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tv   Muzhskoe Zhenskoe  1TV  February 8, 2024 4:05pm-5:01pm MSK

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help completely, take care of the first big strong family, support them , turn raising children, and so that they also see russia, and see crimea, maybe further than russia, something, well, a wonderful girl, 24 years old, well, everything is fine, first once larisa. i left crimea
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for the first time, i saw the world, i’ve never been anywhere, just nowhere for the first time in moscow, very cool, now this is my baby, tamara, you say that you can seduce any man, listen, at least one tell us some kind of device, or better yet show me, be yourself, the most important thing, then it will go as it goes, comrade, but show me a surprise, i’ll show you, but for this i will need victor, her. she will either sing, as it seems to me, or she will prepare some other competition, for some reason it seems to me that perhaps she knows how to cook, because some of her shortcomings need to be filled with something, come on, you first, please show me, like this hole, yes, this is a surprise, what are we going to do, have fun, and thank you for
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the surprise, we will sing together, yes, yes , well, well, at night, again at night alone, spring, me i don't know the words, this is it. i don’t know the words, i forgot the words, my marmalade, i’m yours, my marmalade, my beloved, my beloved, my, my beloved, i’m yours, i would help you with joy, but i won’t interfere, oh well, no fight. just
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jump, what a joke, honestly , you were jumping, and my head was spinning , thank you very much, tamara, oh, well, tamarushka, she’s such a cute little flower, a petal, so...
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sincere, then let victor decide, well, i liked her , very funny, easy, interesting, well, age, to be honest, that’s me, i’m 43, she’s 24. no, that’s good, yes, young, you just know, when a person is already an adult, there are children, he’s already seen some kind of life, he already understands some values , you understand, it seems to me , that tamara needs to be taken under your wing, under your protection , what i told you at the very beginning, you need, this is the kind of girl who has her eyes on the floor, she is what i described to you, but he had fun, he i liked it from the first minute, when... i approached, he suggested switching to you, i think this is a very good sign, she you see why she is drawn to children, yes, why is there with children, because she herself has not grown internally, uh, so she will always be there, that’s why they are weak, so i think that you will have
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peace and tranquility in the family, will not be with her no problem, she won’t grow up very soon, well, you’re in the same spirit, too. well , it’s a fact that there won’t be any scandals, and also larisochka, she is, you’ll really like it, worry about the environment, you go to the store with your own bag so you don’t take bags, they buy shampoo in five-liter jars so then she gives it away for recycling, can you imagine , this is absolutely mine, well done, what a girl she is for the environment, she gets up very early at 5-6 in the morning, breakfast is a must, you won’t leave without breakfast, she says i won’t go to work until i have breakfast, everyone is having breakfast with her, so you will be choline. lily, you will live according to schedule , healthy, give birth to children, will never humiliate you, she just doesn’t have this gene inside, if he comes to me, i think that i hope we will go to crimea, i will show him a heavenly place, and it will be ,
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i hope there are many children, you know, more than once you are tearing yourself down to find yourself a tamara like this, and others will overwhelm you or try, why do you, listen, you are 43 years old, you...
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i was upset, these are all very abstract moments, especially since i think that tamara is very important to him coming up, i invite everyone to come out and support victor, we have a couple victor and ksenia, hello, hello, i decided to come to you, it’s very nice to come, thank you very much. that you came, i didn’t like it, i’d like to talk to you, but then we’ll see, you know, i don’t want a lot of things right now to say, time will tell, let's say, if you are single or you liked one of the participants in today's program, write to the website of the first channel, and i am larisa guzeeva, i wish that your loved one will definitely
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tell you, let's get married. the roof leaks very badly here, the whole room is leaking from the ceiling and water is constantly dripping. what about fires? there was a fire, a woman died, well , she died in a fire, god bless her. do you know how long you will wait for relocation? how many gas explosions have happened in our houses, we have people they are still waiting, we go to the shower wearing rubber gloves and rubber slippers, this is so that you don’t get electrocuted, well, because there is an electric shock at the moment. the house is in the overhaul program for the thirty-eighth year, these are memorized phrases that they say, bricks began to fall on their heads, in the seventeenth year they couldn’t go to the toilet, but we were offered to put it on the street in one of these houses , a woman also died in a fire, and her son came to us
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today, let’s invite alexey to the studio. "good afternoon, 33 is not divisible by two, but of course, but there will be half , but i really want to know, because the residents of the house call their house 33 misfortunes, then a fire, then a flood, after all, what is more, fires or floods, but this is irony, and in general , of course, not funny, but not funny at all, lyudmila is in our studio today. lyudmila , hello, hello, what problem
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did you come to us with, tell me, i’m tired of living in these terrible inhuman conditions, when water is constantly dripping from the ceiling on you, the house is moldy, the room is very cold, damp, humidity, we came here to the site of the first channel with a cry for help and a prayer to be heard. so that these officials who are preventing us from eliminating all these problems, so that they help us, this is just a cry from your heart, a real one, how many years have you been living in such conditions, what is this anyway, let’s do it, this is an apartment building, yes, yes, a hostel or hostel, that is, it used to belong to a hosiery knitting factory, i have lived there since 1997, then we received status. residential building, and that is, at we have management companies that
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don’t work at all, or work for two years at a time, that is, it turns out that the house is handed over endlessly, management companies change, in the end nothing is done, and the house gradually collapses, well, that’s when everything began to completely deteriorate , when you started contacting all kinds of authorities, well, it already started somewhere, well, somewhere in 2005, that is... our whole problem lies in the roof, which has never been repaired, well, maybe was done, but it was done in such a way that it flowed like her it continued to flow, it continues to flow, and accordingly the whole house is flooded, and about fires, our condition of the wires is the same, disgusting, no one is changing them, that is , the residents themselves are trying to fix it somehow, so we had a fire in 2015 on the fifth. a woman died on the first floor, we also had a fire on the first floor in
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1922, it turns out that the wiring and communications there are all exposed, and this rain is pouring, and recently it happened, well, i think, but that was the last straw, that is, it happened about literally weeks two, when we were already falling asleep somewhere around 11 o’clock, people heard. such blows , well, to be honest, like explosions, that is , terrible, we jumped out, well, that’s who is there at the moment, when we jumped out, we realized that it was coming in the wall, where our counter is on the fifth floor, that is, there were some sparks, it turns out that we have an owner, he called the ministry of emergency situations, somewhere in the first hour, that is, we were disconnected. house, that is, this was the answer to our question, why is it drinking so much and what should we do?
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the fact that we stood on the site for 2.5 hours, that is, there was nothing, they just turned off the house, turned off the electricity, yes, because yes, for 5 days, after 5 days, when the lights were turned on in your house, they were like - they solved this problem, that is, they repaired something there, well, an electrician came and changed these toggle switches to... and already on our own, that is, we who live there at the moment, figured out how it was going wires, as they were, as they were, that is, we foamed the water, bought foam with our own money, foamed it, please tell me, and you the owner or you don’t have it, i have a lease, yeah, i and where did you go with these problems, we went to the administration, to the management company. to the investigative committee, well , they just send replies, and you asked what
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, do you want this house to be recognized as unsafe, yes, we want, yes, for the house, or do you want major repairs to be done, you know, how to recognize the house is in disrepair, we need this in return, that is, i’m not sure that they will give us full-fledged good housing in return, that is , at least they give us major repairs, but with from that moment... since you moved into this house, have you ever seen a major renovation? no, it wasn’t, it wasn’t, we have a management company, that is, we filed it with the prosecutor’s office, and he came from there. the answer is that in august of the twenty-third year they changed our roof, they didn’t do anything to you, well, how did they do it , if right there, if it’s done in august, again we have trouble, well, you couldn’t help but notice whether they were doing something there or not , you live on the fifth floor, well, let's take a look at your home.
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these are the conditions in which i live in a 17 m room. i don’t like anything here, the roof leaks here, very badly, the whole room is leaking , the wallpaper doesn’t hold up, i don’t see the point in repairs, pay attention to this gap, it wasn’t there last year, i took off the wallpaper and was surprised to find that i have a gap here. here comes the electricity, at any moment. everything may sparkle, the room is very cold, the temperature is 15°. this is despite the fact that the heater has been running for 2 weeks, we haven’t turned it off, it’s blowing very strongly from the windows, we insulate it as best we can with pillows, blankets, etc.
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here i did the repairs on my own, climbed into the attic, used mastic, you see what kind of cracks there were, that is, this suggests that the mastic even from there passed through these, these are the cracks there, huge, very huge, look at our the corridor, if it is possible, call it a corridor , the door can barely hold on, there are cracks the size of your palm, everything flows from there, the wiring... we have new wiring, because we installed it ourselves, we also installed the lantern ourselves, i’m generally scared to look at this , this is not a counter, but some strange structures wires that can cause a fire at any moment, another fire will happen. tell me, please, when
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the woman died in the fire, some kind of criminal case was opened, who is to blame for this, for her death? honestly? i can’t say, but no measures were taken to eliminate these exact leaks, that is, both the leak and everything was lost in the fire, that is, we are afraid that these fires will lead to some other victims, there is another resident in the studio of this house, elena, you are entering into an initiative a group that seeks to have the house recognized as unsafe, yes, i am part of this group, the initiative group has been contacting the administration, the prosecutor’s office for several years now, so from what year, to understand how many years you have been doing this, then tell us what you managed to achieve, from somewhere around the sixteenth year, and there were only replies, also from the supervisory authorities over housing and communal services, contact there, contact here, in general, the result is zero,
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this year, that is, they hounded you from the office, hounded you, and even more ... mocked stop calling us, we are tired of you and all that, name the great russian commander who did not lose a single battle, any, suvorov, yes, of course, alexander suvorov, house shoes are called slippers, that’s right, seryozh, these fashionable jeans were boiled in a saucepan, songs dedicated to mom, mom, for god's sake, something, mom, i'm dancing, you're right, right? i love my country on saturday on the first. some say that the architecture of washanghai will not surprise you. just wait until evening and you will think that you are in the city of the future. who's in chinese
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the head of the family? that didn’t hurt, dance in the park every morning, the lives of others, the premiere, on sunday on the first, thank you. i was here more than once 10 years ago, they said you would be the main character, we didn’t believe it until we arrived in sochi. the opening ceremony in sochi is something
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that will go down in the history not only of our olympics, but in the history of the olympic movement in general. the idea of ​​russia as a magical land in the sky, russia as a floating vision in the clouds. of course, there was a lot along the way... for this, sing your wishes 10 years from the day opening of the olympic games in sochi, on
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sunday on the first. you have been issued a technical inspection certificate for 2022, and it is very far from recognizing the house as unsafe. first. "let's assume that something completely out of the ordinary happens , the wall collapses or something else, it is recognized as an emergency, you know, how many resettlement do you have, according to our experience in volgograd, how many of our houses have exploded from gas , and also problematic houses with roofs and with all of us people are still waiting, especially the last moment, this is in tetovo, when people they promised to move us in a week, and it happened..."
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wet, that we go to the shower in rubber gloves to such a degree, wiring to such a degree with gloves and rubber slippers, this is so that you don’t get electrocuted, well, because there was an electric shock, our hands turned blue, we first we didn’t understand what it was, our hands were turning blue, we were losing weight, then we realized that it was a current, we talked to the other residents of the house, let’s see what they said, look, the door, it’s been a week to open it, the house is frozen, now every room + 5°, the body is rusty, the water is just every floor is leaking, the same wiring, it’s all
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old, it’s never been changed here, then i didn’t have light for 3 weeks, my daughter did her homework with a candle, there’s also a dog on the roof that lives here, because there are no doors constantly barking at at night, they give it out especially. no one comes to us , no electricians, no plumbers, i want to show the basement of our house, all the communications are leaking, the evaporation is terrible, even listen to how it flows, hear, it’s still dripping, but sometimes it flows like a stream, recently we literally called the management company for 2 weeks there is water here. it was like this, up to my ankles , look how i live, this wall, it gets wet, it doesn’t have time to dry, woodlice are crawling out of these cracks, just a big
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flock of jokers, i sleep here, the roof is leaking above me, this is my duty raincoat , i sleep like this, sometimes i don’t get enough sleep. even if the head of the sovetsky district sews in such conditions, he tells us in plain text: how tired i am of you and your house. we want someone to hear us and make our lives simply better. well, this is simply monstrous. in our studio, member regional headquarters of the popular front of the volgograd region, fedor shlyakhov. fyodor, hello. hello. you also helped the residents of this house. yes, a tenant of this house contacted us last year. his mother lived in one of these rooms; he contacted him because of the fire that occurred in the lobby when the woman
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died, right? before our arrival , we tried, but they knocked down the icicles, like the icicles knocked down, yeah, there were enough before our arrival, but we contacted the administration , the administration took it out through their appeal already directly to the management company. did. look, we talked with bogdan andreevich moroz, this is the deputy head of the department of housing and communal services and technological administration of the city of volgograd. and that's what they heard. the residential building located on ulitsa 36 is the object of our constant monitoring. we have had 19 inspections done on this home in just these 2 years. the management
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of the management company is involved in administrative matters. liability for failure to comply with instructions, violation of technical standards, sanitary standards, violations roofing, flooded basement and other violations that were the subject of legal proceedings initiated jointly with the administration of the prosecutor's office against this management company. on december 6, the court decision came into force, the writ of execution was sent to the bailiff service for enforcement. in the sixteenth year, residents, having received the conclusion of an independent examination on the need for major... repairs of the house , applied to the authorized body to postpone the date of major repairs, but the decision this question was rejected due to the presence of a debt of more than 50%, ph of repairs. currently, the house is in the overhaul program for the thirty-eighth year; the administration has taken repeated measures to postpone the overhaul deadline.
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therefore, the required number of owners did not arrive at the meeting. no decision was made, the administration will additionally hold a meeting with the owners in february 2024 to quickly reschedule the major renovation of this house, well look what we heard, on december 6 , the court’s decision to force the management company to fulfill the tenants’ demands entered into legal force, but still there, what he said to us was all said on camera. these are memorized phrases that they say, that we will be there, yes we will do it, you won’t do anything either, it’s a shame, in fact, that people are suffering and they have nowhere to move, so i hope that after the release our program on channel one, supervisory authorities, the investigative committee will turn to you, the people's front will help you, call a general meeting, if you need help and
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tell how everything is going... i'm ready, the court decision must be transferred to the bailiff service, and the bailiffs must execute it, it has already been handed over, the owners must attach efforts, i understand that the conditions are terrible, but yes, in fact, you can say that it’s a vicious circle, but if the owners, who finally arrived and are puzzled by the question, you need to ask them the owners, tell them, the girls are beautiful, so he left now all the fact that your people don’t go to meetings, we didn’t just...
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hand over the bill to you, you yourself will do your repairs with this money, of course, in a different way, they will torment you, as they said, until the thirty-ninth year, let's summarize, there is a court decision, it must be executed, if it is not executed, the management company will be punished, but you can change the management company, sasha, who will be there, who will go, what's the point, let's get up, how is she doing ? this management company has appeared, it has been appointed or it has been selected, they they chose themselves, they provided, an administrator was appointed. living documents, where our names are written in one hand and a sign in one hand that we have chosen it for you, chosen, this is how the administration provided us with these documents, i will explain to you why the administration, although it is filing a lawsuit, is not quarreling with the management company it will be, if only because of course, of course, your house is a headache for any management company; they
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only take on such houses if the administration. gives them fat chunks elsewhere, yes, yes, that's it the load in its purest form, yes, but the fact is that while we were working in volgograd, residents of another house contacted us, which... had already been recognized as an emergency, this is what you are trying to achieve, you want the house to be recognized as an emergency, well, we are on such a condition that in return they will give us normal, normal conditions, good apartments or rooms, at least uniform, but modern and without such roofs, you want, and this does not depend on them at all, if this house is in disrepair, then the administration must assemble a commission, establish that this the house is dangerous, and she wants it, she doesn’t want it, it shouldn’t depend on her , it’s generally very scary to hear from you now, because we are so scared
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, we don’t trust anyone, that just look, no, i just understand, in short, here is a question, you want the house to be recognized as unsafe, you are afraid to answer, because you are afraid that if the house is recognized as unsafe, then you will be thrown out onto the street, i understand correctly, yes, when we applied. islamic world, today on the first, in our studio there are wonderful artists who gave your voices to your favorite characters, go ahead, agreed to act. in this film, just because i did the voice acting, i tried to act in such a way that it would be comfortable in the frame. vanya , i am yours forever, i myself didn’t know that it was me, yes, it ’s not me, i refused, then i realized, yes, that it was me, but that was a very, very long time ago, say something in that beautiful voice,
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you don’t have enough money to make a call, i voiced the cars, i gave the fans a spectacle, chow, i am speed, children will immediately recognize me by this, call me, call me, es. so many all quail, but everyone knows that i just call, call me, it’s simple, come to your senses after the shock, and then answer my question, of course, this works only for me, no one else, the route has been built, don’t forget to us put a rating in the application, i’m arriving somehow nataite, in fact , you couldn’t do anything else, go ask everyone if you’ve been to nataite today.
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cities, wars, conspiracies, revolutions, plunged me into many native thresholds and threw me across continents, adventures, into many dangerous adventures, what moved me, who i was, who i became, alexander prokhan. confession premieres from february 12 on the first. let's listen to the resident of the house that was declared unsafe, and what has changed in their
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life because of this, if anything has changed. daria shurupova came to us. daria, go to the studio. daria, hello, hello. how long have you been living in this house, which has been declared unsafe? and i'm there. i’ve been living since birth since 2003, that is, you were born there, yes, but you have social hiring or you are the owners, social hiring, we didn’t have time to privatize room, well, good, 15 rooms are definitely not inhabited, because well , it’s unrealistic to live in such conditions, so when the house was declared unsafe, it was recognized as unsafe in 2021, when they promised to move, but they promised, that is, in 25, that relocation would begin , then a week ago i was at the administration of the sovetsky district. i asked, that is, when will they start relocating us , because it’s unrealistic to live there
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? the neighbor, all in horror, says, a letter came that in 2029 we will now be resettled, and how to live until the twenty-ninth year, they offered you - to move somewhere, of course, they offered, and you know what options they give, what homeless people, well , that is, the same ones you live in now , even worse, even worse, even worse. they give you options , that’s what you’re afraid of, yes, but i understand that you don’t have much being built in the city, yes, yes, and how much do you pay for your room, well, 4000 for two, my mother and i are registered together, yeah , a why are you crying, let's look at your house, you are still crying. mold , peeling walls, the ceiling is collapsing, recently
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a pregnant woman was almost killed, please look at the condition of the ceilings and beams, okay, there should be a washroom here, now here is a landfill, everything is dripping from the ceiling, it’s terrible, it’s just that everything is falling apart, i’m even afraid to stand under this beam, here it is... it smells great here, people should wash here, it’s constantly blowing, it’s constantly cold, all along the flight of stairs the cold wind is blowing, plywood, polyethylene, everything is blowing. between the second and third floors there is an abyss, this is an abyss in our
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house, where we live with small children, plants are already growing in this abyss, bricks are falling out, we may not wake up at any moment and end up on the first floor, this is terrible, the shower is cold in winter , the water doesn’t flow well at all, there’s a dump around our house, i don’t even know when it was cleaned up here, life is nonsense, we fall asleep and wake up in pain. well, this is really scary, i can’t do it, it’s just terrible some, in our studio there is another resident of this house, marina soloshenko, hello, and you are crying, well, because i got this room from a chemical plant, i stood, worked at a chemical plant in harmful conditions, stood on the line, they gave me temporary housing, well, i got it.
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write statements everywhere to have repairs done , our end walls began to get wet, we began to at least do some work, went to the authorities and, as a rule, unsubscribes were made, that is, all the answers were carbon copies, the only difference was the date until... the twentieth i've had this for years the room was for rent, when we went with a group to such organizations, the leaders told me: you are not the owner, why are you leaving, you are for rent, the owner of this housing and the administration of the kirov district is responsible for it, that’s all, in the twenty-first year i privatized this room, but nothing has changed, now as the owner, they also stated that i, we, the owners, must be responsible for the common property of this house, but is it true? do you have some kind of order that prohibits you from using washing machines?
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machine, yes there is, it was when we started in the sixteenth year that bricks began to fall on our heads, we began to write everywhere, they answered us, we wrote to the supervisory authority, bravo, they answered us, she came from the supervisory authority from the department to the management company , apparently an order came , what to eliminate all these problems. and they brought us an order, forbade us to use it, listen, i’m also interested in this, i didn’t see it either, yes, but now we’ll go even further, because the administration itself is confused about the dates, now you’ll understand what i’m talking about, but look, in connection with an emergency situation with a possible collapse of the facade wall, the seventeenth year, you privatized in what, the twentieth in the twentieth, to go to the toilet, and you , and you still haven’t gone to the toilet since 2605.2017? well, almost every other time, no
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, i’m not joking now, that is, you can’t wet the house like a manta ray, well, yes, they suggested putting it on the street , that is, they told you, you don’t use this toilet, go outside, you can recognize the agreements here these transfers to citizens free of charge for privatization, indeed, based on the fact that that the house is in disrepair, but the fact is that this one, and it is recognized as a disrepair , that it is not worth running to them a second time, this is an unpleasant task, i must say, we asked them to answer us in writing about the situation with this particular house. house number 1a on rosa luxemburg street was declared unsafe on november 19, 2019, and was included in the municipal resettlement program. after the apartment building was recognized as unsafe, all its
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residents were offered to be accommodated in the premises of the municipal maneuverable fund, according to the procedures for relocating citizens to strength different.
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"hello, everyone, hello, first of all, please accept our condolences, sincere, please tell me, what happened to my mother when this happened? it happened on january 23 , 2023, they lived at periolkafabrichny 12 in a dilapidated building, here he was drafted in 1920, she came
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home from work, went to lie down in her room, my father was in his room, everyone went to bed.” the father wakes up because the dog woke him up, he wakes up, the whole apartment is in smoke, he doesn’t understand what’s happening, he runs to his mother in room, opens the door, the ceiling is collapsing, but already understands that everything is over, that is, the ceiling collapsed on my mother, and that there was some kind of consequence, yes, what did the firefighters say, the firefighters generally said that initially the fire started from the second one.
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it was, no one did anything or even intended to until my mother died, and when my mother died, that when my mother died, well , of course, no one paid us for this, they only paid us payments, well, like everyone else and the tenants, because everyone residents, apartments burned down, there was a payment from social security, wait, but a criminal case was opened, no, a criminal case was not opened, but how can you explain to me why? how's that? because the fire engineering examination, most likely carried out there, probably did not establish the cause of the fire, that’s all. in the end, after the whole house burned down, right? yes, yes, well, in the end, were you moved somewhere? a year later passed, after that we were resettled, well, they offered us
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monstrous housing, yes, well, the same dumpsters, yes, yes, yes, yes, we, we immediately refused, because we understood that they would give us, well, also in to live in such conditions. so we were waiting for them to give us an apartment, in the end a year later they gave us an apartment, where in the derzhinsky district, well , a decent apartment, yes, a decent apartment, everyone was given apartments, everyone, you see, in order to get an apartment in volgograd, you have to die , but we can now initiate a criminal case, of course, we need to look into this , that is, we need to establish, we need to raise fire safety expertise, look, yes, in connection with what the fire occurred, electrical wiring, excuse me, responsibilities for supervising electrical wiring. for its contents to whom assigned? on the competent authorities, they didn’t work, they admitted that the tenants are consumers, no, absolutely, someone is guilty of this, someone is guilty, so i want to ask both ekaterina and fedor, yes, exactly in this case concrete , well, it’s just fire, just yes, get busy
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, so that a criminal case is opened, someone really bears responsibility, a big premiere, a change of hands, there is no one you can rely on, how can you not see that you are unnecessary, how long will you endure, watch after the program time, we will talk with our... guest, founder and artistic director of eterno music, outstanding conductor teodor kurendis. what is the task, to take the public out of their state of comfort? this is not comfort, what we are looking for, but how can it be comfortable when you always want to create new and new, new and new. in general, mortier is not the one who creates brilliant performances. what he did, he discovered.
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my phone, i don’t know how to turn it off, it’s like a nightmare, some kind of spanish shame. podcast lap, on first tomorrow. well, apparently primorsky krai? gorgeous. what do you say in korean: i love to travel? so long, so write it down. we have two types. stupid, one sharp, one not sharp, if anything, the firefighters have already left, the wind above
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is not important at all, even if it blows 80 km/h, it’s okay, let’s hold on, hold on, both of us, there, that was a good blow, oh, oh , quietly, let's go, the premiere on saturday at the first, when i appeared, there were a lot for a lot against. i really wanted to dance anegin , they did everything on purpose so that i wouldn’t perform it, he was assigned to dance not the prince in lyubedin lake, and the evil genius, managed to develop his party in such a way that people admired the evil genius. the bolshoi theater is home, this is my skin, i was constantly tempted to betray, the speed of knocking is faster than the speed of sound, everyone is knocking. i promoted the mafia in the dining room for 2 years, there was a real gang working there, what kolya experienced as an artist is
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something that rarely happens to anyone on this earth, wow, this is serious, they clearly pulled it off, wait arina, they wanted to get a bow from me, they can kill me, well it’s unlikely that they will succeed, for nikolai tsiskaridze’s anniversary on saturday on the first, my train always. fortunately for the light, now there is a project to help the children of russia, which we are doing together with the popular front.
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we loved our kama, there were a lot of good things, we celebrated the new year and birthdays, we were afraid to die, there was a feeling that everything inside was trembling. when they shot from our street here , it turns out that this window flew into the bedroom, i remember how they knocked out the front door, you hear, it was, lida, sonya and kirill live in volnovakha, during fierce battles in the city they took refuge in the basement your home, when it burned down at our neighbors' place, we were hiding in the basement of our house, then, when the shelling began to get stronger, we suggested to our neighbors, they have a large basement under the garage, they suggested we go there, when we were sitting in the basement, it seemed
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that it was all right next to us lies down. we sat there for a long time, it happened that we didn’t even know the day or the time, because we turned off our phones, when it was quiet, we went up to the street to at least find out the day and night , the worst thing was probably when it got into our house, the neighbor came out, looked through the window, there smoke, it seems to be from your house, we lived here , this was our house once... now all that’s left of it are the walls, this veranda, the kitchen have survived, we lived here for 15 years, there was a hall here when we came in, here’s the balcony, it was already sagging
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, burning. for a long and terrible 7 months the family lived in the garage, this is the garage in which we lived, after the shelling, we lived for 7 months until october, this stove and we warmed ourselves, my dad assembled it, the roof wouldn’t have saved us here, since it’s already old. it’s even visible that it’s leaking, if it had come to us... with a stove, since it was impossible to spend the winter in the garage, the neighbors families offered them to take over an empty house, kirill, sofia, lida, send the stove to light, let's go warm up, that's it, stove heating then the stove when it's cold. we open it, it’s not frozen,
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uh-huh, no, it’s all gone, we don’t have a water supply, we’ll drink crackers and tea, a little, mom hasn’t found a new house yet, we’re living. we put it in order, picked it up, patched it up, it’s better than freezing outside. lidda and sonya still remember with horror that very flight, after which they became homeless, that’s all they managed to take, i was scared when the windows from the rooms began to fall, so maybe
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i should call my mother? be upset, you understand that how good it was, why are you crying , everything is already fine, you will be at home, you will have your own room, don’t worry, everything will be fine, when everyone went to bed, i was crying so much. in this fire, the bonder family lost literally everything, we brought them basic necessities and, of course, gifts for the children. hello, hello, please come in, what we ordered, we brought, this is a laptop, also polina tsvetkova
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i found out that someone knows how to solder and help around the house, so there you go.


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