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tv   PODKAST  1TV  February 11, 2024 3:40am-4:26am MSK

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that’s what i need and the song, of course, is probably one of his best songs, and it seems to me that songs live when you want to sing them, many people cover it and, in my opinion , they do the right thing, when they attach the performer, you can feel it, yes , it’s not like vysotsky’s, it’s different, because everyone has their own love, their own idea of ​​how this song should be sung, i want to say that all the people who compose necessarily have their own attitude to vysotsky. everything, anyone, when he creates something, because he left so bright after such a bright legacy, all people, be it the christov brothers, zamuturman, there, dmitry kharatyan, all the people who are trying to compose what claims to be the name of poetry, not the lyrics of a song, like your humble servant, so i cannot call myself a student of vysotsky, but at the same time, immeasurable respect and... it is precisely this
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commerton that cannot be done badly, one must do it as semyonovich did, because one cannot underestimate the fact that he is for our people, he is for our people, he wrote its essence, in fact , not a folk song , still it is impossible to say that right here at the table they sing en masse, but when a person wants to express some kind of sincerity, he turns to vysotsky, dear friends, you are watching a podcast,
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look, they say that wise people say that the result of any person’s life is, in principle, so that they remember him with a kind word , look, we are completely different, of different ages, we may have different musical preferences, we definitely, at least... several times a year come back,
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remember him with a very kind word, this means that a person's life was lived like this to say, with the clearest evidence of life, friends, well now let’s listen again, remember how vladimir vysotsky performed his poems: we rotate the earth, we do not measure the earth with our steps. in vain the flowers are wooden, we push it with our boots, away from ourselves, away from ourselves, and from the wind from the east the toga bent, clinging to the rocks of atar, we moved the earth's axis without a lever, changing the direction of the blow, do not be alarmed when... sunset is in place,
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doomsday is a fairy tale for elders, they simply forgive the earth, where they will roll our replacement companies, on march, we crawl , hug the bumps, roll over the bumps, not loving evil, and push the ground with our knees, from ourselves, from ourselves, after i hear and see... vysotsky i want to make such a small play, exhale only after that to talk, yes, it’s impossible not to call losovsky a patriot, because everything he did was something that we sometimes cannot formulate, he somehow expressed, everyone says, i would subscribe to this, to absolutely everything, well, that is, he speaks from everyone, he understands, and there are a lot of such songs... his songs now
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maybe about some, well, how to say the basic, most important things in life, they are in demand now. they are now being downloaded, including by young people, on the internet, there they will be inserted - on some radio broadcasts, of course, this song was written there 40, 45-50 years ago - that’s where he started writing even more military songs there , his very first song is already there, he has a second song that he wrote, i grew up during the leningrad siege, and it’s also actually like war songs, here they are now, but here you are, basically... that’s not i know, i would even like to remain silent, but i want, i want to agree with you, you are right in saying that the point here is not to say some words, he knew what he was talking about, he, he really was a patriot, we are all words we know, we all know the words, how to, how to talk about your country, what
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patriotism is, there was something else in it, it was the absolute truth, what you say, absolute sincerity, absolute sincerity, the feeling of being part of .. ... the huge history of this people, he was not talking about someone, not in the abstract, it was his life, it was that’s why these songs will definitely sound, they are difficult to sing, this word is sincere, it is translated from latin from italian bezvozka, literally, just when they were working on marble and the marble cracked, in order to save many days of work, the crack was filled with wax, otherwise that a masterpiece is made without wax, that’s why it coincides, so we say.
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uh-huh, these are the songs of allegories, when, it would seem, on the subject that is included in the title of the song, a picture of completely different bright, human feelings is created, before we talk about the main thing, about friendship, about faith, let's listen to a song about a friend , vladimir losovsky, if a friend. suddenly he turned out to be neither a friend nor an enemy, but if you can’t immediately figure out whether he’s good or bad, take the guy to the mountains, take a risk, don’t leave him alone,
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let him be in a team with you, then you’ll understand who he is . this is from the vertical, yes, from the movie vertical, all the sixties, the whole life of vladimirovsky, it is ascending all the sixties, in the seventies, i remember, it is an absolute boom, listen to vysotsky, all these magnetic tapes, this a tearing film, glued together with my mother's nail polish remover , a seemingly floating voice tape, it's all on... it would seem like a small movement of the eyes to put all the dots of the nodes, you are watching the podcast
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melody of my life, today we are talking about vladimir vysotsky, friendship , which for many years... connects those who help you, nikita, those who truly remember, well, i know directly and the most devoted fans, these are dmitry kharatyan, grigory, leps, me... new names appear all the time, because all dramatic actors who take to sing, for them vysotsky is an absolute, so to speak, comerton, yes, i agree with you, it’s just that it’s still time here, yes, it’s still time, right there, he ’s much younger than me now, yes, i’m looking at him , yes, my, well, my eldest son will soon be as old as he is now on the screen. here he is - he is a very young man , and he is for young people, and the people who
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perceived him, they were young, and you call the guys, they, they are bright, good, these are my friends, i love them very much, it is very important to me, that they at one time uh, here supported, not just me, yes, they, of course, in some sense supported me, they are my friends, but they, they supported this, this topic of vysotsky, i just want to say that it is very important that people come to vysotsky... of another generation, who are younger, who are involved , who include him in their repertoire, just in their sphere of interests, this is this, this is very important, come to vysotsky, it seems to me that life with him, it , she is richer than without him, not only him, no need to say there, here, here i am not that i’m just vysotsky more, i grew up in an intelligent family, i love pasternak, there, i love gomelev, i love yesenin, i love.
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dates, as christian dior said, if i’m not mistaken, it’s not enough to catch the eye, you have to be etched in the memory, but vysotsky is etched in the memory of our people absolutely forever. mega, what are your love songs? this is the word love, everything that fills you with this word, this is the song association? there is such a song called.
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there's such a drink there that i'm walking on a rainy street, there's the smell of rain, the same houses, the same trees, the same people, and i walk my way to school, and i realize that i will never be a child, and then it starts saying that this smell led to me.
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this is a novel in a novel, you can call it so to speak, this is reality and childhood , all these feelings pass to each other, and the melody, i have two children, sidonia and barbary, i played with them, i played with them in my head subconsciously, i was looking for a melody for this text, i found it, specifically this.
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მე და შენ ვიცით თუ რაფერი აქვს ცას, მე და შენ ვიც ით, თუ რა თბილია მზე, მიყვარს. ხარმეთქი და ვერ დაგაჭერე, მიყვარხარ მეთქი და ვერ მოგახე.
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ნაწვიმარ ქუჩაზე ნაცნობი სუნი დგას, ნაცნობი კა დრები, ნაცნობი განცდების, ისევ ისხები, სახლები ალხი, და წლების მერე მე, სკოლის გზას გავდივარ, ვხ ვდები თუ რომ... მარტივად გავზრდილ ვარ, მარტივად გ ავზრდილ ვარ, ისევ ის ქუჩები, სახლები, ხალხი დაწლე ბის მერე მე სკოლის გზას გავდივარ, მარტივად გავძრდ ილვა, ლა
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ლა ლა ლა მე და შენ ვიცით თუ რა ფერი აქვს თ ავს მე და
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შენ ვიცით თუ რა... თბილია მზეო, მიყვარხარ მეთქი და ვერ დაგაჭერე, მიყვარხარ მეთქი და ვერ მო გახედე, ლაე ლაარა, ის შევისხები სახლები და ხალხი და წლების მერე მე, სკოლის გზას გავდივარ, რა მარტივად
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გავზდივა რ, წვიმის სუნი დგას ნამიან ქუჩაზე. და მე ვხვდები, რომ ვეღარ ვიბავშვებ, ვეღარ ვიღლე ბ, მე და შენ ვიცით, თუ რაფერი აქვს ცად, მე და შენ ვ what? dear friends, we remembered today and will remember tomorrow about vladimir vysotsky, because he is always in our hearts now, he lives with us, many thanks to megga, gogetidze and nikita vysotsky, they were
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our guests today in our podcast melodies of my life . continues, but we will always remember our heroes. hello! the program contains time about the most notable events of this day. from a long range, ukrainian fuel depots and bases of foreign mercenaries were hit with vodka from the ministry of defense in a week. people of foreign affairs, a diplomat's day, their service in conditions that are often unfriendly, sometimes close to combat. denial stage joe biden and olaf
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scholz - weak statement after vladimir putin's interview with tucker carlson. living legacy of sochi 10 years later. this olympics was considered impossible by our enemies, but its impact is visible in ours. green wooden dragon - symbol of china and the lunar new year . the main thing about the cuisine is the cultural program. so, there were a lot of events in the special operation zone, high-precision long-range strikes on the ukrainian military rear, where the appointment of a new commander-in-chief in the ssu, and the destruction of the enemy s-300 air defense system played into our hands. reports on ... defense for the week and an inspection by the head of the department at the plant where it produces lancets. irina kuksenkova about everything in order. another series of precision strikes on strategic targets in ukraine. today
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the targets of russian drones are: port infrastructure in the odessa region , a large oil depot in kharkov. information about successful hits was confirmed by local authorities, and ria novosti sources added: in the kharkov region, our geranium hit the place of deployment of officers.
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over the past week, the armed forces of ukraine have suffered serious losses of personnel with a total of 3,840 killed and wounded; heavy equipment and enemy weapons, both nato models and the remaining soviet ones, are being destroyed every day. our military were able to improve the situation in all directions, in particular in kupinsky, shot! this is how artillery crews are destroyed around the clock. the enemy position flies quite far accurately due to the fact that the rifled gun is constantly working, we are the main weapon for supporting the infantry. over
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the past 24 hours we have fired almost 20 shells, more precisely overnight. the minister of defense inspected how the state defense order was being carried out at the enterprises of the kalashnikov concern. over the past year, new workshops have opened there and the volume of production of drones, both reconnaissance and attack ones, has increased by 60%, and additional. power will help to double the production of guided missiles and projectiles, what has been created today, the capacities that have been created, they allow us to solve most of the problems that we face today, i mean the fight against fpv drones, this is rap, the emergence of artificial intelligence, we have it all. decision stage, now you just need to decide on the pace, timing, and quantity. indeed, russian
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units have a lot of fpv drones, jewelry hits on groups of attack aircraft, disruptions to rotation on the front line, destruction of warehouses with ammunition. fpv drone operators themselves admit that their work can easily be called sniper work. irina kuksenkova, tatyana shilina and konstantin zhukovsky, channel one. volunteers provide support to our fighters. as part of the action, the people and the united army sent another convoy to the front line. the online gathering was organized by two girls - katya and valya. we have already talked about them in our program; they managed to unite tens of thousands of caring people from all over the country. yulia pogorelova will tell you more. having sewn the last seam, the workshop workers rush to loading. sets of soldiers' clothing are handed over to the soldiers. the porch camas needs to be filled with things before. yeah, for whom?
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for the military. oh, you're probably tired already? we go to kindergarten alone, then we do squats. in the sewing workshop of the volunteer movement katya valya, for the last month they have been working without days off and weekends. the exact number of stitched sets was not counted. well, i honestly won’t tell you, in the thousands, in the thousands. i’m afraid to count, because we ’ve simply lost count, as if we were a volunteer organization, so we count. we sew, we sew, there is work, we sew, fabrics they come, people bring them to us, and we sew, we sew , to get more, from underwear to camouflage, here everything is made from russian fabric, they take into account the requests of the fighters, improving the previous deception , they make blankets and warm socks from the remains of the fox, but this time, in addition to clothes, katya ivali volunteers are also sending 25 cars to the front, all this as part of the people and the army are united campaign, subscribers of their telegram channel were able to collect the required amount in just 3
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weeks, these are people from... all over the country from cities and villages with completely different incomes more than 30,000, some people simply have an auto payment set up, 500 rubles monthly or twice a month, in fact this is a lot, i’ll tell you, even 50 rubles are transferred like this, the cars are mostly not new with mileage, but before than to send them to the svo zone, the mechanics put them in order, we repaired all these cars, that is , we didn’t just buy them in the same condition , we give them, somewhere it was just... some kind of light repair was done there, there then there was an oil change, somewhere we changed spare parts some kind, we painted them all, bitch, no , it doesn’t heat up, i went out and felt all the feet, in short, they are cold, that is, normal, everything, yes, it’s like the twelfth year, as if it was in a garage somewhere, in general, wow, in the end , all-wheel drive russian suvs will go to places where there are no roads, but these ones will drive through the test, most of it, of course, mud, knee-deep mud, that is, there
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trucks drive sideways, they shovel, get out, get out, they don’t they are stalling, stalling, but they come out, well, hard workers, they work, well done, they save life, the keys were handed over to the soldiers by drivers, volunteers, these are the people who responded to the request to drive cars from moscow, where the convoy was formed to rostov, they came from different cities with one goal, to deliver help to their destination, i give you a workhorse that will be to serve faithfully, during the entire journey from the city of heroes of moscow, she never failed. zaporozhye, kherson direction, partially donetsk. they are leaving there. and volunteers katya ivalya, the whole country, together with them, continues to do one common thing. no wonder in cars written: the people and the army are one. and still , victory will be ours, because we have the best reliable technology. yulia pogorelova, sergey chapotaryov, natalya sidorova, alexey klyuchnikov and viktor grebnyukov. first channel rostov region. today
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they accept congratulations. defends the interests of russia far from his homeland and often under severe pressure. on the day of the diplomatic worker , vladimir putin noted: domestic diplomacy is called upon to make a significant contribution to creating favorable conditions for the development of the country and promoting a positive agenda in international affairs. foreign minister sergei lavrov joined the president’s words. in many ways, thanks to diplomatic efforts, it is possible not only to stop attempts at international isolation of our country, but also to bring it to a qualitative conclusion. a new level of relations with those states that show a constructive interest in interaction with russia, soon, literally in a month, all of russia will elect the head of state, in the difficult historical moment that the country is going through, each of us must fulfill our civic duty, i am sure that all our foreign institutions are properly organizing the voting of russians abroad,
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all the necessary steps for this... are being taken, to do everything possible for russia, the principle of our diplomats at all times, pavel krasnov saw them in action. the view from the window of a diplomatic mission sometimes looks like this: the russian mission in palestine and its employees do not exaggerate at all when they say that they have to work in conditions close to combat. at the moment we are finishing working with citizens who want to leave for russia. you could say that this is the final stage of our evacuation. the evacuation of russian citizens from the gas sector began in november, when people who had become unwitting hostages of the conflict were finally able to escape from the combat zone . all this time, our diplomats were nearby, drawing up evacuation lists, coordinating routes, working hand in hand with the ministry of emergency situations and trying to help those who, for some reason, could not leave. this is clear evidence that a diplomat is a profession often associated with risk, but
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far from places where there is noise.
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basically, russia then helped the united states of america, nothing remains from that time, everything is destroyed, in our embassy in london there is also a lot that reminds us of the times when relations between countries were completely different. churchel came to celebrate victory day here on may 9, in this very hall where we are now at this table, where they happily raised what a victory was. well , now, when meeting with our ambassador , british parliamentarians look away in shame. contacts are not prohibited, contacts at work, discussions there and all that, and i must say that i have, i won’t say with whom, but such contacts happen to me,
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so, but nevertheless this is a big problem for westerners themselves, since they are stewing in their own juice, but outside the west , people willingly speak to us and hear us. turned out to be a myth, and victory over it was an inexorable dream, and they will finally stop being afraid of dialogue and handshakes when meeting with russian diplomats. pavel krasnov, bolkov, yulia zagranichennogo and tatyana bakulina, channel one. well, for now it's fresh
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confirmation of internal western discord. germany as an industrial superpower is actually being swallowed up by the american agency bloomberg. all over the country, factories that survived two world wars are closing, but not energokri. germany will lose the euro due to a decrease in the mathematical abilities of graduates, although this will happen by the end of the century, but the more foreseeable horizons are not encouraging. chancellor scholz came to biden to listen to arguments about the malicious congress, which does not give new 60 billion dollars to ukraine, they say , let the european union contribute its 50 billion first. road project, but scholz and biden decided to talk in the white house about vladimir putin’s interview with tucker carlson. the russian leader’s conclusion about the west’s awareness of the impossibility of our strategic defeat in ukraine, about the dialogue for which we are ready, but
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they need to think about it, was called propaganda of imperialism in washington. by this hour, vladimir putin’s interview with tucker carlson had already exceeded 180 million views on the social network x. twitter alone, and is also available on the websites of the kremlin and channel one. mikhail leontyev with copyright comment, then we will come back with news. however, hello, what was that? i don't even know what to think about the interview. it simply was. it will probably take me a year to decide for myself that...
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i didn’t interrupt with idiotic questions, i didn’t even expose my thigh like megan kelly, that is, not a real journalist, you won’t buy, you won’t dance naked in the moonlight, why you think we can dance naked in the moonlight, sit down, we'll soon take advantage of the hospitality, carson, of course, is not a journalist, he is a political figure, a publicist, tough, conservative views , whose task is not to troll putin, but to convey a message , as they say:
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and the president also mentioned negotiations five times,
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this is understandable, pragmatic, and this is the message of the above mentioned, and about the soul twice, this is probably for the internal consumption, because they just don’t have a soul, however, goodbye, this was the author’s commentary by mikhail leontyev, we continue, news from the presidential company. ldpr candidate, laonits slutsky, spoke via video link with those who study at the school of a young military officer, it bears the name of vgtrk reporter boris maksudov, who died last fall in the zaporozhye region. many of you will be able to join the noble, very strong team , of which we are proud, whose name is military correspondents, those people who tell the truth, those people who are the absolute coordinate system in... what is happening now on the fields of the northern military district, they
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say as it is in fact, candidates from two more parliamentary parties, vladislav davankov and nikolai kharitonov, paid attention to sports, both traditional and digital, today the russian federation absorbs everything good that happened in soviet times in the development of mass physical education, sports, children's, youth, and professional sports.
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more than 2,000 volunteers from 30 countries will work at the first ever games of the future, which will be held very soon in kazan. this was announced by deputy prime minister dmitry chernyshenko. together with the head of tatarstan, rustam menikhanov, he inspected the facilities where the competitions will take place. at a meeting at the games' main operations center, the deputy prime minister was briefed on the progress of preparations. participation in a unique tournament that combined classic sports and new technologies confirmed the order.
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the highest standards for conducting sports competitions were set 10 years ago. the sochen olympics has become a grandiose celebration of sports, and its unique arenas are a springboard for hundreds of young athletes. however, the meaning of our olympic heritage is much broader. about the decisions that changed
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not only the capital of the twenty-second winter games, but the entire country. ivan prozarov. 9 years old katya knows well where big things begin victories: discipline, sports perseverance and daily work on yourself. well done! the little star at the age of 3 got onto the olympic ice, where the heroes of our winter games trained and performed and melted the hearts of the coaches. i would like all my competitions to be in sochi, because sochi has the best ice. her parents were in the stands cheering in 2014. our athletes, at the beginning of 2015, a future figure skater, a child of the olympics, appeared - my mother laughs, we got on skates for the first time, i was delighted, right away, mom, we’ll go, until the beginning of our olympics, whoever criticized the idea of ​​​​developing winter sports in subtrophic regions, how everything changed after the games ilya and ekaterina kalashnikova saw, people
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lined up right in line to sign up for viewing, here from scratch we have already raised two generations of athletes. before the big victories, not only sochi experienced a sports boom, parents all over the country signed up their children for the usual hockey, cross-country skiing, short track, curling, skeleton, interest in ski jumping soared in nizhny novgorod , reconstruction was carried out here a fifteen-meter springboard for beginners was built, a new sixty-meter one, i was little, i was interested in slides, something extreme, i’ve been doing it for 10 years , my main dream is... to go to the olympics and become a medalist. this is how the first post-olympic generation of champions grew up. in 2014, a native of sochi, aspiring ski jumper irma makhinya, cheered for irina avakumova, in 2022 on the same team, together with her she won olympic silver in china. so they came second together
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, they were in shock, it seems to me, even before me it didn't arrive for a while. true, not everyone believed in the olympic legacy; the organizers were afraid of white people. “clans” is what he calls sports facilities, which are then often empty. this happened in lelehamer, athens, london, but in our olympic park everything is involved. the large ice palace became home to the resort's first ever hockey club. at the shayba and iceberg arenas , the ice is also constantly loaded. fisht stadium, where the opening and closing ceremonies took place, is now the football heart of the resort. confederation cup matches, world cup matches football, matches of the russian national team. the arena for... kerlink was converted into a martial arts academy, the sirius arena, where speed skaters competed, now the record holder for free children's sections. badminton, volleyball, chess, judo, rhythmic gymnastics, fencing - more than a dozen sports, well , in the mountains, which are only 40 minutes away, there are unique bases for training our
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national teams. there is an incredible base here, everything is special here, because this is our home, this is our country, it’s worth a lot. build a base in the mountains out of the blue, the most important thing intangible heritage, the whole country felt great pride in us, in ourselves for the results that we achieved, and the lasting legacy that is now intangible, we continue to actively use it, this is our inner confidence that russia can handle huge such very complex projects, but there were ideas to take the path of least resistance, a large ice palace, give away... a circus, turn the main media center into a shopping complex, and dismantle some of the stadiums and move them to other regions, the fate of sochi was then determined by the president of russia, to create such an educational complex in order to gather children from all over the country here, to create, as it were, the first.


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