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tv   Vechernie novosti  1TV  February 10, 2024 6:00pm-6:21pm MSK

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hello, evening news on channel one, andrey ukharev with you. a massive blow to the ukrainian rear, the oil depot was destroyed, as well as the places of deployment of mercenaries , officers who noted the appointment of syrsky. they defend the interests of russia.
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today , vladimir putin congratulated diplomats and foreign ministry staff on their professional holiday. joe biden was asked to take an intelligence test. the doctor of former presidents doubted his suitability for the role of head of state. countdown to the games of the future. tournament on the edge of fantasy, which will unite real sports with virtual disciplines, readiness has been confirmed. the dragon came into its own. new year was celebrated in china. the holiday is celebrated on a grand scale in russia. moscow has changed. tonight our army launched a massive attack on the ukrainian military rear. the targets were facilities that are used to supply militants with fuel, ammunition, and drone equipment. explosions thundered in the towns of the odessa region. our drones worked at the port.
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infrastructure, these are the shots that came from kharkov, an oil depot there was destroyed, and the location of foreign mercenaries and more was covered. irina kuksenkova will tell you in detail. another series of precise hits on strategic targets in ukraine. today, russian drones reached targets at the port infrastructure in the odessa region and a large oil depot in kharkov. information about the strikes was confirmed by local authorities, and ria novosti sources added, in the kharkov region.
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volley fire systems, in addition, the deployment points of armed units were hit forces of ukraine, the formation of nationalists of foreign mercenaries. in a week, our military shot down two ukrainian aircraft: mig-29 and su-25, as well as 488 drones. another significant loss to the enemy is the s-300 anti-aircraft missile system. our pilots destroyed it. they carried out a combat flight as cover for bomber aircraft. here at. over the past week , the ssu suffered serious losses of personnel, a total of 3,840 killed and wounded, heavy equipment and enemy weapons, like nato models, are destroyed every day, so the remaining soviets, our military , were able to...
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with fpv drones, this and uh rap, the emergence of artificial intelligence, we are all in the process of solving this. and now we just need to decide on the pace, timing, quantity. indeed, russian units have a lot of fpv drones. along the entire front line, like a swarm of bees, day and night , the sound of a constant hum, jewelry hits on groups of attack aircraft, disruptions to rotation on the front line, destruction of equipment and ammunition. fpv drone operators themselves admit that their work can easily be called sniper work. first channel. and more footage from the ministry of defense. our strategic missile carriers tu-95 ms performed a flight over the neutral waters of the bering sea. the route ran near the western coast of alaska. in the sky they were covered by
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su-30 sm multirole fighters. the entire flight lasted 7 hours and, as noted by the ministry of defense, took place in strict accordance with international rules for the use of airspace. today congratulations are accepted by those who defend the interests of our country abroad and do this under conditions of unprecedented external pressure, professional holiday for employees of the ministry of foreign affairs. vladimir putin sent congratulations to the diplomats. the president called for promoting the unification of the world's majority of countries in asia, the middle east, africa and latin america, building interaction on the principles of equality and respect, with the priority of developing cooperation with the cis countries. geopolitical realities in the context of a hybrid war unleashed against us, attempts by the collective west to isolate russia and undermine its security, the ministry of foreign affairs faces very difficult and responsible tasks. work to unite the multinational and multi-confessional russian world by supporting
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compatriots abroad, popularizing the russian language, achieving a national culture of science, as well as countering attempts to falsify history and revise the results of the second world war is in full demand. foreign minister sergei lavrov, in turn , noted that russia is at the forefront of rapid changes and has a special mission diplomats who now often have to work far from home at the risk of their lives, and those who know how to negotiate and find a common language in any conditions, pavel krasnov. the view from the window of the diplomatic mission sometimes looks like this: the russian mission in palestine and its employees do not exaggerate at all when they say that they have to work in conditions of close associates. according to combat data, at the moment we are finishing working with citizens who want to leave for russia, so to speak, this is the final stage of our evacuation. the evacuation of russian citizens from the gas sector began in november, when people who had become unwitting hostages of the conflict were
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finally able to escape from the combat zone. all this time, our diplomats were nearby, drawing up evacuation lists, coordinating routes, working hand in hand with the ministry of emergency situations and trying to help those who needed help. for some reason cannot leave, a clear indication that a diplomat is a profession often associated with risk, but far from places where explosions occur, a diplomat, as a representative of the state at the forefront region, political confrontation. the russian embassy in berlin is surrounded by a fence with police on duty, sometimes one gets the feeling that this is not protection from hooligans, a symbolic barrier that any german politician who advocates the normalization of relations will stumble upon to communicate with us... to put it mildly, they are afraid how no matter what happens, despite the fact that i have known some of my colleagues for many years about that decades from their previous service, they are so wary, but, as they say, they shake hands, but quietly behind the scenes, not surprisingly, in the european union
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diplomats and ordinary officials are now advised to avoid contacts with representatives of russia, a new cold war, when relations with the west are in a deep freeze in washington.
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this is a big problem for westerners themselves, since they are stewing in their own juice. but outside the west, they are willing to talk to us, they can hear us, and that means that in this party the advantage is already on our side. they began to understand us better, they began to treat us better, in general, the countries of the global south, first of all, began to analyze the situation independently, not to be guided by the position of western countries, so they began to ask us more questions, which we answer, so it is much more difficult for westerners to persuade them to do something. anti-russian, it is very strongly felt. for the west, this is not yet the stage of acceptance, but one day they will also have
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the courage to admit to themselves that russia’s isolation turned out to be a myth, and victory over it is an unrealistic dream, and they will finally stop being afraid of dialogue and handshakes when meeting with russian diplomats. pavel krasnov, dmitry bolkov, yulia zagranichennogo and tatyana bakulina channel one. american president joe biden must pass many mental ability tests, and the results. needs to be made public, this opinion was expressed by military medic and politician ronny jackson, who was the personal physician of barack obama and donald trump. the congressman is convinced that biden is not able to govern the country and cannot be responsible for the us nuclear arsenal. he needs not just one screening test, but a whole series of cognitive tests. they must be carried out objectively and the results must be reported in writing and presented to the american public by his physician. he has cognitive problems due to age, he shuffles when walking, slurs his speech, forgets where he is, what he is doing,
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cannot remember names, dates, he should not control nuclear weapons in our country, i said this back during the presidential campaign , joe biden has signs of cognitive impairment, so he cannot be the head of state, biden himself tries to pretend that everything is fine with him and stubbornly continues to stick to his line on ukraine, in in the white house, he received the german chancellor, the meeting was used to put pressure on... congress, which refuses to allocate the billions requested by biden to the kiev regime, olaf scholz came to america to discuss how to help the ukrainians, while his country is torn apart by a political and economic crisis . germany's days as an industrial superpower are numbered, writes bloomberg. giant factories are curtailing production , there are strikes throughout the country, and the political elite seem to be paralyzed. the foundations of germany's industrial machine fell like dominoes. usa are moving away from europe and seeking to compete with their transatlantic allies. china is becoming a serious rival and no longer buys german goods
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, so ryana. the final blow to heavy industry producers was the cessation of supplies of huge volumes of cheap russian gas. along with external factors, germany's internal problems, including a lack of investment and an aging workforce, are only exacerbating berlin's political paralysis. only a few days remain until the start of the first games of the future. tournament without exaggeration of awards. not science fiction, which will combine sports with virtual reality and kazan will host it. 2.0 participants from more than 100 countries, opening on february 21st. the high level of preparation was noted by deputy prime minister dmitry chernyshenko. together with the head of tatarstan, rustam minikhanov, he inspected the sites where the competitions will be held. we state our high readiness, we were personally accredited at the accreditation center, received them quickly enough, without delays, and met. with a team of volunteers, with on the fifteenth, arrivals and accommodations are already starting, in general, everything is ready for
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the opening ceremony here on the twenty-first to begin a new era, the fidget of sports, which, on the instructions of our president , we have been preparing here for almost 450 days, the trust of the leadership of the party that these are unique international games for the first time... and the most massive race united one and a half million russians. coverage of all regions where
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the weather allows skiing. the moisture of the winter is as snowy as ever. the main start is for the first time in the leningrad region. he was dedicated eightieth anniversary of the lifting of the blockade. everyone is welcome to participate. children run 1 or 5 km, adults - 10 or 15. both amateurs and professionals take part. the foreigners who came to study with us did not miss the opportunity; some even got the chance to beat the olympic champions on the ski track. when i was a child, i was involved in orienteering and skiing , and now my whole family is trying to teach our child the same thing.
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the festive festival was solemnly opened in the center on such a large scale. this is the first event within the framework of two cross-years of culture at once. russia and china. they were announced by order of vladimir putin. 300 events, excursions, concerts, performances, music and culinary shows. several restaurants in the capital have prepared a special menu with traditional chinese cuisine. visitors are offered salad, dragon's nest, pork with jasmine rice, dim sum with shrimp fortune cookies. the building is decorated with glowing lanterns. china, new year is a favorite holiday for the inhabitants of the celestial empire, grand shows, unusual dishes, family feasts and corporate events, our correspondent natalya lyublinskaya will tell you and show you all the features of chinese new year's eve.
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modern numbers were intertwined with classical genres, for example, fragments of peking opera, all the beauty of such a diverse chinese culture. martial arts masters demonstrated styles one after another of wushu, white crane fist, kungfu, southern dragon, mythical beast, every now and then burst into the broadcast, which was carried out from five cities, here are the connections of the ancient capital, xi'an. for this night, hundreds of millions of chinese
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flocked to their hometowns, a grandiose the holiday is usually celebrated with family; the inhabitants of the middle kingdom are generally big fans of grandeur. in russia , it is impossible to imagine a festive new year's feast without the traditional olivier salad, various appetizers and ruddy boiled pork, but what does it look like in china: the main dish of the table, jaudzi, chinese dumplings, marble eggs, baked fish and fried pigeon. symbolically, the legs are given to the head of the family so that he can continue to climb the career ladder, and the children’s wings are given to the aspirant. take-off in life, hot time in chinese restaurants, a series of corporate events and friendly feasts, orders for pigeons, not street pigeons, of course, but specially raised squabs, that is, young birds of a meat breed, arrive one after another, they are first stewed in soy sauce and rice wine, and then immersed in hot oil, which is deep-fried. this dish is difficult
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to prepare at home, so many people order it at a restaurant. a similar method of preparation for fish, chef. jou chao cuts it in a special way: a little flour breading, and now the car is swimming in hot oil, somewhat reminiscent of the symbol of the coming year , a dragon emerging from the water, it turns out that a special chinese wisdom is encrypted in this dish, the fish jumped into the dragon’s gate, this means making some kind of leap and turning into a dragon yourself. the chinese have a long-awaited holiday ahead of them. all next week in parks and temples they give performances, dragon dances, they perform... all over the country as if nature itself is welcoming chunde , the spring festival, also known as chinese new year, trees strewn with fluffy buds and, of course, traditional red flashlights. the year has come dragon and we will celebrate him in dragon hats. the year of the dragon has arrived, i believe that life will get better, and this year will be especially successful. natalya lyublinskaya, sergey aksenov,
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andrey mikhailov and sergey vaskoboynikov, channel one, china. the old ones are hemmed, you can’t wear felt boots, oh , there’s nothing to go to your sweetheart,


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