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tv   Vechernie novosti  1TV  February 9, 2024 6:00pm-6:40pm MSK

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that this will be the most viewed program in general in the history of this newly created x network. but they look everywhere all over the world, and not only in the english-speaking , but in the chinese-speaking countries and those countries where they speak their own languages ​​and where they everywhere understand vladimir putin and his arguments, because with him there is a global majority, which means our cause will rightly win tell us. word of news, all the best, goodbye, see you next week. hello, evening news on channel one, andrey ukharev with you. more than 100 million views per half-day, interview with vladimir putin to tucker carlson. about the causes of the conflict in ukraine.
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they are ready for negotiations, if the zelensky administration in ukraine refused to negotiate, i proceed from the fact that they did this on instructions from washington. about the demonization of russia, the horror stories of the western media, to extract additional money from us taxpayers, to extract additional money from european taxpayers in the confrontation with russia in the ukrainian theater of military operations. and the ukrainian peoples, reunification is inevitable, why are the ukrainian authorities taking away the russian orthodox church, because it unites not a territory, but a soul, and no one will be able to divide it, and also about those who blew up the nord stream, artificial intelligence and gestures of goodwill, more than two hours and an honest reaction of ordinary users.
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at the peak of western propaganda, four candidates in alphabetical order to the center of the disputing committee showed what the ballot will look like in the upcoming presidential elections, it has already been sent to print. a master of contemporary art, the creator of a unique style, recognized throughout the world. in moscow an exhibition of paintings by ivan lubennikov opened. main topic. today, which the whole world is discussing, is vladimir putin’s interview with american journalist tucker carlson. the interest is enormous, excerpts in all news publications, fragments on the air of leading tv channels. it is clear: for the first time in 2 years , the russian president was able to comprehensively convey our position and motives to the western audience, including the reasons for carrying out a special military operation. and to make it clearer, vladimir putin began with a historical excursion, because western media they keep silent and even distort a lot.
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tucker carlson will undoubtedly have the chance to work with archival documents, and the american audience will understand the essence of the conflict by listening to vladimir putin's detailed account of the origins of ukrainian statehood. this is what we, any high school student, knows about how, on the ruins of the empire, the bolsheviks carved out a territory that eventually broke away with the collapse of the union in 1991, when ukraine, which gained independence, moved to build its own identity on principle away from moscow. does not want, on the contrary, to
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in the canadian parliament, zelensky is shown the ukrainian ss veteran as a lord of the hated russians, hence the questions about what kind of goal this denazification is. hitler has been dead for 80 years, germany no longer exists, in truth, this is true, yes, i think that you... say that you want to put out this fire of ukrainian nationalism, how to do this? you say: hitler is gone, for so many years, yes, 80 years, that means, but his work lives on, the people who destroyed jews, russian poles are alive, and the president, the current president of today's ukraine applauds him in the canadian parliament, they applaud him while standing, how can we? to say
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that we completely uprooted this ideology, if what we see is happening today, this is what denazification is in our understanding, we need to get rid of those people who this...
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humanity, this is obvious, these are just some kind of horror stories a global war, and a global war to put everything on the brink of destruction for ordinary people in order to get out of it is contrary to common sense, to get involved us taxpayers, extract additional money from european taxpayers in the confrontation with russia in the ukrainian theater.
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listen, you said, the world is divided into two hemispheres, the head is divided into two hemispheres, one is responsible for one area of ​​​​activity, the other is more creative there and so on, but it is still one head , the world needs to be one for
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security was common, they are designed for this golden billion, then only in this case the world will be stable... stable and predictable, while the head is divided into two parts, this is a disease, this is a serious illness, a serious illness, so the world is going through this period of severe illness. but it seems to me that thanks to, well, including honest journalism, they work like doctors, maybe it will be possible to somehow connect all this. vladimir putin is confident that nothing is impossible , as shown, for example, by negotiations with kiev in the spring of 2022, the agreed document even closed the issue of that denazification, incomprehensible to the west, but not so long ago the head of the ukrainian delegation and leader of the parliamentary majority, david arakhamia, admitted that all agreements went to waste as soon as...
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western sanctions destroy the russian economy, it not only survived, but according to vladimir putin became the fifth in the world, and the first according to purchasing power parity in europe, food for thought for american taxpayers, that is, viewers of the interview. it would be naive to think that they could be interested exclusively in the ukrainian crisis; after all, it is endless far away, the fate of the american journalist evan gershkovich, detained in russia on suspicion of espionage, is of course much closer. he is in custody.
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i have never responded with similar gestures, but we are, in principle, ready to say that we do not rule out the possibility that we can do this with oncoming movement from our partners, when i say partners, i mean, first of all, representatives of special services, they are in contact with each other, they are discussing this topic, we have no taboo about ... not solving this problem, we are ready it is up to us to decide, but there are certain conditions
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that are being discussed through partner channels between the special services, it seems to me that it is possible to agree on this, the president recalled a russian citizen sentenced to life imprisonment in germany; in 2019 he shot zelimkhan khangashvili in berlin. in our country he was accused of terrorism and war crimes during the second chechen campaign. sits in one country, the country of an ally of the united states, a man who, for patriotic reasons, liquidated in one of european capitals of the bandit, during the events in the caucasus, you know what he did, i don’t want to say, but nevertheless i will say, he laid our soldiers out of these.
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with you, well, yes, this is a different story, completely, i’m just talking about those people who are essentially under the control of the us authorities, no matter where they are in prison. it seems that the hint is more than clear; in addition to spy stories, they also managed to discuss the threat of artificial intelligence using the dollar as a weapon by the united states, which, by the way, is to its own detriment. but the conversation one way or another, the entire 2 hours revolved around ukraine and relations with the west. russia, as the president has said more than once.
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made a decision, even if they refuse it, that’s all, but they made the wrong decision, now we have to look for a way out of this wrong decision, bring their tails there, correct their mistakes, they made it, let them correct it, we pay a great price for the mistake and the west’s misconception in assessing the situation is just as large-scale;
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perhaps someone in the american administration would be useful to look into the gift to tucker carlson.
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ivan the good studied the reaction. the first detailed commentary on the interview with vladimir putin was recorded by tucker himself. back in the kremlin, he understands perfectly well, they will discuss, including his professional qualities as an interviewer, and decided to tell how difficult the first part of the conversation was for him. an incredibly detailed excursion into history, starting with the formation of russia in the 2nd century, the unification of tribes into one nation, of which ukraine was a part, it irritated me. look, i'm an american, i'm interested in certain issues. answers. let's start already, but he didn't give in, i put pressure on him, it annoyed him, and i was annoyed, it was like... an attempt to hush up the topic, maybe somewhere it was like that, but in the end i realized, no, this and there was an answer, this was the preface to the answer, the history of the emergence of the country's connection with ukraine, as the basis of his policy, it was really interesting, the audience also appreciated it, wow, a head of state who can teach a whole thirty-minute history lesson without an attack of dementia, of course, why administration biden didn’t want this interview
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to be broadcast, a curious intersection occurred, but today joe biden talked to reporters and was confused in his thoughts. and even managed to confuse the presidents of mexico and egypt. whoever planned to hold this press conference immediately after the end of putin's interview is an idiot, because people will compare them. the european commission hastened to say nothing new; they allegedly did not hear anything new in putin’s interview. a new york times writer disagrees. putin spoke more directly than usual about his views on how the invasion of ukraine will end. this may not be a military victory, but an agreement with the west. at the end of the interview , putin told carlson that the time had come for... negotiations to end the war, because those who hold power in the west have realized that russia cannot be defeated on the battlefield. what shocked me was the admission that he is committed to a peace agreement for ukraine, and he speaks about it publicly. he said this several times. and in fact, there is a huge amount of evidence confirming that a peaceful agreement. peace talks on
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a settlement took place about a year and a half ago; they were disrupted by the former british prime minister. say victoria, ideological liars in the state department are trying to portray putin as something like hitler or imperialist japan. the truth is that all this is armor and stupidity. in fact, only an idiot would think so. russia has.
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nord streams and, of course, about chinese words from the russian leader about the role of the cia in undermining the approach to solving problems through search compromise, this is perhaps the main thing that german journalists took away from the interview: words about the lack of desire to seize poland, about the explosion of gas pipelines, about putin’s characterization of the german leadership, either not a word or in passing, however, berlin raitong distinguished himself here; a distorted quote was taken in the headline putin, supposedly the russian leader said that the germans were incompetent, readers immediately forged for... noticed, no, he did not say that the germans were incompetent, he said that the federal government was incompetent, there is a big difference, and you also know this, the german government, you
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forgot just one word, you don’t have to thank me, whether this mistake was made intentionally is unclear, but germany has its own specifics, many residents of germany still remember vladimir putin’s speech there to the deputies the bundestag is in german, and they know well with what respect the russian leader has always spoken of the german people, even if they were in the west. plans to ignore putin’s interview as much as possible, then we can already state their complete failure. here's the producer cnn is talking about takir carlson, whom the host just called a propagandist, but the viewer sees simple understandable words on the screen: putin is the ukrainian conflict, an element of civil war, russian ukrainians are one people, people are watching the headlines, even from them one can clearly read vladimir’s message putin to the west: russia cannot be defeated, stop supporting ukraine with weapons, then the war will end in 2 weeks. the swiss noah zürcher-zeitung writes: an american in time.
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as you know, mexican president sisi initially did not want to open checkpoints, to allow humanitarian aid to pass through. i was the one who persuaded him, convinced him to do it.
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my memory, my memory is fine, my memory, look what i've done since i became president. none of you thought i could. how did it happen? you know, i just forgot what happened. today, the election commission center approved the text of the ballot paper for the elections. president, and then showed what he would look like. actually, here it is, four candidates in alphabetical order: vladislav davankov, vladimir putin, leonid slutsky and nikolai kharitonov. opposite each is brief information: year of birth, place of residence, place of work, who nominated him and party affiliation, if any. in total, as reported in the central committee , more than 113 million such ballots will be printed. let me remind you that the elections will be held on march 17, but we will vote for 3 days, starting on the 15th. this is for convenience.
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we are discussing various topics in this composition, but unfortunately, no one has canceled floods and natural fires, they cannot cancel them, but you and i must think about it in advance and do everything in order to minimize the consequences, let's... today we will talk about this, the floor is with alexander vyacheslavovich kurenkov. now vdnkh, the grandiose exhibition of russia. our cameras are aimed at pavilion 75; the regions brought their agricultural achievements there. the head of the ministry of agriculture, dmitry patrushev, got acquainted with them. report by anna kurbatova. large grains are grown with love, as i think, throughout the russian federation. judging by the elastic sheaves of wheat, it is clear that today is agriculture day.
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self-sufficiency in meat and meat our products accounted for only 67%. well , since then the situation has changed and the meat sector has doubled its figures. since 2020, the country has been 100% self-sufficient in meat. milk production is growing, and other industries are developing dynamically. russia, for example, is the world leader in salmon production; last year the catch amounted to 600,000 tons. financial support for agriculture is also growing. great attention to genetics and selection is improving the gene pool of cattle in the country, new breeds of sheep, chickens, new varieties of grains and vegetables, 11 of those that in the register of breeding achievements of the country were bred in the far east not from
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agriculture, well, take at least... a new product, you can grow them in all our regions, and i want to show you the khobar variety , it is unique, this variety is genetically without pride , the role of russia is changing in international markets, if in 2000 export revenue was about one and a half billion dollars, in 2023 there is already a record 45 billion. a 30-fold jump. on the global stage we have second place in external supplies of grain and grain crops, we are number one in... in the world in the export of wheat and fish, we are also in second place in the trade of sunflower and rapeseed oil, well, in third place we are in the supply of barley. under conditions of unprecedented sanction pressure , domestic business managed to quickly reorient production, occupying niches vacated after the departure of foreign suppliers, one of them for the production of pet food; in the summer of twenty-two, 90% of the products on the shelves
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of pet stores - you are watching the evening news, in a couple of days we’ll be back in a minute, don’t switch gears, all the decisions were on the verge of the impossible, mostly it worked out, although there were, of course, a couple of missteps, there were a lot of skeptical assessments about whether we could hold which olympics, and somewhere only on the second- third day, skeptical assessments changed to the exact opposite , unrealistic super sports festival, everything
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i said everything correctly, my love, not games, that’s why he doesn’t allow me to play them, you allow him to play, well done, how are you living in retirement, my best time if you if you want to be 72 years old and have no pain, dance in the park every morning, the lives of others, premiere on sunday, on the first, today for the first time on... a unique spectacle, his name is obrek, i said that i would bring the best fighter, volodya ignatius, afghan, sapper , such a guy, this is my money too, and i want
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to fight for it, reed, what are you talking about, i don’t know, some kind of premonition, girls, i ’ll deceive you, there won’t be a concert , you promised us 40 dollars, these are our girls. i ’ll put everyone here now, he’ll kill you, well hello, jaeger, she’s nobody to you, why did you get involved in this, it’s him, the one who saved me, you’re nobody to each other, this is chechnya, we can’t do that, well, tell me, soper, whose path you crossed, i can’t live without him, eh... brek premiere of the multi-part film on sunday on the first, give it what i want with it, let me do it, move away, let me buy it from you,
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turn around, the empress orders you, my ugliness insults your beauty, emperor of all russia peter i. died of sleep apnea at the age of 14, i don’t want a similar fate for either my children or children of their children, especially since there are weapons against this evil, vaccination, you know that out of twelve people who made the variation, three die, the great golden age, the big premiere, from monday on the first. you watch the evening news on the first, and we continue. st. petersburg today celebrates the 180th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding lawyer anatoly koni. it was he who formed the basic principles of the russian
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legal system. report by alena germanova. a guard of honor stood at the foot of the russian national library. in the presence of the minister justice opens the foundation stone. there will be a monument to anatoly koneya, the man who stood.
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to the third floor and vera zasulich came under the guise of a petitioner, stood in line, then suddenly took a revolver from her clutch and shot at trepov. so zasulich took revenge for the beaten revolutionary bogolyubov. trepov ordered him to be flogged, but corporal punishment before trial was prohibited. the shot itself turned out to be non-lethal, yet the zasulich faced 20 years of hard labor. kony, addressed the jury. he appealed to their conscience, thus seeking to demonstrate that in every case, ...
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through slow gradual evolution it is possible to gradually transform the state, he considered the word the greatest weapon, he was listened to in crowded halls, proposed equalizing the inheritance rights of women, published works on ethics, considered it moral to make money from gambling and alcohol. he had a very negative attitude towards, let’s say, the state wine monopoly, that is, essentially the state, which should take care of the population , makes money on what is essentially, well sells, relatively speaking, poison. a witness to the revolution of the collapse of the empire, he died in 1927 , they carried flowers to the grave of anatoly koneya at the volkovsky cemetery all morning, on the monument there were words, thought, felt, worked. alena germanova. the creator of a unique
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pictorial style that has received recognition throughout the world. an exhibition of paintings by ivan lubennikov has opened in moscow. the master passed away 3 years ago. our artists' widow, natalya glebova, gave a tour of the exhibition in the gallery to channel one correspondent olga pautova. the author depicted it with special love. ed by the amazed viewer who first saw the paintings of ivan lubennikov and his picturesque matriarchy, a woman as a continuator of life, the embodiment of love, a caring muse, ready to inspire until she collapses without strength. nudity in his paintings is not about vulnerability, but about strength and energy for lubennikov, a woman and her nakedness is the most powerful manifestation of nature, which is why even red curls are more reminiscent of the blazing rays of the sun, they can warm or they can burn to the ground, here he is favorite... thing he drew with a shadow, you see, the lower edge of the body,
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which concerns the drapery, he has no drawings at all, everything has gone into the shadows, and this is why there is some kind of mystery. the artist’s widow, natalya glebova, gives us a tour of the exhibition and tells us that he always drew women’s curves from memory, without the help of models, the hand itself led him, but in the image of the man she seemed to stumble, as lubennikov himself said in his paintings.
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in some things you see a technique like frescoes, in some works you see how he builds volumes, purely in caravaggian style, with shadows, we have several works presented, including judith, what a beauty, what a mess it turns out, this is how the master himself spoke about his own paintings, unique footage, his work in the workshop can be seen in the documentary life goes on, he worked almost... every day and received recognition throughout world, whether you want it
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or not, you still work, because you have a motivator inside that forces you to work, you understand, this is , of course, a fairly metaphorical form of talent cells, yes, but, but it’s very similar, in fact, that this is not freedom, talent is not freedom, many of us encounter his talent every day, the main thing is not to look at your feet while traveling in the subway, he designed one of the exits from the mayak metro station. having covered the passengers with the blue sky, a steel apple orchard was planted underground on slavyansky boulevard, because at the exit from the station the real one blooms, and stryatinsky boulevard is essentially a monument to all the monuments that are located on the boulevard ring. in the film we will see his stained glass window for the paris metro and works that were considered lost, and we also learn about the amazing fate of the artist, he never fought for recognition, was not persecuted, and at the same time...


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