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tv   PODKAST  1TV  February 9, 2024 1:30am-2:16am MSK

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torment your children, well, that ’s right here, here the pediatric recommendations will change , we will all be in such sync, yes, yes, yes, wonderful, thank you very much, i’m obvious that the topic is very big, it suddenly occurred to me, that another very important thing is artificial feeding itself, but i’m afraid we won’t be able to talk about it now, when you talked about it, it’s very interesting about the fact that the child focuses on his mother, that in his first months he lives for this so that, well, what about getting milk from the mother, but after all, when we switch him to artificial feeding, it turns out to be a completely different battleship, right? you are right, konstantin, because any branch of pediatrics is like a separate universe, you can talk about this for a very long time, and if you come up with some kind of series of programs about certain subsections, i think that you and i will be able to cover , if you see this, it seems to me that this is exactly the mission. if
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you need doctors you can trust, then you need to see these doctors and talk to them and hear them yes, otherwise you will listen to something something else, because a holy place is never empty, absolutely, so that would be wonderful, thank you very much, thank you, this is the baden-baden podcast, today we talked about pediatrics with andrei alekseevich stepanov, and the chief specialist in pediatrics, the presidential administration russian federation. you are watching the precious stories podcast, we welcome you all, we are the hosts of the podcast sergei mikhailovich nekrasov, director of the all-russian pushkin museum, ekaterina varkan, author of the most interesting books. which i'm with
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i enjoy reading, including about jewelry, before going to bed; today we decided to remember about the decembrists. on december 14 , 1925, taking advantage of the dual power, a group of nobles went to senate square to express the government’s bewilderment at the state of the empire, to put it mildly. then they were arrested, tried, deprived of ranks, titles... they already went to siberia, and their women, wives, sisters and brides followed them, usually they only talk about wives, but there were brides and sisters, this is also very, so to speak , such an important moment, in in russia, it was not customary for women to leave their men, and there were quite a lot of cases when
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there were quite a lot of cases, quite interesting ones, in siberia even before this famous women’s campaign of 26-27 and subsequent years, for example, in the 18th century the first beauty and the first rich woman, say, russia , shremetyeva natalya borisovna, for her husband ivan the long-armed, also went to bereza in 1730, where they did not find his serene highness prince menshchikov hidden there with the help of the long-armed ones, but she married him when he was already in great decline and then i wrote in my... memoirs that yes, i showed that in all life situations, in love, in difficult trials, i was a friend to my man, there were other stories that were quite well known to sergei mikhailovich, well, of course, yes, if we remember the end of the 18th century and alexander nikolaevich radishchev, who was convicted and sent to siberia for a ten-year hopeless stay there, then it was not his wife who went after him. by
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this time, his wife, unfortunately, had already died, and his wife’s sister, his sister-in-law, and this was not at all welcome, went to siberia children appeared, and despite the fact that on the way back, upon their return, when pavel was the first to cancel this sentence, the cruel sentence of the birth one on the way back, they returned to the estate, rodishchevskaya, then radishchev’s father, refused to even recognize the children. born in siberia, not from a wife , but from this sister-in-law, who also accomplished a feat, and it was doubly difficult, because such a direct family relationship, namely the wife, was not a matchmaker here, this also happened in russian history, in general women in the twenty-sixth year they were already walking the beaten path, so to speak, yes, and there were many examples before their eyes when women supported their... men went into exile and
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lived, gave birth to children, supported, but these nobles, who turned out to be strong, they , too, were not idle people, quite so to speak, well, besides, they were enlightened, of course, but it turns out... they also owned a large number of all kinds of crafts, who could have imagined all this, here is one of the most, so to speak, famous people, nikolai alexandrovich bestuzhev, who is still in in st. petersburg he invented the bestuzhev boat, a rescue boat, he invented the bestuzhev economical stove so that, here he is, a handsome man with sideburns, and so that less.
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see the ring, because it means that there was such a story that the decembrists lived in siberia and quite often got along with local women, and children also appeared, bistuzhev also had, so to speak, such an illegitimate child, who after his death was brought up in the family the merchant
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startseva, therefore had the surname startsev, his name was alexey dmitrievich startsev, child, and he is a russian merchant of the first guild, then he became, it means, preserved, preserved, unlost, and one of them, in general, is kept by you, sergei mikhailovich fondokh of your museum, the ring of our first friend, ivan ivanovich pushchin. yes, this is the ring, moreover , the date is indicated there, it corresponds to the day of his
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birth, so this is especially interesting for us, it is known that ivan ivanovich was really the closest friend of alexandraevich pushkin and...
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arrived in siberia, alexandra grigorievna muravyova, congenital countess chernyshova, alexander sergeevich pushkin’s fourth cousin just brought him the poem “my first friend, my priceless friend,” and it was truly a priceless gift for ivan ivanovich pushchin. but i, for example, really like the story connected with december of the twenty-fifth year, connected with ivan ivanovich with aleksan mikhailovich gorchakov, well, what a bull. gorchakov decided to pursue a career from his youth; moreover, he set the highest goals for himself; they say that he even carried poison with him constantly in his youth,
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i believe that if some kind of failure occurs somewhere, and he cannot take the position that he was counting on, then he will simply die here... such was the highest measure of his ambition, and an absolutely fantastic story happened: prince alexander mikhailovich gorchakov, who behaved very strictly while performing. all the necessary things to make this career, suddenly he commits an act that, of course, could put an end to his entire career, having learned about the events of december 14, he on the morning of december 15 comes to fushchin, brings him a foreign passport, he did all this literally at night, so that he could go abroad and thereby escape from some,
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but we can easily imagine what would have happened to the career of prince gorchakov, which means then his serene highness, and with himself, if at that moment people had come to arrest him, when he was there with a false passport in his pocket, a state crime, and to provide assistance in courage, so he was not afraid, one of the few, again in mikhailovsky to meet with yes, and this of course speaks of that the lyceum brotherhood is not empty words, they were really connected.
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goes to vladivostok, the first soviet fighter, man overboard, left on the course 30, full back, record holder for the number of spectators, well done, baby, what are we going to do, ivan ilyevich, fight. a real blockbuster. the forwarder is in our hands. russian
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captain. you talk as if you have a choice. there is always a choice. for example, to die with honor, and at the same time end your life. pirates of the twentieth century. on sunday on the first. seryozha. in the historical museum there is kept the ring of prince alexander ivanovich adoevsky, even two shackle rings, these are them, and this is also, in general, such an amazing person, which means he was a fairly wealthy young man, and he lived on the corner of sakievskaya square and pochtamskaya street in st. petersburg.
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then he did such a cunning thing, such a disguise, it means that he was on the shore of ekateringovka, that means he imitated his heating near the ice hole, that means his sword, cloak, hat, his servant remained there, everyone recognized these things, and they recognized him, so to say, dead, committed suicide, well , probably something like that, but his vigilant uncle gave him away, vasily sergeevich lonskoy, well, he gave him away and... in general, if it weren’t for this, that means, his uncle’s speech, then our prince would be sitting drinking champagne on
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the banks of the seine in some petrovian way, but pushkin wrote that he tried to leave for st. petersburg, and as you know, it was in december that he wanted to return to st. petersburg from mikhailovsky without permission, and since he i didn’t know where to go, i would have gone to rayleev’s apartment and ended up on that very day, that very night, and as... pushkin wrote and would not have been sitting here with you, my dears, but we also know pushkin, sent a message to siberia in the depths of the siberian ores, it was prince alexandrovich adovevsky, then no longer a prince, who responded. him, and it’s enough, i would say, shocking, but i’ll just read three small lines so that it’s clear: in chains of our fate, we are proud behind the prison gates, in our souls we laugh at the kings, from a spark a flame will ignite, and we know that in in thirty-seven he was transferred to the caucasus as a private, and there was such an option to curry favor with some kind of
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lower rank officer, so to speak, to ask for resignation and live as usual, so to speak. a man in the street, yes, somewhere, they were not allowed to curry favor for some strange reasons, but there he met mikhailomovich lermantov, became very friendly with him, this is surprising for lermontov, because he was a very complex person, with i didn’t get along very well with the decembrists, so to speak, but here suddenly such an extraordinary friendship and love was born, they went there, walked, read poetry, at thirty in the ninth year... ordinary prince odoevsky died of malaria and lermontov was so shocked that he wrote a poem in memory of adoevsky, you can also read a fragment now, try it: there is a quiet flame in it , the feeling has not faded away, he retained the sparkle of his azure eyes, and the sonorous childish laughter, lively speech, and proud faith in people and life, then in
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irkutsk we have balkonsky rings, yeah. line e in the radiance of joyful peace at the throne of the eternal creator, with a smile he looks into earthly exile, blesses his mother and prays for my father. well, in general, they started making rings , then they started, i have a feeling, they started making them on some kind of industrial scale, because they had to send them to relatives, friends,
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so to remind them, they made a necklace, they made a necklace, they poured out crosses and so, ... we have one such ladies’ ring, we’ll show you, it’s stunningly beautiful, so i would get one for myself, well, bypassing siberia, of course, because it’s two diamonds, a ruby, this is such fashionable ladies ’ jewelry that can maybe they were worn in siberia, or maybe they were already sent like this to say in the middle zone to moscow-petersburg, and of course it would be chic to put on such a wonderful ring, but can i add one very curious thing -
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they, of course, were already separated in 1825, because sergei grigorievich volkonsky is one of the leaders of the decembrist uprising, alexander khristoforovich benkendor, the closest ally of emperor nicholas i, actively participated in the trial of the decembrists, then
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headed the third department, which was supposed to monitor, strictly monitor.
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the manager of the third department loses his place alexander nikolaevich mordvinov for making such a mistake, and from this collection
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a portrait of bestuzhev is cut out, i don’t even understand where they even got it from to place it there, and they say that in some honest collections there are several copies where there is portrait of beztuzhev, for example, i don’t know what kind of portrait could be there . to be honest, i don’t know either, but we have photographs of the decembrists in siberia, and the story of all this is as follows: a certain alexander devignon came from france, some lithographer or i don’t know, entrepreneur , who he is, 43, 843 and somehow quickly established a business in st. petersburg in moscow, opened an atelier and his services enjoyed great success, for some reason in 1945 he went to siberia, which means they suspected apparently the authorities that he...
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but good, yes panov, who is the most interesting , could have arrested the imperial family in general, because under his command there were quite
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a lot of people, they literally entered the territory of the royal palace, and of course, it was absolutely amazing and then they didn’t do that, they went out into the square , look what an expressive face, what a great... photograph, yes, then we have joseph poggio, also, so to speak, such a poggio, he was a wonderful person, of course, then we have a photograph of our everything -pushchin’s favorite ivan ivanovich, yes, how interesting , we have several photographs in the museum , but there is no such photograph, but we found it, look, i noticed at podzhu near pushchin , they have chibouks, they are with chibouks, this such a separate chic, in general, at that time. as i i realized, having studied a large amount of material, it seemed to me, at least, that smoking tobacco was considered some kind of sign of liberality, something like that, like ours.
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and the portraits of their children, elena and mikhail, they say, there were such stories that sergei grigorievich volkonsky, which means that in siberia he became very simple, walked around in a sheepskin coat, in felt boots, which means that he was often seen at the market with peasants, where he, so to speak, shared bread and water with them, gossiped about politics, and also took up gardening, he had a a wonderful vegetable garden, one of the best, in fact, we have, thanks again.
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podcast precious stories and with you its hosts sergei mikhailovich nekrasov and ekaterina varkan. you can watch all episodes of the lab podcast project on the website of the first channel i have such a suspicion, again, having studied a certain amount of materials, that a certain number of, well, nobles, who later began to be called decembrists, before the december speech, they were in
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some kind of strange exaltation. gribaedov. calls twenty exaltation fifth year, but with the exaltation of love , they had some very crazy experiences, some kind of love passions, perhaps subject to this kind of romantic impulse, including, this was the catalyst for their performance, from griboyedov’s correspondence we we know that prince alexander ivanovich adoevsky was deeply in love with a lady who was even married to him. and he sat there in the evenings very much worried about this strange passion, this feeling, apparently comparing it with himself, because from such a feeling i burned out like coal, wrote griboyedov, so i was worried, well, what kind of romance griboedov had was not interesting, from which he benefited like coal, it would also be funny for me to know, in any case, it was the era of romanticism, so there was a lot of romanticism in human relationships, in
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love relationships, etc. .. what a sin to hide in politics too, oh, how gloriously we will die, well , what is this exclamation from one of the ideologists and leaders of the movement, you understand, so of course, of course, this was really very typical for the people of this circle, for a certain part of the people of this circle , it is undoubtedly a great pity that these people were lost for further state building, for the development of the country, and so on. although they managed to do a lot in siberia, it was very important. we still have an absolutely, in my opinion, simply phenomenal example of this romantic, so to speak, love interest, no one will believe it, releev kondraty fedorovich, and now we will not name the lady’s last name, although in principle it is readable, so to speak , well, not to cause big scientific discussions, here, but
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looked. i absolutely can’t believe my eyes when i open love lyrics from just that time, twenty -fourth or twenty-fifth year, poems dedicated to this woman, without trying to write that these poems are dedicated to her, i’m just a small piece, which means i’ll read it, i can’t, with my dangerous kindness, the magical sweetness of my speech, you reminded my soul of a distant land, a beautiful land, and also, i’m carried away by my fate, i myself am running to destruction, i’m afraid to meet you, but not to meet.
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so to speak, get to russia in st. petersburg, konstantin pavlovich resisted very strongly and even suggested that he go hunting and go to germany, but this too, by the way, to lunin’s honor, said that no, he was hunting... he went and returned, ended up in st. petersburg, so he was imprisoned in vybsk castle, and here there is also such an interesting story, the governor-general of finland zakrevsky, arseny andreevich came, well, with a commission,
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yes, that means, to check the inmates, they were such, well, serious people, and there was such a prison building there, four-story, on the fourth floor there was a cell and the ceiling was leaking and there was water flowed, and he arrives. he didn’t know about this, after that he still wrote , which means he wrote and was sad, that ’s the story, at the same time he began to write anti-government treatises and believed that he would not be sent further to siberia, but he could be sent away.
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the lirleys also released him, but he ensured that he was arrested a second time and wanted to be in the center of events, a participant at the age of 21, generally going crazy, we are very grateful to him for the fact that he left vast memories, absolutely amazing memories, he left, it's amazing i just advise everyone to read it, there’s a lot of it, even hard-hitting stuff about our friends the decembrists, a lot of hilarious stuff, but he scolded them for not taking care of the soldiers, then he noticed that in general the serfs who came with their wives... they’re nobody he didn’t exile to siberia, so to speak, yes , he told how the decembrists went to work, that means everyone took out the samovar, played lotto, whoever wanted, that means, with a shovel, if, then this, well, to maintain physical fitness,
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some wonderful party was described, when everyone was in tuxedos, and also a string orchestra played a string quartet, because the goblist was already at the settlement, at the settlement they played music for everyone... well, as a matter of fact, as a result, when in the fifty-sixth year everyone was released , the majority returned, and in russia, he stayed there and continued his educational work activities, oh... in general, he fought with the authorities in every possible way, wrote treatises, the authorities considered his stay in transbaikalia dangerous, they sent him to moscow for bad behavior in 1863, no one had ever heard or seen anything like this, bad from siberia to moscow in sixty third year, we have just a photograph, he is already in adulthood, so he also got married and after 75 years had two children. so he died, but he was 88 years old in the year ninety-two,
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here we remember pushkin again, which of us in our old age will have to celebrate the day of the lyceum alone, in general, the last of the lyceum students was his serene highness prince alexander mikhailovich gorchakov, and the last of the decembrists to leave was dmitry irenerkovich zavalishin, that’s the story, and i ’ll tell you that, well, here are the shackle rings, yes , we talked today, yes they... ekaterina varkan and sergei
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nekrasov were with you. dear friends, the creative industry podcast is on air on channel one with you as always, its host elena kiper, producer and video director. and roman karmanov, general. director of the presidential fund for cultural initiatives and media manager, our guest today is people's artist of russia, artistic director of the moscow gubernia theater sergei bezrukov. hello, hello, hello, let's start with the glorious anniversaries, well , first of all, the anniversary that happened at the end last year, this is a personal 50 years old, this is a glorious fur, certainly glorious at 100 years old, and 50 is so far. how do you generally feel about
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your anniversary, firstly, in work, in work, i believe that an anniversary is really for 100 years, or 80, let’s say, well, maybe 80, although it’s better at 90, if you live to be 50 you have to work, if you are still able to work at 50 , it’s better than work and i noted in my work, as for the anniversary in the theater itself, they congratulated, the artists still could not stand it, and did not congratulate, although i said that i would not celebrate, but they asked me after all, i came to the theater on this, not this day, but... later they just gathered anyway, they congratulated me, and they did a skit, everything was very touching, sweet, because for them i am the provincial dad, they so they call it, the provincial dad, because i created the theater in the image of a snuffbox, and oleg pavelich was always a dad for us, a dad who cares, who thinks about us absolutely like a loved one, i also created a provincial theater for her, in any case, here this is the attitude towards artists, like my own father, and for me, of course it’s an anniversary, i say, let’s still ... we’ll celebrate the theater’s anniversary, mine, okay, and then the theater’s anniversary happened,
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the theater’s anniversary, yes, we celebrated the 12th of january, almost on the eve of the old new year, we celebrated the anniversary of the theater, which has already turned 10 years old, in the film the air that is being released now, there are at least two moments in the film when a dialogue arises, what is more important, my personal condition or my homeland, this question is heard twice there, and very bright, clear and it seems to me that it’s just very relevant because... now this feeling of empathy, compassion, it is very important, especially for the younger generation, and for an actor, a future actor, even more so, because compassion, empathy is practically empathy for your hero, who you are you play, on the contrary , it helps you if you are able to empathize, if tears arise from the situation, it would seem that this is not happening to you, this is happening to your hero, but you imagined this situation of this hero imposed on himself, and these tears becomes yours with tears. this is the moment of empathy, compassion, compassion,
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which, so to speak, on a global scale, greatly helps the development of personality in general, so i recommend this to my students: look, delve into the problems, delve into the pain of others, in order to to experience pain in the frame, pain on the stage, be receptive to the pain of others, and this is what gives birth to the soul of an artist, the human soul in general, when you start looking. film air, the first thing i had was empathy for someone else pain, i didn’t watch it, well, in general , there is also a fragment about this, when one of the heroes also says that actually... our country is more, we kind of take all the pain of the world on ourselves, that’s why we are so strong , let's see, coach, the first shots of me, the leningrad blockade, female pilots and female technicians must show training, courage and
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self-sacrifice, not only pilots, but also technicians, they must give birth, braid their hair, but they are here. masha, why do you need war, you lived rich, what does that mean, why, how many of our people dying, why are you sending the girls, they are not ready yet, i would give them time to master, anyone with me, why didn’t you kill the german, i can’t live. seventeenth, what do you dream about how i dance, how i go out on stage alone, zhenya, love is all needed, you could fall in love with me, everything is fine, we are attacking, attack, and loving the homeland is death; what is
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more important, the homeland or the person, homeland isn't that the case with you? girls, we beat the germans, i shot them down, you shot them down, don’t you believe in us at all, or do you feel sorry for me, please, my little one, please, fly, bertie, fly, fly, airplane, fly, watch the formations fly, so it’s not all in vain, right? let's go somewhere , we'll disappear, of course, this is a story that is so painful, an unhealed wound, still so serious, the meaning here is very
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important, now they are very important, without words, and those answers that one way or another yes, homeland. the pain of my hero, there is a wonderful female cast here, wonderful nastya tolyzina, great work, lenna lyadova here, aglaya tarasova, there is such an amazing female cast here, they are like the female squad turns out great, but the girls are wonderful, just great, great, and i got to play the commander of the flight regiment, but the difficult task was, on the one hand, not to play the commander, lyosha said, not to play the commander. but this is called outwardly playing a commander, and yet this harshness towards yourself, when you do not have the right to humanly regret, you do not have the right, and this shows the inner, you are ready to regret, and those same scars on the heart, they don't heal, one
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scar, second, third, it's because i'm i’m holding back constantly, i’m holding back, i’m holding back, i’m holding back, there is a phrase that in war there are no boys or girls... i should feel sorry for the girls more than their boys, the guys are all dying, in the coming days you will be engaged in combat training, studying landmarks in the area, after that you will begin to carry out combat missions to ensure the transport route, when you enter laduga, there will simply be no losses, there will be losses, but we will not retreat, leningrad is under siege, children are being evacuated from the city. women, old people, the city needs supplies and food, female pilots and female technicians must show training, courage and self-sacrifice, just don’t be afraid to cry, otherwise i don’t like it when they cry,


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