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tv   PODKAST  1TV  February 9, 2024 12:00am-12:46am MSK

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beriho in congress, sometimes it happens that what happens at the end is not at all what was meant at the beginning. from your point of view, it may turn out that the republicans went too far in their demands, as far as it seems likely to you, and 50x50, now many analysts believe that the deal can go through in this form. and there are others who believe that the right, so-called radical wing of the republican party will still not pass this deal, as far as i understand, the speaker, the speaker of the house of representatives johnson does not categorically reject the possibility of putting this package to a vote, but for example he says that... this happens, she will be ready
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to raise the question of the speaker’s suitability for the position held, and if and if this takes place, accordingly, congress will return once it plunges into such chaos, and therefore the stakes for ukraine are very high, and it is quite difficult to really predict any terms or any framework for an agreement. but at a minimum, this is a very sharp political struggle, this is a very sharp situation, trump, of course, is categorically against aid to ukraine, but i think that many republicans, if they are put in a position that, while refusing to help ukraine, that they simultaneously refuse to help israel, then on the eve of the presidential elections, congressional elections, i think, that...
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the supreme court of colorado about disqualifying trump from the election because he allegedly took part in insurrection against the republic, and this is done on the basis of the so -called fourteenth amendment of the constitution, so let's see what this the amendment says: no person shall be a senator or representative in congress, or an elector of president or vice president, or hold... any office
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in the civil or military service of the united states, or in the service of any state, unless he, having previously accepted oath as a member of congress or as an officer of the united states or as a member of the legislature of any state, or as an executive or judicial officer of any state, to support the constitution of the united states, then took participated in rebellion or rebellion against the united states, or provided aid or support to enemies of the united states. here two questions arise, one is very fundamental, and trump took part in the insurrection, he says that he did not take part in the insurrection, not a single court has determined that he was an insurrectionist, there is one administrative judge who decided this, but this is absolutely clear. does not have any force
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of an official already accomplished judicial decision, well, plus trump’s lawyers also use a technical argument, they say that the speech we are talking about people who were officials of the united states, and the president is not an official, he has...
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and the supreme court can, for example, return the case there to a lower court, or generally say in principle that this is not its jurisdiction, so now, if the supreme court still prefers. consider this case, then taking into account the background in other states, we know that only in colorado a corresponding decision was made at the level of the supreme court, in other states the decision was already made in favor of donald trump, taking into account presumption of innocence, given the context that we just discussed, you just read the amendment absolutely correctly, that's correct, yes, we need to know that we...
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the supreme court will overturn the decision of the colorado court and allow trump to run, but i 'm not 100% sure of this, but what i am definitely sure of is that tucker carlson,
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who just returned to the united states from moscow, that he basically came to the united states as a provocative person... in my opinion, unprecedented controversy in america, even within the framework of his rather, let’s say, controversial career, why do they react this way to the fact that he seemed to be fulfilling his duty as a journalist, went to moscow, interviewed the president, i apologize for the expression of a great nuclear power, that what is so impermissible here, but well, look , you have... wonderful footage of commentators from the hill publication, they were also indignant about this, i watched this episode and talked about how we don’t even know what’s in this interview, and we’re already condemning tucker carlson, here i am i think it's coming into effect
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the very same approaches of double standards, because toker carlson is absolutely obvious. this is a journalistic success, to interview vladimir putin, he prepared for this for a long time, and as for cnn, msnbc and other television channels, they were denied this interview, and most likely, american journalists, western journalists believe that mr. carlson’s position is not tough enough on attitude towards vladimir putin, what he might ask. some too convenient questions, or he will be a conductor of the russian point of view, and at the same time with everything it’s worth remembering that toker carlson was the same person who was literally given away from fox news, and it would seem that everything
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had already been given up on him, but he presented a very bright project on platform x, and former twitter, now he has 11.5 million subscribers, and of course, this is an absolute and such a serious danger for , well, from the point of view, probably, of the american media, this is dangerous, because with the help of mr. carlson, some new narratives may appear , yes, the american public may look differently at some kind of problem, especially now the situation with ukraine is also contradictory, there are not so many american ones. actually support the continuation of assistance, so i think that they are afraid that with the help of this interview, american society can be shaken up, and we are in the chosen period and this could somehow affect
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the election process, i think, here this is the most important concern in this matter, i agree with you, it seems to me that there is more here - when we talk about american funds mass media, they are still quite professional, at least many of them are professional enough to understand, well, if you like, in their hearts. yes, unprovoked, full-scale and brutal, russian
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aggression in ukraine, but you understand that of course, if someone wants to interview, use such language, then this is not journalism, this is an attempt to insult, humiliate, and not only the president of russia, but also russia as a whole, suddenly appears here.
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i think such journalists really there is, but we are talking about the so-called hidden censorship, when even in general no one forces you to say anything or give any characteristics, but the person is already in such a frame of mind that he is not able to think more broadly, well, that is, in the american way, if you say yes, it’s outside the box, that’s possible.
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there are many, and i’m even sure that there are quite a lot of such people in the mainstream media, but for reasons that are generally understandable, they don’t use these abilities, but tucker carson does, if you’re right, i’m with you i agree that there are really a lot of such people, maybe sometimes tucker carlson’s good example can be contagious, thank you very much, i hope you will see it soon. again on our air, it was a big game, we'll see you next week,
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once i went to the premiere of a film , everyone thought i was an actor, everyone was equal to... they talked to me, i did the same mission, people are our most important a resource that needs to be protected and actively used as much as possible, so my friends are my motivation, friendship is when you don’t abandon anyone, but with you are friends with everyone, when people trust each other, love each other, appreciate and respect each other, smile at one, the smile will be passed on to another, then to a third, and we start such a wonderful circle of goodness, this is my aunt, what do you call me, tell me? fairy, so you understand, my name is fairy, our
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mother russia, take care of her for your children, grandchildren. i once proposed this task to my students. i gave them the text and asked them to identify its main feature, someone said that the text was too short and uninformative, someone, on the contrary, that it was too long, but they were all wrong. the main feature was that this text was not written by... a person, but by a computer program. hello, today we are gathering our thoughts about artificial intelligence. harutyun nashkhanovich ovetisyan, academician of the russian academy of sciences, director of the institute of system programming, protyrei, pavel velikanov, associate professor of the moscow theological academy, i am vladimir ligoida. you know, as a pre-question, a warm-up question, i want
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to ask you this: what would you call the main horror story about artificial things today? it-technologies, and not artificial intelligence in the real sense of the word, horror stories mainly concern and films are made on this topic, mainly about the fact that artificial intelligence will get out of control, that it will become more
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... neighbors to have something to eat, and he can afford the luxury of sitting in front of the tv, now in games, on social networks and so on, the question is why a person sorely lacks internal immunity in order to resist, counteract such temptations, let’s definitely talk about this, there are just a lot of questions at once , unfortunately there isn’t much time, in principle
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the main answer has been given, but i still want to maybe explore this topic a little. look, alain turing, the famous mathematician, i think, in 1950 or 1951, published his article asking the question: can a machine think, if i’m not mistaken, he then proposed the so-called imitation game, yes , that if there is a leader, a person and a machine, then the leader is given a task, he asks questions to these two interlocutors and must use their answers to determine which of them is a machine, which of them is a man, in my opinion, thuring said that if more than...
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that in the next few years, maximum 10 years , it will be created, from my point of view, this will not happen in my lifetime, and if it does happen, it will even happen, this is a separate discussion, it needs to be discussed separately, because it is generally accepted in the world, by the way, this confirms my words, that the international community thinks so, it is not discussed anywhere subjectivity of the artificial intelligence, this means that after all, everyone treats this as complex, but technology, from this position we need to consider it, if such technologies appear, i , as a person who... is engaged, will see it, doubts will begin to appear , i will share, but so far i have no doubts, yes, i have no doubts now, that everything that is happening now is one way or another very well advanced machine learning with
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its tricks, very advanced, good, and uh, in this sense, of course, we all know that in many places it is very pragmatic to use this, because it was correctly formulated that, well, i don’t know, a manager, a doctor, any person with artificial intelligence will simply replace it. doctor, for example, this is possible because his ability to write texts increases, for example, that is, what do i mean, that there is no need to be tempted because of this, that this is something so incredible, i when you i listened and also thought that when we watch to an unmanned car, but it doesn’t mean that it controls the program just like a person, but there is a completely different principle, what is called driving, you know, this is a very good topic here, unmanned cars don’t really exist, so? the fact is that when elon musk, for example, was asked, what did he say , i have an assistant, that is, there are a lot of experiments with unmanned vehicles, but in the sense that an unmanned car
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drives wherever it wants, and it’s fine, this is not the case, i have been talking about this for a long time now and said that if there is a dedicated circuit, a special environment, whatever you want to call it, technologically, simply humanly, then yes, then an unmanned vehicle makes sense and it will drive , but if - for example, on a city scale. this is not a chess game, where a computer can learn to play with itself, this is not a go game, this is an environment that changes, where it changes dynamically and unpredictably, that is , driverless cars, while this is a research project, i just want bridge the gap, that when you said about subjectivity, i remembered that in 2011, when the computer utson, in my opinion, defeated jeoparde, one of the philosophers said that watson does not know that he defeated giobarde, so i think it's very important. that a person in a situation where he does not have a pre-prepared algorithm, he dives into a certain depth, there is nowhere for artificial intelligence to dive, well, that is, there is no
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spare space from which one could quickly pull up the necessary algorithms to solve this issue, well, here i am by the way, i also remembered this now, i read somewhere that if we compare the human brain with a computer, yes, then we still proceed from the fact that the computer is a deterministic system. that is, under the same conditions, yes, we get the same result, and the human brain is an under-deterministic system, anyway, the results will always be different, so i wouldn’t pose the question here like that, because someone listen, this will start us then, because artificial intelligence is still not everything is completely deterministic, there are some difficulties, but it ’s still not the same, well, you can say so, but still the matter is getting deeper, how to say, firstly...
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it can be studied, so this is some kind of model, it has right to life , has shown its capacity, but we must treat this in such a way that we have a fairly effective tool for solving the problem, now we need, based on the complexity that this technology presents itself, we must manage the risks, make sure that it does not bring harm and used to the maximum, well, as always, in principle, in the life of mankind there was a nuclear reactor, some other complex technologies, but not related to... because now let’s implement it everywhere at any cost, because it’s profitable, well , it’s clear that when you let a person through on the subway, well, what difference does it make, well, even if he cheats and comes in, well, let him come in, it
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won’t affect anything, but if... he goes to a nuclear facility, for example, it’s probably not worth the risk there , and there must also be protection circuits to check exactly what he or she is not him, here it seems to me that world practice is already moving in this direction, the europeans are generally tough, so they announced it at our conference in may, we discussed it, now , in my opinion, they have accepted that they are dividing artificial intelligence into three parts, one some will simply be prohibited, for example, the collection of biometrics in public places, social scoring, the second part will be mandatory. regulatory, well, for example, in aviation, you know, there are strict rules, it’s just that unless you are developing an operating system for aviation from scratch, for example, it’s impossible to certify, that is, quite strict , and there is no artificial intelligence , this is ordinary software, but it is an extremely dangerous zone and , accordingly, the costs of certification for support are sometimes several times higher than for the development itself, we are doing this, so i know this well, we make a real operating system ourselves , finally the third part, when you can
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use it as you want, it doesn’t matter at all... it was based on scientific knowledge, and not because we are afraid of it, let’s go there, if we move away from fears, but in the opposite direction look at the side, these are the main hopes that we can place on the development of this technology, here is father pavel, well , it seems to me that the main hope is that we will have the opportunity to make such a qualitative leap in understanding the depth of formal data processing, even if we
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let's take it conditionally... speaking, there are languages, because today we are all witnesses to how much the quality of translation has advanced not only from modern languages, but also from ancient ones, for example, i do not speak the ancient armenian language there, but today, thanks to artificial intelligence, i can imagine in general terms what the holy fathers were talking about there, interesting for me during this period, that is, a completely new, previously, absolutely... inaccessible to me, in my status, with my level of knowledge, sphere is opening up , which i can already use, plus or minus , quite adequately, i think that, of course, this is a huge help. on the other hand, remembering the story of our seminarians who tried to write a sermon and were then very upset that, in general, not every one of them could write such a sermon that it
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would be guaranteed to pass the teacher's test. that's great too, why? because it makes you think, but i would also add here that we don’t understand how the brain works at all, despite the fact that we have advanced very much, that is, the answer is, what is the brain, is our self-awareness really, how is consciousness in general? such, it is caused by certain physical processes, a chemical question, and this is what they generally say forbade the use of the word consciousness. but on the other hand, for a believer here a completely different perspective opens up, and from the christian anthology we understand that a person without god is not a person, in this sense i really like the image that father sergei bulgakov uses, he says that in a person there is a hole drilled into infinity, so why i really like this image, but the hole doesn’t have its own nature , you know, that is, this opens up, in my
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opinion, but an amazing prospect for such fearlessness in the scientific field, call me, call me, well, what do i look like, lord, in the morning, very charming and attractive, sit down, i’m glad to see you, i didn’t look like an artist, of course, now i’m very similar. “the company serves, the payment is made through the company , i’m special, i’m an artist, i’m not in a bad mood, it rarely happens, and then i’ll say, i’m in a bad mood, i’m already starting to cheer myself up, for irina muravyova’s anniversary, the cuckoo bought a hood, put the cuckoo’s hood on , like he’s wearing a hood with a bag,
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it’s a carnival! that's the kind of girl i am. on saturday, on the first. name the great russian commander who did not lose a single game battles.
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well, it’s understandable, but from the point of view of our huge country, where the population is not very large, this kind of automation will help to master what is now difficult, in this sense, in a sense, it’s even easier for us, agriculture, for example, well, we need to improve its efficiency, automation , this is all connected again with artificial intelligence, because using traditional methods with... it’s just very expensive to do it in medicine, but in fact , most of us just don’t go to doctors , to be honest, well, i have a population i mean a so what we are doing is we are trying to move in this direction and those that screen the population constantly passively, for example through
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the devices that we carry with us, there is a single-channel by now in watches it has already become, and the person should be brought to the doctor earlier, but how it is known that the earlier the diagnosis is made, the better it can be treated. from my point of view, this is not the case. will not lead to the fact that doctors will not be needed, on the contrary, the pressure will be even greater, doctors will be needed more, but the efficiency ratio can increase sharply, that is, if we previously served i don’t know if there are 1,00 people there, we can get 10,000, but more, and a good doctor will be able to convey his knowledge to regions, even to villages, where sometimes there are no doctors, god forbid that there will be a filsher, that is, these are simple examples, and such a lot, in fact, i ’m not even talking about production, where analysis methods have been used for a long time. to what he said that security, trust , who wants to stop this, but to do it i’m certainly not the person who, despite
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this, you need to do it, again, you need to do it so that there is control over it, control doesn’t mean, that usually people understand this, technologically , thank god, we are a fairly advanced country in this regard, we don’t lag behind anyone, so... about the social consequences a little, yes, at one time, like many, i probably read martin’s book ford , the robots are coming, remember, this is the fifteenth, sixteenth year, at least the translation was at that time, i read it in translation, and there were a lot of the same books, it’s surprising that almost all the forecasts did not come true, he spoke about professions that will die away, i remember my friend, who is much more than me in this understands, he said, the driver’s profession has 5 years left, the translator’s profession has 10 years left, yes, but can we somehow responsibly today, yes... they say evidence-based medicine, but it is responsible from this point of view to talk about what really there are problems of entire professions dying out, and that this is unlike anything else, because ford argued that the speed at which this is happening is unprecedented, and never
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a single invention, including electricity there, has ever given such results when we have a negative effect exceeded in the future the possible result, positive, while he was mistaken, judging by his forecast. but are there any risks here? if you allow me, it’s not that i’ll answer, but i can expand your question into a very practical plane that i encountered, and i’m a person from analog childhood, adolescence, youth, and i remember very well that if you had some kind of problem in interacting with some different services, there was always a hotline number, you could call somewhere and after some time you would hear someone alive. voice of a live operator, which would be involved in your problem in one way or another. today there is such an option, it is practically absent, because in most such cases you find yourself switched to artificial intelligence, which asks you
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questions using a very strict, algorithmic method, at some point it simply throws you out, says: that’s it, my capabilities have been exhausted. , that what seemed to be... supposed to make it easier to solve the problem, in the end simply drives a person into a dead end, and you understand that listen, but what’s the point in going there? call if i still probably won’t resolve this issue, well, that’s a stone. yes, but in fact, i think these very issues will more or less be resolved in the next 5-10 years, because now translators are already appearing, directly, you can hang it on your ear and communicate with each other on different languages, i just returned from china, the girl there at the hotel didn’t know a word of english at all, she had a device that she spoke chinese and translated into english, everything was fine, not the other way around, that is, a profession, we communicated with her without an interpreter, she calmly everything is based on...
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technology, quite large resources and a small population, we need to fight to improve the quality of this population, that’s what we need to invest in, in secondary education at school, first of all , in general, so that the population is literate, then they will be able to get involved in all these processes, use them for the benefit especially for our country, where we have , let’s talk about education, here i got to my favorite topic, you talked about some interview that when we had a round table with magim and i think there was mathematics there. gasnikov said that articles are written with the help of a bot, and if i understood correctly, you
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simply cited this as an example of such, well , correct use, but i ended up on some kind of bot, well, in general, he says, we write everything, whatever you want, that means, neurose please, the demo version is free, and i entered a task on a topic that was clear to me, on the topic of my dissertation, neurose generated a twenty-seven-page text very quickly in 3 minutes, well, part of the text was closed, because a student from festekh or vmc brings me a diploma,
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well, i really read this diploma in detail , thoroughly, no, of course, i listen to him , he speaks, i know his knowledge, if his knowledge does not correspond to what is written there, it is still visible, he can order this work, and that before this was not the case in all second-rate universities everywhere, a whole business, well, you think that this business will die, because some of it has appeared, yes, but, but nothing more, that is, if we correctly let's build an education system. this will not interfere, this is again a threat, a risk , but we can manage this risk, and if we don’t have this, then of course, if the teacher himself can no longer distinguish in the sense that the person interviewing him cannot understand, that he doesn’t understand, well then the problem, yes, that’s a different question, that’s why, that’s why i, that’s why in elite places it doesn’t cause problems, because there you either run a hundred meters in the required number of seconds, or you don’t run, and texts won’t help to you, it's... obvious in my
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opinion, the thing, again i’m saying this now on purpose, the problem exists, of course, it needs to be raised, it needs to be discussed, but it is not on the plane that is being discussed, how to make sure that the quality of education in our country increases, do not try to close the gap, because this is impossible, because once again physical people will do this, what difference does it make, but how to make it grow overall, how to make these places appear as points of growth, how to do it, my colleagues and i, when we discussed all the same, of course you more widely and you pose the problem deeply, this one instrumentally.
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the active introduction of high technologies, it makes especially acute the need for the emergence of a non-elite in the sense... as it is most often perceived today, from what is practically crowded out of our everyday language, and there is no consciousness of the concept of chivalry or the real aristocracy, who are they? there is a wonderful study by marina osovskaya, called knights of the bourgeois, where she shows how a knight really differed from a man
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consumption, which has always been, in general, not only in the 20th century. is service, service, of course, a knight is, first of all, service, and service with the understanding that for this service you can and must give your life, this is the norm, it seems to me that all this artificial intelligence, the context is high technology, he simply pushes us to the conclusion that if we do not
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return to the topic of service and do not pose it as , well, the cornerstone topic of human life in general, then we will have nothing to oppose to these technological forces...
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in this case , there will be no more olympic games, we won this competition by knockout, i worked as a guide at the 80 olympics, and sitting at the closing ceremony, i thought, let me do something like this, follow my desire. 10 years since the opening of the olympic
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games in sochi. on sunday,


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