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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  February 9, 2024 10:50am-12:01pm MSK

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there were very good relations with, say, bush , and there, i know, in the states they presented him as some kind of country guy who doesn’t understand much, i assure you that this is not so, i believe that in relation to russia he is the same spent enough, also made a lot of mistakes, i told you about 2008 and the decision in bucharest to open the doors to nato , ukraine there and so on, but this happened with him, he put pressure there on...
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there is no purchasing power in terms of volume , it overtook the usa a long time ago, then the usa, so, and then india, one and a half billion people, then japan, in fifth place, russia, russia over the past year has become the first economy in europe, despite all the sanctions and restrictions, this is normal, from your point of view, sanctions, restrictions, impossibility of paying in dollars, shutdown. swift e means
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sanctions against our ships transporting oil, sanctions against aircraft, sanctions in everything, everywhere, the largest number of sanctions in the world that are applied are applied against russia, and we have become the first economy in europe during this time, instruments, which the us does not use they work, but you have to think about what to do if this realization comes.
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to exclude from elections at the state level , yes, that means it’s a two-stage system, these are electoral systems, it’s very difficult to figure it out, and of course, there are, there are two parties in which the republicans are dominant , the democrats, and there within the framework of this party system , the center makes the decision, prepares the decision, then look, that’s why in relation to russia after the collapse. the soviet
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union were, in my opinion, so erroneous, rude, completely unfounded, the policy was carried out in no way, pressure, because this is a policy of pressure, the expansion of nato, for example, support for separatists in the caucasus, the creation of a missile defense system, these are all elements of pressure, pressure, pressure, pressure, then dragging ukraine into nato, it's all pressure, why? i think, also because they were created, relatively speaking,
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it is also connected with the excess potential of those who worked for the confrontation with the soviet union, so you need from here from this.
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at a security conference , the us vice president supported the desire of the ukrainian president to join nato, do you think that this also provoked military action? we simply, i repeat once again, we have repeatedly, repeatedly proposed to look for a solution to the problems that arose in ukraine after the 2014 coup d’etat by peaceful means, but no one has us...
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that’s all, in ukraine they announced that the russians were coming, they passed the law, they didn’t titular nation, and at the same time adopted laws that limit the rights of non-titular nations to ukraine, ukraine, having received all these south, south-eastern territories as a gift from the russian people, suddenly announced that the russians in this territory are not the titular nation, it’s normal, that’s all.
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he came to power - on the expectations of the ukrainian population that he would lead ukraine to peace, he talked about this, due to this he won the election with a huge advantage, and then, when he came to power, in my opinion, he realized two things :
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firstly, it is better not to quarrel with neo-nazi nationalists, because they are aggressive, very active, you can expect anything from them , and secondly - the west, led by the united states... they will always be supported by those who fight russia, it is profitable and safe, so they took the appropriate position, despite the promise to their people to stop the war on... we believe in russia that everything that happened after 2014, the primary source of power
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is a coup d'etat, in this sense, even today's government is flawed, but he considers himself president, in this capacity he is recognized by the united states, the whole europe and practically the entire rest of the world, and why not, he can, we negotiated with ukraine in istanbul, we agreed, he knew about it, moreover, he was the head of the negotiating group. mr. rahamia, in my opinion, is his last name, he still heads the faction, the ruling party, the ruling party, the president’s party in the rada, he still heads the presidential faction in the rada, in the country’s parliament, he still sits there , he even put his preliminary signature on this document that i’m telling you about, but then he publicly announced to the whole world that we were ready to sign this document, but mr. johnson arrived. then the british prime minister dissuaded us from this , said that it was better to fight with russia, they
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will give us everything so that we can return what was lost during the battle of the clash with russia, and we said, we agreed with this proposal, well, look, it was published his statement, he said it publicly, can they return to this or not, that is, it is a question whether they want it or not, and after that, mr. the president... of ukraine issued a decree prohibiting negotiations with us, well, let him cancel this decree, we never refused negotiations, so we hear all the time, russia is ready, ready, but we did not refuse, they are publicly publicly refused, well , let him change his decree and enter into negotiations, we never refused, but the fact that they submitted to the demands or persuasion of the former prime minister of great britain, mr. johnson, well... it seems to me that this is very ridiculous, well , how to say, sad, because
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that, as mr. rahami said, a year and a half ago we could have stopped these hostilities, stopped this war, but the british persuaded us, and we refused this. where is mr. johnson now? is the war still going on? that's a good question. why did he do this? hell, hell knows, i don’t understand why, there was a general attitude , for some reason everyone had the illusion that russia could be defeated on the battlefield, out of arrogance, and from a small mind, from a pure heart, but not from a big mind . to the anniversary of irina muravyova. which one of you artist? what kind of artists are they?
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works, oh, lord, this is for me, carnival , tomorrow at the first one, what i want to talk about is that of what i experienced deserves attention, among the many joys, pleasures that accompany youth, i, having become a writer, experienced incomparable happiness, in the tiny village of mala, i lived with the blacksmith, he forged horseshoes in the forge, with long tongs i held white-hot
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iron in my hands, and he beat it with his ringing hammer, i ask myself who i am, what force brought me out of my moscow apartments, forced me to cross my native threshold and threw me across continents, cities, warriors, conspiracies, revolutions, plunged me into many adventures, into many dangerous adventures, confession of the prime minister from february 12 on the first. in the patagonian fjords of chile there are hundreds of kilometers of coastline where no human has ever set foot. machu picho is a city soaring above the clouds, we can be transported to another time, feel the genius, the greatness of american cultures, the real ones that were destroyed by the europeans. from all points of view of the inca and the osteks were head and shoulders above in a cultural,
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civilizational sense. today, every brazilian is a little indian, a little european. american civilization is here. civilization premier. film four. latin america. on thursday, on the first. you described the ties between russia and ukraine, you described russia as an orthodox country.
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you talked about this. what does it mean? for you?
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people who profess other religions, this is its strength, this is absolutely unambiguous, and the fact is that in all the world religions that i just mentioned, which are the traditional religions of the russian federation of russia, in fact, the main theses, the main values, they are very similar, if not to say, they are the same, that’s all, right? russian authorities have always been very careful about the culture and religion of those peoples who came into the russian empire, this, in my opinion, forms the basis of the security and sustainability of russian statehood, because all the peoples inhabiting russia basically consider it their homeland, so if to
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let’s say, people are moving from latin america, or even to europe... a clearer, understandable example, people come, but they came from their historical homeland to you, or european countries, and people who profess different religions in russia , they consider russia their homeland, they have no other homeland, we are together, this is one big family, and our traditional values ​​are very similar, as i said, this is one big family, but everyone has their own family, and this is the basis. our society, and if we say that the homeland and the specific family are very connected with each other, then so it is, because it is impossible to ensure a normal future for your children, for your family, if we do not ensure a normal, sustainable future for the whole country, for the homeland, why is russia so developed and so, if i may, religion
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is different. what is the matter that christianity is not a violent religion, christ says to turn the other cheek, you shall not kill and so on, but how can a leader be a christian if you have to kill someone else, how can you try this on in to yourself? very liberating, if we are talking about protecting ourselves and our family and our homeland, we do not attack anyone, that’s where the events in ukraine began? from the coup d'etat from the beginning of hostilities in donetsk, in the donbass, that's what, and we are defending our people, ourselves, our homeland, our future. as for religion in general, you know , it’s not, it’s not in external manifestations, it’s not about going to church every day and or hitting
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your head on the floor, it’s in the heart, and that’s how we are, our culture is like that, people-oriented, and dostoevsky, who is very famous in the west as... the genius of russian culture, russian literature, spoke a lot about this, about the russian soul, after all, western society is more pragmatic, russian people, russian people, he thinks more about eternal, thinks more about values, moral , ethical, i don’t know, maybe you won’t agree with me, but still western culture is still more pragmatic, and this, in principle, i’m not saying that this is bad. makes it possible for today's golden billion to achieve good success in production, even in science and so on
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, there is nothing bad here, i’m just saying that we seem to look the same, but well, the consciousness is built a little differently, and of course we need this, that is, you think, is there something supernatural at work here? rose, multiplied, strengthened, then they left the international arena in the quality to which they were accustomed. i
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probably don’t need to give these examples, but starting with the same horde conquerors, with chengiskhan, then the golden hordes, ending the great roman empire, and in the history of mankind, it seems that there was nothing else like the great roman empire, nevertheless, the potential... of the barbarians gradually accumulated, accumulated, and under their blows the roman empire collapsed, because there were more barbarians, this means that they began to develop well overall, well, as we say now, economically, they began to strengthen, the regime that was imposed on the world by the great roman empire, it collapsed, fell apart for a long time, 500 years, this process of decomposition the great roman empire lasted 500 years, today's situation...
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you're immersed, in order to answer, you must , of course, be an expert in the field of large numbers, in the field of this artificial intelligence, humanity has many threats, research in the field of genetics that can to create a superman, a special person, yes, a warrior person, a scientist person, an athlete person, well now... they say that in the usa elon musk has already implanted a chip in the brain of some person, what do you think about this? well, the mask, i think it's the mask it’s impossible to stop, which means he
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will still do what he considers necessary, but we need to somehow negotiate with him, we need to look for some ways to convince him, it seems to me that he is an intelligent person, that is, i am sure that he is an intelligent person , we need to somehow agree with him that this is a process, the process needs to be channelized, subject to some rules. humanity, of course, must think about what will happen to it in connection with the development of these latest research and technologies, in genetics or artificial intelligence , you can roughly predict what will happen, therefore, when humanity felt a threat to its existence from nuclear weapons, everyone, the owners of nuclear weapons, began... the development of
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artificial intelligence or genetics or some other modern trends was stopped which is impossible , the research will still be there, even as it was impossible to hide what gunpowder is from humanity and it is impossible to stop research in one area or another, these studies will still there will be, but when humanity feels a threat to humanity as a whole, then it seems to me that the period will come to agree at the interstate level on how we will regulate this. thank you very much for the time you devoted to us, i want to ask one more question, ivan gershkovets, he is 32 years old, an american journalist, he has been in prison for more than a year, this is a big story in the usa, i want to ask you.
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would you be willing, as a gesture of goodwill , to release him so that we could take him in usa. we have made so many goodwill gestures that i think we have exhausted all our limits. no one has ever responded to our goodwill gestures with similar gestures, but we are, in principle, ready.
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but there are certain, certain things provided for by law, if a person receives secret information, does it on a secret basis, then this is called espionage, that’s exactly what he was doing, he received classified secret information, and did it secretly, i don’t know, maybe he was drawn in , someone could have dragged him into this matter, maybe he did everything through negligence, on his own initiative, but in fact it ’s called espionage.
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well, this is what the intelligence services must agree upon among themselves, you see, there are certain developments there, there are people who, in our opinion, are also not connected with the intelligence services, listen, i’ll tell you, he sits in one country, in the country of an ally of the united states, a person who for patriotic reasons, he liquidated
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a bandit in one of... one of the european capitals during the events in the caucasus, you know what he does, i don’t want to speak.
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in prison, and there is a dialogue between the special services , this should be decided quietly, calmly, on a professional level, there are contacts, let them work, i do not rule out that the person you mentioned, mr. kishkovich, may end up in his homeland, why not, it makes no sense to more or less keep him in prison in russia, well, well, let it be ours...
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with the war, i don’t know whether it works or not, if you allow me, i’ll ask one more question, maybe you don’t want to answer for strategic reasons, but are you concerned that what is happening on ukraine could lead to something much
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larger-scale, much more terrible, how ready and motivated are you to call, for example, the states to say, let's negotiate, so, listen, i already said. we didn’t refuse negotiations, we don’t refuse, this is the western side, and ukraine is an unconditional satellite of the united states today, but this is obvious, i don’t want this to sound like some kind of curse or insult to someone, well, we understand , yes, what is happening, financial support, how much 72 billion they gave, on the second on germany ranks second among other european countries.
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but now, if they see in washington that this is a wrong decision, let them abandon it, find some excuse, subtle, harmless to anyone, find this solution, we didn’t make these decisions, they made
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the decision there, let them they refuse it, that’s all, but they made the wrong decision, now we have to look for a way out of this wrong decision, enter the hosts there, correct them. their mistakes, they made it, let them correct it, we are for it. i want everything make sure i understand you correctly. that is, you want to achieve, through negotiations, a solution to what is happening now in ukraine, right? that’s right, well, we achieved this, we created a compact, large document in istanbul, which was initialed by the head of the ukrainian delegation, his signature is there, well, on an excerpt from this agreement, not on everything, on an excerpt, he put his signature, and then he he said: we were ready to sign the war would have ended long ago a year and a half ago, but
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mr. johnson came, talked us out of it, and we missed this chance, but we missed it, we made a mistake, let us return to this, that’s all, but why should we fuss there to correct mistakes, i understand, you can say that it was our mistake that we intensified actions with the help of weapons and decided to stop this war, as i said... in 2014 in the donbass, but i’ll bring you back even deeper, i already talked about this, we discussed this now, then we’ll go back to the ninety-first year, when they promised us not to expand nato , let's go back to 2008, when the gates to nato opened, let's return to the declaration of independence of ukraine, when it declared itself a neutral state, let's return to the fact that nato bases are american bases.
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boy, well, now apparently the consciousness is coming that this is not easy to do, if at all possible
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, in my opinion, it is impossible by definition, this will never happen, it seems to me that now the awareness of this has come to those who control power in the west, but if this is so, if this consciousness has come, well , now think about what to do next, we are ready for this dialogue, moreover, well okay, this will already happen...
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and this is the endless mobilization in ukraine, hysteria, internal problems there, well , all this sooner or later, we ’ll come to an agreement anyway, that’s what you know, which may even sound strange in today’s situation, anyway relations between - between... peoples will be restored, it will take a lot of time, but
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it will be restored, i’ll give you some unusual examples, here in the will of battle there is a clash, a specific example , just a second, a specific example, uh, ukrainian, ukrainian soldiers got into environment, this is a concrete example from the life of military operations, our soldiers shout at them, there is no chance, surrender. come out, you will quickly surrender, suddenly from there, in russian, in good russian, they shout, the russians do not surrender, i will all die. they still feel russian, in this sense, what is happening is, to a certain extent, an element of the civil war, everyone thinks that in the west they think that the fighting has forever separated one part of the russian people from
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another, no, reunification will happen, it hasn’t gone anywhere, why uh, ukrainian the authorities are tearing apart the russian orthodox church, because it unites not the territory, but the soul, and no one will be able to divide it, we’ll finish it or something else, thank you, no, that’s all, thank you very much.
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this is the first interview with a western journalist since the start of the conflict in ukraine, the press writes. well, coincidence or not, right during the broadcast of an interview with our president... usa biden made an unscheduled emergency address to the nation. many wondered what he would tell and thought that this appeal was connected with the interview, but it turned out to be quite banal. the us president began to make excuses for the scandal with storing secret documents at home and commented on the report of us special prosecutor robert hur published the day before, who decided not to bring any charges against mr. biden for storing secret documents, you know. why, but because the president’s advanced age and memory problems. in a conversation with our staff, biden's memory failed him. he didn't remember when he was vice president, he forgot when his term ended, then he forgot when his term has begun. at trial, biden will likely appear as a well-meaning elderly man
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with a poor memory; it would be difficult to convince a jury that the former president, who is in his 80s, is guilty of a serious crime. biden, such statements. hurt so much that he held a whole press conference and began to justify himself according to his words, that for the position of president he is the most adequate, the most qualified, his memory is in perfect order, but the nuance is that he immediately mixed up the name of the president of mexico, as you know from the beginning mexican president sisi did not want to open checkpoints to let humanitarian aid through, i was the one who persuaded him, convinced him...
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the senate needs to hold several more votes before this project goes to the house of representatives of the us congress. we are talking about a financing project worth more than $95 billion, of which the senators propose to use 60 billion to support ukraine. let us remind you that in general. initially, the initiative envisaged the allocation of $118 billion, 20 of which were to be go towards securing the border with mexico, but the project did not pass the procedural vote. andrei fransovich, but we assumed that they would, of course, look for some alternative ways, and then suddenly an alternative project for allocating
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aid to ukraine appears. what is it about? let 's understand that the military-industrial corporations that have already divided this pie with money. they really want to make money, now in conditions of such instability of markets, everything else, they cannot receive such a sharp government order, and this is very important, and the most the main thing is in the conditions of legalized lobbying, i think they will actually buy all the other senators and vote for one or another package that will be allocated, everyone said that even if 60 billion is allocated to ukraine, it is realistic for ukraine in terms of weapons 13 will leave, everything else will remain in the usa, replenishment earlier. sent, therefore, weapons to everyone else, so this process, the republicans will drag out, as the financial times said there, that trump will generally throw in all his strength so that by the end of the year until... the elections to stop it all, but i think they will find an opportunity somehow, as i already said, to simply directly buy each senator, promise him some kind of package,
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they will leave 1 billion in bribes for senators, this will be enough for them to vote for this , for this decision, if there is no compromise, look for compromising evidence, yes, well, against the backdrop of attempts to approve a bill on aid to ukraine , german chancellor olaf schols is awaiting the arrival in washington, these are the details the german chancellor gives to the associated press. scholz went on a visit to washington. in his opinion, the time has come to send russian president vladimir putin a very clear signal that the west will not refuse to support kiev. scholz is scheduled to meet with members of congress with president joe biden. well, it turns out that scholz is generally calling, as i understand it, for europe to unite on the issue of self-destruction. scholz suggests surrendering, but calls it something else. on the eve of his trip to the states, scholz wrote a policy article in the american wall street journal with calls. unite in the face of a global threat, then there is a threat to russia. a russian victory in ukraine would not only mark the end of ukraine as
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a free, democratic and independent state, but would also radically change the face of europe. european union countries have provided the largest financial support to ukraine, investing more than $91 billion since the start of the war. they are followed by the usa and germany. germany's military support is second only to america's. at first, my government allocated wars, purchased and delivered. our message is clear, we must do everything we can to prevent russia from winning. kira lvovna, why is scholz going to the usa , why such policy statements in which he said nothing new at all? well, in my opinion , poor scholz found himself, as they say, between a hammer and a hard place, because on the one hand, germany needs to pursue some kind of foreign policy, such a pro-american one...
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but how can one divert attention from what people see every day on the streets , because at the beginning of january the second stage of protests by german farmers happened, now the third, fourth, and so on are expected further, simply because internal politics is such that germany, like all european countries in general, is forced to turn on austerity, because of this, benefits are reduced, subsidies are reduced, and hence both farmers and railways suffer. in fact, the entire large industry is suffering, of course , there is a tie to anti-russian sanctions for many other things, so it’s clear that scholz
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has to turn to the senior partner , the patron, who, in general, should, as it were , cover all these rear areas, of course, that this will not work, but - in general , it is clear that each of the parties, that is, america and germany, is playing its own game, that is , germany and scholz personally need to draw out their agenda, the task of the americans is to shift. at least the financial burden, or at least most of it , is on the europeans, well, it is clear that here the first ones on the edge are precisely the germans, because the second ones are actually the french, they make very different statements, in particular they often talk about what and why we are in nato, but maybe we need to think about creating its own european army and so on, after all, inside germany such phrases sound much easier, that’s much less common, sorry, so it’s clear that germany is now in the vanguard of all these...
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well, i decided to look at my patron, as they say , older brother and vladimir zelensky, also interrupt the agenda, pull the blankets over themselves and give out the bright news from the bright resignation of zaluzhny. by the way, zaluzhny himself supported the intrigue by publishing a photo of a handshake with vladimir zelensky and wrote only that that our battle continues to change every day, but only an hour later vladimir zelensky published a video in which... he officially announced the resignation of his competitor zaluzhny and announced the name of the new
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commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine; alexander sirsky, who served as commander of the ground forces in ukraine, became he... said on this occasion: i have taken over, i invited general zaluzhny to continue to be together in the team of the ukrainian state, i will be grateful for his consent, today i decided to update the leadership of the armed forces forces of ukraine, this is not about names and especially not about politics, this is about the system of our army, about management in the armed forces of ukraine, about attracting the experience of combat commanders of this war. a different approach is needed, in particular to rotations, front management, mobilization and recruiting. today to the management. a new management team is taking over the ukrainian armed forces. i want our soldiers, rabotin or avdeevka, the general staff and headquarters to have the only vision of the war. i appointed colonel general syrsky as commander-in-chief of the armed forces ukraine, you see, ukraine, represented by zelensky , lives by the wind of change, which not only sweeps through them, but sweeps them away in a whirlwind. what is interesting about syrsky’s person is that he is a native
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of the vladimir region, graduated from the moscow higher combined arms school.
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the collapse of the soviet union remained in ukraine, most of them did not want to take the oath of ukraine, returned back to the union, well , syrsky was an exception, he probably decided to stay there to continue his career, so, but now, of course, we are interested in what’s next, how this will have an impact, i see here
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two aspects, firstly, first, zelensky cleared the space. connected with the military , who could raise their guards against him, when now, in a period of this turbulence, huge losses, non-payments, social benefits, there are all kinds of violations that are going on, when zaluzhny could conditionally turn around and go to kiev - to deal with the current government , and then change it, well, secondly, this suggests that from those grains of information that came from the front, we saw that, well, at least it was publicly voiced correctly. disagreement with the supreme commander -in-chief on certain operations, that for the sake of politics it is necessary to leave cities, the same artyomov and bakhmud, withdraw people, save, zelensky tried to keep him as much as possible in order to show the west that we can do something there, zaluzhny in this regard, he is ready to go into the furnace, like a real traitor, to carry out any, that means his tasks, syrsky, or rather , yes, he is ready to carry out any tasks of zelensky,
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he is ready to simply send them in brigades to slaughter, now it is very important for us. when we in fact, we are closing in and cutting in half a fairly large group in avdeevka, which means the enemy, i am sure that syrsky will now begin to transfer from other directions from the depths of his country and try to release the blockade, regardless of losses. why is he so unpopular among the troops, because he does not take care of his personnel, for the sake of political points, for the sake of profit, he is ready to simply make for himself, pave the way with the bodies and blood, that is, of his soldiers, that’s why for us, for us in military terms, this what will happen? means that now they will take you to the front mobilized? for us, in fact, in essence this will not change anything much, because we understand perfectly well that with such a length of the front there are commanders on the ground, and this is done by the general staff, the main operational department is there, this is not one person, he is just a transit this information when reporting to zelensky, he just couldn’t stand to keep it all in his head, and most importantly, they don’t have anything that could now change the situation on the battlefield, they
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will pull reserves from one direction from... behind we have nothing to oppose them with yet. kira lvovna, for a very long time they fanned rumors about zaluzhny’s resignation, they inflated this bubble, but they did not dare to pierce it, they pierced it just last night. why do you think this might be related to what events? well, it’s really an amazing picture, in quotes, when sometimes, say, for days and even weeks nothing happens in the bright media space, so there is such a turnover of news, suddenly right at that very american prime time. bright news, which means biden spoke, assured everyone that everything is fine with his memory,
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which means that zelensky, accordingly, accepted the resignation of zaluzhny, well, that is, naturally, there is no coincidence here and cannot be , that is, they are trying to somehow defuse this thick compressed information mass, which was naturally dedicated to this. creating sparseness in the media environment actually didn’t work out, that is, anyway , news number one is completely obvious, the whole of ukraine at 2 o’clock was already taking notes on the interview and the whole world too, and the washington post right there
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wrote that replacing zaluzhny with syrsky will probably not please the ukrainian army very much; it is expected that the decision to appoint syrsky as commander-in-chief will cause a negative reaction among the field troops, among ordinary soldiers. they especially dislike syrsky, some ukrainian soldiers call him a butcher, they are especially afraid of syrsky precisely because he is considered closer and more loyal to zelensky and the head of his administration, andriy yermak. it is unclear how syrsky’s appointment will help improve the situation on the battlefield, which is becoming increasingly dangerous for ukraine. meanwhile, washington itself decided to demonstratively distance itself from zaluzhny’s resignation, this is what they said about this overseas. ya. can you somehow react to the fact that zelensky fired his commander-in-chief? this is a sovereign decision of the ukrainian government, i will leave them the right to speak on this topic. ukraine has replaced its commander-in-chief, what
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will the us respond to this? is this a sign that the war is not going the way ukraine would like? president zelensky is supreme commander in chief, he decides who will lead the military. we know this, and we will work with anyone he chooses as commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine. we, too. we know something, we remember now, let us remind you that quite recently victoria came to ukraine on a one-day visit, apparently to resolve this conflict between zelensky and zaluzhny. when ukrainian president vladimir zelensky decided to dismiss the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine valery zaluzhny, assistant secretary of state for political affairs victoria, directly responsible for the policy of the united states and nato towards ukraine. i was in a hurry to come to kyiv. surely the white house ordered her to go there without delay in case things went south in the ukrainian capital. obviously, there were real concerns that zaluzhny could deploy the army
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to use it to hunt zelensky. that’s because, according to noonta and the united states, a coup in ukraine can only be american and nothing else. the publication of the politician writes that sent to zaluzhny's resignation refused to follow american recommendations. zaluzhny had tensions with washington after he and us military leaders disagreed over how to conduct counteroffensives. the pentagon insisted that the ukrainian military launch a major strike, focusing on one area. instead, kiev opted for multiple attacks along its entire front. after weeks of disagreement, the offensive progressed. it is quite clear that the ukrainians simply were not interested in us advice; they generally came to the conclusion that washington has nothing to offer them in terms of advice. but what about the reasons for zaluzhny’s resignation, writes the british times. zaluzhny
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was removed from his post because he negotiated arms supplies directly with the west, excluding the chain of the ukrainian ministry of defense. rustem umerov said that the ex-commander-in-chief considered zelensky’s orders unrealistic and did not provide a military action plan for 2000. you see, in washington they say that we did not bring any pressure on zelensky on the issue of zaluzhny’s resignation, but nevertheless we understand, and let's let us explain what the role is? the west could have played zelensky and zaluzhny in this conflict, and the main, main goal setting of the americans is that this conflict does not die out now, that it continues to weaken russia, they do not hide it and weaken europe, this is also one of their rather serious areas of action so that the german european industry moved to america and enriched them. they then planned, ren corporation also wrote about this, to earn 11 trillion dollars from this. industry relocation
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european, and the option that the general will lead his popular troops, which means units of the loyal guard, to kiev and break through the barriers of the sbu and overthrow the regime, for them this is unacceptable, especially when now a so-called power vacuum will arise, when zelensky’s tenure ends on march 31, i remind you that the americans, when they were in vietnam, they held elections for south vietnam, it is clear that the president was re-elected. yes, then they left, yes, then they abandoned south vietnam, and thanks to this, the north won, and vietnam became big, one mono-country, not divided like north and south korea, now, and in general , by the way, i do not rule out that having eliminated political competitors, immediately somewhere before the elections, perhaps in a short time , zelensky will still go to these elections and rig them and will win, therefore, for the americans, political stability, the preservation of their interests, the preservation of the interests of transnational corporations, and...
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various socio-political publications, and this already indicates that the person has a political position, moreover, a number ukrainian, within ukrainian speakers are already predicting some kind of political career for zaluzhny, it is difficult to imagine this taking into account zelensky’s current position, his capabilities, but nevertheless, maybe he will be some kind of competition in terms of such an unrecognized or semi-recognized opposition, maybe he will leave for the line will broadcast from there, there are actually different options.
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with the resignation, so to speak, zelensky’s curses and handshakes no longer threaten zelensky, but zelensky himself, in whatever words, is not remembered by thousands of ukrainians, against the backdrop of the newly adopted law on mobilization in ukraine, people began to go out to spontaneous protests in the ivano-frankivsk region, women surrounded a tcc employee to prevent him from taking their husbands into the army. call the president and tell him that our war is not over.
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a woman and a child also came under attack, the enraged, so to speak, women staged a real lynching over her, they decided that the woman was collecting data, so to speak, such a gunner of the military registration and enlistment office, in her village, they even built a checkpoint to track such people, here by mistake they just attacked an unknown woman, tore out a bit of her hair, and hit the girl on the head, what? yes, we just misunderstand, they ask her how to quickly get to the military registration and enlistment office without a queue, in fact this is the reason, so they will say, the ukrainian junta does not spare anyone in the new law on mobilization, by the way it is stated that ukrainian children who have gone abroad are obliged upon reaching the age of seventeen, enlist in the military. having returned to ukraine, this is how
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a representative of the poltava shopping center comments on it roman istomin. young men who have turned 17. young men who have turned 17 must receive a registration from the territorial recruitment center. at the end of 2022, the cabinet of ministers adopted a resolution according to which children must now be registered upon reaching 17 years of age. since the full-scale invasion of the russian aggressor , many young people have left ukraine. were under 16 years of age at the time of departure; now they are obliged to voluntarily return to ukraine or contact the consulate in the country where they remain, tckrial.
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precisely on such a global scale , because for this purpose, as they say, logs are stacked, there is a box of matches, well, all that remains is to actually bring this match, let’s see who will be the actual arsonist, while they are not engaged in arson within their own country, through such bills we deal with culture on a large scale. the epic war drama air by alexei german the younger is already on the screens of our cinemas, more than 1 million people have already watched it so far, hurry to cinema and you. bronzily, this is a bronze film. prepare for battle. the most vivid moments of flights, from
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battles in the sky. cinema for people who don’t know what war is? a person who overcomes what cannot be overcome, of course. amazing, this film touched me to the depths of my soul, everything is original and colorful, i would even go again, the air is already in the cinema, i’m sure this film will be watched in ukraine, they will remember that once we were one people, one united whole, and we we won, we will win now, more news on first. hello, news on channel one, andrey ukharev is with you. so, the main global topic today, which is being discussed everywhere, is vladimir putin’s interview with the american journalist taka for various reasons.


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