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tv   Proekt Tsivilizatsii  1TV  February 8, 2024 7:55pm-9:01pm MSK

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in general, everything is very relevant here, let's go, every fourth. man on earth is a muslim. islam is a strong and viable religion. 2 billion followers devoted to their faith passionately and selflessly. islam is felt by them as the basis of life, as the measure of all things. the muslim belt stretches from the balkans and north africa to indochina and indonesia. and islam has been a traditional religion in our country for centuries. islam is us too. the world of islam is a world of high culture, peace. ancient civilizations, today
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about islamic civilization. islam appeared relatively recently, about one and a half thousand years ago. this religion has had a huge impact on the course of history and the modern world. it is very difficult to name a state where there are no muslims, as such, except the vatican. the core of the muslim world is arabia, with the holy cities of mecca and medina. the islamic world has a rich history. it’s not that she didn’t deny islamic civilization.
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islam exists in the form of several directions, different currents, this is normal, therefore it is polyphonic and so it exists at the same time as one and diverse all over the world, where is islamic civilization heading and what place will it take in the new world order?
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saudi arabia, mecca, 2023. from june 26 to july 1 , the hajj, a pilgrimage to holy places, continues in the main city of islam. every muslim tries to visit mecca at least once in his life. almost 3 million pilgrims come here during the annual hajj. it is impossible to speak, there are no words. this was my dream. finally, allah almighty gave me such an opportunity. of course, words cannot describe this at all.
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the kaaba is the main shrine of the muslim world. according to the teachings of islam, this is the first mosque on earth, which was built by adam himself. there is a black stone built into one of its walls. scientists believe it is a meteorite. for muslims this is the israel stone. it was once dazzlingly white, but then became darkened by human vices. “i know that it is just a stone, and it
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can neither help nor harm, but if i had not seen how the prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, kissed it, i would not have kissed it. however, it is not only the holy sites of islam that make saudi arabia one of the key islamic countries civilization. saudi arabia heads the gulf cooperation council, which includes six countries. gasoline in saudi arabia.
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and in fact, an informal alliance was concluded there between the united states, powerful, almost a superpower, and the backward, deserted, impoverished kingdom of saudi arabia. the united states helped the arabs, of course, for their own benefit, but they did not lose out. without large investments, but... thanks to the help of western oil monopolies, they were able to create their own oil industry, and at first they received royalties from western companies for the oil that they pumped from their depths, and then by 1980 they nationalized western oil companies.
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recently, saudi arabia has increasingly emerged as an independent center of power. for example, in march 2023, elriad agreed with tehran to resume previously severed relations. moreover, both sides stated that they intend to independently ensure security in the persian gulf region. in terms of living standards, saudi arabia, like several of its neighbors, is significantly ahead most countries in asia, but the arabian peninsula is one of...
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marrakech is the ancient capital of morocco, a city with a million people, looks quite european until you get to its old part, medina. medini, marrakech is about a thousand years old, merchants supply drinking water for customers, it is free, but here it is written, may god bless the parents of those who put water in the path of big and small people, do not fill the bottles, drink and go in peace, this is one of rules of the oasis. islam influences the entire life of the moroccan population. malelnye there are rooms at every gas station. religion is our life. we can have a mosque in the same place where children run, play
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football, play sports, sell coffee and eat in a restaurant. islam and its. tuts are organically integrated into everyday life. today, many muslims resolve civil disputes not in the courts, with the help of muftis, senior clergy. this is what happens, for example, in the chechen republic. we deal with family conflicts and family reunifications and blood reconciliations. sallah mizhiev - not only the mufti of chechnya, but also an adviser to the head of the republic. when making a decision, he takes into account modern realities and is still guided by shariah norms. this set of rules appeared in the first centuries of islam. how
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to pray, how to fast, how to perform hajj, what is forbidden. what is permissible, how should one marry according to the religion of islam, what is sharia, how should a muslim live? correctly according to the laws, according to the canons of islam. for residents of some countries, such as saudi arabia, compliance with religious laws comes first, all citizens are considered muslims and must follow sharia law. the ministry that is responsible for this, it is called the ministry of islamic affairs, and also preaching and education, for a long time there was also a morality police, sharia courts. it was in mecca of arabia that
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muhammad was born. he belonged to the quraish tribe, an influential arab clan. the future founder of islam, until the age of 40 , was engaged in a completely traditional business, trade. mentioned several times in the holy scriptures, the qur'an suggests that he was a historical figure, a historical figure. after ten years of struggle, muhammad came to '. he created a state that began to expand rapidly. the disputed territories between byzantium and persia, what we today call the middle east, the arab middle east, they were the first to become part of the new state. some minorities in the territories they conquered went over to their side, for example, the jewish communities, which were sometimes persecuted, in some cases they went over to the side of the muslims. here. byzantium in the 9th century arabian troops invaded
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to italy, captured sicily, besieged rome. islam was just beginning its march around the world. we will talk with our guest, the founder and artistic director of eterno music, the outstanding conductor teodor kurendis. what is the task: to bring the audience out of a state of comfort. this is not comfort, what we are looking for, how can it be comfortable when you always want to create new, new and new, new, in general, mortier is not the one who created brilliant performances, what he did, he discovered this border. gerard martier, a legendary figure, i think, who played a huge role in your professional life , i talked to him for 15 minutes, he wrote text messages, maybe he...
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chow, i'm speed, children recognize me right away so call me, call me, i've
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covered so many quails , but everyone knows that i just call me, call me, well, because it ’s brilliant, come to your senses after the shock, and then answer my question, of course, only i can do this, no one else, the route has been built, don’t forget we should put a rating in the application, i’m arriving, i’m somehow on it was possible. nikolai eremenka hands over the lotus. a client with a cargo of opium is heading to vladivostok. the first soviet action movie. man overboard on the left at a heading of 30. full back, record holder for
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the number of spectators, clearly worked, baby , what are we going to do, ivan ilyevich, fight, a real blockbuster, a forwarder in our hands, russian captain, you talk as if you have a choice , there is always a choice, for example, to die with honor, and at the same time end with... pirates of the 20th century. on sunday on the first. seryozha. morocco, casablanca. hassan ii mosque. the most high in the african part of the islamic world.
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the arabs brought islam to morocco in the 7th century. today in the country.
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ayub brought his only wife from russia , my mother loves me so much, and my sister also ayub, they asked me, do you want to add a clause that he does not have the right to marry a second wife, i say, yes, this is written in our marriage, in contract in the seventh century, islam came not only to africa, but to the territory of modern russia. to one of the oldest cities in the world, derbend. in 643 , while the companions of the prophet muhammad were still alive
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during the reign of the second righteous caliph umar bin khattab. here is derben from this moment. becomes part of islamic civilization, the islamic world. juma mosque, the oldest in the entire former ussr. above the entrance to the duma mosque there is an inscription in arras: min amin, which means enter this mosque. in peace,
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another important center for the spread of islam. became the volga region. in 922, the vorzh bulgars converted to islam on the territory of modern tatarstan, part of bashkartastan, the chuvash republic, saratov. it's huge state, not only within tatarstan, the entire region, the entire european part of russia, before the conquest of ivan the terrible, kazan and astrakhan, it is part of the muslim civilization. islam is the fastest growing religion in the world. according to recent estimates, the number of muslims and christians will be equal by 2050,
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but it may happen earlier. in western europe they are all empty, in america they are all empty, they are sold under the hammer. i visited dozens of churches in amsterdam, hamburg, munich, and france. and many of these temples sold to muslims and converted into mosques. the revival of islam is taking place in the countries of central asia and the former soviet republics.
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and mosques, then under his grandson ulukbek it also became the center of world science. in the observatory at lucbek, by the middle of the 15th century, 100 years earlier than in europe, they compiled a catalog of the starry sky, in which more than a thousand celestial bodies were described. local libraries have two. the great poet and scientist omar khayam studied science for years. we all remember omar khayyam that he was not only a writer, a poet, but also of course, first of all, a great mathematician. in general, markhayan, from the point of view of persian poetry, is not even considered among the top five great poets; he is better known as a mathematician. the flourishing of science, literature and philosophy was a distinctive feature of the islamic world. when charlemagne in the 9th century was difficult to find. frankish empire, several literate people, at the court of abesitsky, caliph mamun, discussed the works of plato, aristotle euclid,
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the structure of the earth's crust, luminaries, measured the circumference of the earth, and produced paper. by the way, the first european paper mill will appear in italy only in the 12th century, and under haruni al-rashidi and from the 1001 nights, this is the 8th-9th centuries, a house of wisdom was created in baghdad, which... became the first largest public library educational institution, the arabs became to create higher educational institutions of madrasah, where, along with the koran, sciences were studied, which became the prototype of european universities, and from the arabic behakke revaya, by right of tradition , comes from the word bachelor. it is very easy to become a muslim: a person of any culture you just have to say: the testimony of faith, shahada, can be done in your native language, there is no deity except allah, and muhammad is his messenger,
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historical islam is very predisposed to its acceptance, because its main dogmas, they are very simple, they are simple, attractive, then it goes on everything is very complicated, but this is the next stage. at the brix summit, which was held in august 2023 in johannesburg, south africa, countries opposing the pressure of the collective west decided to join the association. alone, it seems to many, not very good they see in brix that they can easily resist such pressure. initially, the abbreviation brick
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denoted four countries - brazil, russia, india and china, then south africa was added to them. there are now almost twice as many members in the brix union, including iran. the islamic republic occupies a special place in this part of the world. state. has been opposing the west for more than 40 years, following the results of more than 40 years of the most severe sanctions, the islamic republic of iran still produces everything, buys everything, it has everything, who has been to iran, will say that i’m not lying, they are the first in the world in terms of drones, they present... hypersound, you know, they have fighter jets, tanks, any type of weapon, yes, they stole it somewhere, yes, they copied it somewhere, yes , something was cheated there, in the end it turns out no worse, or
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even better, much cheaper, very effective. for most of its history, this power was called persia. even before our era, it played a key role in the east, its kings. and darius went down in history as great rulers. in the 16th century, the future iran became part of the islamic world, while actively interacting with christians, especially russians. at the beginning of the 20th century, until 1917, the personal guard of the persian shah consisted of russian cossacks. there was a cossack brigade under the command of a russian officer, which was the shah's personal guard. this means? this means that the shah of persia trusted only the russians, and he trusted the most precious thing he has, that is, himself. until the end of the seventies
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of the last century, the country remained... considered a close ally of the united states, but in 1979 a revolution took place in iran, a new spiritual power rejected the values ​​of the west. the ayatollahs came to power, proclaimed the creation of the islamic republic of iran and began to build a state on the basis. koran, sharia. 43 years of theocratic power have transformed iran from a western vassal into an independent and quite important player in the political life of the region. trump pursued a policy of maximum strangulation of the economy of the islamic republic of iran. did this lead to anything? it didn't lead to anything. trump is gone, but iran is still there.
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the world demonstrates growing independence, political weight and largely solidarity with our country. turkey has become one of the main centers of trade and economic transport relations between russia and other states. iran has become our most important partner in the economic and military-technical spheres. our countries are jointly developing the north-south transport corridor. the gulf state has expanded its partnership with russia.
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together with russia, they took measures to balance energy markets within opec plus. in december 2023, putin was enthusiastically received at the united united arab emirates in saudi arabia. and the russian-iranian summit was held in moscow. you can handle this, only in the program you can live healthy, a unique chance to ask questions to the best dentist in russia, without him there will be no children, where can you find manganese? high homocystrine, does this affect anything? year of the dragon, how to make a wish come true? tomorrow.
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on the first, call me, call, well, what do i look like, lord, in the morning, very charming and attractive, sit down, i’m glad to see you, i didn’t look like an artist, of course, now it’s very similar, company services, payment through the company. the artist was working, i’m not in a bad mood, it rarely happens, and then i’ll say, i’m in a bad mood, i’m already starting to cheer myself up, for irina muravyova’s anniversary , the cuckoo cuckoo, i bought a hood, put on the cuckoo hood, as if in the hood he laughed, carnival , that's the kind of girl i am. on saturday on the first. hello,
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lyuba. i'm back. and they said about kentis maktunovsky that his genius was on the verge of madness. or not to be. that is the question. the famous hamlet in life was a principled, intractable person and had a complex character. i turned the entire theater, the entire troupe, against myself. no one is with me anymore. didn’t say hello, they didn’t want to work with me, rehearse with me, our exclusive children of a genius about themselves and their fate in the shadow of a great artist, we starred in several films together, my brother philip was afraid of comparisons with his father, just wonderful, i wish you creative success tomorrow too, he wanted less attention, less of this fame, he didn’t need it, he probably had to somehow abstract himself from it anyway, not to play like that dad, who was helped by a famous surname, who
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was destroyed, exclusive. with dmitry borisov, premiere on saturday on the first. today, for the first time , a unique spectacle awaits us! his name is obrek. i said that i would bring the best fighter. volodya ignatiev, afghan, sapper, such a guy. this is my money too, and i want to fight for it. reed, what are you doing? i don’t know, it’s some kind of premonition. girls, i deceived you, there will be no concert. you promised us 40 dollars. these are our girls, i ’ll put them all here now. and he will kill you, well hello, jaeger, she’s nobody to you, why did you get involved in this, it’s him, the one who saved me,
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you’re nobody to each other, this is chechnya, we can’t do that, well, tell me, soper, whose path you crossed, i can’t live without him, doomed, the premiere of the serial film. on sunday on the first, this is my wolf , what do i want with it, let me do it, go away, let me buy it from you, muslims believe that the koran has one author, unlike the bible, in the creation of which many people had a hand, the koran - this is a great holy book that...
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abdullah is a refugee from iraq. he's knows from his own experience what the struggle between two currents of islam is like. for example, saddam hussein was a sunni, and
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only sunnis worked in his government. ministers, military men, he did not allow the sheets to exist in peace. in 2003 , the united states of america invaded the country, without un sanctions and under a flimsy pretext. after taking over iraq, they used religion to divide nations. when the war in iraq began, the shiites united, they had power in their hands. the americans found people who were sheetah and iraqi in origin but had grown up in america. these people came from america to iraq, they received administrative positions, and a shiite became the president of iraq. over the past decades, the united states has tried to independently rule the greater middle east; for more than 20 years it
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fought in afghanistan, from where it had to flee shamefully, but hundreds of thousands of afghans were killed. american aggression in iraq turned out to be another epic failure, but up to a million iraqis died. the us and the west have made efforts to destroy syria and libya about the failures of american diplomacy in the arab-israeli issue, where washington clearly stood on the side of tel aviv, they provoked more and more explosions, violence , and another bloody war between israel and palestine. recently, many islamic countries in the troubled regions of north africa and the middle east have shown that they are tired of such tutelage, and the escalation of the arab-israeli
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conflict is perceived as a treacherous attack on the islamic world. for muslims around the world, in particular for muslims in the chechen republic, the most important thing. this is what the holy jihad is now going on against the collective west, which has united not just against muslims, but against... humanity, today i am surprised by palestine, their heroism, their patience, and we pray for them, we pray day and night, that is , we are very worried about what is happening there , that is, especially for children, for those innocent people who suffer.
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against the backdrop of the unconditional support of the united states and the collective west for israel, its long-term battle with the palestinian arabs, the islamic world is increasingly uniting its opposition to both tel aviv and washington. after destruction by idf aircraft of cities and towns in the gaza strip, where tens of thousands, mostly women and children, died. biden continued to assert that american support for israel would be limitless; it is difficult to imagine a more cynical miscalculation by washington; after this, all 2 billion muslims only strengthened their rejection of the united states.
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southern spain pomegranate, former capital of the emirate of the muslim nasrid dynasty. the islamic world had its own renaissance, it began almost half a thousand years earlier than the european one, 3 centuries after the fall rome. the muslim world, it took this place of the roman world and byzantium, developed the received heritage further, and then passed it on gradually over the centuries, through... spain, italy, transferred to europe. just
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a few decades after the arab invasion, the arabs brought the greatest wisdom to these lands, namely algebra. algebra, what is algebra? the arabic word is aljabr. aljabr - multiplication, achemy, alkymia, name of alkymia. even alcohol, as we know it, alcohol is everything that begins with the letter al, it is a certain article. alcohol, kogul is translated as a decrepit person. what makes a person decrepit. the islamic world not only preserved the knowledge of western civilization, but also developed the technologies of the east. compass, gunpowder, printing. the paper was borrowed from china. they calmly transferred this innovation to the territory of the caliphate, started producing it, and then distributed it throughout the world, including europe. it's the followers. islam began to create higher educational institutions, madrassahs, which would later
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become the prototype of european universities, and arabic numerals made a real revolution in mathematics. europe resisted this for many centuries, but did not want to accept it. what is the advantage of this system? the fact that there is a zero there is not the case in roman numerals. that is, this is, let’s say, such an elementary thing. we rethink it as an achievement of arab civilization. ibn sina, known to us as avicena. why is ibn sina avicena called the second teacher? who's the first? the first aristotle. and he is called the second, because he, as a muslim scientist, is completely commented on all the works of aristotle. ibn sina, author of five volumes. all educational institutions
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in europe. the popes themselves were personally educated at the islamic universities of granada. this is a known fact. and therefore , some of the very first translations of the koran into latin appeared in spain. century , the muslim world got a second wind, the ottoman empire flourished, the heir of which is modern turkey. turkey -
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turkey is the only nato country that not only does not curtail, but also expands ties with russia. the politics of turkey, not only today, but throughout the entire history of turkey, is characterized by the non-linearity of this policy and the desire to constantly earn extra money.
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and the caliphs lasted 623 years, but after the defeat in the first world war, the empire ceased to exist, and turkey arose from its remnants. mustafa kemal ataturk stood at the head of the new republic. there is a comparison between mustafa kemali ataturk and peter i.
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this is a complete reshaping of the lifestyle, this is a rejection of traditional turkish clothes. esok and wearing european clothes, introductions to everyday life, and a rather harsh introduction for violating this law, some people were executed. the reforms of the first president of the turkish republic affected not only the social structure, but also the economy. everything contributed to the very rapid development of the country by the thirties . turkey has taken third place in the world in terms of industrial development. the situation in turkish society was greatly affected by the abolition of sharia law. since then, islam in this country has been called secular. 2.0 m above sea level, camp on the slope of mount shalbuzdak, 10
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km from the russian-azerbaijani border. according to traditional beliefs, zdak is a sacred mountain; they say that seven ascents to it are equivalent to a real hajj. in the middle of the camp there is a pyramid of stones. it is believed that if a woman leaves a scarf here and makes a wish, it will come true. once fatima shekhamirova also left her headscarf because she was worried that her daughter-in-law had no children. i came up here and had two wonderful grandchildren. the almighty to me. if he lets me, i 'll bring it up here again. for the official representatives of islam, worship of this mountain nothing more than a tribute to folk traditions.
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really, food? that's right, it's space food. you can’t immediately say that father and son, who are also keenly interested in soviet cosmonautics, belong to the family of monarchs. yes, mr. al-rahbi himself emphasizes that he is ordinary, just like everyone else, even the nephew of sultan aman. our family is simple people, everyone minds their own business and respects each other.
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sultan amana has absolute power in this country in the southeast of the arabian peninsula. he is not only the first person of the state, but also the head of government, and also minister of defense, foreign affairs and finance. sultan heysham enjoys nationwide popularity. qaboos bin said ruled oman for 40 years, coming to power in 1970 with the help of a bloodless coup and began the fight against corruption. what are the features of this particular sultan? he personally dealt with the issues and it turned out that there was corruption.
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therefore, aman has become the most dynamically developing state over the past 40 years, starting from 197. like several neighboring countries, prosperity here began with the development of rich natural resources, but the ruling dynasty has long thought that oil and gas will someday run out. dubai has already fallen out of favor, but the rest are moving in this direction, but...
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on purpose, so that i would not perform this, he was assigned to dance not the prince in the swan lake, but the evil genius, he managed to turn
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his part in such a way that people admired the evil one genius, the big theater is home, this is my skin, i was constantly tempted to betray, the speed of knocking is faster than the speed of sound, everyone is knocking, i was promoting the mafia in the dining room 2 years, a gang worked there. the present, what kolya experienced as an artist, rarely happens to anyone on this earth, wow, this is serious, they clearly pulled it off, stand there, arina, they wanted to get a bow from me, they can kill me, well, it’s unlikely that they will succeed, for nikolai’s anniversary tsiskaridze , on saturday on the first, my train always goes forward, fortunately towards the light, name the great russian commander who...
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on saturday on the first, some say that the architecture of your shanghai will not surprise you, just wait until the evening and you will think that you got into the city of the future, who is in chinese family is the main thing, many of us are raised by powerful women, so we end up finding a copy of our mother who controls us, how young people in china have fun, we can go to the movies, stand-up comedy, or can we? just stay at home, cook food, watch a movie, it’s a pity, my girlfriend doesn’t like video games, so she won’t let me play them, i
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said everything correctly, my love, don’t let him play, well done! hello, how are you living in retirement, my best time, if you want you too, at 72 years old, to not have any pain, every morning dance in the park, the lives of others, premieres sunday on the first, mosques may look different, but each of them has a mikhrap, a niche in the wall indicating the direction of mecca. we will find the same mihrabs in the mosques of bashkartastan and tatarstan, adygea and karachay, circassia, kabardino-balkaria and the chechen republic, ingushetia and dagestan, in a word, in all russian regions with a predominant muslim population. we
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must understand that this is part of us. this is the traditional religion of the russian federation. juma mosque in makhachkala. juma - in arabic - friday. it is on this day of the week, during evening prayer, that there is a maximum influx of believers. the new mosque could become the largest in europe. it will be part of the future spiritual center named after the prophet issa, that is, jesus christ. there will be two fountains right in the mosque, in general it used to be made up of three fountain blocks, but we decided to make the first one of the fountain blocks here and there will be a winter garden inside. the first stone of the mosque was laid in 2015 . the uniqueness of this mosque is that it built with public funds , built by the people, this is what we see here,
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there are more than 500 columns, each column is... named after someone, some school, some tukhum, some pensioner, people , the districts are queuing up to get here, to come to work. muslims of makhachkala throughout dagestan also consider the future mosque as an educational center. who is a true muslim? a person who does not harm either by word or deed, is morally educated, knows these cultures, adats, traditions. afghanistan, this land cannot be named hospitable to invaders. no one has ever been able to conquer the afghans, and it is not for nothing that afghanistan
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is called the cemetery of the empire. the last attempt was made by the united states. for 20 years, from 2001 until their shameful flight in 2021, they bombed afghan cities and villages. during this time , more than 100,000 civilians died, everything as stated.
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american and friendly intelligence agencies for the purpose of fighting the soviet union in afghanistan. the operation was personally coordinated by cia director william casey. the mujahideen forces were initially led by abdullah azzam, but then leadership passed to osama binladen. at least 15 thousand people passed through the arab expeditionary force in afghanistan, but when they returned to their countries, they discovered that there were muslims there too who did not live according to sharia and...
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in a word, the death of a saudi from a very rich family, saudi entrepreneurs, moreover , osama had... close ties with american intelligence, with the cia, which operated in afghanistan. when the united states survived a plane attack in september 2001, the search for the culprit did not take long, the american establishment pointed to bin laden and al qaeda. neither then, nor...
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were they made at the residence of osama bin laden, where he was killed. and then a strange situation occurs when he is liquidated, his body, as officially stated, is thrown into the sea, supposedly according to some islamic traditions, that is, the murder happened in such a way that there was nothing to show later, the traces were covered up. soon after officially recorded.
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under the banner of islam, they are not muslims, because they violate the fundamental principles of islam, do not kill a sick person, do not kill a woman, do not kill a pregnant woman woman, do not kill a baby, do not kill an old man. in
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islam, as in many religions, there are restrictions, for example, muslims are forbidden to give money on interest, it was impossible. the penetration of modern knowledge into the islamic
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environment still faces restrictions, for example, engineering professions are unpopular. through my own living example, i witnessed the era of the nineties, when teachers, sheikhs, alems, and theologians categorically prohibited it. year became the first muslim to go into space, and iraqi native zaha hadid revolutionized the whole world's understanding of modern architecture. saudi arabia
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was the first in the world to grant citizenship to the robot sophia. and this happened literally before our eyes not very long ago. and islam looks at what is happening in other religious systems, in protestantism, in catholicism. in judaism, in orthodoxy and so on, in some issues islam is even ready to get ahead of these systems, this civilization has a path ahead on which it is expected to...
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the dalkin system of international relations is going through a period of crisis, well, probably us what awaits is the global creation of some new mechanisms that will ensure a balance of power in the new world. heavy colonial legacy, the policies of western countries, american interventions in afghanistan, iraq, libya, syria, inspired from... today they destabilized the islamic world, turned the arab spring revolutions for a long time , many countries into a source of permanent conflicts, but despite everything, the world of islam is on the rise, the core states of muslim civilization, saudi arabia, turkey, iran, egypt, are the most important centers of power that maintain constructive relations with russia. qatar. kuwait,
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united arab emirates, leads the world in terms of gdp per capita. and the most popular name for a boy born in the european union is muhammad. in the patagonian fjords of chile there are hundreds of kilometers of coastline where no human has ever set foot. machu picchu is a city floating above the clouds, we can be transported to another time. here is the genius of the greatness of real american cultures that were destroyed by europeans, from all points of view, the incas and otstiks were head and shoulders above in a cultural and civilizational sense. today, every brazilian is a little indian, a little european and a little african, and this is what enriches our people. the cuban revolution is one of the most important events of the 20th century, it was led by a group of revolutionaries led by fidel castro and ernesto chegevar.
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america is one of the advantages of the modern and future world order. is there a separate latin american civilization? some believe that no, others are sure that there is a latin american civilization, here it is. civilization premiere, film four. latin america, next thursday, on the first. hello, the program is about the most notable events of this day. with your own mind, scientists new challenges, quality of life and sovereignty. statement by vladimir putin on the day of the tercentenary of the russian academy.


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