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tv   PODKAST  1TV  February 9, 2024 12:45am-1:31am MSK

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the opening ceremony in sochi is something that will go down in the history not only of our olympics, but in the history of the olympic movement in general. the idea of ​​russia as a magical land in the sky, russia as a floating vision in the clouds. of course, there were a lot of dramatic pages along the way; it was a real test. in russia , things are possible that are not even possible in another country. a discussion of such a scale and level of the opening ceremony, in any case , there will be no more at the olympic games, we won this competition by knockout, i i worked as a guide at the 1980 olympics, and while sitting at the closing ceremony, i thought, i’m going to do something like this, be careful what you wish for. 10 years from the date of opening. olympic games in
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sochi. on sunday on the first. academician harutyun avetsyan, protereus pavel velikanov, i am vladimir ligoido, we have gathered our thoughts about artificial intelligence. look, yuri mikhailovich lotman, what he said: when some kind of technological discovery appears, any, yes, some kind of revolution, breakthrough, which should make life easier, it is always first rejected this is backwards, because, as lotman said , he had, he... in terms of technology and culture, he said, technology had not yet become culture, the telephone appeared, for the first time we can talk without seeing each other, and we we understand, like text messages , we don’t understand, the person answered us, he is upset, happy , he doesn’t care, yes, that is , time must pass, says lotman, for technology to become culture, my question is, the speed with which changes are happening today, even not the speed of implementation, the speed of the appearance of something, but the implementation of what you were talking about, yes no...
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let’s dive deeper and deeper into it, there are already countries where millions of people simply don’t leave their homes at all, i, as a layman , don’t see anything good, from the point of view of these people, they already live in this one that ’s normal for them, and it seems to me that the adaptive mechanisms of man are still not unlimited, at some point, this also changes, uh, does not allow, let’s say, a person to come to god, because there is no time anymore, he is always lives in a comfortable environment, without understanding what he eats hamburger, but not eating.
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it will create a corresponding request for such asceticism, i think we can find exactly the same approach to the cultivation of technology that i spoke about. life, if so, in what cases? i use it only in the case of translation, i don’t use it, due to professional necessity, i of course keep my finger on the pulse, but i don’t use such everyday life, but
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generative artificial intelligence, which will increasingly help us, has its own negative aspects about which little is sometimes said that it can generate... federated learning, but - including watermarks, so that we can uniquely determine, know whether it is - is generated or not, why? because , from my point of view, there is no technology that can accurately determine whether it is fake or not , yeah, literally in september 2003
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, the united states government signed with its five large companies that any generated content must have watermarks so that the consumer can clearly i could tell, yeah, i see. i, as a consumer, have the right to know , i’m looking, is it my neighbor who is saying or has it been generated, this kind of work will be increasingly in demand, and in this sense we are also not lagging behind anyone, one of the countries in the world that has the appropriate
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technologies , we are developing, and it seems to me that this is very important, on this optimistic note, dear friends, i am extremely grateful to you, it seems to me that we have talked about a lot of important things, thank you very much again a... academician of the russian academy of sciences, director of the institute of system programming of the russian academy of sciences, proteory pavel velikanov, associate professor of the moscow theological academy, i am vladimir ligoyda, today we were gathering thoughts about artificial intelligence, fears, hopes about it, all the best. hello, the badanbadyn podcast is on the air, i’m its host, konstantin severinov. and today we will talk about children, about pediatrics, we will talk. our guest is andrey alekseevich stepanov, chief specialist in pediatrics, presidential administration.
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andrey, hello. hello, konstantin. i would like to talk to you today about a few things. as an experienced father, i had a feeling that what the pediatricians said. changes to the exact opposite approximately once every 10 years, and i would like to understand why this is so. you are absolutely right, konstantin, this is generally a problem, i think that the whole of medical science, this is not only pediatrics, the view on many problems, they are changing quite quickly, and what was completely indisputable for us is another 10 or 15 years back to today revised, and we took the diametrically opposite position.
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doctors, excuse me, are in the air? well, in fact, this relates more to
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pharmacology, this relates to genetics, this relates to those processes that are at this junction, that is, precisely due to the fact that we study more of the processes that occur in the body, we have the opportunity reconsider many views that are becoming outdated, replace them with others, then what? concerns the fact that the child should be healthy, and we make every effort to in order to make it so , to prevent the disease from taking over, this is a completely unshakable postulate of medicine, well then i understand that medicine exists here now, and this is correct, probably yes, but what was before or what will be then , well, let's see, as if scientists or doctors will tell us, well, you see, even, let's say, back in the medieval, not even... medieval vecotorian england, it was believed that, let's say, and even in the twenties in
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russia, that a child you need to keep as much as possible swaddled in the swaddle in order to so that he moves his arms and legs less , well, thank god, we have followed the path of common sense and are saying that it is possible to swaddle a child, but only for a certain amount of time, because in theory it is swaddling that is... actually an imitation of intrauterine the child’s stay, when he precisely feels the boundaries of his body due to the soft pressure of the walls of the uterus, when we swaddle a newborn, we actually remind him how good it was in the morning, in connection with this the child calms down, but all this is also good before of a certain age, when he is already starting to get out of the diapers, then of course we shouldn’t instruct him back, maybe then you won’t be able to drive the canvas. you’re driving, that ’s for sure, especially as he grows, he simply won’t fit there anymore, so let’s go back to this
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triad, then so that the child is healthy, after all, this is probably the most important thing, but for parents, well, for the child, of course, too , are there any recommendations on what to do and what not to do, is it necessary to use common sense, are there any innovations in this whole matter now, and regarding common sense, of course , there are no innovations, i urge mothers first of all to skip any recommendations, because unfortunately, well, as you understand, i didn’t finish skipping through the prism of common sense, insofar as, unfortunately, medical the advice is quite strange, and even from the medical environment, starting with the cloakroom attendants of clinics, everyone has quite a lot of information about medicine.
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then advice of a cosmic scale and cosmic stupidity, but in connection with this it is not written, they say the opposite, yes, this is true, but these tips can lead to disastrous results, you often hear that, for example, a breastfed baby may not poop for 10 to 15 days, i want to say right away that no, this is not true, a child should have stool every day, especially a newborn several times a day, due to... you need to be very careful about the information you receive, and even
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better, consult with a trusted pediatrician who can say that yes, this the information you have may be used, and this is under no circumstances, quickly run away from there, but for this you need to trust the doctor, so the second piece of advice is to call a doctor you trust, you need to consult a doctor, show him. the child to the doctor, and of course, based on these tips, as we have already said, our prospects will be the brightest, but children, well, at least small ones, are taken to doctors, well, regularly. or rather, in accordance with some kind of schedule, in this sense it cannot even be avoided, even if i wanted it, usually yes, they must be decreed, they are decreed deadlines when the child undergoes medical examination, that is , is shown to all doctors, when examinations take place, but unfortunately, this is not always observed, so i urge doctors to observe all the deadlines that were allotted specifically for showing the child
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to specialists, what if we talk about schedules and the need for regular visits to doctors? there is also a stage in the life of any child when he regularly receives vaccinations in accordance with the national schedule, completely it’s true, this is a separate topic, unfortunately, today there is still an anti-vaccination movement, i’m not even afraid to call it a movement, because a lot of people are united by these strange ideas, but nevertheless, today the state has paid attention to this problem and.. .at least official medicine feels support from the state specifically regarding vaccination, vaccinations are needed because in the 21st century it is very stupid and strangely painful to watch the death of children or the irreparable damage caused by a disease that
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could have been prevented, which relate to vaccine-preventable infections, within the framework of this movement that you said, yes, children can have serious consequences caused by infectious diseases, which perhaps a vaccine could somehow stop, but on the other hand, there is, for example, the idea that vaccines lead to autism, and we want children to be healthy and smart, and so on and so forth, but we can strengthen the immune system, children can strengthen their immunity, immunity can be strengthened nonspecifically, hardening, this is certainly an excellent means of combating arvi of various kinds, but... nevertheless, the idea that vaccinations lead to autism, they were left in the last century, were proven, in fact, sabotage and malice on the part of the british doctor there, who promoted his ideas and his medicines, he was deprived of his diploma, from there
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it came that this myth is alive, but i’m not making this up, the myth was taken up by the banner, the myth is alive. but in medicine there is a postulate that not everything that is due to this is due to this, that is, it turns out that, firstly, after the vaccine we can really expect an increase in temperature, a local reaction there, but nevertheless, if we are faced with the fact that a child develops cerebral palsy or autism there, this is not the root cause, here it could be that exactly...
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i am yours forever, i myself didn’t know that it was me, but it’s not me, i refused, then i realized, yes, that it was me, but that was a very, very long time ago, tell me anything in that beautiful voice, you don't have enough funds to call, i voiced the wheelbarrow, i gave the fans a spectacle, chow, i am speed, children will immediately recognize me by this, call me, call me, i
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quail so many things, but everyone knows that i just call me, call me. in the patagonian fjords of chile there are hundreds of kilometers of coastline where no human has ever set foot. machu picchu is a city hovering above the clouds, we can be transported to... another time, feel the genius of the greatness of real american cultures that were destroyed by europeans from all points of view, the incas and the ottoks were on their heads
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higher in a cultural, civilizational sense. today, every brazilian is a little indian, a little european and a little african, and this is what enriches our people. the cuban revolution is one of the most important events of the 20th century; it was led by a group of revolutionaries led by fidel castro. ernesto chinevara. latin america is one of the advantages of the modern and future world order. is there a separate latin american civilization? some people think that no, others are sure that there is a latin american civilization, here it is. civilization premier. movie fourth. latin america. next thursday on the first. this is the baden baden podcast, and i am its host, konstantin severinov. today we are talking about pediatrics, and we are discussing this
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very important topic with andrei alekseevich stepanov, chief specialist in pediatrics, administration of the president of the russian federation. autism, after all, is also something that is a pain and fear for many parents, yes, because it is a disease that has now become more common. among modern children, well, firstly, due to the fact that diagnostics have improved, since criteria have been developed that we we call autism, and here we combine a lot of symptoms, a case where there are no healthy people, there are no diagnosed ones, well, in general, yes, in general, yes, if earlier it could have been called schizotypal diathesis or something else, today everything refers to autism and, accordingly... treatment takes place in this vein, but i don’t think that it has become more numerous, i think that it was simply classified, and they learned to isolate it
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from other conditions, so it has developed in such quantities, something can be done about it do, this is something that can be prevented, that parents can , unfortunately, have no prevention, because this is not even a disease, it is often a condition, that is , no actions that could be practically... to prevent music, read books, well, what you listed, do this undoubtedly necessary, but unfortunately, this will not be a prevention of autism, because today this condition includes a lot of genetic abnormalities, which is accompanied by the fact that the child’s reactivity is structured differently, it ’s not that it doesn’t work that way, it -to another works, here of course... this is a separate topic from the universe, this autism can be discussed even better with those who are directly involved in this, but from
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the point of view of a pediatrician, you are the main specialist in pediatrics, we have come to you, the specialist here should to be on autism in neurology, and i even think that not every neurologist will undertake to discuss the topic of autism so globally with details, but genetics, here we live in the 21st century, many say that... this is the last century, it was the century of physics, now we live in the age of life sciences, biology, medicine. there are movements when people offer to do tests, genetic tests for their children , based on the information received, to make decisions that are related to both health and choice of profession, a variety of things, but well, there is probably still a certain commercial motive here , when they start doing genetic tests for everyone indiscriminately, and most importantly then... they don’t know what to do with their interpretation. today we have encountered, well, not encountered, but at least arrived at such a philosophical and medical a concept like epigenetics, when the state
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surrounding a child, both in utero and thousands of days after birth, when surrounding circumstances impose a certain influence on the genetic material. on the genes themselves, when, of course, unfavorable conditions are laid down in the future, including many diseases that an adult faces, this includes diabetes , high blood pressure, and maybe even some mental conditions, today, of course, the condition of a pregnant woman, the condition is not yet a born child and a newly born child. it is, in fact, the root and core of all those pathologies that a child will have as a grown child
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who has turned into... tests, but if the doctor advised this and said exactly what changes need to be looked at, then of course this needs to be done, then there are these indications that are revealed during regular visits to the doctor, what we started when we see each other, when the doctor detects some deviations, well, god forbid, in the development of the child or, of course, of course, the pediatrician place should already determine which narrow specialist should show the child, and already
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the narrow specialist. it seems to me that umbilical cord blood exists , but i just wanted to ask about one more myth, like the idea of ​​biobanking, blood storage, stem cells, if god forbid with a child, even when he has already grown up, he has already become, maybe already parents.
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saved taken away, it will be necessary to protect it throughout the life of the current child, that is, he will grow up, then grow old all this time, this emergency reserve is stored somewhere, and yes, and it is paid for accordingly, every day of storage, and this is the future, you think that in 10 years or someday this will be the case for all newborn children, well, i think it will be, if not for all, then at least the indications are possible. will be broader in this sense and we will certainly be able to use this material again for a larger number of pathologies. returning to the fact that you need to trust the doctor, well, i ’ll tell you more than that, of course, you see, the difference between the concept of our slavic doctor and the latin doctor, yes, that is, accordingly, a doctor is
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from lying, you see. turn it away, but lie not in the sense of deceiving , misleading, but from the original meaning, that is , when to talk, persuade, including talking about pain, so in this sense, when we go to the doctor, first of all it is important to establish contact with him , so that you trust him, and on the part of the doctor, he must win your trust by talking, mostly about... problems, especially among young mothers, they are resolved through a conversation between the doctor and the mother, when we answer her questions, even if they seem like some stupid questions, mothers don’t have stupid questions, they are all smart, there are stupid doctors who refuse to answer them, and you offer to trust them, that is, here it is besides, as far as i understand , in our country now a doctor provides medical services, but it is regulated, you probably better know, in particular, the time
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of communication with the patient, and so on and so forth. konstantin, you are absolutely right, you are pressing on a sore spot, but nevertheless, here i am using, so to speak, publicity, i want to appeal, the president has already spoken about educational services.
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the difficult years there in the nineties and two thousand , when, unfortunately, even talented doctors and scientists left various fields, including medicine, but i hope that today we have already been able to fill it, including the basis of the soviet pediatric school, he allowed us to get through covid with dignity, and i think that in the same way he will allow us to adequately educate, including young doctors, who...
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that is exactly how it should be, that exactly communication between a patient and a doctor gives a better result than a machine filling in all the cells and making a diagnosis, you are not against the instrumental methods of all these high technologies that allow, well, in particular in pediatrics , to more effectively identify certain conditions for which it is necessary to take what steps -measures, it can’t all end in conspiracies, but it’s definitely not. and i am precisely for a reasonable combination of machine intelligence and the intelligence of a doctor. how feasible is this at all, do you believe that this can happen in our lifetime? put into practice, in general, well , the population, people have, well, complaints, not complaints, but
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probably some complaints, in particular about doctors, doctors are people too, they are all different, well, doctors are ordinary people, and i generally think that the percentage... is from pediatrics, but it seems to me that the doctor is like some kind of function, well, which checks with some tables, textbooks, etc. and makes a decision based on objective indicators, this is exactly the way to fight the fool , well, because you
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bring out the personal part, probably the best doctors are not they can show everything that they could, but those who are from fools are probably more, but after all, they will work at least at the same level, in this sense you provide the same quality. and this is even called protection from the doctor’s genius, yes, because genius can also do harm, absolutely, that’s why certain standards were invented for everyone, they proved that this is necessary, scientific research institutes wrote these standards, which everyone is obliged to comply with, which change , we started with 10 times years, they change on the basis of experience, on the basis of new discoveries, that is, they change not because one of the brilliant doctors thought that everything was being done incorrectly. this is the baden badon podcast, i am its host,
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konstantin severinov, today we are talking about pediatrics, and we are discussing this very important topic with andrei alekseevich stepanov, the chief specialist in pediatrics of the presidential administration. i see several useful, it seems to me, lessons, that is , you need to get vaccinated, yes, but there is no need to do genetic tests yet, because you don’t know anything you will find it, if according to the indications. in the maternity hospital they take certain screenings, that is , blood is taken there on a special test piece of paper, it is sent to a special center, where a genetic analysis is carried out for the maximum amount and this is just a medical service, you no longer look anyone in the eye, they just give you some kind, yes, but nevertheless, here in general this is done in... the topic is like any screening, you know, that is, when the coverage
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is maximum, and if suddenly there is some deviation, then they call the patient and look him in the eye, of course, either for a repeat analysis, or are already starting to study in more depth, vaccines, genetics and umbilical cord blood, most likely yes, if possible and maybe it would even be worth expanding at some point, well, in the end, yes, well, and thus we provided. that our children will be as healthy as possible, smart, is there some kind of golden key, we all want our children to be smart, talented, well, firstly, here, too , genetics comes first, what to do not worth it, which cannot be done, to unfortunately or fortunately, we cannot intervene in this process on a global level, in particular, intellectual abilities , the original ones, are given to us, but of course, it is within our power... to improve something, to develop something, which
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will have a positive impact on intellectual abilities, it’s like a talent, yes, which can be buried in the ground, and which can be allowed to grow, well, kids when, if we’re talking about very young children, it’s too early for them to play tennis or do anything else, there as if it’s unclear, they, they can probably do anything, that’s the question what you need to focus on, that is, are there any ways to develop them and create them better?
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centimeters, because the mother’s face when
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breastfeeding is at approximately this distance, they don’t need to look at lighthouses on the open sea, so in fact they don’t need to have such farsightedness, then theater, a theatrical performance is meaningless for him, because that it is somewhere far away, it’s just that, firstly, they don’t focus, and secondly, they simply don’t understand the meaning among this flickering, the best thing for a child is...
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a source of milk, by and large , everything develops in a child as it should, it cannot be accelerated, well, unfortunately, it can be slowed down, if some kind of disease has occurred, this is possible, but it is precisely to force it and so that, like a hero in a fairy tale, he went through all the stages in a year and became thirty years old. well, yes, but there are those who didn’t have time to be born right away and went to get married the next year, there are also a lot of such fairy tales, and so... uh, everything coincides, the motor capabilities of a child, for example, when he begins to crawl, it is in this moment he begins to be afraid and distinguish between strangers, because before he started crawling, there was no point in being afraid, because it’s still impossible to run away, so everything is physiologically justified, well, if everything
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is fine in this best of all worlds, then there ’s nothing to do it turns out it’s not necessary, that is , it’s really, well, evolution, nature, anyone, it’s laid down so that... we all go through a common path of development, but the results are still different, because different people get, you know, specially theatrical performances, maybe there is no point, you need to communicate with the child, you need to talk to the child, the child needs to play really the right music, classical music has a beneficial effect on cognitive abilities, on interneuronal connections, this is all completely proven, there is a separate one, so to speak, even...
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if, for example, the child is turned on to some monotonous noise, low-frequency, there is a hood, a vacuum cleaner, turn on the water, maybe the father’s voice, by the way, studies have also been carried out that a male voice on a newborn child produces a more calming effect, that is, low tones, but nevertheless, if we are talking about the noise of a waterfall, it is the so-called white noise, but all mothers know about this concept, and this is how the child hears. sounds through the abdominal wall, through the wall of the uterus, when he is in the womb, such a monotonous hum, this also calms him down, that is, in fact, all those techniques that are associated with calming the child, they are aimed, as it were, at returning inside the womb, simply, that is, there repertoire, so if we move on to practical
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advice, that is, there is something you need to listen to and what is not needed, i'm afraid that there is a repertoire, it can be found on the internet, exactly what we started with when you said that there are too many sites with different information, there are certainly recipes right there, yes, that you need to listen, of course, what is not necessary, you can combine that you need to listen to classical music, modern music, but personally i would not play it for my children when they were little and now i have a granddaughter, so i tried not to play modern repertoire for her , the problem is that when they grow up and become teenagers, they still start listening to it, well, if this is a problem, they make their choice later, well, i think that they already have... at least a more developed brain, more, at least, well, it continues to develop, it continues to develop throughout its life, but at least at that rebellious stage, it’s probably just normal, so that later it can return to the classical repertoire at a more mature age and torment its children, well, that’s
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exactly what it’s all about, and here are the pediatric recommendations change, we will all be in such sync. wonderful , thank you very much, it’s obvious that the topic is very big, it suddenly occurred to me that another very important thing is artificial feeding itself, but i’m afraid we won’t be able to talk about it now, that’s when you talked about it, it’s very interesting about the fact that the child focuses on his mother, that in his first months he lives in order, well, to receive milk from his mother, but well, well, when we transfer him to artificial feeding, it’s a completely different clinker it turns out, but you are right, konstantin, because any... branch of pediatrics is like a separate universe, you can talk about this for a very long time, and if you think of some kind of series of programs about certain subsections, i think what you and i can cover, no, if you see this, it seems to me that this is precisely the mission.


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