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tv   Kto khochet stat millionerom  1TV  February 10, 2024 8:05pm-8:55pm MSK

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but there has never been a 0:0 score in the karaoke competition, thank you, only professional vocalists can do this, this is a sign of skill, this is the final score of the competition, you can’t erase a word from the song. the total score before
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the last competition can actually be anything: 5:5 7-7 14 14, by the way, this is the correct score, a draw on the court, a wheel of fortune ahead, a competition that often changes the entire course of the game, let's go, the top is spinning, the top is spinning , answer: in two questions of this competition there will always be a number. after the time to think is up, you write this number, this figure in your notebooks, in order to exclude the possibility of stealing from your opponents a result that you do not know, but they, as it seems to you, know. first question: who watched the film about fyodor konyukhov, how he flew around the world in a balloon, no, this is a balloon, a charlier. a ball that is filled
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mainly with light gas, lighter than air, but it has another world record, there are also mangolfier balls that fly only in hot air, and fedor konekhov also holds a world record here, second zero, everything , everything, everything, everything, everything, everything, everything, everything, everything, don’t touch, don’t touch anything, i’m watching, don’t come near, very stern presenter, i think, everything, everything, everything, show each other, so, okay, here we are. and you know what the actual result was, well, 2,540 km, it’s hard, it’s gold and stones guys, because maybe 3,800 10 seconds, well, let’s say in grams, well, let ’s not know, i’d say 4 s according to igor, how much does
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manomakh’s hat weigh, 3.500, 2.900, a little smaller, please give it in grams, really craftsmen, reds, please, let's go, blue, welcome, it’s not easy, not at all easy, you can’t open up in it. from the storm from the voice, it is impossible to hide in it from the winter storms , and from bitter separations, but besides troubles, untouched troubles, there is sunshine in the world of stars, there is a home and the warmth of fire, i have everything. that i have everything in life,
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where the joy of every day lies, everything that i call my destiny is connected only with you, only with you, only with you, only with you! innokentis maktunovsky was said that his genius was on the verge of madness, the famous hamlet in life was a principled, intractable person and had a complex character. this is the first channel, good evening, i ’m dmitry borisov, our exclusive today is the children of a genius about themselves and their destiny in the shadow of a great artist, who was helped by a famous surname, who was destroyed? or not to be, that is
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the question. in the mid-sixties , a film by soviet director grigory hamlet was shown in london. is considered one of the best performers of this shakespearean role, go, i’m coming, we won’t let you in, hands off, but don’t remember it is necessary, this is the voice of my destiny, the road, gentlemen , i will transform you into spirit only threes, so on, i turned the whole theater, the whole corpse, against me , no one greeted me anymore, they didn’t want to work with me, rehearse with me, everyone refused, they said that i am sick in life, that look , so we tell him he... doesn’t even hear us, like many geniuses with mukhtunovsky was very difficult to communicate, perhaps it was a difficult childhood, born in a siberian village, he was the seventh child in family, in order to survive the famine, the family moved to the city of krasnoyarsk, my father got a job as a loader at the port, and my mother went to work at a meat plant, so sometimes
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she brought bones from a sausage factory, they cooked it and it turned out to be a very tasty soup, one of the brothers died of hunger, but in forty-three, he was called up to the front, he was 18, he fought under the kursk bulge, crossed the dnieper, then was captured, but he managed to escape, miraculously dad managed to escape, when they were leading the prisoners across the bridge, he asked the guard with a gesture, can i have a little water, a basser of water, and the guard with a gesture showed, come on, the actor often recalled how almost died from disinfestation and exhaustion, he received two medals for bravery since he was a prisoner of war. then he was under suspicion and he, together with another comrade who was also captured during the war, they agreed, after a certain time they send each other a postcard with the following text, uncle vasya feels great,
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if everything is fine , smoktunovsky never received a postcard, the beginning of his professional life fell on a series of provincial theaters, first narilsk, then stalingrad, makhachkala, his family life. things were no longer going well, arima bykova’s first wife, 2 years after the wedding, fell in love with someone else. in despair, the young artist cut up all his wife’s dresses and decided to start a new life in moscow. there were no suitable kings, there was no money for housing, he spent the night either with friends, or even on a wide windowsill in the entrance. a chance meeting with a costume designer, sulami in kushni , changed everything, she became his guardian angel and wife, he was finally taken to the link theater, his beloved helped him find a job at a musfilm and get settled in life. and many trials awaited, the first child , daughter nadya, died six months after the birth of the world, a year later the son philip was born, another 8 years later, the youngest daughter maria, well, we somehow tried to help a little, but we also helped when necessary harvest, the raspberries were especially delicious, the children
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showed promise, began to act with their father, how the fate of philip and maria turned out in the end, what kind of father and grandfather smoktunovsky was and what it ’s like to look up to a genius... realizing that there won’t be another like him, in our studio today smuktunovsky's daughter, maria, good evening, his granddaughter anastasia, hello, friends evgenevich kendinov, people's artist of russia, neighbors, by the way, also good evening, together with galina maksimovna, and vera tokareva, director of the documentary film, who also communicated a lot on kis muktonovsky and today he will tell us something interesting, maria, from what age do you remember dad, i remember? dad, probably from the age of three. what is your first memory? i was vaccinated against smallpox, i got a very large wound on my arm, i i had a high temperature, and i felt very bad, and my dad carried me in his arms for two days, rocked me to sleep, rocked me to sleep so that i
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wouldn’t cry, only in his arms did i calm down. did you understand that at some point your dad wanted you to become an artist, did that happen? i studied choreography. school and dad came to us, we had acting lessons, dad was in our classes and said that i have acting talent, i graduated from the school very well, upon graduation, after exams, i was accepted into the big theater, we seven people took the course, and we all went to work at the bolshoi theater, i worked, but i had a problem, that i was gaining a lot of weight, unfortunately, i had to leave ballet, and after that my dad told me that i should try yourself in dramatic art, because there is talent, and i listened to my dad, and there was the first film, my heart is not a stone, a debut film, let's remember what
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mikhailovich said about you, the machine is wonderful, it’s just charming, in human terms, of course amazing amazing. a very courageous person, a whole person, here i am with her, a performance, it ’s called worms. encrista, that means she danced there, the heroine, as a child, then played the old woman, and she did both wonderfully, you starred together in one film in total, we starred in several films together, we starred in nine films together , nine films yes, wow, in one of them, i know you were too, yes, yes, yes, it was, ninety-first year, yeah, this movie is a genius, and i just.
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together with me he analyzed the role that i you have to play, he said that you need to understand very well what exactly your heroine is feeling now, and be imbued with this, not go from the text. not just say your text , which you have learned well, but first feel
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what your heroine feels, well , maybe it was his strict criticism that somehow knocked down your confidence, i can’t say that, i think not him strict criticism, it was somehow that i myself needed to be more confident, and philip, philip also started with his father together, it turned out that they acted in films, right? my brother was filming together with his father in the cinema, there is a good job, he plays the duke in the film the miser, and this is a good job, i think that philip was afraid of comparisons with his father, he probably had to somehow abstract himself from this , try not to think about what they will compare with dad, you still can’t play like dad, you had to understand that you need to be yourself, try to be at the level, at the good level, which... was available to him, all the input data, the same, relatively speaking, everything
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it could have been good, it could have happened too, and it also didn’t work out for philip, but couldn’t it have happened too? harsh criticism of the pope the reason? well, it probably could have been, of course, this, well, here, unfortunately, i - i don’t remember, as if in my communication with anakinty mikhailovitch, rigidity and some kind of severity. very big, no , even if he didn’t like something, well , while rehearsing, he was restrained in this sense, not cruel, but maybe after all it was a close person, son, probably here he wanted to go faster get, as it were, a movement forward and higher, but in communication with you, he was a simple person, there were no conflicts, he knew his worth, of course, everyone says that usually.
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learn from my grandfather, and if i say
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that maybe i didn’t have enough of his attention in childhood, because of course he worked a lot, when we came to the dacha and grandfather wanted to rest, because he needed to somehow restore strength and prepare for a new job, so maybe he was rehearsing too, so we, mom, me and dad, on the contrary, we were leaving the dacha, but we still definitely communicated, that is, we didn’t leave right away, of course. and of course these rare moments of holidays are mainly on his birthday came in his volga and how old were you when he passed away, 12? yes, he also took me to ballet school, masha and i studied at the same choreographic school , now i’ll digress for a second, i’ll tell the audience so that they understand who you are to each other, that maria turns out to be your aunt, yes, yes, us anastasia, philip’s daughter, is precisely anastasia filippovna, anastasia filippovna, and
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i, unfortunately, ballet, well, let’s say, i had to give it up. because i had a knee injury and fortunately i was sent to film school, now my profession is actually an actress in general, it involves , well, in addition to dramatic art, you need to be able to do fencing, stage combat, plastic arts, and dance, not to mention singing and dancing, yes, and for me, of course, all my skills, they were very useful to me, because i...
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because you understand that you have this talent inside you, you can never give up and you must always go to the end, and you are a strong person, yes, well, it probably turns out that you are stronger than your dad, actually, well yes, why suddenly philip anakinich didn’t want to act further, didn’t want to be a public person, in general in the end, it turned out that he passed away when i was talking to him about this topic and asking. it seems to me that he had a different temperament or something, maybe he wanted less attention, less of this fame, he didn’t need it, it seems to me that he needed it, he really loved to read books, that is, he he had some kind of inner creative life, and he didn’t want, perhaps, to splash it out in the acting profession,
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and what caused the breakdown, the reason for this is just like nervous breakdowns, in the end there i don’t know about alekseev’s hospital, well, that is... well, by the way, it’s not uncommon for creative people, he had a subtle mental organization, of course, he perceived very sensitively some things that were happening in the world, he felt all of it and empathized , but i don’t think that there was some kind of internal breakdown, i think that this profession, if you remember my grandfather’s creative path, this is a huge work that for decades, for half a century, my grandfather gave in this profession
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, revealed the soul of the character, and lived it, really believing in it, he also thought like this character, yes, he had adaptations , he was looking for, perhaps, plasticity , he was looking for a gait, he could look for the timbre of his voice, find this grain of the role, yes, but most importantly, he opened these doors, he understood that he was a limitless person, why did he feel all this, because he saw it... 69 is not such a big difference, how different the fate of life is in general, how much everything fits into these 69, perhaps because of all these
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deprivations in childhood, too, because he told how there in norilsk young men in general... went to it was very difficult to wear only one clothes, one suit, i came to moscow in the same one suit, let’s hear. there is a photograph from norilsk, you see, it’s summer in norilsk, however, this city is such that they say that it’s still cold in june, it’s already cold in july, but nevertheless, you see, there’s no snow, and i wear a ski suit , this ski suit is very significant because... then, when i left stalingrad for moscow, there was such a daring step, i walked through the incinerated sun in moscow. in this suit, because neither there was no money, no fresh white shirt, which i love very much, so
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maybe that’s why they didn’t take me anywhere, because i went, came, asked for something in 6-7 theaters in moscow , so that they would hire me, and they would look at me as an artist, i was in this suit, and i say, no, no,
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i say: hello, he says: i’m inaketiy mikhailovich maktunovsky, i say , i recognized you, i brought it for you apples, i say, come on in, on kenti mikhailovich, let's have a drink, no, no, no, i came to see what you are like, moreover, it's our day birth on the same day, march 28, on this day, kenti mikhailovich definitely... invited me to his home, i came , walked in, sulamiev was standing all beautiful, standing on kenti mikhailovich, there was a tray with
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champagne, it was such a wonderful buffet , talked, drank champagne, this happened every time, every birthday , since we met, when zhenya played with nakinti mikhailovich, a schoolgirl, it was generally some kind of unique case, i was in kiev, my dad worked in forest ukrainka theater, head production part, and i
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watched all the performances, then the bdt comes on tour, they bring an idiot, i’m a schoolgirl, i understood then, i only looked at him, for some reason i remember him alone in the play, but then, when i was already watching the tsar fyodor ioannych at the maly theater. i understood what this secret was, that is, it was not an artist, it was not an artist playing, it was a person who lived in this era, who was concerned about the problems that worried this king, but for me it was a shock, that’s it then it was really a shock for me when i saw tsar fyodor ianovich, how did you meet? maktunovsky and his solomeya , future wife and mother of children, after a short advertisement, unique footage of the family archive, everything is assembled, and smoktunovsky himself is behind the camera
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, we will soon see, stay with us, in our studio there are wonderful artists who gave their voices to their favorite characters, forward , kolyva usady, kostya raikin agreed to star in this film only because i did the voice acting, i tried to play in such a way that it was convenient in the frame. vanya, i am yours. niki, i didn’t know it was me, yes, it’s not me, i refused, then i realized, yes, that it was me , but it was a very, very long time ago, say something in that beautiful voice, you don’t have enough money to call, i voiced the cars, i gave the poles a spectacle, chow, i’m speed , children recognize me immediately, so call me, call me, i ’ve quail so many things, but everyone knows that i just call me, call me, that’s it. the route is built, do not forget to rate us in the application.
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i arrive somehow in secret, in fact, i couldn’t do anything else, just go to everyone ask if you have been here, tonight with nikolai siskaridze at the first, today for the first time a unique spectacle awaits us, his name is obrek, i said that i would bring the best fighter, volodya ignatiev, an afghan, a sapper, that’s such a guy. this is my money too, and i want to fight for it. reed, what are you doing? you don’t know, some kind of premonition. girls, i deceived you, there will be no concert. you promised us 40 dollars. these are our girls, i’ll put them all here now. he will kill you. hello, jaeger, she
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’s nobody to you, why did you get involved in this? this is he, that, that, who saved me, you are nothing to each other, this is chechnya, we can’t do that. well, tell me, soper, whose path did you cross? i can't live without him. doomed, premiere of the serial film. tomorrow, after the program time. yes, go home, wolf, whatever i want with him, let him do it, go away. let me buy it from you, everyone again, good evening, i’m dmitry borisov, we’re on the air again, throw on maktunovsky, a brilliant actor who has the roles of hamlet and tchaikovsky, lenin, prince myshkin. what he was like as a husband and father. his children, daughter maria and son philip, who bore his last name, also began an acting career, but did you wait like a three-year-old child, why did you sit down? get up! oh! the wife of smoktunovsky sulamifi or
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strawman, who affectionately called my straw, did everything so that mikhailovich would become a great artist in kinta, to believe in himself, looked after him like a child, where is my black shirt, why am i asking, where is my black shirt , i didn’t see it, i saw it, it ’s dirty, it can’t be dirty, it’s black, his wife helped him find a job when it was difficult. asked for a petition before ivan pyryev, marina ladynina , through her dressmaker klara, insisted that smuktunovsky star in kozentsev’s hamlet and the film 9 days of one year by mikhail roma, the wife arranged the life, could, as they say , cook soup from an ax when there was no money, children from the maktunovskys we grew up in an atmosphere of love and the cult of the pope; when my father returned from tour, there was a real holiday in the house. my childhood was wonderful, from trips my dad brought me some wonderful dolls,
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beautiful dresses, and for my brother... he brought records, the first beatles, rolling discs stones. maria and philip adored their father, but when he rehearsed at home, everyone had to sit quietly. sometimes, if he didn’t like something, he would say something, something angry at us. in his interviews , smoktunovsky said that his favorite role in life was to be a father and husband, he was proud of his daughter ballerina, and acted in films with his son. baron, do you have children? one son. why don’t i see him with me? my son doesn’t like noisy social life, he has a wild, gloomy disposition in the circle of the castle through the forests, he always wanders. philip was very good-looking, showed great promise in cinema, then his career faded away, he stopped acting and began doing foreign translations: everything paled before his father’s talent, besides, kenti mikhailovich was not one of those who promoted his children when he maktunovsky was asked about his son,
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he tried to change the subject. everyone saw it. i think that my surname helped, of course, i feel more attention from people thanks to my surname, i just need to understand this very responsibly and live up to my surname, let's see unique shots, the whole family is assembled, this is a family archive, exclusive and for the cameras themselves on kente mikhailovich smkonos, well, i think that’s enough, let’s go. this is where you are, by the way, this is at the dacha near
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moscow, this is such a place as iksha, this is it. but it’s some kind of family idyll, but just love, how did the parents meet? tell us? dad came to moscow to get a job in one of the moscow theaters, he received refusals everywhere, although the shows were good and he liked him, but unfortunately, in every theater he went to, they said that there were no places, there were no full-time available acting units, and sofya vladimirovna geatsintova, who was... then the chief director of the lenin komsomol theater, she took dad on a one-time basis, and for the play, years of wandering, he needed a tanker costume, they gave him such a costume, but he was very, very big, with this
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with a huge overall, my dad came to the sewing shop, and my mother worked as the head of the sewing shop, that’s how dad and mom met, and between them appeared... a wonderful feeling of responsible love, as mom said, dad began to come to the sewing shop and brought lilies of the valley to my mother, soon dad made an offer to my mother, be my wife , she immediately agreed, my mother immediately agreed , yes, my mother was also in love, when they became husband and wife, it became clear that they needed a permanent job, well, my mother asked for one of...
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and he was enrolled to join the staff of a film actor's theater-studio, it was a permanent job, but what was the mother's name, by the way, such a beautiful name at home, strawman? dad called straw, my friend, he always asked for advice , it was offered when the role of hamlet in the film hamlet by kozentsev, then dad didn’t dare to agree right away, and mom said, make up your mind, you have there is an excellent adviser, who, dad asked, is shakespeare, an assistant, right? assistant in the end the film was such a success there in sixty-five they showed it in london at shakespeare week for the opening and there simply, firstly, there were no tickets, they were all sold out at once, and secondly, then
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they began to call him one of the best living at that time, it means the actors who played hamlet, anywhere in the world, and by the way, there is a legend, this legend concerns the creation of the film hamlet. everyone knows that the director is the performer the main roles were in some controversies. smaktunovsky wanted kozentsev to work with him on the role, and kuzentsev expected from the actor what he thought, how he wanted to play. in a word, many critics later noted that the monologue to be or not to be is not decided by the director. so, there is a legend that inakenti. mikhalovich literally at night, almost with a cameraman, well, at such a quiet hour, no one knew , he filmed on the aisle, from afar he walked the whole monologue to be or not to be, approaching, coming
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at us for the climax, you know, and that was in general, two boxes, 600 m is 20 minutes, so they said that later from the expedition. also quietly, this film was delivered to be developed, it ended up on mosfame, that is, it was, in general, still those who want to find it, are looking for where this monologue should be or should not be, filmed with maktunovsky, and what samynatis maktunovsky said, let's hear about hamlet, i just gave them a condition, if someone appears on the set, they try for hamlet, you not only me, not only shoot, not only shoot, but also try you won’t, never , i won’t do it for any price, you know, look at what kind of dirt you’ve mixed me with, you’re going
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to play on me, you take credit for knowing my valves, you... i’m sure you’ll squeeze my voice out of me secrets, you imagine that all my notes from top to bottom are open to you, evgeny steblov once spoke about... about one case, answering a question about the character of nakentyanovsky, this is how colleagues assessed it, this must be played, i was so prepared, i'm going to die, why am i waiting, why did i let it go cold? live in the city, who are you like this, only here is the engine , i’m just starting, i just went, suddenly nakintilovich, he says stop, vasilyev, the director, says what’s wrong, he was very attentive to him, what’s wrong, he says, it
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seems to me, there aren't enough extras, i'm going again , stop again, or maybe he says, here's philip, his son was filming surrounded by him, let him pass in the background, well , they missed philip, the engine again, i'm going, suddenly again , he says, stop, he says, maybe we can film this tomorrow? smunovsky says, well, i turned to him and said, i i say, it’s either now or never for us, and we are sitting with him, here he is on the right, i’m on the left, and he says: yes, it’s difficult for you and me, zhenya, difficult, difficult, i say, throw on mikhailovich, i say , it seems to me that this is because you and i have a similar psychotype, and i played such a psychotic, well in the sense... i’m like that myself, you know, i took this
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red borscht on the tablecloth and spat it all out, pause, after which he told me says: what do you do after lunch? i say: it’s okay, maybe let’s go and have a beer, well, that is, it’s complicated character, but it was easy to find the key just like that and everything went fine, let’s move it now to the dacha in the house of creativity, just unique shots, show us how everything is there. i started building this house together with nikolai afanasyevich kryuchkov vsevolov vasilyevich sanaev and this house took quite a long time to build, but it turns out that in this room there is absolutely no new furniture at all, except maybe a refrigerator, and here we get this group of benches and a table and a corner sofa. there is another sofa also in the room, in another, this was all done
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according to my grandfather’s design, he came up with it himself, and some craftsmen helped him do it, here we store kentiy mikhailovich’s skis and ski poles, look at these, that i i found what kind of spirit this is, the same one that i asked you to wear on the occasion of the new year. did she really ask, i don’t remember something, please help me put this on, it’s a magnificent tie, we have it, we have this grandfather’s tie, rackets, we really loved to play table tennis, and nastya, and nokin mikhailovich separately told a lot, he loved to talk about her, he gave birth to a girl, he and his wife olenka gave birth to nastenka, a good, sweet
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, nice, beautiful girl, long, just like both of them, they are, you know, like ears of wheat, red-haired, light, she is just as long, fair, so i think that his so to speak, well, creative orientation, for now this is over, my last name helps him, and his last name, could help , it certainly helped, you know, because so to speak , it's hard to be, it's right away, you know, so to speak, oh, many problems immediately disappear, like you’re clean, i’m not to blame for anything, but you’re still to blame for the fact that you stopped pushing on the door, knocking, trying to achieve, making yourself out of yourself, you know, in this, you know , in this, i don’t know whether it’s my fault or not, but in any case, you allowed yourself this weakness, which i, in turn, did not allow myself, you know? push into the door and
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yes, and just this limitlessness, that is , that behind one door there is another room, there is another one, you have to do it, because you there is something to do, but it’s hard to find what you’re looking for, your dad was loved by your grandfather, of course, despite all the criticism and severity, even here you can feel it, but it’s just him saying something like that in public, you can only imagine... that he spoke in private, and dad was also a very kind person, and also a very general feeling, love, this was also the main thing for him, such an important thing, maybe somewhere he... a lagoist, of course, but he was always very kind, that is, for example, he practically did not criticize me at all, i’m here i can notice at such a moment that my grandfather was guided through life, as he said, by some certain force that kept him right at the front, which carried him for the sake of this mission, and
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there is a wonderful one-man show, grandfather’s, he and mozart and salieri , there at such a moment at the end, yes... before the recap, it feels like he’s still lighting a match, and i can hear his heartbeat, that is, after he drank the poison, i can just hear the microphone still standing there, and he plays with his heart, you can hear it, at the end he falls to his knees and dies, that is they say that he was worried about his children, of course, he dreamed that they would be happy, that everything would work out for them, just as they themselves dreamed, and but he worked so hard. that i think that in many ways he , well, didn’t feel sorry for himself, yes, then just this last work of his, a white holiday, where we just watched footage with dzhegarkhanyan, where from this, yes, with dzhagarkhanyan, but nevertheless you say, he could have burned himself out there with these performances, but he had
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so many tests in his life, he passed them well the war, then various personal stories, there was also, besides your son... you could have had a sister, but he gave his all, just an older sister, it turns out, yes, there was an older sister, and a long-awaited child, they wanted him so much , they were telling the story their acquaintance , how she and salami ended up getting married and nadya was born to them, and after that, she also did n’t lose either faith in herself or in life, it continued, everything was fine, could the performance really have such an influence on at the end of life. not specifically this performance, but itself attitude, the fact that he worked a lot, and this, of course, cannot but affect his health, especially when he dies on stage, such a dramatic actor, and eldar rezanov made him famous throughout the soviet union after seeing him in him - comedic,
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but he later said that for a long, long time he had to persuade, by the way, the manakent to talk, yes, here, here. he was sleeping when i entered the house, which means he woke up and saw a terrible sight, which he at first thought was a nightmare, there was a fat man standing in a raincoat, it was raining, from which it was simply flowing from all sides, he looked questioningly at inokenty mikhailovich, he looked questioningly at me, yanakenty mikhailovich had something feminine in his character, he loved him, girls like to be persuaded, you know , here he is, he liked that i was his...
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what happened? lyuba, you understand, they have set traps all around. my god, a few days later the uninvited alexey vladimovich romanov invited me to his place. he called me and said: “it’s true that you took maktunovsky in the leading role.” i speak, yes. he says how could you? i say, what is he? well, he just played lenin, and yours will be played by a swindler. i say: “well, he will play with me in a different makeup.” he says: so what? then i say: do you think that now, after playing ledinoy, he can’t even drink vodka, go see a girl, yes, he can’t, we argued, we argued, i left after him, i heard an unforgettable remark, he said , yes,
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our maktunovsky is illegible, i wanted to add that filming... it’s not about the environment, but the point is that happens in a person’s soul, he not only saw it in others, but he himself was sincere.
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excuse me, but i am a kind person, he was a very kind person in relation not only to his beloved family, in relation to those around him, partners, directors, everyone says that smuknovsky was a kind person, that’s when all his colleagues always spoke about him with such warmth, well, for example, irina mirashnichenko is also no longer with us, armen zhegorkhan is the same, well, only love. there in their words, he had problems, as far as i remember, with son, that his son was sick, at least about this, so we tried not to even
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ask him or tell him, but we knew that this was some kind of achilles heel, that he was always suffering from something inside , the concepts of suffering were present in his fate in life without a doubt, maybe i was the last one to see him alive. calms, consoles me, this, i don’t know, because, unfortunately, we lost him and he was truly a great artist, great, truly, recognition is also worth a lot, colleagues, when the great speak great about someone, this...
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everyone watch to learn, as they say, thank you very much for your memories for the footage, thank you, thank you for coming, hello, the program is about the most notable events of this day. ukrainian fuel depots and foreign mercenary bases were hit from a long range. ministry of defense for the week, people of foreign affairs


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