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tv   Chasovoi  1TV  February 11, 2024 7:40am-8:10am MSK

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nat songs of youth and joy live songs of youth and joy i live, ilya repin, what a sonorous name, but they named you that way so that you sounded so beautiful, that artist, and you turn out to be an artist in harmony, your grandfather was an accordion player, yes he was an accordion player . passed on, yes, well, show me something, for example, local, some kind of ural or siberian, ulshnaya, yes, let’s listen, friends, he’s alive, yes, he, well, in the kingdom of heaven, but we’ll listen to you, come on, come on, come on, don’t bite, it’s the first time the transmission is being filmed,
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and such a passage, well done, listen, i’m here i think, zakhar, our father is with you, gennady dmitrievich zavolokin, i would be glad to have such an accordion player today, he would say well in tyumen , oh, well done, what else can you show , yes, a silver one, come on, thank you,
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i wanted to name him sergei, and the eldest objected, if she fell in love with nikolai , here is the son, come on, let it be nikolai , he told some stories, memories from childhood associated with his father, he always felt great reverence for this both as a person and as a father and as an actor, the life of the party, but he was very lonely, he bought himself a mobile phone and asked fill out my notebook, he dictated to me all the telephone numbers. this was his entire
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written book, he hid his second life , there was a very strong romance, very beautiful , two decent people met, who did not suffer themselves, tormented each other, he was very kind to his wife, to his loved ones, and did not want anyone offend and wound, so in general i couldn’t stand the situation for nikolai eremenko’s anniversary, what are we going to do, ivan ilyich, fight. seryozha, the legendary film pirates of the 20th century. superman with soft skin. this is definitely pierced. today is the first one. with whom did you come to us today? tell? with tomato. is this a tomato? we immediately put perlite there. this is perlite, does mom know what it is?
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such words, you yourself really teach people vocals, grol, rettle is belting, well , show me belting, hey, hey, hey, give me the money, hey, like that, yes, yes, yes, how old are you, six, and you , i’m 6 years old, and the cockroach has no wings, you’re so cute, he licked my finger, come here my cuties, the best of all, the new season, watch after the evening news, well, consider it a load of hay. in his
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put up some vegetable gardens, thank you very much, come here! thank you, thank you, friend, thank you, but i am very glad that we will meet you, come visit me, i live in a hunchbacked house, we received awards from the magazine rural nov, this time these participants are performers, where will they spend these 25,000, let's start with sasha zasorin, sasha, what do you think , uh, should i use this money for food, thank you, for, interesting, you understand, the state of things turns out, what is the name of the page, new, cool,
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please tell me where i ended up, free, this is a free village, like this, thank you, make sure the bucket doesn’t overflow, they drink this one here, yes, of course, this. fresh water, okay, you've got a lot , well, actually, yes, and you found out, yes, of course, well, gennady demich worked in this building, wrote articles, sorted mail, there were filmings here,
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yes, and very important ones, the first one in ninety the ninth year of the last century, the golden ten of russian accordionists, ardzhiniki 33, and just opposite the opera house. here he was engaged in publishing a magazine about folk art, in fact, here is a memorial plaque, of course, it’s good, here it is ordered, and there are many places in novosibirsk associated with zavolokin, because this is his hometown. varya, varya, varenika, small, not small, with a kind, affectionate heart, wandering, who are you for the day?
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on the cheeks, on the boiled cheeks, boiled-cooked-varenky, for shea old felt boots, i quickly clean, i can’t stop you, zavalokin brothers, all of us, our hearts are torn by suffering, looking at you, winter, siberian, winter. i came to our city of navasibi on the avenue lights of dasanyavalenki
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yage, i sashay do not cry to the serts. for me my love, my siberia, winter the siberian winter has come to our city, novosibir, the stones are burning on the avenues, the lanterns
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are burning, blushing on the cheeks, honyas and two slimes on the welded cheeks. your music inspires the race with the ruins and life
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of the future, and the white dove flew on the white dove. flew along it, bravo! now, friends, near this fire
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valentina akentyeva will begin to sing a joke about the red yar, and then, and then shouts, yes, i will fall, i ask for music, red! the village is large and stands on the shore, i won’t run away from this siren.
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yes, i remember a lot, and how it sounded an accordion in his hands, and what holidays were celebrated, not at all embarrassed by the unusually curious eye of the television camera, and what songs flew, and in fact it chilled right to the liver, slightly sipats. thank you gennady dmitrievich for our harmonica, for the strong beginning made in the distant eighty-sixth year of the last century, for the most difficult work, for the wonderful songs, for loyalty to the homeland, a deep bow, with wishes of joy. aching, bright sadness, spiritual breadth and spiritual wisdom,
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sounds the song of gennady zavolokin, live, good people. live, good people, live, honest people, strive, youth, brave, rush forward, the earth weaves for you, the lights of heaven for you, the spring cuts for you. on the iago pendant
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, live, be happy, evil dreams will pass, fickle, crazy years will pass, all the cruel will perish, all the wrong will perish, and the great truth, justification never, and the truth never,
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friends, this day is approaching, february 24, play the harmonica . in moscow, on the main stage of the country, in the state kremlin palace, soon, don’t miss it, we are looking forward to meeting you you, dear viewers, our homeland, russia, our great country. what can i say, i love it very much. a russian person is one of the kindest people on the planet, he is always ready to help, joke at the right moment and just keep the conversation going. family is the most sacred thing on earth, the most sacred thing in the whole world. how can you live with me for so many years, explain in the country, i think we must give in to each other. my
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hobby is ringing church bells, and i... i am a bell ringer at our local church, i like to do nothing and rest, happiness is when you are understood, when you are appreciated, loved, for being who you are. hello, the military information program chasovaya is on air on channel one, and i am
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its host, alexey rafaenko. watch this episode. pasha. here it’s kind of consonant with the gypsy, he was probably a horse thief in civilian life, old nicknames are a profession in life history, what do the call signs of the northern military district fighters mean, black black pirate, black yes ready to accept the installation, ready in their zone, everyone has them, soldiers and generals in the rear on the front line. the third hit the target, fire, fire, shot, shot, kotoral, target. self-propelled gun commander hare, fort machine gunner, baby tanker and marine hermes, what they themselves tell about their call signs, sixth star, sixth at the reception, we continue to monitor the special operation, right now the news for the past week. combat sortie of attack
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aircraft. having received data from reconnaissance, the su-25 crew strikes at an enemy stronghold. the report of the forward air controller confirms that all unguided missiles hit the target. under the cover of night on a mission mortar crews come out. in the area of ​​one of the support structures. enemy activity was observed at bsu points in the donetsk direction. there is a hit. the enemy stronghold is covered with mines of 82 and 120 mm caliber. we are trying to get closer to these positions, trying to make the fire much more accurate. we knock out
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the enemy's second and third traps. and accordingly, we move further to reach the next artillery. in mariupol, a grandiose construction project, the fifth branch of the nakhimov naval school, is nearing completion. the complex consists of five buildings overlooking the sea of ​​azov. in addition to educational and administrative premises, there is a dormitory for cadets and a huge sports center. 560 people will study here. the first cadets of nakhim. the school will accept in the new academic year. and now it’s time for our big report. the sentry continues.
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advanced, they don’t just want to keep the most ordinary guys who work for their real names and surnames in secret,
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first of all, of course, for security reasons, ukrainian nationalists are often they are trying to find the relatives of our defenders, knowing their personal data, and secondly, the call sign is convenient, clear, monosyllabic, it does not clog up the airwaves and always belongs to a specific fighter. at one of the telu military training grounds, we met an engineering training instructor with the call sign hello, defender of donbass since 2014, in one of the battles he was wounded and received a concussion, well, at one time he simply could not speak normally and it seemed to me that people they just said something, i was stunned, and i constantly said hello to them, that’s how call sign was born, hello, i was working. i was a cook in anapa, when the war began, my friend and i went to donetsk to help his mother, we saw what was going on there, we saw
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militiamen walking around there in tights, with machine guns at their disposal, and looking for brothers-in-arms there so that we could go together, like - that ’s how we ended up with a friend, my friend died back in 1914, but i’m howling, in my opinion, for everyone, what difference does it make a friend? brother, matchmaker, all the people are russian, but they don’t abandon their russians, victory will be ours, no matter how you look at it, because the truth is on our side, my grandfather fought, my great-grandfather fought, why was it my turn, forward, shot, flint,
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their call signs are black armor, why armor? well , i got the armor, well, they said , you’ll be the armor, so i’ll be the armor, that’s why, but how did it happen, well, how does it happen, how do they generally give out call signs, that is, the command post of a regiment, a commander’s regiment, call signs are formed there, like a list of personnel and the assignment of call signs begins, according to the state this is the armor, that’s it, and i became the armor, that is, in this case it is not invented, it is assigned. yes, by appointment, armor lieutenant, senior battery officer, this is very a responsible position, and until recently he was an ordinary mechanic-driver, in a year and a half
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he made a serious military career and received an officer rank, but from old memory he got behind the wheel to take us to the artillery field camp. almost my soldiers have all their own names that they come up with, or those that came from the unit, that is, the soldiers, they come up with it themselves, for the officers. they assigned me , they assigned me, yes, well, i could of course come up with it, but why, well, the armor is solid, my situation is different, my last name is similar to my call sign, my call sign is black, battery stushina , reactive, i came up with everything on my own, and before that, they always called me black since childhood, battery sergeant, what are his functions, what is he responsible for, for the entire battery, starting with support. ending with psychological relief for the personnel, weekends, cleaning the bathhouse, catering department, everything is on me. clothes,
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uniforms, ammunition, weapons, all this , even to meet you, as if they had appointed a foreman as a senior officer, to guide you through everything, show you everything, how to tell you everything, also a sentry went to the line of combat contact with crews of reconnaissance drones. china, yeah, crew chief, intelligence chief. operators, senior intelligence officer , pate, tsig spotter technician , where do the call signs come from, guys, you come up with them yourself, they give them to you, that as a rule, the call sign is connected with something, probably pate, pasha, it’s kind of in tune here , the gypsy was probably a horse thief in civilian life, my work was related to the chinese language, at one time i studied chinese, taught, was interested in the culture there,
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well, that’s where it stuck. the crew chief with the call sign china, a professional military man, graduated from suvorov, in the army he was the commander of an reconnaissance unit, then resigned to return as soon as the fatherland needed him again, he calls himself voluntarily mobilized. in addition to the chinese language, i taught children there, and worked as a self-defense trainer, and conducted various classes there on... tactical medicine, survival courses there, and so on, that is , my family and i always hung around there in this element in the military , military-patriotic, military wisdom, well, it probably sounds like this , yes, delsha, houndji, bunza, you can say whoever comes to us with a sword, you will die, give it to the circle, give it to the circle, give it to the circle wider,
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we have inherited. russian hut , how can you not have a russian wedding at the same time, we’re in a mess, we’ll be drinking, you served your kvass, for our daughter-in-law, come on, come on, it’s gold embroidery, and there’s a picture of a family tree and two birds , symbolize our bride and groom, velvet tablecloth, samovars, op, and it will turn out real merchant's revelry. that they came, so they came for a lesson, daddies, well done, they are leading the newlywed, our premiere, we are playing a wedding, today is the first one, some say that the architecture of shanghai will not surprise you, just wait until the evening
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and you will think that you are in... future, who is in charge in the chinese family? many of us are raised by powerful women, so we end up finding a copy of our mother who controls us. how do young people in china have fun? we can go to the cinema, stand-up, or we can just stay at home, cook and watch movie. it's a pity, my girlfriend doesn't like video games, so she won't let me play them. i said everything correctly, darling, don’t you allow him to play? well done! how do you live in retirement, my best time, if you want nothing to hurt you at 72, dance in the park every morning, the lives of others, the premiere is on the first day today. at the artillery positions of the tula paratroopers, we met a platoon commander working on a large -caliber gun, for whom, based on his
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life experience... mstab would be more suitable call sign, experienced, this is not the native gun of the paratroopers, because the paratroopers have a d30 cannon, we will parachute, you can’t parachute this one, it is big 7.5 tons, yes, but the paratroopers are distinguished by the fact that they drag it by hand, the soldier with the call sign khatabych is more than 60 years old , and he is in the ranks, along with everyone else, they gave him such a pseudonym because of his age , oriental appearance and white beard, the volunteers themselves went, well, yes, yes, a long time ago. from autumn, september, as internal sensations, great, everything, if really great, kotabych urgently served in landing, then went to the ministry of internal affairs, retired with the rank of lieutenant colonel, master of sports in boxing. i have been motivated since childhood.


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