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tv   Telekanal Dobroe utro  1TV  February 12, 2024 5:00am-9:01am MSK

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the feeling of the impending absolute success of the olympics appeared already in that moment and the olympic games haven’t even opened yet. i’ve been living here for a month and a half. i want to wish you a successful tomorrow, thank you very much , we will try, this is a tension with which i think that even the launch on a spaceship is not can compare. because if the start is unsuccessful, it will not last long, and here the shame will be eternal, so the tension, i think, was monstrous for everyone who did the ceremony, it is already known today, on the television screen at that moment there were 3 billion spectators, whom the authors of the ceremony sent on a journey through the dreams of a little girl about great russia.
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it was amazing, everything changed so quickly, telling russian history to the world, it was great, but still most often the athletes remember nothing more than their own performance. seemed too bold, russia won the first gold just a day after irina rodnina and vladislav tretyak held the olympic cup.
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in general, i'm so happy for my country, i'm so i'm glad that i'm russian, i'm so glad that i'm here, i 'm so grateful that this holiday took place, russia, i'm from canada, how do you like the ceremony, cool, this.
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thank god we succeeded. and even the only thing that stuck, in the end, became a reason to admire the self-irony of the russians. the ceremony was assessed at the highest level already on the morning after the opening. we all believe that we are all sports fans. i think that i will express the general opinion that this was a very bright spectacle, worthy of russia, grandiose.
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what is happening now in his country to come here, well, really, i think that he will not only be here cheering for his athletes, but he will still talk with someone about political affairs. yanukovych met with putin at a reception for the heads of the delegation. these are the two main topics on which western media have concentrated their anti-russian campaign. 3 weeks before the opening ceremony of the games , vladimir putin meets with a group of russian foreign journalists. bbc question: do you think homosexuals are born or made? i don’t presume to answer about the fact that people are born or
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become homosexuals, this is not the area of ​​my professional interests, a qualified answer, i simply cannot. infrastructure and dozens of sports facilities, which in itself became the largest, largest construction project in the world. vladimir putin personally supervised all stages of construction. 41.00 hotel beds in sochi, to be honest, we don’t yet know how to fill them, but railways and roads.
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we have built so many bridges and tunnels here that no one ever dreamed of. before the games in the mountains there was nothing like this, but now the president drove mok members along the new road in his field. almost the entire road is just tunnels. in my opinion this is. certainly a matter of our common pride, the western press ignored all this, tried to paint the atmosphere of sochi’s unpreparedness, the media focused on the builders’ marks, the legendary twin toilets, and stray dogs in one of the toilets of the biathlon center. it is not surprising that the same media did not check the facts when american luger kate hanson published this video on social networks, allegedly taken from her numbers olympic village, a wolf wanders along the corridors of the residential building. they have a problem with more dangerous dogs
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than i imagined, we were prepared for the fact that it would be dangerous here, but nothing like that, i’m very comfortable here. the village is very nice, we have a great time, everyone really likes it. i think these are the best games i 've ever played in, i compare them to vancouver, turin, so i say thank you sochi. i could also state everything. everything is going so smoothly that we can cancel the daily coordination meetings because that there are no problems requiring discussion. so, in general, this is what happened:
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games are going on somewhere in the clusters, and the leadership of the international olympic committee is spending time on the shores of the black sea. uh-huh, thanks. and wherever you look. everywhere the same reaction was met: thank you, it was a real holiday of sports, then they rejoiced for strangers as if they were their own. dear friends, let me sincerely wish that these medals are not the last. vladimir putin visiting the austrian team. but this is already the home of the us team. welcome, the president of russia is there greeted on valentine's day, february 14th.
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the then head of the canadian olympic committee had something to say to the head of state in response. fantastic facilities, fantastic atmosphere and great games, possibly the best ever. we tried our best, thank you! let us repeat, vladimir putin at that moment is surrounded by a crowd of canadian citizens: russia, russia, russia, russia, which at the same time was heard on the air of the western media, recounted by vladimir pozner. in 2014, he signed a contract to cover games with the american television channel nbc. means, shows this picture, everyone applauds, everyone feels good, they say: “this is what putin wants you to see.” here. putin wants this, and now we will show you what, in fact, an unfinished hotel, and a dead dog, that’s all,
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that’s right there, that’s the connection, i told them later, i say, listen, and in 4 years there will be the winter olympics in south korea, where they eat dog, you will also show this, or something, and they are somehow embarrassed, some foreign journalists, vladimir putin even personally tried to understand, there is hope that you will never link sports with politics, there is such hope. i think that in fairness, some of the western media at a certain moment came to their senses, such as the british times. the only danger seems to be that sochi will be considered a huge success. of course, this is unpleasant to say, in recent weeks i have written a lot of material about the dark land of games, but i will whisper quietly, because your room will be bugged. russia puts on a good show. however, telling this to a western audience in full voice, most major media did not allow themselves to do so. they are far from sports, they are engaged.
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because, as it seems to me, and i would really like it to be so, she opened, as if not just the doors to russia, but opened the russian soul, but what about sports as such, the first star in the galaxy of iteri lit up in sochi here beridze, yulia lepnitskaya. a fifteen-year-old figure skater, our pair and single skater, evgeni plushenko, brought russia the first gold of the games. i congratulate you. evgeny
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was no longer able to win personal gold, after numerous injuries and operations during the next training session, the screws in the spine broke, and my professional career ended right in sochi. when the doctor told me that you have, in principle, 1%, that you will perform, then in principle this is 1%, but i did it, implemented it. in the individual championship, things didn’t work out for lepnitskaya, but it was better than ever. adelina sotnikova skated. she left no one a chance for olympic gold. later it turned out that on that day adeline still fulfilled the promise she made 5 years earlier. she told me: “tlamirovich, i’ll tell you promised that i would be an olympic champion," and i did it. she was 12 years old, she brought a photograph as evidence of our conversation, where she is standing next to me, hugging me by the shoulders, looking at me, and i remember, she says: i... i will be an olympic champion. sochi brought personal olympic gold pari tronkov volosazhar, the first and
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only one in the career of sklitonist alexander tretyakov. one bronze, three gold. the result of the shoeterskier viktoraan, who in 2011 changed his citizenship from south korea to russian with his wife . twice the best in sochi became the home of snowboarder vic wild, who moved to russia from the united states, and his wife alena zavarzina. then won bronze. thank you for being with us, you have an amazing wife. a day before the opening of the games , the biathletes won the relay race, anton shipulin was appointed finisher. well, on the last day of the games at a distance of 50 km, the title of king of skis was won by alexander legkov. however, the entire pedestal became russian that day. the fact that today the first three russians proved that we are the strongest in this world. ski marathon winners awarded at the closing ceremony of the games. the verdict was expected there. our russian friends promised superb sports facilities,
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outstanding olympic villages and incredible organization. in fact, 7 years earlier, in guatamala, when the fate of the bid to host the games was being decided, russia promised exactly that, and through the mouth of vladimir putin. real snow guaranteed. we guarantee that the olympic cluster in sochi will be completed on time. 70% of participants will live within five minutes.
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about centuries-old russian culture, but in history included another moment of the closing of the games, a close-up on the bear, a close-up on the bear, there will be a tear now, i specifically ran out of the control room onto the balcony, i looked at the reaction when a tear rolled down from the bear, i saw how
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people were crying, on the one hand , of course , it’s inconvenient to be happy that people cry, but i was so bright. sadness. regardless of what happened over the next 10 years, russia’s sochi triumph cannot be taken away, because all this really happened, all this was seen and experienced by the whole world with us. konstantin panyushkin, anastasia berestenko, channel one. 10 years, what else have they shown, the legacy of the olympics. from norway, greece, britain, the olympic facilities in sochi did not become white elephants, as they call something large-scale, but soon useless. fisht stadium is now a football arena, which also hosted matches of the world cup in russia. in the large ice palace, the sochi hockey club plays, the first in the history of our unique southern resort, next to the shaiba and iceberg arenas,
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in which the ice does not stand idle these days without affairs. it was located in the ice cube, where the olympic curling took place. martial arts academy at the sirius arena, horse runners competed there. now there is a record for free children's sections, a dozen sports. in the mountains of krasnaya polyana, where it’s less than an hour’s drive from the sea, there is a biathlon base and a ski resort with thirty cable cars and hundreds of kilometers of slopes. new points of attraction after the olympic games. the first formula 1 track in russia, today a modern circuit. and this week construction started in sochi academy of figure skating and hockey. the atmosphere, amazingly friendly, impeccable level of organization everyone saw again 4 years after the sochi games, when our country hosted the football championship of the planet, so it will be very soon in kazan from february 21 to march 3, the games of the future, in sirius from march 1 to march 7, the world youth festival , then another week of regional programs in thirty
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russian cities. and let's return to vladimir putin's interview with tucker carlson. american journalist. left moscow for day before he posted a two-hour video online, the publication of which in the west could not be stopped, no matter how much they wanted, why does georgiy alisashvili know. the interview has not yet come out, even carlson has not returned yet, at home the democrats have already called him a traitor, he is a useful idiot, he is like a puppy, he is like a parrot, i repeat.
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prepared in the european union. if he allows disinformation to spread to the damaging consequences of the putin interview, the eu should consider imposing a travel ban on carlson. other methods of influence was not found, published on carlson’s personal website, as well as on the platform of elon musk x. it was impossible not to prohibit the interview from being taken off the air. one of the most influential journalists in america and the richest man in the country, guaranteed.
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glad to see you! everything changed after trump became president. in the permanent information war unleashed by the democrats, the republican channel needed new faces. carlson got his own show on primetime, but in it he was not so much an apologist for trump, but rather an overall promoter of common sense. sense. one of the few, he directly condemned "blm madness" on air. when you hear about someone's guilt because of the color of their skin, when you hear about the sin of a fellow man, this is nothing more than... a cross on the future of our country. when police stations were closed across the country in the name of george floyd, carlson devoted entire issues to crime reports.
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imagine armed people breaking into your house. you call 911 and then wait 2 hours. this is what the collapse of civilization looks like. fighters for radical reforms in support of lgbt people also suffered from him. some guy wants to walk the streets in a dress, please, for your health. doesn’t concern him in any way, so no problem, but the question is always different: a guy on the street wears a dress, but that ’s not enough for him anymore, he’s still angry, for some reason he’s angry with you, but this is crazy, because you supported him from the very beginning him when he wanted to wear a dress, so what’s the problem, is that you yourself don’t wear a dress and neither do your children. as for the ukrainian conflict, carlson initially criticized kiev, but not from the pro-russian side, since tucker never was an international journalist, events in the world became his subject...
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after leaving television, carlson accepted the invitation of elon musk and transferred his program to the social network x. the result exceeded his wildest expectations. the evening audience of fox news is 2 million people. cnn at this time has about 600 viewers. vladimir putin’s interview with tucker carlson collected 164 million views in just the first 24 hours. largely because the journalist managed to destroy the previous canon, which tacitly prohibited direct statements by the russian president in american language.
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for the fact that moscow clearly did not like what was happening in ukraine, nevertheless they were ready to work with those who were in power in kiev, and that, in general, before the state revolution was committed in ukraine in 2014, the line of the russian leadership was to work in ukraine with those who were in power, without any interference in ukrainian internal affairs, i want... to assure you that this story is absolutely unknown to american citizens, that the kremlin gave the go-ahead for the interview with carlson also, of course, not by chance. platform
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carlson for the kremlin. the opportunity to reach a wider, potentially sympathetic extremely conservative part of the american audience, this audience certainly cannot be called pro-russian, but the value for the public is cosmically far from everything that is prescribed by the ultra-liberal agenda of washington, that very deep america that believes in god, the dollar and good manners, backed by a colt in a holster, these are pragmatic people whose ethics dictate that they clearly separate what is profitable from what brings loss. obviously this part of the interview with putin will find them.
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does anyone understand this in the same united states as you do? elon musk immediately agreed with this. we went too far, turning the dollar into a weapon, it was a stupid move. in essence, the interview provoked a correspondence dialogue, a function of journalism that is especially valuable in military practical conditions. what shocked me was the admission that he is committed to a peace agreement for ukraine, and he speaks about it publicly. he said this several times. i don't know, maybe he's lying in a way
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that i couldn't catch, but he's talking about this. why would he talk about it if he didn't want it? even his colleagues from the bbc, who condemned him, could not ignore carlson’s work. vladimir putin gave lectures, joked from time to time and snapped, but not at his presenter. tucker carlson laughed, listened, and then listened some more. during the american's well-publicized meeting with the russian president, the enchanted smile on carlson's face disappeared several times, especially when putin's promise of a thirty-second history lesson turned into a thirty-minute monologue. but by'. in part, carlson apparently accepted with pleasure what the russian president told him. an incredibly detailed excursion into history, starting with the formation of russia in the 19th century, the unification of tribes into one nation, of which ukraine was a part. this made me irritated. look, i'm an american, i'm interested in certain questions and certain answers. let's get started already. but he didn’t give in, i put pressure on him, it annoyed him, i was annoyed, it was like an attempt to hush up the topic, perhaps somewhere it
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was like that, but... i realized, no, that was the answer, this was a preface to the answer. the new york times is almost for the first time talking about moscow’s readiness for negotiations, and this looks like a breakthrough in the information blockade. putin was more direct than usual about his view of how the invasion of ukraine would end. this may not be a military victory, but an agreement with the west. at the end of the interview , putin told carlson that the time had come to negotiate an end to the war because those in power in the west had realized that russia could not be defeated on the battlefield. the interview came out on the same day as the report. special prosecutor robert hur, who investigated the illegal storage of secret documents by joe biden. the proof, as stated in the text, is obvious, but the prosecutor refused to charge him because biden has a bad memory and is generally too old for all this. we took into account that at trial , mr. biden would likely appear before the jury, as during our communication with him, as a sympathetic person, a handsome elderly man with a poor memory. it would be difficult to convince a jury
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that he should.
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as you know, mexican president sisi did not want to open the gates to allow humanitarian aid through. it was i who talked to him and convinced him to open the gate. putin became one of the most popular names on the american segment of the internet that day, so the stark contrast in the way the two leaders communicated their ideas became a topic in itself. whoever planned this press conference right after the end of putin's interview is an idiot, because people will compare them.
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doesn't seem so isolated these days, with the help of a populist former fox news star and america's richest man, the russian president has a platform to justify his actions. his favorite candidate is set to run for the republican presidential nomination, and congress is considering withdrawing aid to ukraine. a separate category of interview viewers, world leaders justin trudeau, again asked why his team invited ss veteran gunka to parliament, which putin reminded. the canadian prime minister pretended that he did not understand the question. of course, putin will use any propaganda that it may, but i can say that canadians will not be fooled. olaf scholz, at a meeting with biden, called the interview ridiculous, but he himself looked comical. when we saw this ridiculous interview that
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putin gave. we realized that he always lies a lot about the history of this war. and it's very easy to understand why he does this. he wants to get some of his neighbors' territory. in fact, only an idiot would think so. russia has the largest territory in the world, where only 150 million people live, they have about 80 regions, where different nationalities, religions , languages ​​are represented, just imagine how to manage all this, they have more than enough natural resources, they just swim in them, and there are not so many people, so why would they invade poland, they just want to secure the borders , maybe it's paranoia, they won't take sides, but the idea that they want to go to the vein or somewhere else, you'd have to be an idiot to think that, and hardly... useful idiots, anyway , scholz complained to the already sleeping the american president, who is unlikely to be able to follow a serious conversation for 2 hours. georgy lisashvili, yulia zagranichnogo, sergey chivelo, channel one usa. back to our agenda: targeted assistance
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and an increase in social payments that affect tens of millions of russians became one of the main topics of the president’s meeting with ministers this week. pensioners, veterans and disabled people, and parents with children have already received indexed payments.
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russia must provide itself with its own technologies in all key areas, vladimir putin stated this at a meeting of the presidential council. on the day of the tercentenary of the russian academy of sciences. the big conversation about new challenges and tasks then continued. the recognized successes of our scientific school, government support for domestic developments, why do musicians and hockey players need mathematics. anton vernitsky about the fundamental approach to science and more. here it is, noisy and visible confirmation that fundamental science is a long game. yes, this is the largest stable breed in europe. ordered the establishment of an academy of sciences,
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not because of chickens, of course, but chickens are also within the purview of academic science, like many, many other things, from artificial intelligence nuclear reactors to space flights. go! it was for this purpose that peter ii created the academy of sciences 300 years ago, of course, without suspecting how scientific thought would develop, but even then he existed. i am convinced that science is the most important part of national security. in the nineties of the last century, we were forced to doubt the need for domestic science, and this became one of the elements of the collapse of the country. we must be honest to say, at some time in society there arose such an everyday idea that we don’t need sovereign science, that they are sitting somewhere in laboratories, soldering something, twisting something, burning something, yes, that’s it, the world is open, you can get this and that. and the money must be directed to
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some other purposes, but if we want russia to be russia, to develop, to have a future, to stand firmly on its own two feet, of course, of course, we must support both fundamental science, without which there is no future, and applied research, and we will definitely do this. these words vladimir putin said at a ceremonial meeting dedicated to the anniversary of the russian academy of sciences, where young people were honored... well, the digital brain, and the new principles, they will
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repeat the principles of operation of the real brain, this is precisely their higher energy efficiency. in contrast to the work of another presidential prize laureate, do you know this term: green fire? sergei pavlushin discovered new mechanisms for regulating outbreaks of mass reproduction of insect pests. this is a victory over the silkworm, here is the cytoplasm cytoplasmic polyhedrosis or cytoplasmic virus? in simple terms, this is poison. or what is it? this is a virus that infects the siberian silkworm, gypsy moth and a number of other economically significant pests of forest agriculture. a global problem, by the way, that a senior researcher at the laboratory of environmental physiology of the siberian branch of the academy of sciences managed to solve. olga yakubovich from st. petersburg university has developed a new method for searching for platinum gold deposits. calculation error about olga's discovery is already being applied. in practice , only 5%, so the extraction of these
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strategic metals in the country is in perfect order. by the way, the rector of st. petersburg state university, where olga works, at a meeting of the president dedicated to the development of a new strategy for the scientific and technological development of the country, convinced vladimir putin that for that very development, everyone, even humanists, needs mathematics, a queen, so to speak , sc. according to him, hockey player vyacheslav fitisov, valery gergiev, dean of the same st. petersburg university, too. my daughter asks me, dad, where to go , i want to be a lawyer, i tell her: daughter, in order to be a good lawyer, you need to know mathematics well, not social studies, so let's introduce the unified state examination in mathematics, compulsory, you said that your, your daughter agrees to take mathematics when entering the law faculty, you still talk to her not as a junior partner, but as... an equal partner, then we
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will discuss this issue further, although the idea itself is to myself, she is so promising, misha, mikhail valentinovich, stretches out his hand , probably wants to support, i’m afraid to give the floor to mikhail valentinovich, because no matter what he says, in the end it will turn out that he is right, on any issue, you know , people will all decide later, but they will be good hockey players, musicians, parents in the country want their children to go into science, but their children think differently. unfortunately, now there is a tendency towards a decrease in the choice of natural mathematics and physics for schoolchildren and graduates.
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education, engineering education. i believe that we need, well, i’m not afraid of this word, a new film, 9 days of one year. which will be dedicated to engineers, modern it specialists, and so on. after the release of a film about nuclear physicists 9 days of one year back in 1962, thousands of schoolchildren became interested in science in the wake of patriotism, but according to the president, it is important as a versatility of education. of course, you need to pay attention to all the subjects that form. a full-fledged personality, a patriot, a person who loves his homeland, is ready, ready, and we now know, in today ’s conditions, this is important, we are ready and even for self-sacrifice and so on, but we need specialists in every field, just a patriotic spirit is not enough
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for the country to be successful, we need both, to meeting of the council on science, which takes place once a year, changes in the strategy of scientific and technological... development of the country were discussed, the need for this arose after the start of unprecedented sanctions pressure on russia, this of course made life more difficult, but no one could strangle russian science like that it was possible, on the contrary, the process of transition from fundamental research to production was accelerated. the changes that have taken place, of course, they are turning this situation around, allowing us to actually form anew such technological chains, when from... fundamental exploratory research, then they move on to development work to applied science and already to high-tech companies that produces products. we are talking about the production of russian microelectronics and biotechnology, at the same institute animal husbandry named after lev ernst
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, a national center for genetic resources of farm animals is being created, about a new type of reactor, operating in fact in a closed fuel cycle, and in quality. the carrier it uses is lead, which means that an accident like chernobyl or fokusima simply cannot happen again; in the event of an emergency, lead does not turn into steam; on the contrary, it floods the reactor core, solidifies and drowns it out. the first one is already being built in the seversky-tomsk region, it is clear that the state does not intend to spare money for science. this year, spending on financing the academy of sciences from the federal budget has increased by almost three compared to last year.
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research will be supported financially, candidates will be proposed by a supervisor, and the winners will be determined based on the results of a competitive selection. in the coming years , we recently discussed the issue of increasing presidential scholarships at a meeting of the head of state with young scientists in sochi. for graduate students who conduct research in a technological field, signed government decree, which specifies the rules for receiving them and the monthly amount, it will be 75,000 rubles, depending on the duration of full-time study, they will be assigned for a period from one year to 4 years. iliham aliyev
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was elected president of azerbaijan for the fifth time. in the elections, the first after the return of nagorno-karabakh. a result that has already been called triumphant by 92% of zaliev, 2% by the closest of the six rivals. vladimir putin warmly congratulated his colleague on the phone and emphasized in a telegram: the election results showed the high authority of ilham aliyev and popular support for his course. allied relations with azerbaijan are significant for russia in the interests of both countries and the south caucasus and the caspian region. and this week it became finally clear who will take part. voting will take place from march 15 to 17,
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but in the meantime sociologists traditionally give an approximate balance of power. according to the central election commission, if the elections were held today, 75% of voters would support vladimir putin’s candidacy. vladislav davankov would have received 5%, leonid slutsky and nikolai kharitonov four each. however, these are only forecasts about the course of the election campaign, as well as about who got out.
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in the end, as boris nadezhdin put it, he collected 10 signatures, which naturally did not affect the result in any way. as he said, there was not enough time to double-check the rejected signatures. in tsik they said that if they had more time, they would have found more marriages. the request to hopefully postpone the announcement of the results for another 2 days was rejected by the cycle.
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new regions and the military in the northern military district zone, then arrived in krasnoyarsk, presidential candidate i got acquainted with the prices at the central market,
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met with city residents, and then went to the local solgon state farm. where i talked with the collective of agricultural enterprises, and this farm, which, in fact, has more than a thousand workers, a number of pigs, a number of cows, they themselves process, they themselves have stores, they themselves sell products, well , if i say so figuratively, this is people's capitalism, there is a lot magnificent farms, but this is exemplary, without pretension, on saturday he talked about the development of sports with komsomol members and young athletes, and the guys from the computer... bryansk region talked with employees of the local machine-building plant, the oldest in the country, a manufacturer of railway locomotives and carriages. at his headquarters he held an extended meeting about how large-scale population surveys are going on in the regions, tell the truth to sludsky. in omsk i talked about
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the problems of education with the parents of one of the schools, in barnaul i visited a dairy plant and...
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work and if it has party affiliation. more than 113 million ballots will be printed, over one and a half million according to the central committee, voters are going to vote online. and on tuesday, february 13, candidates and representatives of their headquarters will take part in the draw for the distribution of free airtime for campaigning in state media. pavel vcholkin, elena shtokolova, artyom tikhonov and natalya radionova channel one. good morning, dear friends
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, wake up quickly, a new day has come , it will definitely be successful, by the way, this is not just some day, but what kind of day, this is monday, february 12, and by the way , roman is already here with us early in the morning budnikov, in person , svetlana zeynalova is with you and me too, we rise, we wake up, we can’t waste a single minute of light, maybe this is a holographic image, a new day is ahead, a lot of interesting things, so friends, we need to get ready, let’s... make an effort , let's celebrate the birthday of the moscow zoo , it turns 160 years old, we'll check how preparations are going for the holiday, our main, most important one, march 8, not some kind of february 23, but march 8, and what about the prices of flowers, well let's find out how to celebrate chinese new year at vdnkh, by the way, the celebration at the russia forum exhibition continues, there is still an opportunity to join it, but first, first, let’s do
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some good gymnastics so that our body feels good. perfect and simply sang with joy that it woke up, well, early to do gymnastics. good morning, if you want to be in great shape, do squats every free minute to pump up your muscles and strengthen your heart. and i will show you how to make this exercise even more effective. legs shoulder-width apart, feet apart. parallel to each other, hands in lock, squat to a right angle at the knees, do not round the back, slightly bend forward, straight back, move the pelvis back a little, perform a springy up-down movement with a small amplitude (1, 2, 3) straighten, squat again, 1, 2, 3,
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let's continue to study. for experienced athletes, we squat 1, 2, 3, regularly, jump, change the position of the feet, 1, 2, 3, the exercise is very powerful, if you practice you will quickly strengthen your legs and buttocks, and you will also become stronger and more resilient. remember the good lines of robert rozhdestvensky, what is it with february, that he went crazy from the roof of the drops in a stream, and they say it’s winter, well, in fact , in the south of the country it’s warm according to the calendar, and
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even in the northern cloudy st. petersburg there’s a bright spring sun, i don’t know, here in moscow it’s so cold in general -20 -25 at night, february frosts, as they say, have not been canceled, they are and will still be in the spring, as if it doesn’t smell yet , on the one hand, but on the other hand, we are all waiting for it, because dvesta has only 18 days left. it's already spring in krasnodar. look how the sun shines outside +17. warming has already affected the black sea coast, the southern half of the region, and is reaching the central regions. all this is connected with the movement of air masses from the southwestern regions. hemispheres from turkey, from the mediterranean sea, where we have warm ones. air mass. the sun came out in st. petersburg. for the winter northern capital. such footage is rare. st. petersburg is located between two huge bodies of water: the gulf of finland and lake ladyshskoe. the cyclone may be
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here over finland, over scandinavia, move from west to east, too. but these air currents carry very, very great heat. and in yakutia, the warming is, however, visually not yet very noticeable. right now, right now, in these days. uh, we can say that the weather there is very warm, the temperature is 12° above normal, but what does this mean, that the frost there is not 45-50, but only 35°. they write on the internet that the reason for the increase in temperature in elninho is an anomalous climate phenomenon, this is an increase in temperature in the eastern waters of the pacific ocean, the matter is the fact is that the heat capacity of water is about four times higher than the heat capacity of... air, so even a small transfer of heat from the ocean leads to a significant increase in air temperature. scientists have calculated that because of this phenomenon, spring around the world may come 10 days earlier, but in
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200, that is, at least in 76 years, and not now, as they began to write everywhere. alas, the hydromid center denies this. you shouldn’t wait for spring early, especially since there is a lot of snow this year, snow has a very great effect on the arrival of spring, because even... in march when it's hot sun rays, pure snow reflects solar energy by 90%, so spring takes a long time to come with a lot of snow, and the warming that was recently noted in many cities was temporary, the february frosts have not been canceled. positive temperatures in the middle of winter are a common occurrence for a temperate continental climate, that is, our winter consists entirely of frosty days and days with positive temperatures, so... we are still waiting for frosts and we have not yet met spring, winter is with us, so we're recruiting patience and do not miss the moment, there is still time for what you really wanted, but have not yet had time to do in the middle of the snowy beauty. maria
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kuskova, alena krylova, denis zharov, dmitry gordienka, channel one. well, comrade citizens, let's continue our program and don't put it off, we offer you another selection of all kinds of videos, and everyone loves to watch videos. a cat named steven is a big fan of lemons, by the way, according to his owners, he can eat them from morning to evening, 3 million users who watched this video, they are wondering if maybe the wife just doesn’t have enough vitamins, maybe he just doesn’t feed him at all, and the cat already agrees to everything, even a lemon will pass for food, it’s impossible, in bali, as they say nowadays. an enterprising monkey has opened a point of exchange of stolen gadgets for food, listen, this is a normal corruption scheme, well done, the service is wildly popular, well, how does the exchange go , please see now, you come,
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you give her something, she returns your stolen one to you the gadget then you have it again good job, monkey, smart girl, all that's left is to open a franchise all over the world, then about beauty, friends, a hairdresser made a miniature horse on his client's head from... and the horse will have to be looked after, and just think about it, so there was a hairstyle like a half-box , and this is half-horse, half-pony, half-pony, finally, news of science and technology: a british engineer named ed, made the fastest bed in the world, it accelerates to 111 km/h, i just really didn’t know that beds were also fast , i have just standing without a battery, it has everything, headlights, mirrors and even license plates, numerous users too...
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lose weight without any problems, without counting calories and almost without limiting yourself in foods, many people would like this, so -called intermittent fasting will help , before starting it, we consult a doctor; such a diet has contraindications, for example, gallstones. if there are no health problems, we try the classic scheme for beginners, these are three techniques. food for 10 hours a day,
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for example, breakfast at 10:00 in the morning, lunch at two, and dinner at 7:30 in the evening, and no snacks, and you can drink around the clock, but sweet soda, of course, is not suitable, coffee without sugar, tea without milk and pure water, so that the weight goes away faster, prepare a special drink, grind it into... fill it with two liters of hot boiled water, after 40 minutes squeeze the juice of one lemon, drink a glass half an hour before meals. the drink improves metabolism. just like in any diet, we adhere to the principles of healthy eating: reduce consumption fried foods and flour products. here is
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an approximate daily diet. for breakfast, cottage cheese and whole grain porridge. for lunch - stewed meat with vegetables, for dinner - baked fish, for example, with rice. that is, in fact, we do not starve, we eat nourishingly delicious food. sticking to such a diet is not difficult. as a result, you can not only lose weight, but improve your health. today, look, february 12, monday, what does the word monday rhyme with, monday, there is a very good tasty word, trdelnik, there is no such word, there is a slacker, there is a needleworker, there is, what else, itrdelnik , yes netrdelnik such a word, there is also the word trdlo and they also call it shmidol, you are sitting right there on the air, right there making up dough cooked on a skewer over a flame, let’s ask maria surova, is there such a thing? word or not? she’s licking, is there, have you tried
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tyrdelnik? these are czech old buns that are roasted on a skewer, i’ll show you how to bake them at home: i heat the milk a little above room temperature, put in the yeast and a tablespoon of sugar, stir and leave for the yeast to start working, i separate the whites from the yolks, add a spoonful of sugar and... salt to the yolks, mix, melt the butter, let it cool , mix with the yolks, pour in the milk-yeast mixture, sift the flour , knead the dough, it turns out dense but elastic, cover with film i leave it in a warm place until it doubles in size, this will take about an hour, and while i’m busy with the topping, i chop the walnuts in a blender. coarse
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crumbs, add four tablespoons of sugar and cinnamon, how to give the tordel the desired shape? i will use paper sleeves i wrap some towels, just the right thickness, with foil, i got these blanks, and for the sake of experiment i’ll form one directly on a regular rolling pin. the dough has risen, it's time to bake. i divide it in half, roll it out quite thinly, cut it into strips, grease the base with vegetable oil and wrap the strips overlapping. securing the edges. lightly beat the egg whites, grease the dough and roll it over the sweet topping. the terdelniki must be baked by weight, so a small pan is needed. here's a home version of the twirl. here's the rolling pin.
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space the buns away from each other to prevent them from sticking together. place in an oven preheated to 180° for 10 minutes. then i turn it over. the other side and bake for another 10 minutes, nothing happened to the rolling pin, a working option, you need to immediately remove them from the base so that the dough does not get soggy from the steam , the inside of the tyrdelnik is often greased with cream, filled with chocolate with fruit, look how soft it is inside and crispy outside. “she and chamberlain potemkin are constantly talking about something, for all the councils and holidays he became call, you saw potemkin, crooked, oblique , listen to all this, my ugliness, they insult your beauty, the wounds received for the fatherland
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should not be ashamed, i love you, it’s you out of great love for me, my frills. i would never have looked at anyone in my life if you hadn’t been cold towards me. adjutant general grigory grigorievich orlov should immediately leave for moscow to eradicate the plague epidemic occurring there. yes, grisha. look how you have risen above your comrade in arms. get ready. empress grisha, much is given. not much is allowed. what should i do if i love you? great. golden age, big premiere, watch after the program time. it doesn’t happen that a person was in your life and then he disappears, even if he dies. in this girl, she almost doesn’t recognize the child who 5 years ago lost her most precious thing, her mother. i don't think i'm without her.
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i have a lot of memories, but this is my mother. yulia nachalova died very young at 38, leaving her beloved daughter, vera, to her parents and ex-husband. i said that... "to unfortunately, i have very difficult news for you that my mother is no longer with us, what i experienced at that moment, that evening, only he knows, it’s a big responsibility to tell your child that his mother passed away, how she survived this loss yulia’s only daughter, what path did she take after her mother’s death? i’m somehow very mega-strong, somehow i was like this, i pulled myself together, that is, our exclusive 5 years of the adult life of a girl who decided, at all costs, to become a star in memory about the famous mother, when you appeared light, my life has changed, i will always be by your side! exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere on saturday, on the first!
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good morning, dear friends , wake up quickly, let the morning be truly cheerful, full of the most positive energy, we are now charging your tea and coffee for good luck on the 12. brodsky calendar, don’t leave the room, don’t make a mistake, what is this about? he probably had a trip to a store where a big sale was widely announced, usually super discounts, now there are discounts, you know where on the marketplaces, you don’t have to go anywhere, spend all the money, yes, so, is there some kind of algorithm that helps to avoid unnecessary spending and save a lot. elizaveta nikishova plunged into this topic with a calculator and calculated everything. anastasia bought all these things at discounts in january, her winter-spring wardrobe 2024, some kind of addiction, you know that you can somehow save money, so you wait for discounts. she is a discount shapoholik in the second generation , taught to look for sales by her mother. some basic
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thing that we use every day, for example, jeans, i think that they are not it’s worth paying extra, i have good jeans for 800 rubles. but i've been going to them for 2 years now. yes, they look cool, it’s difficult to calculate how much sales save, but you can understand how discounts work for the sellers themselves. evelina, a financier, knows how companies calculate them. for example, i'm a blalatev seller and i want to give my customers a 5% discount. and i sell the board with a margin of 23%. that is, our numerator is 5%, the denominator is 23 - 5, multiplying by 100 gives 28%. that is, i should increase the number of sales by 28%. to recoup this discount, once again, just to recoup the discount, although the very fact that the item has become cheaper attracts customers, besides, stale goods are gone, shelves are freed up for new ones...
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i picked up the bow faster, we change clothes, oh, so beautiful , you too, it’s time to count who has the cheaper bow. so, my onion cost 20,747 rubles. my bow costs rub 17,891 in full. in general, both managed to save money, although the mathematical approach turned out to be more effective than the intuitive one. elizaveta nekeshovok. replied chinese new
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for a year we ate something like sauerkraut, one of the main winter dishes, it’s not just a product, it’s a phenomenon, part of our gastronomic culture, of course, and they also say it strengthens the immune system, oh, it strengthens, but during the cold season it’s very important, candle, she strengthened the system yesterday, the main thing is that it is correct. cabbage, looking ahead, let's say absolutely everything matters, absolutely everything, the type of cabbage, how many carrots were added, in what mood they were picked and how long the jar stood on the counter, with whom are you eating this cabbage, also the first thing is, how many jars of sauerkraut are there in the store, so many flavors, different everywhere, we’ll tell you why now, this is influenced by many factors, the same variety depends on it, whether the product will crunch or not, we use the adri variety. megaton, since the cabbage is very dense, the leaf is thin, juicy, and the additives decide,
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the more carrots, the sweeter, without salt at all, we mix so that the salt penetrates the structure of the cabbage, the juice is released, a brine is obtained, the salt starts the fermentation process or , in other words, fermentation, in the first 7 days , lactic acid begins to actively be released, falling into a plastic bucket, the cabbage is already... at this stage fermented, but we package it with minimal amounts of lactic acid, 0.7%. it is believed that even on the store shelf the image continues. we decided to check it out and brought two buckets of sauerkraut from the same manufacturer to the laboratory. the first was packaged more than a month ago, the second recently. we poured the brine into the flask, then we will pour it through filter paper and get directly the sample in which. crossul add an indicator and get a purple tint. this is the same
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lactic acid, that’s how much it is in the composition. the acidity of the fresher cabbage sample was 0.82%. the acidity of our second sample, which was stored in the package for just over a month, was 1.2% acidity. that is, the older the product, the more acidic lactic acid normally should not exceed 2.5%. if it’s more, the cabbage has already fermented. this usually happens after the expiration date has expired, so when choosing, we always pay attention to the production date. if if you want cabbage to have a rich taste, then you can choose jars that have been packaged earlier, and if you want to buy cabbage with a more delicate taste, then choose one that has been produced more recently. plus, of course, we check the composition, it should not contain preservatives or vinegar sweeteners. vinegar reduces the cost of the production process. because cabbage is produced faster, there is no need to wait for fermentation to occur, cabbage with vinegar is not as
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healthy as cabbage with a pure composition, you can tell by color if the product white means it was fermented quickly, if golden it means it was fermented using classical technology. yulia shvalova, vasily valetov and maxim tkachenko, channel one. statistics, which, as we know, know everything, say that each of us has at least three t-shirts in our wardrobe. wrong, you have 33, right? i have 32. you have 33, and timur has 35, but if there is some kind of average value, seriously speaking, i have home t-shirts, well, there are definitely seven of them, and for every occasion, weekend t-shirts, well, once the weekend t-shirts, well, about five, it’s clear, in general, the rest are for work , there’s a lot of work, what we’re leading to, let’s give the floor to the space organizer maria belkanova, she knows at least three ways to quickly, neatly fold everything and... use it, you’ve decided to put things in order in the closet, let's start with t-shirts, i'll show
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you how to fold them easily and neatly , lay out the t-shirt on the table, bend the edges towards the middle so that one sleeve lies on the other, fold it in half, done, second option, alternately bend the edges towards the middle to make rectangle, twist it into roll, i insert it into the bottom edge of a t-shirt, such a compact package will not unfold, so it is convenient to carry it in a bag or store it on a shelf. the third method is the fastest, but you need to get used to it, in the center of the shirt... i mentally draw a transverse line, a longitudinal line on the side of the neckline, with one hand i pinch the fabric at the intersection of the lines, with the other i take my shoulder, then by the bottom edge, lift the t-shirt, i fold the item in half, if you don’t remember, show it again for 2 seconds and
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you’re done, so you’ll collect everything very quickly t-shirts, you can fold them... on a shelf in a neat pile, in voronezh we have the admiralty embankment, there is a ship privilege predestination, it’s a wonderful place to take a walk in both winter and summer. i love all the people who live in russia and that’s why i want them... the main thing is to play sports, the more you move, the longer you live, i would like a large table tennis center to finally appear in our city, and i would really like become
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a student, you can travel to different countries and cities, health is the most important and special greetings from tula. now there is important information that concerns each of us. the labor code has introduced amendments to the procedure for calculating compensation for non-payment of wages and other payments. what kind of amendments are these, who they concern, what is considered non-payment, we will now figure it all out. look carefully. new rule for calculating compensation for non-payment of wages. the amendment to the labor code has already entered into force. the law has made changes. sixth article, and now the need to accrue interest has extended to those payments that are not were accrued to the employee on time, but the right to receive them was confirmed by the court. for example, an employee challenged his dismissal in court and was reinstated. according to the new rules, the employer is obliged to pay not only wages, but also compensation; the rule applies to
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all payments. the rule applies after a court decision has been made. here interests will be protected by article 142 of the labor code. the employee has the right, by notifying the employer in writing, to suspend work for the entire period until the delayed amount is paid. well, just in case case, let us remind you, for consultations on all
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controversial situations to the labor inspectorate, for the protection of rights to the court, but as a rule, the matter comes to it in rare cases. ritalarki. just imagine, there is a loan that you can take out and not repay, and it’s like this financial miracle that exists in our country, i’m kidding, it’s, of course, scammers sending out such offers, yeah, so, friends, if it comes to you too such a message, send it to the trash, all this is a lie and deception, you want to get a loan and not give it back, for this offer scammers today are catching their... victims, and it happens like this: you receive a message supposedly from a law firm, i just received this letter of happiness: take a loan for a million, we will help you file for bankruptcy, the money will remain with you and give it to the bank you won't have to. for their services , scammers ask for 10%, that is, 100,000 rubles. and
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you know, there are naive people who believe in such promises, friends, they actually push you to commit a financial crime, they write such letters, they are scammers, let’s check the law firm that sent me this letter, we copy it to... we search on the internet , there is a website, it is quite realistic, the inn is indicated here, we need it, we open the website of the federal tax service, enter the inn, select the region, and what we we see that no data was found according to the specified search criteria, we are convinced that such an organization simply does not exist, and this means that scammers wrote to me, we delete the message, but the company... that helps to complete the bankruptcy procedure really exists, only real lawyers will not offer you fraud, don’t believe in the promise, take
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a loan, you don’t have to repay it later , be prudently careful, yes persian, we continue, anchovy fishing begins in the krasnodar region, it’s very tasty, although it’s a small fish, this year the anchovy is a little late, but it’s late on... dani with the fishermen, the fishermen are waiting for her and will soon catch everything. catch it, the fish is big, very big. anchovy has started growing in the krasnodar region. the fish is coastal, but in the winter, when the sea temperature drops to 12-13°, it moves away from the coast, from azov it turns into black, gets into schools, and then the fishing begins. the uniqueness of anchovy is that it is very tasty, especially at first. when it leaves the sea of ​​azov, it puts on fat, october-november, well, maybe until mid- december, it is plump, fat, tasty,
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the closer to spring, the slimmer it is, this season the warm weather lasted longer than usual, and the migration schedule the fish have also moved, fishing boats are looking for shoals first of all by eye, you go, if a dolphin or a seagull is working somewhere, and at the same time falls to the water, well, you go, when you head there you already find it there.
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for those who are just preparing for this important process, or who are even thinking about preparing such a delicious dish, attention, attention, and meet sergey kudryashov, a super chef with superpower, he manages to make incredible delicious dishes from any product, dumpling casserole in mushroom sauce, and this happens. if you love dumplings, cook them in a new way, in mushroom sauce. fry onion cut into small cubes. golden color, lay out the chopped champignons, when the mushrooms are browned, add a couple of cloves of chopped garlic
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, pour in the cream in a thin stream , pay attention, it should be at room temperature, because cold cream can curdle, for a richer creamy taste add a couple of plates of processed cheese, mix, reduce the heat, when the cream thicken, the cheese will melt, turn off the stove. in another frying pan, i fry the dumplings until crispy brown, transfer them to a baking dish, pour mushroom sauce, sprinkle with grated cheese, it’s even tastier and i bake for 10 minutes, serve the dish hot, dumplings in a creamy mushroom sauce, and even with blush. cheese crust, it's simply delicious, bon appetit! the competitions of the second winter all-russian spartakiad
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of the strongest continue. skiers and biathletes are already fighting for medals, but for figure skaters everything is still ahead. our colleague, sports journalist dmitry terikhov, has all the details. the all-russian spartakiad immersed sports fans of our country in the atmosphere of competitions of the highest level, almost of an olympic scale. in the spotlight mainly... the heroes of the 2022 winter games , the king of skis, alexander bolshunov continues to collect all possible trophies. in the russian cup, he scored 17 victories in seventeen races of the season. at the spartakiad in tyumen, the three-time olympic champion won the classic style sprint and the twenty-kilometer skiathlon. the leader of the russian women's cup, veronika stepanova, who took first place in nine of her twelve starts, was close to repeating bolshunov's success in the first week of the spartakiad, but she did not achieve a golden double succeeded because in the sprint the olympic champion in the relay stopped within steps of victory. but the next day stepanova
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left no chance for her competitor. in skiathlon. the skiers have four more races ahead in the winter sports center of pearl siberia. biathletes compete in a new complex in zlatoust, named after two-time olympic champion svetlana ishmuratova. the central figure of the spartakiad so far is eduard latypov. in the sprint, even one mistake did not prevent him from being ahead of his nearest rival by 15 seconds. and in the pursuit race, the three-time bronze medalist of the beijing olympics maintained the lead even with three penalties. in the women's competition there is no clear favorite; the sprint was left to anastasia batmanova, and the pursuit race to victoria slevko. this week , biathletes will enjoy individual races, mastarts, and mixed relay races. well , fans of the most beautiful and fascinating sport of figure skating are looking forward to the start of competitions with the participation of their favorites. the final will be held as part of the spartakiad grand prix series.
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it is expected at the metallurg arena in magnitogorsk. sold out, how could it be otherwise, the previous six stages consistently drew full stands, from february 16 to 18, all the stars of russian figure skating will perform on the same ice, watch the broadcasts on channel one on our website and we remind you that the calendar says monday, february 12th. our broadcast will continue to broadcast news on channel one. hello, the news is live in the studio sergei tugushev. the fortified strongholds of the armed forces of ukraine, along with the militants entrenched there, were struck by our crews of heavy soncipyok flamethrower systems. each such installation carries 24 thermobaric projectiles, which cover a huge area, an area larger than four football fields. the objectives of the sanitary units are primarily
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the fortifications and infantry of the enemy. when the ammunition explodes, it sprays a special mixture that heats up to 3.00°, burning everything around, as the fighters themselves say, it is impossible to hide from the impact of this installation, the thermal shock that occurs from the explosion penetrates into all its vulnerable places, that is, cracks, basements, passages, tunnels and squeeze out from there the enemy, how they would be there, how they would even install doors there, i don’t know. repelling attacks by militants who do not stop trying to regain lost positions. during the next raid, scouts spotted a group of ukrainian armed forces infantry on the approaches to the city. it was decided to strike it at night. the crew of the carnet anti-tank missile system took up a firing position in an abandoned building and hit the enemy with an accurate strike from the first
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shot. on the dnieper river near kherson, enemy units lost the mortar crew of three artillery pieces, including american howitzer m-777. they were attacked with lancet loitering ammunition. and also in the high professionalism of our fighters. guard junior sergeant stanislav khismatulin destroyed the enemy group with an accurate artillery strike. the militants tried to flank our advancing units. major mikhail guzhviev correctly brought out ours. car from under enemy fire, without allowing losses. arrived on time at one of the base airfields and organized stable communications between aviation control points. residents of ukraine are becoming more and more aggressive towards military registration and enlistment office employees. they were given a tough rebuff in one of the villages in the odessa region. such footage is now spreading on social networks; people in uniform were beaten when they wanted to take away men of military age with them. defend yours.
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in the ivano-frankivsk region, military registration and enlistment office employees, accompanied by police , reportedly tried to mobilize the father and son, but they managed to escape. the story received a wide public response on the air of a local tv channel, the former commander aidar, a terrorist organization banned in russia, threatened the residents of the village of zachistka and generally stated that the military could come to all villages where people resist forced mobilization. within its framework, by the way, even disabled and seriously ill people are sent to the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine. one of these residents of ternopil died a week after he was sent to the training ground, despite the arrangement. eternal insufficiency, and earlier, on the very first day of the military unit’s stay , a mobilized odessa resident died from an attack of epilepsy. ex's statements american leader donald trump's attitude towards nato caused shock among representatives of the alliance. secretary general jens
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stoltenberg believes that the position of the politician who is again aspiring to the post of us president puts european and american soldiers at risk. during a speech to his supporters in south carolina, trump made the pentagon clear. according to him, such a conversation with one of the western leaders took place during his presidential term. moreover, trump said that he would even approve of external threats against members of the bloc with lacking financial discipline. in poland , such prospects were so frightening that the government decided to discuss trump’s remarks at the next government meeting. in warsaw he believes that in his own words. polish farmers blocking the passage of ukrainian grain trucks took active action; they began to open the trucks stuck in traffic jams and pour wheat out of them directly onto the roadway. in addition,
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agricultural workers block roads with earthen embankments, dump car tires onto the roads and set them on fire. so polish farmers are demanding that their government and the european union return protective measures for ukrainian carriers. freezing rain, sleet and thick fog, weather forecasters promise residents of the capital region in the coming days. moscow will find itself at the junction of two fronts with different properties. warm air rises from the south; on the contrary, frost sets in from the east. small this afternoon. temperatures in the city are from zero to -2°, with rain mixed with snow possible, but starting from wednesday, twenty-degree frosts will return and will last until the end of the week. change residents of nizhny novgorod have already felt the weather; due to the sharp cold snap, the volga
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was shrouded in fog. clubs and steam rose above the water and spread around the area. it looks impressive, but driving out on the road in this weather is dangerous. that's all for now, stay with us. channel one will continue to air with the good morning program. so, in moscow at vdnkh they celebrated the chinese new year, the year of the dragon, a huge eighteen-meter dragon for the holidays, and of course, he was personally present. naturally, in general it was fun, interesting, very bright, in this our correspondent, ruslan yunyaev, was convinced. the navos celebrated the new year according to the lunar calendar on a grand scale, also called asian women. the festive program opened at the skating rink, now behind me you see an eighteen-meter dragon came out, this is a symbol that the new year has already arrived. the chinese zealously consider themselves to be the descendants of not monkeys, but of this mythological creature, a symbol of strength and
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dignity, therefore the dragon dance is an important ritual and a mandatory procession. look, the dragon seems to have gathered all the visitors vdnkh, from the skating rink to the twenty-second pavilion, where the terracotta exhibition is located. army, but before the entrance there is another ritual dance of the chinese lion, the lion brings good luck. inside , guests are greeted with the beating of drums and also not for the sake of entertainment, the loud sounds of the drums are for good luck and also ward off evil spirits. and of course, where would we be without traditional dances with fabrics, viers, and umbrellas? it symbolizes love, beauty and play. for a complete immersion , take a tour of the exhibition. oriental exoticism, we all think that these are lanterns, sticks, something else, but in fact they are fine art and art, this is theatrical art, this is literature, painting, poetry , calligraphy, of course, much of this
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can be seen here, more than 150 exhibits, replicas of chariots, weapons, historical costumes, based on the archaeological sensation of the 20th century, the clay army of the first chinese emperor, tsengshehuangdi, only part of the complex has been recreated, but it is impressive. the new year was celebrated, and the exhibition continues its work every day until july 8. ruslan yunyaev, nikita kulakov, anatoly brikalov, first channel. on the calendar there is february 12th, less than a month is left, more precisely 26 days until that very beautiful day when all the men, like zombies, will run for flowers, because they... know that if it’s still there on february 14th it’s not clear back and forth, who is like , what, how, what can you give, then on march 8, how dear, please, three tulips or whatever, your own carnations. 86% of women really love it when people give them
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flowers, yes, yes, we have calculated everything, we give for a reason, and the remaining 14% simply say that they don’t like it, in fact, everyone women love flowers, you just need to know how to give them, which means there will be a lot of flowers, more flowers, good and bright, let's inspect the greenhouses where spring hides, for example, in the greenhouses of the kaluga region, it's green... the will of the tulips will very soon turn into a colorful carpet , some hasty ones, pink and yellow, are already being sent to flower shops, not completely blossomed, so that they are together with the bulb, since they - so that the stem is elongated, then a special machine will trim the bulb, plant the tulips still in december, we maintained the temperature, from +5 gradually adding a degree every week, by march 8... everything will be ripe. now peony-shaped tulips
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of various colors are very popular, from pink, lilac to lemon, red. and only here in russia they grow papaya, it will ripen just in time for march 8th, not flowers, of course, but still nice. this is another farm in the kaluga region, and by march 8 , 24 different varieties of gerberas are grown here. from bud to flower 3 weeks. this one, for example, can be torn off, or rather in... gerberas are not cut from the direction of the rosette, they break off, so it is very important that the stump does not remain inside the bush, in which case it will rot; after that, the bite will also rot, they are also sorted by hand, the most popular flowers for march 8 - roses, they are chosen by 45% of women, and let’s be honest, many are ready to receive them every day, in this household they are cut off every year. it’s like every day is march 8th,
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however, before the holiday a week and a half more work is added, up to 120 thousand flowers are cut a day, a new trend is flowers in pots, their over the last couple of years, men have begun to give gifts more often; primroses have already bloomed in the garden center of krymsk. does not require much attention, is grown at low temperatures, blooms in spring, has a very beautiful appearance, long lasting flowering, even on the balcony. the beautiful pelargonium, the coquette cyclomena and the elegant collanchoya are sent to flower shops. 50,000 pots from these greenhouses alone, agronomists advise not to overdry or overwater. the pot should be at least two times lighter than it was originally watered. we always check. canopy pots, watered or not, with such
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flowers can be extended to march 8 for the whole year. elena savina, marina sidorova, sergey fondikov, channel one. on the calendar february 12, today the moscow zoo celebrates its birthday. he turns 160 years old. well, they say that this is one of the oldest zoos, yes, but it seems to me that it is still young and beautiful. at the very beginning there were about 300 inhabitants, now there are more than 8. and many are listed in the red book. and the famous panda katyusha, who appeared in our moscow zoo. well, who doesn't dream see little katyusha, here she is with her mother panda din-din. consider yourself lucky, not even all the zoo employees have seen katyusha, it’s too early to release her to people. although there was an attempt to drag the daughter into a large enclosure, it did not happen. here we need the hand, the paw of the hero’s father. a hero, because in our country, giant pandas received offspring for the first time. and this means that the moscow zoo has the most
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favorable conditions for them, just like for the giant anteater diego, who sleeps 16 hours a day, the remaining eight with visitors. on those same ants and larvae, i ate up to 2 m in length, guests from australia are happy here, it’s also hot in the enclosure, she lives next to the capybaras, here she is, meditating, whether on holiday or on weekdays. by the way, copybara has been the most popular internet animal and meme for a year now. there are hundreds of millions of views in a month, but you want to see the largest stork in the world, and there’s also one in the moscow zoo, yabiru, the males are almost one and a half meters tall , the wingspan is almost 2.5 m, and how many animals are there in general, almost 1270 species, the second collection in the world after berlin, there are one and a half thousand, all for you won’t have time to see it for a day, but in the summer they will extend the zoo’s work by an hour, a gift for... although we don’t have special lighting
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so as not to disturb the animals, we will make a map where they can walk and people will know where to go in secret . that our pets will be active there. the moscow zoo is also about records, the largest exhibition of poisonous snakes in the world, about 50 species. black mambas, cobras, gobon vipers and mainland taipan have gathered here. it is the most poisonous on the planet. but who is definitely not izlyuka, so this is sivuch dean. honestly, can these eyes lie? if dean swims alone, entertaining guests, then these guys row together with fins for daily training. rooms are being prepared for the summer: the moscow zoo is in the top ten most visited in the world, with almost 4 million guests a year, it is also one of the oldest, congratulations on its 160th anniversary. health to you, my dear colleagues, good luck to you, success, reproduction of all
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your opponents, good birth, nikolai lesnikov, ilyarit kazubov, victor namunko, channel one. continues on channel one historical drama, great golden age. catherine the second was the first in many ways, she was the first in russia to be vaccinated against smallpox, and ordered the publication of the first explanatory dictionary. during her reign , libraries, archives, institutes began operating in the country, and an ambush observatory was opened. as they would say now, she was a very advanced advanced empress. the first elevator in russia appeared under catherine the great right in the winter palace, thanks to the self-taught mechanic from nizhny novgorod, ivan kulibin. kulibin offered unique technical developments, and a scooter, and a lighthouse, and worked with mirrors, bending them in such a way that
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by placing only one candle, you can get a super bright light. how much do you need? 687 rub. 30 kopecks. how many? was the first, with her the botanical garden and observatory, libraries and archives began to operate. in 1783, the great one opened a russian academy for the study of the russian language, and then the first explanatory dictionary appeared, the letter y entered the russian alphabet. i fulfilled your request and
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read this treatise. a special decree of the state did not prohibit practicing medicine without special education. she even... took part in the birth of her maid of honor, here she accordingly thinks about the fact that the mother of the child also needs certain medical conditions, maternity hospitals are being created in the country, she opened orphanages, shelters made medicine accessible to the civilian population. in the early seventies of the 18th century , a smallpox epidemic broke out in moscow. more than a thousand people died every day. emperor. all-russian peter ii died of smallpox at the age of 14. i don’t want a similar fate for my children or their children’s children. them moreover, there are weapons against this evil. ekaterina and her son pavel were the first in russia to get vaccinated. she ordered a smallpox vaccinator from england, who came with the vaccine. over the course of 2 days, 140
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people from the immediate environment were vaccinated, and offices for, let’s say, vaccinations against smallpox began to open. in moscow, panic. it will definitely be a very interesting day, it will be a good, cheerful and bright morning on the calendar monday, february 12, this is roman budnikov, if my memory serves me right, it does not, and this is svetlan zeynalova, already 3 for a month in moscow at vdnkh there is an exhibition forum russia, all these 3 months students of the tenth and eleventh grades can try their hand at a training or
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trial unified state exam. oh, they are worried, nervous, preparing, such a rehearsal helps you evaluate your knowledge, your strengths, and fill in the gaps. to give timing, which changes every year , in general, a very useful thing, now we will show everything, the fifty-seventh pavilion of vdnkh, for students of the tenth-eleventh grades, since november they have been holding... a trial unified state examination, today participation in literature is, of course, voluntary, graduates say that they themselves understand that this is necessary, they want to get a badge, this is not moral preparation, it’s really very important for me, because i panic very quickly, that is, as experience shows, after a practice exam it’s easier on a real one, this is yulia zhirova’s fourth test in literature, each time she gets more and more points. alena sokolova first tried her hand at school, and now she’s decided to do it again. in literature there were about 60, there were more theoretical errors and speech errors in essays, i started more
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it’s up to me to decide on the test tests at home, i started studying more with a tutor , about 700 schoolchildren signed up for vdnkh alone, we take the eg registration ( for free, everything is like a real exam, you can’t go on the internet, no gadgets or cheat sheets, you only have your passport with you, draft, pens, water. here are demo versions and a special version. test and measurement material, very similar to the unified state examination material, which consists of short answers and extended answers. practice exams throughout the country. conducted in schools, in universities, you can take it at specialized unified state exam centers, even every week, but you will have to pay somewhere. for each sample on average up to 1,500 rubles. it is very important that the content of the trial or practice exams of the unified state exam meets the specifications developed by the federal institute of pedagogical measurements, because otherwise it can be easy. to disorient graduates, the closest home versions on the website of the federal institute of pedagogical measurements are easy
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to simply download, so that any graduate can take, also decide to see any shortcomings in your preparation. irina kapitonova had problems with chemistry and scored zero points on the first test. it was very difficult to focus, unless you accidentally wrote down the unit of measurement somewhere in the calculation, it could affect the score. i had to go to a tutor. we started with this psychological thing. threshold, when you seem to know something, but you can’t answer. for almost a year of preparation at the eg-center, i passed dozens of trial exams. i scored 79 points on the unified state exam and passed on the budget. so of course there is an effect. let’s not forget about the all-russian training in russian, computer science and foreign languages. it will be held a week before the start of the main stage of the unified state exam on may 15. last year , more than 415 thousand graduates took part in it. evgeny plikov, dmitry parfenov, victor namunko, yulia kuvabina. first channel, what i want to tell you about is that of what i experienced deserves attention, among the many joys
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and pleasures that accompany youth, i, having become a writer, experienced incomparable happiness, in the crumbling village of maala i lived with blacksmith, i help him forge horseshoes in the forge, with long tongs, i held a red-hot iron in my hands, and he beat it with his ringing sound. hammer, i ask myself who i am, what force took me out of my moscow apartment, forced me to cross my native threshold and threw me across continents, across cities, across warriors, through conspiracies, through revolutions, plunged me into many adventures, into many dangerous adventures , what moved me, who i was, who i became, alexander prokhanov, confession, premiere, today. on the first, friends, we continue, you
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look good morning, right now astrological forecast: february 12, the turning point of the third and fourth lunar days, the twenty -ninth day of the sun, generally not bad, good-natured, sympathetic, usually in a good mood, does not like to rush and fuss, but he has things to do. .. they are going very briskly, this is a very good day for team work, he generally makes contacts easily, feels confident in an unfamiliar company, and he also has what is called a rich inner world. the cons, as usual, are a continuation of the pros, he’s not very calculating, sometimes gets too carried away by his fantasies, and can be easy-going. on such days we like to show off, spend money easily, and make hasty decisions. povny be more careful with this, your motto today is seven times akmer and do not rush to believe. everything they tell you, especially when it comes to money. the rest of the day is quite positive, among other things, very suitable for
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shooting, and it is also quite romantic. taurus may be deceived in some of their expectations, however, this will not upset you too much, as compensation there will be a chance achieve something from your superiors, and in general in the business sphere, everything should work out for you. taurus men, be lenient with women's whims. the twins are also doing well, however, they may not fall apart... there are small but urgent matters from where, it is also possible that you will have to work around the house to help your relatives, but you can cope with this more carefully while driving, crayfish reminds you of the word not a sparrow , and this very word is sometimes very expensive, ladies of this sign will be more worried than usual about how they look, don’t worry, you are beautiful and be careful with caustic chemistry, leo will have the opportunity to understand someone or something, to clarify something, just remember that the stars spoke about hasty decisions, and someone else may fall in love with you, the truth and jealousy are there here, but here the stars are powerless, and do without
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alcohol today, some events on the romantic front, perhaps among the girls. if this is an office romance, all sorts of intrigues, gossip and similar consequences cannot be ruled out, but , however, it’s up to you to decide. expect guests in the evening. not a bad day for libra, when everything is decided, it turns out to be unraveling. you just have to strain your head and make an effort with new acquaintances, just be careful and there is a risk of running into a clever manipulator. a very romantic day from scorpio. lonely scorpios will have a chance to find a soul mate. those who are already married will be able to add to the relationship. move or carry something heavy and uncomfortable, take care of your hands and back. capricorns have a smooth monday, without any special ups, but without big problems, however,
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all sorts of conversations will take up a lot of time and energy, by the end day it can be great. well, the evening will help you relax. aquarians will have to find a common language with some boring, as they say, difficult people. advice from the stars: smile more often and be extremely polite, even boring people love this, and watch your step. pisces, get ready to be lied to and fooled. by the way, this must be kept in mind when buying anything second- hand, especially via the internet. they may try to sell you a low-quality product; the evening is clearly going to entertain you with something. good luck to you. just imagine that once upon a time this, so to speak, high-tech gadget, which now costs, by the way, a lot of money, was just a stick and another stick, well, just two sticks, now it’s really just a super gadget called a mop, a mop can be electric, sometimes steam, sometimes , well, sometimes there is a stick with a stick, and well, there are many different ones , but you know, some people prefer a washing
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vacuum cleaner, seriously, but it takes up a lot of space, of course, but it cleans everything perfectly and... and carpets, then it i still need to clean myself, then i cleaned both my wife and husband completely out of apartments, yes, maria nikolaeva decided to find out what is better, what prices, what sizes and whether it is necessary to wash the floors at all, just kidding, of course, it is necessary, an electric mop, a steam mop, a washing vacuum cleaner, it is important to choose these assistants for the task, let’s understand the functionality, fashionable cordless electric mops suitable for any hard surface, from tiles to... laminate , a container with water, washing liquid and a battery is attached to the base, then the water is supplied to a roller that rotates, there are brushes that collect this dirt in special containers, already dried stains, v including greasy ones, it can cope, but the corners of hard-to-reach places will have to be swept and washed by hand, and after cleaning, be prepared to tinker, stretch the roller and charge
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the battery, usually it lasts for 20 minutes. in the case of steam mops, experts recommend corded options: pour water into the reservoir, after 20-30 seconds it is already steaming, disinfects and copes with stains on any surface without using any products, ideal if there are children, allergy sufferers or animals at home, it copes much better with heavy pollution, than an electric mop or a washing vacuum cleaner, there are special attachments if you need, for example, between tiles... to clean the cracks from dirt, there are attachments even for windows and carpets, but be careful with natural fabrics, they can cook if you choose the wrong mode, one more nuance : you need to take into account that before cleaning the carpet you must vacuum it, if you have carpets at home for deep cleaning, experts recommend a washing vacuum cleaner, it sprays water under pressure and sucks it up along with dust, small household debris, it easily
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copes with stains, but is not suitable for all surfaces. tiles, linoleum, carpets can be cleaned with a powerful saw cleaner, laminate flooring is not recommended to be washed, water can get into the joints of the laminate, and the laminate will then swell and become unusable. another disadvantage: the dimensions, unlike electric and steam mops, the classic version for every day is not so convenient, the alternative is this hybrid form. between an electric mop and a washing vacuum cleaner, yes, this can be a compromise, but you need to understand that this powerful vacuum cleaner will have much less power. compared to traditional powerful vacuum cleaners. as an option , robotic vacuum cleaners with a wet cleaning option. low power, but they do an excellent job of removing dust, small debris and pet hair. if. there are four-legged animals at home, then before you start the robot, check if there are any surprises from them, otherwise you won’t be able to do without general cleaning later. in general, when choosing any device, we look at the power from 500 w,
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the tank volume, the larger the better, different nozzle modes are always a plus, the plastic body is stronger, the metal handles will last longer. maria nikolaeva, pavel dits, sergei namunka, channel one. we remind you. on the calendar on february 12, monday, it's time to find out what new has happened in the country and in the world by this hour. we pass the floor to our colleagues from the news information service, we will see you soon. hello, on the air news, in the studio sergei tugushev. in the donetsk direction of the special operation, russian pilots destroyed several units of enemy equipment. and enemy infantry. the combat flight was carried out by the crew of su-25 attack aircraft. they worked so quickly and professionally that the enemy did not have time react to the attack. they approached the objects at a minimum altitude, and after the strike
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they returned safely to base. we received tasks to strike a platoon strong point and decided to carry out the task in pitching mode. we arrived at the target area and carried out the attack. the attack was executed perfectly. platoon base. amazed, we returned to the take-off airfield. in the kupinsky direction, the crew of t-80 tanks destroyed a concentration of militants, intelligence reported about the movement of the enemy group. our fighters moved to the firing line under cover fog, it hides the tank from enemy drones better than any camouflage. the crew delivered several precise strikes, the first one was a sighting one, the next one was to kill. in just a few minutes, the fortifications were destroyed, and the advanced units of the ukrainian armed forces were forced to retreat, suffering losses. on the zaporozhye sector of the front, russian crews of the tornado rszzo disrupted the enemy’s rotation. having received coordinates from reconnaissance, the complex moved to a firing position. it is capable of aiming at targets and firing in automatic
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mode. this significantly reduces time crew work allows you to quickly escape from a retaliatory strike. the un security council, at russia’s request, will hold a meeting today on the situation in ukraine. the meeting will take place on the anniversary of the minsk agreements. was the first deputy permanent representative of our country to the organization, dmitry polyansky. according to him , moscow intends to recall what a historical chance for a peaceful solution to the internal ukrainian crisis was missed by the kiev regime and its sponsors. at least 100 people were killed and hundreds injured as a result a massive strike by the israeli air force on the city of rafah in the southern gaza strip. arab media reported this. according to him, residential buildings and mosques came under fire. and the victims were mainly women and children. meanwhile , the israeli prime minister believes that the majority of those killed by idf actions in the palestinian enclave are terrorists. more of them were killed than civilians, benjamin netanyahu said. and
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according to the latest data from the ministry of health of the gaza strip, the number of deaths as a result of bombing and shelling exceeded 28. about 68 thousand people were injured. the israeli prime minister also announced a large-scale attack on rafah, before which he promised to organize it. humanitarian corridors for the evacuation of civilians. such intentions caused a sharp reaction from cairo, because many of the one and a half million people from the palestinian city located on the border will inevitably try to break into egyptian territory. in lakewood, texas, a woman opened fire with a rifle on parishioners of an evangelical church. dozens of police officers immediately arrived on the scene, the attacker liquidated. however, she managed to seriously wound the man's five-year-old child. according to media reports, he is in critical condition, doctors are fighting for his life, what caused the attack is still unknown. statements by former american leader donald trump regarding nato caused shock among
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representatives of the alliance. secretary general ensa stoltenberg believes that the position of the politician, who is again aspiring to the post of us president, puts european american soldiers at risk. during a speech to his supporters in south carolina, trump gave understand: "the pentagon in case of attack." according to him , such a conversation with one of the western leaders took place during his presidential term. moreover, trump said that he would even approve of external threats against members of the bloc with lame financial discipline. poland was so frightened by such prospects that the government decided to discuss trump’s statements at the next government meeting. in warsaw he believes that in his own words. the ikan politician has crossed all boundaries. british aircraft carrier prinzuel was unable to leave the port for the norwegian coast at the appointed time to participate in the largest nato exercise in 40 years. would have been postponed at
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the last moment, when havana had already introduced restrictions for other ships, hundreds of onlookers gathered on the shore. the reasons for the hitch are not reported. the ministry of defense limited itself to a statement that the ship would leave the port in the near future. it is noteworthy that the prince of wales is scheduled to replace another aircraft carrier, the queen elizabeth, in these exercises, which was having problems with one of its mushroom propellers. this happened just before leaving sports for participation in maneuvers. princely, by the way, himself.
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lids and set on fire. thus, polish farmers demand from their government and the european union the return of protective measures for ukrainian transporters and food. now they enjoy preferences, due to which they receive enormous competitive advantages, while local transport companies and farms suffer serious losses. that's all for now, stay with us. channel one will continue to air with the good morning program. robots come from obninsk, water filters from vladimir. touch screen from zelenograd near moscow or how do you say touch screen? no, i haven’t said that for a long time, all day long, these and many other high-tech products are successfully exported to a variety of countries and conquer world markets. will robots replace people? not yet, but it will make life a lot easier. this one was invented , assembled in obnensk, it places and picks up goods from the shelves, recalculates the items, checks and analyzes stock balances. here is his home, the plant for the creation...
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also germany, italy, america, they created new generation electrochemical systems. the first is a household water filter, which disinfects and enriches water with hydrogen. now we will measure the readings of ordinary tap water. as we can see, there is no hydrogen in ordinary water; now we will measure the hydrogen readings from the installation. 340 value,
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that is, this water is enriched with hydrogen, it is an antioxidant. the second is industrial filters for wastewater treatment plants and swimming pools. this installation is capable of disinfecting 6,000 cubic meters of water per day, this installation is on a larger scale is capable of disinfecting 50,000 cubic meters of water per day. third installation. which produces a disinfectant for medical institutions. in zelenograd, near moscow , walls can be made into touch screens from any surface. the largest touch screen we made was 21x3 m. it was a sensory room where a projection image was displayed on all the walls, well, with the help of projectors, all the walls were essentially touchscreen. and they also entered the international market with their development. in this to producers the national project of international cooperation helps.
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and export, what is export activity, how to draw up an export contract, how to draw up a customs declaration, how to find buyers, which market to enter in principle, this is a set of measures that are provided to potential beginning exporters. the next stage: coordinators organize participation in exhibitions for manufacturers, the last one was held literally 2 weeks ago in china, the festival fair was made in russia, where companies can show their developments immediately sign supply contracts. ruslan gunyaev, ilyarkazubov, alexander ignatov, channel one. remember, good lines by robert rozhdestvensky. what's wrong with february? what? that he went crazy from the roof, dripping like a stream, and they say it’s winter. well, indeed, in the south of the country it is warm according to the calendar, and even in the northern pasmorny st. petersburg there is a bright spring sun. i don’t know, i don’t know, it’s so cold here in moscow, generally -20-25 at night. february frosts, as they say, have not been canceled. they are and will still be in the spring, as it were
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on the one hand, it doesn’t smell yet, but on the other hand, we are all waiting for it, because there are only 18 days left until spring. it’s already spring in krasnodar, look how the sun is shining outside +17. warming has already affected the black sea coast, the southern half of the region, and is reaching the central regions. all this is connected with the movement of air masses from the southwestern regions, the hemisphere, from turkey, from the mediterranean sea, where we have warm air masses. the sun came out in st. petersburg, for the winter northern capital, such. rarity st. petersburg located between two huge bodies of water: the gulf of finland and lake ladaga, the cyclone can be here over finland, over scandinavia, shift from west to east, also, these air currents, they carry very, very great heat. and in yakutia
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, the warming is, however, visually not yet very noticeable. now, in these days, we can say that the weather there is very warm, the temperature is 12° above normal. well, what does this mean, that the frost there is not 45-50, just 35°. on the internet they write that the reason for the increase in temperature in elniño is an anomalous climate phenomenon. this is an increase in temperature in the eastern waters of the pacific ocean, but the fact is that the heat capacity of water is about four times higher than the heat capacity of air, so even a small transfer of heat from the ocean leads to a significant increase. air temperatures, scientists have calculated that because of this phenomenon, spring all over the world may arrive 10 days earlier, but in 2010, that is, at least 76 years later, and not now, as they began everywhere write, alas, the hydrometeorological center refutes: you shouldn’t wait for early spring, especially since
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there is a lot of snow this year, snow has a great effect on the arrival of spring, because even in march, when the sun’s rays are hot, pure snow reflects 90% of the sun’s rays. therefore , spring takes a very long time to arrive with a lot of snow, and the warming that was recently noted in many cities was temporary; the february frosts have not been canceled. positive temperatures in the middle of winter are a common occurrence for temperate continental climates, that is, our winter everything consists of frosty days and days with positive temperatures, so we are still waiting for frosts and we have not yet met spring, winter is with us, so we must be patient and not miss out.
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our video device today is opened by a cat named steven, a big lover of lemons; by the way, according to the owners, he can eat them from morning to evening. 3 million users who watched this video are wondering if maybe you just don’t have enough vitamins, maybe he’s just not being fed at all, and the cat already agrees to everything, even a lemon will do for food, in bali, like nowadays it’s common to say that an enterprising monkey opened a point of exchange of stolen gadgets for food, listen, that’s normal corruption. scheme, well done, the service is wildly popular, well, how does the exchange go, please see now, you come, you give something away, she returns your stolen gadget to you, then steals it from you again, well done, monkey, smart girl, all that remains is to open a franchise all over the world, then about
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beauty, friends, a miniature horse on the head of his client was made by a hairdresser from china, alain chen, it took the master only 4 hours to create such incredible beauty, it’s hard to believe. judging by the video, the client was satisfied, the client is in shock , she can’t speak yet, you see, she sits silently, and the horse will need to be looked after, and just imagine, here was a hairstyle like a half-box, and this is like a half-horse, like a half-pony, like half pony, finally, science and technology news, a british engineer named ed, made the fastest bed in the world, it accelerates to 111 km/h, i just really didn’t know, it turns out there are high-speed beds, i just have a standing one without a battery. the patagonian fjords of chile have hundreds of
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kilometers of coastline where no human has ever set foot. machu picchu is a city floating above the clouds, we can be transported to another time, feel the genius and greatness. american cultures, real ones, which were destroyed by europeans, from all points of view, the incas and otecs were head and shoulders above in a cultural, in a civilizational sense. some people think that no, others are sure that there is a latin american civilization, here it is,
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civilization premiere, film four, latin america, thursday on the first, veda vodka, a product of the stellar group, old barrel cognac, a product of the stellar group, bourbon. steersmann is a product of stellar group. intermittent fasting. have you tried it? well, i practice this regularly. interesting fashion item. that is , don’t eat as much as possible, and then eat a little something. here, here, here. this topic is actively discussed on social networks and forums dedicated to a healthy lifestyle. let 's not stay in the country either, let's discuss it. also. well, sports nutritionist alena lychagina i found out a lot of interesting things about this system and suggests trying the classic scheme for beginners. this will suit me.
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many people would like to lose weight without any hassles, without counting calories and almost without restricting themselves in foods; so-called intermittent fasting will help. before starting it, we consult a doctor; such a diet has contraindications, for example, gallstones. if there are no health problems, we try the classic scheme for beginners. that's three meals within 10 hours a day. for example, breakfast at 10:00 in the morning, lunch at two, and dinner at 7:30 in the evening, and no snacks, and you can drink around the clock, but sweet soda, of course, is not good. coffee without sugar, tea without milk and clean water are suitable. to help you lose weight faster, we prepare a special drink. grind the ginger root. pour two liters of hot boiled water, after 40
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minutes squeeze the juice of one lemon, drink a glass half an hour before meals, the drink improves metabolism. also, as in any diet, we we adhere to the principles of healthy eating: we reduce the consumption of fried foods, sweets and flour products. that's about it. diet for the day. for breakfast - cottage cheese and whole grain porridge. for the vow - stewed meat with vegetables, for dinner baked fish, for example, with rice, that is, in fact, we do not starve, we eat hearty, tasty food. sticking to such a diet is not difficult, as a result you can not only lose weight, but improve your health. today, look, february 12th.
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these are czech old buns that are roasted on a skewer, i’ll show you how to bake them at home conditions, i heat the milk a little above room temperature, add the yeast and a tablespoon of sugar, stir , leave for the yeast to start working, separate the whites from the yolks, add a spoonful of sugar and salt to the yolks, mix, melt... let the butter cool, mix with the yolks, i pour the milk-yeast mixture here,
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sift the flour, knead the dough, it turns out dense but elastic, cover it with film, leave it in a warm place until it doubles in size, this will take about an hour, in the meantime i’ll start sprinkling, i grind the walnuts in a blender into coarse crumbs, add four tablespoons of sugar and cinnamon, how can i give the pie the desired shape? i'll use paper towel rolls, just the right thickness, wrap them around. i got these blanks, and for the sake of experiment i will form one directly on a regular rolling pin. the dough has risen, it’s time to bake, divide it in half, roll it out quite thinly, cut it into strips, grease the base with vegetable
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oil and wrap the strips overlapping, securing the edges. lightly beat the egg whites. i lubricate the workpiece and roll it over the sweet topping. tyrdelniki must be baked by weight, so a small pan is needed. here's a home version of the twirl. here's the rolling pin. place the shells at a distance from each other to prevent them from sticking together. place in an oven preheated to 180° for 10 minutes. then turn it over to the other side and bake for another 10 minutes. nothing happened to the rolling pin, a working option, you need to immediately remove them from the base so that the dough does not get soggy from the steam, the inside of the tyrdelnik is often greased with cream, chocolate and filled with fruit, look how soft it is on the inside and crispy on the outside, just imagine, there is a loan
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that you can take out and... just kidding, of course, scammers send out such offers. yeah, so, friends, if you also receive such a message, throw it in the trash, all this is a lie and deception. do you want to get a loan and not repay it? fraudsters today catch their victims with such an offer. and it happens like this. you receive a message supposedly from a law firm. i just received this letter of happiness: take a loan for a million, we will help you get it bankruptcy, the money will remain with you and you will not have to give it to the bank. for their services , scammers ask for 10%, that is, 100,000 rubles. and you know, there are naive people who believe in such promises. friends, you are
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actually being pushed into committing a financial crime, they are writing such letters, swindlers. let's check the law firm that sent me this letter, copy its name and search on the internet. there is a website, it’s quite realistic, inn is listed here, and that’s what we need. open the website of the federal tax service. enter inn, select the region. and what do we see? no data was found for the specified search criteria. we are convinced that such an organization simply does not exist. and this means that scammers wrote to me. we delete messages. but firms that help file bankruptcy procedures do exist. only real lawyers will not offer you fraud. don’t believe in the promise, take a loan, you don’t have to pay it back later. be prudent and careful. yes, persian. good morning, dear friends,
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wake up, get up quickly, let there be morning. truly cheerful and full of self positive energy, we are now charging your tea and coffee for good luck on the calendar february 12, monday, roman budnikov, svetlana zenalova, remember the good lines from brodsky, don’t leave the room, don’t make a mistake, what is this about? he probably had a trip to a store where a big sale was widely announced, usually super discounts, now there are discounts, you know where on marketplaces, you don’t have to go anywhere, spend all the money, yes. is there some kind of algorithm that helps to avoid unnecessary expenses and save a lot of money? elizaveta nikishova plunged into i calculated everything on this topic with a calculator. anastasia bought all these things at discounts in january, her winter-spring wardrobe 2024. some kind of addiction, you know that you can somehow save money, so you wait for discounts. and shapoholik in the second
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generation was taught to look for a sale by her mother. some basic thing that we use every day, for example. jeans, i think it’s not worth overpaying for them, i have good jeans for 800 rubles, but i’ve been wearing them for 2 years now, they look cool, how much do they save? it’s difficult to calculate sales, but you can understand how discounts work for the sellers themselves. evelina is a financier, she knows how they are calculated in companies, for example, i ’m a seller of clothes, and i want to give my clients a 5% discount, and i sell dresses with a margin of 23%, that is , our numerator is 5%, the denominator is 23, -5 multiplied by 100 gives 28%, that is, i must increase the number of sales by 28% to recoup this discount, again, just to recoup the discount. although the very fact that the item has become cheaper attracts customers, besides stale goods go away, shelves are freed up for new ones, there are continuous advantages for sellers, for us the opportunity to buy cheaper
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, evelina calculates everything before buying, you automatically begin to calculate, as if you were solving some small problem, we decided to conduct a small experiment and led us with a calculator against lovers of discounts, anastasia’s task is to assemble a look from four things in half an hour, the cheapest, but also stylish, the usual basic one. t-shirt 3.200, well, 100% this should cost less. it should be noted that anastasia picked up the bow faster, let's change clothes. oh, so beautiful, you too. it's time to count who has the cheaper onion. so, my onion cost 20,747 rubles. my bow costs rub 17,891 in full. in general, both managed to save money, although the mathematical approach turned out to be more effective than the intuitive one. elizaveta nikishova, konstantin struchkov, yulia bykova, channel one. oh, how
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last weekend, the girls and i intelligently answered the chinese new year and snacked on what? that's right, sauerkraut. one of the main winter dishes is not easy a product, a phenomenon, part of our gastronomic culture, of course, and they also say it strengthens the immune system. that during the cold season is very important , look at the candle, yesterday it also strengthened the immune system, the main thing is to have the right cabbage, looking ahead, let’s say, absolutely everything matters, absolutely everything, the type of cabbage, and how many carrots were added, in what mood it was picked and how long has the jar been on the counter, who are you eating this cabbage with, is also generally the first thing, how many jars of sauerkraut are in the store, how many tastes are different everywhere, why we’ll tell you now , there are many influences on this... we use the adria megaton variety, since the cabbage is very dense,
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the leaves are thin, juicy, and the additives decide, the more carrots, the sweeter, there is no need for salt at all, we mix in order so that the salt penetrates into the structure of the cabbage, the juice is released , the brine is formed, the salt starts the fermentation process, or, more simply, during the first 7 days lactic acid begins to be actively released. once in a plastic bucket, the cabbage is already fermented at this stage, but we package it at minimal amounts of lactic acid, 0.7%. it is believed that even on the store shelf the image continues. we decided to check it out and brought two buckets of sauerkraut from the same manufacturer to the laboratory. the first was packaged more than a month ago, the second recently. brine sample, then we will pour it through filter paper and we will directly obtain the sample in which we will determine the acidity. krosul add an indicator and get a purple
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tint. this is the same lactic acid, how much is it in the composition? acidity more fresh cabbage sample was 0.82%. the acidity of our second sample, which had been stored in packaging for a little over a month, was 1.2% acidity, that is, it was older. the more sour the product, normally lactic acid should not exceed 2.5%, if more, the cabbage has already fermented, usually this happens after the expiration date has expired, so when choosing, we always pay attention to the date of manufacture. if you want cabbage to have a rich taste, then you can choose jars that are packaged earlier, and if you want to buy cabbage with a more delicate taste, then choose one that has been produced recently. plus of course. cabbage is produced faster, no need to wait, no preservatives, no vinegar sweeteners. vinegar reduces the cost of the production process, because we check the composition, it should not be in it
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until fermentation occurs. cabbage with vinegar is not as healthy as cabbage with a pure composition, you can determine it by color: if the product is white, it means the fermentation was accelerated, if it is golden, it was fermented using classical technology. julia shvalova, vasily valetov and maxim tkachenko, channel one. we remind you that on the calendar of february, monday, it’s time to find out what’s new in the country in the world by this hour, we give the floor to our colleagues from the news information service, we will see you soon, hello, the news is on the air in the studio sergei tugushev . the fortified strongholds of the ukrainian armed forces, along with the militants entrenched there, were hit by our heavy flamethrower crews. sun protection systems. each such installation carries 24 thermobaric projectiles, which cover a huge territory, an area larger than four football fields. the targets of the sanitary guards
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are, first of all, the... thermal shock that occurs from the explosion, it penetrates into all its vulnerable places, that is , cracks, basements, passages, tunnels, and squeezes out the enemy from there, as if... they installed doors, i i don’t know, they haven’t strengthened themselves, nothing will help them, that’s why they don’t like us very much. on the donetsk sector of the front near artyomovsky, our paratroopers are repelling attacks by militants who do not stop trying to regain lost positions. during the next raid, scouts spotted an enemy group on the approaches to the city. it was decided to strike it at night. the crew of the carnet anti-tank missile system took up a firing position in an abandoned building and
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hit with a precise strike. from the first shot, on the right bank of the dnieper near kherson , ukrainian armed forces units lost the mortar crew of three artillery pieces, including the american m-777 howitzer. they were attacked with lancet loitering ammunition. and also about the high professionalism of our guard soldiers, junior sergeant stanislav khismatulin destroyed the enemy group with an accurate artillery strike. the militants tried to flank our advancing units. major mikhail guzhviev competently led our convoy of vehicles out from under enemy fire, without allowing any losses. arrived on time at one of the base airfields and organized stable communications between aviation control points. residents of ukraine are becoming more and more aggressive towards military registration and enlistment office employees. we gave them a tough rebuff in one of the villages in the odessa region. such footage is now being circulated on social networks. people in uniform were beaten
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when they wanted to take the men away with them. threatened the village residents with a purge, and in general, he said, the military could come to all villages where people resist forced mobilization. within its framework, by the way, even disabled and seriously ill people are sent to the ranks of the vso. one of these, a resident of ternopil, died a week after he was sent to the training ground, despite acute heart failure. and earlier, on the very first day, the military unit’s stay from the attack a mobilized odessa resident died of epilepsy.
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nato was concerned about statements by former american leader donald trump about the selective application of article 5 of the alliance charter. secretary general jans stoltenberg believes that the position of the politician again aspiring to the post of us president puts european american soldiers at risk. during a speech to his supporters in south carolina, trump made it clear that in the event of an attack, the pentagon will not provide free protection to european nato members who are not contributing enough.
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trucks with grain pour it directly onto the roadway. this happened in the area of ​​one of the border crossings, where trucks are stuck in a traffic jam. in addition, agricultural workers block roads with earthen embankments, dump car tires onto the roads and set them on fire. thus, polish farmers are demanding that their government and the european union return protective measures for ukrainian transporters and food. now they enjoy preferences, due to which they receive a colossal competitive advantage, while... local transport companies of the economy suffer serious losses. forecasters predict freezing rain, sleet and thick fog for residents of the capital region in the coming days. moscow will find itself at the junction of two fronts with different properties. warm air rises from the south; on the contrary, frost sets in from the east. this afternoon there is a slight thaw, the temperature in the city is from 0 to -2°. in this case, rain mixed with snow is possible. but from wednesday
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, twenty-degree frosts will return, which... but going out on the road in such weather is dangerous. that's all for now, stay with us. now important information that concerns each of us. amendments have been made to the labor code regarding the procedure for calculating compensation for non-payment of wages and other payments. what are these amendments, who do they concern, what is considered non-payment, we will now figure it all out. look carefully. new rule for calculating compensation for non-payment. salaries, the amendment to the labor code has already entered into force. the law amended article 236, and now the need to calculate interest has extended to those payments that were not accrued to the employee on time, but the right to
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receipt of which has been confirmed by the court. for example, an employee challenged his dismissal in court and was reinstated. according to the new rules, the employer is obliged to pay not only wages, but also compensation. applies to all payments, the norm works after a court decision is made, in this case the employer must comply with the court decision as soon as possible, pay the amounts due to the employee and monetary compensation in the amount of 1.15 of the central bank rate for each day of delay, compensation can be calculated themselves, for example, the employer's debt is 50,000 rubles at the central bank rate. 16% in a month will increase by 1,600 rubles. according to the same scheme, they consider penalties for non-payment of wages, vacation pay, sick overtime, if they were delayed even for a day, they must be reimbursed. and if this is more than half a month,
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article 142 of the labor code will protect your interests. the employee has the right, by notifying the employer in writing, to suspend work for the entire period until the delayed amount is paid. well, just in case, let us remind you that for consultations on all controversial situations in the labor department. also called asian, chinese. the festive program opened at the skating rink. now, behind me, you see an eighteen-meter dragon come out. this is a symbol that the new year has already arrived. the chinese zealously consider themselves the descendants of not monkeys, but of this mythological creature, a symbol of strength and
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dignity. therefore, the dragon dance is an important ritual and a procession. look, the dragon seems to have gathered all the visitors to vdnkh, from the skating rink to the twenty-second pavilion. where is the exhibition "taracotta army", but before the entrance there is another ritual dance chinese lion. leo brings good luck. inside , guests are greeted with the beating of drums and also not for the sake of entertainment, the loud sounds of drums are for good luck and also drive away evil spirits. and, of course, where would we be without traditional dances with fabrics, viers, and umbrellas. it symbolizes love, beauty and grace.
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more than 150 exhibits, replicas of chariots, weapons, historical costumes, based on the archaeological sensation of the 20th century, the clay army of the first chinese emperor in tsengshehuangdi, only part of the complex has been recreated, but it’s impressive, a piece of china you can take with you a photo against the backdrop of the great wall of china in traditional outfits. the new year was celebrated, and the exhibition continues its work every day until july 8. ruslan yunyaev, nikita kulakov, anatoly barikalov, channel one. mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellor group. sheaf product of steller group. the competitions of the second winter all-russian spartakiad of the strongest continue. skiers and biathletes are already fighting for medals, but for figure skaters everything is still ahead. our colleague sports
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journalist dmitry terikhov has all the details. all-russian the spartakiad immersed sports fans of our country in the atmosphere of competitions of the highest level, almost of an olympic scale. the focus is mainly on the heroes of the winter games. the multiple olympic champion won the classic sprint and the twenty-kilometer skiathlon. the leader of the russian women's cup, veronika stepanova, who took first place in nine of her twelve starts, was close to repeating bolshunov's success in the first week of the spartakiad, but she failed to complete the golden double due to the fact that in the olympic sprint the relay champion stopped just steps away from victory. but the next day stepanova left no chance for her competitors in the skiathlon. ahead. cobblestones, four more races in the winter sports center of pearl siberia.
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biathletes compete in a new complex in zlatoust, named after two-time olympic champion svetlana ishmuratova. the central figure of the spartakiad so far is eduard latypov. in the sprint, even one mistake did not prevent him from being 15 seconds ahead of his nearest opponent. and in the pursuit race three times the bronze medalist of the beijing olympics maintained his lead even with three penalties. in women's competitions. there is no clear favorite, the sprint remained with anastasia batmanova, and the pursuit race with victoria slevko. this week, biathletes will enjoy individual races, bridge starts, and mixed relay races. well, fans of the most beautiful and fascinating sport, figure skating, are looking forward to the start of competitions with the participation of their favorites. the final of the grand prix series will be held as part of the spartakiad. at the metallurg arena in magnitogorsk a full house is expected, but how could it be otherwise? the previous six stages consistently attracted full
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stands. from february 16 to 18, all the stars of russian figure skating will perform on the same ice. watch broadcasts on channel one on our website the historical drama continues on channel one: the great golden age. catherine the second became the first in many ways. she was the first in russia to be vaccinated against smallpox and ordered the publication of the first explanatory dictionary. during the era of her reign, the country started to make money. libraries, archives, institutes, an observatory was opened behind the garden. how they would say now that she was a very advanced advanced empress. the first elevator in russia appeared under catherine the great right in the winter palace. thanks to the self-taught mechanic from nizhny novgorod, ivan kulibin. kulibin offered unique technical developments, both a scooter carriage and a lighthouse. and worked with mirrors, bending them in such a way that
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by placing only one candle, you can get super bright light. how much do you need? 687 rub. 30 kopecks. how many? please write out 1.0 rubles for mr. inventor. with gold. in general she was very attentive to medicine and health care and to science in general and greatly encouraged young promising scientists. the empress chose favorites to match herself. count orlov was also passionate about science. he is patronizing. lumanosov and after lumanosov’s death he preserved his library for us, he loved physics and chemistry, did experiments in permafrost to build a foundation. catherine the second was the first in many ways; under her, a botanical garden and an observatory, libraries and archives were opened. in 1783 , the great opened a russian academy for learning the russian language. then the first explanatory dictionary appeared, the letter y entered the russian alphabet. i did it.
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there are weapons of evil. ekaterina and her son i don’t want a similar fate for my children, nor pavel, who were the first in russia to get vaccinated. she is for the children of their children, especially since against this she ordered a smallpox vaccinator from england, who came with the vaccine. over the course of 2 days , 140 people from the immediate environment were vaccinated,
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and offices for, let’s say, vaccinations against smallpox began to open. there is panic in moscow, they need a reliable, decisive person. how simple send a reliable person to certain death. a new twist in a gripping historical drama. great, golden age. today on channel one. it was a very interesting conversation. and very useful. i don't even want you. let go asya rodkevich, anna vashuk, svetlana neimanis, channel one. good morning, dear friends, wake up soon, a new day has come, it will definitely be a very...
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year in general, a very useful thing, now we will show everything: the fifty-seventh pavilion of vdnkh, for students of the tenth and eleventh grades from in november, a trial unified state exam takes place here. today, participation in literature is, of course, voluntary , graduates say they themselves understand that this is necessary, they want it on a budget, this is not moral preparation, indeed this is very important for me, at least, because i give in to panic very quickly, that is , as experience shows, after a practice exam. it’s easier on the real one, this is yulia zhirova’s fourth test in literature, each time she gets more and more points. alena sokolova first tried her hand at school, now i’ve decided again. in literature there were somewhere around 60. there were more theoretical errors in speech essays. i started solving more problems myself at home,
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and started studying more with a tutor. about 700 schoolchildren signed up for vdnkh alone. registration with dayomeg, free, everything is like in real life. during the exam, you can’t access the internet, no gadgets or cheat sheets, you only have your passport, a draft paper, pens, and water. presented here are demo versions, special versions of test material, very similar to the eg material, which consists of short answers and extended answers. training exams are held throughout the country in schools, in universities themselves, and you can take them in specialized unified state exam centers, even every week, but here you will have to pay somewhere for each sample, on average up to 1,500 rubles. very. it is important that the content of trial or practice exams of the unified state exam meets the specifications developed by the federal institute of pedagogical measurements, because otherwise it may simply disorient graduates. the most approximate home versions are on the website of the federal institute of pedagogical measurements, it’s easy to simply download so that any graduate can
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take it and also decide to see any shortcomings in their preparation. irina kapitonova had problems with chemistry and scored zero points on the first test. it was very difficult to focus, unless you accidentally wrote down the unit of measurement somewhere in the calculation, this could affect the score, i had to go to a tutor. we started from this psychological threshold, when you seem to know something, but you can’t answer. for almost a year of preparation at the eg-center, i passed dozens of trial exams. i scored 79 points on the unified state exam and passed on the budget, so of course there is an effect. let’s not forget about the all-russian training in russian, computer science and foreign languages. it will be held a week before the start of the main stage of the unified state examination on may 15; last year more than 415.00 graduates took part in it. evgeny plyukov, dmitry parfenov, victor namonka, yulia kuvabina, channel one. the best thing is
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to do what you love, to do what like. i am hereditary. they come and try what i prepared, i really like it, how beautiful kazan is, what a history it has, should they move us to totar, i think, well, everything is done, people who start playing the guitar there, for example, never leave this matter as you started, do it until the end, russia summer ladder lace. songs close to the heart, folk songs, cherish, preserve and develop our russia, our most beloved, most good country. so, we remind you that on the calendar february 12th, a beautiful day, our ancestors also liked this day, they looked closely at the hares,
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they said: oh, look, the scythe ran, if the hare was often visited, well, in human habitation, it means it will be cold, they are coming to warm themselves, and if wolves then... so, what do you think , why, even i’m afraid, my wife will have a fur coat made of a wolf, i’m kidding, there will be frosts, well, we don’t seem to see here yet, you know, neither hares nor wolves, but astrologers arrived in time with their forecast, february 12, the turning point of the third and fourth lunar days, the twenty-ninth day of the sun, in in general, he’s not bad, good-natured, responsive, usually in a good mood, doesn’t like to rush and fuss, and things are going very well for him. this is a very good day for team work, he generally makes contacts easily, feels confident in an unfamiliar company, and he also has what is called a rich inner world. cons, as usual, continued. on the plus side, he is not very calculating, sometimes he gets too carried away by his fantasies and can be easy-going. on such days we like to show off, we spend money easily,
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we make hasty decisions. please be more careful with this, measure your motto seven times today, and do not rush to believe everything they tell you, especially if it comes to money. otherwise, the day is quite positive, among other things, very suitable for shopping, and it is also quite romantic. taurus may be deceived in some of their expectations. however, this will not upset you too much, as compensation there will be a chance to achieve something from your superiors, and in general in the business sphere everything should work out for you, taurus men, be lenient with women's whims, the twins are also doing well, although small but urgent matters may come up out of nowhere, it is also possible that you will have to work around the house to help your relatives, but you can deal with this more carefully while driving, crayfish remind you of the word not a sparrow and it's worth it . the word is sometimes very expensive, the ladies of this sign will be more concerned than usual about how they look, don’t worry, you are beautiful
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, be careful with caustic chemistry, leos will have the opportunity to figure out someone or something, clarify something, just remember that the stars were talking about hasty decisions, and someone else might fall in love with you, it’s true that jealousy is right there, but here the stars are powerless, and do without alcohol today, some events on the romantic front, perhaps among virgins, if it serves...
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a profitable day when you can extract from everything, if not profit, then some benefit for yourself. after lunch, you may have to move or carry something heavy and uncomfortable; take care of your hands and back. capricorns have a smooth monday, without any special ups, but without big problems, although all sorts of conversations will take up a lot of time and energy, by the end of the day it can be very tiring, but until the evening. will help you relax. aquarians will have to find a common language with some boring, as they say, difficult people. advice from the stars: smile more often and be extremely polite, even boring people love this, and watch your step. pisces, get ready to be lied to and fooled. by the way, this must be kept in mind when buying anything second- hand, especially via the internet. they may try to sell you a low-quality product, the evening is clearly going to entertain you with something. good luck to you. on the calendar there is february 12th, less than a month is left, or rather 26 days until that very beautiful day x, when all the men,
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like zombies, will run for flowers, because they know that if it is still there on february 14th it is not clear back and forth, who is like, what, what can you give, then on march 8th, like a dear, be so kind, three tulips or whatever, your carnations, these, this is your flowering, blooming cactus, put it on... inspect the greenhouses where spring is hiding, flowers, good and bright, let's for example, in the greenhouses of the kaluga region, this green field of tulips will very soon turn into a colorful carpet, not completely unraveled, so that they are together with
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the bulb, since they, so that the stem is elongated, then a special machine will trim the bulb, they plant the tulips back in december, we maintained the temperature regime, from +5 we gradually increase a degree every week, by march 8 everything will be ripe, now peony-like is very popular. papaya, it will ripen just in time for march 8th, not flowers, of course, but still nice, this is a different farm kaluga region, and here by march 8 , gerberas of 24 different varieties are grown, from bud to flower 3 weeks, this one, for example, can be picked, or rather broken out, gerberas are not cut, from the direction of the rosette. breaking off in this way, it is very important that the stump does not remain inside the bush, in which case it
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will rot; after that, the stump will also rot, sort them too. the most popular flowers on march 8 are roses, they are chosen by 45% of women, and let’s be honest, many are ready to receive them every day. in this farm in saransk , 45 million flowers are cut annually, they monitor they are also cared for and trimmed by women. we found a ready-made flower, now we’ll cut it, that’s it. it’s like every day is march 8th, although it’s a week and a half before the holiday. the work is increasing, up to 120 thousand flowers are cut per day. a new trend is flowers in pots; men have begun to give them more often over the past couple of years; primroses have already bloomed in the garden center of krymsk. does not require much attention, is grown at low temperatures, blooms in spring, has a very beautiful appearance, long lasting flowering, even on the balcony. in flower shops send the beautiful
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pelargonium, the coquette cyclomena and the elegant one. pots only from these greenhouses, agronomists advise not to overdry or overwater. the pot should be at least two times lighter than the originally watered state; we always check the canopy of the pots, whether they are watered or not. with these flowers you can extend march 8th for the whole year. elena savina, marina sidorova, sergey fondikov, channel one. statistics, which, as we know, know everything, confirms each of us.
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t-shirts, i’ll show you how easy and neat they are folding, laying out the t-shirt on the table, we decided to clean up the closet, let's start by bending the edges towards the middle so that one sleeve lies on the other, folding it in half, done, second option, alternately bending the edges towards the middle to make it. square, i twist it into a roll, insert it into the bottom edge of the t-shirt, such a compact package will not unfold, so it is convenient to carry it in a bag or store it on a shelf. the third method is the fastest, but you need to get used to it. in the center of the t-shirt i mentally draw a cross line, a longitudinal line on the side of the neckline, with one hand i pinch the fabric at the intersection
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of the lines, with the other i take hold of the shoulder, then the lower one. i pick up the t-shirt, fold the item in half, if you don’t remember, show it again for 2 seconds and you’re done, so you’ll very quickly collect all the t-shirts and you can put them on the shelf in a neat stack. and we remind you that the calendar says monday february 12th. our broadcast will continue to broadcast news on channel one. hello, the news is live in the studio sergei tugushev. special operations in the donetsk direction russian pilots destroyed several units of enemy equipment and enemy infantry. the combat flight was carried out by the crews of s-25 attack aircraft. they worked so quickly and professionally that the enemy did not have time
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to react to the attack. they approached the objects at a minimum height, and after the impact. in the kupinsky direction, the crew of t-80 tanks destroyed a concentration of militants, intelligence reported about the movement of the enemy group. our fighters moved to the firing line under. covering the fog, it is better than any camouflage, hiding the tank from enemy drones. the crew delivered several precise strikes, the first a sighting strike, the next one to kill. in just a few minutes, the fortifications were destroyed, and the advanced units of the ukrainian armed forces were forced to retreat, suffering losses. on the zaporozhye sector of the front, russian crews of the tornado mlrs disrupted the enemy’s rotation. having received coordinates from reconnaissance, the complex moved
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to a firing position. he is capable of directing fire at targets. in automatic mode, this significantly reduces the crew’s work time and allows for faster evasion of the response blow. the un security council, at the request of russia, will hold a meeting today on the situation in ukraine, the meeting will take place on the anniversary of the minsk agreements, said the first deputy permanent representative of our country to the organization, dmitry polyansky. according to him, moscow intends to recall what a historical chance for a peaceful solution to the internal ukrainian crisis was missed by the kiev regime and its sponsors. at least 100 people were killed and hundreds were injured in a massive israeli airstrike on the city of rafah in the southern gaza strip. about it arabic reports.
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located on the border of a palestinian city will inevitably try to break into egyptian territory. in lakewood , texas, a woman opened fire with a rifle on parishioners of an evangelical church. dozens of police officers and attackers immediately arrived on the scene. doctors are fighting for his life; what caused the attack is still unknown.
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statements by former american leader donald trump regarding nato caused shock among representatives of the alliance. secretary general jan stoltenberg believes that the politician’s position again aspiring to the presidency of the united states, puts european americans at risk. soldier, during a speech to his supporters in south carolina, trump made it clear that in the event of an attack, the pentagon will not freely defend european nato members that do not allocate enough funds for defense. according to him, such a conversation with one of the western leaders took place during his presidential term. moreover, trump said that he would even approve of external threats against members of the bloc with a limping financial discipline. poland was so frightened by such prospects that the government decided to discuss it.
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in the near future, it is noteworthy that the prince of wales is due to replace another aircraft carrier, queen elizabeth, in these exercises, which has developed problems with one of its mushroom propellers. this happened just before leaving the sport to participate in maneuvers. princeuel's, by the way, from the very beginning, from the moment it was put into service, at the end of the nineteenth year it became a problematic ship. he stood for a considerable time at the docks, where he was eliminated breakdowns that cost the treasury tens of millions of dollars. polish farmers. those blocking the production of ukrainian trucks with grain began to take active action; they began to open the khuras standing in traffic jams and pour wheat out of them directly onto the roadway. in addition, agricultural workers block roads with earthen
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embankments, dump car tires onto the roads and set them on fire. thus, polish farmers are demanding that their government and the european union return protective measures for ukrainian transporters and food. now they enjoy preferences from. from which they gain enormous competitive advantages, while local transport companies and farms suffer serious losses. that's all for now, stay with us, the broadcast of channel one will continue with the good morning program. bon appetit to everyone who is having breakfast now, for those who are just preparing for this important process, or who are even thinking about preparing such a delicious dish, attention, attention. alarm and so, meet sergei kudryashov, a super chef with superpower from anyone. product manages to make an incredibly tasty dish, casserole of dumplings in mushroom sauce, and this happens. if you love dumplings, cook them in a new way, in mushroom sauce.
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fry the onion, chopped into small cubes, until golden brown. i put chopped champignons in the pan. when the mushrooms are browned, add a couple of cloves of chopped garlic. a thin stream. please note that they should be at room temperature, because cold cream can curdle; for a richer creamy taste, i add a couple of plates of processed cheese. stir, reduce the heat, when the cream thickens, the cheese melts , turn off the stove, fry the dumplings in another frying pan until crispy golden brown, transfer to a baking dish, pour in mushroom sauce, sprinkle with grated cheese, it’s even tastier and bake for 10 minutes, serve the dish hot , dumplings. in a creamy mushroom sauce, and even with
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a golden cheese crust, it’s simply delicious. bon appetit! robots come from obninsk, water filters from vladimirna, a touch screen from zelenograd near moscow, or how do you say touch screen? no, i've been here for a long time i don’t say that anymore, all day long. these and many other high-tech products are successfully exported to various countries and conquer world markets. robots will replace people. not yet, but it will make life a lot easier. this one was invented and assembled in obnensk. he places and picks up goods from the shelves, recalculates the items, checks and analyzes the balances in the warehouse. and here is his home, a plant for the creation of high-tech equipment. at this moment it produces automobile scales, also of its own design. there are small scales which weigh with higher accuracy, the load weighs 50-100 kg. there are heavy-duty scales, truck scales, and rail scales that can.
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weigh cargo weighing up to 200 tons. large companies are already using scales and robots not only throughout the country, but also abroad. belarus, kazakhstan, armenia. vladimir producers went further, also covering germany, italy, and america. we created a new generation of electrochemical systems. the first is a household water filter, which disinfects and enriches water with hydrogen. now we will measure the readings of the usual tap water. as we see, there is no hydrogen in ordinary water, now we will measure the hydrogen readings from the installation, 1.340 value, that is, this water is enriched with hydrogen, it is antioxidant. the second is industrial filters for wastewater treatment plants and swimming pools. this installation is capable of disinfection per day. 6,000
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cubic meters of water, this larger- scale installation is capable of disinfecting 50,000 cubic meters of water per day. the third installation, which produces disinfectant for medical institutions. in zelenograd near moscow they bring walls to life; they can turn any surface into a touch screen. the largest touch screen we made was 21x3 m. it was a touch room with all the walls. projection images were introduced, well , with the help of projectors, all the walls were essentially touch-sensitive and also entered the international market with their development, the national project international cooperation and export helps manufacturers with this. what is export activity, how to draw up an export contract, how to draw up a customs declaration, how to find buyers, which market to enter in principle, this is a set of measures that are provided to potential beginning exporters. next stage. coordinators organize
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participation in exhibitions for manufacturers, the last one was held literally 2 weeks ago in china, the festival fair was made in russia, where companies can show their developments and immediately sign supply contracts. ruslan yunyaev, ilya ridkazubov, alexander ignatov, channel one. and we remind you that the calendar says monday. february 12, our broadcast will continue news release on channel one, remember the good news from robert rozhdestvensky, that it’s february, that he’s gone crazy, there’s a stream of smoke from the roof, and they say it’s winter, well, it’s really warm in the south of the country, contrary to the calendar, and even in northern passport st. petersburg it’s bright spring sunshine, i know, i don’t know, in moscow it’s generally so cold -20-25 at night, the february frosts, as they say, have not been canceled, they are there and will still be in the spring, as if not yet... it smells on the one
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hand, but on the other hand on the other hand, we are all waiting for her, because there are only 18 left until the news days. it’s already spring in krasnodar, look how the sun is shining outside +17. warming has already affected the black sea coast, the southern half of the region, and is reaching the central regions. all this is connected with the movement of air masses from the southwestern regions of the hemisphere. turkey, from the mediterranean sea, where we have a warm air mass. the sun came out in st. petersburg for the winter northern capital, such shots are rare. st. petersburg is located between. shift from west to east, also, these air currents, they carry a very, very large flow. and in yakutia, the warming is, however, visually not yet very noticeable. now, in these
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days, we can say that the weather there is very warm, the temperature is 12° above normal, but what does this mean, that the frost there is not 45-50. just 35°. they write on the internet that the reason for the increase in temperature in elninho is an anomalous climatic phenomenon. this is an increase in temperature in the eastern pacific ocean. the fact is that the heat capacity of water is about four times higher than the heat capacity of air, so even a small heat transfer from the ocean leads to a significant increase in air temperature. scientists have also considered this. the phenomenon of spring all over the world may occur 10 days earlier, but in 200, that is, at least 76 years later, they now, as they began to write everywhere, alas, the hydromicentre refutes: there is no point in expecting early spring, especially not snow this year a lot, snow has a great effect on the arrival
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of spring, because even in march, when the sun’s rays are hot, pure snow reflects solar energy by 90%, so it lasts a very long time spring is coming, there is a lot of snow, and the warming that was recently noted in many cities was temporary; the february frosts have not been canceled. positive temperatures in the middle of winter are a common occurrence for a temperate continental climate, that is, our winter consists entirely of frosty days and days with positive temperatures, so we are still waiting for frosts and we have not yet met spring, winter is with us, so we must be patient and let's not miss the moment, there is still time for what we really wanted. but haven't had time to do it yet in the middle of snowy beauty. maria kuskova, alena krylova, denis zharov, dmitry gordienko, channel one. we continue. in the krasnodar region, fishing for hamsa, a very tasty, albeit small fish, begins. this year hamsa
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was a little late, yes, the meeting with the fishermen is late, the fishermen are waiting for her and will soon catch everything. catch it, the fish is big, very big. in the krasnodar region. there was anchovy, a coastal fish, but in the winter, when the sea temperature drops to 12-130°, it moves away from the coast, from the azov sea it turns black, gathers in schools, then fishing begins. the uniqueness of anchovy is that it is very tasty, especially at first, when it comes out of the sea of ​​azov, it gains fat there, october-november, well, maybe until the middle of december, it is plump, fat, delicious. yes, the closer to spring, the leaner it is, this season the warm weather lasted longer than usual, and the fish migration schedule also shifted; fishing vessels look for schools primarily by eye. you go, if a dolphin or a seagull is working somewhere, and at the same time falls to the water, well, you go, direct the ship
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you already find it there using your fish finder, they make a test catch, if the small fish are released, the large ones are caught, today they caught 22 tons. a good catch, when we catch the first fish, we immediately salt it for the crew to eat fresh, then we send everything else, unload the fish into the processing workshop, first they sort it by grade and size, some of it is fresh, large, almost immediately to the krasnodar market, the rest is frozen, here it is frozen, salted and shipped to consumers throughout russia, small fish is used for canning factories, large fish are coming... april, so far the harvest is 300 tons, less than last year, but the season is still in full swing. elizaveta nikishova, elena savina, channel one. intermittent fasting, have you tried it?
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well, i practice this regularly, yes, it’s an interesting , fashionable thing, that is , not eating as much as possible, and then there’s a table, here, here, here, on social networks, on forums dedicated to a healthy lifestyle, actively. the topic is being discussed, let’s not stay in the country either, let’s also discuss it, well, sports nutritionist alina lychagina found out about this the system has a lot of interesting things and offers to try the classic scheme for beginners, it will suit me, to lose weight without problems, without counting calories and almost without limiting yourself in foods, many people would like this, the so-called intermittent fasting will help, before starting it, we consult with doctor, this diet has... indications, for example, gallstones. if there are no health problems, we try the classic scheme for beginners. that's three meals over 10 hours. day, for example, breakfast at 10:00 am, lunch - at two, and dinner at 7:30 pm
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, and no snacks, and you can drink around the clock, but sweet soda, of course, is not good, coffee without sugar, tea without milk and clean water will do so that the weight goes away faster, prepare a special drink, grind ginger root, pour two liters of hot boiled water, after 40 minutes squeeze the juice of one lemon, drink a glass half an hour before meals, the drink improves metabolism. also, as in any diet, we adhere to the principles of healthy eating: we reduce the consumption of fried foods and sweets and flour products. here is an approximate daily diet. for breakfast - cottage cheese and whole
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grain porridge. for oats - stewed meat with vegetables. for dinner, baked fish, for example, with rice. that is, in fact, we do not starve, we eat nourishingly delicious food. sticking to such a diet is not difficult. as a result, you can not only lose weight, but improve your health. this. you can handle it, only living healthy in the program is a unique chance to ask questions to the best dentist in russia, without him there will be no children, where can i find manganese? high homocystrine does this affect anything? year of the dragon, how to make a wish come true? today on the first. cognac monte chococa, a product of the stellar group. rum,
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castro, product of stellor group. well, comrade citizens, let's continue our program and without delay, we offer you another selection of all sorts of videos, and everyone loves to watch videos, from grandmothers on benches to children in kindergartens. in general, only now the cutest heroes of the world wide web are just for you. opens our today's video. cat named steven, big lover lemons, by the way, according to the owners, he can eat them from morning to evening, 3 million users who watched this video are wondering if he just doesn’t have enough vitamins, maybe he just doesn’t feed him at all and the cat already agrees to everything, even lemon will do for food, in bali, as they say nowadays, an enterprising monkey opened a point of exchange of stolen gadgets for food, listen, this is a normal corruption scheme, well done, service. all that remains is to open a franchise all over
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the world, then about beauty, friends, i made a miniature horse on the head of my client hairdresser from china alan chen, it took the master only 4 hours to create such incredible beauty; you won’t believe it, judging by the video, the blade remains. happy with the client in shock, she can’t speak yet , you see, she sits silently, and the horse will need to be looked after, and just think, she had a half-box hairstyle, and this is half-horse , half-pony, half-pony, finally, news science and technology, a british engineer named ed made the fastest bed in the world, it goes up to 111 km/h, i just really didn't know that beds it turns out there are high-speed ones, i just have a standing battery-free one, so it has everything and...
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let's ask maria surova whether there is such a word or not, she will answer yes, have you tried tyrdelnik? these are czech twisted buns that are roasted on a spit. i'll show you how to bake them at home. i warm the milk slightly above room temperature. i add yeast and a tablespoon of sugar. i stir , leave for the yeast to start working,
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separate the whites from the yolks, add a spoonful of sugar and salt to the yolks, stir. melting butter, let it cool, mix with the yolks, pour in the milk-yeast mixture, sift the flour, knead the dough, it turns out dense but elastic, cover with film, leave in a warm place until it doubles in size, this will take about an hour, in the meantime i’ll start sprinkling : i grind the walnuts into coarse crumbs in a blender, add... four tablespoons of sugar and cinnamon, how can i give the cheesecake the desired shape? i will use paper towel rolls, just the right thickness, wrap it in foil, i got it these are the blanks, and for the sake of experiment i’ll form one directly on a regular rolling pin, the dough
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has risen, it’s time to bake it... i roll it in half quite thinly, cut it into strips, grease the base with vegetable oil and wrap the strips in an overlap, securing the edges, lightly beat the egg whites, i lubricate the workpiece and roll it over the sweet topping. the terdelniki must be baked by weight, so a small pan is needed. here's a homemade version of the twirl, place the rolling pin here. buns at a distance from each other so that they do not stick together, i put it in an oven preheated to 180° for 10 minutes, then turn it over on the other side and bake for another 10 minutes, nothing happened to the rolling pin, a working option, you need to immediately remove them from the base so that the dough does not get soggy from the steam, the inside of the crust is often greased
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with cream, chocolate and filled with fruit , look how soft... inside and crispy on the outside, just imagine, there is a loan that you can take and not give back, and this is a financial miracle that exists in our country, just kidding, this, of course, is sent by scammers such offers, uh-huh, so, friends, if you also receive such a message, send it to the trash, all this is a lie and deception, you want to get a loan and not give it back, scammers today catch their victims with such an offer, and it happens like this: you you receive a message supposedly from a law firm, i just received this letter of happiness: take
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a loan for a million, we will help you file for bankruptcy. believe in such promises, friends, they push you and you know, there are naive people who actually commit a financial crime, they write such letters, scammers, let's check the law firm that sent me this letter, copy its name and search on the internet, there is a website, it’s quite realistic, inn is listed here, that’s what we need. we open the website of the federal tax service, enter the inn, select the region, and what do we see? no data was found for the specified search criteria. we became convinced that such an organization simply does not exist, and this means that scammers wrote to me. we delete the message.
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but, companies that help file bankruptcy procedures do. only real lawyers will not offer you fraud, do not believe in the promise, take a loan, you don’t have to repay it later, be prudently careful, yes, on the calendar february 12, today the moscow zoo celebrates its birthday, it turns 160 years old, well , they say that it one of the oldest zoos, yes, but it seems to me that it is still young and beautiful, it was at the very beginning. and many are listed in the red book, including the famous panda katyusha, who appeared in our moscow zoo. well who doesn't dreams of seeing little katyusha, here she is with her mother panda dindin. consider yourself lucky, not even all the zoo employees saw katyusha, it’s too early to introduce her to people, although there was
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an attempt to drag her daughter into a large enclosure, it didn’t happen, the hand, the paw of the hero’s father is needed here. a hero because in our country giant pandas received offspring for the first time, and this means that the moscow zoo has the most favorable conditions for them, as well as for the giant panda. sleeps 16 hours a day, the other eight with visitors, on those same ants and larvae he has eaten up to 2 m in length, guests from australia is good here, it’s also hot in the enclosure, she lives next to the copybars, here she is, meditating, whether on a holiday or in everyday life, by the way, the copybar has been the most popular internet animal and meme for a year now, hundreds of millions of views in a month, you want to see ? the largest stork in the world, yes, this one is also in the moscow zoo, yabiru, males are almost one and a half meters tall, the wingspan is almost 2.5 m, and how many animals are there in general,
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almost 1,270 species, the second collection in the world after berlin, there are 1500, you won’t have time to see everything in a day, but in the summer they will extend the work zoo for an hour, a gift for visitors on the 160th anniversary of the zoo, although we do not have lighting specifically so as not to disturb the animals, but we will make a map where they can walk, and people will know where to go, in secret our pets will be active there. the moscow zoo is also about records, the largest exhibition of poisonous snakes in the world, about 50 species. black mambas, cobras, gobon vipers and the mainland taipan have gathered here, it is the most poisonous on the planet. but who is definitely not evil is sivuch dean, honestly, aren’t these can eyes lie? if dean floats. entertaining guests alone, these guys row together with fins, do daily training, and prepare their rooms for the summer. the moscow zoo is one of the ten
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most visited in the world, with almost 4 million guests a year, it is also one of the oldest, congratulations on its 160th anniversary. health, my dear colleagues, good luck to you, success, multiplication of all your opponents. happy birthday. nikolai lesnikov, ilyar kazubov, victor namunko, dmitry gordienko, ilena savina, channel one. monday morning the news will continue. see you soon. hello, the news is on air, in the studio sergei tugushev. the fortified strongholds of the armed forces of ukraine, together with... the militants there, were struck by our crews of heavy flamethrower systems of sanitary equipment. each such installation carries 24 thermobaric projectiles, which cover a huge area, an area larger than four
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football fields. the objectives of the sanitary units are primarily the fortifications and infantry of the enemy. when the ammunition explodes, it sprays a special mixture that heats up to 3,000°, burning everything around. as the fighters themselves say, take cover from the blow of this installation impossible. the thermal shock that occurs from the explosion, it penetrates into all its vulnerable places, that is, cracks, basements, passages , tunnels, and squeezes out the enemy from there, how would they be there, how would they even put the doors there, i don’t know, they weren’t fortified, nothing will help them, that’s why they don’t like us very much, in donetsk, sections of the front near artyomovsky, our paratroopers are repelling attacks from militants who do not stop trying to return... it was decided to hit it at night, the crew of the carnet anti-tank missile system
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took up a firing position in an abandoned building and hit the enemy with a precise strike from the first shot. and on the right bank of the dnieper near kherson, ukrainian armed forces units lost the mortar crew of three artillery pieces, including the american m-777 howitzer. they were hit with loitering ammunition. lancet. and also about the high professionalism of our fighters. guard junior sergeant stanislav khismatulin destroyed the enemy group with an accurate artillery strike. the militants tried to flank our advancing units. major mikhail guzhviev competently led our convoy of vehicles out from under enemy fire, without allowing any losses. arrived on time at one of the base airfields and organized stable communications between aviation control points. residents of ukraine are becoming more and more aggressive towards military registration and enlistment office employees. they were given a tough rebuff in one of the villages in the odessa region. such footage is now circulating on social networks. people in
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uniform were beaten when they wanted to take away men of military age with them. leave your own even pensioners rushed to the villagers. previously , a similar drama took place in the ivano-frankivsk region. military registration and enlistment office staff, accompanied by police , reportedly tried to mobilize the father and son. tv channel, the former commander of the terrorist organization banned in russia, aidar , threatened the village residents with a purge, and in general, he said, the military could come to all villages where people resist forced mobilization. within its framework, by the way, even disabled and seriously ill people are sent into the ranks of the special forces. one of these residents of ternopil died a week after he was sent to the training ground, despite acute heart failure. and earlier, on the very first day of the military unit’s stay, he suffered from an
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epileptic attack. a mobilized odessa resident died. nato was concerned about statements by former american leader donald trump about the selective application of article 5 of the alliance charter. secretary general jens stoltenberg believes that the position of the politician again aspiring to the post of us president puts european american soldiers at risk. while speaking to his with supporters in southern carolina, trump made it clear that the pentagon would not defend europeans for free in the event of an attack. nato members who do not allocate enough funds for defense. according to him, such a conversation with one of the western leaders took place during his presidential term. moreover, trump said that he would even approve of external threats against members of the bloc with lame financial discipline. poland was so frightened by such prospects that the government decided to discuss trump’s statements at the next government meeting. in warsaw they believe that the american politician crossed all boundaries with his words.
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polish farmers began to open ukrainian trucks with grain and pour it directly onto the roadway. this happened in the area of ​​one of the border crossings, where trucks are stuck in a traffic jam. in addition, agricultural workers cover roads with earthen embankments, transport tires onto the roads and set them on fire. thus, polish farmers demand from their government and the european union the return of protective measures for ukrainian transporters and food. now they they enjoy preferences, due to which they receive colossal amounts. competitive advantage, while local transport companies suffer serious losses. ice rain, sleet and thick fog are predicted by weather forecasters for residents of the capital region in the coming days. moscow will find itself at the junction of two fronts with different properties. warm air rises from the south; on the contrary, frost sets in from the east. this afternoon there is a slight thaw, the temperature in the city is from zero to -2, and rain
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mixed with snow is possible. but from... wednesday twenty-degree frosts will return and will last until the end of the week. residents of nizhny novgorod have already felt the change in weather; due to a sharp cold snap, the volga was shrouded in fog, steam rose over the cooling river, which stretched in a long trail around the area, it looks impressive, but driving out on the road in such weather is dangerous. that's all for now, stay with us. channel one will continue to air with the good morning program. in all. in schools across the country , channel one starts talking about important things. and the topic of today's conversation is day the first discoverer. today anatoly sogolevich, hero of russia, doctor of technical sciences, researcher of the world ocean, speaks about something important. discoverers are people who strive to discover something. study
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well, strive for discovery, everything will be fine, do something new and show it to people, remain in history, it is quite possible that discoveries can be accidental, incidental, but nothing can be done without love. to the subject. what depths did you dive to? from the smallest ones, there from 40-50 m or there in lake geneva there is 300 m. well , my deepest dive, so to speak, is 6.70 m. here we are, when we were building worlds, deep- sea manned vehicles are small, one might say, submarines for three people and...
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why are we, so to speak , chose a depth of 600 m? because 98% of the ocean floor lies at depths of 6,000 meters or less and only 2% of the ocean floor is deeper than 6,000 m. some people think that the main thing is depth, absolutely not. the main thing is the first discovery, that is, to see something so unusual. measure something like that unusual and then means to understand that this is really a discovery, a discovery - so to speak, a great thing, we must strive for this, every scientist who... does something must strive for this, what of what we saw surprised you the most? the fauna and those geological and hydrophysical processes that occur before your eyes, for example, on
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the mid-atlantic ridge there is such an area, the transatlantic geotraverse, at a depth of 3,600 m. i heard a lot, i even saw there... video recordings of black smokers, animals, shrimps that live there , that live on hydrogen sulfide, that’s when we saw this spectacle, so we stopped the device, and it would seem that we had to work, we had to make measurements, we had to take samples, but we sat spellbound and in for two hours they couldn’t tear themselves away. can robots replace ocean explorers? no robot will ever replace a human underwater. the most accurate optical instrument is the human eye, the most
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advanced computer is the human brain. and of course, here i am on my own, so to speak, i can confirm this from experience. that many , so to speak, discoveries are made by scientists, firstly, on enthusiasm, and secondly, on very strong, powerful emotions, nothing can replace these emotions, and of course, these emotions are the impetus for the discovery. where did you manage to visit on expeditions? on almost all continents, of course, and under water, of course, in the atlantic and pacific oceans. in the indian and of course in the arctic, he put the flag on the gray pole, by the way, about the discoverers, before us there were quite a lot of people who discovered
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the north pole, well, the first one was robert peavy in 1909, but he came to the north pole on ice, that is, he was separated from the real north pole. 4300 m, and in 2007 we plunged under two-meter ice into a small flood, went without any cables, ropes, sat on the bottom of the north pole at a depth of 4261 meters, everything that was before us was the northern one...
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i did it in russia vaccination against smallpox, ordered the publication of the first explanatory dictionary. during the era of her reign , libraries, archives, institutes began operating in the country, and observatory behind the garden. as they would say now, she was a very advanced advanced empress. the first elevator in russia appeared under catherine the great, right in the winter palace. thanks to the self-taught mechanic from nizhny novgorod, ivan kulibin. proposed unique technical developments, a scooter carriage, a lighthouse, and worked with mirrors, bending them in such a way that by placing only one candle, you can get a super bright light. how much do you need? 687 rub. 30
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kopecks. how many? please write out 1.0 rubles for mr. inventor. with gold. in general she was very attentive to medicine, health care and science in general and was very encouraging of young hopefuls.
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a smallpox epidemic broke out, more than a thousand people died every day. all-russian emperor peter ii died of smallpox at the age of 14. i don’t want a similar fate for my children or their children’s children, especially since there are weapons against this evil. ekaterina and her son pavel were the first in russia to get vaccinated. she ordered a smallpox vaccinator from england, who came with the vaccine. over the course of 2 days , 140 people from the immediate environment were vaccinated, and they began open.
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the other day , the empress herself, or rather elizaveta boyarskaya, who played in the film “the great golden age,” came to visit our studio on red square. our colleagues, yulia zemina and sergei babaev, talked to her. so please watch. fox, good morning, good morning. your heroine , she was a foreigner, she was a complete stranger here, the time was not easy, although it is called the golden age, this...
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it cannot be said that she was loved, there was a lot around her reign, various disputes, but nevertheless, everything, what did she do, did she do for the benefit of the state and, through her actions , proved her legitimacy in the end. lisa, as an actress, it’s difficult to play such a character, a historical one, who has no video recordings, no accurate photographs, there are only portraits, and this directly imposes some kind of responsibility. such, well, you can assume that when
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you understand that you will play catherine the great, there is a degree of responsibility initially, but in fact there are so many books, so many podcasts, so many programs, so many memories, her diaries and european philosophers, a look at the queen, dedro communicated , yes, yes, and this is so, it’s still a kind of general portrait, and it’s so versatile, anyway, everyone saw her differently, so to say: in such circumstances, that she, she
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not only a ruler, she is also a woman, a beloved, a mother, that’s how, how, how it is when in such circumstances. product of the stellar group cognac oldbarr product of the steller group. we continue the conversation with the leading actress. in the film the great golden age, honored artist of russia elizabeth boyarskaya. elizabeth, good morning, once again. good morning, once again, we stopped at an interesting point about love. yes, so what about love? she was generally a happy person, just like a woman, your heroine, because her marriage was, let’s say, unsuccessful with peter ii. then these favorites,
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she didn’t love her son, obviously her grandchildren were absolutely nicer. yes, how things don’t work out with love. but in our story we talk about the end.
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including outfits, of course, yes, so with the outfits, we had a lot of sewing for the outfits, we had rental outfits, but i more than anything, the ones that were made for me are dear, this is a hunt, they just made a suit for me, wonderful fabrics, everything is very truly done from the point of view of all the internal nuances, to say that it is comfortable and practical is difficult, because all the corsets are all were in their place, everything was really corsets. garters, all sorts of nuances, a huge number of interesting french and german words, which i listened to all the time when they were dressing me, i didn’t remember everything, but nevertheless, this is such a professional language, of course, it’s wildly impractical from the point of view i don’t know the point of getting into a car, into a carriage, but when you walk
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around the catherine palace in such a dress, then of course you understand something that you can only be there in this outfit and not in any other. filming lasted 90 days, right? yes, well, there are probably 70 of them, somewhere around that, maybe this shows how carefully they approached the girl, probably, yes, yes, of course, this is a fairly long filming period, well, for twelve episodes, but still the filming was very intense, but it always seems to me that the viewer often thinks that he is filming order, but of course this doesn’t happen , that is, for example, if we are filming catherine’s chamber or catherine’s office, then we go into catherine’s office and we spend 4 days filming all the scenes from - in the office from all twelve episodes, that is, first here they can maybe i’m still here, this is the third, sixty-fourth year, then, 10 years later, the seventy-fourth they changed the dress, changed the wig, made the age a little, that is, and so on through every scene, and it wasn’t so easy, thank you great, you intrigued us, tonight we will definitely watch the film series the golden
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age, the great, the great golden age, in that order. just imagine that once upon a time this, so to speak, high-tech gadget, which now costs, by the way, a lot of money, was just a stick and another stick, well , just two sticks, now it’s really just a super gadget, it’s called a mop, the mop can be electric , sometimes it’s steam, sometimes it happens, but sometimes it’s a stick with a stick, yes, well, there are many different ones, but you know, someone might prefer a washing vacuum cleaner, seriously, places it takes a lot, of course, but it cleans everything perfectly and... then he himself still needs to be cleaned, then he cleaned out both his wife and husband completely from the apartment, and maria nikolaeva decided to find out what is better, what prices, what sizes and whether it even needs to be washed floors, i’m kidding, of course you need it, an electric mop, a steam mop, a vacuum cleaner, it’s important to choose these assistants for
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the task, let’s look at the functionality, fashionable cordless electric mops are suitable for any hard surface from tiles to... laminate: a container with water is attached to the base, with cleaning fluid and battery, then the water is supplied to the roller, which rotates; there are brushes that collect this dirt. special container, already dried stains, including greasy ones, it can handle, but the corners of hard-to-reach places will have to be swept and washed by hand, and after cleaning, be prepared to tinker, stretch the roller to charge the battery, usually it lasts for 20 minutes. in the case of steam mops, experts recommend corded options: pour water into the reservoir, after 20-30 seconds, it’s already steaming, disinfects, and deals with stains on any surfaces. without any products, ideal if there are children, allergy sufferers or animals at home, it copes much better with severe dirt
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than an electric mop or a vacuum cleaner, there are special attachments if you need, for example, to clean the cracks between tiles from dirt, there are attachments even for windows and carpets , but be careful with natural fabrics they can cook if you choose the wrong mode, one more nuance, you need to take into account that... before cleaning the carpet, you must definitely vacuum it, if you have carpets at home for deep cleaning, experts recommend a washing vacuum cleaner, sprays water under pressure, sucks it up along with dust, small household debris, easily deals with stains, but is not suitable for all surfaces, linoleum tiles, carpets can be cleaned with a powerful vacuum cleaner, washing laminate is not recommended, water can get into the joints of the laminate and the laminate later will deflate and become unusable. another disadvantage is the dimensions, unlike electric and steam mops, the classic version for every day is not so convenient, the alternative is this
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hybrid form. between an electric mop and a washing vacuum cleaner, yes it can be compromise, but you need to understand that this washing vacuum cleaner will have much less power compared to traditional high-power vacuum cleaners. as an option, robotic vacuum cleaners with a wet cleaning option are low power, but do an excellent job of removing dust, small debris and pet hair. eat. there are four-legged animals at home, then before you start the robot, check if there are any surprises from them, otherwise you won’t be able to do without general cleaning later. in general, when choosing any device, we look at the power from 500 w, tank volume, than more is better, different attachment modes are always a plus, the abs plastic body is stronger, metal handles will last longer. maria nikolaeva, sergey namunka, channel one. so, moscow celebrated the chinese new year at vdnh, the year of the dragon, a huge eighteen-meter dragon for the holidays , well, of course, he was personally present here, but
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in general it was fun, interesting, very bright, our correspondent, ruslan yunyaev, was convinced of this. at vdnkh they celebrated the new year according to the lunar calendar, also called the asian or chinese calendar. festive program opened at the skating rink, now behind me, you see, an eighteen-meter dragon came out. this is a symbol that the new year has already arrived. the chinese of jealousy consider themselves descendants not of monkeys, but of this mythological creature, a symbol of strength and dignity, therefore the dragon dance is an important ritual and a procession. look, the dragon seems to have gathered all the visitors to vdnkh from the skating rink to the twenty- second pavilion, where the terokot army exhibition is located, but before the entrance there is another ritual dance of the chinese lion, the lion brings good luck. inside, guests are greeted with the beating of drums and also not for the sake of entertainment, the loud sounds of the drums are for good luck and also ward off evil spirits. and, of course, where would we be without traditional
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dances with fabrics, viers, and umbrellas? it symbolizes love, beauty and play. for a complete immersion, take a tour of the exhibition . when they say oriental exoticism, it seems to us that these are lanterns, sticks, something else, but in fact, this is fine art, this is art, this is theatrical art. literature, painting, poetry, calligraphy, of course, that’s a lot of things from this you can see here. more than 150 exhibits, replicas of chariots, weapons, historical costumes. it is based on an archaeological sensation of the 20th century. clay army of the first chinese emperor, tsengshehu. only part of the complex has been recreated, but it is impressive. you can take a little bit of china with you, a photo against the backdrop of the great wall of china, in traditional dresses. the new year has been celebrated, but the exhibition continues.
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hello, there is a news release on channel one, in the studio maxim sharafuddinov and briefly about the main thing. arrow vs valkyrie. how reconnaissance drones are destroyed in the northern military district zone, the enemy will not get through. night work
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of paratroopers near artyomovsky solntsepe in the kherson region. new footage from the front lines. from the crimean bridge to alushta the new route bypassing samferopol is 2 hours faster, what will it be like when the builders promise to complete the first stage? a flight of fantasy from a half-kilometer-long mountain as a fireball - everything your heart desires, from an airplane to a military bathhouse. not like in a tank, as i said, like in a spaceship, in the unknown, the traditional sanifest died down in tatarstan. and february swing in the central region, today there is a thaw, and then frosts and record high pressure, weather forecasters compare the sensations to descending into a deep mine. and at the beginning of the special operation in the southern donetsk direction, our fighters thwarted five attempts by the ukrainian armed forces to carry out a rotation. near artyomovsk , the paratroopers smashed enemy dugouts and operated successfully at night in the donetsk sector.


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