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tv   Bolshaya igra  1TV  February 12, 2024 11:00pm-12:01am MSK

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my comrades, get ready, we need to leave immediately, the carriage is already waiting, and what she found with fire is a crooked lopsided one. cyclops, give it to your mother, don’t be afraid to be merciful, but no, alikhan, my time is over, diamonds can’t buy love. pack your things, we are going, where
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are we going, your excellency, to war, there is a big game on the air. discussion of tucker carlson's interview with president vladimir putin continues to be very relevant for the international media and today tucker carlson, who has already moved to dubai, where he spoke at an important international seminar, made from my point of view very interesting and significant impressions. about how he
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interprets his interview with the russian president and what his impressions of moscow and russia in general are. let's listen. i was truly amazed by moscow, the largest city in europe, 13 million inhabitants. it is more beautiful than any city in my country. i couldn't even imagine this. now it is much cleaner, safer, and more aesthetically beautiful. its architecture, food and services are much better than in any city. if you are it is too dangerous, then you begin to wonder: what is the purpose of leadership? putin wants to get out of this war, he will no longer be able to use the subway, which many point out when talking about new york, because they are open to negotiations over time. over the past 2 years, we have found out that the industrial potential of the russian federation turned out to be much greater than originally expected. the country, which was called a gas station with nuclear weapons, makes missiles and projectiles efficiently and quickly, but nato does not. these are the impressions of tucker cralson
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from his trip to moscow. alexander dugin, you are our regular participant, you are a very famous philosopher, you are a maestro of geopolitics, and in addition, you personally met with tucker carlson during his visit. how do you interpret what carlson just said, and of course, your personal impressions.
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accurately weighing, amazingly accurately weighing both his status and his capabilities, because he was removed from all major tv channels from fox news, the last one, and yet this person is on platform x, still banned in russia, in my opinion, is in vain, because it is necessary to monitor the fact that elon musk is now , perhaps, the freest social network in the world, simply the most open, the fairest, the most honest, here on...
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views of this interview, an interview that shook the world, an interview that sent to the west. and especially to this american conservative majority, which itself does not agree with biden’s course, sent completely unambiguous proposals, talk to russia, try to understand what putin means, pay attention not to what they say about him is about what he says, and thus, the wall of isolation, the wall of lies, simply erected half-latina, and censorship and council culture, everything was blown up, that’s a fact.
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i don’t have a nuclear one in pomino, i ’m only interested in the question of ukraine and the fate of my people, the old lands, that’s all there is to it, and therefore, if you don’t want a nuclear war, listen to what i ’m telling you, i don’t want it either, and this is an appeal , of course, not to biden, this appeal is not to blinken, this appeal is not to victoria, who started all this provocation, this is an appeal, if you like, to the future administration of the united states in some way. in a sense, this is the formation of this future, not only will we wait and if trump comes, no, a conversation with official washington is not working, it is most likely impossible in the current conditions, let's talk with the future america, let's talk
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with the present america, which itself is in the deepest opposition and in a split in attitude towards the ruling elites, this is what, in my opinion, tucker carlson’s visit means, otherwise that he liked it clean.
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your point of view, which seems to many in america, well, let’s say, unusual and unacceptable, so our like-minded people, they all watched this interview, they were very impressed by the way putin spoke to you, but we don’t think we can believe it , here tucker cralson says: moscow... he does not say that moscow is a peaceful city, but everything, as he describes, he clearly says that moscow lives a normal, healthy life, that life, so to speak, is in full swing, and what is moscow subway, and this
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is very important for people in washington and in new york, because for them the subway is very significant when they are told that the subway works better in moscow.
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saw more widely, his conclusion is that russia, firstly, does not have any aggressive plans against its neighbors, in such plans... russia simply does not, but there is another conclusion, and tucker krallson talks about this very it is open that russia does not need to be driven into a corner, that if you try in russia, for example, to take away crimea, then this can lead to a nuclear war, and tuckersin already gives this as his conclusion, it’s not just that he repeats what...
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for american politics he is already extremely right-wing, if you will, an extreme right-wing point of view, he is a supporter of peasant values, with we talked to him about various topics, he asked about the russians’ view of the west, a question that interested us, how, when we stumbled, when we collapsed, from your point of view, why a world that was free for another 30 years, or so it seemed to us?
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you know, i can’t understand, you and i we are at war, he says, we are all now , why was he struck by such a thing? he says, americans, and his friends from the group that filmed his program were sitting there, and i understand that you can treat me well, but we are at war, we go out to the cafe, to the bar seasons to my americans, to young guys, not to me , but to them, russians come up and say: oh, hello, americans, how nice, you and i are in...
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why, we don’t have any complaints about the west, as such, but what’s yours management does, with you first of all, and you are his first victim, and indeed there has been a substitution of all these liberal democratic models, i will say my point of view on what the roots of this are, in general the conversation was really long, very interesting, meaningful, and such communication that i had a conversation, honestly speaking, well, there with his like-minded person, he is my like-minded person, that is, those people who... in america now identify themselves with the line
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of tuquero carlson, that is, believe him, who are preparing to vote for trump, who support abbott, who is guided on this is conservative, who like elon musk and his politics, the lack of censorship in iksky, well, it is still prohibited here, we need to repeat, this is actually a different america, and this america looks at us, at russia, at.. .on russian conservatives, on putin, with completely different eyes, they cannot understand why it is necessary to fight with us, why in order to destroy us one must decide to risk the destruction of all humanity, this is exactly what they cannot understand, you know, i’ve been in america a lot encountered among the elite, new york, washington, especially, with real russophobia, i make a distinction between.
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judge joe biden, this happens in russia , i have not heard this, and it seems to me that it is very important that tucker carlson noticed this and understood this, and many americans spontaneously understand this, as you rightly said, who are close to you, to tucker kralzen and to me, and to me in terms of views and values, but it seems to me that it is very important that...
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things in trump’s policies and in his first presidential term, and in general , tucker carlson himself does not share many things, but there is trumpism, that is, not trump, trumpism , not intrampism is vitrustist, but intrampism is vitrustist, we trust trumpism, and this is broader, and this is the conservative america that rejects globalism in the form of left-wing democrats in the form of neo-cons, that is, this is some kind of nuclear core america, such flower zones. these inner red states, which are constantly conservatively one-story , are still traditional america, this is america , in fact, it is completely different, it is not not not not represented in the establishment, it forms the core of trumpism, he asks,
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if we have trump trumpism, do you have putin and putinism, that is, if and what you said, i said. that in principle , from my point of view, this is the main problem and the main issue of our policy, we have an unconditional leader in whom, in whom the trust and support of the absolute majority of our society and the imas elite converges - this is putin, that is, like putin it exists, but as putinism, that is, as its idea, worldview, something that would be broader than it, perhaps historically more durable, it is being formed right now and maybe...
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trumpism, because our trumpism is based on the fact that we don’t quite trust trump, we need to rally around a leader who will unite all of us, our majority is american, and you have a different problem, you have the idea of ​​​​tradition , historical , he says: this is not quite what we have, duration, fundamentality to the leader with whom you have already decided, this is the difference, and he even asks, is it possible to ask putin such a question about putinism, i say, well, it’s you yourself look there, and you are with him did you say?
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and i think that this is also no coincidence, because he sees in russia, in fact, a conservative, traditional society, which
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russians themselves sometimes do not see enough in themselves, this is a very important view, that is, he sees russia itself as we see it you and i, as the president sees her, as supporters of traditional values ​​see her, if you like, our conservative core, that’s how he sees her, that’s... that’s what he likes about her, that’s what his enemies hate in america, here, that is we, it turns out, this is not an east-west problem at all, russian americans, this is a problem, if you like, of two worldviews, one worldview is human, traditional, and the other is posthuman, anti-human, this is also the theme of transhumanism, transgender, it shocks him, that is, how can one refuse a family, how can one refuse marriage, how... can he give up the life where the american elite, the so-called progressives, humanity, america and the rest of the world are leading, for him this is horror, and in
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a sense he was asking, not only talking about how he sees it , but asked my opinion on how we see it, in general, it really was a conversation between two civilizations that are at war today, but at a deep level, from the point of view of conservative identity , we, frankly speaking, have no arguments against each other...
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actually simply the embodiment of something demonic, something already inhuman, and the fact that he talks not only about the dirt on the street, well, just think about the dirt there, he took it, got out of it , about that dirt of the moral innateness of american society, and these two things are connected, we’ll talk more on that in a couple minutes, because there is dirt on the american streets, and ekaterina was on these streets quite recently, unlike me, come on the american streets. it is not connected with bad weather, it is connected with those values ​​in society, with those priorities in the budget
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that make biden's america what it is. we're leaving for advertising, we'll be back in just a few minutes. three fat hamsters, ford, carnegieler funds. we are determined to play our part in the build. i was declared an agent and ceased my activities, after all, their main task is move on to global depopulation, and this is precisely work with public consciousness, the transgender agenda, the creation of genetically
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modified nutrition, golden rice was supposed to feed everyone, and now it turns out that everyone has to be reduced, they imagine themselves as celestials, and this is why they are dangerous. the funds, the real masters of the west, the dolls of the heir tutti, are on the first tomorrow, see? so happy, because i finally had time for myself, a super breakthrough idea, because no one in the world has done this, to create an online cosmetics designer, i feel like a sorceress who creates an incredible elixir of youth, most of our formulas are unique and effective, so we create our own unique product, in 2013 we released the first snowball of our production, after that we began to expand our model range, starting from small cubic 100 cubic meters to... 800 cc in the production of our snowmobiles we try to localize russian production as much as possible, you have a very large assortment of snowmobiles, but this is of course for
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girls. our everything. premiere. on saturday, on first. the palm is open. under no circumstances should it be clenched into a fist. the only place where there could be a gun is in the left hand under the napkin. we can avoid the opening of a second front only if we decapitate the leadership of countries hostile to us with one blow. it became known that the germans were preparing a large-scale operation in tigeran. “dear gevorg, all six umbrellas that you ordered for your father’s confectionery are ready. six umbrellas meant six paratroopers. are they germans or not? and then i saw an army boot. they don’t wear those in iran, i’m already on my fourth job year, during this time i didn’t ask you for anything, so we found these six german radio operators, and someone else will take them, drink some water." comrade stalin grinned and
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the six germans we found were brought into the hall. churchill , she thanked me for saving my grandfather’s life, fire and ice, two elements. at the junction of which real, great art is born, emotions are off the charts, the atmosphere is knee-deep to the limit, but for victory it is important to maintain icy calm, ice splashes from under the skates, like sparks of red-hot metal, and the ice melts like steel, hot
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ice, sports competitions, the strongest live broadcasts from magnitogorsk on february 17 and 18 on the first. my advice: don't sit close to screens, it might get too hot. meet us in the steel capital of russia. junior lieutenant ignatia vladimir ivanovich, sapper. there is a pulse, but weak. who did you cross? i stood up for the girl. he will look for me now. what's happened? i need a dog, a fighting monster, so that everyone can win. and so it should be. you don’t approach him, but retreat, invite him to attack, he’s a predator. help him, this is him. the one who saved me. this chechnya we can't do that. if i see this again,
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you won't be here. doomed, the premiere of the serial film on sunday on the first. i want you to bring the doomed to battle. and, with us in the studio, united states business correspondent, ekaterina moore, also our regular participant, we are very glad to welcome you to the studio.
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what did tucker do, were there any influential people who agreed with what president putin said, what was your impression? i get the following impression that if we talk about the elite, this there is certainly a certain fear, even if people agree with some judgments from the interview, they try to abstract themselves in some way, even the fox news channel, not because... somehow dissociated itself with this journalist, but there was a very interesting reaction on the part of ordinary americans, for me this was such an interesting discovery, because i was talking with one of my american acquaintances and trying to find out from him what he thought about
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vladimir putin’s interview. i asked him a question, you know, it seems to me that sometimes toker carlson, he somehow hung up, it was too much for him, despite his historical education, and this person tells me, well, of course, this is not... biden to interview, it coincided completely by chance that the special prosecutor’s report on the security situation the specialist of secret documents came out, and indeed the americans were confronted by a president who knows the thousand-year history of his people and a president who cannot remember, i quote people from twitter, who cannot remember what he ate, they said americans, yes absolutely yes. this is absolutely such a very active topic on twitter about people comparing the cognitive abilities of president biden and president putin. this is the main narrative that i discovered in american
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social media, in the mainstream media, of course, the reaction is absolutely negative, they accuse him of playing tricks, of asking the wrong questions that i would like to see...
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watched interview, read the interview, well, here i am, where, if you like, uncertainty, it’s one thing, listening to watch, but another thing to really hear and draw the right conclusions from this, as it seems to you, if we are talking... not about trumpists, if we are talking about not specialists, but among ordinary americans and most importantly among the political elite, as it seems to you, there was some the desire
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to understand what the russian president was saying, to really understand his arguments? in my opinion, there was no such desire, unfortunately, right? here in the usa, in washington there are a lot of teen tanks, yes, joe biden has a lot of advisers, there is the kenon institute, for example, if read their reviews, even among political figures, people who deeply study the history of russia, call themselves experts in this field, they have absolutely no desire to understand russia, they have a desire to turn russia into such a riot. yes, such a scare, one that will force there, conditionally , congress to allocate a larger number, there is a weapon of money in the near future, here is the desire to understand and realize, unfortunately, there are no such people, and
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unfortunately, there is an attempt to destroy even those bridges that exist there in the area culture, and interaction, there is people to people cooperation, this is absolutely not the case, it feels like they have lost the brakes and... the process, really, well, if you want, even i would say, is not convincing american society, but talking with american society with a more open part of the elite
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in such a way that they began to listen to russia, what do you think russia could do in this relationship after, in the wake of what the russian president just did. well, the first thing, in my opinion, can be done this is a practice, if the globalist leadership of the west does not listen to us, to which we usually addressed our messages, our ... messages, then we need to turn over their heads to people, to societies, and what putin did brilliantly in my opinion, the second, it seems to me , that this is the first reality check into american society, the beginning of the svo, you are absolutely right in what you say, i get the impression that the ruling elite of america, they somehow charged the marvel series, there is such an evil doctor evil, putin, such russia is flimsy, corrupt , which you push, she will fall apart, only
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any attempts to look at this situation from a different point of view are increasingly intensified, they are simply prohibited instantly, that is, there is marvel, watch this series, there is spider-man zelensky, now he will defeat you now, dr. evil, watch all this don’t look away, he needs help, it’s all in the spirit of batman, in the spirit of tv series, suddenly someone appears, through this series a person comes, through this kind of flat pictorial abstraction a real person appears, here we are now we think that we are watching a series that spider-man defeats dr. evil , in fact, two nuclear powers, you are provoking, you attacked a nuclear power, you attacked it, you attack it, you fire at its cities with your missiles from your patriot installations , she is about to respond to you with a nuclear strike, you understand that beyond this animated film there is reality, americans, you are ready to give your life for this series, for this marvel, the lives of your loved ones
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, by voting for biden, you are exposing nuclear danger, by voting for trump, you ordinary americans have a chance to avoid this, as a matter of fact. this is the message, and ordinary americans, they will say: we haven’t heard anything, we haven’t seen anything, we
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will vote for biden and they will go and vote out of harm’s way for trump, this is in my opinion, if historically this actually works, then we can say that this visit prevented the third world war, can you imagine, as far as it seems to me, its significance could be enormous, and of course from this we must conclude that more conservatism from within to outside, more appeal to the people, more... justice, more honesty, more depth. what did putin take? everyone says: well , putin spoke for a very long time about russian history, he spoke little about russian history, we, our officials, our citizens, need on behalf of the president everyone, everyone who can speak, who represents the power discourse, then is really meaningful, deep, we need to know our history, the history of other peoples, the history of religions, understanding of philosophical problems, we quite already in this in these talk shows.
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i said many times, in this interview i said
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, they constantly betray, but they lie, they don’t keep their word, they don’t comply with any agreements, and if this is so, then the conclusion is: we need other elites, so we need to interfere in the internal processes of the whole world in in a positive way, supporting healthy forces that are for justice, for truth, for good, in general, as if helping people to defeat their internal evil. we're going off to advertise, we'll be back in just a few minutes. what do i want tell me what of what i experienced deserves attention? pleasures that accompany youth, i, having become a writer, experienced incomparable happiness, in the tiny village of mala i lived with a blacksmith, helping him forge horseshoes in the forge, with long tongs, i held a white-hot iron in my hands, and
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he beat it with his sonorous hammer, i ask myself who i am, what force took me out of my... moscow apartment, forced me to cross my native threshold and threw me across continents, across cities, across warriors, into conspiracies, into revolutions, plunged me into many adventures, many dangerous adventures, what motivated me, who i was, who i became, alexander prokhanov, the prime minister’s confession, today on the first day, daggers to heart, russian daggers are not very cool, how did we expose the scale? tsepso’s operation , with the help of which they wanted to discredit russian missiles and quarrel us with china, they pass off any source in hieroglyphs as the official point of view of the communist party of china. a few comments: except for klitschko, no one has ever intercepted the dagger. we are the only country where hypersonic weapons are in service, this is zircon and dagger. and how did the un have to admit
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that russia was right? it happened that the kiev regime de facto and deyura put himself in the dock. anti-fairy. to a child that his mother passed away. how is it a big responsibility to tell your only daughter yulia who survived this loss, what path did she go after her mother’s death? i’m somehow very mega-strong, somehow i had everything
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so i pulled myself together, that is, our exclusive 5 years of the adult life of a girl who decided, no matter what, to become a star in memory of famous mom. when you appeared, my life changed. i will always be with you. exclusive with dmitry borisov. premiere on saturday on the first. there's a big game on the air. i think it's an interview with takar kralson.
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many people don’t know about this, but it continues , but in the past, when i looked at who met, with whom they met and what was said, i often had a difficult feeling, which, by the way, i shared publicly in russia, the thing is that in the united states, russian dialogue partners were almost exclusively. representatives of the globalist establishment, not only, but almost exclusively, and these are people who, in general, they were not necessarily russophobes, but they did not have much desire to truly listen to russia, and
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most importantly, they had very little desire to treat russia as a serious power. former national security assistant to president bush jr. and a man by the way i have known him for many years, although not closely, i have always considered him...
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germany should immediately provide tauras missiles to the us army tactical atakom missile system with a firing range of 190 miles. we are not confident that this approach
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will lead to peace or even a formal ceasefire agreement. however, he can create a deadlock by stabilizing the front and reducing the number of hostilities, which will save lives and give ukraine a break. this is the approach: why is the crimean bridge still standing? and let's think about it, what is destruction?
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was organized by authoritative non-governmental organizations in moscow and washington, and they had just met with
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foreign minister sergei lavrov, and steve headley told me what good news, moscow is not worried about american plans to deploy defensive systems in europe, i say, where does this come from?
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when one country feels its superiority, believes that they are the hegemon, and another country is thinking about how to get american grants, and be in favor in wahington and london, this is my long, sort of introduction to what i want to say about you: it seems to me that you have found some very important element of the work united states, dialogue with the alternative elite. which until now for some reason has been completely ignored. tell us what you are doing in this direction and why you
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think it is important and promising. in fact, i see the world and international politics as a struggle of approximately, if you like, two models: one globalist, unipolar, it explains that i think i told this episode many times, a conversation with brzezinski, who said that chess is a game for one, not for two, that is, you take a step, turn, take a step after another, this is how the americans think, and those colleagues who interpreted lavrov’s words to them in the way they wanted to hear, these are the same ones in chess. and it’s like one force, i don’t even think that they sold out, that they are motivated by grants, they just share this point of view that there is such technological progress, capitalist development, it is the liberation
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of the individual from all forms of collective identity, in america this has been achieved, we haven’t yet, therefore... we must help america, like the communists helped in america soviet union, there is a certain unity of this liberal ideology, it can, we can find it here, in america, but there are also supporters of a completely different conservative approach, with us, fortunately, they are the majority, because the president is the people, and the rest whether you like it or not, it is adapting in america and even in europe, this is actually about half, and maybe also the majority.
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we are no longer a communist country, we are rather a conservative-traditionalist country, and accordingly, our like-minded people all over the world, in america, in parties, left parties, this is natural, but in europe, in the islamic world, in china, there will most likely be supporters of a strong state, a strong family, healthy traditional values, support, identity, and this is on
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a philosophical level, worldview, and then on a practical level. and if we take it and honestly admit it, without hiding, without trying to pretend to be liberals, which we are not, or, say, liberal democracy, we have a completely different society, if we, like putin, are firmly aware of our own identity , our our own history, we will see analogues in the west and we will see these people, we will establish relationships with them, we will build an honest dialogue with them, in one of these dialogues that american conservatives, journalists, experts came to us. you took part in dmitry, yes, i think that you too were in america, it was your natural environment, realists, traditionalists, conservatives, they are in every society, we just ignored them, we either paid attention to liberals, trying to be liberals too, that’s not our thing it worked out, or the very old inertia was turned to the left movements, which practically do not exist, then they have no reason to support us anymore, we are not
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a socialist society, ekaterina, i have to ask you what will happen...
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try to make some amendments delay this process in every possible way, but one way or another , most likely, aid to ukraine will be approved, but i would like to point out this thing, the united states is actually being reduced by 50%, expect that if, if donald trump still wins the upcoming elections, what's his the cabinet will highlight some...
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united states. it was a big game, it will affect real foreign policy , we’ll meet tomorrow on the air. at birth, the lord punished me, live long, i live, a person should live long, very long.


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