talking about, i don’t know, a premonition our girls, i’ll put everyone here now, he ’ll kill you, well, hello, jaeger, she
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’s nobody to you, why did you get in? “it’s him, the one who saved me, you’re nobody to each other, this is chechnya , we can’t do that, well, tell me, rival, whose path you crossed, i can’t live without him, doomed, the premiere of a serial film, on sunday on the first, yes you, whatever i want with it, let me do it, go away, let me buy it from you." so, dear friends, we are in the kitchen, andrei petrovich, melancholy pouring something into a spoon, also melancholy accepts, and today we have a special topic: three superfoods for acne, we, as always , have a grand launch of superfoods,
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beef liver is entering the arena, no more acne. now flaxseed oil appears, you give clear skin, meet cod liver, acne will not go away, so, friends, cod liver, then flaxseed oil and beef, yes. three anti- acne superfoods. andrey petrovich, it’s time to bring these superfoods into the studio. so, flaxseed oil, beef liver, cod liver. well, first
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of all, we must, of course, explain how, which of the products... what works, because the products are somehow unusual, andrey, there doesn’t seem to be any connection with acne, it’s very important, so, let’s start from here, here’s an ordinary hair follicle, here’s this hair follicle begins to become clogged, which means, look, these are hairs, these are sebaceous glands, for reasons unknown to the world. here microbes begin to multiply, like special microbes, they are called cutibacterium acne, these are special, they grow normally in everyone, now see if the way out remains glands, then it’s great, this fat comes to the surface, if the outlet is clogged , then a pimple forms, here it is, the fat doesn’t come out, there is pus, microbes multiply, the multiplication
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of microbes is pus, and this is inflammation, inflammatory pimples appear on your face. what is the connection with which products, with which components of this food? this means that the first is the liver, there is a large amount of vitamin b5, this is a vitamin of group b, and there is one and a half daily requirements for it in 100 g. what does this vitamin b5 do? it regulates the synthesis, essentially , of provitamin a. now, why provitamin a? in order to control inflammation, it turns out, we need the synthesis of this sebum, which the bacteria feed on, a vitamin of influence. blocks essentially blocks the synthesis of sebum, that is, the bacteria will have nothing to eat, they grow worse, who is our
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champion, beef liver, vitamin b5, one and a half daily requirements, which means you need only 70 g of beef per day, once twice, again sebum , this is our sebaceous gland, this is how sebum is secreted. in normalizing inflammation, the inflammatory response will be less, less inflammation, less the activity of this process, less redness, less pimples, and moreover, we
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are talking about these facts for a reason, because this is a theory, but because we conducted a study that showed that if vitamin b5 is given to people with acne , they should be given foods high in vitamin b5, even for acne. two, when there are approximately 20 to 40 of these pimples, then the formation of pimples is reduced by 60%. the same was shown for foods containing omega-3 fatty acids: if a person with acne has omega-3 in their diet, it doesn’t matter. any form, the number of inflammatory elements on the face also decreases. so, omega-3, of course, flaxseed oil, shaking liver, whatever.
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there was no way for the immune system to work and control the growth of bacteria, vitamin d is needed, unfortunately, we cannot treat acne with vitamin d, but those who have little vitamin d will have a worse course of the disease. so, cod liver is a product rich in vitamin d, by the way, rich in vitamin a, and vitamin a reduces the production of sebum, so cod liver is a unique product altogether. for people with acne and you literally only need 4 g of it per day so that you have both products , of course, this is how the mathematics turns out,
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very simple and funny, now we will return to the kitchen with the help of our chef alexey kovba , we will tell you about a recipe that includes everything three products: flaxseed oil, beef liver and even cod liver, we return to the kitchen and wait for our... leshavna, hello, look, everything is very simple and easy, we have liver, we have that second liver, salted butter, it’s as if the cooking itself speaks us, make a pate that will allow you not only to preserve it, but to eat it right away, or you can freeze it and also leave it, we warm up the liver in the right amount, because it contains vitamin b5, it can withstand heat treatment, as i understand it, it can withstand up to 120 °, we need that... that is, 140 is already absolutely critical for it, that is, we immerse it lightly, which means boiling water, it heats up with us, we put it through a blender, add
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cod liver, add meat oil, we get an excellent poshtet mass, which amazingly not only tasty, but also long-lasting, bon appetit, thank you, yes, please, there will be no acne, yeah. in general, i love cod liver, cod liver is a cheap product, firstly, it’s wild, it’s delicious, it’s beautiful, andrei petrovich ate the carbohydrates as soon as possible, left them, andrei petrovich did the right thing, he didn’t eat the carbohydrates, he peeled off the filling perfectly , it was perfect, we repeat once again, three super products from... beef liver 70 g
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per day, these products together separately, as you wish, but include them in the diet, because they are wonderful, it’s all about food , it’s time for us to talk about medicine, at the medical point we are talking about a short circuit in the heart, it is a short circuit, a nervous situation, an electrical situation that occurs in the nervous system of the heart when a person develops... arrhythmia, today the arrhythmia is severe, which is called av block or atrioventricular block, the consequence of which can be cardiac arrest and death of a person, but we know how to deal with this short circuit. so, there is an electrical discharge in the heart, a short circuit.
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well, this is how our heart sparkled in a nightmarish way, it was a short remark, in the heart there are real conductors, real wires, this is the conduction system of the heart, right now an electrocardiogram is being done at our medical site, this is the main method from...
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gernshech, as they put it , four fingers on the wrist, just above the thumb, according to my command, you start counting, started, counting in 15 seconds, finished, and now multiply by four, for those whose pulse is above sixty, press the green button, for those from 60 to 100 green. what happened to you, what happened to your pulse, tell me, he fainted. lost
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consciousness, so by the will of fate, i found myself in the emergency room of the mishalkin clinic, and you lost consciousness in novosibirsk? in novosibirsk, yes, not far from mishalkin’s clinic, and accordingly, in all respects the man was lucky, he lost consciousness right next to one of the most famous cardiovascular centers in the world, right there he went crazy, and what happened to the pulse, the pulse was well of course, we didn’t check, we live and live , we consider ourselves healthy people, we definitely live and we are chewing bread, i want to invite a doctor who deals with a variety of heart rhythm disorders, he is a very famous doctor, professor and doctor of medical sciences, deputy director of the mishalkin center, arrhythmologist.
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alexander borisovich romanov, come to us , alexander borisovich, so, the patient had an atrio, as i understand it, ventricular block, what is this, this is the atrium, these are the ventricles, the atrium has contracted, the ventricles have contracted, where is the block? in this case, the block is at the level between the atria and ventricles, that is the atrium and ventricles contract correctly. but the conduction from the atrium to the ventricles suffers, yeah, in our atrium there is the main pacemaker, which ensures the contraction of the heart, this is the sinus node, and accordingly, all those contractions that it gives, they must, with a certain delay, enter the ventricles, and the ventricles they have to throw the blood further, like this, just up, up, yes, they
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don’t do that, they don’t do that, because... blockade, because there was, there was a problem with the conduction from the atrium to the ventricle, here i am now i’ll ask you to bring out the balls so that we can make it very simple for you. when the heart works normally, we regularly emit blood, since it flies everywhere, including to the brain, and two on command is all, but when we experience atrioventricular block, the heart
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contracts, and the ventricles, look, contract in their own rhythm or do not contract , that's all, then the blood supply to the brain is disrupted, that's what happened to you, you lost consciousness. that is , say thank you to the almighty that you got to hospital, got there, he fell nearby, he wasn’t going anywhere, he lost consciousness nearby, that is , god brought him there so that he would survive, which means this is a situation where the blood is simply due to the fact that the impulse did not reach the ventricle, the blood did not reach the brain, i understand correctly that these are rare contractions, even their absence, this is atrioventr. what have you done? i want to invite professor romanov and, of course, german shaich here, because instead of
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the sinus node driver, they gave you this type of machine, alexander borisovich, where we placed it, where the electrodes hit, how it all formed, we will remove the lungs so that the heart can be seen, we will be there for you. assists with german sheich, since here we have a pacemaker, this is a rhythm reducer, and here it is two-chamber, that is, one electrode was installed in the right atrium, this is in the right atrium, yes, and i’ll take the ventricular one, this ventricular electrode , it is placed in the right ventricle, like this, like this, and the pacemaker itself, here it is located under the skin, most often in the subclavian region, right, but that's it. it doesn’t lead outward, but goes through the vein, and through the vein, yeah, it’s clear, that is, of course, nothing is hanging out anywhere, it ’s all packed into vessels, this machine is now with our patient, where? here it is, here it is, it is always palpated, that is
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, in your case, since we do not rely on your sinus node, there is still a break between the sinus node, the atria and the ventricle, in your case the atrium and ventricles are separately stimulated in the areas we need. a large magnetic field that acts specifically on the area where it is implanted device, that is, an artificial pacemaker may cause short-term interference? the question is, can such patients have an mri or not? nowadays there are modern
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devices, they are mri-compatible, that is, they allow you to perform mri even with an implanted device. it’s absolutely true, my mother was given just such a pacemaker, and at first it was an old one. and then they changed it after 10 years, imagine, my mother had a pacemaker for 10 years, academician krivishvili installed it on her, and my mother didn’t want to, now she’s 12 years old, she’s 12 years old said: no, amiran shataevich, i don’t need your iron heart, and then i installed it, and 10 years later i met with amiran shataevich and said: “you will change my heart, iron, i still want life, and my mother is now 90 years old, she 12 of them live with such cardio'.
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they immediately pumped everything out for you and did everything for you, so it turned out, health, happiness and greetings to our beloved siberia, because dr. gandelman and i graduated from the kemerovo medical institute. autumn in siberia is the most golden and spring is real with protea and the people in siberia are very good, that’s 100%. let's take a short break and then continue, the crab player is also on board, they say it's cool.
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premiere, watch the time after the program, in our studio there are wonderful artists who gave their voices to their favorite characters, go ahead, if he was pleased, kostya raikin agreed to star in this film only because i voiced it, i tried to play it so that it would be comfortable in the frame . vanya, i am yours forever, i myself didn’t know that it was me, yes, it’s not me, i refused, then i realized, yes, that it was me, but it was a very, very long time ago, say something... in a beautiful voice , you there are not enough funds for the call
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, i voiced the cars, i gave the fans a show, chow, i am speed, the children will immediately recognize me, so call me, call me, i quail so many things, but everyone knows that i just call, call me, well because that this is brilliant, it’s just to harm yourself after the shock, and then answer my question, well, of course, this works only for me, no one else, the route? built, don’t forget to give us a rating in the application, i somehow arrived in secret, in fact, nothing more could have been done and don’t do it, go ask everyone if you have been to nataite, tonight with nikolai tseskaridze at the first, some say that the architecture of shanghai will not surprise you, just wait until the evening and you will think that you are in the city of the future, who is
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in charge in the chinese family? many of us are raised by powerful women, so we end up finding a copy of our mother who controls us. how do young people in china have fun? we can go to the cinema, stand-up comedy, or we can just stay at home, cook and watch a movie. sorry, my girlfriend doesn't like video games, so no lets me play them. i said everything correctly, darling, don’t you allow him to play? well done! how do you live in retirement, my best time, if you want nothing to hurt you at 72 , dance in the park every morning, the lives of others, the premiere is on sunday on the first, the last time i was here 10 years ago, they said , you will be the main characters, we didn’t believe it until we arrived in sochi. the opening ceremony in
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sochi is something that will go down in the history not only of our olympics, but in the history of the olympic movement in general. the idea of ​​russia as magical land in the sky, russia, like a floating vision in the clouds. of course, there were a lot of dramatic pages along the way; it was a real test. in russia , things are possible that are not even negotiable in another country. there will never be an opening ceremony of this scale and this level, at least at the olympic games, we won this competition by knockout. i worked as a guide at the 1980 olympics, and sitting at the closing ceremony, i thought, i should do something like this, follow my desires. 10 years since the opening of the olympic games. games in sochi, on sunday on the first.
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it’s true that there is a pipe in our studio, dear friends, which means that a person has come to us with some kind of problem. we are listening to your story. i have been married for 3 years and have been diagnosed with infertility, so my husband and i do not have children. when i got married, i was afraid to tell him. i was really scared that suddenly he would change his mind, i was very much in love with him, and i don’t even know what to do now, i just know how we are... my husband loves children, i see this is his desire offspring, the desire for their babies have, my husband now says that he won’t understand the reason, he says: let’s go to the doctors, we need to find out why the baby has been gone for so long, but how are we going to find out now , of course they will immediately tell him that i am infertile, i
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understand , that without me he would go to another woman, but how to divorce him, how to tell him now:
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it’s an educational secret, if you once had some kind of diagnosis, no one with this flag will go tell you that we had, don’t forget that technology is improving, and the chance of getting pregnant is increasing, there is a solution for almost everyone, besides, you say , here you go, you must be a non-producing machine, he chose you as a person, as a possible mother of his children, but he chose you just like a container for gestation.
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together with the next point, there is a possibility even in the worst cases of a donor egg, there is an opportunity to carry a donor egg, if you don’t have your own, you will then be the mother of this child , it will be possible to have this child, who will be formed from your tissues, don’t
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worry petrovich , answer the question talk husband or not, that she bidti be examined and resolve the issue. what is happening now, she has no information on the topic of the fact that she is ethereal from the point of view of modern people, what to say or not to say, well, tell me definitely, i said, not to say, no, mikhail egorovich, what to say, what not to say, i think that there is no need to talk about a preliminary diagnosis, it is already clear now that there is a problem, just go together to be examined, as if from scratch, as if there was a problem. i didn’t know not to talk about it, what’s the point? in general, i will support all doctors, there is no talk yet than if she never had hormonal stimulation, if this was not discussed at all, in general no one knows why
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people live for 3 years and do not have children, i can tell you that during the examination it may turn out that there are problems with first husband. and not with your eggs, it may turn out that with your eggs, and not with his sperm, it may be that with you with him, but what can we say today, that medicine today is completely different, completely different, so to come with some- then repentance, hello, i am barren, well, it’s just neither to the village nor to the city, today, when in the family. who lives an active sex life, has no children, we say, the two of you should go to a fertility specialist, there is no point in going alone.
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a terrible option for you: the reason is in you: for example, you don’t have eggs, your ovaries don’t produce them, no matter what
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the reasons, this happened, you need to understand, in this case the woman can be offered a surrogate egg, an egg from another woman . so, an egg is taken from another woman, the husband's sperm is taken, this is an egg. is fertilized , what happens next, then this embryo is transplanted into the uterus of our guest, into your uterus, and then this baby begins to be created from the proteins of our guest, that is , the embryo was transplanted, it was transplanted into the woman’s body, and from her proteins she begins to build this little - a small baby who is 9 months old. he gets used to the smell of your amniotic fluid, the smell of the amniotic fluid of the woman who carried the baby, the smell of her sweat,
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the smell of her breast milk, this is the smell of the mother, so at that moment when this baby you will be born and you will take him in your arms, you will be his mother, and if you ask me whether to tell my husband or not about a donor egg, i would 200.
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solve these issues together. now let's look at another situation. for example, it turns out that the husband is infertile. in general, everything happens in life. therefore, you know, you now need to get rid of any ideas of repenting or leaving, or doing something. you need to understand that there is a problem in the family. this problem has about 99 integers and 999. there is a solution. there will be children, but anything is possible be, and if something is different, then you should support your husband.


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