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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  February 13, 2024 12:15pm-3:00pm MSK

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kuzichev, sergeenko, artamonov, let's go! so, well, we have something to discuss, they don’t subside us, they don’t just don’t subside.
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guys, are you kidding us? here it is, now attention, really, this is my favorite piece, oh well, it’s known, yes, just like that, that is, i took the oath, i took the oath, well listen, yes, like that, eighty- six, by the way, eighty sixth year, parade on red square, alexander syrsky, in general, a military man, in general, now. general, now the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, well, it’s surprising, for some reason in for some reason, kiev denies this truly glorious past, look what they say. the russians are trying to impose on the new commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine the image of a soviet and russian person. to do this, they are looking for his relatives in the russian federation, friends, families, from whom they take comments and distribute them in the information space in the appropriate context. the company’s support that the commander-in-chief is a russian
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is playing along with enemy disinformation, maybe we’ll look at the disinformation again, well, he’s not russian for laughs, don’t listen to me, i don’t think it was just yesterday that we had rustem klupov here, but here she is, yes, look, she’s walking, typing formation, disinformation, here she is, yes, here he is , in a police cap, that is, a military man, yesterday we had rustem klupov, however, i also don’t see much point in pedaling. russian, he’s not russian, remember what rustem told us, he cut it very simply, he said that this should be discussed, judas says he has a nationality, is this important, is it significant, and as if all further conversations seemed to be based on this to us somehow senseless, let's also talk about syrsky, not his nationality, not his so to speak, oaths and refusals of it, but let's see what the west writes, they say journal, he interprets the appointment in this way, unexpectedly. with zelensky
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syrsky, please. after weeks of speculation, zelensky fired general valery zaluzhny from his post as commander-in-chief of the armed forces, which became the most significant shake-up in the country's leadership in almost 2 years of war. replacement of the popular figure valery zaluzhny with alexander syrsky, who is considered closer to the president, means that zelensky will now be closely linked to decisions on the battlefield, and thereby ultimately become responsible for any failures.
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to ukraine, that is, you understand how everything is delivered, that is, we now know what will be ordered for german money, what will be delivered to ukraine, shells, rine metal
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announces that it is not a new plant that has been founded, scholz is standing there with a shovel , directly defense minister borius pistorius with a shovel, rain metal speaks honestly, guys, we the plant was founded, but in order to produce 2000 shells... per year, it takes a couple of years to get started, and to reach capacity it takes five years, that is, what a million will be supplied to ukraine, that is, all this was done on the quiet, and sirsky for me is it’s not a fact that zaluzhny resigned or zelensky is directly responsible, it’s tough, but i will say, we really need new clowns, we really need new walkers so beautiful, another regular show, look, it’s clear. clearly says in an interview: ukraine’s offensive completely failed, but now russia is there loses there 7-8 times more than ukraine, what are you talking about? that is, this is playing along with propaganda, if a military man is appointed and he does not muster the courage to tell the truth, not
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a single critical question, not a single critical answer, talk about how there are enough people on the street, they are forced into the army, there is a shortage of military personnel, how young people get into captivity, in this regard, i see the premise as very simple: i started with the fact that... if i understood your idea correctly, this is a new figure, an oscar for military affairs, around him , so to speak, as you say, there is we need drones, please secure the order , alexander germanovich will sign the kickbacks, and as you understand, who will control the army, well, there are quite a lot of interesting things here from a military point of view, for starters
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, syrsky, unlike zaluzhny, is still absolutely not connected with ukraine, this is a man born in the vladimir region, with his entire family living in the city of vladimir, who, by the way, abandoned him. to the point that he really is a traitor, and i believe that he is a traitor of the absolutely vlasov spill, because he took the oath, as we know, served in the soviet army, asked to join the russian army, turned out to be a coward, he asked, i don’t know that, he asked to join the russian army, turned out to be a coward, everything i say has been verified, that is, we also said that yes, we’ll take the moment collapse of the soviet union, but it is necessary to go through chechnya , which he refused, like this, this characterizes everything very well, the moment, his stepson called him right in the face, right in the face, syrsky’s grandfather not only fought, but died heroically in the forty -first year, being wounded in the legs, all these facts were established, later after war, which syrsky’s mother lyudmila is very proud of, god bless this woman, she is 82
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years old, a really good, bright person, i watched her telegram channel, saw her links, well, in general, as they say, she is really proud of imats, she took part in the immortal shelf, more than once, father. asked for grenades, ammunition, remained to cover the retreat, being with the legs of his unit broken, died in 1941, so this is a traitor who will burn water, the onathema , as they say, has already been written out for him, from the point in terms of how he made his career, well, in the ssu they call him nothing more than general 200, cargo 200, or a meat general, the dryer knows better, but let’s see who exactly he decided to throw into the settlement of avdeevka, the third shbr, a separate, separate assault brigade, these are punishers. who had previously been stationed in kramatorsk for six months, were preparing for cleansing , and well, what they do when they go in the second echelon, so to speak, protect everyone in a row, moreover, they have a special personnel selection system , syrsky really likes this unit, his shoots his own for the slightest failure to comply with an order, this is azov in a worse version, this
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is part of it, the sushniks are afraid of him, i can talk about syrsky now, can i clarify, that is, in the ordeyevka, if the armed forces of ukraine fails to cope, there these punishers will defend their own, then
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...received an education, but not at the level of the moscow school, that is, moscow is still zaluzhny, zaluzhny has two military academies behind it, budanov also has a military academy, and this, by the way, both budanov and zaluzhny are real ukrainians, here is another, natural ukrainians , this one hasn’t spoken a word of language yet recently, he couldn’t, he didn’t know how to speak, he physically opened his mouth, like a mute fish, now returning to the facts of profit.
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a fanatical russophobe turned into, in principle, under the command of ursula fondelein there was complete destruction at the beginning of the bundesfera, they built kindergartens there instead of barracks, it was ursulo fondelein who destroyed it, and then she pulls up the generals who went through it, there is no need to attack. no, no, i mean that, dear friends, you understand, if we don’t attack, what will they do? what are they preparing for, they themselves are attacking, worst of all, worst of all, that means general inspector general of the bundestag, this is the commander in chief , let’s say, broer, he said that it is necessary to prepare society for germany, not only the economy, but also society for a war with russia , these are the key and very dangerous, i ’ll tell you, you know what, friends, cunning is what is very important, but in war, can you imagine what we will do if we act cunningly and do not attack.
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syrsky, before asking a question, allow me to give you a small metaphor with on my part, since i am a serviceman in the pacific fleet, i had such an example from life when rats run from a ship, before they run, they are caught together, yes, they put some kind of separate container, and each person pours water into it day, and i even observed this example, i myself was a participant in it. experiment, so to speak, here, rats begin to tell each other every day, here remains the strongest, and
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such a metaphor, when the west, feeding the power of ukraine with weapons, yes, provokes them to the same event, i understand, sergey, where did you serve, if it’s not a secret, i served in the pacific fleet, i understand, i have this, this is the metaphor that emerges, in connection with the question, what is the west. really throws weapons at usa, thereby feeding the rats, leaving only the strongest one, so i have such a comparison, an excellent image, amazingly strong, we ’ll see now. look, then let's go back to your first question, why, as you said, and why exactly did cheese become a replacement, as you said, let's be honest we realize, well, it has actually already been said that it may actually be due to personal loyalty to zelensky, because they don’t ask questions, i don’t know, maybe there are still
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some reasons why syrsky is true, and why not because there are few generals there , more or less so ska? at the level we are talking about, there are not so many generals, anatoly, because there you have to choose from budanov, from syrsky, from the outgoing zaluzhny, by the way, we did not discuss this matter, but still it is necessary to say that zaluzhny also has a biological condition, because he was seriously wounded, i obviously don’t sympathize with the nazis, i might not say, he had a cranial treponation, according to some reports, a difficult operation, because the shrapnel
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was really not subordinate to the european we will now return to the moment that zaluzhny ’s partners, he was directly subordinate , and bypassing zhelensky called america, these points are well-known, there is a second point, zaluzhny had an economic academic military education, he refused... he is convenient in all respects, tsirsky is convenient, he will do it without hesitation, that is, here in all respects, and there is also such a moment, there are transitional moments, which means i was quite surprised this morning when i read that
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remember budanov said that we have there will be a counter-offensive there in the spring.
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the germans now bear a lot of burden here, pistorius must hand over the taurus, one by one, one by one of the operational developments, this weapon is very close in class to
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the iskander missile to the british, because the british put it in ukraine, because the german the public does not welcome the direct supply of tauruses, and tauruses must be customized, tauruses need to be adapted for the f-16, for us this is a very big problem, the warhead of the taurys is 500 kg, it flies half a ton.
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was in bakhmut, and it was just the liberation of this city and how - the ukrainian armed forces used the tactics of, let's say, these local assaults, counterattacks, all this really happened before my eyes, well, then tell us yours, yours, so to speak, i don’t know, considerations regarding syrsky, we now we him discussed the tactics of the ukrainian army in general, well, regarding... sirsky, what can i say, that’s the nickname that characterized him, yes, the media, including the ukrainian media from misneg, well, it’s probably the most complete, because this is a person
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who does not hesitate to use manpower, in such a way that - in principle, sending him to minefields unaccompanied, without preliminary exploration of the territory, i myself witnessed how the counterattack took place. to the dam of the berkovsky reservoir, the thing there is that next to berkovka is located in bakhmut, there is a reservoir and a dam that blocks this large mirror of water from the flowing river, the task of the ukrainian armed forces was to bomb this dam in order to swamp the area so that our russian forces could not advance further towards fyaara now, it was still in the spring, that is, we were liberating bakhnuk, but already there was movement all over...
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but just to attack there, and all this was noticed by our forward posts, the order was given to detain until the adjustment, uh, until the artillery is adjusted, detention was carried out only by the force of an infantry fighting vehicle, the guys there are really very experienced in skills, they immediately, immediately knocked out four advancing infantry fighting vehicles, there were also two tanks, and three infantry fighting vehicles then tried to escape, artillery was already covering there, and we are next day they rose. in this forest belt, along which this counterattack was going on, i will say that the number of dead there, military personnel of the armed forces of ukraine, is
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simply incredible, so they were lying there on top of each other along this forest belt, that is, they came under artillery fire, they didn’t even have tanks gone, everything, everything was covered, evgeniy, and what they are saying now at the front, that is, tsirsky will do the same thing that he did in bakhmut, these crazy dead, he will do the same thing in ovdeevka, well... yes, i ’ll finish here, in bakhmut, they were literally lying on top of each other, here are the dead servicemen of the armed forces of ukraine, the same thing is happening in aldeevka, they are now pumping up these fortified positions with infantry, yes, which are located in the city, in urban areas, in basements of buildings, and the fact is that there is no way out, no one doesn’t provide for it at all, even the tsirsky one, it’s unique in that way, it doesn’t provide for
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... as if, i remember, there was a big video on one of the ukrainian channels, when people were marching in columns, military personnel were marching in columns to some bravura marches, and it seems to be to raise spirits, that we have so much strength , now we will protect everyone there, bakhmut, there was no equipment, only columns of military personnel, so they were just going to batna, now the situation is repeating itself.
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the envoy will also have to block steps that are not coordinated with washington and london ukrainian leadership, proposing instead a solution that is correct from the point of view of the anglo-saxons. a wide range of russophobic-minded american and european politicians are vying for the role of such a de facto governor of the west in ukraine. among them , the current nato secretary general jens stoltenberg stands out, who, immediately after the end of his current mandate in brussels, would like to go to keep order in kiev. listen, this of course is simply admirable.
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his living conditions in the bunker are difficult with gray with an earthy face, he spoke and said, damn it, give me the money, yes, and now look how many scandals with corruption, here the other day in munich a ukrainian was caught, i thought? i checked some kind of joke, no, not a joke , 450,000 euros in cash, a ukrainian brought it in cash, where, where did this money come from, seriously, in cash, in cash, in a suitcase, in small bills, so, the west really needs a special envoy, this emphasizes to me that zelensky may be uncontrollable, zelensky’s goals may not coincide, who is difficult to control, it’s like watching, yes a person who uses generally controlled substances. it’s hard, even if he’s a compredator of therapy, whatever , it will pass on the other side, but now look, if they put an envoy, a governor, on one side, they must also block zelensky, from the military side, somewhere there budanov is blocking, according to
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decisions, for something else, somewhere ermak, but with the military there was no blocking, there it was different, zelensky now really, i agree with the western formulation, he is being driven into a dead end, he was blocked from everyone, he will do, he will.
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with certain positions, we are not surrendering to avdiivka, for example, we are dying, we are standing, by the way, we are literally filling our positions with corpses, yes, but we are like in our time, i ’m just telling you, excuse me, quote, we are like the soviet army we stand to death, just give us money, give us opportunities, it must be a strong speech, it must be a show, a show with blood, i said everything about it, that’s how it is, everything is being prepared for this, because in fact it’s so insulting that once we were for real. common country, we once had no there were no beggars, like these , we once resisted the enemy together, now they are beggars, and we are fighting , the film air has just come out on the screen, a film by alexei german
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the younger, just about when about those times when we were united suffering , about when we fought together, when we really stood until the last, and how girls and schoolgirls went to the front, not because they were forced, but because they volunteered and became those... the masses who fought for our common country when we were a common country, be sure to go see the film air, the film is wonderful, wonderful, go with the children, but i wanted to know what to say, i talked about it yesterday, but it seems to me that this is the most important thing, we somehow, well, somehow we don’t, we certainly don’t forget this , but i’m just not sure that among those girls in the film, and most importantly, in life, there were also ivanovs, remember, i talked about this yesterday, let’s say it to each other again , and petrovs. and sidorova, and i don’t know, and ovsienko, and onoprienko, iglushko, and sharashidze, and so on, you know what’s the matter, and well, one part of these, these names just decided to take and cross out and betray
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the second part, well, that’s understandable, it’s like it ’s not news, i don’t pretend to be, but just from this angle, let’s also keep this film in mind and in general, our story and everything that is happening in general, thank you for your attention to the viewers of channel one, see you soon on air. change of power, orlov was sent to moscow to certain death, there was a riot in moscow, archbishop ambrosi was killed, if i had received a husband from a young age whom i could love, i would have gone to him forever hasn't changed. a certain person appeared in europe calling herself princess vladimir, the daughter of the late elizaveta petrovna from alexei razumovsky. this self-styled princess lays claim to the russian throne. great, golden age. big premiere. watch the time after the program. in the patagonian fjords of chile there are hundreds of kilometers of coastline
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where no human has ever set foot. machu picchu is a city floating above the clouds. we can be transported to another time, feel the genius, the greatness of the real american cultures that existed. europeans from all points of view, the incas and otecs were head and shoulders above in a cultural and civilizational sense. today, every brazilian is a little indian, a little european.
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under no circumstances should it be clenched into a fist, the only place where there can be a pistol is in the left hand under a napkin, we can avoid opening a second front only if we decapitate the leadership of countries hostile to us with one blow. it is known that the germans are preparing a large-scale operation in tigeran. dear gevorg, all six umbrellas that you ordered for your father’s pastry shop are ready. six umbrellas - meant six paratroopers. are they germans or not? then i saw an army boot, they don’t wear those in iran? i’ve been working for four years now, during this time i didn’t ask you for anything, we found these six german radio operators, and someone else will take them. drink some water, comrade stalin. grinned at the six germans
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we found, hurray, for the centenary of georg vartanyan, on saturday at the first, and 64 years later, after the tehran events, selya sandis, churchill’s granddaughter, came to moscow, she thanked me for saving her grandfather’s life, it doesn’t happen, what a person would... in your life, now he disappears, even if he dies, in this girl he almost doesn’t recognize the child who 5 years ago lost the most precious thing, his mother, i don’t think that i am without her, i have a pile of memories , but this is my mother, yulia nachalova died very young at 38, leaving her beloved daughter, vera, to her parents and ex-husband. i said that, unfortunately, i have very difficult news for you, that mom is no longer with us, that at that moment, that evening... he experienced, only he knows, this is a big responsibility to tell your child that
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his mother has passed away. how did yulia’s only daughter survive this loss, what path did she take after her mother’s death? i’m somehow very mega-strong, somehow i felt like i pulled myself together, that is, our exclusive: 5 years of the adult life of a girl who decided, no matter what, to become a star, in memory about a famous mother. when you appeared , my life changed. i will always be with you. exclusive with dmitry borisov. premiere on saturday. on the first. junior lieutenant, ignatiev vladimir ivanovich, sapper. there is a pulse, but weak. who did you cross path with? i stood up for the girl. he will look for me now. what's happened? i need a dog. fighting monster. so that everyone wins, this is not necessary
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, you do not approach him, but retreat, invite him to attack, he is a predator, help him, this is who he is, volodya, the one who saved me, you are nobody to each other, this is chechnya, we can’t do this, i’ll see this again, you won’t be here, abrek, the premiere of a serial film, on sunday, on the first one, i want you they brought out the doomed to fight, hello, on the first channel there is a news broadcast in the maxim sharafuddinov studio. our military destroyed the platoon leader. the ukrainian armed forces' stronghold south of artemtemovsk
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was discovered by an enemy fortification with the help of a drone; a group of paratroopers in combat vehicles moved to the site, professional, well-coordinated crews suppressed the enemy's defenses, and then completed the defeat with direct fire. the militants abandoned their weapons and fled. the strikes on the positions of ukrainian formations were carried out by our su-25 attack aircraft. the crews worked for at an extremely low altitude, in conditions of strong influence from enemy rap stations, but interference on the air did not affect the performance of combat missions, all targets were present. destroyed, after which the pilots returned to their home airfield. meanwhile, in the zaporozhye direction, our military captured another group of ukrainian militants, the command abandoned them in a forest belt in the area.
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either you can die, or you will be wounded and you will be left there somewhere in a field to rot, there are a lot of two guys lying there, that is, they are simply listed as unknown now missing. our ministry of defense once again emphasized that ukrainian military personnel are treated in full compliance with all norms of humanitarian law, they have the opportunity to contact their relatives and receive qualified medical care if necessary. from the largest school in the dpr and the ultra-modern fmba center to the branch. sky school, which military builders promise to complete even ahead of schedule. mariupol is transforming more and more every day, the city was already changing during large-scale restoration work, before liberation decline, destroyed houses and social infrastructure, now new housing, hospitals, schools, kindergartens and much more remains to be done. the tula region, for example, will soon begin building a sports complex there. sergey ponomarev about plans and what has already been done.
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based on the color scheme, according to the finishing materials, give or take this is what all classrooms will look like, with the exception of the physics, chemistry, biology classrooms, which have their own laboratories, furniture is already placed on the desks, textbooks and notebooks are already placed, this is the astronomy classroom of the future branch nakhimovsky school in mariupol, a huge complex of five buildings near the shore of the azov sea, the scale is clearly visible from the air, as is the architectural design, the buildings of the school are like ships moored at the pier of the future parade ground, construction is still underway outside the window, but here almost everything is ready, this cockpit, so in nautical terms here... they call for rooms in the residential block, the furniture is in place, these are the beds, they are already made, on the contrary there is a study area, tables, chairs, even books have been purchased, in addition to the usual classrooms there will be specialized for teaching automotive and robotics, even a pool for testing underwater drones, another pool for
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swimming in the sports building, completed work in the gym and games room, a grandiose facility is being built by specialists from the military construction complex of the ministry. the school will accept its first intake of cadets in september, but the goal of the military builders is to complete the facility by the summer, as is their custom: to be ahead of schedule. so 2 weeks ago in mariupol , a multidisciplinary center of the federal medical and biological agency, one of largest in the country, built on the instructions of the president in a short time. vladimir putin
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took part in the opening of this center via video link. it is equipped with equipment and staff no worse than in moscow. military builders handed it over. ahead of schedule, when i was there, i looked at this complex, to be honest, it is so grandiose, huge, big, well, this is only the first stage, and this is only the first stage, i really hope that the second stage will be just as quickly implemented, all the people who are planned will be there they will work, they will live, they will be able to fit into this environment, and they will... enjoy what they do, because helping people there is nothing more noble and satisfying than what a person does. now a new construction site is being prepared nearby; another building should be erected here by the end of the year. within six months , the first houses
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of the nevsky microdistrict were actually built on a vacant lot. we worked in three shifts, worked around the clock, and worked on the first phase of five-story buildings. about 1,500 people and there is pride in everyone who is involved in this large-scale construction, because now at the moment, when it’s all ready, people have everything they basically need for comfortable housing, including the largest school in the donetsk people’s republic republic for 1,100 students, a three-story building with assembly halls and two gyms and modern classrooms. student 6 a irina smaga says she doesn’t know who was more surprised on september 1st.
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fsb officers in the leningrad region stopped the sabotage that was being prepared by the ukrainian special services, the attack was planned to be carried out at a fuel and energy facility , a suspicious person was noticed at the gas distribution station , the attacker was detained, he turned out to be a foreign citizen, ukrainian by nationality, five improvised explosive devices were seized from him, which he tried to plant on the pipeline , a criminal case has been opened against the harm, just since the beginning of the special operation, said the head of the fsb, alexander bortnikov, the russian special services and law enforcement agencies have already prevented more than 400 terrorist crimes. now footage from kharkov, another evidence of forced mobilization in ukraine, a chase on the street, an officer in uniform tries to catch a man, catches up with him, throws him to the ground, soon his partner gets involved, now they are already two against one, he beats the fugitive, how it all ended is unknown video
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remains the main, main factor that will constantly generate instability and violence in the middle east. from this
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argument, our colleagues, i spoke about this with my israeli colleagues many times, they brushed aside, they preferred in the middle east processes, the americans , i mean, rely on their dominance in the region and are now already working to... exclude russia from various international efforts that are aimed at creating conditions for establishing lasting peace and stability. by the way, in america there is more and more talk about the chances of the current president being re-elected for a new term. analysts' forecasts do not inspire optimism. the level of support for joe biden has dropped significantly over the past 3 months, despite the fact that the rating the head of the white house was short before. the data is provided by newsweek. here are the results of a recent abc survey.
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unique russian developments need to be quickly introduced into production and delivered to friendly countries, said the head of the federation council valentina matvienko, she visited the siberian federal university in krasnoyarsk. in one of the departments of the civil engineering institute, she was shown student work on designing buildings using digital technologies. and in institute of gastronomy matvienko got acquainted with projects for the production of domestic seeds and environmentally friendly products. speaker saffeda also visited the regional clinical hospital and talked with doctors. he introduced the russian audience to the world's best
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theatrical productions and did everything to ensure that the masterpieces were seen not only in moscow, but throughout the country. this week marks the 85th anniversary of the birth of the creators of the chekhov festival , valery shadrin. he traveled all over the world to collect real pearls, performances, which change the idea of ​​the possibilities of modern theater. kristina levieva, about shadrin’s legacy.
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performances or introducing theatrical celebrities, and all of them were his once again talking about upcoming friends, it was chekhovsky who revealed to our public the theatrical alchemist robert lepage, the rebel matthew bourne, the master of horses bartabas, the legendary daniel fincepascu, the touching grandchildren of charlie chaplin, aurelia and james thiere. he also did everything to ensure that the best productions were seen not only in moscow, but also
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viewers all over russia. he has always supported theaters from the regions and the cis. armenian actress, director, regular participant of the chekhov festival, narine grigoryan, he simply inspired me, he, he gave me strength and faith in myself, and i miss him very much. valery shadrin, he is a man, an era, a man, a legend created by him, this is the chekhov festival, it was educational. the project is not only for the russian audience, but also for us, because we, young people, came to the laboratories, all these meetings with mark zakharov, yuri lyubimov, all of us, i all i saw and watched their rehearsals, all thanks to the chakhov festival. and in september, the third international pacific festival will be held in vladivostok; it was also once conceived by valery shadrin. and for us it is very important to maintain the high standard
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that has been maintained throughout our entire activity.
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less to restrain the advance of the russians, now we are in the hour ravine, this is a city not far from bakhmut, the next city that the russians want to occupy, one thing is clear, the russians have an advantage here, they are meter by meter.
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that major operations can only take place in june, as a result of which more territories may be captured, and if ukraine is not better equipped with ammunition, in fact this could become a critical phase if russia tries to launch its own large-scale offensive here, these reports are increasingly reminiscent of a kind of panic, let's find out in detail from a war correspondent...
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it’s bursting, little by little , our aerospace forces, the russian federation, are actively working, that is , the largest share now of the all-russian military forces of the russian federation, this is going to kupinsk, that is, to all rear units, to warehouses of artillery shells, in warehouses, these drones are stored in, well, in general, in terms of equipment, there is a completely massive attack there, well, the russian air force is attacking a clarifying question in the kupinsky direction, as i understand it, this weekend the ukrainian command announced a forced evacuation from the city . now sofyar, he is behind kupetsk, immediately , yes, in a trap, if i’m not mistaken, does this mean that they are preparing, well, for kupinsk in the near future, well, or in the relative near future
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, the next line of defense will fall in hours, in hourly, in the previous part we suggested that the population was evacuating from there peacefully, because this is donbass, our people, who are waiting for us and so as not to give up their positions, do not help our troops, are taking all this pro-russian population from there. and under various penalties, are there any details of this? well, in any case , there is more of our population there, you said it correctly, ruslan, so people naturally give coordinates for these targets, it is being worked out, but regarding the sentry yard, now in kupinsk itself, where the units were located there, ppu everything else, factories from the impk are constantly flying in, so they now need to shift all of their command to the guards in order to reduce shelling from the side. russian federation, here, but in any case, and no matter where they move, our intelligence officers still know where they will go, and they will fly there again, that is, they are trying to save themselves, but they are not succeeding, but as for
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promotion, yes, they really do evacuate so that people don’t agitate, people are there, and there the population is russian, so here’s the story, thank you big, evgeniy lesitsin was in direct contact with us, american journalist tucker carlson headed to russia immediately after his visit. to the international dubai forum, where he spoke in detail about his impressions after the interview with the president of russia. in his opinion, the west is not capable of defeating russia. ukraine will not be able to defeat russia. the ukrainian military, even with western support of hundreds of billions of dollars, will not be able to push the russian military out of the regions of eastern ukraine. ukrainian industry is not enough power. the same can be said about nato and the usa, and there are not enough people. and there are 100 million more people in russia than in ukraine. this means that continued support for the armed forces of ukraine from the west will bring more dead ukrainians and further degradation of the western economy of the usa and germany in particular.
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senator vance's personal opinion, or is this a general trend that has already been formulated as a goal for the decade? well, among the people, of course, i would say this privately, because the people do not understand, among politicians this is all clear, this is intentional, and not only ukrainians, the poles will also join this ranks, the ruminians and others, they say openly there, and they said in the first days, that people are thunderous, that well, yes, this is... a great investment, we spend money, they fight for us, also , and now they openly say, just a selective company, listen, we are raising the economy, these are all orders for us, war is a great investment, the russian military-industrial complex of america, these are jobs, what are you talking about, biden has raised new jobs, unleashed this war, no one of ours is dying there, which is also not true, more than 400 have already died, but about that they don’t say much either, it’s quietly so that yes, it’s absolutely intentional.
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in america now it’s economic, well, people are looking at it more, now the phrase “the refrigerator defeats television” is very, very relevant in the usa, but not only in the usa, the militant scholz continues to play with weapons and risks playing out at a meeting with polish prime minister donald tusk, the german chancellor promised to allocate even more german money for nato needs. germany will spend 2% of its gdp on nato purposes this year and will. do
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this is all the time, now berlin has funds from a special defense fund of 100 billion euros, which has already been used by 80%. thus, germany will definitely have the largest defense spending in europe. i believe that all european countries, nato members, will fulfill these criteria, because all nato member countries are ready to defend every centimeter of their territory, and statements to the contrary are dangerously irresponsible, and this is solely in the interests of russia, no one is allowed.
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in seventh place in the list of main threats security in germany - this is in the opinion of ordinary germans, residents of germany, compared to 2023, this follows from the annual report of the munich security conference. last year, residents of germany considered russia the number one threat to german security. now it only took seventh place, behind mass migration and terrorist threats from radical muslims. a similar change occurred with residents of the g7 countries, where the threat from russia was only in fourth place, while a year ago she was in the lead. alexander yuryevich, explain to us about the europeans, you look, well, the germans included, you look at this scholtz, well, excuse me, friends, but the feeling, well, i suffered with this, well, it’s just that in germany
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, ordinary germans already understand that russia is no threat doesn’t create a hole in the budget, it would seem, well, take care of your issues, no, to the poles, he to the poles, the germans promise to the poles, we... have become conditional, this is the border too, the polish-german one. as for scholz, then, of course, you always want to laugh at him when you see him, but there is still a serious lining underneath this. germany, even
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with scholz, is still used to feeling like the leader of the european union. it is now quickly losing its leadership position in the economy, but it is not losing its feeling. does not lose desire, in fact, blocking the economic decline by building up the military -industrial complex, in principle , works on these feelings, that is, by and large , germany now says that it is ready to become the military leader of europe. i want ask the europeans, guys, does anything remind you? they remind me very much, we had difficulty figuring out the third one, they wanted a fourth one, so i hit the poles. that the year thirty-nine taught nothing at all , well, it’s true that their history textbooks are a little better than in the united states, but it’s also disgusting, maybe they don’t remember anything anymore, it’s the two berbak sisters walking around, anya elena, she doesn’t talk about grandfather she forgot hers,
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she’s already so proud of him, you see, following other politicians, that’s why i say, myself in fact, this all fits into one puzzle , a very bad puzzle, that is , by and large - against the backdrop of trump’s statements about nato and europe, revanchism is beginning to emerge in europe, primarily in germany, and this is a problem for everyone, including us , that is, in fact, it’s better, of course, to extinguish these flames in the bud, because we remember how it happens in germany, well, germany now has the power of opportunity, yes, they still have money, it’s not for nothing that he said a billion-dollar budget, speaks ...
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he is being pressed by the more radical and leftist sarah nekhto and the right-wing odh, so germany needs to be very closely monitored in time to give an important nuance, like nato, which theoretically can hit you in the head because it is controlled by the americans, but here not everything is so simple, because in france they started very interesting ideas slip, here is the head of the french foreign ministry, stephane sejournet, who said that europe should stop looking overseas and should start preparing to defend itself without... us help, apparently, the french have already decided for themselves the case of trump’s victory put some straw on it.
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ukraine, israel and taiwan may tie the hands of trump if he again becomes president of the united states and wants to suspend the allocation of funds for...
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now, then the democrats, when choosing, can say, look, we have closed the border, we are doing everything for the american people, and the chances because, if we take this money from the democrats, it will naturally increase, while this problem and the national guard are standing there against the federal services, all this tension is growing, they are just using this as a lever to put pressure on the democrats in the elections, that’s all the rest are sitting there hostages, because nothing moves while they are fighting, well , this will continue, i think...
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they are not in a hurry, the ukrainian government has not provided funds for the so-called dragon's teeth for the zaporozhye region, the reason is a banal lack of funding from the state budget. the cabinet of ministers did not finance the dragon's teeth for the defense of the zaporozhye region. there was a plan to purchase 45. concrete pyramids, an auction was held, but the customer had to cancel the tender due to lack of funding from the state budget. mobilization bill, failure, defense spending.
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so from the outside, so to be honest, i think that ukraine is already being surrendered, just to formulate it briefly, about money, and about weapons, about rhetoric, and about this trail of negative articles about zelensky, about ukraine, corruption and by the way, well , it feels like they are simply renting out a proposal that vladimir vladimirovich quite clearly expressed in an interview, that he is ready for big negotiations not with ukraine, and even, even as he said, well, we ’re not talking about zelensky. about the american president, putin clearly demonstrated that for big negotiations, they call them a big deal, putin is ready, but for this they don’t need weapons in ukraine, they don’t even need mobilization, that’s why the war in ukraine is over, that is, the outcome it was predetermined, but unfortunately
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, it will continue for some time, and the price of the issue will also be high for us, but the outcome of the war is predetermined, they understand this, even such people... will, that’s what i’m saying, it will continue, and the price will be, and the price will be paid by all of them, naturally, but so do we, but if you look at trends and not at facts, then the result is inevitable, they had a goal to cross out russia, including russian culture, but nothing has worked out yet, it won’t work out,
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a big international ended in solihard yesterday classical music competition, the yamalo symphony , the uniqueness of this event is that it is the first...
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prepare, i immediately knew that there would be such warmth inside this wonderful hall that is already dear to me, with such an audience you can do any event, any concert , any festival, any competition is done for the audience, be it in the hall here, be it online, they watch us, they say that today there were some big numbers, this makes us happy,
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this is the scale of the level of the tchaikovsky competition, the chapet competition in warsaw, the cliburn competition in texas. it’s not easy, it’s not easy, we can already see that it’s working out, you know , there was really huge interest, so many countries from absolutely all over the world were practically from different parts of the world in the application, this is a huge celebration, because i’m sure that everyone one of them will become a great artist, who will already do without competitions, will only go to festivals and concerts, and many of them, i am sure that everyone will remember that their great creative journey began here in neimai. the cultural front is no less important for us than the main front, all the details including the cultural front in the telegram channel stream popular fronts and the full halls of such festivals show that our people are ready for high culture, they want it, all this hollywood the tinsel that left us after the beginning of a special military operation, is quite calmly replaced by our domestic, stunning films, one
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of which is now in theaters - this is the military drama of alexei german the younger in the air, the most worthy. an answer and not even an answer to the west, but an answer to ourselves that we can, we can do it efficiently and professionally. let's look at the fragment. this is our story, it's true. i teared up. and my mother burst into tears, it was touching and interesting to watch, but this film can really inspire, this is why people go to the movie, such vivid emotions, the war was shown through the eyes of a woman, it was very cool, the air is already in the cinema, more than 1,200 thousand viewers have already watched it, hurry to the cinemas and
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build a better world. as big we are determined to play our part as american funds try to seize control of the whole world. they train a mass of people, who then end up in the white house managing everything. a fund of 11 billion passes through itself up to one and a half trillion. you can't just have the cia give you money. transgender agenda, genetic creation and this is precisely work with public consciousness, changed nutrition, golden rice was supposed to feed everyone, and now it turns out that everyone has been reduced, that they represent themselves...
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change of power, orlov was sent to moscow to certain death, in moscow there was burt, the archbishop ambrosi was killed, if i had received a husband from a young age whom i could love, i would not have changed for him, a certain person appeared in europe calling herself princess vladimir, the daughter of the late empress elizaveta petrovna from alexei razumovsky, this a self-styled princess lays claim to the russian throne, a great golden age, a big premiere, look after the program for the time, everyone celebrates valentine's day on february 14, and progressive doctors, worldwide. impotence day, how to overcome this disease, about this and much more, in the program to live healthy,
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tomorrow is the first, you see how happy i am, because i finally have time for myself, a super breakthrough idea, because there is nothing like this in the world no one did, create an online cosmetics designer, i feel like a sorceress who creates incredible elixir of youth, most. our formulas are unique and effective, so we create our own unique product, in 2013 we released the first snowmobile of our production, after that we began to expand our model range, starting from small cubic hundred cubic meters to 800 cubic meters, in the production of our snowmobiles we try to localize russian production as much as possible, you have a very large assortment of snowmobiles, but this is of course for girls, our premiere is on saturday. on the first, it does not happen that a person was in your life, now he disappears, even if he dies, this girl is almost unrecognizable as the child who 5 years ago lost the most
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precious thing, his mother. i don’t think that i am without her, i have a lot of memories, but this is my mother. yulia nachalova died very young, at 38, leaving her beloved daughter to her parents and ex-husband, i said that unfortunately, i have very... news for you that my mother is no longer with us, that at that moment, what he experienced that evening, only he knows, it’s a big responsibility to tell your child that his mother passed away. how yulia’s only daughter survived this loss; what path did she take after her mother’s death? i’m somehow very mega-strong, somehow i felt like i pulled myself together, that is, our exclusive 5 years of the adult life of a girl who decided, no matter what, to become a star in memory of famous mother. when you appeared, my life changed. i will always be with you. exclusive with dmitry borisov. premiere on
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saturday on the first. junior lieutenant, ignatia vladimir ivanovich, sapper. there is a pulse, but weak. who did you cross? i stood up for the girl. he will look for me now. what's happened? i need a dog, a fighting monster, so that everyone can win. it’s not necessary, don’t come near him.
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our guys at the front are very strong , courageous, resilient, they seem to support us there, our morale, confidence in a speedy victory, but they also need our support there, both moral and humanitarian, there are a lot of caring people in our country who are ready not only to personally participate in various gatherings, but also to take humanitarian aid to... the front line, let's see,
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then... or something, well, in general, yes, yes, even nikolsky is left, yes, yes, from nikolsky, they just arrived, here somewhere an hour and a half or two ago, we came straight to you , well, we just washed ourselves a little, it’s great that they grabbed the loaf, by the way, you probably know that now victoria will arrive with humanitarian aid , and it will be necessary to transfer it to vika, you’re familiar with her, yes what are you saying, this is our valkyrie, our just a wand, a lifesaver, she constantly helps us, we are already familiar with her more than a year, we still love her very much, she is like a sister. became dear, that’s who you definitely know, or rather know, but are not familiar with, this is maryana naumova, we know, we know, we know , we are waiting for girls, we are waiting for girls, victoria, hello, glad to see you, very mutual, i recognized you from our russian cybersportsman, grisha putin.
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i was told that there is such a wonderful victoria who comes to our guys and helps. grisha and i met in a general chat of our friend, he agreed to help me with fees, with financing, so say. based on targeted requests from the guys, and i understand correctly that grisha conducts streams, they are watched by audiences from different countries in general, yes, mostly foreigners, they are interested in the life of russia, they are not just interested, they are our ideological supporters and worry about our guys at the front and trying to help as much as possible, our front-line soldiers,
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russians. what, vic, let's try to dial grisha, yes, if they allow us to connect, hello, grisha, hello, hello, gresh, good afternoon, hello, that is, you are such a guide to the western world, if that’s possible to say how people react in general, a huge number of foreigners support us, in fact this... which can be used to help knock out french equipment that was supplied by the ukrainian armed forces, the french government, all i collect is just over 2 million rubles . over the past 6 months
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, i pass everything on through volunteers and... everything ends up on the front line, i’m very glad that there are guys who still understand what’s going on, thank you very much, hello everyone, it’s very nice, and yes our valkyrie, come here, great! vika to us she helps all the time, although i say, i’ll repeat it again, she’s not a foundation, she’s just an ordinary person, simple.
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produces freeze-dried soups and other products, that is, they are also all interesting, wonderful, kind, open people, as i call it, our united humanitarian front, also from grisha, he financed a day bird for us, grisha, in fact, this is completely unique a man, 17 years old, not zombified, he has his own strong opinion, that is, when he gives an interview, he is clearly clear. says everything clearly and what amazes me is that i seem to be 34 and he seems to be 17, but our thoughts are approximately the same, we came here for the same purpose, because we see that since the entire supposedly civilized world has taken up arms against us because we are a little
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different from them, it’s inconvenient for them, then we also know how to do it, we don’t like to fight, but when we have to, we’ll all go. you two, you two, immediately raise the bird and adjust our fire, we understand, i’m ready, coke, well, the conditions today are extreme, well here... we always train the guys to, that you have to work in any conditions, you want people to be strong, so that they have a core, so that they are not afraid of anything, what is this core about?
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this, first of all, is not to be afraid, not to lose your head, no matter what happens at home, no matter what happens in the war, a person should always remain with a cool head and not make mistakes, because mistakes in our case mean injury and death, i i think that a soldier... he should be able to not only shoot from a machine gun, he should be able to raise a bird if something happens, he should be able to if something happens to extinguish the bird, he must be able to provide medical assistance, he must be able to work with at least basic initial means of communication, he must be universal, there is some kind of civil specialty, in general i am a lawyer, i spent a year here, and i understand that’s it, i’m starting to live from scratch, i don’t understand many people who, let’s say... refuse, run away, there are things that you can’t refuse, you can’t give up your wife , you can’t give up your children, you can’t give up your parents, from the country is also not allowed refuse, who are you without your country, control, guys, we were told that
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each such drone has its own name, so you give it, you have your own call sign. that vika brought us today, by the way, so we immediately gave him a call sign, and so he’s fresh, so you kind of ran him in, yes, yes, yes, yes, bye today, while you can, until he’s stitched, we’ll sew it up again, and accordingly it will be possible to send it and work on it there, and what is this, these are trench candles, now my wife also wants to start making candles, i i say, the most important help is now just raising my daughter, but of course it’s good to do it there in your free time, please, no one forbids you, if you want to help, help, how much dota? 12 years old, it was hard for dad to let go, oh it’s hard, my wife
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sends me a message that there was a lesson at school, there was a conversation about something important, they had a topic to write about some hero, so my daughter wrote about me, dad says he’s a military man , he is at war and thanks to people like him we... can calmly walk, walk, there, well the group minds its own business, and this really moved me to tears, and i’m sure my daughter, if she understands this, then it means that someone else’s child understands, accordingly, this is already from childhood, if they invest in a person, then they they will raise their children according to these rules, according to new rules, according to some good rules, based on some bright side, i was born... grew up in the volgograd region, in a normal traditional family, my father is a very religious person , like a cossack, we have six children in our family, yes, and i was raised so that you always... you need to help, i’ll say this,
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in the rostov region, in the krasnodar region, in astrakhan, in the volgograd region, no matter where, people try to meet halfway, even in some cases, i recently handed in a uniform to be stitched up, i didn’t even have money they took it, they simply said , our guys are also fighting, people ask the question, how is it going with you, that is, from the heart, that is, they ask all the time, guys, how is it going with you, we have a supreme commander-in-chief, vladimir vladimirovich putin, we have a ministry of defense, where? they will, so to speak, tell us to put a post on the border, we’ll put it there , as i said, where russia ends, where, well , he says, you can see the horizon line, so we’ll go, we’ll go, as long as we have the strength, we’ll run out of strength, we’ll rest and go even further .
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a feeling of pride is evoked by our volunteers who, of their own free will, go to donbass , help, give up their main jobs and do what their soul requires, our volunteers who heroically fulfill their duty, look at our guys at what is happening there, where they introduced tax for the armed forces of ukraine from all people. industrial enterprises, where recruits are running, you understand everything, then the news is on the first, hello, time for news on the first, we will tell you about the most important events right now, in the beginning, footage from the front line of su-25 attack aircraft, struck a stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces using unguided missiles.
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we had to work under conditions of strong influence from enemy electronic warfare stations, but the interference did not prevent us from successfully hitting targets. this is footage of the work of the crew of an infantry fighting vehicle of the southern group of forces. the military moved out to a pre-prepared firing position and opened fire from a cannon with high-explosive fragmentation shells at a group of militants. the distance to the target was more than 4 km. the enemy suffered losses and was forced to retreat. in the kupinsky direction. the units stopped the rotation of the armed forces of ukraine, struck with tornado launchers, for the enemy this rszz poses a serious threat, so there is a real hunt for combat vehicles. in one of the hottest dangerous areas from donetsk to artyomovsk , sappers perform special tasks, lay the path for attack aircraft is protected by enemy trenches. here, just a few hundred meters from the militants at the training ground , they hone their skills to the point of automaticity. the equipment is tens of kilograms, but he comes to work.
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at first, in the thicket of bushes, you can stand up a little in order to advance with a throw, as soon as the sappers advance on a mission, our film crew is forced to lie down in the nearest hollow, explosions are possible, this is how the advancement of an engineering-tactical group occurs, the task is to pave the way for the attack aircraft, the task is not easy, because... a conditional enemy is literally 200 m from the guys, the maneuver is practiced during the day, but in real conditions the group will most likely have to act at night in order to secretly reach the line of combat contact to remove all minefields that cannot be neutralized, they are simply destroyed, then mandatory debriefing, work with from the instructor's point of view, it is not done entirely cleanly, mistakes are good, you will learn from mistakes , otherwise something is done in battle, there is a right to make mistakes. will no longer be, the next task is to mine possible approaches of the equipment
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enemy so that the infantry group could hold the occupied line. always put the more experienced one back. again in the polish field, everyone has two or three anti-tank mines, and you literally have to move without raising your head. this exercise can be performed perfectly only the third time. we've cleared it out. the enemy's trench was mined after clearing, so that he would not take it back. working at a very close distance to the enemy, you have to work in a prone position. the sappers are breathing heavily, which is not surprising, considering the load they had to crawl with. 20-40 kg - this is in addition to the armor. and these are not cadets, but experienced fighters who have done this more than once in real combat conditions. as soon as the guys are freed from combat work, we give them a little rest.
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due to the fact that its travel is tracked, it is controlled like an fpv with the help of special goggles; having gone to a specified point, it can deploy up to four mines in a tank-dangerous direction. the help is invaluable, but still you can’t do it without people. the robot is more tank-like, and it covers the tank-dangerous direction, but we
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cover it with anti-personnel mines. at first we clear the enemy’s mines, clear them so that everything is clean, and then set up our own mines. this is also just a teaching, but... most likely, tomorrow they will have to do all this in close proximity to the enemy. the area of ​​responsibility of the engineering and sapper company is from donetsk to artyomovsk, one of the hottest areas of the northern military district. dmitry tolmachev, igor kritsko, dmitry kucheryavets, tatyana bakulina, channel one. a large cache of weapons and ammunition, including foreign-made ones , was neutralized by a russian guard member in one of settlements of the lpr. local residents showed vigilance; they informed law enforcement officers that while checking the address, they found a bag covered with stones in the wall of the building. additional measures aimed at increasing the efficiency of the information space protection system were discussed today at a meeting of the national anti-terrorism committee. chairman of the nac and director of the fsb alexander
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bortnikov said that russian special services and law enforcement agencies first prevented over 400 terrorist attacks during a special military operation. moreover, in most regions have been created. information security center, which monitors publications on the internet media. in social networks and instant messengers, a search is underway for indoctrination of the perpetrators of sabotage. law enforcement officers uncover similar facts every day and detain the organizers. the scale of terrorist threats is evidenced by 419 terrorist crimes that were initially prevented. the severity of the current situation requires strengthening measures to... protect the russian information space. an integrated approach allowed first, carrying out a special military operation to detect and remove more than 360 thousand terrorist and extremist materials on the internet, of which over 37 thousand were related to the activities of the ukrainian
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special services and neo-nazi organizations. fsb officers, together with the federal penitentiary service, busted a large criminal group. which operated on tv territory. 52 members of the extremist organization aristant criminal unity, banned in our country, were brought to justice. 46 people are imprisoned guard. according to investigators, aoe supporters organized a criminal community that participated in drug trafficking, extorted money from entrepreneurs and recruited teenagers. they imposed a criminal ideology and hatred of law enforcement officers on local residents and convicts, attracting new people into their ranks. violence was used against dissenters, several groups established control over intercity passenger transportation, extorting money and other property from entrepreneurs and citizens in the territory republics. ways to resolve the situation in the middle east are being discussed in moscow at the thirteenth middle east conference
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of the valdai international discussion club. about 50 experts gathered, including from abroad. the guest of honor is russian foreign minister sergei lavrov. attention. exclude russia from all settlement mechanisms. according to sergei lavrov, washington is pushing not only palestine, israel, but the entire middle east into disaster. the situation around us has sharply worsened yemena.
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russia should say goodbye to the parliamentary assembly of the organization for security and cooperation in europe because of its dependence on the united states, state duma speaker vyacheslav volodin said during a plenary session at okhotny ryad. deputies expressed support for this proposal. the resolution to suspend the participation of our delegation in the osce is expected to be adopted next week. it's time for us to say goodbye to the osce parliamentary assembly. the organization is absolutely dependent, politicized, dances to the tune and performs all the washington dances, what should we do there, but
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the worst thing in this situation is that we are also paying money, and one of the largest payers, so we need to go out, stop transferring funds and assume that they will not come to their senses until they come to their senses. what we should do there. several countries are in the grip of severe weather. this is the turkish resort of antalya, where several areas were flooded overnight as a result of heavy rain. not only roads, but also residential buildings and cars were floating in the water. the situation is even worse on the arabian peninsula in the united arab emirates the heavy rain was replaced by powerful hail, easily breaking car windows. populated areas in the east of the country were sunk. and in neighboring oman, due to severe floods, the ruler. declared a general day off. most of our country still has snow-covered landscapes, but
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fire paratroopers have already begun preparing for the hot season. one of the most difficult tasks is to land at the hypocenter of a fire with an accuracy of several meters. after the observer pilot discovered the source, minutes to make a decision. calculation of wind speed and, of course, experience, each specialist must perform at least 12 jumps. i watched the training of professionals in the krasnoyarsk territory. alina sanoeva, where the terrain is inaccessible and equipment cannot be passed, the only way to get to a forest fire is a parachute. the parachutist and fireman jump after the sound signal, the next one is picked up by the westoped in two or three seconds, so until everyone leaves the board. such aerial training for forest fire center employees before the start of the season it is mandatory that everyone must perform at least twelve jumps, first of all , landing accuracy is worked out. landing in the forest, landing in small clearings, so that everyone knows their place in the air, where to land, how best,
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practice skills, prepare for the flight, the parachute is given about 3 minutes for planning, the time of descent is influenced by both wind speed and experience , because you need to land on a limited area measuring 40 by 40 m. it turned out as i wanted, planned, the feeling is indescribable, as if i had been jumping all my life, skills are not forgotten, i think we have excellent ones and no one makes any mistakes , this is the main task, to work everything out automatically, victor ponomarenko is one of the most experienced employees, he has been extinguishing forest fires for more than 30 years, i am convinced that parachute jumping are important, but this is only a method of delivery to the place of fire, the main work begins after landing, they use their own methods using a shovel, cutting a fireplace strip, burning dead wood in a small area. and it is advisable to detect it and extinguish it. detect fire with air - the job of an observer pilot is one of the rarest professions.
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there are about 400 such specialists in russia, they are the ones who determine the extinguishing tactics, as well as how much strength and equipment will be required. we hone our skills in landing calculations. here you need to calculate the wind force to determine from which point. automatically the eyes and hands do the same thing, they mainly use the lesnik 3 parachute system, it was purchased under the ecology national project, it is controlled very easily, well, you can
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get into a very limited area on with it, you can jump in stronger winds than with a round parachute, the landing is softer than with a round parachute, the work also requires fire trucks, all-terrain vehicles, bulldozers, the fleet of equipment and special equipment has been updated by more than 5 years over the past 5 years.. .and this is our domestic sample, that’s right, yes, our domestic production. this year , more than 2 thousand specialists will fight fire in the krasnoyarsk territory alone. from experience , they know that the fire season begins with the onset of warm weather; it is time to bring the received the skills are still there before they become automatic. alina sanoeva, sergey burkeev, vecheslav sakov, yulia khudorova, channel one, krasnoyarsk territory. and
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that’s all for now, right now, the “great game” program. good afternoon, the big game is live. vladimir putin will chair a meeting of the security council today, and sergei lavrov has already spoken at the annual middle east conference of the valdai international discussion club. we will return to this topic today. and at night , a meeting of the un security council was held, convened at russia’s initiative, which was dedicated to the consequences of deliberate sabotage. and the kiev regime and its western patrons, the minsk agreements on '. the regulation was still within the ukrainian conflict, let me remind you that yesterday was the next anniversary of their signing, they were signed on february 12, 1915, respectively, in minsk, and they assumed a clear sequence of steps, implementation, which would have ended, which began in 1414, kiev's war against part of its own population of its own territory included the minsk
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agreements, dialogue between kiev and donbass, acceptance by ukraine. a new constitution with an eye to decentralization, granting donbass a special status on a permanent basis , and so on and so forth. none of this was accomplished, that’s what vasili nebendia said at the security council meeting that took place at the un, let’s listen. conscientious and consistent implementation of the minsk agreements by kiev was the only chance to return a peaceful ukraine. for the settlement was primarily necessary.
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armament of the ukrainian army and its preparation for war with russia, but vladimir zelensky , who initially promised his voters to bring peace to ukraine, to end the conflict, he simply cynically deceived the ukrainian people, because immediately after he came to power, kiev openly officially declared that he refused, in general refuses to implement the minsk agreements, saying that they are impracticable and need to be rewritten with the full connivance of the collective west, well , this is what this... led to, vasily nebenze also said this, only when a clear having realized that all possible measures of political and diplomatic settlement had been exhausted, and we were left with no other way out to protect people in the lpr and dpr from extermination, a decision was made to launch a special military operation in accordance with article 51 of the un charter. well, now let's talk about how the situation is developing on
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the special operation fronts. westerners are sounding the alarm that in the coming days. or avdiivka could fall in a maximum of a week, let’s listen to what a prominent military observer writes about this, in avdiivka the situation is becoming increasingly critical for the ukrainian defenders, the situation is especially dangerous in the center, where russian troops may soon establish control over one of the last supply routes for the ukrainian armed forces group in the city. there are only 200 m left between the russian positions. supply can be organized along the road south of the city. roebke, do you agree with him, what is your analysis of the situation in avdievka and the general situation on the fronts in general? well, as you understand, everything depends
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on the political decision in kiev, because there are two options, either... to keep avheevka until the last fighter, or really saving, realizing that this is all doomed, saving resources, opportunities, taking them to new positions, and we know that in the last few days a different decision was made, that is, to leave everything as it is, on the contrary , to transfer additional forces there, in order to exhaust, try to exhaust our army in this way and not let them, well, or let them take it, but with large losses, with large time lags, it was a political decision, but it was stupid from a military point of view and today... the events are completely confirmed because in order to implement this decision, the enemy began to transfer reserves from other directions, its strategic reserves, for example, the third brigade of the national guard. this is the famous azovda , and part of it is already located on the territory of avdievka, there is no part yet, today our troops, our reconnaissance worked well, in the area of ​​zapadne avdievka, there is the city of selidovo,
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this is a very convenient place for unloading personnel and armored vehicles, they converge there two railway tracks, so here is our reconnaissance clearly revealed the deployment of these enemy reserves and today launched two precise strikes with iskander missiles on the accumulation areas. while the shock on the other side has not passed for several hours, the information dumps on the other side do not know what to say, but according to the data that we have, we are most likely talking about hundreds of dead and wounded ukrainian soldiers, and hundreds are not 100, but most likely the figure is much higher, because they accumulated very densely in one place, our iskanders struck twice very very accurately, a huge number of ambulances and vehicles that take out corpses have already been sent on...
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off course and yes, forbes writes that kiev allegedly transferred one of its best brigades to ovdeevka, meaning the third assault brigade, in order to try to launch a local counteroffensive and push russian troops away from these supply lines, which, as julian roebke said, could be cut in the coming days. and i must say that forbes very much criticizes this decision of the kiev command. let's listen. solution. it was by no means a foregone conclusion for the ukrainians to strengthen avdiivka. obviously, having decided to stay and give the enemy battle, the ukrainian armed forces took a huge risk; without ammunition, it does not matter whether one ukrainian brigade or two remain in the obedevka. this means that the decision of the ukrainian command to strengthen the city
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will be controversial at best. at worst, it could spell bloodbath for ukrainian troops if they try to flee west from a city they can no longer defend. forms also writes that this is the solution is directly related to the purpose. the new commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, because syrsky, as western sources write, will most likely dance to zelensky’s tune, fulfill his wishes and desires that are actually impossible to fulfill, and this could end very badly, in fact, for the kiev regime, for example, that cnn writes about this. as commander of the ground forces, syrsky was considered the key figure behind ukraine's decision to defend bakhmud to the last. make an earlier withdrawal troops, as the us and other allies have reportedly called for. syrsky is under pressure from the political leadership of ukraine, demanding that the new commander-in-chief develop an alternative plan that will avoid a stalemate on the battlefield and will not
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require a huge number of recruits. andrey fransorovich, well, miracles don’t happen, but how is it even possible to develop a plan that would involve not the retreat of ukraine, especially not the deadlock that he wrote about at one time. zaluzhny, and at the same time not resort to mass mobilization, so do you agree that kiev’s decision to turn avdeevka into a second artyomovsk from the point of view of exhaustion, burning of ukrainian troops, this is indeed indirect, it may be the result of the appointment of syrsky. yes, that’s right, hitler, at the final stage of the battle for germany, believed that his generals knew nothing, and he should directly command.
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they must die there in order to hold back this offensive, they were ordered not to go out, we see that one such festung already took place in artyomovsky, which they still they don’t recognize it as lost , now, apparently, they want to make the same story from bakhmut, oh, from avdiivka, but the question is different, that general syrsky, as the troops call general whatever, who will not resist zelensky , because before this i tried to argue, tried to justify that we need reserves, that let’s... pull back, save the brigades, level off the front, because we will receive a counterattack in other places. syrsky, who is ethnic russian, he must bend over backwards twice to make his nationalists conditional.
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they didn’t recognize him as a traitor there, and he will do what zelensky says, in fact, that’s why he was installed, they cleared out the entire environment that had anything to do with the hostage, so now we see the removal of reserves from other parts of the fleet, we see the transfer reserves from the depths that were located in this depth, the maximum sending of nationalists directly to avdeevka itself, because they understand that they will fight to the last, by the way, and the russians these incomprehensible battalions of traitors that are there are tasked with holding back the advancing units.
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it’s big, but our guys work, our army reb works very well, we , including the guys, really help the rap, which we are buying now and will now distribute, at the end of february we will receive a new batch from the popular front, raised with funds, which our viewers are helping, thank you very much, i urge you to help us again rap - this is electronic warfare, that is, this is exactly the very thing that helps.
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give us a huge thank you, greetings to you from all our wounded doctors, huge gratitude, because we always help all the hospitals where we work, where we come, now we have even brought a shift of surgeons here, so thank you very much, help us further , thank you very much, thank you anastasia leonidovna, for my part i also urge all our television viewers to participate in this good and necessary cause, to strengthen the electronic warfare system. let me remind you that recently. zelensky created a separate branch of the military - within the framework of the armed forces of ukraine, these are unmanned troops in the conditions of a shortage of artillery shells, it is on drones that the main emphasis is and will be placed on the part of the armed forces of ukraine, therefore support for electronic warfare radio is an increasingly large priority. now a little advertising, then we will continue. three fat hamsters. ford, carnegie and rockseller foundations. we are
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determined to play our part in building a better world. how large american funds are trying to seize control over the whole world. they prepare a mass of people, who then it turns out that in the white house he controls everything. a fund of 11 billion passes through itself up to one and a half trillion. you can't just have the cia take and give money to the opposition to russian interference in domestic affairs. the laying intermediary, who provides fraud services, tries to misinform the society where they go. in russia they failed to do this. and this is precisely work with public consciousness, the transgender agenda, the creation of genetically modified nutrition, the golden rist was supposed to feed everyone, and now it turns out that everyone should be cut down, that they imagine themselves as inhabitants of heaven, and this is why they are dangerous, the funds are the real masters of the west, dolls of the heir to tutti. today is the first one.
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mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellar group. claims to the russian throne , the great golden age, the big premiere , watch the time after the program, everyone celebrates valentine's day on february 14, and progressive doctors, world
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impotence day, how to defeat this disease, about this much more in the program to live healthy, tomorrow on the first . in the patagonian fjords of chile there are hundreds of kilometers of coastline, where no man has set foot before. machu picchu is a city soaring above the clouds, we can be transported to another time, feel the genius of the greatness of american cultures, the real ones, which were destroyed by the europeans. from all points of view, the incas and otecs were head and shoulders above in a cultural and civilizational sense. today everyone is brazilian. it is a little indian, a little european and a little african, and that is what enriches our people. the cuban revolution is one of the most important events of the 20th century, it was led by a group of revolutionaries led by fidel castro, ernesto chinevara. latin
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america is one of the poles of the modern and future world order. is there a separate latin american civilization? does not think that no, someone is sure that there is a latin american civilization, here it is. civilization premieres, film four, latin america, on thursday on the first. you see how happy i am because i finally have time for myself. the idea, because no one in the world has done this, is to create an online cosmetics designer. i feel like a sorceress who creates incredible elixir of youth. most of our formulas are unique and effective , so we create our own unique product. in 2013 , we released the first snyakhots of our production, after which we began to expand our model range, ranging from small-cubic ones to 800 cc ones. in the production of our snowmobiles, we try to localize as much as possible with russian
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production, you have a very large assortment of snowmobiles, but this is of course for girls, our everything is premiered in... under no circumstances should it be clenched into a fist. the only place where there could be a gun is in the left hand under the napkin. we can avoid the opening of a second front only if we decapitate the leadership of countries hostile to us with one blow. it became known that the germans were preparing a large-scale operation in tigeran. all six umbrellas that. i ordered for my father’s confectionery, they were ready, six umbrellas - that meant six paratroopers, whether they were germans or not, then i saw an army boot, they don’t wear those in iran , i’ve been working for four years now, during this time i didn’t ask you for anything, we found these six
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german radio operators, and someone else will take them, drink some water, comrade stalin grinned, lied to the six germans we found, hurray for the centenary of georg vartanyan on saturday on the first, and 64 years after the tehran events, selya sandes came to moscow, churchill’s granddaughter, she thanked me for saving my grandfather’s life, fire and ice, two elements at the junction of which the present is born. great art, emotions are off the charts, the atmosphere is tense to the limit, but for victory it is important to maintain icy calm, the splashes of ice from under the skates are like sparks of red-hot
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metal, and the ice melts like steel, hot ice, the spartakiad of the strongest, live broadcasts from... the big game is on air, it is becoming more and more obvious that the continuation, especially the prolongation of the ukrainian military conflict only worsens the situation in ukraine, in the interests and kiev and even the united states, to end this conflict, naturally on the terms that russia offers. let's listen to what he said just yesterday, who are now in the emirates, but at the same time are very impressed. just a few months ago,
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it became obvious to an attentive observer that ukraine could not defeat russia. the ukrainian military, even with hundreds of billions of dollars in western support, will not be able to push the russian military out of areas of eastern ukraine. ukrainian industry lacks strength. the same can be said about nato and the usa. and there are not enough people. russia has 100 million more people than ukraine. this means that the armed forces will continue to receive support from the west. more dead ukrainians and further degradation of the western us economy and germany in particular, so this is not just a hopeless cause, this is destruction itself, this is cruel madness, this is complicity in the murder of an entire generation of ukrainians. well , tucker carlson is now being purged by the western establishment with just the latest words, called putin’s agent, propagandist, and so on. and for comparison, let's listen to what the authors of the just published report of an influential american write. corporation is a long- standing think-tank dating back to the fifties, and
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which, when penned, is, well, a significant part receives orders from the pentagon, this is what they write in the just published report on the ukrainian conflict. continued escalation of hostilities will have long-term and possibly irreversible adverse consequences for us interests. for example, the continuation of the conflict will entail negative economic consequences for the united states. their allies and ukraine, regardless of washington's post-war strategy. using american influence to end the war quickly would likely put ukraine in a better position to deter future russian invasion. as they say, find two differences, yes, or 10 differences with what tucker carlson says. vladimir putin in this interview with tucker carlson sent a very clear and unambiguous signal that russia is ready for dialogue, naturally, for a normal, serious dialogue, but the west is so far refusing this dialogue. the new york times writes about this directly. let's listen. the
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biden administration has rejected russian president vladimir putin's call for talks to end the war in ukraine. so biden demonstrated that the reduction of military assistance to kiev by the us political establishment will not force it to make concessions to moscow. representatives of the presidential administration said that they are not going to put pressure on ukrainian president zelensky for the sake of negotiations with putin. well , this was a clear confirmation of this refusal. statement by the newly elected president of finland, alexander stub, who is a prominent representative of this same atlantic elite, and was previously minister of foreign affairs and prime minister finland, that's what he said. i think it's pretty clear that it's difficult to have any kind of political dialogue with putin while russia is waging an aggressive war against ukraine, so i don't see any engagement with putin or the russian political leadership in the near future. of course, we all want to find a path to peace, but it seems to me that it lies.
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that the american elite convinced itself, it is not clear on what basis, but believed in it, that russia is playing the wonderful american game of chickengame, that is, when there in the fifties, teenagers in cars and... they are sure that if you press on the gas, if you put on a scary face, russia will turn, in this regard you will be able to win, this is a misconception that everything is serious in russia, it’s only now starting reach, and karsa is probably the first to bring the news that this is not a checking game, this is serious, absolutely, well, in fact
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, the future, more precisely, when ukraine is defeated, depends on...
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whether this senate bill is blocked or in the end will it bend? i certainly have no illusions i feed, and we are following very closely what is happening in the legislative branch today, but to be honest, throwing either 160 billion into the trash or throwing away 60 billion makes absolutely no difference, because we have seen what monstrous amounts have already been allocated by the united states to the ukrainians and how they were stolen. directed in the wrong direction, and accordingly did not bring any result, except that our troops are advancing today, in fact, they are today paying for the retreat of ukrainian troops from their current positions. speaking of national us security, this is, after all , not only a procedural issue, but also an electoral and political one, when we see
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how a huge number of republican senators support the history of texas with... us security. and if today they throw out the issue of the mexican border, then they, in fact, are the same governors and the same representatives who sit in the house, they will essentially sign their incompetence to their own electorate, they will say that for them the issue of global pr of ukraine is much more important than the national security of our own own citizens, so i think that
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the house of representatives will now in every possible way obstruct the passage of this legislation. i completely agree with you and absolutely agree that the issue has already acquired the character of an electoral struggle. on the one hand, the adoption of this bill by the senate will, of course, strengthen biden’s position and will say: you see, i have achieved a supposedly bipartisan consensus in the senate, here’s a bipartisan bill, now the house of representatives should too act, otherwise she will demonstrate that she is completely under the control of donald trump. on the other side. south border, the people want to stop the unprecedented large-scale illegal migration and it is no coincidence that many republicans in the house of representatives say that if speaker
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johnson even brings this bill to a vote, he will be impeached, and johnson understands this very well, so yes, the house of representatives will delay this issue as much as possible, well, in any case, collective the west is preparing for the fact that the united states is in paralysis, preparing for a possible victory donald. trump and therefore propose , well, to reformat the mechanisms of collective assistance to the kiev regime, tomorrow the next meeting of the so-called contact group in the ramstein format, which coordinates military assistance to ukraine, will take place, and as the german writes, now an idea has been thrown around, it was invented by jake salevan, adviser on national us security and secretary general nata stoltenberg to become permanent chairman this group. to make not the united states , as it was from the very beginning of the military conflict, but nato, and in general, as it were , add this group to nato, make it part of the nato system, now
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it officially exists separately, the meetings were held at the american ramstein base, by the way, tomorrow's meeting will not be in ramstein, in brussels, at nato headquarters. yes, it is very symbolic that lloyd austin, the secretary of defense of the united states, is not going to tomorrow’s meeting, he is once again hospitalized, and... in general, constantly it is being discussed that europe, europe should take the lead in military assistance to ukraine, in a situation where the united states is faced with such internal problems, and then donald trump can win, yes, let me remind you that a blitz visit took place at the end of last week in washington, german chancellor olaf scholz, he talked about something with biden for 2 hours, probably reminded who he is, yes, but in any case, everyone writes that the main topic is... the role of europe in supporting ukraine, and simultaneously with scholz's visit new the york times published an article saying that the option is being considered for the united states to force european countries to pay for
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american weapons, which will then be sent to ukraine for european money. andrey frantsivich, this is how you see the prospects for the role of europe, whether europe can cope with supporting ukrainian life support in the conditions of these problems. the united states is facing, well, at least europe will definitely cope with the task of feeding the american military-industrial complex with its money to everyone else, because the americans are consistently killing the european military-industrial complex, replacing it with their own companies. i will remind you of a few examples, and the tank coalition of leopard tanks that were sent to ukraine burns very effectively there, showing their inability, those countries that were replaced by abrams tanks with a life cycle contract. 40 years and so on. germany, the headquarters of the european aircraft eurofiter, buys typhoon for 14 billion euros, which means 35 euros of f-35 aircraft, like
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other countries. and such examples can be bring a lot. but this was not born yesterday. let me remind you that the head, already the former head of the joint chiefs of staff, the american general staff, mark mealy , said in the summer of 22 that we have three goals within the framework of the conflict in ukraine. the first is to involve the united states and nato in this conflict, because this will lead to a nuclear war, the second is to prevent it from going beyond the borders of ukraine, and the third, most important thing, we are already planning that we americans will give the first aid package, and then that’s all the rest will fall on the shoulders of the europeans, that is , it is beneficial for the americans, the weakening of the european economy, and we know that all this is moving very nicely to america, including defense enterprises, the weakening of the russians is the goal that they have always set, this is generally important for them. and most importantly, a huge fat income, which they now see in two stages: to earn money from the european money that they have saved up for the social program, so the tractor drivers all go there, the second
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is to earn money for the restoration of ukraine, but this is the next step, so they have already created a bank for the restoration of ukraine, a black rock fund , they expect to profit from this later, well , of course they did not succeed in weakening the russians, but to weaken the weakening of europe is a task that the united states, it seems to me, has even exceeded today. passes through itself up to one and a half trillion, it is impossible for the cia to simply take and give money to the russian opposition, interference in internal affairs, laying an intermediary for which it provides intelligence services, tsaistvo
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to misinform society as... where they go, they failed to do this in russia, but let’s say, in ukraine they succeeded. the carnaghi foundation, which operated in moscow, was declared an agent and stopped its children. the main task, after all, is to move on to global depopulation, and this is precisely work with public consciousness, the transgender agenda, the creation of genetically modified nutrition, golden rice was supposed to feed everyone, and now it turns out that they have to reduce everyone, that they imagine themselves as inhabitants of heaven, and this is why they are dangerous. the funds are the real masters of the west. cook.
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golden age, big premiere, watch after the program time. everyone celebrates valentine's day on february 14, and progressive doctors celebrate world impotence day, how to overcome this disease, and much more. it’s great to live in the program, tomorrow is the first, you see how happy i am, because i finally have time for myself, a super prophetic idea, because no one in the world has done this, to create an online cosmetics designer, i feel like a sorceress, which creates an incredible elixir of youth, most our formulas are unique and effective , so we create our own unique product,
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2013. we released the first snowmobile of our production, after that we began to expand our model range, starting with cc and ending with 800 cc, in the production of our snowmobiles we try to localize as much as possible with russian production, you a very large assortment of snowmobiles, but this is of course for girls, our everything premieres on saturday at the first, fire and ice. two elements at the junction of which the real, great is born art, emotions are off the charts, the atmosphere is tense to the limit, but for victory it is important to maintain icy calm, splashes of ice from under the skates are like sparks of hot metal, and the ice melts like steel. chelyot
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spartakiad of the strongest, live broadcasts from magnitogorsk on the seventeenth and 18th of february, on the first. my advice: don't sit close to the screens, it might be too hot, meet me in the steel capital of russia. it doesn’t happen that a person was in your life and then he disappears, even if he dies. in this girl she almost doesn’t recognize the child who was 5 years ago i lost the most precious thing, my mother. i don't think i'm without her. i have. a pile of memories, but this is my mother. yulia nachalova died very young, at 38, leaving her beloved daughter, vera, to her parents and ex-husband. i said that unfortunately, i have very difficult news for you that your mother is no longer with us. what he experienced at that moment, that evening, only he knows. it is a big responsibility to tell your child that his mother has passed away. how did yulia’s only daughter survive this loss, what path did she take after? of death
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moms, i’m somehow very mega-strong, i felt like i pulled myself together, that is, our exclusive 5 years of the adult life of a girl who decided, no matter what, to become a star in memory about the famous mother, when you appeared in the world, my life changed, i will always be by your side, exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere on saturday on the first. junior lieutenant ignatia vladimir ivanovich, sapper. there is a pulse, but weak. i stood up for the girl. he will look for me now. what's happened? i need a fighting dog a monster to defeat everyone. it's not necessary. don't approach him, but retreat. invite him to
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attack, he’s a predator. help him, this is him, who is he? volodya, the one who saved me, you are nothing to each other, this is chechnya, we can’t do this, i’ll see this again, you’re here. will not be. doomed. premiere of a serial film. on sunday on the first. i want you to bring doom to battle. there's a big game on the air. speaking today at the middle east conference of the woldai club, sergei lavrov said that the united states. push away palestine, israel and the entire middle east in general will fall into disaster. but he also said this. let's listen. we are now hearing recipes that are again being put forward, put forward by the united states, first of all, together with its british ones, with its henchmen. these recipes
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are not about moving towards a palestinian state, about bringing gas under control that will be convenient. that were put forward in the decisions are fundamentally different from those demands of the international community, primarily the un security council, which, well are divided by almost the entire world and should lead to the creation of a palestinian state, you absolutely can’t argue with this, here... now israel is preparing to launch a military operation in the city of rafah, this is a city located right on the border of the gaza strip and egypt and egypt , and there are concentrated more than a million refugees who fled to this city from other parts
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of gaza, which israel had simply razed to the ground, they simply have nowhere else to run, simply nowhere. israel, of course, would like them all to move to egypt forever, yes, but the egyptians said that in this... the israelis and the idf will certainly continue operations against the leadership and infrastructure of the militants as they should. all we have said is that we do not believe it is appropriate to enter rawhah without having a proper, feasible, effective, credible plan to provide security for the more than a million
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palestinians who have taken refuge in rafah. well, how israel takes care of civilians, we have known since october last year, almost 30,000 dead, 17,000 of them children in front in any case, netanyahu does, acts as he sees fit , he has his own logic, he understands that he maintains political positions as long as the war lasts, in the event that he stops, they will immediately eat us, and with fatal consequences for him biographies perhaps for his family, for his freedom and so on.
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the united states creates the preconditions and stimulates, let’s say, horizontal cooperation between the countries of the region, so that... the countries of the middle east themselves begin to cooperate with each other to a greater extent, a clear example iran, saudi arabia, it would seem that they are antagonists, but now they have intensified their interaction because they understand what they have to take.
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american television and says that israel intends to maintain permanent, i emphasize, permanent control in the gas sector after the war, and if at the same moment netanyahu comes out for this and demands permanent israeli occupation and freedom of action for the israeli army inside palestine, then so be it, that is, the possibility is completely excluded palestinian state in principle, and biden looks very pathetic against this background, all the latest opinion polls so far ... nine demographic groups, including among voters from the suburbs and rural
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areas, people with a college education or an advanced degree, as well as among blacks and hispanics population. our analysis of the dynamics shows that biden’s position among americans has seriously weakened over the past 3 months; if biden becomes the candidate of the democratic party, then his presidency will not give him an advantage in the election race, and the chances of returning to the white house look slim at best, writes the tipp insights editorial board. and the financial times cites data from another opinion poll that shows that trump is ahead of biden by as much as 11% percentage points on one of the most determining indicators of the election - economic confidence. alexander viktorovich. well, you know, if the whole world today doubts the adequacy of biden, then why should american society take a different path and think under the yoke of propaganda about that their president is of... sound mind and solid memory, although this is not so,
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in fact, the last speech of kamala haris, where she almost admitted that she was ready to give herself responsibility for the country to essentially rule the united states of america, caused an even wider discussion in society of ridicule addressed to her, although this man is today the vice president of the united states, in fact, we see that the entire electoral... grouping, on which biden relied in the last years of his term, fed on the bastards from the basket under ukraine inscription, and biden and his administration thought that victory over russia, victory over the military with some successes, resolution of conflicts in the middle east would give rise to a certain, certain pillar on which biden would rely in his new term, but it turned out to be an exceptional defeat.
3:00 pm
today does not rely on the opinion of the white house. history, not a single group of american citizens well, it is no coincidence that today a political publication published a large article directly on the front page about how to replace biden with another candidate on the eve of the presidential election. now we... give the floor to the news and the big game will return at 17:00 don't miss it. hello, there is a news broadcast on channel one, in the maxim sherifuddinov studio. first, special operations, russian intelligence services and law enforcement agencies prevented more than 400 terrorists.


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