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tv   Anti Feik  1TV  February 9, 2024 9:20am-10:00am MSK

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state, but, but the poles for decades have been engaged in the polishization of this part of the population, they introduced their own language there, they began to introduce the idea that these are not quite russians, that since they live in ukraine, and not ukrainians, and initially the word ukrainian meant that a person lives on the outskirts of the state at the edge, or is engaged, but is engaged -
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and they wrote letters to warsaw, demanding that their rights be respected so that they send people here, including to kiev, they sent people when it was, i already lost when it was, in what years? it was in the 13th century, it was, it was in the 13-14th century, in the 13th century, it was in the 13th century, so i’ll say now that it was, yes? i will name the dates so that there is no confusion, in 1650, in 1600-54, a little earlier even, the people who controlled the power in this part of the russian lands turned to warsaw, i repeat, demanding that people of russian origin be sent to them and orthodox religion, when warsaw is...
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there is a translation into russian, well, then you will translate it into english, but russia does not agreed to accept them immediately, because it was based on the fact that a war with poland would begin. still, in 10 -6404, the zemsky sobor was a representative body of power of the ancient russian state, a decision was made, this part of the ancient russian lands became part of the moscow kingdom, and, as expected, the war began. with poland , it lasted 13 years, then a truce was concluded, just after the conclusion of this, this act of 1654, after 30, in my opinion, 2 years, peace was concluded with poland, eternal peace, as they say, these lands, everything , the left bank of the dnieper, including kiev, went to russia, the entire right bank of the dnieper.
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remained with poland, then during the time of catherine ii, russia returned all its historical lands, including the south, west, this all continued until the revolution, yes, before the first world war, taking advantage of these ideas of ukrainization, the austrian general staff very actively began to promote the idea ukraine and ukrainization, well, everything is clear. why, because on the eve of the world war, of course, there was a desire to weaken a potential enemy, there was a desire create favorable conditions for themselves in the border zone, and this is an idea that was once born in poland, that the people living in this territory are not entirely russian, they are supposedly a special ethnic group of ukrainians, began to be promoted by the austrian general staff, and theorists arose over the... century
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who spoke of the need for ukrainian independence, but the truth is, all these pillars, the pillars of ukrainian independence, said that... to have very good relations with russia, they insisted on this, insisted , but nevertheless, after the revolution of 1917 years, the bolsheviks tried to restore statehood, a civil war broke out, including with poland, peace was signed with poland in 1921, according to which the western part on... on the right bank of the dnieper again went to poland in 1939 after poland collaborated with hitler, and poland collaborated with hitler, and hitler
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proposed, everything is in the documents in our archives, he proposed to conclude peace with poland, a treaty of friendship and alliance there, but demanded that... poland give back to germany, so called the corridor, which connected the main part of germany with könecksberg and east prussia, and after the first world war this part of the territory was given to poland, instead of dag the city of gdansk appeared, so hitler begged them to give it up, give it up peacefully, the poles refused.
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appreciated, thank you very much, so, after before now it’s boring, maybe, but it explains a lot, it’s not boring, no, well, great, then i’m very pleased that you are so this is the second world war, when poland collaborated with germany, refused fulfill hitler's demands, but nevertheless took part with hitler in the division of czechoslovakia, but since she did not give up the dantse corridor, they still forced her, the poles forced her, they played too hard and forced her. hitler started the second world war with them, why the war began on september 1 , 1939, with poland, it turned out to be intractable, hitler had no choice in implementing his plans to start with poland. by the way, the soviet union behaved, i read archival documents, behaved very
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honestly, and the soviet union asked permission poland sent its troops to help czechoslovakia. but through the mouth of the then minister of foreign affairs of poland it was said that even if soviet planes fly towards czechoslovakia through the territory of poland, they will be shot down on polish territory. but it doesn’t matter, the important thing is that the war began, and now poland itself has become a victim of the policy that it pursued towards czechoslovakia, because according to the well-known protocols of ribentrop’s molotov, part of these territories.
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western native germanic territories, this is the western eastern part of germany, part lands, these are the western, western regions of poland today, and of course, they again returned access to the baltic sea, again returned dancak, which again began to be called in polish, yes, this is how this situation developed and... during the formation of the soviet union , this is already 1922, the bolsheviks began to form the ussr, created soviet ukraine, which until now, which still did not exist at all,
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while stalin insisted that these republics that were formed should be included as autonomous entities, but why -that founder of the soviet state lenin. insisted that they have the right to secede from the soviet union, and also, for unknown reasons, granted it to the newly formed one.
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so, this means that soviet ukraine received a huge number of territories that never had anything to do with it, primarily in the black sea region, they once, when russia received them as a result of the russian-turkish wars, were called novorusiya, so, but that doesn’t matter , the important thing is that lenin, the founder of the soviet state , created ukraine exactly this way, this means that's all. for many decades , as part of the ussr, the ukrainian ussr developed and
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the bolsheviks, for unknown reasons, also engaged in ukrainization there, not only because there were immigrants from ukraine in the leadership of the soviet union, but in general there was such a policy of coronation, indigenization, it was called, this concerned ukraine and other union republics, national languages ​​and national culture were introduced, which in general , of course, is not bad in principle, but...
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the language, names, all costumes are national, they are hungarians and feel like hungarians and, of course, when is the infringement happening now, when. i think that this happens a lot, and also , most likely, many countries are unhappy with the change of borders during the changes in the 20th century and before, but the fact is that you have not stated anything like this earlier than in the last 2 years, and you talked about how you
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felt physically threatened by nato in particular.
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the states also thought that relations between russia and the united states would be normal after the collapse of the soviet union, but the opposite happened, but you never explained why, how it seems to you that this happened, well, why did this happen, well, yes, maybe the west is afraid of a strong russia, but the west is not afraid of a strong china. the west fears a strong china more than a strong russia, because russia. china is enough, so bismar once said that the main thing is the potential, china’s potential is colossal, the first economy in the world today in terms of purchasing power, in terms of
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economic volume, it has already overtaken the united states quite a long time ago and the pace is growing, but let’s not talk now, who is afraid of whom, we let’s not talk in such categories, let’s talk about what happened after 1991, when russia expected to be taken into a brotherly family. moreover, i also already spoke about this publicly, but now let’s take the yeltsin era - there came a moment when, as it were,
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when a gray cat ran, before that yeltsin went to the usa, remember, he spoke in congress and said wonderful words, got america, yes, he said all this, these were signals, well, let us in, no, when the events began in yugoslavia... violations of international law, the un charter , the bombing of belgrade began , the united states let this genie out of the bottle
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, moreover, when russia objected and expressed its indignation, which was said, the un charter and international law are outdated, now everyone refers to international law, but then they started saying that everything is outdated, everything needs to be changed, something really needs to be changed, because balance is strong. this is true, but not in this way, but nevertheless, and by the way, the yeltsens immediately began to throw mud at them, point out that he is an alcoholic , he doesn’t understand anything, he doesn’t make sense, he understood everything , he understood everything, i assure you, that means, well, okay, i became president in 2000, i think, okay , all this yugoslav issue has passed, but we have to try restore relations, after all , open this door into which russia.
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you wear me size forty-eight, because somewhere there is life, you want coffee, it’s very much left,
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we’ll probably get married, nina, call me, call, the nanny has settled down, hello, the topoto kaput pul-papa flies, puls, flies from topoto kaput, let it not work, lord, this is for me! carnival, tomorrow first. what do i want to talk about, what of what i experienced deserves attention? among the many joys and pleasures that accompany youth, i experienced incomparable happiness in becoming a writer. in the tiny village of mala, i lived with a blacksmith, helping him in the forge. to hammer horseshoes with long pliers, i held a white-hot iron in my hands, and he hit it with his ringing hammer, i ask myself, who am i?
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what force brought me out of my moscow apartments, forced me to cross my native threshold and threw me across continents, across cities , across warriors, through conspiracies, through revolutions, plunged me into many adventures, into many dangerous adventures, what moved me, who i was, who i became, alexander prokhanov, confession premiere on february 12, on the first, patagonian... in the cities of chile there are hundreds of kilometers of coastline where no human has ever set foot. machu picchu is a city floating above the clouds. we can be transported to another time, feel the genius, the greatness of american cultures real ones that were destroyed by europeans. from all points of view, the incas and ostecs were head and shoulders above in a cultural and civilizational sense. today, every brazilian is a little indian, a little
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european and a little african. and this is what enriches our people. the cuban revolution is one of the most important events of the 20th century, it was led by a group of revolutionaries led by fidel castro and ernesto chegevaara. latin america is one of the advantages of the modern and future world order. is there a separate latin american civilization? some believe that no, some are sure, latin american civilization.
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why do you think the west pushed you away so much then, where did this hostility come from, why was it not possible to improve relations, what were the motives for this from your point of view? you said that i feel bitterness from the answer , no, it’s not bitterness, it’s just a statement of fact, we are not the bride and groom, bitterness, resentment are not the substances that take place in such cases, we just
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understood, that they are not waiting for us there, that’s all. the us leadership attacked, all nato members they vote obediently, even if they don’t like something, now i’ll tell you in this regard what happened with ukraine in 2008, although this is being discussed, i won’t tell you anything new here, however, it means that then after that we they tried to build relations in different ways, for example, the events took place in the middle east in iraq, which means we... very
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softly, calmly build relations with the states, and i have repeatedly raised the question that the united states should not support either separatism or terrorism on on on north caucasus, but they still continued to do this, and political support, information support, financial support, even military support came from the united states and its satellites in relation to terrorist groups. in in the caucasus, i once with my colleague, also the president of the united states, i understood this question, he says, well, it can’t be , you have proof, i say, yes, i was ready for this conversation and gave him this proof, he looked and you know what he said, but i'm sorry, yes, but that's how it was, i’ll quote, he says, well, i’ll kick their ass, which means we waited and waited for an answer, there
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was no answer. i say to the director of the fsb, well, you write to the cir, as a result of some conversation with the president, i wrote twice, then we received an answer, we have an answer in... the answer came from the cia: we worked with the opposition in russia, we believe that this is correct, and we will continue to work with the opposition, it’s funny, okay, we realized that there will be no conversation, the opposition, the opposition to you, well, of course, in this case we meant the separatists, the terrorists who they fought with us in the caucasus, that’s what we were talking about.
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bush invited his elders to visit him on the ocean, and there a very serious conversation took place with president bush, with his team, and i proposed that the united states, russia and europe create a joint pro system, which, in our opinion, is being created unilaterally , threatens our security, despite the fact that it was officially discussed with the united states that it was being created against ... missile threats from iran, this was also the justification for the creation of tests, and i suggested that they work in three, russia, the usa, europe, they said, very interesting,
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they asked me, are you serious, i say, absolutely, i say, when was this, in what year? well, i don’t remember, it’s easy to find out on the internet when i was in the usa at the invitation of bush sr., well, it’s even easier to find out, now i ’ll tell you from whom. so they told me, this is very interesting, i say , just imagine, if we together solve such a global strategic task in the field of security, the world will change , we will probably have disputes, probably economically, even politically, but we we will radically change the situation in the world, yes, they asked me, are you serious, i say, of course, we need to think, they told me.
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which means that our proposal was rejected , this is a fact, then, it was then that i said , listen, well, then we will be forced to engage in retaliatory measures, we will create such strike systems that will certainly overcome the pro system,
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he says, the answer was this: we are not doing it against you, and you do what you want, we proceed from the fact that this is not against us, not against the usa, i say, okay, let's go, and we created hypersonic systems, moreover , intercondal range and we continue to develop them, we are now ahead in the creation of hypersonic strike systems, we are ahead of everyone, both the united states and other countries, they are being improved every day, here, but not us , sorry did, we proposed to go a different route, they pushed back on us, now regarding nato expansion to the east, but they promised no nato to the east, an inch to the side.
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open, now about how decisions are made there, germany, france, it seems were against it, as were some other european parties, but then, as it turned out later, president bush, and he is such a strong guy, a strong politician, as they told me later, he put pressure on us, and we were forced to agree, that’s funny, like in a kindergarten , it’s simple, where there’s a guarantee, just what kind of kindergarten it is, what kind of people they are, who they are, you see them or clicked on them, they won’t agree, and then they say, well, ukraine won’t be in nato, you know, i say, i don’t know, i know that you agreed in 2008, why in future, don't you agree? well, then they put pressure
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on us, i say: why don’t i put pressure on you tomorrow? and will you agree again? well, some kind of stranger? who to talk to there? i just don’t understand, are we ready to talk? well with whom? where are the guarantees? none? this means that they began to develop the territory of ukraine, so that it would not be there, i told you the background, how this territory developed, what kind of relations there were with russia? well, every second third has always had some kind of connections with russia, and during the elections already in independent, sovereign ukraine, which received independence as a result of the declaration of independence, by the way, it says that ukraine is a neutral state, in 2008 suddenly the doors or gates to nato were opened in front of it, here’s an interesting movie, we didn’t agree on that, so everything is uh...
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good, but we established relations, he went to moscow on visits, we went to kiev, and i went, we met in an informal setting, well, western is western, let them, let people work, they think, let the situation develop internally in ukraine itself, regardless, that is, after he led the country, the situation worsened , everything came to power... viktor yanukovych came to power
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, maybe he was not the best political president, i don’t know, i don’t want to make assessments, but the question of association with the european union arose, but we are always on this they were very loyal, please, but when we read this association agreement, it turned out that this is a problem for us, because we have a free trade zone with ukraine, open customs borders, and ukraine was obliged by this association. open your borders to europe is pouring everything into our market, they said, no, well then it won’t work, we will then close our borders with ukraine, the customs border. yanukovych began to count how much ukraine would win and how much it would lose. i declared mine, my counterparty in europe, i still have to think before i sign. as soon as he said, the destructive actions of the opposition began, supported by the west, everything reached the maidan.


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