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tv   PODKAST  1TV  February 11, 2024 5:05am-6:00am MSK

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were put more objective than a person, but people would still prefer not an objective decision, the opportunity to talk with a judge, there with a person making some kind of fateful decision for them, looking into his eyes, because they deeply believe that they they don’t need absolutely fair , absolutely ideal decisions, they need a decision from a person who understood, well, sort of entered into their situation, that is, again... empathy, again emotional intelligence, well, after all, some kind of neural network mechanisms for filtering out fakes from reliable information will appear, here is a story about the fact that other people want to manipulate people for various reasons, this is a pre-technological story, technology certainly helps to do this, but it only helps simply and... one powerful tool and tool in
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this case for lazy people, that is here is a story about how you can show a fake picture and convince a person, it differs from the story that was documented many times in the last century, when there is a picture from the right angle, chosen from a series at the right moment photographs, one photo that shows the whole world how this dog, which... a policeman sets on a child, if you look further than the whole, and a living example from the story of martin lucer king, and if you look at the entire series shot by the photographer, then it turns out that it is very clearly visible, the dog twitched, and the policeman , on the contrary, took it away, smiled at the child, forgive me, she was a little tavos, but it was necessary to show that the dog rushed, that the police were setting dogs on people, and a completely documentary photograph served...
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yes, yes, yes, that’s exactly what i ’m talking about, that this is a powerful tool, all these modern technological fakes, on the one hand, are powerful tools, on the other hand , i have, perhaps, a naive hope that it is precisely because of its accessibility and now prevalence, to develop some kind of immunity, that not every photo should be immediately believed, even if it evokes an emotional response, because it is far from a fact that this photo is true, well, that is, life in the era of the victorious artificial...
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because what -routine tasks, he can entrust everything that i have a deep belief, just like many of my colleagues, that first of all it is necessary to automate there, if necessary with the help of the university, if not, by other means everything is boring, routine, repetitive, leave time for this develop in yourself these unique human properties that you just listed, so i think that even in order for a person to become like... you
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are describing now, it seems like this is from science fiction, but it is non-russia that these will help him become like this, probably the final one question, year twenty-four , what could happen in the world of neural networks, what forecasts do you have, judging by the way modern digital technologies are developing in general, even when there is such a surge, as we saw in year twenty-three, something happens , after all, this is truly integration into all sorts of products that we are already accustomed to using, and the digital world around us, whatever one may say, is already part of our life, well, for everyone, at least, because here is a smartphone, an application in a smartphone, these are all numbers, now of course you can come here screw in something like a neural network, sometimes it’s even already there, but these are still one-time, some kind of targeted implementations, it seems to me that there is a massive penetration of all these smart algorithms, really, really smart. in those digital products that live
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around us, this is just the twenty -fourth year, after all, what, for example, services, well, besides pictures and translation, what else do you know, well, very different, it’s just that you have.. .
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is called vasya or his nickname is connected with vasya, this can be decided using the usual algorithmic methods hang yourself, so this is not something that any modern system can solve, the neural search system for it is an absolutely ordinary problem, and this is only a special case, that is, here is a story about the fact that you will have hints when writing letters, which will automatically pop up when there’s a standard letter where you have to politely say no, but unfortunately you can’t write, well, how people still laugh, you just answer. the answer to such a cart is, in a word, no, that’s it, period, so you must write at least a paragraph, but it’s a pity to waste your time on this paragraph , answer with a template, but he knows that this is a template, so it’s somehow bad, so yes, there will be a unique response paragraph, which i have nothing to do with, even if it’s not
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a russian who is doing this, so that’s all this is at the level of that familiar digital environment, that we don’t need to buy some new super-expensive computer or a super-expensive smartphone, that we need to install as... no, this is all little by little in this very digital environment in which we live, it will be introduced into its different places, suddenly it turns out, that you are now starting to talk to a pike , which, at your command, can do a lot of things, well, if you sum up your forecast, compressing it, as some neural networks do into a short thesis, a lot of routine operations will go away for neural citizens, people will have to rebuild.
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and maybe next year the key word will be some kind of psychology or empathy, maybe great, i think we’ll move somewhere there, thank you very much, thank you very much to those who watched and listened to us. hello, this is the chronicles of the end podcast. times, and i, evgeniy dodalev, will tell you about gastronomic corruption in the soviet union, that is, about bribes with food. the fact is that now many people of my generation, both
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older and younger, very romanticize the soviet era, everyone has forgotten about the total shortage, and people are often unhappy when they remember. these rather humiliating moments when it was impossible to buy some basic things, including eatables, this shortage does not in any way level or reduce the importance of the social state, which was the soviet union, with its free medicine, with free education, with stability, and i also think that this is what is important to talk about, what i talk about is always my personal experience, i talk about... i talk about what i remember, that’s what i paid attention to please note that everyone remembers the same things differently, when i was working on memoirs about perestroika journalism, i was faced with the fact that the same people remember different things differently, that is,
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the same people, i i mean the same age, the same social group, colleagues who are together worked, and we’re not talking about just some , let’s say, well... relatively speaking, selfish moments, no, some completely insignificant moments, well, like the fact that it was cloudy that day or, someone says, no , it was sunny that day, it was wonderful. weather or this table was made of oak, not ash, well , relatively speaking, that is, some things are remembered completely differently, i want to emphasize again, i will talk about what i remember and as i remember. so, bribes with food, in fact, when i sat down now in this chair, i thought that i would have a thesis that... the end of times came when this
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phenomenon of bribes with food actually disappeared from my profession, only now i realized that in fact not, they look a little different now , let’s say there , well, once it was a loaf of sausage, and my last journalistic bribe, it was tai mori, this is when - sushi or as the japanese call them sushi, they succumb to the naked body of a girl, this is not a waitress, this is a specially trained person, they lay out edible right here, starting from the knees and ending nipples, where they put the most delicious things, i ’ll tell you about this bribe at the end, first about my first bribe, how it was, i was then working in the moscow komsomolets, headed the student youth department, students from one of the moscow schools approached me and said that their teacher... accused of pedophilia , i met with this teacher, not the second time students came with their mentor,
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of course there was no internet then, that is, i just had to go to this school, communicate with the director, with the teacher, with colleagues , i heard a lot of different things, and as a result i wrote a fairly neutral essay with the message that you can’t accuse people without solid evidence and grounds, that it ’s like paste from a tube, it ’s impossible to turn back, you can slander a person, and then how to correct this reputation, in general, very carefully , because the topic was very dark, although the devoted students, teachers, they were ready to tear everyone apart for him, that is, most likely there was no smoke without fire, maybe he was once on i looked at someone once, but in general there was nothing significant to show him... there was nothing significant, well , i wrote, on the day the newspaper was published
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, i came to the editorial office, they tell me, they left it for you there, it was on my table, in fact, in the newspaper, in the issue with this publication, there was this stick of servila and a bottle of cognac, in fact it was gratitude, a gift, but they said that we congratulate you on your first bribe, and... actually in the soviet union there was a shortage, a shortage of everything, absolutely, including food, tangerines appeared, for example, only new year, bananas and pineapples, some people simply tried it once, two or three times in their lives, there were such formats as trips to moscow for food, for sausage, where entire trains went to the provinces, people came to buy delicacies.
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that is, he brought a basket of offerings as if from his, so to speak, vegetable garden
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, from his farm, well, these were seasonal things, there were strawberries, gooseberries, honey, churchkhela with pomegranate juice, and as if he wasn’t somewhere somewhere... then he bought it, it’s just that his wife collected a bribe for him and his brother, that is, a man who accepted, it was, well, it would be easier to measure it, well, because well, this is not a bribe, here is a man coming from the house, here he captured, they actually understood the essence of what was happening, but his conscience in a certain sense was clear, especially since that this, again, was not furnished in the form of a classic bribe, that i brought you this basket here, and the cost of such a basket, by the way, was very decent, it was commensurate with the monthly salary of a soviet employee, at that stage, it was the eighties , early eighties, in
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in the year seventy-nine, a very loud, so-called fishery case thundered. some kind of corruption schemes at headquarters, about bribes that are given there almost in islands and are measured in billions, if we take in rubles, then of course these episodes are funny, but i always say that what is important here is not the volume of the bribe, the fact itself, what if
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a person accepted a melon as a gift, like yuri mikhailovich churbanov, the husband of galina leonidovna brezhneva and the son-in-law of general secretary leonid leach brezhnev, and then they brought him this melon and he waved some kind of appointment document, then it is clear that it seems like this is not a bribe, but in essence, legally , yes, it was precisely a bribe, because he received a donation, no matter what size, as far as i know, now , let’s say... employees all gifts that cost more than 3,000 rubles, they must hand them over to some kind of storage facility, because it is considered indecent to take some kind of gift that costs more than 3,000, then there were no such norms in the soviet union, but there were other norms, absolutely amazing, i remember my business trip very much
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i went to central asia for a long time, about a month and a half, i think. uzbegestan, where at that time the largest investigative team in the entire history of the soviet union worked, the investigative team of the ussr prosecutor general's office, which was headed by telman kharinevich glyan and nikolai ionimovich ivanov, investigators for especially important cases under the prosecutor general of the soviet union, and that is, in addition to some of these episodes with melons, there with grapes, there were also bribes with food. in the form of a treat, that is, when the clearing was covered and the issue was resolved, also as if, well, you say, well, is it really a bribe when they treat you, but - here, firstly, the amount of the treats was significant, and then again, i repeat, the fact itself, you ate, drank and after that changed your decision or made some then the decision was necessary - to the one who treated you,
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and so it struck me there that on the one hand, on this scale, take... the size of a melon, there were amazing, absolutely standards, the order of lenin is the highest award, it was in the soviet union , it was just the most, most prestigious order, so, i don’t know how it is in others republics, but in uzbegestan there was a clear tax, it cost 500,000 rubles, that ’s a lot, but it’s just a lot, a car cost 5,000 rubles, that is, it’s like 100 cars there, like a fleet, that is, well, there were salaries, here let’s say i had so-called half-time work at moskovsky komsomolets, because the rate was 130 rubles, that is, i received 65 rubles a month. and then i moved to the central committee of young communists, a shift magazine, from this shift i just went to central asia on a business trip, and
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there my salary was 150 rubles, well, right it was considered very, very good, so here’s 150 rubles. no one asks, so, but at the same time this caviar was supplied and sold at prices, let’s say, not those that were on the price tags, bribes were given for this, in order to have it. you can hide this product, the can of caviar itself was an excellent bribe, especially when it came to relationships with foreign
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partners. in the potagonian fjords of chile there are hundreds of kilometers of coastline where no human has ever set foot. machu picchu is a city floating above the clouds, we can be transported to another time, feel the genius of american greatness. of real cultures that were destroyed by europeans, from all points of view the incas and otecs were head and shoulders above in a cultural and civilizational sense. today , every brazilian is a little indian, a little european and a little african, and this is what enriches our people. the cuban revolution is one of the most important events of the 20th century, it was led by a group of revolutionaries led by fidel castro and ernesto chagevaara. latin america is one of the advantages of modern and future world order. is there a separate latin american civilization?
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some believe that no, others are sure that there is a latin american civilization, here it is. civilization premiere, film four. latin america, on thursday, on the first. fire and ice, two elements at the junction of which real, great art is born, emotions are off the charts, the atmosphere is knee-deep to the limit, but for victory it is important to maintain icy calm. ice splashes from under the skates, like sparks of hot metal, and the ice melts. taksteel, hot ice, spartakiad of the strongest, live broadcasts from magnitogorsk on february 17 and 18, on the first. my
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advice: don't sit close to the screens, it might be too hot, meet me in the steel capital of russia. this is a podcast of the chronicle of the end of times, i’m evgeniy, and today we remember how... the state security committee was involved in this matter, although in fact, according to the logic of things , it should have been dealt with by the obkhss, that is,
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relatively speaking, the police, but since there was such a pronounced political aspect, it was a confrontation between grishin, then the owner of moscow, the first secretary of the moscow city party committee, who aspired to the position of leader of the country.
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george krymsky, who, as far as i remember , was a representative of the associated press here in moscow, he wrote an obituary at the end of the eighties, then every three... four months, just six months, he just did what is called an update, that’s it everyone understood that sooner or later, leonid ilvich brezhnev would not be with us, the end of times would come, many, by the way, i remember, even from my fellow journalists, they cried after the death of leonidavich brezhnev, not mourning a beloved statesman, but i understand that some upheavals await the country there, they did not come immediately, in general, in the eighty-second year brezhnei left, in the eighty-fifth year gorbachev came, glasnost began and perestroika,
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but - for me, the fact that the end of times has come, it became very significant that it was in the eighty-fifth year that i managed to get a job as a journalist at the moskovsky komsomolets newspaper, that is, to receive this certificate, because i was not a komsomol member, my biography simply turned out that way that i was expelled from the pioneers, from the pioneer organization, and this was at a ceremonial assembly in the pioneer camp. forest republic, this camp , too, in my opinion, was part of the structure of the central committee of the soviet union, because my dad worked as a correspondent for komsomolskaya pravda, which was the organ of the central committee of the komsomol, so i was caught smoking partogaz, there were such cuban cigarettes, very cathedral and i was expelled for ceremonial line, in the morning
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they collected a line on... i have a tie that i didn’t wear a pioneer tie, well, because it was meant that already in the senior detachments it was somehow not a camelpho, that is , it means that there were little kids there, in short, they put a tie on me, not mine, because i didn’t have one of my own, and they solemnly took it off there to the beat of drums, they said some words about how i was unworthy, and they simply laid down a program for me that i would never i won’t be a komsomol member, i decided that that’s how it will be, screw you, i’ll never be a komsomol member, did not join the komsomol and... and so i say that the end of times in my opinion has come, i realized it when my documents were accepted, and i became an employee of the organ of the moscow city committee, the mkk komsomol, as the newspaper moskovsky komsomolets was then called, and before that, not being a komsomol member, for any bribe, for any cognac, for any sausages, i could not
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enter... the educational institution where i wanted to study, i was fond of mathematics, i saw a future for myself as a mathematician and dreamed of studying mathematics moscow state university, they simply didn’t accept my documents then, they just said, that since i am not a komsomol member, i cannot study at the most prestigious institution in the country, moreover, even the moscow aviation institute, where my mother taught then, did not accept my documents, they also said that well, we... in the future we are working there for space , every graduate is mine, he will one way or another be connected with the aviation industry and space, so we cannot allow an unreliable person into our eds. the only place where i could study mathematics was a pedagogical institute; i entered the lenin moscow state pedagogical university at mat fact, that is, in the system of that time it was believed that a non-reliable person could not be involved in space or
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aviation, but with children, here... they were very much discussed, from happiness this scale was not only of my journalists, but also lawyers also postulated that the security officers the kgb, lubyanka, which was involved in this case, they also settled scores with the employees of the ministry of internal affairs, who were very involved.
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with this money to buy, well, let’s say, the same caviar, that is, you had to know people in order to - with this money, buy something that is in short supply, because in stores, i i repeat, there were empty shelves in the same eliseevsky, and in many others, this shortage was created artificially, precisely so that something could then be sold under the counter; it was not at market value then, because
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pricing . but it was centralized and prices were simply set there - once a year, in my opinion, in the month of april, prices for something were reduced there and always everyone was waiting for this announcement that there from... from april 1 there bread will cost so much kefir so much, so the problem was that yes you there could have been money, but if you wanted to eat pineapple, uh, or have dinner with tenderloin, uh, you had to know people, people from , say, some butcher, a person from the meat department, or people in the eliseevsky store who could sell you this pineapple, not at any time of the year, but - in principle, it was possible, it was possible to get these things, and at the same time very many, my acquaintances there and journalists and generally comrades, struck the imagination of their foreign acquaintances, especially visitors from the west, with what they could
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roll out these are somehow unthinkable delicacies, because even now i can’t remember how much such a small jar of iranian or russian caviar cost in the city of london or in the city of new york. here, at the very least, for some rubles, even if not for those that officially cost it, you could buy it and, as they say, cover the clearing, bribes with food existed not only in the form of this, i don’t know, this notorious loaf sausages or bottles of cognac, they still existed in the glade format, that is, when the table was set, a person was invited and a person i was treated to some...
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since my dad worked in, as i already said, in komsomolskaya pravda, there were those things that could be bought at the editorial buffet, so there were all sorts of quite rare things, which - for a set of three tin cans, it was meat, elk, it was bear meat and wild boar, by the way this was done in the soviet union. i don’t remember where, but i remember very well what it looked like, and i remember that i also solved some of my problems, because it was beautifully packaged, that is, it was like this gift set, and i remember that
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for a couple of moments there i was no longer the person who took the bribe, like going back to the first episode with the sausage and cognac, but the person who took... offered, well that is, well, these were quite innocent things, again, in order to buy sunglasses, you could give a bribe with these products, you were sent to where you could buy this or that for the rubles that you had, i i don’t know the product, well, in particular with glasses, i remember exactly what there was such an episode with sunglasses, a podcast of the chronicle of the end of times, i am evgeniy dodolev, and today we remember how in the soviet union they gave bribes with food. when the so-called hit parade of the soundtrack appeared in moskovsky komsomolets, dima
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shavirin, who was the presenter of this soundtrack, had a fairly clear rate for some last places. well, it was measured in something like alcohol, i honestly didn’t dive into these nuances, and somehow it wasn’t considered a bribe at all, because again it meant, as with the order of lenin in tashkent in
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uzbekistan, it was not meant that any musical team there or some kind of performer, simply completely unknown and who had not created anything, could come to the editorial office on the street of 1905 in ... to the moscow komsomol there to bring shavyrnaya a box of chocolates or a bottle of hard-to-find whiskey and get that coveted line, no, it had to be more or less like... be known, there were some so-called magnetic albums, but in principle it was sold to this, there was an attitude that now it seems completely impossible to me, that is, very condescendingly, that is, well, it was considered, well, yes, well, as if, well , you want to eat, there the salary is 65 rubles, here it’s as if everything was eaten and then drunk by the entire editorial staff, that is, we everyone was , in some way, accomplices, as they say in...
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he was lying on the street and they stepped over him, no one there shook him off or sat him down on a bench, not to mention rummaging through his pocket, like this i read, it happens, now it’s there almost every day, that is, on the one hand, people were , uh, kind of more honest, on the other hand , they were very lenient towards those things that , uh, now from today’s perspective seem to me, in general, well, not that outrageous, but...
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which was dima shavirin’s deputy on
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sound track, he offered me a job at a newspaper, which for me, as i will repeat, once again became evidence that times are ending, because even there 2-3 years ago it was impossible for a person not being a member of the lksma, i ended up into the structure of agitprop , especially since then - if we are talking about food and alcohol, then vineyards were cut down, a shortage was created in artificial wine stores, that is , the party top leadership did everything possible to the poor people to simply finish off the country, in order to turn the population against themselves maximum, that’s why it’s so easy, in fact, the country fell apart in the ninety -first year, because no one was ready to defend it, by the way, it’s an amazing thing that zhenya fedorov, who was also involved.
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i got a job in a newspaper about how, in general, all people, without condemning, for example, this gastronomic corruption, treated it differently, someone thought that he could do without it, maybe because zhenya fedorov was a gmo graduate, his dad was in the military attache there, and he saw all this sausage. in the required volumes all my life , maybe that’s why, i don’t know, i’m not going to dive into this analytics here, what i mean is that this phenomenon happened, when i started this conversation, i wanted to say that the end of times means that what to journalists stopped giving bribes, then i realized that i was very mistaken, because i mentioned at the very beginning, this was the last bribe, or rather an attempt to give me a bribe from - let's say, an oligarch of the light category, it was
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2000, the seventh year, and i then - i worked for the oligarch sergei sergeevich radionov, there was a publishing house of rodionov, where there were a lot of magazines and business magazines, such soviet brands, like a lot of them were like peasant women, the brownie magazine was bought already in my memory, but there were so-called men's magazines, one of them is licensed
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, there was a leg and a girl lying there, all in these very sus, i must say that well, i don’t know, maybe not everyone tried it, i’ll just explain that there the products themselves are not lying directly on the body , on such green leaves of something, or grape leaves, i
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don’t remember now, that is, you don’t, it’s as if you take it with chopsticks and only with chopsticks could you naturally take it, with such hands, i immediately understood where the conversation would go , when a singer joined us , she was rising very quickly at that time descended star, i immediately figured out that they were actually introducing us to her, because she was a candidate for one of the covers, so that the conversation would directly approach this, but i think, on the one hand, it seems, well, somehow stupid. refuse to drink sake and eat sushi , on the other hand, how would i, having received this gastronomic bribe, be obliged to do something? to be honest, i was outraged to the core, because the cover in the edition in which
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it was meant, a light acquaintance of this oligarch might have appeared, it cost $30,000 there, and the covers are official... i’ll explain, not were sold, but there was always an option with the advertising service that a whole advertising package was sold there, for $3,000 people bought some kind of modular advertising in some publications as a bonus , this was not recorded anywhere in any contracts or agreements, it was according to the concept, he simply said that a person would have a cover, and to be honest, i don’t know how much this very sea costs, but well, definitely not 30,000 dollars. i was very indignant that they were trying to manipulate me like that. i must say that i didn’t tell my employer about this. told, because well , the person didn’t get the cover, we ate sushi and drew conclusions for ourselves, so gastronomic
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corruption, as i suspect, remained on a global scale, the scale just changed and... it was a podcast chronicling the end of times and we talked about bribes with food, fits fraumdam, i’ll teach you the first lesson. you need to look up at me, and then press the brakes, i'm holding my wig, until i'm not a playboy, but just a mista, a small mista, i'll answer for the market with my head, when i speak, i'm watching the broom, you look
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for my manicure, if you are with me, you are not an alarmist, north pole. cool beach , wherever you are and are not, catch courage, catch courage, courage, catch, catch, courage, catch courage, catch, catch courage, catch courage, courage, catch, catch courage, play kurash, if you are with me , what you need to do to enter kurash, ballet, music, wine, beach, and camouflage saves you. after all, all that is needed is makeup, i myself don’t rustle at anyone, and i don’t carry skulls with me, you know, this is not...
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lobi kurashi, if you are with me, wherever you are, wherever you were not? if you are with me, wherever you are, catch
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courage, if you are with me, catch courage, courage, catch, catch courage, catch courage, catch, catch courage, catch, courage, courage, catch, catch, courage, catch courage, if. this is a podcast 20 years later, and my host konstantin mikhailov and i are our guests, mr. maloy, aka andrei tsyganov, andrei, hello,
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salam to everyone, you are the first rapper to practically agree with this status? i certainly agree, but there are other people who disagreed, for example, such as bachelor party, bogdan titomir, bat balance, valov, yes, vlat valov, director of russian hip-hop, by the way, with a bachelor party. in fact, it was a lot of fun tours , where we went together, the bachelor party and i there are a lot of all sorts of stories, but unfortunately not one of them can be told at all , not just one at all, listen, well, vlad chief valov, how did he perceive you , what kind of relationship did you have, and well, in general, for this whole rap party, i was a small kid, such a younger brother, the son of a regiment, a hip-hop regiment, that’s why they customized some things for me there,
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there are some jeans, sneakers, because then, unfortunately, there was none of this, you could just go to the store and buy some old-school adidas, unfortunately it was impossible, you could only make fun of it, you could, yes from the farcists, well, you were small for... but no, i was already communicating at that time anyway, communicating with them and they also urged me on, because i was so, uh, at that time , it seems to me to be well packaged, remember, how did you start making music, how did it all begin, it all started very simply, i in my very childhood, well, at the age of four there, 5 years old, and when we walked there on the playgrounds, uh, of course i liked climbing everywhere there, all that, yes, but... the main story was to climb the stage and i don’t know there to read poetry, sing some songs in english, that is, somehow
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express yourself and cut out the applause, this was somehow sewn into my consciousness right from childhood and then i went to learn to dance, and well before that, i knew all tsoi’s songs by heart. and still being there somewhere at a concert or if a movie group is playing somewhere, all the lyrics immediately pop up from my subconscious, it’s unexpected, what’s the connection with rap, nothing at all, how did it cover hip-hop for you at what point? hip-hop has hit us, this means my dad, he was a submariner, and he periodically brought some disco cassettes, some kind of record to us.
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it was also cool, yes, that you can take pictures right away, pictures come out , but basically that’s all, that is , i still didn’t bring jeans, sneakers too, well apparently he had some other values, and god bless him, so after listening to all this, i saw somewhere that enrollment was starting for a school there, at that time it was called rap dance, yes, it
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was essentially a brek. so i listened, learned from them, one might say , readings, oak ha this is arthur ignatov , as far as i remember, well, yes, there was a dolphin there too at one time, yes, i learned to read from them, and somehow here i am i joined this crowd, that is, it was important for me to come everywhere, get on stage everywhere, dance, everywhere there to take chips off the older dancers, and
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somehow i slowly joined in, after that it means we... got acquainted with the group thermonuclear jam, at that time i was their fan and, again, i also knew all their lyrics in english - and we we decided with them and there was also a screw, there was also a mc turnip here - hot and tengis, so with them we decided to make such a semblance of a russian cric-cross, well, it all started with khataba and tengiza, they were the main two, right? they were a group called thermonuclear jam, but at the time when we met them, there was also turnip mc and screw, screw - this, by the way, is also a very legendary person, he made a lot of music for decel, for example, he was a member of the group detsu, which then turned into the brothers smile, yes, that is, he
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did so much for russian hip-hop , it means you switched to hip-hop from your father. can you imagine or portray him in rap, give me some beat, i don’t know how to jam at most, no, it doesn’t seem to me and there’s no need to somehow turn tsue into rap, he has his own path. hello, this is news from the first studio maria vasilyeva and at the beginning of the issue briefly about the main topics. targeted strikes on ukrainian military infrastructure and new positions taken in the special operation zone. those who distinguished themselves on the front line were awarded well-deserved orders and medals.


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