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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  February 8, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm MSK

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in this fire, the bondara family lost literally everything, we brought them basic necessities, and of course, gifts for the children. hello, hello, please come in , what we ordered, we brought, it’s a laptop, polina tsvetkova also found out that someone knows how to solder and help around the house, so here you go. this is a soldering
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kit, a set of tools, cool, romashsky , this is a vacuum cleaner, as requested, thank you, this is a doll microwave, thank you very much, thank you very much, we can’t afford one like this now, we are trying hard we do this work with love, here... thank you very much, thank you, thank you for your help, if you know someone who needs help or are ready to help yourself, contact us, ex- mother-in-law, she has a share here, she demands money for this share, she’s literally an alcoholic, she comes with bottles and men follow her in single file, you think that she owes you money, of course, but how much is half a million, leave our family alone, let us live. constantly
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says that i’m bad, after they beat up grandma anya, that you understand who this is a woman is lying on the asphalt, and my daughter is protecting her, this is the stasis with which your daughter lives, well, you saw how he beat nikola, of course i don’t welcome this, i don’t , she doesn’t see anything at all and says, you’re tanya’s mother , there’s another guy at your house, he lived with her, another relative came to visit us, it’s interesting to know why, right? let's ask liliya budilova, good evening, live, big game, and i'm vyacheslav nikonov, i'll start with congratulations, and several at once, today is a big date, an anniversary, exactly 300 years.
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and of course, this is a great holiday for all the people who devoted themselves to this noble, necessary, important and so responsible work, often selfless, and today russian president vladimir putin congratulated our scientists and held a presidential council on the science of education, that’s what our president said: at
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the last meeting of the council we agreed to make changes to the strategy of scientific and technological development, today i propose to discuss its updated version, taking into account our discussion, i ask you to make necessary clarification and additions, submit for signature within a week a draft decree approving this key document, which i emphasize in its importance is equal to the national security strategy. what is fundamentally important in this regard: the decision to adjust the strategy was made taking into account the deep political and technological transformations that are taking place in the world, as well as the unprecedented sanctions pressure on our country. it is also obvious that the priorities of scientific and technological development should be are closely related to key challenges in the economy, social sphere, and security. aimed
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at achieving our sovereignty in the broadest sense of the word, state, value, industrial and certainly technological sovereignty. in the broadest sense of the word, state, value, industrial, of course, technological. sovereignty is really what is now coming to the fore for all states with which we maintain serious relations, and well first of all, the sovereign center of power is china, which today also received congratulations from our president; a telephone conversation took place today.
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for the first time in history , the chinese new year will be celebrated, there are already signs of this on the streets of our capital, i am sure that sergei semyonovich sobyanin will not let you down here, i can say a few words, when i was a deputy, we went to the council of europe, and there were such inveterate, convinced people there liberals from here, for example, swede, he is a dentist by profession, but, of course, no one could say anything better than him, neither history, and he tells me, so what...
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united states of america, so our congratulations to our chinese friends and on the advent of a new holiday, we are generally not used to celebrating the new year more than once, and now we will also celebrate the chinese , today our president sent congratulations to his.
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on our resources tomorrow morning, so we are waiting for tomorrow, but we will still have time to talk about this, and of course we cannot help but pay attention to what happened today on the fronts of a special military operation, there were powerful strikes by our high-precision systems on
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ukrainian military infrastructure facilities in odessa, nikolaev, vinnitsa, the offensive continued in many... sectors of the front, including avdievka, i think boris aleksandrovich rozhin, our permanent military expert boris aleksandrovich, will now tell us about this. good evening, over to you. good evening, well, if we talk about night strikes, they were especially effective in the south of ukraine, that is , the arrivals in nikolaev were especially good, the paul production workshop was hit there, the location with foreign mercenaries was hit, that is, it was noted, that despite all efforts to strengthen the area in the odessa area.
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well, in the direction of shelter, our troops also attacked to the west of staromaisky, the enemy, in turn, tried to be active in the urozhainy area to launch counterattacks, in general, the front line here has not yet undergone changes, in the ugledar area our troops consolidated in new positions southeast of ugledar, where yesterday they advanced in the direction of the south donbass mine, our troops also advanced a little in novomikhailovka itself, where they are conducting assault operations our marpe. 155 brigade, and attacks continue to the north and south of novomikhailovka, in the marinsky
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direction there is a serious advance to the north of georgievka, in georgievka itself, our troops passed several hundred meters there, the enemy notes serious problems with the defense of this settlement. in the avdeevsky direction, our troops advanced in pervomaisky, where the fighting shifted to the central part of the village, and our troops also continue to advance in avdeya itself. after occupying a bridgehead in the northern part of the city, ours are trying to break through directly to the key supply route, there is about 600-800 m left to the enemy’s main transport artery, there are fierce battles there, at night a huge number of airstrikes and artillery strikes were carried out on enemy forces, about 50 factories alone were dropped , that is aviation helps soften the enemy’s defenses for further advancement, there is a small... advance in the area of ​​the recently taken tsarist hunt, in
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the artyomovsk direction our troops have advanced a little in the area of ​​krasnoye and kleshcheevka, moreover, the tick from both the north and the east, as well as our troops advanced a little to the west of artyomovsky, in the bogdanovka area , ours returned the previously lost landing north of bogdanovka and continued assault operations at the heights in the direction of the hour on the seversky high... yampolovka, he did not succeed, our troops gained a foothold in new plantings and are preparing for
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further advance to koskolu, that is , here the enemy is also losing, well, constantly losing certain positions in the svato-kupyansk direction, the main battles took place in the area kotlerovka, tabaevka and beristov, the enemy is trying to counterattack from kislovka in order to pin down our forces and prevent us from advancing, so the mete is fighting back, the pressure on the birch bark is increasing, in general , the initiative here is also for us. "ukraine needs more and we must give more, but i am not a magician, i do not have a magic
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wand, the capabilities of the european union defense industry were very low, we can continue to increase our production capabilities, we had to stop exports to a third of the country and give priority to ukraine, our armed forces have emptied their reserves in order to provide ukraine with the ammunition they had in their warehouses, they are delaying the replenishment of their own warehouses in order to fill the ukrainian ones first, well, this..." europe is getting involved in another adventure, sending its own military - naval forces to the middle east , god help us. scholz said that he also does not have a magic wand or a pot, apparently things are going badly there at hogwarts, and that ukraine will not receive the promised number of shells, well, today’s new york times is already sounds the alarm regarding this situation , let's listen: according to military analysts, without
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american help, the ukrainian army will not be suddenly defeated, but the degradation of its forces will be inexorable: european countries do not have such reserves of weapons and ammunition as the united states, and are unlikely to be able to fill this gap. ukraine could effectively hold out for some part of this year without an increase in american military aid, but over time there will be no prospect of rebuilding the army, they will slowly begin to lose, said carnegie russia expert michael kofman, absence. further american aid, he said, would point to a dismal negative trajectory in the second half of this year. in my opinion, this is even optimistic, why in the second half of this year, which is very...
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today and scholz says that they have exhausted their production capabilities and other european countries, all warehouses, they have practically raked out, which is not very true so to speak far-sighted, but that’s how they say it’s their business. americans, i have the impression that biden has eaten his lot and gone to great lengths, that he doesn’t care about his own needs, the main thing is to provide ukraine with shells.
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i would like to support zelensky’s initiative, the initiative to reboot power; all government institutions, first of all, the president’s office, should be cleansed of the under-refined remnants of the yanukovych team and partnov’s proteges. it is necessary to reshuffle the cabinet until it is replaced with a technocratic government, and i really hope that this will be accomplished by forming a government national unity, and zelensky now, in these critical conditions, should invite the leaders of parliamentary factions for...
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a dictatorship that not only terrorizes its own people, but also its neighbors, this applies to russia and belarus, to our union state, so which one, apparently, now there is such a competition going on, who exactly will play the main roles in this in this new formation of the kiev regime, such a terrorist formation, well, in general, this is a game, who will be the scapegoat, zelensky obviously this is what he appoints. there is disagreement, but it seems to me that this is still not even an internal dispute in kiev, this is a dispute to some significant extent between external patrons, and it seems to me, as in this whole conflict, there are two very clear traces there, the american british , apparently they have some
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disagreements about what this kiev regime should look like, well, this means that the muslim world took the place of the roman world and byzantium, developed the resulting legacy further, and then through spain, italy was transferred to europe. and what is algebra, from the arabic
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word aljabr, multiplication, achemy, alkymia, even alcohol, alcohol is translated as a decrepit person, what makes a person decrepit. until 1917, the personal guard of the persian shah consisted of russian cossacks. the shah of persia has the most precious thing he has, that is himself. only russians, i have met quite a few people who think that a woman in our country should always wear black and cover her face, but this is not so, they asked, are you if you want to add a point that he does not have the right to marry a second wife, i say, yes, focus on the future and adaptability to historical eras, this is the real face of islam, civilization, the premiere, the third film, the islamic world, today on the first. name a great russian commander who did not lose a single battle. suvorov, yes, of course, alexander suvorov, house shoes are called slippers, that’s right, seryozha,
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these fashionable jeans were boiled in a pan, songs dedicated to mom, mom, for god’s sake, something, mom, i’m dancing, you’re right, yes, a night rendezvous , an hour of separation, a night rendezvous, i love my country on saturday on the first, in our studio there are wonderful artists who gave their voices to their favorite characters, go ahead, raikin agreed to star in this film only because i did the voice acting, i tried to act in a way that would fit comfortably in the frame. vanya, i am yours forever, i myself didn’t know that it was me, but it’s not me, i refused, then i realized what it was. we had a very very long time ago, say something in that beautiful voice, you there are not enough funds for the call , i voiced the cars, i gave the fans a spectacle, chow,
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i am speed, the children will immediately recognize me by this, call me, call, i quail so many things, but everyone knows that i just call, call me, well because it’s brilliant, it ’s simple, harm yourself after the shock, and then answer my question, of course, only i can do it, no one else, the route has been built, don’t forget to rate us in the app, i’m arriving, i somehow in fact, nothing more could have been done do, go, ask everyone if you have ever been to the place, tonight with nikolai tseskaridze on the first.
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ivan lubennikov, life goes on, premiere on saturday at the first, what i want to talk about
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is that of what i experienced deserves attention, among the many joys and pleasures that accompany youth, i, having become a writer, experienced incomparable happiness, in crumbling in the village of mala, i lived with a blacksmith, helping him forge a horseshoe in his forge. "with long tongs i held a white-hot iron in my hands, and he hit it with his ringing hammer. i ask myself, who am i ? moved me. who was i, who have i become? alexander prokhanov. confession. premiere from february 12. on the first. big game
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live. so, early this morning, accompanied by a crowd of journalists, tucker carlson left the capital, flying from the airport sheremetyevo flight to belgrade. well, the global information space has already been blown up, blown up by the fact that... according to tucker carlson himself, tonight at 18:00 washington time, an interview with vladimir putin will be posted on the ex-network, twitter. elon musk promised not to interfere, so why bother him? on the contrary, in recent days, downloads of this network on a global scale have broken all records. everyone wants to hear from our
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president and... i must say that the resonance is really serious, not to mention about what the resonance will be then, our presidential press secretary said that the arrival of tucker carlson caused a huge resonance already in russia and in america, the interview will be studied and analyzed for more than one day, it is important for russia that as many people as possible around the world got acquainted with putin's worldview, and tucker does not need protection.
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in ukraine, what does that tell you about tucker carlson, right-wing media about vladimir putin? this tells me what we already knew, he is what they call a useful idiot. read the russian media, everyone laughs at him there, like he's some kind of puppy. after being fired from so many american media outlets, i wouldn't be surprised that he signed a contract with the russians because he is a useful idiot. he’s not telling the truth, he’s repeating how...
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the intelligence services, well, it must be said that after tucker was fired from the fox news channel for his views, and this is the only tv channel that actually opposes biden, the number of people who watch tucker carlson’s actual speech many times exceeded the number of people who watch the fox news channel, by firing him, fox news did to him a huge gift that would simply be difficult to come up with otherwise, because it has become much more popular. his popularity has expanded to practically the whole world, now , well, what is hillary clinton, you know, this is such a false edifying tone, but tucker doesn’t have such a tone, he is like this, this is the difference between self-confidence and confidence, in russian culture this line is always felt at the level of the psyche, however, that’s why a person says something with ardent confidence and does not cause skepticism, so to speak, so
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himself... confident, calling, you don’t believe a single word of him, like hillary, i remember how she led the campaign, how she walks and walks like that, and then she smiles like that, which means you don’t believe a single smile, nothing, well, this is hysterical , of course, and besides, except for such, well , denunciations, nicknames, there is nothing, you know, you just got in touch, that means takre carlson, there is world evil, this is, so to speak, russia. its leadership, and anyone who wants, in fact, to see from the other side how the world’s problems are seen, war and so on, they just serve the devil , there are no other arguments, although it would be enough for the americans to say that just imagine, on the borders of texas, in mexico, a coup d'etat in soviet times, soviet weapons are being sent here and mexico is going
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join the warsaw pact. that’s what america would do, well , even the analogy would probably be not mexico, but the state of texas, well , yes, yes, that’s it, that’s it, that’s all, and the americans said , yes, perhaps, you understand, that’s it, that’s how it is, and what?
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heard somewhere you understand, all this is about i would also like harvard graduates, here is columbia university professor karine jeanpierre, for example, well, she doesn’t know anything either, therefore, this is a special policy of washing out the previous one. the educated elite responding to this fake elite throughout the western community, this is part of a hybrid war, which first eliminate their elite, now you begin to think whether it was this elite, or they have always been
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like this, we just couldn’t see them for some reason , you know, well, it’s still a shackle rice, she had an education, she was an enemy, but she is a pianist, she knows who mozart beethoven is, karin jeanpierre doesn’t know, well, she also studied russian. and imprison trump, in order to imprison trump, today he gave arguments from the same series as a few days ago, then he called on the spirit of meteran, now he
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communicated with the spirit of helmot kohl, who just told him what to do to do with trump, let's listen, us president joe biden once again... european heads of state, former german chancellor helmut kohl and angela merkel at an event in new york. the head of the white house said that he allegedly communicated with kohl in 2021, although he died in 2017. and then helmut kohl turned to me and said: “what would you say, mr. president, if you took the london times and found out that thousands of people broke into the doors british parliament, killed several police officers along the way to prevent the prime minister from taking office," biden said. who the day before spoke about a recent conversation with french president françois miterand, who died almost 30 years ago back. yesterday we showed how biden pounded his fist on the table, wearing a tie in the colors of ukraine and a pin with the ukrainian flag, he
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demanded that a bill directing military aid to ukraine be brought to his table, which was to be voted on in the senate. the senate voted, and note that there is a majority. democrats, but the vote was 49:50 against, that is, they didn’t even put the issue on the agenda, so it’s just a complete failure, and of course, against this background, the ukrainian prospects look pretty sad, it looks like the congress has gone completely at a dead end, isn't it, evich? well, i would like to maybe make such a statement about carlson, there is such a concept: what are the unforeseen consequences, what could be the unforeseen and uncalculated consequences of carlson’s interview, i would say it this way: maybe in america after this no one will listen to biden, this is also a very important point,
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because the american press notes that lately biden has not been seen or heard, attempts to interview him have ended in nothing, and even as he says, he would love to talk to myself. as for the failure in the us congress, the situation here looks like this: assistance to ukraine is being postponed for several, indefinitely...
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border issue was removed from this bill, leaving only israel, ukraine and taiwan, what will be its fate when they will vote on it, i don’t know, in my opinion, today they just voted on it, no, it was a procedural vote, and if a procedural vote, this is a vote, it was a vote to put it to a vote , exactly what it is it wasn’t even submitted for consideration, it’s a common package with the border. package without borders, without border? yes, well, sorry, that means i'm behind. well, this does, of course, once again, returning to what you started with, the program, the prospects for the resistance of ukraine in general are very, not to say not rosy, they are very very gloomy, because what is happening at the front, i i’m looking at ukrainian social networks, there’s a very, well, purely well... almost panicky mood, that if there is no help, if the americans,
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no one there, in my opinion, gives a damn, they’re retired on medicine, the main thing is that they will suffer , so to speak, defeat at the front, and, uh, without weapons, without shells, uh, it will be very, very difficult for them, yes, well, most of the comments are actually ukrainian publics on the issue of voting in the senate, well, translated from mother tongue into russian, this is the end. well, yes, this is a shovel, what kuleba said they will shovel, well, let's see how they shovel america really found itself in a situation where it is paralyzed and polarized, more than ever, more than ever, here are the voting results in the republican party, now in the primaries and preferences of the republicans, trump, consider 80% nikihaley 19, that is , 80% of the republicans are against the deep one. states are simple, that's simple.
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now let's look, here are interesting maps of the united states, how america would vote if they only voted, if only people of color voted, there in the upper left corner, then the democrats would win in all states, on the contrary, in the lower right, if if only white men voted, then only republicans would win in almost all states, even in california. and what does it have to do with just down there on the left there, if just white people voted, then the country would always be under the control of the republican party if they voted.
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therefore, such, such a heated discussion is going on, even this is no longer a discussion, it’s just a squabble about this migration issue, because the masks have already been thrown off in america openly saying what its essence is, its essence is that the republicans fear that just as it happened during the obama presidency, there will be legalization, mass legalization of these illegal migrants, and accordingly this will give several
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... changes, especially not, well, such, in fact , unilateral actions of the demographic balance, this is no better than genocide or mass slaughter of people, so in america there is a big social experiment on the part of the liberal public, and if i may, here is the very first
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the question, this is how you started the program, remained unanswered, so hillary clinton said: “why are these, these, these, who believe tucker kalson, while it’s like...” the american embassy in the east, they tried to burn it down tonight in baghdad, why after the advertisement.
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soon, trouble, mother, rebellion, great, golden age, big premiere, watch the time after the program, well, you can see the primorsky region, gorgeous, as it would be in korean, so before... so write it down, we have two types of soup, one sharp, one not sharp, if anything, the firefighters have already left, the wind above is not important at all, even if it blows 80 km/h, it’s okay, let’s hold on, hold on, oops, there it was, that was a good blow, oh, oh, damn, everything is quiet,
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let's go, the premiere was on saturday on the first, when i showed up, it was... a lot for a very a lot of people are against it, i really wanted to dance anegin, they did everything on purpose so that i wouldn’t perform it, he was assigned to dance not the prince in swan lake, but the evil genius , he managed to develop his part in such a way that people admired the evil genius, the bolshoi theater is a home, this is my skin, i was constantly tempted to betray, the speed of the knocking is faster... from the sound, everyone is knocking, i promoted the mafia in the dining room for 2 years, a gang worked there, a real one, what did kolya experience as an artist? it’s rare for anyone to have it on this earth, wow, this is serious, they pulled it off clearly, stop, sharina, no
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they wanted to get a bow from me, they can kill me, well, it’s unlikely that they will succeed, for the anniversary of nikolai tsyskaridze, on saturday on the first, my train always moves forward, fortunately towards the light, premiere, i love my country.
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girls, i’ll deceive you, there won’t be a concert , you promised us 40 dollars, these are our
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girls, i’ll put everyone here now, he ’ll kill you, well, hello, jaeger, she’s nobody to you , why did you get into this, it’s him, the one who... saved me, you are nothing to each other, this is chechnya , we can’t do that, well, tell me, you cop, whose path you crossed, i can’t explain, you doomed, premiere of a multi-part film, on sunday on the first, yes, go home, wolf, whatever i want with it, let me do it, go away, let me buy it from you. the big game is live, today at 19:50, watch the third film
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of the civilization project, the islamic world, on channel one. the largest community on the planet is 2 billion people, which has made a huge contribution to the development of human civilization and which is now united in much indignation at what the united are doing. states of america in the middle east, americans again bombed yemen, the day before they bombed baghdad, allegedly trying to hit the targets of pro-iranian forces. there were protests in baghdad, people took to the streets, they were going to burn down the american embassy, ​​the forces of law and order prevented this, but the american ambassador had already fled from baghdad to erbil, here. as stated by the press secretary of the iraqi commander-in-chief, rasul. american
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forces irresponsibly repeat all actions that undermine existing agreements and prevent the start of a bilateral dialogue. they committed a blatant murder by causing an airstrike in the heart of a residential area in the capital baghdad, showing no respect for lives, civilians or international law. with this act , american troops endangered civilian peace. violated iraqi sovereignty and disregarded the safety and lives of our citizens. even more alarming is that the coalition is constantly deviating from the goals of its presence on our territory. this trajectory makes the iraqi government more eager than ever to end this coalition's mission. which has become a factor of instability and threatens to drag iraq into a cycle of conflicts. that is, the message is clear, the americans are out, but representatives of the movement say even more decisively. is destroyed only
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by resistance fighters, the hand of betrayal will reach out to everyone who opposes him, this occupying structure that has usurped power will reach even those who think they are safe from the fire of occupation. this crime will not be the last unless the government takes a strong official position. our answer will be purposefully, with god's help, these crimes will not go unpunished. our patience has run out, wait for an answer, we will choose the right time and place, victory will be for the righteous, that is, there will be attacks on... the americans will withdraw bases from iraq from syria. i would like to draw the most important attention, so to speak, not to the current moment, but to the memory that the united states of america has left over the last 20 years, when in march 2003 it invaded iran and iraq. we know that during these 6-7 years, either 3000 or 600 died. and
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so they count more than a million in iraq. this is the memory they left. we must not forget that today the united states of america tried to turn iraq into a showcase of democracy in the arab world in the 2000s. that’s exactly how they built their strategy. and as a result, a very important thing happened: they essentially strengthened the foundations of islamic fundamentalism. this is a very important point that also needs to be looked at and studied from the point of view of that influence. i think that sooner or later they will have to remove the bases from iraq in syria, i remove, because the united states is plunging deeper and deeper into this middle east crisis, you understand, the houthis have even faded
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into the background, they have begun to strike at... iraq, it is striking at syria, voices are already being heard in egypt, which is not bad in general, at least suspend diplomatic relations with israel. netanyahu, for his part, rejects any, so to speak, peace initiatives, what hamas proposed, this three-stage truce over four months, in principle it is not bad, and i remember that in the past israel years are like this. accepted the offer, released women and children from their prisons in exchange for the release of hostages, now all this is rejected, the americans are not stopping, i think that sooner or later they will get another intifada, well , the gas tragedy continues, the number of people who are now in there are 2 million people in a state of humanitarian catastrophe, 93%
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of the population are starving, now, according to plestin. continued military pressure is a necessary condition for the release of the abducted. surrender to delusional demands hamas will not only not lead to their release, but, on the contrary, will provoke a new massacre. this will lead to a serious disaster for the state of israel, which none of our citizens will agree to. as for the day after, i would like to clarify again: the day after is the day after hamas, not part of hamas,
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not half of hamas, all of hamas. today i told secretary blinken that... once we topple hamas, we will demilitarize the gas strip forever. history has already proven that there is only one force that can guarantee this state of israel with the help of idf security forces. we will act in gaza as necessary, when necessary, to ensure that terrorism does not raise its head again. civil control of gas cannot be carried out by those who support terrorism, finance terrorism and raise their children in the spirit of terrorism. vabank, he's going to abank. absolutely because of the internal situations there, of course , too, because he simply has nowhere to go, he needs it, and he will be demolished if he gives in, and he thereby the americans in fact, he sets an ultimatum so that they already , they cannot abandon him completely, however, it will be, well, worse than leaving afghanistan, well then israel, after all, this has always been his main instrument in the middle east,
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zutslang, i think so, for the united states, and... there will be peace when, in this whole situation in the united states, it is absolutely clear, completely wrong, well, to exclude the americans from the current dialogue on resolving the regional problem. situation from my point of view it is possible, these are all the visits blinkin, which begin with a propaganda campaign that he is coming in order to resolve something, on the one hand they end with nothing, but on the diplomatic front, on the military front, after each of his visits there is an aggravation, because they can’t do anything positive they can, but they are stubborn and trying to keep it in their hands, so the day after is not the day after hamas, it is the day after the americans, yes it works. i agree with you, vyacheslav alekseevich, with your skepticism that you showed, they will rest in iraq, in syria, sooner or later, i agree with the exact general, with yevgeny petrovich, that they will leave,
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but they will definitely rely, and as long as they resist, all this madness will continue, but on the other hand, it is quite obvious how they are how naked the king is this hegemony is already collapsing , because before, before... the americans told everyone that without us it would be worse, but now everyone sees that with them there is just a complete, complete catastrophe, these are the figures, the humanitarian, terrible figures that you cited , they terrify us, they terrify the countries of the so-called the world majority, but they do not terrify the americans at all, so you said that the victims in iraq are more than a million, these are victims only of the war, already when the americans sent troops there, and before that there was a sanctions blockade of iraq.
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that you can live with each other absolutely in peace, but where the americans appear, problems begin there, without the americans, of course, there would not have been the current special military operation, the tragedy of the ukrainian people, there would not have been those victims who... there now it multiplies every day, it wouldn’t be tragedy of the il-76 shot down by an american patriot missile, today in orenburg they said goodbye to the crew of the heroic crew of the il-76 aircraft, our pilots fulfilled their duty to the end, as our fighters, our pilots and pilots did their duty during the years... of the great patriotic war, the film is air, you can still see about it, this is a movie that was shot by the outstanding director alexei german
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jr. on the highest emotional note with the highest performance technique. the film is worth watching, to watch on the big screen, and this opportunity. while we have it we won then, we will certainly win now, because our cause is just and victory will always be ours. we give the floor to the news, the big game will return at 23:00, don't miss it. hello, evening news on channel one, andrey ukharev with you. updated strategy of scientific and technological.


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