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tv   PODKAST  1TV  February 10, 2024 6:10am-6:50am MSK

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residents of the prc traditionally visit taoist buddhist temples and monasteries. millions of people travel to their hometowns to spend these holidays with their loved ones. the chinese new year was celebrated by buddhists in russia, residents of buryatia in the trans-baikal region, irkutsk region , kalmykia, tuva and of course, the capital, which has noticeably changed , thousands of red lanterns are shining on the streets of moscow , dragons are everywhere, the city will be interesting, fairs, exhibitions, master classes, and also dancing and acrobatic shows. that's all for now, until meetings, hello, everyone, on the first channel of the podcast, everyone wants to fly, and i’m the host. of this
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podcast leonid yakubovich. today, my friends, you and i will not fly anywhere, we are in the debriefing area. we 'll talk today with the people who created the amazing film called air. director of the film alexey german, hello. and the performer of one of the main roles, elena lyadova. hello, brothers. well, what can i say? unlike all the others, i saw the film. eh, how much? i understand the premiere will take place on january 18, it will be released, you i was surprised by this: i was somewhat wary when i started watching the film, because i thought that it would be another action movie with shooters, bullets, burning in the cockpit, with wild screams and so on, you somehow moved away from this, you showed, perhaps , perhaps the most difficult part of this life on earth. leningrad is under siege, female pilots
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and female technicians must show training, courage and self-sacrifice, not only pilots, but also technicians, they need to give birth, braid their hair, but they are here, masha, why do you need war, you lived richly? what do you mean why? how many of our people are dying? why are you sending the girls, they are not ready yet, i would give them time to learn. anyone with me, why didn’t you kill the german? i can't live. what are you dreaming about? how i dance, how i go out on stage
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alone, zhenya, love is all needed, you could fall in love with me, everything is fine, we attack, attack, but to love your homeland is death ; what is more important is whether a person is homeland, homeland. isn't that the case with you? girls, we beat the germans, i shot them down, you shot them down, don’t you believe in us at all, or do you feel sorry for me? please, my little one, please, fly, fly, fly, airplane, fly, look how well they fly, it means everything is not in vain! let's fly somewhere and disappear.
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lena, i have a question for you: how did you feel in the cockpit during all these evolutions? despite the fact that this is all generally safe, this is filming, in general it wasn’t really still scary, the cabin. they closed it, it shook so that there were no cracks, everything was hermetically sealed, they closed it with screwdrivers, raised it to a height of probably nine to eight meters, uh, on such a specialized crane, this simulator, let’s call it it was like that, the cabin of the plane, the wing was on fire, everything was shaking, the group was below, in fact i was scared, i understood that if something wrong happened, then... the guys wouldn’t make it
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and i wouldn’t be able to break out this window i definitely won’t jump out, it was a little scary, you’ve already shown the film in japan, but how can the japanese watch it? a film about russian female pilots, in general about russians at that time, well, in my opinion, it was wonderful, that is, they all empathized, watched without actually breathing, and received the film very emotionally, and after the screening there were full houses when they asked questions, that is to me it seems very good, that is, very good, don’t you think... then behind all the events that took place since 1945, there were a huge number of them, the topic of the great patriotic war is somewhat erased from memory, but you took up this, why? well
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, for me it doesn’t get erased, for me it exists emotionally, i remember my deceased grandfather, my whole family fought, and my grandmother and my little mother... 587 588 aircraft fighter, bomber and light night bombers, you chose 586, this is a regiment fighter pilots who worked on the
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yak-1b, then there was the yak-3, yak 7, but why was this fighter regiment used as the basis for the plot of the film? well, you know, well, firstly , this is how the script turned out, secondly, we had wonderful pictures about night witches, there was one, we all know it, we’ve seen it all, thirdly, the yak itself is a legendary aircraft, absolutely, and the plane is also in its own way the hero of the film, so in connection with the plane, in my opinion, it has not been told enough... the story about women fighter jets, and the fact that the story was written so simply, that’s probably so we took it on, i heard you say in one of the interviews that someone, one
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of the pilots suggested this story to you, or no, no, no, no, not one of the pilots, they suggested it to me, we thought for a very long time , how to make not, not just a film, where... we have one, which with alterations, at that time, now, in my opinion, another one was restored, and we built 12b, because we created airfields, and created this regiment , as close to the original as possible, and it was like a whole, whole
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life that we lived, i was completely i was dumbfounded by your preparatory period, how long it lasted, well, quite a long time, i think that for... probably a year and a half we were preparing, well, we first started preparing in a small group, there were about seven or eight people there, we started looking for planes flying on the wing, we began to come up with a filming technology in detail, we began to design how we would build these aircraft models, we looked at many regions of russia regarding where we would film, we were looking for actors for a long time, because in our film by... in addition to the wonderful actresses known throughout the country, academy cadets are also acting, precisely because we needed people with bearing, with the understanding that it’s like discipline and with faces, you know,
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it always scares me very much in films about war, when there are women who have recently cheated themselves, so to speak, of everything that can be cheated, who have... teeth whiter than white and skin of some incredible smoothness, it seems to me that this is, well, not very not very, not very good, and so on we also searched all over the country. preparation i meant by the words i was completely dumbfounded by what you built, i’m not convinced that somewhere in the world there is something like this screen the size of a four-story building. plus, this whole apparatus that rotates the plane
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, we did a certain amount of engineering, that is , a rather complex structure, invented specifically for the film, lifted and the plane weighing a ton, this is our simplest gimbal to a height, and then it spun, twisted, twisted , twisted, twisted, twisted, at that moment a... so to speak, arose, let’s say, the authenticity of the artists’ feelings and emotions, plus all these maneuvers were synchronized with the projection on the screen, so when the plane went into a maneuver, then accordingly we tilted the plane strongly so that there was a physics of the position of the body in the cockpit, that is, for us, physics flight was one of physics and photorealism was one of the tasks that we set right away. this still had to be combined with what was happening on the screen. yes, it was a whole, whole thing,
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we had a lot of attempts, we filmed real ones from real planes, of course, in different regions of russia, in different weather conditions, from different cameras, in order to get the feeling of flight on the screen, we had emergency landings, icing, well, in fact, everything, all the joys. i can imagine how you felt during these evolutions. yes, in this sense the director helped, there was no need to invent anything, fantasize, make any efforts that were not required, in general it really helped when your wing is on fire, everything is screwed together, oil in your face, and also smoke , there are fasts, yes, of course, but there were times when i think you weren't very well liked. those who were sitting in the cockpit, yes , if, so to speak, they went out of character,
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we could, we had such technology that we could make the planes shake quite turbulently, when it seemed to us that there was, no, with lena this it never happened, in no case it was always slack, but when it seemed to us that there was some kind of tune, i say, we’re shaking the plane, but in fact it’s physics, it’s overload, it’s kind of quite difficult to control, and ... we are now, dear friends , present on a podcast, everyone wants to fly,
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which is on channel one, and we are talking about the film air, which fortunately i saw, and you will see on january 18, i assure you, you need to watch this film, and i i envy in advance those who have not seen it yet, because you will get that mood, those feelings that i have already experienced, today we have here, the director of the film is alexey german, the performer of one of...
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that you didn’t have a spark, so that you - he lifted the air, oh, what a sting, you know, it may not work very well, we are an option we were considering the flight for that's right, yes, exactly artists, exactly. they studied planting, studied experience, came to the conclusion that there are more disadvantages in production, why? because when we were filming this story... i can set the actor on fire, for example, blow smoke, oil, this, this, this, this, this is important, plus, so to speak, i can spin the actor, for example, without hand, at a fairly high speed, it seems to me that his
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blood pressure was 200 when he came out, but he held on very courageously, but he had a moment that seemed like his eyes would burst, and... and at the same time, i understand that i can omit this design, the artist can rest, and we can repeat the same story again. the most difficult thing was probably to make sure that all these air battles were photorealistic, so that there was no feeling of computer graphics, we have we have a lot, including footage of real airplanes. excuse me, are you generally against computer graphics? you know, and i spent several years of life and analysis on this on the history of aerial photography, i came to an amazing result, which is that graphics are more expensive than filming high-quality
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aircraft models, than filming real airplanes , and so on, not only that, unfortunately...
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yak 52, which were then slightly modified by computer, but when filming is going on and the artists are, conditionally, in a trench or somewhere- then again, a real plane is passing low over you , yeah, then you behave more authentically, because firstly, it’s more scary, just scary, and secondly, you don’t need
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to pretend, this is it, here we’ll let a painted plane, no, here it is, it's coming it... rushes at you, something else explodes at the same time, and this gives some kind of authenticity, and if this is an amazing thing that is open to itself, simply from the point of view of economics, production, launching real planes is many times cheaper than it’s the same thing to draw, just a fraction cheaper, i understand that this is a profession, but nevertheless, you have never regretted taking up this, i ’m asking now, well, i had moments, and not that i was afraid, but you know, sometimes you arrive on set, you’re flooded or something else, and sometimes you think that
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the strength runs out when you push it. you see, we chose the most idiotically difficult way to shoot this picture, we recreated all the costumes, again lena okopnaya, the costume designer too, she first created threads, then yarn, from this yarn we made fabric, from this fabric using those technologies , we restored the gymnasts one by one, we sewed... overalls of about the same weight that they were, because they were quite heavy, you won’t be very surprised, but what was not included in the selection, you do you know? uh, minimally, unfortunately, this is the legacy - of the wonderful soviet cinema, for example, the film torpedo bomber, yes, nothing of this remains, because in
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troubled times it all disappeared somewhere, somewhere, and therefore some few remained, or there was a remake left, this remake was visible - and this one was inducing, well, of course, a remake, and therefore , when this... that’s all, well , it was going very very hard at times, then of course, then of course i kept cursing everything, of course, you know , i immediately want to shoot a picture somewhere, you know, warmer, so to speak, not without not going out, not going far, on the one hand, on the other hand, the challenge is great, in this, of course, there was such a good drive to do it, to try to make a film when you don’t have, you know, we often have you looking. our war films are modern, and you quietly swear when , in what’s conventionally called at the end of forty-one, they appear in fashionable or american pilots,
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which were even then, well, of course, a jacket, which did not exist then, or airplanes of the wrong modification, or i looked , i recently watched a film where about some a fictional blue soviet secret plane, or when you when you see it means...
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we are now on the first channel in the podcast everyone wants to fly in the debriefing area, we have the director of the film air alexey german, i perform one of the main roles elena lyadova, and so do i , presenter leonid yakubovich , the preparatory period was about 3 years, but they told me somewhere, no, how to count? from the date we started working before the script, during the script, i think that if we accumulate everything for 2 years half, probably, and the construction
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of this entire huge set, well, that would be, well , that, well, we designed it in advance for a very long time, that’s interesting, in fact, we created a workshop for creating models of models yakov and mister shmitov and this is this here's the story. took a year, because there were several prototypes that were unsuccessful, because when we first started recreating the yakta, the first plane was made with an error, it was just shorter, and lena okopnaya is the artist of the picture, she saw it, then we continue this the plane was called goody, and we set it up, we turned it around specially so that it wouldn’t be visible, we set it up.
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so that he, so that he would take off, because since we were filming in the winter, the runway got wet, we, we leveled it at night, the plane accelerated, slid.
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that is, there was a long story, we placed the engines, we, who had to rotate the propeller, we imitated the engines, well, the whole cabin was imitated, two words, you touched on it in passing, an amazing artist on the film, this is lena okopnaya, in fact, she costume designer and production designer , well, they really did, they did a colossal job in all the details, in everything from... creating an authentic trench and an authentic costume, and in all its dirt of what really happened, ending with the creation, the creation of a fairly large airfield. you are right, because one way or another the eye glides over the little things, and these little truths create the general truth of this whole
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story. and this is obvious, well, i can tell you that in fact there are many secrets, which we tried to understand, we thought a lot, when you make a model of an airplane, when you build it, it is clear that a centimeter, a centimeter, everything is where it is needed, and so on, the question is how to paint the plane, we know that the plane is partially wooden, not all, but partly wooden, partly fabric, partly, we know that, well, yes, percale, yes, yes, yes, well, percale, yes, i understand. but we did the research, we painted the plane matte, matte paint and gloss and semi-gloss, and it turned out that gloss and semi-gloss are just if you paint it, it gives a greater feeling of weight and naturalness, although there is a greater feeling of what it was like, that is , simply even in terms of the amount of varnish, the choice of paint, the choice, the choice of the degree of glossiness, non-glossyness, and so on, it depends on
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the sensations. filming had not started, alexey alekseevich was in the background in this sense, and lena created such a detailed atmosphere, she literally lived it, the whole film, in fact, it was imbued with the desire not to lie about everything, that’s what alexey alekseevich said about what i built airplanes, i didn’t want graphics, lena created threads, fabrics and we were
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just like artists. witnesses of the creation of some special, it is, of course, artistic, fictional, well, some especially artistically fictional, truthful documentary world, it was difficult for us to lie there, it’s just, you know, it’s amazing how much the topic you touched on is in me , it hurts, well, not only am i crazy, i’m in love with the sky once and for all, that’s for sure, but when... we were filming a film about the girls of the 588th regiment, uh, however this biplane of the legendary aircraft designer nikolai polikarpov was not intended for combat operations, an open cockpit without armored backs, with a low-power engine, no matter what they called it, a corn maker , a whatnot, who would have thought that it would be indispensable in battle, its disadvantages would turn into an advantage, i three i flew on it for a day,
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as well as... the maximum number of combat sorties per shift is known, they had about 18, about twenty, i was completely exhausted on the sixth, in the summer the open cockpit, approaching the jet from the engine from the propeller, i was freezing, and at -25 there was no communication at all and no radio about mechanics and equipment. you can’t do anything with your bare hands in gloves with a door, it means you’ll fly in, jump out of the cockpit, take a sip of tea right there in the air, during the transition period, when there’s abyss, when there’s nothing to sit on, well, i was so stunned by my sensations that i realized that they were all heroes of the soviet union, every single one of them, so when i looked at you,
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it all shook inside me so much: in this way you perfectly conveyed this feeling of humanity living in inhuman conditions, that i just have a lump in my throat, thank you very much, because i believed, but you are still in... in general, we then built our airfield on the shore and in the winter, monstrous storms began , our all planes were blown away and we they built an airstrip, it was flooded
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, not only do we have not only yaks, but in the film , in addition to mister shmitov, we have two, there are pieces of i2, there are i16 and a huge three-ton model - the footage i saw, footage from the filming period when you shouted very loudly,
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stop, it’s over, the shift is over, joyful, cheerful faces of frostbitten people wandering through a snowy field. and at the same time their eyes are all shining, from this i concluded that the relationships in the group were probably wonderful, everyone just wanted to star in this film, but it seems to me. that everyone somehow partially understood that they were some kind of link, color in some very important matter, and despite the cold, some possibly uncomfortable conditions, well
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, as for the actors, it was important for the film to take place, it is important was for everyone, for us, what’s ahead, well, now, so to speak , it seems that with the first channel we should start one big film according to konstantinavich’s wonderful idea, i haven’t yet given the command to me, what can i say, so that’s why it ’s me, i don’t know, but i to be honest, i finished the air with such a degree of fatigue that, among other things, i would just like to lie down, well, because it’s a lot, a lot of hard work, a lot of hard work. i want to tell you that from our entire conversation, without lying, i can say that i am filled with the desire to wish everyone to watch this film, because god knows, it’s worth it, once again
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we are on the first channel in the podcast, everyone wants to fly with the director of the film air alexei german with one of the main performers, thank you. thank you so much for coming, secondly, and firstly, for giving me the opportunity to spend a very good hour and a half there, i watched it with pleasure, well , maybe because , that for me, i repeat once again, as for you, the war is a sore subject, plus everything that happens to air, in general, i enjoyed it and i sincerely say, guys, thank you, i have it sitting here, i’ll probably watch it again, all the best, thank you very much for being with us on the podcast, everyone wants to fly , i hope that you will get exactly the same pleasure as i do from watching
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the film air, although any recommendations in all likelihood are not worth a penny, but nevertheless i recommend that you go to the cinema. dear friends, the creative industry podcast is on air on channel one with you as well as always its presenter elena kiper, producer and music video director, and roman karmanov, general director of the presidential fund for cultural initiatives and media manager, our guest today is people's artist of russia, artistic director of the moscow provincial theater sergei bezrukov, hello, hello, hello, let's start with the glorious anniversaries .
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as for the anniversary in the theater itself, they congratulated, the artists still could not stand it, they congratulated, although i said that i would not celebrate, but they asked me after all, i came to the theater on this, not this day, later, they just gathered anyway , they congratulated me, and they did a skit, everything was very touching, sweet, because for them i am the provincial pope, that’s what they call me, provincial dad, because i created the theater in the image of a snuffbox, and oleg palzich was always a dad for us, a dad who cares, who thinks,
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leningrad is under siege, girls, pilots and female technicians must show skill, courage and self-sacrifice, not only pilots, but also technicians, they need to give birth, braids braid, and they are here, masha, why do you need war? you lived richly, what do you mean , why, how many of our people are killed, why are you sending the girl, they are not ready yet, i gave them time to master, they gave me an order, protect the road, at any cost, why didn’t you kill the german, well, i can’t goodbye, seventeenth, what are you dreaming about?


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