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tv   Vremya  1TV  February 12, 2024 9:00pm-9:59pm MSK

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they are trying to seize control over the whole world , they are training a mass of people, who then end up in the white house managing everything, a fund of 11 billion passes through itself up to one and a half trillion, it is impossible for the cia to simply take and give money to the russian opposition , interference in internal affairs, laying out an intermediary , which provides intelligence services, they try to misinform the society where they go, in russia they failed to do this, let’s say in ukraine they succeeded, and the carnegie foundation, which worked in moscow, was declared an agent and stopped its activity. after all, their main task is to move on to global depopulation, and this is precisely work with public consciousness, the transgender agenda, the creation of genetically modified nutrition, golden rice was supposed to feed everyone, and now it turns out that they have to reduce everyone, that they imagine themselves as inhabitants of heaven, and this is why they are dangerous, the funds, the real masters of the west, the dolls of the heir to tutti, tomorrow on the first.
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hello, the program is on air, ekaterina berezovskaya is in the studio, here are the main topics. growth exceeds forecasts vladimir putin o the situation in the russian economy and tasks for the coming years. details of the meeting with the president. hunt for valkyrie. footage of the combat operation of the strela-10 complex under flint. and the latest data on the state of affairs in other areas of the special operation. the capital captivated tucker carlson about his trip to moscow. and his interview with our president continues.
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viewing records. supporting agriculture, developing the far east and preparing for the games of the future, which starts next week. the main topics of the meeting between the prime minister and the deputy prime ministers. healthcare, technology, industry, a new day of the election campaign in faces, deeds, statements. first queen elizabeth, then the prince of wales. the british fleet is going down, two aircraft carriers, each worth 3 billion pounds, have not yet set sail, what’s the matter? living legend 99 years old galina brockbeltsova, a pilot who beat the nazis on different fronts of the great patriotic war, her memories of war, courage and love. 4 days in north korea. tourists from russia were the first to come to the dprk after the pandemic, which surprised the trip. unconditional priority of the state
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- increasing incomes and quality of life of citizens. vladimir putin announced this today at a meeting on economic issues. the president conducted it via video link from the kremlin. economic growth last year was higher than expected. now it is important to unlock russia’s potential at a new level in a variety of areas, including in the field of high technology, to create modern jobs with good wages in all regions. what other tasks did you set? they are the ones responsible for economic development, starting with the results of last year, the indicators are very good. economic growth last year was higher than expected. gdp.
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russia has added, so we still counted 3.5%, according to the latest data 3.6%. this is higher than the world average rate, the world average rate is simply 3%. the economy of developed countries is simply 1.5%. it is very important that such dynamics are primarily based on our internal capabilities, which is what it is. we have achieved dynamics, so the volume of industrial production over the year increased by 3.5%, while the manufacturing industries added 7.5%. in some industries double-digit growth figures, for example, the production of computers and peripherals plus 32.8%. vehicles, aviation equipment and shipbuilding - 25.5%, furniture production increased by more than 20%. positive
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dynamics of the real sector and confident business performance are increasing. not raw materials, manufacturing industries, the january federal budget deficit amounted to 308 billion rubles. anton genorevich, as far as i understand, this is much less than last year, right? yes, vladimir vladimirovich, indeed, last year in
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in january, large expenses were made, and of course, the deficit was much higher, large advances were made, which means for a whole range of expenses, therefore. the deficit was significantly higher, but according to my data, we now have 1.3 trillion rubles less than last year, this is such a serious indicator. balanced budgets of the region, last year there was a small deficit, this year there is already a surplus, the income of the constituent entities of the federation exceeded expenses by 14 billion rubles. the president also noted the high indicators of economic activity and consumer demand. this has a positive effect on sentiment.
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the central bank raised the key rate, this means that borrowed money for the financial sector and loans for the population became more expensive, against the backdrop of an increase in the key rate of the central bank, of course, this was a predicted phenomenon, lending slowed down, so in january the loan portfolio of legal entities decreased by 0.2 %, while individuals, on the contrary , slightly added the same 0.2%. i know that colleagues. carefully monitor these parameters, it is extremely important to maintain a balance between the tasks of development, building investment and lending, maintaining employment and ensuring price stability. other priorities are ensuring technological sovereignty, updating infrastructure construction and comprehensive
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development of human settlements, all of which will be included in the socio-economic action plan for the next 6 years. it is important when implementing all planned plans. positive growth was announced today by the international monetary fund, they noted that the situation is developing better than expected, this is reflected in the recent imf report. in january experts have significantly increased their growth forecast for the russian economy for the current year, by 1.5% compared to the estimate made in october. now the fund believes that
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the russian economy will grow by 2.6% in 2024. now a special operation. the russian army continues to strike military targets. behind enemy lines, targets hit in the kirovograd, nikolaev, dnepropetrovsk and kharkov regions are reported, including two trains with weapons and ammunition, port infrastructure and military-industrial complex enterprises. what regarding the situation on the front line, our military has improved the situation in the krasnoliman direction and repelled two attempts by ukrainian attack aircraft to attack. the enemy lost up to 300 fighters, weapons and equipment. we occupied more advantageous positions on the donetsk front, repelled 13 attacks, and destroyed two american m-777 howitzers and two field warehouses. and also about the combat work of the russian military in different directions of the northern military district. in the forest near kremennaya, anti-aircraft gunners shot down ukrainian valkyrie-type aircraft drones. they conducted reconnaissance of our positions. it worked
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calculation of the strela-10 air defense complex. neither a drone, nor a helicopter, nor an airplane can escape this. footage from the front line with evgeny lyamin. the tree seemed to have been cut off by a shell fragment in this area of ​​our artillerymen’s position: the forest is under flint, the enemy is constantly firing, we were walking towards one of the guns when we heard machine guns... there can’t be a burst of gunfire here, it’s far from the line of combat contact, most likely they’re shooting by drone, it is forbidden to move, everyone is hiding behind the trees, there she is hanging, here, here, here, we have her just behind a tree, she’s not there it’s visible, hanging, it’s a fury, fury, fury , it’s not hovering now, a drone is hovering, apparently it’s a fury, and from all positions they’re firing machine guns at it, the black wing of the light gray sky is clearly visible at...
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10 its shooting is moving away from we are getting farther and farther away, after the drone the valkyries flew away, but this does not mean at all that everything is over, on the radio our crews in this area are transmitting to everyone in the shelter, there may be an artillery strike, it is difficult to shoot down a reconnaissance drone with small arms, even if you hit it, a bullet can flash the wing and he will continue to fly, but strela 10 will not escape the anti-aircraft missile system. anti-aircraft gunners of the southern group of forces shoot down an enemy drone, this complex is capable of hitting low-flying targets, airplanes, helicopters and... drones, eight shells, four on the installation and four ammunition racks, you stand in landing,
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you find a target for us, that’s it, report, we left, we worked , the most important task is to prevent the enemy from suddenly approaching, and also to reveal his measures for rotation, the supply of material resources, and this is the night work of the paratroopers near artyomovsk, the enemy tries to move in the dark, calculating. unnoticed, but our reconnaissance officers conduct surveillance day and night, control the enemy’s approach to their forward positions, in these frames the crew of the carnet anti-tank missile system destroys a group of infantry. severnaya 200, watch, when ready, open fire. and this is footage of the work of paratroopers of the dnepr group. lancet loitering ammunition destroys enemy mortar crews. here the work is already on large areas, so to speak, on the sweeping outline of the sea of ​​fire. it is clear that it hits, the santsepek heavy flamethrower system. 24 thermoboric
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missiles, they are capable of covering an area of ​​up to 40,000 km. fortified areas, command posts, and a massive concentration of infantry. our motorized riflemen are supported from the air on the front line. a pair of su-25 attack aircraft strike with unguided aircraft missiles at enemy equipment in the donetsk direction. one shell fire, tank crews, motorized riflemen, artillery, their work here is already habitually called combat duty, replace each other, go about their daily lives, moving to firing positions, identifying the enemy, delivering strikes, many of them are volunteers, of different ages, vasily, actually the crew number of the multiple launch rocket system is hurricane, but while the cook is on vacation, he replaces him, how old are you, it’s inconvenient to say, but i was getting ready. 65 years old, he was preparing specifically, he wanted, of course , to be there, to beat the enemy, to receive a baptism of fire,
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after a baptism of fire in life - says the unit commander, a lot changes, you begin to look at everything differently, here they have a church in their positions in the forest, did it ourselves soldiers, its doors are always open, we got this church from the tankers, uh, of the central military district, they erected it here, illuminated it, we have a lot of uh today military personnel who have already been baptized here. they have already realized that they need to be closer to god, people come to this, consciously come, evgeny lyamin, sergey shilin, nikita sebastyanov, dmitry litinenko, channel one, new names of heroes of the north military district, guards, junior sergeant stanislav khismatulin, senior gunner of the rocket installing a hurricane, received from intelligence coordinates of the militants who were trying to attack our positions from the flank, quickly aimed the gun and destroyed the enemy with an accurate blow. major mikhail guzhviev led the convoy that was carrying it out from under fire. equipment to the airfield, the cargo was delivered on time without loss, thanks to which the control points established
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uninterrupted communication. in order to act coherently and effectively on the front line, our fighters regularly hone their skills at training grounds. conditions are as close to real as possible. experienced instructors try to bring the skills of their students to automaticity. often in combat there is a split second to make a decision. oleg shishkin observed the training of units of the southern military district. run over tires laid out on the ground, dive under a wooden crossbar, jump over another, crawl under rows of barbed wire, all this in wet, heavy snow mixed with black grass. and under gusts of wind that almost knock you off your feet, this is a so-called psychological obstacle course, in addition to wooden hedgehogs, piles of stones, barbed wire, there are explosives everywhere, of course, for safety reasons , the fighters were instructed where exactly they should not go, but when the explosions will be heard, none of them knows, the fighters’ task is to suppress the feeling of fear in themselves,
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there are explosions from the right to the left behind their backs and even along the route of movement. one after another , so that clods of earth fly around, so many, after such training, not only have their ammunition soaked through, but also black, as if smoked faces, the house curtain corrodes their eyes, almost all the fighters are far from beginners, they have been in real life more than once battle, clenched teeth go forward, only the eyes give away the feeling of an explosion in the immediate vicinity of two-hundred-gram tratil bombs, and yet this charge is enough for a passenger car to become a pile of metal, at every obstacle they... a surprise awaited them in the form of a pusher or a tripwire, there were explosions, it was necessary to look at their reaction, how they behave, well, bring it to automaticity , so that the next time in a similar situation , already in combat conditions, so that during an explosion they don’t get lost, don’t look around, don’t turn their heads, they immediately find the nearest shelter, from an instructor with the call sign khan impressive combat experience, after being seriously wounded, doctors did not allow him to return to
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duty, for more than a year now he has been passing on his skills to fighters, i will do everything to make sure he is ready, there is no unprepared fighter.
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this technique is indispensable in close combat, but it is necessary to detonate a mine, which is triggered by a machine gun bullet. the know-how is used to organize ambushes. an accurate shot from cover and instantly awarded for the explosion. olek shishken, vladimir grineevich, andrey stoika, first channel lugansk people's republic. and now the look from that one on the other hand
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, those who served in them speak about the deplorable situation of the ukrainian armed forces at the front. of course, this can be called a service at a stretch. kiev of the minsk agreements, this was stated by russia's permanent representative to the un vasily nebendi at a meeting of the security council, it was dedicated to the ninth anniversary of minsk-2. it was on february 12, 2015 in the capital of belarus that a set of measures was signed
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to implement the agreements concluded back in september of the fourteenth year. the document provided for a ceasefire in donbass, retraction is difficult. two more checkpoints on the border with ukraine were blocked by polish farmers, grain spilled onto the roadway, and burning tires. european farmers, but all
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the protests that swept across several countries of the old continent at once have not yet influenced the decision of the european bureaucrats in brussels. moscow makes a more pleasant impression than any city in the usa, it is much cleaner, safer and more beautiful aesthetically, its architecture, food. services are better than in any american city. in fact, for us, residents of the capital, these words are not surprising, but when they are uttered by a star of american journalism, and even in the current political situation, this is truly an event. well, tucker carlson shared these impressions. now he is at the world government summit in dubai, and last week he was with us. there was enough time for work and a cultural program. his interview with vladimir putin continues to break all records. in the x network alone, the number of views is approaching 200 million. more details about everything from our american correspondent, mikhail akinchenko. it is unlikely that among the participants of the world government forum in dubai
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there will be at least someone who missed vladimir putin’s interview with tucker carlson, and although the american journalist posted the entire recording of the conversation online from the first to the last word, something should have been left behind the scenes - the forum moderator hints. did you have coffee with putin before or after the interview? yes, after that, did you feel that he was ready to compromise on ukraine, yes or no? of course, the very work of the leaders of any country on this planet, except perhaps the united states in the period of a unipolar world forces us to look for a compromise, this is what is called diplomacy, and putin is among such leaders. in a certain sense, tucker carlson himself also acted as a diplomat; he gave an opportunity to a gigantic western audience. to hear what she has not heard for the last 2 years, to evaluate what is happening from a different point of view, however, not all of these efforts were approved, can you explain
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why there is so much negativity about your interview from many of your fellow politicians, well, i’m not very i love the internet and not the most popular person among my colleagues in the usa, i don’t listen to them too much, so i don’t think it’s a big loss, i don’t know... what they are motivated by, i didn’t go to russia to advertise vladimir putin, and i’m already about i said this, i went because the majority of americans on behalf of whom everything is being done, i don’t know what’s going on, they don’t know anything about the person with whom we are supposed to be not officially at war, and i feel that my job is to give people information so that they can make decisions. it wasn't easy to do this job for the first time, according to carolson, he thought about the possibility of an interview with the president of russia 3 years ago, but then he was prevented, they tried to prevent him. now, the journalist says, but for him it has already become a matter of principle. the intelligence agencies of my country were working against me illegally , and this outraged me, because i am
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an american citizen, i am 54 years old, and i pay taxes, i obey the law, it is difficult to believe that in the america where i grew up, the government and its intelligence agencies, the nsa and the cia, which have always been focused on external enemies, will turned against american citizens, i was shocked by this, i was furious with this, and as soon as i... became an honorary guest of the exhibition at vdnkh, of course, this is a showcase of all the best that our country has, but this showcase is filled to failure. it came as a shock to me
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that moscow, where i had never been before, is the largest european city with 13 million people, much nicer than any city in my country. my father was there in the eighties when he worked for the american government, there was barely electricity there, it is much cleaner, safer and aesthetically more beautiful.
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one of the things we have learned over the past two years is that the industrial potential of the russian federation is much greater than we thought. russia, a country that has been called a gas station with nuclear weapons, has an easier time producing missiles and artillery shells than nato. and russia does all this for only one purpose: to protect itself. as for all these statements by western politicians about threats to eu countries, there is simply no sense. carlson was finally convinced of this after his meeting with putin. lawmakers have convinced themselves that putin is going to take over poland. i'm not defending putin, i'm not a fan of his, and yet there is no evidence that putin is interested in expanding borders. he already has the largest country in the world, and it is difficult to govern. they don't need natural ones. there is nothing in poland that he needs; by taking poland away, he will get nothing but problems. well, if you don’t forget about the motives, then a lot becomes clearer. in this sense politicians around the world now have something
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to think deeply about. mikhail akinchenko, svetlana vidyashkina, nikita pakmutov, stanislav opletin, channel one. comfortable conditions for living, doing business and recreation , and the development of the far east, which, as you know, is one of the priorities for our country for the entire 21st century, is the focus of the government’s attention. at an operational meeting with deputy prime ministers, mikhail mishustin noted that the cabinet of ministers will allocate over 40 billion rubles more to the so-called far eastern concession. this is a special mechanism that serves as a great help for entrepreneurs. among other topics , support for farmers, as well as preparation for the games of the future, in kazan, they will start next week. more details about everything anna kurbatova. the far east , russia doesn’t just begin here, the far eastern regions are almost 40% of the territory of our country, while the far east was really far for a long time, when in 2013 the president said the development of the district was a strategic priority for the entire 21st century, it was difficult
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to imagine that happened here in a decade. growth, they involve the creation and modernization of infrastructure that is in demand by residents, including kindergartens, schools, housing and communal services, and roads. one of the tools for implementing such projects is the far eastern concession. over the years, this form of partnership has proven its effectiveness; now we will allocate over 40 billion rubles for its implementation. the investor creates the infrastructure, and the state returns the invested funds within 15 years. in 2022-23
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. within the framework of this form of partnership has already 96 billion rubles were allocated. and that’s what, four schools, a rehabilitation center, a health center with a swimming pool, a ski stadium, a marine tourist center in khabarovsk, a children’s camp, and a far eastern art museum will be built in the magadan region. in the kamchatka territory , a new public center will be built and the central square of the regional capital will be improved. and also a sports complex in chukotka, a modern ski resort, a resort in primorye and much more. what else will be built in nine far eastern regions, a new historical stage, a program for the renovation of 25 far eastern cities, in which living conditions will be improved, and a new city will appear near vladivostok - a satellite on the shore of the amur bay. the development of the far east is one of our highest priorities, and we, of course , must provide the citizens of these regions with comfortable living conditions. another topic on the agenda: support for our farmers.
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it was in 2017. a program was launched under which farmers could take out a loan at a preferential rate for production, and, no less important, processing of agricultural products. this mechanism has worked well and will continue to work this year. the government will allocate 20 billion rubles to the ministry of agriculture. resources must be quickly provided to farmers, and i ask you to keep the implementation of this task under control. and today we discussed how preparations are going for one of the main sporting events in history. the games of the future will start in tatarstan on february 21. it is important that all events are held at the highest level so that fans from different countries can follow the competition. tickets are actively selling, we see a huge, i would even say rush demand. more than 600 russian foreign media are planning to cover the tournament. both all-russian television channels and digital platforms vkplay and trova will be used for broadcasting. no one in the world has done this before. competitions on
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real virtual platforms.
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the nuclear power plant is more than 90% ready, the general director of the state corporation, alexey likhachuv, announced today. he checked how the installation of the heaviest equipment at the site, the base of the generating system, was progressing. weight - 430 tons, length 12 m. let me remind you, will become the first nuclear power plant in turkey. there will be four reactors in total, each with a capacity of 1,200 megawatts. the turkish project is the largest construction project on the planet, four reactors are already being built by the state corporation rosatom in egypt, but here the first unit is already in its final stages, construction readiness is more than 90%, all the equipment of the nuclear island has been installed, and here in the turbine hall work is in full swing to start up the turbine and
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an electricity generator. now to the election campaign news: healthcare, technological sovereignty, development industry, these are just some of the areas in which the presidential candidates are working. ivan prozarov has all the details. here we have microscopy. molecular genetics laboratory, radiological research department, bone marrow transplantation department. this is the republican center for pediatric oncology and hematology in ufa, which was launched on february 2 by vladimir putin. co-chairman of his election headquarters, head of one of the capital’s clinics, maryana lysenko. the conversation turned to the development of the healthcare system with taking into account modern challenges. taking into account the sanctions , taking into account those relationships, we must be sovereign, we must strive for pharmaceutical independence, drug
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supply with all groups of drugs, both life-saving drugs and the most high-tech drugs . and this is footage from vladimir, putin’s regional election headquarters with proxies here. vladimir mashkov met, he expressed gratitude to the volunteers who collected signatures for nomination for elections and accepted proposals and orders from voters, those proposals that are received on housing and communal services, on medical care, and cultural issues , business issues, innovations in industry and sports issues, issues of pensioners, they are systematized and... then all of them will be brought to our candidate and with all the proposals will continue work, the ldpr candidate came to the vishnevsky central military clinical hospital, where our military personnel, including soldiers from the northern military district, are undergoing treatment and rehabilitation. leonid slutsky talked
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with attack aircraft konstantin golovin, call sign lawyer. he volunteered for the front and took part in battles in the mariupol direction in kremennaya. slutsky supported the proposal to erect a monument to the stormtroopers, and they talked about the progress of the north military district in general. necessary. now we should stop messing around with the armed forces of ukraine, we must understand who we are dealing with, with a high probability, we must proceed from this, this is the extreme battle between the forces of evil and nazism in human history, we must win. the candidate from the new people party, vladislav davankov, today spoke with young people in private innovative it college in moscow. applicants enter here after ninth grade and can start already in their second year. programmer, designer, game developer or security system developer, nine out of ten college graduates find work in their specialty. i am now preparing my own large program, it has a large block of pre-education, but for me all my life it has always been important that students,
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firstly, work in their specialty, and secondly, find themselves in the city where they were born and where is their small homeland, and i i know that the college has many branches and the program is approximately the same, different... i met with employees of the experimental instrument making plant, where they produce a large assortment of devices for computers, cars, led lamps, the team has more than 600 people, order, culture of production , discipline, average wages, management, specialists, i think that today this is exactly the idea that both the prime minister and the president, among others , repeatedly say that we need to train engineers of the future, well , probably here... it just finds a solution to all the issues, so it’s very pleasant, we are surprised,
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and this is perhaps a distinctive feature of the current pre-elected company, a lot of work for the development of the country together with voters from a variety of industries . ivan prozurov, pavel rudakov and sergey deev, channel one. the head of the pentagon was hospitalized for the second time since the beginning of the year. lloyd austin is in the icu. he was taken to the hospital, reportedly due to immediate bladder problems. in my powers minister. the military department notified the chiefs of staff of the us armed forces, the white house and congress about this. it is unclear how long treatment will take. the fact that austin had prostate cancer became known after his first hospitalization. the fact that the authorities hid this fact from the public provoked a big political scandal. unhealthy situation: britain's vaunted and expensive aircraft carriers. one by one they get up for repairs instead of going on a big and loudly announced sea voyage: problems are not only on the water, but
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on land, and also in the heads of british politicians who live with imperial complexes and russophobic fantasies. our correspondent in london, pavel krasnov, will continue the topic: to see with their own eyes how the pride of the british fleet, the aircraft carrier prince of wales, goes to sea , hundreds of onlookers gathered at the pier in portsmouth, but all of them were disappointed. at the last moment , local newspapers broadcast a dry message about... the ship's departure from the port was postponed indefinitely. the aircraft carrier prince of wales is due to leave portsmouth soon, with suitable weather conditions and tide. any additional updates regarding release times will be posted at a later date. and all this could have been a simple misunderstanding, if not for the feeling of déjà vu. just a week ago , another british aircraft carrier, the queen elizabeth, was due to set sail to lead a group of ships in the largest exercise since the cold war. nato, but he too was unable to leave the harbor
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due to a mushroom propeller failure. the princes of wales then began to urgently prepare for a campaign as a replacement, but again there was failure. it's no wonder the newspaper headlines are filled with frustration. hope it doesn't break again. the royal navy is canceling the deployment of a £3bn warship at the last minute. the british have good reason to be unhappy here. queen elizabeth prince's two twin ships bypassed. the queen elizabeth class aircraft carriers are the largest and most powerful ever built for the royal navy. the weight of the prince of wales is 65 thousand tons, length is 280 m, maximum speed is 25 nodes since construction, both ships have spent most of the time. history, but perhaps
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his glory is truly a thing of the past. troubles with aircraft carriers are far from the only ones, not so long ago photographs were leaked to the press, instead of missile launchers , treadmills were installed on the new aircraft carriers, the weapons turned out to be too expensive, the scandal with a nuclear submarine was even louder, it turned out that the parts were for cooling. london is also trying to be in the lead,
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for example, by training ukrainian soldiers. question just what? there is a video on the internet, one of these trainings. it’s somewhat similar to today’s britain, where big words are not always backed up by deeds. i would say that the british have phantom pain. you know, how when some organ has already been cut off, amputated, and a person still feels it, that’s how they feel it. all the pale prime ministers who replaced him , well, in fact, the queen and the current king charles, this really, well, is devoid of any prospects; sooner or later the british will be able to send an aircraft carrier to sea surely, the question is for how long, in the past the prince of wales already had to return to the port in tow, so with its participation in
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nato exercises, britain is indeed sending a signal, but hardly the one it was counting on. pavel krasno, dmitry volkov. they are talking about readiness to enter into a conflict in syria; according to the minister of foreign affairs of this arab republic, damascus can return its lands occupied by israel, we are obviously talking about the dutch heights, for which israel and syria have already fought. you are looking at the time, now there is advertising, right after ours strategic missile carriers over the neutral entrances of the barintsev and norwegian seas. 99 years of the legendary pilot galina brockbeltsova, who beat the nazis on the fronts of the great patriotic war, our tourists in north korea after a long break, which surprised the first travelers from russia. stay with us on channel one. she and chamberlain potemkin constantly talk about something,
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and began to invite him to all councils and holidays. potemkin, you saw potemkin, crooked, askew, mating - all this is my ugliness. look how you have risen above your comrade in arms, get ready, empress grisha, much is given , but little is allowed, but what should i do if i love you, great, golden age, big premiere, watch after the program time,
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monte chococa cognac, stellar product. rom kastro product of stellar group vodka veda product of stellar group cognac old barrel product of stellar group burbon сtirsman product of stellar group whiskey mankatcher product of stellar group. сnop gin product stellar. groups. what do i want to talk about, what of what i experienced deserves attention, among the many joys, pleasures that accompanies youth, i, having become a writer, experienced incomparable happiness. in the tiny village of mala, i lived with a blacksmith, helping him
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forge horseshoes in his forge. with long tongs i held a white-hot iron in my hands, and he hit it with his sonorous... i ask myself who i am, what force took me out of my moscow apartment, forced me to cross my native threshold and threw me across continents, across cities , by warriors, by conspiracies, by revolutions, plunged me into many adventures, into many dangerous adventures, what moved me, who i was, who i became, alexander prokhanov, confession , premiere, today on... first, you see how happy i am, because i finally have time for myself, a super innovative idea, because no one in the world has done this, create online -cosmetics designer , i feel like a sorceress who creates an incredible elixir of youth, most of our formulas are unique and effective,
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so we create our own unique product, in 2013 we released the first snowball of our production, after which we began to expand our lineup. in the production of our we try to localize snowmobiles as much as possible with russian production. you have a very large assortment of snowmobiles, but of course this is for girls. our everything, premieres on saturday on the first. fire and ice, two elements at the junction of which are born. this is real, great art, emotions are off the charts, the atmosphere is knee-deep, but it is important for victory. raise icy calm, splashes of ice from under the skates, like sparks of hot metal, and the ice melts like steel, hot
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ice, spartakiad, the strongest, live broadcasts from magnitogorsk on february 17 and 18, on the first. this is the "time" program and we continue. a planned flight over the neutral waters of the barintsevo and norwegian seas was carried out by two tu-95 long-range strategic missile carriers. the duration was more than 5 hours. the bakedonians were accompanied by a russian su-35s, and on certain sections of the route by foreign fighters . the flight was carried out in strict accordance with international rules, our ministry of defense emphasized. and now about the one who became real in the world of aviation. legendary galina turns 99 today brockbeltsova, a veteran of the great patriotic war, the only living woman navigator from
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the 125th air regiment, including its members, the germans later called them night witches, on such a dive bomber, this is a pe-2 winged vehicle, brock beltsova made dozens of sorties, smashed the fascists like a woman indeed, cold-blooded and selfless, fate gave galina pavlovna a long and incredible life... for hours, when i come and see her, i think you need to have such a head, such cadres of scientists,
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engineers, designers, to create such beauty, she has dozens of combat missions behind her: belarus, stalingrad, leningrad, the caucasus, kursk, the baltic states, eastern prussia, those places where she and her crew defeated fascist troops. pawn is brilliant. had several firing points, at the navigator's, a submachine gun, a birch tree, at the gunner's, there 's the tail, in the tail the gun is standing dead. when the war began, a sixteen-year-old schoolgirl volunteered for the military registration and enlistment office, after training as a dive bomber navigator, she was sent to the women's air regiment named after the hero of the soviet union, marina roskova, the one who led the legendary night witches. a staff officer came to polksk on some business and said: you know, girls, by the way
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, the germans call you night people, not only witches, but sorceresses, why? because you don’t let them rest properly , neither wash nor shave, they’ve just gotten ready , here you are, bang, there’s no bathhouse, and he says, they hate you, terrible powers, that’s what he says, okay, that means we’re still giving them light a cigarette, and the french. liked it, they say: you are not witches, you are day furies, we looked in the dictionary, an avenging fury , they said, we are all furies, all avengers, not witches, but it stuck, aviation became one big family for her, which determined her entire future fate, she found her husband here, or rather, he found her and sought her out, squadron commander, pilot az, georgy beltsov.
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and he told me: you cannot step on a person’s soul with your soldier’s boot. 60 years
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of marriage gave them three children, seven grandchildren, 13 great-grandchildren, for each of whom they are a true example of true family values ​​of selfless love for the homeland. an honored guest of parades on red square, she did not miss a single one of them, each time looking with admiration at those, including those for whom she risked her life. yuri sherbakov, liliya zorina, dmitry popkov, alexey bakhvalov, natalya radeonova, channel. north korea is distant, mysterious, unknown, closed. a country where visiting at least once is an experience for a lifetime. but hardly any of you know that there are ski resorts in the dprk. the level is more than decent. and our tourists will confirm this. a group of russians visited the dprk for the first time after a long break. and, of course, not only the mountains, excursions, local cuisine,
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there is something to see and try. gennady kortelev was convinced of this. one of the most closed countries in the world, after all, it’s very difficult and interesting, i’ve seen different things, that is, completely different countries, contrasts, yes, but i think that north korea will surprise. the news about the opportunity to travel to north korea as a tourist appeared only in december last year and caused a stir among russians. it was assumed that the trip could take place with a group of at least 50 people, but there were so many people who wanted to relax in canter that the travel company even had to create a waiting list. as a result, 100 people are going on the trip, and these are not only far easterners. there are residents of the urals, siberia, the caucasus, muscovites and even kaliningraders. the tour lasts 4 days. this is certainly a breakthrough, this is an outstanding event in the development of relations between our two countries. our visit is, well, the result of an agreement at the highest level between governments, between the leaders of our two countries that you remember meeting. all tourists calmly go through customs control and a standard luggage inspection procedure. we see that tourists took their
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ski equipment with suitcases filled with warm clothes. despite the fact that it is now 4°c in kinyan, it will still be cool in the mountains. in general, people took with them everything they wanted, including laptops and phones. it is curious that the dprk officially lifted the ban on imported gadgets into the country only in january last year. everything that is not allowed take with you, as the travel agency officially reported, any literature with anti-dprk propaganda. last october , russian foreign minister sergei lavrov paid an official visit to biñan. even then he advised our tourists to pay attention.
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there are a lot of cars on the avenues, mostly made in china, which were practically non-existent before, but what can you say about north korea? first impressions are very people, well done, they built everything so well, there’s not much time for a measured walk, all attention to the main things attractions, the first stop for tourists on the hill.
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how do you like it, a wonderful concert, wonderful, you could come for just one concert, that’s it, the program has already been done, there is no curfew here after dark. the streets of pyongyang are not empty, it is evening, people are returning home from work, some are in a hurry to run errands, north koreans work 6 days a week, from monday to saturday. many north koreans ride bicycles on the streets; there are special paths for them, this type transport is recognized here as official, just like a car, so everyone has one. license plate number during the time that kimcheneun has been in power in the dprk since 2011 , blocks of skyscrapers, eighty-story residential buildings, huge shopping centers have grown in pyongyang, the appearance of the city is impressive and other things are how clean the streets are kept, a large-scale city, grandiose, beautiful, you can see for yourself, well , you can feel the notes of something from
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our soviet past. interest is not only in the capital. russian group goes on a ski trip a resort called masekryong in the east of the country. this ski resort is presented in many sources as a personal project of the leader of the dprk. during construction he came here regularly , the resort was opened 10 years ago, there are slopes for both professionals and beginners, the highest mountain is 1360 m, here we are on it now, the steepest slope is almost 40°, modern ski lifts, rentals available equipment, you can hire an instructor, everything is like at any other similar world-class resort, but it is very good, wide, high-quality, for skis just amazing, great, great, great snow, great pistes, very good. surprisingly, right after a holiday in a five-star hotel, where everything is also up to world standards, the restaurant serves local cuisine. rice, mansan-style rice with shells,
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porridge, snide, it’s probably very tasty, before the pandemic, north korea was visited on average by about 100,000 people a year, most tourists were from china, as before, now you can’t go here on your own, get into the country is only possible with the help of tourism agencies. in the dprk, perhaps very soon, tourists will go to the beach. it will be possible to sunbathe on the shore of the japanese or, as it is called here, the eastern sea, on such white quartz sand, along the coast of the tourist area called galma, dozens of hotel complexes have already been built. they are planning to launch off-season tours, and are discussing the possibility of russian schoolchildren vacationing in a north korean children's camp. while the ski season has not yet ended, the following two tourist groups of 100 each are preparing to leave for vacation from russia to the dprk people, already in march of this year. gennady kosilev, ian savitsky, channel one. democratic people's republic of korea. 160 years of the moscow zoo, a corner of wild nature in the center of the metropolis, a favorite
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vacation spot for both residents and guests of the capital. the first in russia, the zoo and one of the oldest in europe, began with just a few hundred inhabitants. now there are thousands of them. the cramped cages have been replaced by spacious enclosures, in which all conditions have been created for the animals. now they are one of the main stars of the capital.


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