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tv   PODKAST  1TV  February 10, 2024 2:20am-3:06am MSK

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my name is leonid yakovlevich arkaev, now i will lead you , you can forget about all your previous merits, your stay in the national team will be strictly on the sports principle, only the strongest athletes today, in a week there will be an estimate, based on the results of which we will form the olympic composition, so much hard work and deprivation nerve, all just for the sake of going to the olympics. such are blessed, strict discipline and hard training await you ahead, everyone is ready to warm up, daughter, i didn’t wait for you, sorry, i was late for the bus, light, but...
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i'll swim. “i don’t know, he said that
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the knife pierced the back and went 15 cm, hitting a lung and a kidney, good morning, young people, hello, let’s take a quick look at you, yes, be careful on the barrel.” more, more, more, so, good, well, how are you feeling, you can tell me when i can swim, the muscles are not seriously damaged, i did everything so that you could swim further, but i don’t think that you will be able to return to performing at professional level. you
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better rest, sash, sasha, now the main thing is to hold on, yes, i want to be alone. yeah, looks like we can. describe yourself in one phrase. wrestler from novosibirsk. what did you dream of becoming as a child? truck driver. truck driver. what are you proud of? because i am a siberian. what
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is the most important, the most precious thing for you, my family, my country, the grave of my ancestors, everything at once, like you studied at school, normal, no, no, no, no, you answer too monosyllabically, you need to somehow... . in more detail, keep up, where are you going, jogging, i remember when i entered engineering, our curator, seeing that i was talking, was shocked, but it was thanks to the struggle that i became read more, think more, wrestling is an art of superiority not only in technical equipment or physical mass, but also in thought, is it a process of overcoming oneself?
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the surrounding world, and you don’t use weights while jogging, just out of curiosity. okay, when you get tired, we’ll switch immediately. fine. what books do you read? do you have any favorite writers? i like russian classics. i love dostoevsky, kuprin, bunin. a lot depends on your mood. what did you write? mostly something scary. horror? no, it was just written terribly. at you will turn out good, good, or maybe you won’t learn anything, the basis of life is a struggle, a struggle with an opponent, a struggle with oneself , someone is struggling with an illness, someone with a lack of self-confidence, you know, you should never give up, but
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family doesn’t interfere with my sports career, family supports me, this is...
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where is khorkina? ready? are you next? what’s wrong with my back, it hurts a lot, we’ll let it go, we’ll recover, boris vasilyevich, i ’ll do everything, everything is clear here.
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well done, hi, how are you feeling, hi,
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as you see, dash, can i ask you come, not so often, but i’m not alone today? with a real olympic champion and i’ll immediately think about you, hello guys , hello, why are you confused, let ’s ask what you wanted, and show me the gold medal, i didn’t bring it with me, guys, but i brought it, wow, cool. can you hold it? yeah, be careful, dash, i i can't, you
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guys can, you want to hear the story of how alexander popov won these gold medals, okay, all the time. don’t let him start, so take over, okay, lift him up, just like that, learn, the championship is on the way, one was curried for he won’t perform for everyone, let’s lift him up, sash , what happened, it’s normal, it will pass, the examination showed that your ears have been removed, if you put a strain on it, it can lead to a fracture, i have a championship in a month, i’ll have time to recover, it’s impossible, it’s better to be careful, we’ll miss it championship. you are the main contenders for
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the olympic roster, but two of you will be eliminated. let me remind you that at the olympics we have team competitions, and the result will depend on the scores of each of you. i have doubts about the athlete’s physical condition horkies. well, this is a sport, who here is not injured? there is a problem with my back, but it can be solved. galieva, dolgopolova, grosheva, kochitkova, lyapina and khorkina will go to the olympics.
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listen, but after the olympics there will be a world championship, if you get ready we’ll go together, it didn’t work out for me with the second olympics. you won't quit, will you? when was the last time you went to the cinema? in belgorod, have you been to your parents in belgorod for a long time? it’s been a long time since the last time you, i don’t know, just got enough sleep, there is another life. well, what are you going to do?
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i’ll go home, and for the first month i’ll just be i’ll go to sleep and then i’ll come up with something, you know, sports should keep you occupied. i just haven’t had all your thoughts for a long time, so go ahead, treat your back, i’ll root for you, to be honest, no one has used our sports department for a long time. apparently no one
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used it at all, thanks. why aren't you at training? we have a short break in preparation, not bad,
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there is a generation of great wrestlers, i collected newspaper clippings about them, young people always need support. i'm very sorry that you won't be able to perform because of the grass, it happens, but here i am i'm leaving today. promised to take my son to an amusement park, but you still haven’t shown me a single move, give me your hand, right here, this is the first move that wrestlers perform during fights, every fight begins with a confident, strong handshake, wrestling
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is not only sport is a way of life. it was nice to meet you, son, say hi, okay, well, go home, yes, to the pool, well, sure, sure? look, it will be difficult, it’s okay, time it,
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come on. sanya, let’s just give it another month, rest, gain some strength, that’s all. "that's me, i tried the water, well, that means all over again, well, guys, we have the first world championship ahead, where we will compete as a team of the russian federation, and this means that the whole
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world will be looking at you and waiting for your mistake, or even better, defeat , but however. knowing all this only makes you and me stronger, right? yes, in a word, guys, you just need to go and win this championship, okay? yes, but what about korelin? korelin has an injury, he won’t go to the world championships, why are you depressed? what are you doing here? i’ve settled in, doctors make mistakes, the injury is minor, so let’s go to the championship, let’s go. you understand that this is the first championship under the flag of the russian federation, and you yourself personify our invincible country, if you lose, the whole country will lose with you. the country for me is them, these guys, each of them, they have everything to win, they just need to add confidence, and this is our task, so i
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’m going with them. sasha, this is a risk, you’ve never lost, have you? i'm ready and i'll go. well, apparently primorsky krai? gorgeous, how do you say it in korean, i love to travel? we have two types of soup, one spicy, one non-spicy , if anything happens, the firefighters have already left, the wind above doesn’t matter at all, even if it blows 80 km/h, it’s okay, let’s hold on, hold on, oops, there’s that, that was good blow, oh, oh, damn, that's it, quiet, let's go, premiere, tomorrow on
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the first. she and chamberlain potemkin are constantly talking about something, she began to invite him to all councils and holidays, potemkin, have you seen potemkin, crooked, askew, slut, all this is mine ugliness insults your beauty, wounds received for the fatherland should not be ashamed, i love you, insert, it’s you out of great love for me, my frills lifted up my hem, i wouldn’t look at anyone in my life if you were cold to me was not. adjutant general grigory grigorievich arlov should immediately leave for moscow to eradicate the plague epidemic occurring there. yes grisha, look how you fuss. everything is over comrade-in-arms, get ready, empress grisha, much has been given, but little is allowed, but
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what should i do if i love you, great one, golden age, big premiere from monday on the first, how do you tell me why? sveta, where are you from here, and i’m training in moscow , i came to see you off at the olympics, like parents, they’re worried, and we call more often, everything is fine, yes, my mother was just a little upset, but she came to see you, and you didn’t talk to her really, worry about you, light, it’s time to register, yeah, listen, i have to go, okay, never mind, then i ’ll speak, i’ll definitely come. okay, don’t forget, bring more medals, agreed. dear tv viewers, i remind you that
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today the olympic atlanta is hosting the finals in certain all-around events in women's artistic gymnastics. today we are cheering for our gymnasts who will begin their performance at the olympics with the uneven bars. in general, the local public very strongly supports their american gymnasts, our girls will have a very difficult time, but let's support them and believe in victory.
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gorkina, the leader of the russian team, she won gold for our team and left no chance for anyone. champion, how do you feel? many people was worried about me, especially mine. family , i want to thank my coach, boris vasilyevich, thank you to all my fans,
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thank you very much for your support, this is our gold, and we hope this is not your last gold, we are really looking forward to seeing you at the next olympics in sydney, you will come to sydney soon you won’t see everything anymore, i’m thinking about ending my sports career, why i became an olympic champion, my childhood dream came true.
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more powerful, more powerful, rake in, work, work, work, oh, come on, come on, sasha, oh, no i'm still tired. i'm busy, i'm tired, but you'll be lost without me, you'll soon finally return to your previous shape, that's still a long way off, we're working, we're working , we're working, more powerful, more powerful, bend over, harder, for god's sake,
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work! i am sure that everything will work out for you and that you will swim even better than before, that dashan, remember our conversation, that evening, well, we agreed to start then. dating after the olympics, of course, i remember you then said that you were not ready for a serious relationship, you said that you were not ready for easy, the olympics are still far away, maybe we won’t delay, but as you said, it will distract from sports, the family will only help, it seems to me, yes, i think so too, marry me.
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good morning, good morning, i woke up, keep in mind that you are sleeping here only in honor of your arrival, this is my place and i’m used to it, i hope you are quick and bookish, the whole city congratulates you on your victory. thank you. tell me, has anything changed in your life after this victorious olympics? yes, everything has changed, the regime has changed, so i entered my native belgorod university. and how hard is it to study? well, not really. i study at the faculty of physical education, and since i did gymnastics, it’s not so difficult for me. but still interesting. many athletes find it very difficult to adapt after
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leaving big sport. are you going through this period in your life? yes, i understand what you are saying, but i am spending more time with my family now. hold on, pull, pull, pull, wait, good girl, don’t you miss sports? i miss you, but i’m now at a new stage in my life, light, and you go for a walk, i don’t want to, then i ’ll take your jacket, a ash-and-gutter cage, a bunch of baked goods, and suddenly zhura is again in the clouds. well , now no one will know, but i know he
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wrote happiness. well, shall we go pack our things? we are looking forward to the appearance of our famous wrestler, alexander korelin. this is
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his first fight at the championship. but i have such confidence that everything will be fine with alexander. so, the fight begins, let's make our wish. we all need a landslide victory. sasha, sasha. and this is a victory, alexander karelin, not without difficulty, but gets his first victory in the tournament.
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and tomorrow karelin will have a fight with his bosom rival, twenty-time swedish champion and world champion thomas johansson. protrude. you can’t do it anymore, can you feel the taste of bile in your mouth? yes, the rib came off, and there is pressure on the liver, sasha, we need to take off, but no, it’s fine for now, sasha, you understand what this could threaten you with, approximately yes, doctor, you are it, don’t worry, just be there, what are you on look at me, you heard everything yourself, the main thing is that you don’t... don’t find out. what is this? this is an excerpt from my article published in a local newspaper. read it. of course. karelin is the courage
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and spirit of a true champion. despite the doctors' restrictions. due to his injury, korelin decided to go to the world championships to support his team of wrestlers who. performs for the first time under the flag of the russian federation. korelin’s selfless act is admirable to the core. karrellin personifies the true, invincible russian character. what didn't you like? no, why? a little pretentious, but overall very good. thank you very much. maybe jona doesn't read? are you saying that this is your last official competition? yes, i'm thinking of ending my professional career. especially here at home. the world championship is the best place to end your career. i'm not getting
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any younger, i promise to finish it triumphantly. leonid yagorich, oh, hello, hello, hello, healthy, you didn’t last long , you’re already bored, and we have a younger generation here, talented, energetic, so, in 10 minutes training. get ready, hello, hello, what are you doing here, you left, the olympics are coming soon, so you were already like, i’ll go again, we’ll see.
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not bad, good, but the olympics are still far away, you’ll lose your form, someone will just pick it up by this time, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, you’re right, in principle i
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could not come at all, stay at home, meet with friends , go to the cinema, don’t care about the regime, only... one problem, i can’t do without gymnastics, light, can you watch? yes, let's, of course, let's go have a look, let's go, what took you so long, is everything okay? yes, i took my passport, yes, let's go, hello, until the eighth agreed, they'll sign us up, let's go, sash, sash, wait, hello, we need to talk.
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excuse us, please , what happened, sasha, i probably won’t marry you, i thought for a long time and i helped you recover , i was always there, dash, i’m very grateful to you for that, that’s the point, you know, you are a very good, decent person and... perhaps that is why you feel guilty towards me, right? i don’t understand anything, well, the fact that i left the sport, but it was my own choice, i wanted it myself. in in general, you don’t owe me anything, that’s what i wanted to say. dasha, i’m really very grateful to you for everything. thank you. but i would never propose marriage to you,
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just because you are a good person, i love you, you know, then i'm pregnant. 4, 5,
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well done, the rest are following you as much as you, volkova, good, the elements are clear. coordination is fine, persistent, reminds me of you in my youth, in my youth, but now what am i, now you have experience, 20 years after all, so what, my goal is olympic gold, i will do everything possible and impossible for this, in a month we have an estimate, based on the results of which i... the composition of the national team, who
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will be included, i can’t say now, everything is according to sports principles, okay, vasilyeva , stronger with your heels, i understand, go to work, mishchenko. pounce, work, ready, boris vasilyevich, you know, i can jump with my eyes closed, but still be understanding, the olympic champion, svetlana khorkina, is jumping now.
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so, the semi-final, two-time olympic champion alexander karilin meets the owner of the kavra, thomas johansson. before entered by duel. information that alexander received a rib injury, but how serious it is, we don’t know yet, well, we can only wish alexander good luck, we all believe in his victory!
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the fight is developing very difficult for alexander, yes, apparently, the injury is really serious, it can stop him, yes. korelin. there is the famous karilinsky
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reverse belt, four points for alexander, the score is already 6:1 in our favor, and this is a victory, 12:1, and this point remains the first and only one earned by yuganson in fights with alexander karelin. yes mom, light, are you sleeping? no, i'm leaving training. when are you leaving? tomorrow morning. how long does it take you to fly to sydney? with
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a transfer of about 20 hours it will be possible. wow, after this we go straight to the competition? the opening of the olympics is in 2 weeks. mom, why are you calling? how do you feel? everything is fine? fine. how about training? did you manage everything? mom, i'm absolutely ready, don't worry. are you heading straight to the olympic village? yes, mom, what's going on? anxious in my heart. you're worried about something. mom, you're screwing yourself over. yes. fine. okay, kiss me mommy. so far, dear tv viewers , for those who have just joined us, we are broadcasting live from the olympic games in sydney, vault brusia, beam exercise, the best athlete will win the title
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of absolute champion, we all, we all believe and hope that it will be svetlana khorkina, yulia, it started, at the qualifying competitions.


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