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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  February 12, 2024 6:30pm-7:56pm MSK

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temperature swings will be accompanied by fluctuations in atmospheric pressure; on friday it will be abnormally high, 769 mmhg . that's all for now, thank you for being with us, right now time will tell the program. hello, live on the first channel, the program time will tell, i’m artyom shenin, and as always, live we discuss the most important, most current events, and in an interesting way, here we are on thursday - we discussed at that time an interview that was just getting ready for publication vladimir putin, now takeru carlson, now we are already discussing him a few days after this was in the interview, the interview came out. after
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everyone who wanted to watch it watched it, everyone who wanted to discuss it discussed it, everyone who didn’t want to discuss it discussed why they didn’t want to discuss it, those who didn’t want to, those who wanted to discuss it, discussed those who didn’t want to discuss the opposite and so on, but in the most interesting way, that regardless of who watched, who did not watch the interview and wants or does not want to discuss the interview as such, i caught myself thinking, today preparing for the program that... regardless of anything, it has already become self-sufficient, and a self-sufficient factor in world politics, regardless of whether, i repeat once again, you looked, didn’t look, uh, it’s gone, it doesn’t matter, it’s important that it became a certain element of international politics today, regarding which, whether you like it or not, people who claim to be determined in one way or another... the fact that they
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are present in it is, in fact, one of the most interesting effects for me, because that even in its predictable attempt, well let's say, to downplay the significance of this interview, those same politicians who at least pretend that they, well, there's scholz, who, well, naturally there, then they all alternate there, compete, who will call him what, so who will say,
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well as if nothing happened, but if there was nothing, why did you all burst out so much then, why do you consider it forced and necessary to comment on it, and the funny thing is that at the moment when you and schols, you sunok, there you and kirby , no matter who you are, you are still actors in world politics, you your attitude and your attempt to downplay the significance of this interview made this a factor in world politics, but this is somehow absolutely childish, i... i never ceased
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to wonder why they were so torn before the interview, why they all became so stupid, even those who had something to be stupid about, why is this something so completely helpless, some kind of , well, this is really some kind of sandbox, a junior group of a kindergarten, all these statements, this is some kind of attempt, you know history, against whom we are friends, in principle, the so-called serious world the press is not far from all this , in this sense... the reaction of the serious world press, especially in our country, remember, the anglo-saxon, anglo-saxon press, the way it tries to react to this is also becoming a separate interesting reason for discussing that since she reacts this way, it’s as if for some reason, that is, roughly speaking, that they are trying to squeeze it somewhere under a bench, they themselves are just pumping, pumping, pumping, pumping, it’s very interesting how...
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phenomenon, no matter who or how, i repeat, i am assessing the impact of this interview, because when the press secretary of our president dmitry peskov says that...
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i specifically thought and decided to do this: i will ask people who are not like me, say, russian-speaking, american, yes, although i lived most of my life in america, the americans who were born there have nothing to do with ukraine, russia, look, so now this is what i will share with you, this will be a generalization
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of the results that , so to speak, here arose, and then i’ll talk about what these journalists are, that they write such things here, which means, you see, the americans, the public. 20 minutes was difficult, one young lady i know, so to speak, means the american woman fell asleep after 5 minutes, if it was a presentation, which says a lot about her ability to think about our understanding of the meaning and mechanism of different cultures, you know, ability to keep
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attention on such a subject, different cultures, you understand, look at the face of tucker kars, he himself is a historian, he was in some places it’s a pity, well, yes, but listen, thugs, who are the varangians, but he doesn’t know who the thieves are, you know, 20 minutes would have been fine, now it was for peace, that’s who could survive the first 20 minutes, they got absolutely invaluable information, an invaluable lesson, now i’ll go through the points, what i’m summarizing is that the americans who decided to watch and listen carefully... what did they find important for themselves? first, these are not my thoughts, again, the thoughts, so to speak, of people, putin, this is the first time he clarified the concept of denocification, yeah, before that it was the word denocification, but many people including me, by the way, what exactly does
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it mean? there was a clarification here, this is a very important clarification, because we know what theses are being circulated in the western, in the western media regarding the statements, so to speak, of the moscow moscow leadership. justified and clarified, the first point , the second point, it was very important for them to also hear what putin said about those who are responsible for undermining the nord stream, so he clearly said, you, well, meaning carlson personally, this is also very important , meaning it’s not carlson’s personal, but carlson preferred, it is said that he has an alibi for this day, no alibi, yes. yes , he told cia at that moment, he even said, yes , yes, he said, he even said in english, that is, this is a very valuable thing, and another very valuable thing is putin’s thesis that for the american viewer, putin’s thesis that the war did not start in february twenty-two, in february twenty
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-two russia made an attempt to end the war, the war began after the maidan of the fourteenth year, this is also a breakthrough of the information blockade, because this is a breakthrough of the information blockade for those who... that is, there was an opportunity to prevent much of what putin said from reaching them, as i said on thursday, as i said on thursday, this means that for many americans who were ready to hear putin, they had the feeling that they were being told something wrong in america about the war, about the northern military district, but what exactly they could not, this is the same thing, they were told this, which they did not know before, because many americans they don’t understand that there is a type of conflict that actually consists of stages when one...
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she’s very intelligent, she, so to speak, well, well, well, you know, well, it’s just that the average american, not everyone can survive , they can live these 20 minutes, this, although the information is indeed very informative, now it’s interesting about this reaction, you know, in general, just so you know, for the last 15 years i have agreed to communicate with american journalists only in live, yeah only without the kupu, there’s a 6-second delay , everything goes on, otherwise, i don’t know what it ’s turned into. journalism, because
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about 15 years ago chicago trimmed an interview with me, not even on political issues, where in some places it was said, attributed to me the opposite of what i said, that is, they have some kind of idea, they are already just interviewing a person to insert into the thesis they already need, to adjust it to what they need, so they write, well, look, why carlson all the time, all the time he lets putin talk, because why should you argue with a person who you... is not at all the interview that tucker carlson would take if it were his will, that is, it
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was absolutely putin’s agenda, which he gave to tucker carlson, of course well, i imposed it there deliberately, because he wanted this , so to speak, part of the lecture about history, it doesn’t matter, but it’s clear that tucker carlson, well , putin’s agenda that was imposed on him, accepted, accepted, that’s what i wanted and add that i wouldn’t even, that is, me personally. and you cannot but agree that for the standard american consumer of the product of anglo-saxon journalism, this is certainly not a completely familiar style of interview for them in general, and even more so not what many of them would like, completely unusual, you just compare, say, an interview with trump. at trump's, trump speaks there in two-minute, maximum two-minute, showman
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and this was expected of him, of course, and putin said a serious conversation, of course, by the way, this was the first, that's why i say that i think that putin is completely deliberately, if you like, even imposed this agenda, he first asked him if we were having a talk show or a serious conversation, caught him, yes, he said, but he could not answer differently, after all, putin meant exactly that. we will do the interview according to the patterns familiar to your public or as it should for those who are able to think, he had no options, and he said that of course, also somewhere there, it seems to me, the not very careful one mentioned some kind of historical education, he shouldn’t have done it, well, in short, what ended up happening is that it worked out, let's move on with the matter, we will still revolve around this a lot one way or another, because this is all very interesting, this experiment, that someone fell asleep, someone did not... fell asleep and so on, this still brings us back to the question of
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whether their thinking process has been initiated and that, even if it has been initiated, what does this change now, there is a feeling that it is changing something, judging by how the administration freaked out and so on, about what we'll all talk together later, but nevertheless, in your opinion, it was done this way so that what do you think will happen in the end and how will it happen? look, there is a process of thinking, conveying our truth, and so on, firstly, i want to say about the immediate reaction of my inner, when i myself was reading now like this... why are they all so yes, well, what he thinks is of course, my editors, too
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, artistically, so to speak, got their thoughts wrong , so to speak, but then... you’re absolutely right, everyone’s reaction is such that, well, we categorically cannot remain silent, we categorically cannot say nothing positive, and we must say something negative and talk nonsense at the same time, and nonsense does not scare them, look, i’ll tell you now about this very beginning of the introductory part of the historical part, but let’s take this...
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south , you can imagine that sijinping in his speech says easily, yes, that iran, saudi arabia, egypt, yes, easily, well, this is a big difference, because these are like these water mosquitoes jumping on the jumper according to the agenda, she they change twice a day, and putin saw this too, showed a fundamental approach, yeah, the last one in america was kissinger, yeah, he allowed himself. long periods of prehistory there and so on. putin showed the fundamental nature of his approach to these issues. as for the girl who fell asleep, you know, how now we’ll get to the girl who fell asleep in the good sense of the word, but, but, but still, in your opinion, this is the story that he really demonstrated, vladimir vladimirovich, this fundamental approach
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of this lecture and etc. not only these other questions too. there are also referents, and advice, vladimir vladimirovich himself understands perfectly well who he works with, objectively, well, i’m at my wit’s end, if i needed to address an american audience of millions, well, i wouldn’t risk giving a twenty-five-minute lecture at the beginning, realizing that such a girl is not alone there, then the question arises, this was clearly the solution to some problem, what kind of problem was being solved at that moment, i will answer, i will answer.
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absolutely consciously, deliberately interrupting kaker carson and this has nothing to do with him personally, that is, nothing personal only business, what people in the west should have heard, by the way, in the east too, so in their minds there is a newspaper publication, one state, russia, attacked another state, ukraine, well, this is like an example. a picture in my head, well, for example, brazil attacked argentina, or great britain attacked france, and he says: guys , it’s more complicated, this is one state, he blurred this idea, he showed that ukraine is us, this is partly civilian for those who are not, who, well, girl, i hope she fell asleep,
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then i woke up, and it’s like with dostoevsky, i woke up in another world, a different girl, right? dostoevsky, what is the complexity of dostoevsky, even for our reader, it is very difficult to enter into the text, but you have to endure 20 pages and then not tear yourself away, yeah, that is, you are saying that this solved the problem of immediately cutting off those who are still not able to think condition, because they are american architects, and everyone who is able to go through this, what peskov is talking about, they have a function. no, a certain one must be blurred in their heads template, this is not a template perception of tomorrow’s words of biden, sunak, macron and so on, it was a task to problematize
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their consciousness, yes, but in fact, it’s not in vain that you, by the way, also remembered, and on saturday the day before yesterday i streamed for two hours on i conducted the interview on my telegram, but in solo mode, without answering questions, i analyzed this interview. page after page, meanings, bookmarks and so on, it took 2 hours to do this in a conversational mode, it was laid out in this introductory part, and i told my listeners that the interview had passed and now the advisers, well, like educated boys, himself a half-adviser several times in washington, london and paris, ran, like me, to print, analyze and prepare for their bosses, yeah, yeah. a list of messages , yeah, messages, so i basically did the same thing, so here’s the message that is included in the introductory part, it’s really sensational, and those who listened to it in
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their heads, give us this sensation briefly, briefly in american according to american advertising, just to have time to move on, and twice, twice the same thesis was pronounced and twice the second thesis spoken by vich in a short period should have been brought into the heads no longer... i understood you, this is his next sentence, now let's switch to a short advertisement, let 's move on, why it seems to me that it is very important to say this now, exactly what i said at the beginning, because now this interview, as an impact on the brains of not only
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those who watched, but those to whom the transcript will also be brought, it continues to work to influence the further development of the situation, which is why it is so important to analyze it, to understand, expand and deepen our understanding of it, we will continue immediately after the short advertisement. homeland, where it’s always good, homeland is where you will be supported, and homeland is something worth living for, he has such a rich soul that people like him simply don’t exist anymore, like russians.
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big changes await the ukrainian leadership. the sbu is still a watch on the americans. malyuk is more of a human being. therefore, the americans are initiating reforms
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to move the sbu a little to the side, through weakening the sbu, they want to glorify zelensky. malyuk completely suits everyone because he carries out repressions. the nazis are just resting, the sbu kills a person and nothing. he was satisfied with the blood, but the question arises: what next? malyuk is a person who always answers the question: for money, yes. vasily malyuk, head of the lawless killers service. dolls of the heir tutti, today on the first. it’s obvious, war has been declared on me. the only thing i don’t know yet is who commands the enemy army? i know that you promised metro on my birthday, i can’t live without it, we have the baby is coming, get ready. for the wedding grigory grigorievich, there is a plague in moscow, no one will leave the city until the infection is destroyed. what’s strange about the fact that i’m calling you, asking
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you to come, and you? you don’t come, what’s the reason , i don’t want to be the next, the second lieutenant is sick , there’s something behind his head , he raised his hand against the queen, against god’s anointed, you want me to kill the impostor, if only i was sure that she's a greaser, let's talk like men, great, golden age, big premiere, watch the time after the program, perch and ice, two elements at the junction of which real, great art is born, emotions are off the charts, the atmosphere is charged to the limit, but for victory it is important to maintain icy calm, splashes of ice from under the skates are like sparks of hot metal, and
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the ice melts like... hot ice, spartakiad of the strongest, live broadcasts from magnitogorsk on february 17 and 18, on the first. my advice: don't sit close to the screen, it might be too hot, meet me in the steel capital of russia. it doesn't happen that a person was in your life and then he disappears, even if he dies. in this girl, she almost doesn’t recognize the child who 5 years ago lost her most precious thing, her mother. i do not think. that i am without her, i have a pile of memories, but this is my mother. yulia nachalova died very young, at 38, leaving her beloved daughter, vera, to her parents and ex-husband. i said that, unfortunately, i have very difficult news for you, that my mother is no longer with us, what he experienced at that moment, that evening, only he knows, it is a great responsibility to tell your child that his mother has passed away . . how did the only one survive this loss?
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daughter? what path did she take after her mother's death? i’m somehow very mega-strong, somehow i had everything so i pulled myself together, that is, our exclusive 5 years of the adult life of a girl who decided, no matter what, to become a star in memory of famous mother. when you appeared in the world , my life changed, i will always be by your side, exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere on saturday on... the program time will tell, we continue to work live, we are even discussing live, probably not only, and maybe not so much the interview itself that vladimir putin gave to tucker carlson, but those consequences and trails of meanings, and not only meanings, but the effects on the minds, including those making decisions,
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that it produced, that is we...
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kicked out my grandfather, the interview hasn’t ended yet, and we kicked out my grandfather with a story that was quite interesting for the american public about what one of the prosecutors who investigated how his grandfather worked with secret documents said as a special us attorney, robert hur said that in general well, in general, don’t touch grandpa, because if we start touching him, it turns out that he doesn’t understand anything at all, so in places it seems like nothing, but it turns out that he doesn’t understand anything, at this... risk
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before going to bed, i put on the cap, so i was getting ready, which means this ice cream with milk and ice cream was rolled out, well, i don’t know the quality of the shooting, evaluate it yourself , i remind the person rolling out to demonstrate what about... as you know, initially mexican president sisi did not want to open checkpoints to let humanitarian aid through. i became those who persuaded him, convinced him to do it.
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fine? yes, that is, you understand how they roll it out. in order to refute something, perhaps to distract from something, he does all this, which means he performs there, but what’s even more interesting is that they roll him out during an interview, he performs this whole brilliant story, so to speak, and after this, of course, has already been written about it, but the number of articles of this kind, as you will now hear in serious publications, somehow begins to grow noticeably journal, the united states can serve as a global state a doer, a master negotiator with congress, a chief comforter in difficult times, or a man who entertains the american public. the problem is that many voters don't see joe biden as embodying either of
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these traits, despite his string of successes. voters believe biden is unable to fully serve as president. let me remind you that these articles already existed, but now they have become quite dense. bluntly, i won’t speculate, but in general, of course, when putin is going on for two and a half hours with lectures on history with facts and so on and so forth, and even in general, the rather not stupid carlson floats in places, when in parallel with this the grandfather, well, in general the wall street journal, i understand where they get such thoughts that like, well the contrast is not very in their favor, moreover, more precisely... at the same time, look at what another publication, not the last one in the states, offers. senior us democratic party officials say president biden, who has largely avoided interviews and press conferences, should do much more
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be in public more often and communicate with the press and voters. in their opinion, this will help dispel fears about the mental acuity of the us president. i emphasize again, that is, you understand how this contrast, which... everyone, of course, noticed, everyone says, yes, somehow our grandfather doesn’t have enough practice, we need to roll it out more often, so preferably without this, without a prompter, he is vladimir vladimirovich, nothing, something like that, yes, very significant in this regard, i cannot deny myself this pleasure of what this topic is reaching scale in american society, again i repeat against the backdrop of this interview with a lecture, with architects falling asleep at the same time, but nevertheless, and the brownie kuzya in the sense of karine jeanpierre, who, of course, comments on this, it seems to me that this is the best achievement in general, the white house hr department, this is a brownie, she’s simply the best,
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let’s listen to her. the president has said several times this week in public appearances that he held talks with deceased european leaders, you can explain what's going on? what he was trying to say, well, many people, officials, ordinary people, you know, they, they make reservations, how would you characterize the general health of the president, his health, yes, well, you see him exactly the same way as i, i'm not a doctor, the president will have a physical examination and we will publish all the results, the special counsel indicated that biden is experiencing significant memory problems. in this case, he helps them rule the country, the us president himself
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rules the country, goodbye to everyone, good weekend, when we will be able to talk with the president’s doctor, and not just, yes, that is, these questions, which, as you see, are already being asked quite actively, i think that now they will be asked even more actively, well , actually, returning to their reactions and the fact that they tried to roll out grandfather and the fact that they tried... now they said that look, our
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hammer, he forgets their names, confuses the presidents, that is, this contrast too, this contrast, the contrast is read everywhere , here, and there, in those states, who are neither for us nor for them, but who watch everything from the side and try to benefit themselves at least something in these relationships, this is read very easily. after all - if you even remember the recent magazine - atlantic with its analytics about four scenarios that await russia, one of the scenarios says that an american magazine, and one of the scenarios says that if they have president putin here in russia even after the elections he will leave ahead of time, this is how the americans can play on this, interview with tucker carls. says: you won’t wait, no
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wait, you will be dealing with this leader, who understands everything normally , who is odd to you, and who analyzes perfectly, this is an important signal, but in parallel with this signal there is another one, with this leader you, if you want, can come to an agreement, because he is open, he is ready to negotiate, in my opinion, this is one of the most... then he will be left without support, he will be left
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without the support of the elites, without the support of the people and without the support of this historical baggage, you will have to deal with the same thing, so what or are you still starting a dialogue, or in fact, any next sentence will be much worse, yeah, that is, the interview itself, the very fact of it... and the way it was built, and the way they reacted to it in general predictably, although i was of course surprised by the extent of its stupidity, and the way it continues to work, given what we have now heard from takeran, i seriously doubt that their conversation was off the record with putin, he would have made it public in dubai, if he had no one, he received carte blanche, notice how many times during the interview putin talks about certain... conversations , but he interrupts himself and says, well
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, actually, you ask him, it was a confidential conversation, i won’t talk about it, that is, here, well, i think tucker is a highly professional person, he i realized that when this is repeated so many times , that well, these are the most important things for putin, by the way, you just said, when , well, regarding perception, i also remembered how interesting putin is juggling with these well, his abilities, which certainly compared when with one sides here... this is 28 minutes 988, princess olga, there are pechenegs and so on and so forth, then tucker carson, something about biden, and you? when was the last time we talked to him, putin, i don’t even remember, but the reaction was like, why? yes, that is, in this one , yes, that is, this is also very, at this moment, i kind of think, well, yes, in general, of course, i specifically said, yes, of course, that is, that is, exactly this story , when a person says that i don’t remember,
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an hour before that demonstrates that he is perfectly remembers everything and more than many people remember, well, this is normal live speech, it’s not like biden is like a robot. you said yes, but you said the most important thing, that this is all, this is what i listed, this is all in order to convey the message that, like, guys, if you still want to talk about something, agree in a normal way, taking into account our ideas about beauty, then we are ready, yes , of course, of course, but on the conditions that we need, yes, but then it’s hysterical, there in the establishment there are scholtz, kirby, shmirby and so on further. once again they didn’t expect it and missed it , they don’t yet understand what they missed, but well, because they are confused, because they missed a powerful information blow,
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because you like or don’t like what is said in this interview, but in in any case , this event is already so historical.
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your leader is speaking belligerently, you are repeating the same theses, but you can’t do anything, he said, you’re still you except blah blah blah, you can’t do anything, of course, but in 2007 putin said that , that yes, all the treaties on conventional weapons in europe are in a critical state, already six months later this treaty was suspended, well, examples, examples of what when...
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he talks about this, i agree that, here, this is some kind of cutoff , after which, regardless of any specific questions and answers in the interview, well, this will be the milestone that, before and after, at the moment when this interview was heard, the messages given in this interview, then we will find out how everything it went, by the way, regarding the topic not really such intellectual composure, i say very diplomatically. there is frightening news from the united states in this regard, because you know, it is of course alarming when the president of a nuclear power is poorly thought out, but when us vice president kamala haris, amid voters' concerns about the age of the country's leader joe biden, announced that
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she was ready to serve as president usa, you understand that, i’m ready, he says to fulfill my duties, there’s no question about it. you immediately think, maybe grandpa isn’t so bad yet, maybe maybe somehow, maybe we are all in vain, maybe, especially since all this is being said against the backdrop of the election campaign, and of course, against the backdrop of all these comparisons of absolute contrasts and trump for the americans themselves, not only does putin look very different now differently against the background, when in general trump, of course, well, let’s say, soared, in this sense... after what everyone saw about grandpa, especially against the backdrop of vladimir vladimirovich, you once said the phrase here , that - against trump they can only release biden.
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methods of disqualification or court cases, and this process is happening, we will have two hearings on thursday in different courts, but if this cannot be done, then the combination that is really very desirable for the democrats - for the democrats - will be biden and trump, because that they believe, they really believe that there is a chance to defeat trump again, the democrats defeated trump in the three previous cycles, that is, the twentieth year can be argued right or wrong. there were democrats of slightly different intellectual standards, of course, of course, but i also have another very important point here, i would like to add it, well, i’ll just finish this thought now, which
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means the point is that if, if trump removes himself, then biden will need to be replaced, because that instead of trump, naturally , a younger, more presentable candidate will have to be nominated, biden looks like a disaster against his background, but if, so to speak, biden withdraws, then it will be necessary to run against trump, if this happens...
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but this managed to hide, he didn’t even recognize his national security adviser, he thought that this was the british ambassador, that is, this is not new for america, but when reagan was president, they managed to hide it, that is, the problems here are not even physical, but he did not run again, yes, it was they want him for a second term, yes , but here yes, here, well, i’m also correct, but here’s another point. it’s not even a matter of biden’s physical condition, but the point is what results his presidency brought. you don’t even need to take foreign policy into account. afghanistan means actions, actions of the united states in on the eve of and during, which means, the northeast military district, the middle east conflict, there is no success anywhere. but more importantly, if we take the domestic political situation in the united states, america now very much resembles the soviet union of the late seventies. the eighties , not only the state of the leadership , just such a situation, you know, that statistics on the economy are coming out, they are excellent,
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well, the stock exchange, the s&p500 index set a record, closed at 5.00, live broadcast, that yes, yes, here , in short, if you look at the statistics, everything is great, but people for some reason they live worse, you know, that’s how it was, remember the soviet union, and that time, that is, you have excellent statistics, a record harvest, the rentals there are excellent, everything, but people live worse. worse, it means that prices are still rising, they tell you that prices have dropped, but they are rising, you understand why biden explains, i don’t know how often it is discussed here in the russian-speaking sphere, but in america it is constantly that biden and his administration they say, yes, you live better, you just don’t understand that you live better, uh-huh, you see, this, this is the problem in fact, that is, not even so much, that is , biden and his condition is a symptom, and the reason for this symptom, the reason is... this this symptom lies in the disease, it is serious structural crisis of the american
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political economic system, and trump offers a cure, and trump offers a cure, trump offers a cure, well, trump, trump offers a cure, and, well, it’s clear that this is still a pre-selection, but he offers such a cure, very clear to many americans, and what of course scares many europeans, here he recently means trump , well... well, listen, yes, the president of one big country stood up and said: “well, sir, if we don’t pay, russia will attack us, you protect us? i said, you haven't paid, you're in arrears. he said, yes , let's say that happens. no, i wouldn't protect you, moreover, i would encourage them to do whatever they want. you have to pay according to the accounts, well, he said correctly that it ’s a race?” for his audience,
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yes, there, of course, everyone is just completely hysterical, stoltenberg is hysterical , it can’t be like this, all these publications , that is, numerous, that yes, what are you talking about, he is causing a split, this, by the way, reminded me, and this is also a very interesting point, because trump is in in this situation he behaves, well, well, i don’t know, have you ever told your child there that if you don’t lie on your side, a little gray top will come and drag you away. behind the barrel, yes, and if at that moment a small child begins to cry, afraid of the top that it will drag him away by the barrel, well, that’s kind of normal, but when grown-up guys and entire leaders of countries are crying, they take it seriously, it’s strange, or right now you won’t eat semolina porridge, a dog will bite you there, and the child begins to sob, as if with these, he has the feeling that he really - assumes that he is dealing with morons, and they
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confirm this to him, well, first of all, i would like to point out... in answer to your question, pay attention to one, not just one, three times during the interview with tucker kalson, vladimir vladimovich spoke about the quality of western elite, uh-huh, once he even showed, uh-huh , and this is actually unprecedented, well , it’s like, he’s talking about everything about them, that’s who you ’re worried about now, so he said this about all of them, so he showed it, uh, you too, by the way, is this understandable in america? yes, that is, everyone understood, he said, and some of them probably even went to open it, and they have it in their heads, you mentioned a very important phrase, this is for demonstration, and not only to the west, but also to the global south and east important demonstration, you said he was talking to tucker, as if stopping himself, so that we wouldn’t talk about this, yes, seven times this
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happened, i counted, seven times he said that - answering, i will not convey words from this confidential conversation, this is incorrect, seven times he he said this, this is a demonstration of the level of diplomacy, we remember the film of macron, who filmed negotiations with putin, only such an interesting conversation, we remember the film of macron, he says how to behave in the film, how to behave, he demonstrated, this is important, and at the same time, just which you remembered. he speaks with an american journalist and he does not name the president, by the way , when he listed the presidents with whom he is familiar, he named only the republican, he is a pinnacle and trump, clinton, he mentioned , in vain clinton upodu nato, so when he said about incorrectness , he said that they called us from the united states, and if we remember his interview with vladimir
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solovyov, he was there in front of me. obama called and said: “stop yanukovych, we will stop maidan.” and they deceived me. also important. throughout the entire interview, in the post-historical part, regularly, regularly, he says that it is impossible to negotiate with you, you deceive all the time, your written word is worth nothing, especially if spoken. and two more points, briefly, we, well, someone was expecting a sensation from this. interview, seriously? yes, yes, i will, they were, they are there, but you just need to see them, mikhail said about denazification, that it was important for american society and for european society too, there was a sensation inside the conversation about denazification, i at one time after the meeting vladimir vladimirovich with the leaders of the african union, when he showed that istanbul agreement, he did not show two
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pages, the title page and the first page on the demilitarization table. i then said that it was said on the next page about denazification, and i even assumed that it was said there, back then, and there the ukrainian delegation denied that there was nazism in ukraine, then in istanbul, they denied, he himself said about it, well, i i say that in order to start the process of pre-nazification in ukraine , one law is enough, and vladimir vladimovich confirmed this, yeah, that is , the law according to which bandera, shukhevych are recognized as criminals, it was not in vain that shushkevich said it, it was said. that shushkevich is also a criminal beloveskaya by a separate law, yes, one law recognizing them as criminals triggers renaming, monuments, textbooks, information there was only political will, yes it is clear, but the will is under the bull of our pistol, and i don’t know about political will, but administrative will we have, within the framework of the administrative will, we now have advertising on channel one, a big premiere,
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empress grisha, much is given, but not much is allowed, but what should i do if i love you? watch the time after the program! cnop gin is a product of stellor group. cognac monte shoca, product of stellor group. what do i want to talk about, what of what i experienced deserves attention? among the many joys and pleasures that accompany youth, when i became a writer, i experienced incomparable happiness in a small village. i lived with a blacksmith, helping him forge horseshoes in his forge . with long tongs i held a red-hot iron in my hands, and he hit it with his ringing hammer. i ask myself, who
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am i? what force brought me out of my moscow apartment, forced me to cross my native threshold and threw me across continents, across cities, across warriors, across conspiracies, across revolutions, threw me into multitudes. adventures, many dangerous adventures, what motivated me, who i was, who i became? alexander prokhanov, confession, premiere, today on the first. daggers are after their hearts, daggers, russians, are not very cool. how we exposed the large-scale operation of tsepso with the help of which the russians wanted to discredit missiles will put us at odds with china. they present any source in hieroglyphs as the official point of view of the chinese communist party.
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viruses, what to do if someone in the house gets sick, it is very important for you to be healthy, about this and much more, in the program it’s healthy to live, tomorrow on the first, the potogon fjords of chile there are hundreds of kilometers of coast where no human has set foot before . machu picchu is a city floating above the clouds, we can be transported to another time, feel the genius and greatness.
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america is one of the advantages of modern and future world order. is there a separate latin american civilization? some believe that no, others are sure that there is a latin american civilization, here it is. civilization premier. film four. latin america, on thursday, on the first. fire and ice. two elements at the junction of which real, great art is born, emotions are off the charts, the atmosphere is tense to the limit, but for victory it is important to maintain
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icy calm, splashes of ice from under the skates are like sparks of hot metal, and the ice melts like steel, chelet spartakiad the strongest, live broadcasts from magnitogorsk on the seventeenth and 18th of february, on the first. it doesn’t happen that a person was in your life and then he disappears, even if he dies. in this girl, she almost doesn’t recognize the child who 5 years ago lost her most precious thing, her mother. i don't think i'm without her. i have a lot of memories, but this is my mother. yulia nachalova died very young, at 38, leaving her to her parents. ex-husband, beloved daughter, vera. i said that, unfortunately, i have very difficult news for you, that your mother is no longer with us, that’s what at that moment, that evening he experienced, only he knows. it is a big responsibility
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to tell your child that his mother has passed away. how did yulia’s only daughter survive this loss, what path did she take after her mother’s death? i’m somehow very mega-strong, i somehow had everything and pulled myself together, that is, our exclusive. i'll be by your side. exclusive with dmitry borisov. premiere on saturday on the first. time will tell the program, we continue to work live when we are with you on thursday in anticipation of the release of the interview, about which we have already talked quite a lot and interestingly, and discussed, well, what are the expectations from it.
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this kind of psychoticism there and so on, we discussed with you a not uninteresting, although of course not the most important point, and not to try to interrupt this with something, as a possible topic with which it will be interrupted, as you remember, we called this zaluzhny’s resignation means all this, all this, now in fact, is still in the american press in this american media, and this is history, which they had been pumping for a long time, pumping for two weeks, it somehow shot out in the background.
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that it’s not that they are trying to interrupt putin’s interview with zaluzhny’s resignation, but that on the contrary, they are hiding zaluzhny’s resignation under the media storm from putin’s interview, because well, no matter how beneficial it is for them to have this discussed in their western press , including , that now, as i say , and the wall street journal says that there will be complex stories and now all these articles about avdievka, that now it’s like butcher’s cheese. will drive them somewhere to attack again, which seems they will now try to recapture avdeevka again and have transferred a third assault brigade there, and obviously in order to participate in some actions, but what do you think, here’s how to relate to this, to what has already happened from the point of view of reality, here not rats in this fuss, from the point of view of the realities, first of all, at the front? well, firstly, after replacing the commander in chief, not once anywhere... did we
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hear about why this was done, from a military point of view, that is, if yes, for example, a new commander in chief, because he new, new strategy, there is a new approach , a new expectation, zero, zero, they just changed it and that’s it, yeah, that is, it is clear that this is political history, and in the west it is read very clearly, read, very clearly, and it is read in the west very clearly exactly how political. and not military with what sign? i’ll explain why i’m asking, because there is a point of view that vika nuland came , including to try to dissuade him from this again, namely as a political action, but apparently it didn’t work out very well, because well, if with zaluzhny at least they scraped, they handed over the star of the hero of ukraine and so on, then many other resignations are more likely to resemble not a reshuffle in the military leadership, but an attempt...
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he needs at least micro-victories, he needs that and than syrsky gives him a chance at least for more micro-victories than zaluzhny, well, because look, if in some area. front, here is a demonstration going on in avdeevka, but , frankly speaking, it’s unlikely, at this time, if you arrange it secretly, there is a three to five times advantage in manpower, organize the same work there, send it there five times advancing, to the minefields, he is a general of 200, he doesn’t care about the minefields, all the mines will explode
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at the first rank, the second will pass, well, this is the kind of victory, recapture some village there loudly, this is necessary. because he is in general trouble, he has 2-3 months left to be a legitimate president, he needs some kind of platform in order to at least usurp power, but at least do something to stay in power, so first of all he shakes things up, so i really don’t rule out that he’s ermak’s prime minister they will send it to markarov, that is, he is strengthening the top and the military also for himself, and, moreover, with the loss of legitimacy by the president in general and...
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what do we understand from all this, that now, as i understand it, the chances of in the coming weeks, that syrsky may throw someone somewhere in some kind of meat assault, so i think that at our front everyone understands this and is ready, well, at our front, i’m sure that all this is all understood in advance, and we say that it could be, for example, avdeevka, where they dragged, considered today.
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proposed a big deal, well, we actually discussed it, yes, and this proposal is quite specific, but he says: come on, we’re not talking about zelensky, you’re talking about the american president, but about the american one, that is, the proposal was made, now the hysteria will pass, they are now in a state of hysteria, confusion, calm down, sit down to think, call those who know how, so they must respond to this proposal, in this sense, more aggressive behavior at the front... contradicts that proposal that putin made to the west. well, let's see to what extent zelensky continues to remain completely controlled, because if he were completely controlled, perhaps he would not have changed zaluzhny, whom the army at least respected, in his political interests, as for
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tsirsky, somehow i’m not very sure. another problem for grandfather biden, who , as we understand, does not cope well with complex reality, and besides the fact that... it’s not very clear here that there is a cheese zelensky, proposals from putin about that they needed to talk, they told everyone that, well, in general, something needs to be solved, it’s not very simple, as i understand it, they now have a situation in the middle east, due to the fact that bibi netanyahu, i so my, is not going to stop fighting, as the american press writes, this causes biden great irritation, or at least they want to. send such signals, because this is the kind of publication that appears, we listen, in the last week... threshold spoke about netanyahu, with whom he is not familiar one dozen years with amazing frankness. he has spoken contemptuously of
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netanyahu as a guy, and the last three times biden has called netanyahu a freak. biden also reported that after starting off so well, bibi has recently become a pain in the ass. yes, well, to be fair, the word they use there, which my editors translated as freak, that too may be, but this word is very ambiguous, there may be more severe options. well, this is also soft in general, literally, but i’m not actually on this and that the word that nbc news publicly uses is a harsher word than the one we use, this is a direct insult in fact, this is a direct and harsh insult, while netanyahu, apparently, is not going to crawl away anywhere, there have already been conversations, that they are already going to start something in rafah in rafah on... on the border with egypt, and egypt, which
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had behaved very carefully before, nevertheless made a statement that camp david’s whole system could be covered with a copper basin that threaten to cancel their long-term peace treaty with israel, the syrians, if i remember correctly, the foreign ministers made a statement that this is not the first time...
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at the level of the heads of the special services they developed a new plan for a truce, for the exchange of hostages
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who are in the gaza strip for palestinian prisoners , and despite the fact that i think that half of the hostages, if not more, are no longer alive, well, unfortunately, people are dying, yes, including due to the actions of the israelis themselves, which is hitting netanyahu, in fact , but while he sits and... he is now deliberately torpedoing the plans that developed, in general, with the participation of the head of his intelligence service, massat. yeah, but netanyahu’s task is to create at least two buffer zones. in the north of the gas sector, in the south of the gas sector. in the south of the gas sector, this is precisely the settlement of trafakh and what is called the philadelphia corridor, well, this name has long stuck, the israelis want to chop off more.
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on october 7, bibi was already prime minister, naturally at that moment israeli society accuses him of what was natural , which means we missed the mark, as they say, we more than once they said that it is beneficial for him while the fighting is going on , bibi definitely cannot be removed, you know, netanyahu will head the government, because israel is there. and here i started talking about this, because in this sense, netanya now and zelensky now, these are
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, in principle, people who, well, roughly speaking, are tied to war, because while there is war, they have a more or less stable situation.
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unlike netanyahu, zelensky can now be changed, he himself was a fool, having removed zaluzhny, he showed that it is possible, without anything will change, he has set himself up politically and i think that’s the case and because other tasks are set in relation to this, you say as if you are sure that replacing zelensky now with someone is definitely better, we’ve already all been waiting for poroshenko once he leaves, he left, well, this is quite expected, and there is advertising on channel one, the head of the sbu.
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americans are little more than human, so the americans are initiating reforms to move the sbu a little to the side, through weakening the sbu, they want to disgrace zelensky. malyuk completely suits everyone, because he carries out repressions, the fascists are just resting, the sbu kills a person and nothing, he is satisfied with the blood, but the question arises, what next? malyuk is a person who always answers the question: for money, yes, vasily malyuk, head of the service of lawless killers, dolls on... slednyako tutti, today on the first. rum, castro, product of stellar group. vodka, veda, product of stellor group. old barrel cognac, a product of the stellar group. it’s obvious,
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war has been declared on me. the only thing i don’t know yet is who commands the enemy army. i know you are they promised vnitrom on the day i came of age, i can’t live without him, we’re going to have a child, get ready for the wedding, grigory grigorich, there’s a plague in moscow, no one will leave the city until the infection is destroyed. what’s strange is that i call you, ask you to come, but you don’t come. what is the reason? i'm the next one. i don’t want to be, the second lieutenant is sick , there’s something behind his head, he raised his hand against the queen, against god’s anointed one, you want me to kill the self-deceived one, if only i was sure that she is a self-deceived one, let’s talk like a man, great , golden age, big premiere, look at the time after the program, it doesn’t happen
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that a person was in your life, then he disappears, even if he dies, the girl almost does not recognize the child who 5 years ago lost the most precious thing, his mother. i don't think i'm without her. i have a lot of memories, but this is my mother. yulia nachalova died very young, at 38, leaving her beloved daughter, vera, to her parents and ex-husband. i said that, unfortunately, i have very difficult news for you, that mom is no longer with us, what he experienced at that moment, that evening, only he knows. this is a big responsibility, talk. child that his mother passed away. how did yulia’s only daughter survive this loss, what path did she take after her mother’s death? i ’m somehow very mega-strong, somehow i felt like i pulled myself together, that is, our exclusive 5 years of the adult life of a girl who decided, no matter what, to become a star in memory of the famous mom. when you appeared,
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my life changed, i will always be by your side. exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere on saturday on the first, palm open, under no circumstances should it be clenched into a fist, the only place. where there may be a pistol in the left hand under a napkin, we can avoid opening a second front only if we decapitate the leadership of countries hostile to us with one blow. it became known that the germans were preparing a large-scale operation in tigeran. dear gevorg, all six umbrellas that you ordered for your father’s pastry shop are ready. six umbrellas meant six paratroopers. are they germans or not? and then i saw an army boot. they don’t wear these in iran, this is my fourth job year, during this time i didn’t ask you for anything, and we found these six german radio operators, and someone else will take them, drink some water,
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comrade stalin grinned into the hall , they led the six germans we found, to the centenary of the lartanyan, on february 17, and 64 years after the tehran... event, selya sandis, churchill’s granddaughter, came to moscow, she thanked me for saving her grandfather’s life. civilization premiere, film four. latin america, on thursday, on the first. ah, i agree with my guests that the interview. vladimir putin, tucker carlson, and by the influence it had on the western, and not only the western establishment, and of course, will
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continue to influence it, and of course, the world will no longer be the same as it was before this interview, the more important such supports, ribs of rigidity and stability in our world, one of them is the program of the doll-successor tute, it is in place. what do you think amber and a granite pebble have in common, and also a log, you won’t believe it, owner, vasily malyuk, head. sbrainy, who only rose from rags to riches, immediately squeezed out people's most valuable resources, and those who disagree or attempt.


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