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tv   Vremya  1TV  February 8, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm MSK

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latin america is one of the advantages of the modern and future world order; is there a separate latin american civilization? some believe that no, others are sure that there is a latin american civilization, here it is. civilizations premiere, film four, latin america, next thursday on the first. hello, the program is about the most notable events of this day. with your mind, scientists, new challenges, quality of life and sovereignty, statement by vladimir putin on the day of the tercentenary of the russian academy of sciences. duel. technologies in the kremensky forest are led by her
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with the enemy special forces akhmat, what developments besides drones are they testing or taking as trophies? changing of the guard zelensky finally removed commander-in-chief zaluzhny. the secret, obvious springs of the conflict are hidden while the consequences and most importantly - who should take the place? the list includes the election of the head of state, whose names will be on the ballot and what campaign was launched in the west in the run-up to the vote. tomorrow at 7:00 am at the first interview of the president of russia with tucker carlson. even before the publication of the house , not everyone is happy with the american journalist. high technology clinic. which team doctors’ equipment was collected at a medical center in the leningrad region, which has no analogue in the country. today is russian science day. without scientists, for many generations, we would not have weapons of victory and the current strategic calculation. gagarin's flight and discoveries that directly
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influenced global development in various fields. on the day of the tercentenary of the russian academy of sciences, vladimir putin assembled the presidential council, where he spoke about new challenges and tasks. report by anton vernitsky. exactly 300 years ago, peter ii, with the words “stop treating us like barbarians,” signs decree on the creation of the academy. before this , there was no such word in russia. the main scientific institution of the country, now the academy of sciences, then under peter introduced the concept itself. our national goals, to improve the sphere is of key importance for achieving the quality of life of people, for the security of the country, its sovereignty and self-sufficiency. let me remind you that at the last meeting of the council, which takes place once a year, they discussed changes.
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strategy for the country's scientific and technological development, the need for this arose after the start of unprecedented sanctions pressure against russia, the so-called collective west diligently closed all the latest developments from us, while also diligently ousting our science from world markets. this, of course, made life more difficult, but it did not succeed in strangling russian science. many examples can be given, but with regard to such an area as food security, after the actual failure of... in the domestic selection industry in the nineties of the last century, we now have a growing number of domestic poultry farms that breed our own meat breed of chickens, experts know about this, boldly 9, its breeding is a tremendous success of russian scientists and breeders. the very chickens that putin spoke about, actually broilers, are much healthier than all foreign ones, if we talk about their immunity and weight. the breed is a hybrid or scientifically. cross, and this is the replacement
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of foreign broilers in our poultry farms. in 2030, cross smena 9 will occupy a share of 25%. this is 1 billion broilers. another no less grandiose achievement of our scientists from a completely different area. rusatom has already begun installation of the world's first energy complex with closed fuel cycle without nuclear waste. absolutely at its core. new principles and the latest environmentally friendly technologies, both traditional nuclear and thermonuclear energy. we are talking about a project called breakthrough. in the seversk tomsk region there is nothing like this in the world. the newest reactor not only operates in a virtually closed fuel cycle, but also uses lead as an energy carrier. this means that an accident like chernobyl or fukushima simply cannot happen again. lead in case of emergency is not will turn into steam, on the contrary, it will flood the active zone. the reactor will freeze and drown it out.
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in general, the world is currently undergoing tremendous changes in the scientific and technical sphere. it is very important not to miss the moment in order to become a leader, including in the production of new materials. it specialists and so on. after the release of a film about nuclear physicists in 1962, 9 days of one year , thousands of schoolchildren became interested in science in the wake of patriotism. however, according to the president, for full development it is important not only
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physics with mathematics. of course, you need to pay attention to all the subjects that form a full-fledged personality. a patriot, a person who loves his homeland, is ready, ready, and we now know, in today’s conditions, this is important, ready and even for self-sacrifice and so on, but we need specialists in every field, just a patriotic attitude is not enough for for a country to be successful, it needs both, the main thing, according to vladimir putin, is to think about how to show love for mathematics, and for the rest natural sciences from youth, so... in soviet times this was easier to solve, because the party said: it’s necessary, the komsomol answered yes, that’s it, let’s go, which means that in our conditions, oddly enough, it’s becoming more and more difficult to organize, but without highlighting the corresponding resources, administrative and
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financial, we will never solve this problem, it is one of the most key, immediately at the meeting a classic dispute between physicists and lyricists arose, from the physicists there was a proposal to make sure you join. here is our dean of the faculty of arts, gergiev, i assure you, he is an excellent mathematician , you know him well, he knows how to count, he knows how to analyze, make decisions, you said that your, your daughter agrees to take mathematics when entering the law
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faculty, you still won’t talk to her as if as a junior partner, but as an equal partner, then we will discuss the issue, although the idea itself is so promising, misha, mikhail valentinovich, - he reaches out to support, probably wants to, i ’m afraid to give the floor to mikhail valentinovich, because that whatever he doesn't he said, in the end, it will turn out that he is right on any issue, you see, all people, they will decide later, but they will be good hockey players, musicians, composers, if they are accustomed to operating from childhood. a small number of abstract symbols. this dispute would have continued for a long time, but it was necessary to discuss not only the important topic of education, but also the financing of science in general, the pressing issue of purchasing scientific equipment. the minister of finance said that the emphasis will be on domestic producers when holding competitions procurement for ne. just today at
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the government meeting we considered the issue of amendments to the forty-fourth and 2023 law, which provided for the so-called rule of the second wheel, when if participation.
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conversation with chinese president sijinping. some results of strategic interaction have been summed up. one of them is a record trade turnover of almost $228 billion, above the $200 billion mark a year earlier. tomorrow is a spring holiday, a new year according to the eastern calendar. by the time of the special operation, the
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ukrainian military rear is again under attack from our army. the goals are the same, factories for the repair and production of equipment, ammunition depots. in odessa, these are workshops where marine drones are assembled. there is also information about explosions in vinnitsa and nikolaev. the ministry of defense in its report reports the destruction of an american hymers rocket launcher in the kherson direction and the beating of an enemy su-25 attack aircraft in the dpr by pv forces. and a ukrainian drone and eight uragan and alha missiles were intercepted over the belgorod region. and the krasnoliman direction, especially the conduct of battles by the akhmat special forces. limited visibility in the forest due to enemy drones. there are new developments against them. and sometimes a trophy can be useful for reliable protection. report by amir yusupov. another day in the kremensky forest there is a routine exchange of shells, fpv, drones, and drops. from drones, long months of positional battles, the forest is heavily mown in places , there is less and less space to hide, there is an increasing
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risk of being discovered, during the day they practically do not move here, except at dawn, when the fog falls, but in general they change personnel and throw in ammunition mostly at night, at least there are no enemy kamikaze drones in the sky, but there are reconnaissance drones with thermal imagers , he flies quietly, we leave at a pace, in that we are noticed from the air playfully, he worked for 13 years at the uranium deposit, jokes constantly glow at night , there is radiation, when shells loaded with uranium tossed us around, they also all fell apart, go first, nothing will happen to you, guys, everything will be fine, i’m not glowing, of course, everyone is glowing in the thermal imager, that’s how our snipers from the group see the dryers through the sights aida special forces akhmat. drone operators are constantly working
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, shooting with drones. kamikazes are dropping ammunition, they are also aiming artillery, shells are cutting down trees around enemy positions, our fighters call them islands or fields, well, this is the middle of a football field, the most dangerous area, why is a football field, the field is so simply mowed down , all fortified areas are studied in detail. the network of webs starts from the edge of the forest, it moves here, the trenches go up, to the side, to the other side, but even such defensive lines are broken, footage recent attack, artillery barrage, fire from all guns, our attack aircraft are crawling along the trench, they are coordinated from the air by an operator with the call sign husky from the amur group, the enemy is taking up positions. 13 people just take off from their position and run and i just caught them, here lies 1, 2, 3, four. fifth heavy , the akhmatovites have an extensive arsenal, they hit with homemade ammunition filled
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with plastics and destructive elements, for example, an akhmatka, like this one, also not printed on a 3d printer, with factory-made shells recently developed specifically for drones. you can’t come up with ideal projectiles for drops, it’s also heavier, with a modified shank, more stable than a grenade or a vog, and at the same time it dismantles my respect, that is, the factory specialists are not working in vain in general. handsome guys bring quadcopters assembled in russia to the aida group. they have a pretty nice camera, this one is practically the size of our television camera. yes, it will be interesting to see what he is capable of. we are now completely trying to create our own analogues and we have high hopes, we will try. the kremen forest is becoming a testing ground for many domestic developments. the enemy brings his own. now the weather has cleared up, the birds immediately began to fly. what did they say? komikaze passed, another one flew in, or she passed by, but
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they will warn us, or we will hear, we will meet them here. they are greeted with machine guns and machine guns, anti-drone guns, frequency analyzers, rap systems, jammers, they land enemy drones, study them, adopt technologies, or simply use them for spare parts. several work for this field laboratories, but the guys call the starlin internet systems the main trophies. having fought off the opornik, the okhmatovites reflash the antenna and router; the militants, if they find a starlink in some square, do not hit it, apparently, they think they are their own there. i don’t remember even once being attacked by a position where i had one. where he was not there, they threw a bomb , where he is, we were not dismantled, not beaten, not peeled, in many ways it is new technologies that increasingly decide the outcome of the battle, while in development we are outplaying the enemy, the main thing, as the fighters say, is not to relax. amir yusupov, vyacheslav chereshko, dmitry zelvyansky, irina chyuchu and alexey kozlov.
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first channel. news of the hour: 100 russian military personnel are returned from control. the kiev regime of the territory where they were in mortal danger will be flown to moscow for treatment and rehabilitation. 100 of its prisoners were transferred to ukraine. when our fighters returned , the united arab emirates provided mediation assistance, as in the previous exchange 195 for 195 on january 31, the ministry of defense noted. and in kiev this evening something happened that was predicted by many weeks in a row. zelensky removed the deputy, and general syrsky moved into his chair.
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invited general zaluzhny to continue to be together in the team of the ukrainian state, i want our soldiers and rabotin or avdiivka to have a unified vision of the war in the general headquarters and headquarters, i had dozens of conversations with commanders at different levels, i appointed colonel general sirsky, commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine of the armed forces of ukraine, it turns out that the vision of the war coincides with syrsky, it’s interesting to find out what this is paradoxical vision, it was the new commander in chief who first failed artyom’s defense. and then an attempt to counterattack him. the western press has been writing about zaluzhny’s inevitable dismissal since last year, when he said that the situation had reached a dead end. here are the headlines that, given the failures of the ukrainian armed forces, a split in ukraine is inevitable. the most popular person in ukraine has become a problem for zelensky. bloomberg. zelensky intends to announce the resignation of the commander-in-chief
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of ukraine - cnn. politico newspaper claims zaluzhny carried out the offensive contrary to all the recommendations of the pentagon. there was serious friction between zaluzhny and the pentagon about how the offensive should be carried out. it follows from this that zaluzhny was chosen as a scapegoat. zelensky's curators. the pentagon insisted that ukrainian troops make one powerful breakthrough in a direction where staff officers believed it was possible. instead, kiev launched an offensive on several fronts, believing that this would make it more difficult for the russians to send reinforcements to different points. after a few weeks disputes, it became obvious that the ukrainians did not want to listen to advice from the united states at all. they decided that the us military had nothing to offer them. taking into account the kind of figures who came to kiev over the past few weeks, it was a naturally agreed resignation, against the background of the problems associated with the new law on mobilization, which exists with the filling of the armed forces of ukraine, it is extremely
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unsafe to make such decisions, and for me it seems that we will see the consequences in the very near future, and extremely negative for...
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they are making changes at the top, there is an increasingly acute shortage of people in the ukrainian trenches, the soldiers are devastated, exhausted, even those who are well over 50 are being taken away. the new law on mobilization should make service more attractive, give the opportunity to leave the army after 3 years , however, ordinary people do not believe this, they say there will be no demobilization. the washington post conveys the same sentiment of resource scarcity. the ongoing mobilization debate in kiev about the extent to which the country should increase it is causing concern. indignation among the military on the line of combat contact, the battalion commander named alexander said that the companies in his battalion are on average staffed by 35% of the staff, the commander of another battalion and assault. brigade said this is typical for units performing combat missions. another problem is the shortage of weapon ammunition. one commander, whose unit was recently transferred to a new sector of the front,
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said that he received only 10 shells for two galbits. in the dnieper, that’s what they began to call dnepropetrovsk, they dispersed a special-purpose police regiment, whose personnel refused to go to the front in the assault brigade. in fact, they will transfer everyone to its composition, without exception, promising troubles in their service in... one of them for the gunner of the military registration and enlistment office. the crowd beat two women and a girl in orenburg and said goodbye to the crew of the il-76, which was shot down on january 24 from ukrainian territory from the american petriot complex. thousands of residents came to the funeral ceremony. the relatives of the deceased pilots were presented with them today. after missiles hit a transport plane that was preparing to land, the crew did everything to save
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people on the ground, took il away from the populated area. we lost one of the most highly trained crews while performing this most difficult task, i would say, a political task, knowing the potential for exposure to the enemy. nevertheless, he did not show any element of weakness, everything was carried out in accordance with the instructions, in accordance with the task, that is, the crew’s actions can be considered heroic. ukrainian prisoners of war were brought on il-76 for exchange. in kiev they knew very well who on board deliberately went to exterminate their citizens. the tragedy occurred near belgorod. in addition to 65 ukrainians and six crew members, three accompanying people died. ministry of defense. the investigative committee also named the brand of missiles launched from the patriot complex in the kharkov region. russia insists on international proceedings. in america
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, our ambassador anatoly antonov took steps towards the place of weapons production. we captured specific data on the tactical and technical data of the patriot system to the state debt and the white house. they named the specific price of this product, how much one costs. shot, talked about how all this was organized , emphasized the necessary qualifications for calculating this air defense system. by the way, according to various sources, about 80 to 90 people, taking into account the professional skills that are necessary to service the patriot air defense system, i will say that with a large share we can probably say that the crew and crew of the air defense missile system included...
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the movement of american weapons should be controlled by the state department and security department, however, the new york times writes today on the terms... the newspaper's sources confirm that the system was provided to ukraine by one of the european countries, one way or another, there could not be foreigners at the complex. the patriot system cannot operate without the correct indication target, and the indication targets are given exclusively by the nato satellite constellation, based on the bius, bius principle. combat information and control system, this requires a communication channel with satellites, and the communication channel is provided only by an access code, which non-nato army officers cannot have it,
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simply because it is a military secret, so with the greatest degree of probability we can say that the numbers in the petriot crew were staffed precisely by american soldiers, at least at the level of commander, most likely both commander and system operator. and in the case of a terrorist attack on lesichansk in the lugansk republic , the russian investigative committee identified two ukrainian commanders who gave the order. 28 people, including a child and a pregnant woman, were killed when american hires missiles destroyed the bakery. the head of the investigative committee, alexander bastrykin, spoke about the investigation of war crimes in lugansk. another topic is working with documents. we still need to slowly create archival materials about our work. that we can go to the museum of the transfer committee, yeah, create archives of our participation in a special operation, but maybe there are photographs, which means some and little by little such an archive
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is good, then it is used. the kursk regional court recognized the atrocities of the nazi invaders in the region as genocide. during the occupation from 41 to 43 the nazis and their accomplices destroyed more than 200,000 civilians, mass executions, executions of hostages, 157 villages burned to the ground. all crimes are confirmed by archival documents. in addition, direct witnesses also came to court. previously similar processes.
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two applicants. report by dmitry kochitkov. the signature lists of all presidential candidates were carefully checked using a special technical complex using artificial intelligence. handwriting experts worked if it was necessary to confirm a signature, request sent to the ministry of internal affairs. serious errors in boris nadezhdin’s signatures were discovered almost immediately after the start of the check. what's this? this is somewhat written with one hand. the cec found 9,147 invalid signatures, which is 9% instead of the allowed five. among the errors are the indication of incomplete data of citizens and the absence of collectors in the notarized list. the candidate himself did not deny that there were formal errors. the central election commission, at nadezhina’s request, already postponed the meeting for one day. i am now proposing
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to the central election commission. solely to ensure that everything is in accordance with the law, to postpone the consideration of this issue , as i asked for the tenth, it is technically impossible to go through all this with the help of the mechanism that exists, we cannot adapt to the nominated candidate who asks us to leave the regulations , and for his sake, we treat you very well, and you know, for the sake of his beloved, break. order, regulations, your first competitors, and molinkovich and others can sue us for this. nadezhdin tried to explain a large number of errors in signature sheets, for example, a mystical story occurred with signatures from the moscow region. somewhere on the way from our headquarters to the center of the election committee, some very wise person took out these sheets, because my signature was certified there and in a few
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years we will see it at the auction of honeycombs. no, the expected decision, of course, there are absolutely no complaints about the central election commission , there are complaints about the legislators who made such a law that it is really impossible to collect signatures, there are a lot of complaints about the genre of collecting signatures itself people who are not as knowledgeable in the casuistic norms of legislation
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as... dear boris borisovich, who, as i learned today, wrote this law, in accordance with which we act. the cec refused to register the candidate from the communists of russia sergei malenkovich, almost 15% of invalid signatures. we respect the decision of the central election commission of the russian federation, we really, i admit it, both as a candidate and as a party leader, made formal mistakes. the party will call on all russian voters to take an active part in the presidential elections, since you are a party already with traditions, with history, i wish you success, i think that you will continue to build up your political muscles. malinkovych is not going to challenge the decision of the central election commission; he hopes to appeal it to the supreme court. today , the commission refused to register two other candidates, a beauty blogger for the sake of russians and environmental activist anatoly batashov.
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meanwhile, pre-election meetings continue in the regions; co-chairman of vladimir putin’s headquarters artyom zhogo in vladikavkaz laid flowers at the eternal flame and visited the perinatal center talked with volunteers. and this farm, which, in essence , has more than a thousand workers, a livestock of pigs, a livestock of cows, they process themselves, they have stores themselves, they sell their products themselves, well , to put it so figuratively, this is people’s
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capitalism, there are many magnificent farms, but this is exemplary - demonstrative, without attraction. leonid slutsky, who is running for the ldpr elections today in barnaul, visited a research institute, a dairy enterprise, and a shopping center. we will introduce a bill on fair prices, when 950, 970, 930 milliliters grams, on cereals, on dairy products, the buyer , especially older people, do not see this, do not pay attention, it turns out to be a de facto deception, and the single candidate from the new people party, the party of growth vladislav davankov from khabarovsk appealed to the participants.
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to communicate with their voters, following the results of today’s meeting of the central election commission , it became clear that there will be four names on the ballot for the presidential election. dmitry kochitkov, channel one. the west, of course, does not leave our elections alone, channels of attempts to influence were sorted out today in the upper house of the russian parliament. during, that is, the election campaign itself, and apparently after it. the thesis about the alleged illegitimacy of the russian elections will be promoted, now , in principle, all decisions on this matter have been prepared there, using it, various types of technologies, using the internet, other
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information dissemination systems, those who are abroad are precisely under the influence of foreign special services, unfriendly states, they will they are already creating special platforms in order to influence citizens located on russian territory... to help people who are held hostage, it is known that our foreign ministry works through the political wing of hamas, in general there are certain results, we, of course, first in all, we pay attention to citizens
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of russia, but not only to citizens of the russian federation, but to citizens of other countries, including, this applies to elderly people and members of their families who went through the holocaust, and... well, as i already said, certain there are results but i understand, i know that it is necessary to continue these efforts, this is what we are doing, and i wanted to discuss the details of this work with you. after this conversation, bar lazar spoke about three russians in the conflict zone. two women have been released, the son of one of them is still in captivity. deputy head of mit mikhail bogdanov, in turn , confirmed russia’s readiness to provide a platform for negotiations between hamas and israel. countries have sent delegations to the capital of egypt, it will take about a week and a half before the first phase of the truce can start. today israel released 70 palestinians arrested in gaza after a sharp escalation of the conflict, and the palestinian side updated data on losses over 5 months of almost 28,000
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people. an event that in a matter of hours will take off into the world top news. interview with vladimir putin, tyker carlson. at 7:00 am it. the first channel will show a little earlier at 2:00 am moscow time, the american journalist will publish it on the social network x, the former twitter, as well as his own internet resource. in addition, as the press secretary reported.
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translations of what russians wrote about him the media, they make fun of him. i would, of course, like to get acquainted with the translations that clinton read, representatives of which media made fun of tucker, when how significant these media are in russia. carlson is perhaps our most recognizable american journalist. his arrival was covered almost as a visit of the first person, right down to trips to a cafe and supermarket, but clinton was already carried away. he is like a puppy, he is like a parrot, repeating putin’s lies about ukraine. he lies about ukraine himself and broadcasts lies. after it
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fired from so many publications in the us, i wouldn't be surprised if he gets a contract with russian media because he's a useful idiot. but it is also a sign that there are people in this country who are vladimir putin's fifth column. did we understand correctly, clinton says that if an american journalist interviews the russian president, he is a fifth column, but we remember how the day before these same american journalists persuaded tucker’s colleague that they themselves... journalists are not trying to interview president putin every day since his full-scale invasion of ukraine , does tucker really think that we are absurd, we will continue to ask for interviews, as we have done for many years, this, according to hillary clinton's logic , also turns out to be a sign of useful idiocy, and her statement that after being fired from fox news, carlson allegedly only has the choice to work for the russian media. does not stand up to criticism at all. carlson made ratings for fox, producing a top news
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show with 3.5 million viewers. now he has his own website and account on platform x, which gets three times more views. but it’s clear why his opponents are spreading this topic of lost popularity, new york times. while mr. carlson continues to feed the kremlin media with pro-putin commentary for consumption in russia, he has become a less visible figure in the united states since leaving fox news, where his audience averaged more than 3 million people per night, less noticeable, they are probably talking about 100 million views, just the announcement interview with vladimir putin , the argument is weak , but the information attack is coming on a broad front; tucker is labeled an agent of the kremlin, this is probably one of the worst things that can happen to a modern american, this is also a big caliber, the chief strategist of barack obama’s campaign headquarters. when i first heard that tycker was in moscow, i assumed he was there to receive an award, no american did.
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may be worse than an agent of the kremlin, perhaps only an agent of donald trump, but if the kremlin and trump at the same time, the washington post scares. pro-trump republicans are a natural ally of putin on issues of sexual minorities and others. the kremlin has long sought to exploit divisions in american society to interfere in us politics, including through the use of internet trolls. carlson is smart and his agenda is clear. he and putin will work brilliantly together to strengthen the false narrative about ukraine, weaken biden and strengthen trump. writes janis kluge, a berlin analyst on russia, and probably the presidential
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rematch in the usa. a brilliant analysis , but are analysts aware that in the united states itself, after a special four-year investigation , they admitted that the fbi had neither grounds for investigating trump’s ties with russia, nor evidence of these ties, well, that is, it was a myth, or rather a deliberate campaign to denigrate then trump, now according to carlson’s one-to-one scheme. the democrats are trying to use and revive the old card that they... began to play during the presidential campaign of the sixteenth year, consisting in the fact that donald trump is almost an agent of moscow, but this is an american pattern.
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want to know the truth, good luck. perhaps the democratic party analysts simply haven’t figured out the hieroglyphs yet, otherwise they would have declared tucker an agent not only of trump and the kremlin, but also of beijing, for company. grigory emelyanov, yulia zagranichnogo, natalya lyublinskaya, vladimir zaluvsky and kirill danilov. first channel. let me remind you once again that tomorrow at 7 am we will broadcast
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an interview with vladimir putin with tucker carlson. be with the first and don't miss what's for sure will be discussed. vladimir putin warmly congratulated ilham aliyev on his re-election as president of azerbaijan, the kremlin press service reported. during a telephone conversation, the leaders confirmed their interest in developing allied relations and strategic partnerships; in a congratulatory telegram , the russian president noted that the voting results showed high support and authority for the current head of the republic. anatoly lazarev followed the progress of the elections. national flags, songs, dances.
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many international pacts. at the elections more than 90 thousand observers, including international ones, worked. for example, from the cis mission, 169 people monitored the election process. if the global standards for conducting elections were comparable, approximately with the standards that our azerbaijani colleagues provided
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yesterday, february 7, the world would change for the better . openness, alternative voting, complete freedom of information about seven candidates, all this was ensured. this morning there was a meeting between ilham aliyev and the cis secretary general for part-time head of the commonwealth observer mission. azerbaijan, according to the president, will continue to actively participate in integration cooperation. in all areas within the cis, it will strengthen relations with russia as a strategic partner. emphasized that aliyev’s political rivals in the elections recognized his victory without waiting for the final numbers. from the point of view of the work of election commissions, everything is very clear and organized, i would say.
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unique, there will be much more, do not switch, we will talk with our guest, founder and artistic director of eterno music, outstanding conductor teodor kurendis. what is the task, to take the audience out of a state of comfort, this is not comfort, what we are looking for, how can it be comfortable when you always want to create new, new and new, new, in general mortier is not. the one who is the creator of brilliant performances, what he did, he opened these boundaries, gerard
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martier, a legendary figure, i think who played a huge role in your professional life, i talked to him for 15 minutes, he wrote text messages, maybe he played pac-man, so you understand that you are a fashionable darling, mainstream - what do you mean, make sure that they understand everything, they... feel that they are smart, i am in the hall for some wonderful concert, and he calls my phone, i don’t know how to turn it off, it’s like a nightmare, some kind of spanish shame, podcast lab, tomorrow on the first, for the anniversary of irina muravyova, what an artist you are, what artists they are, beautiful, thin, you’re 48 you wear the size, because somewhere there is life.
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on saturday on the first, i wanted to call him sergei, the eldest objected, if she fell in love with nikolai, here is the son, come on, let it be nikolai, he told some stories, memories from childhood associated with his father, and he always felt great reverence for this , both as a person and as a father , and as an actor, he was the life of the party, but he was very lonely , he bought himself a mobile phone, he asked for a second life, he was hiding a second life, there was a very strong
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romance, very beautiful, two decent people met who did not suffer themselves, they tortured each other, he is very kind to his wife, to his loved ones, and did not want to offend and injure anyone, so in general he could not stand this situation for nikolai eremenko’s anniversary. what are we going to do, ivan ilyevich, fight? seryozha, the legendary film pirates of the 20th century. superman with soft skin. this is definitely a puncture. on sunday on the first. hello, lyuba. i'm back. and maktunovsky and i said that his genius was on the verge of madness.
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he wanted less attention, less of this fame, he didn’t need it, he probably had to somehow abstract himself from it , anyway, he couldn’t play like dad, who he helped famous name, who it killed, exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere on saturday on the first. this is the program time and we continue again to the first topic. the questions raised during the meeting of the council on science and education,
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which the president held, were continued at the ceremony in honor of the russian tercentenary. the world's first nuclear power plant, we are the first in space, no stands will be enough to tell about all the achievements, today in the kremlin those who continue to move our science forward are honored, special attention, of course, given to young people. the task is to make sure that talented young scientists can fully realize themselves at home in russia, at the same time no one is closed off from the outside world, our country is open to cooperation, putin emphasizes, i would like to congratulate all citizens of our country on the anniversary of their wounds and of course all the scientists of the country, and i’ll add our foreign colleagues, who, despite all
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the restrictions, prohibitions and barriers that are introduced...
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predecessors, we can certainly do this, by the way, i’m sure you know that in those scientific, technological spheres, where we have significant, unique competencies, our foreign partners, in quotes, as we have always said, do not even try to impose any sanctions or restrictions against us. today they gathered in the kremlin to award the best young scientists, this tradition began in 2008, this year for presidential awards, each worth 5 million rubles. the authors of 200 works applied. olga yakubovich from st. petersburg state university has developed a new method for searching for gold and platinum by helium concentration in the rock. compared to other methods, it significantly saves time and money. the calculation error does not exceed 5%. this is acceptable for such studies. susanna gordleyeva has been studying brain cells, neurons and astrocytes for 10 years.
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they are involved in processing and storage. of course, without close cooperation with other teams, not only in novosibirsk, but also in other cities, it would have been impossible to obtain such significant results, so special thanks to all our colleagues. today vladimir putin awarded those whose the names are known without any exaggeration all over the world. the order of merit for the fatherland
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of the first degree from the founder of scientific directions is high-current. electronics and pulse electrophysics gennady mesyats, the same order belongs to the neurosurgeon alexander kanovalov, he was the first in history to decide to perform an operation to separate siamese twins, he was the first in the country to begin performing brain operations under a microscope. alexander kanovalov recently turned 90, and even today, despite his advanced age, he helps save patients. order of merit in front of the fatherland, vladimir putin awarded the first degree to leili adamyan, the chief obstetrician-gynecologist of russia in medicine , who has been restoring health to women for more than a century and helping them to experience the joy of motherhood, its principle is to cure and leave no traces on the body. she was one of the first to perform unique operations without scalpels and incisions in the soviet union. i am overwhelmed with feelings, a feeling of gratitude and a feeling, i would say, of a real worthy reward for
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our science, which... is the most humane in the world, for our medicine, which is the most correct, gentle, towards the person, for every doctor, our doctors are heroes. fully integrate the academy of sciences into the process of making key government strategic decisions. in this logic , a decree has already been signed on the inclusion of the president of the russian academy of sciences in the security council of the russian federation. and i assume that this will be an informal act. it is also obvious that.
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somewhere in laboratories they are sitting , soldering something, twisting something, burning something, yes, that’s it, the world is open, you can get this and that, but the money needs to be directed to some other purposes, so
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if we want russia to be russia, to develop, to have a future, to stand firmly on its own two feet, of course, of course, we must support both fundamental science, without which there is no future for applied science, and applied research. and we will definitely do this, happy holiday, congratulations on the 300th anniversary of the academy of sciences. anastasia kobuzeva, artyom tikhonov, ekaterina yarovenko, marina eliseeva, sergey romanov, channel one. support for scientists was discussed today at a government meeting. as mikhail mishustin said, the cabinet of ministers will continue to create conditions for breakthrough solutions. particular attention to talented youth. however, the range of issues discussed was much wider. anna kurbatova with details. not long ago we were talking about achieving technological sovereignty; now, thanks to our scientists, we are increasingly talking about strengthening it, despite unprecedented pressure from outside russia.


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