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tv   Anti Feik  1TV  February 13, 2024 9:20am-10:00am MSK

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daggers to our hearts, how we exposed the large-scale tsepso operation with the help of which they wanted to authorize russian missiles to quarrel us with china, as well as the story of how fake makers confused the two kirovs and how the un had to admit that russia was right, this is about today in the program. this is an anti-fake program and this is where we are waging our fight. against fakes and disinformation, we will now talk about russian weapons, as always, they cause a huge amount of discontent among our enemies, they are trying to denigrate them in every possible way, but the more we talk about this in fakes, the more we learn about the power of our weapons , so it’s nice, but let’s figure it out, russian dagger missiles, supposedly based on outdated technologies of the eighties, are not hypersonic, they lose in confrontation with the american patriot air defense systems, this is what some major publications write about, we can even...
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it’s interesting to look at this, because information, especially in the 20th century, is a very, very valuable thing, and one more thing about russian weapons. interesting article in the shanghai military magazine, science and technology. it is clear that everything that comes out in the public sphere in the people's republic of china is subject to censorship by the chinese communist party and the chinese army. so, they write that the kinjaly, the russians, are not very cool and not very prodigies. more and more evidence seems to be emerging. this is what we have already seen in the skies over kiev, and the chinese are beginning to admit it, and the main ones are writing about it publicly. we have actually been working on these technologies since the eighties, and thanks to this we are world leaders in this field, well simply, hypersound, just like supersonic, is a certain, let’s say, stage of development. nuclear technology, which requires
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certain fundamental knowledge, well , a dagger, a hypersonic missile and a hypersonic missile, i’ll just explain what hypersound is, in our country we have been living in hypersound for a long time, that is , we lower a spacecraft, entering the atmosphere, it is hypersonic, a projectile from a cannon leaving a moment that exceeds 5m is hypersonic, five machs, yes five machs, that is, five speeds of sound, question:
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it’s clear to me that there’s very little you can believe, but what’s worse is that references about the dagger go to some foreign media, including videos, social networks, china, and i came across one of these clippings, i’ll read a few comments under the video, author , you understand missiles like a pig knows oranges, so, except for klitschko , no one has intercepted a dagger yet, so regarding how you can stop a dagger, a patriate is guaranteed to destroy one dagger by himself, that is, i mean, that the dagger hits him, thus minus the dagger, minus one pet, let's try to find the roots of what they are talking about, in one of the foreign publications called diplomat, there was just an article that is based on this radio, which reads this information from here, i will now read the original of this article to you, china evaluates
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russia's use of hypersonic daggers in ukraine. surprisingly, this chinese military analyst then admits, there is more and more evidence that the us and ukraine are telling the truth on this issue. in this chinese assessment. the kejal has been criticized as an outdated technology from the cold war era of the eighties, which is not hypersonic in nature, due to the design of the dagger, its ability to perform long-range gliding in the atmosphere is insufficient. analyzing the maneuverability, the chinese analyst notes: the degree to which it can change its ballistic trajectory cannot be compared with the degree of a real hypersonic missile. dmitry, china was the second to announce that it has a hypersonic weapon , specifically, let’s say, a replica from our dagger is , well, from a modernized old soviet tu-16 bomber, that is, it turns out that china also has no hypersound, everything is gone, no one has hypersound at all, americans officially don’t exist, they don’t have it in any way, they have already closed two
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out of three programs, they can’t solve the problem of hypersound even taking into account the fact that the cia worked very well in trying to steal data from us, because well, it’s high-quality transition in many... sciences, we are the only country where two complexes are in service, these are the zircon and the dagger, three are still planning the avant-garde, the chinese, by the way, also 17 - this is also a planning unit, they propose to involve alexey vasiliev, a missile specialist space technologies , we are glad to welcome you, good afternoon, we are now disassembling the dagger, well, in the sense of how we are trying to discuss, and not from the bad side, we are from the good side, what will you add to our conversation, the idea, respectively. hypersonic guided weapons is that it is created with with the help of controls, the flight mode is such that it is unpredictable for the corresponding interception means, this appeared, in fact, as ours was, we began to be one of the first to deal with this topic,
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precisely as a response to the expansion of missile defense in the united states, here there is a contrast between our patriots daggers, do you have any information about this, when did they exist? collided together, has petriot ever shot down a dagger, well, as ukraine claims in any case, the dagger flies at low altitudes, that’s how it seems glides along the surface of the layers of the atmosphere, uh, respectively, at some point it rises higher, at some point lower, respectively, where it rises higher, it becomes vulnerable, just for a shorter period, and it is more difficult to catch it, then so, we move on to the concept of hit probability, which is not one hundred percent. of course, and probably not even 50; in practice, this also requires a combination of a bunch of conditions and factors so that the stars align in the right way and the directions coincide, which the complex is located where it flies along a trajectory where it can reach, reach out, so
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it’s impossible to rule out the possibility that they could shoot down one or two missiles, but on the other hand , it would be guaranteed to shoot them down completely untrue, also impossible, in general there are no facts about this, theoretically it... is possible, but it was not documented, yes, absolutely true, thank you very much for these explanations, all the best to you, thank you, all the best, we already started talking about the article - in the diplomat, which is exactly what this ukrainian radio relied on, and there is a source there, exactly where the diplomat actually got this link from, in this case, this is a fake, we can honestly say that this is a fake, it is an interesting one. not only because his source is difficult to verify, but because what they are trying to pass off as a source is, roughly speaking, an individual’s account on a social network, there are about three hundred subscribers, that is, it is passed off as an official chinese publication, well there you go just an account in the chinese web, and a specific guy who sometimes reposts
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something about the army, and his main last repost was at the very beginning - of this whole covid epic, that is, four years have passed since the last repost, so the verifiability of the source is becoming more than just non-existent. will remain zero, and moreover, they do a fairly standard trick, they present any source in hieroglyphs as the official point of view of the communist party of china, that is, this is one of the well-known tricks of western propaganda, they, for example, go to some chinese platform for journalists, well that's it sinakom, they open an account there, they publish literally anything in chinese, and then they quickly start linking to it, that is, this is a very interesting moment, because what happens next is that they link to real-life ones, that is, they
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announced in the morning, although this is absolutely not true, and of course, this is necessary so that later the same ukrainian media rush to churn out headlines that china abandoned, china abandoned, china did the same, although naturally, at the official level, china with its dongfei 15 and 17, yes, who used it i just said that these are the second existing hypersonic missiles in the world after the russian ones, the scheme is classical, that is, a feed is made with a source that is difficult to verify, after which further comes journalistic fantasies about...
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at the bottom of the first page there is a license number, there are latin the letters icp and a number, this means that this is a registered number to at least somehow get attraction, they have a website that is like a media outlet, but at the same time there are other sites that are simply platforms for publications, there are blogs, there is naturally. networks where absolutely anything is written, and stories about terrible totalitarianism, that they literally
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attract people for everything, well, of course, this is not so, these stories are needed in order to then do the same and say that since it was published in chinese social networks, then sidzenpi’s personal point of view , you see, we have sorted this out, they are discrediting not only our weapons, but are trying to denigrate the svo fighters with the help of fake publications. let's talk about this right after a short pause. imagine that someone is sick at home, like this around the house viruses begin to spread, what to do if someone in the house is sick, it is very important for you to be healthy, about this and much more in the program to live healthy, today on the first, potagonian fjords of chile there are hundreds of kilometers of coast where no one has set foot before person. machu picchu is a city flying above the clouds, we can be transported to another time, feel
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the genius, the greatness of american cultures, real ones that were destroyed by europeans, from all points of view the incas and aztecs were head and shoulders above culturally, in in a civilizational sense. today, every brazilian is a little indian, a little european and a little african, and this is what enriches our people. the cuban revolution is one of the most important events of the twentieth. century, it was led by a group of revolutionaries led by fidel castro and ernesta chagivara. latin america is one of the advantages of the modern and future world order. is there a separate latin american civilization? some believe that no, others are sure that there is a latin american civilization, here it is. civilizations premiere, film fourth. latin america on thursday on the first. fire and ice. two elements at the junction
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of which real, great art is born. emotions are running high. the atmosphere is knee-deep to the extreme. but to win it is important to remain icy calm. spray gild from under the skates, like. sparks of hot metal. and the ice melts like steel. hot ice. spartakiad of the strongest. live broadcasts from magnitogorsk on february 17 and 18. on the first. my advice: don't sit close to screens, it might get too hot. meet us in the steel capital of russia. ensign, ignatius.
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this is him, who is he? volodya, the one who saved me, you are nobody to each other, this is chechnya, we can’t do this, i’ll see this again, you won’t be here, but the prime minister is gone. serial film on sunday on the first, i want you to bring the doomed to battle, this is an anti-fake program and we continue on social networks, such a fake
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announcement is being distributed, i’ll read it to you now, it sounds interesting, a fighter from the kirov regiment of mobilized soldiers, returning from vacation for... and i was surprised, the fake was posted on the social network vkontakte, this is rare, the last time they don’t stick out, because here we quickly block them, here i read it carefully, tried to understand how this fake was concocted, in the end, what i understood is that there are two different kirovs, one in the kaluga region, one
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vyatka kirov, there is where - apparently, an announcement that a person has stolen. his proposal , the good news was copied exactly, a picture about the search for a person from another kirov was added to it, and added to the news, and i also took two phones with me, a small note, yes, we ’ll go straight to the original, then we can move on, i i’ll read: i wasn’t left without gifts, a soldier from the kirov regiment of the mobilized, returning from vacation, went to the foundation, met
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with volunteers in the workshops, that’s the point, remember, very similar. proposal, yes, of course, they were bombarded with questions, our local craftswomen have an active life position, they also work in volunteer production, and follow the events at the front. to the regiment, here the previous quote begins again: the soldier takes camouflage nets, a portable charging station and awnings to the regiment, none of the soldiers are left without gifts, good luck, good luck in everyone, no cell phones. we even have a video of how this happened. let's get a look. hello everyone, i'm leaving from vacation. the fund came in, was not left without gifts, camouflage nets, multifunctional charging and a good awning from the iscod, which does not leak, is durable and retains moisture, very convenient when setting up dugouts, houses or the like, i highly advise everyone to take advantage of this, most importantly
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, i want to say a big thank you to everyone, to feel the support from home, there will be victory... i will explain to the audience that the overheard format groups are based on the fact that people send news there, they publish them, and the whole group is there , someone asks a question, many anonymous publications, someone asks a question, someone tells some stories. and i understand why this happened, most likely the community administrator, a completely adequate, normal person, he simply could not carry out a normal fact-check, try to spend at least half a minute there, i don’t know, checking whether this is true at all or not, because here look at the picture and you see the kaluga region below, you read
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the text, vyatka, something doesn’t add up, but i propose now to get to know this story with us more closely... connections sergei krutikov, director of the zavyatku charitable foundation, i am glad to welcome you, this is not the first time we have met with your foundation, yes, ukrainian propagandists have taken it into circulation, your foundation means you are doing a good job, as always we note what kind of person, firstly, a fake publication, do you know this attention search, which yes, good afternoon, the person in this publication, who in the photo stole the phones, we don’t know him, we had our own person, whose wife works as a volunteer, here we have, as if we know him very well, an invoice about the cargo taken, of course, from our post. but they didn’t ignore the fact that such things as ccd, so i’ll show you, look, this is ccd, this is our invention, we make it with the plant,
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together, people asked us from there from the front, so they don’t do this anywhere, and ccd is we called, since awnings, makes awnings kirovsky is only a plant, plus the text says that a soldier from the kirov regiment, mobilized, is returning from vacation, well... obviously the goal is to denigrate our soldiers, denigrate volunteers, denigrate the foundation, people who make these fakes don’t know that we have a serious security system and it is impossible to steal from us, sell outright , do anything, you will probably be interested to know how this fake was spread, these are the very few public pages that tried to repost it, this is obediently kirov-kaluga region, the recording is already was deleted, next... those who served and those who disappeared in the northern military district were also deleted, but we managed to restore the page, let's compare the person on the publication, attention to the search, here he is, this is ivan aleksandrovich
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ilishaev, 05 0782 allegedly, yes, and let's look at the comments, there they were also written by a person with the same name and surname, ivan ilishaev, he said that he had nothing to do with this publication, and the most interesting thing is that we made a request to the ministry of internal affairs and... they said that there was no such wanted person, that’s it , that is, this is an exclusively fictional character, you thank you very much for your work, all the best to you, goodbye, well, let 's talk about the good for russia and the bad for ukraine, because this is really a very important victory, i can read that on january 31 , the un international court of justice made a final decision on what was initiated by ukraine in january of the seventeenth year proceedings with russia on the basis of the international convention on the elimination of all forms of racial discrimination, the court rejected almost all of ukraine’s claims and recognized that russia’s policy complies with its obligations under convention, there is no discrimination against crimean tatars and ukrainians in crimea, this
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seems to me to be serious. as the conflict in ukraine develops, how the west actually, well, let's call it that way, does not suffer defeat, but does not get what it wants, that is, it does not achieve its goals, as various conflicts grow, in many, many in some places, the united states is beginning to show that they are not such an omnipotent hegemon, that is, roughly speaking, the special operation showed the king naked, and those who were previously afraid of them are beginning to already think for themselves, that is, in their own interests, but the international court of the un still represents various people there, and i wanted to draw your attention, look at periodically how the voting results of the general assembly change, this is also quite indicative, this is not the council of the un, where there are constant challenges, namely the general assembly, whose decisions are not, let’s say, binding, but this is an indicator of how the world is changing.
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ovdeevka, as well as the explosions in kharkov and odessa,
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and of course, we were not spared the kidnappings and murders attributed to us, which, as the chairmen of the kiev regime said, allegedly committed, as they, again their wording, russian agents in ukraine in the donbass, all these...
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the story itself turned into a complete fiasco of the kiev regime in the international court, because everything fell apart, as a result the court did not confirm, i would like to emphasize this, it simply did not confirm the western version and refused to recognize russia as responsible for the mh-17 crash. further, the court directly stated that the dpr and lpr cannot be considered terrorist organizations. sense, because in them activities, no signs of extremist terrorist activity were found. the next block was related to the fact that russia was accused of discrimination against ukrainians and crimean tatars. this is exactly how the kiev regime formulated its accusations. this, of course, is another global fake that has been circulating for many years. we were credited with the fact that russia allegedly carried out, just think about it, racial discrimination against the crimean tatars
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and ukrainians. the court also rejected almost all of ukraine’s claims and denied kiev’s attempt to extradite crimean tatars for alleged persecution law enforcement measures against the terrorist organization hizb u tahrir, extremist organizations tablighi jamat and majlis. the court did not recognize russian legislation on combating extremism as discriminatory, the court refuted the statement of the kiev regime that... that the mejlis supposedly represents the crimean tatars, and of course the court rejected ukraine’s perverted interpretation of the russian legal regime for the representation of citizenship on the peninsula since 2014, after all, you remember, the ukrainian side said that this was supposedly a discriminatory measure, that the automatic granting of citizenship to all residents of the peninsula is almost violent, this absurdity was also completely
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crossed out. it’s surprising in this case how all the accusations announced by the kiev regime began to testify against ukraine, and well , it turns out that they actually proved non-compliance with the relevant convention by the kiev regime itself. by the way, the international court also recognized that residents of crimea have access to education in the crimean tatar language in ukrainian language, because how much we heard from the kiev regime, and... accordingly from its western curators, that in russia it is impossible to study these languages, one of the central themes that was framed by this fake false information from the kiev regime, it was the thesis that russia allegedly violated the genocide convention by conducting a special military operation. remember how much we hear from zelensky’s kiev regime about
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all this crap. these pompous words, so it’s very interesting that you think about it, they they didn’t even try to accuse us of genocide, they tried to accuse us of not complying with the convention, and this too, this third global fake, presented to the un international court, was also completely refuted, defeated by the facts presented by the russian side, it so happened that kiev regime... thank you very much, as always, it’s nice to see you and hear all the best. usually, by the way, we come across fakes that we don’t have new equipment, well, we’ve looked into this many times, that we are supposedly fighting on museum exhibits, so now, by the way, one of the ukrainian characters, a well-known one, said that we have difficulties in our own zone, so we fight only
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with new equipment. it will be interesting to sort out this stuffing; we’ll do it after a short pause. three fat hamsters, ford, carnegie and roxeller foundations. we are determined to play our part in building a better world. how are large american funds trying to seize control of the whole world? they train a lot of people who then end up in the white house managing everything. a fund of 11 billion passes through itself up to one and a half trillion.
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it turns out that everyone should be cut down, that they imagine themselves as celestial beings, and this is why they are dangerous. the funds, the real masters of the west, are the dolls of the heir to tutti. today is the first one. big premiere. my friend, grigory alexandrovich, i did not give you the slightest reason to offend you so greatly. tighten. time without you seems long to me. stronger. and don't you come back. i am a woman. krisha. i need to love. watch the time after the program. you see how happy i am. because i have. i finally have time for myself, super prophet an idea, because no one in the world has done this, to create an online cosmetics designer, i feel like a sorceress who creates an incredible elixir of youth, most of our formulas are unique and effective,
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so we create our own unique product, in 2013 we released the first snowmobile of our production, after that, we began to expand our model range, from small 100 cc units to 800 cc ones, in production.
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on saturday at the first, and 64 years after the tehran events, selya came to moscow sandes, churchill's granddaughter. she thanked me for saving my grandfather’s life, it doesn’t happen that a person was in your life, then he disappears, even if he dies, in this girl she almost doesn’t recognize the child who 5 years ago lost the most precious thing, her mother. i don’t think that
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i am without her, i have a pile of memories, but this is my mother. yulia nachalova died very young, at 38, leaving her beloved daughter, vera, to her parents and ex-husband. i said that unfortunately, i have very... hard news for you that mothers are no longer with us no, what he experienced at that moment, that evening, only he knows, it is a great responsibility to tell your child that his mother has passed away. how did yulia’s only daughter survive this loss, what path did she take after her mother’s death? i’m somehow very mega-strong, somehow i felt like i pulled myself together, that is, our exclusive: 5 years of the adult life of a girl who decided, no matter what, to become a star in memory. about the famous mother, when you appeared borisov. premiere on saturday, lights, my life has changed, i will always be next to you. exclusive with dmitry
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on the first. this is an anti-fake program, we continue, it has never been so interesting.
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in the end, just the number of comments began to prevail, why are we losing , we are patriotic, new cars, we are sparkling with some kind of ammunition, they are defeating us like this, that is, they eventually at some point were faced with the fact that theirs is this the narrative that everything they have is weak, old, broken , that people are indignant, and why can’t we defeat them with this, we have everything new american nato, why are they apparently hiding i'll change my shoes.
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moreover, we have increased our potential , i’ll just run around a little, the t-72 is produced at the ural carriage plant in nizhny tagil, and the t-80 omsk transmash, such workhorses as the bmp-1 and bmp-2 were produced at the chelyabinsk kurgan tractor machine plant. in short, i can list for a very long time; there won’t be enough airtime to list them all. our entire military-industrial complex, we must not forget that
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a huge number of repair teams are located on the line of combat contact in rear, but the fact that there are more and more new and modern models at the front is really so, this is not due to the lack of old equipment, to the realities that are now dictated by modern combat conditions , the level ... of modern weapons and equipment in strategic nuclear forces as a whole were brought to 95%, and naval components to almost 100, and ground forces, according to some indicators, reached 80%, and nato countries are very far behind the modern army of the russian federation, but in the lugansk region there is now a lot of new military technology was noticed, because gaida is talking about the lugansk region here, there is. the latest modern models
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of self-propelled artillery units, there are terminator sleds, which have also already been shown, and they proved themselves very well during the liberation of severodonetsk, not a single vehicle was lost, and let’s say, ukrainian militants simply fled, there are modern rap complexes, there are complexes, let's say, electronic reconnaissance, we now have a huge number of unmanned aerial vehicles. systems, i am only listing what has already been made public, there are also those complexes that are still classified, they don’t talk about them, but we have them on the line of combat contact, they help our guys very, very much, but above all, save lives. thank you very much, viewers, as always, i will remind you that if you have any news that excites your opinion, send it to our editorial office, be sure to send it as well. all the best to you.
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channel one presents, imagine that someone is sick at home, and so they begin to spread throughout the house viruses, what to do if someone in the house is sick, it is very important to be healthy, about this and much more in the program to live healthy, we will start this program with an absolutely phenomenal and revolutionary event that happened in medicine in general in our russian medicine, in particular, methods have appeared for the treatment of severe tremors; tremor is a kind of shaking.


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