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tv   Muzhskoe Zhenskoe  1TV  February 13, 2024 4:05pm-5:01pm MSK

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drawback, the only drawback , sometimes you can’t make the bed, sing funny , when i was little, i also said, when i grow up, i will never make the bed, never, and i will only eat in the canteens, that’s right, in the canteens, but i don’t make the bed , the rose is very cheerful from the last candidate, so it’s very interesting what it is, well, she’s right, yes , by the way, she’s against her... she didn’t say anything bad to him, as if she liked her from the very beginning, a good girl is attractive to her, she suited him perfectly descriptions, when we we saw timofey’s profile in our house, we immediately say, ler, everything is as written about you, let’s see the surprise, louder, louder, louder, mother, look how
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you and i are both extreme sports enthusiasts, imagine, we came to the mountains, and there so viu-viu-viu , the djs are standing there, the music is playing, naturally, you and i will stay to hang out and dance a little, i propose now to learn the dance on skis and dance it together, yes, dance on skis again, this is this, this is, by the way, yes , dream about skiing, let's make it work, come on, remember the trick, like in lick, hop, hop, push off, oops, hop! oh, we pushed off, then the seedlings, well, there will be a calculation, and then we just have an improvisation, oh, i understand, she put skis on him so that he wouldn’t run away, or something, let’s go, let’s go, one, two, once.
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two three, one, two, one, two, three , left, right, right, turn, run, forward, run, left, i can’t get in, well done, and also come on, oh, okay, on the butt, and now come on here yes, oops! look into the distance, i think, oh, it will be obscured, thank you, thank you, there will be something to do, thank you, girls, you are lucky with friend, take her and go to your room, and you come back to us, if it weren’t for the bundle it would have been easier, it seems to me that i got such a warmer, more cozy surprise, because i met my... very
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important dog, this my faithful friend, here, and this is just such a dance, an amazing surprise, that’s what i want to say about valeria, valeria doesn’t have what i hate most in my life, there’s absolutely no falsehood, some kind of blackness, some kind of... then the artificiality, some kind of this doneness, there is an intelligent person, yes, he’s a thinker , but there are those who are so thoughtful, but valery never... “she’s cool, she’s great in everything, in surprise, in the way she looked at you, in the way she talked about her lips, absolutely frank, like that good man, girls, he’s pretty, he looked at me, smiled, like that, danced, danced, of course, you’re great, i felt comfortable with him, the fact that he agreed like that, that’s it, yes, i’m ready, i’m like, come on, we will succeed, i believe her that if she falls in love, she will follow you to kamchatka, and..." in another
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the place where you decide, and that she really dreams of a curly-haired daughter, she will give birth to her, she’s just wonderful, wonderful, she’s a good young woman, i really liked her, then she’s built amazingly, she’s so pretty, she’s so curvy , everything is so good, here’s just 100 points, here’s a girl 100 points,
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there’s an apartment in volgograd, the two previous ones have these claims, oh, a wish, wow, but they themselves have nothing, but she still has it, i i like it, and i like what she said: of course, love the main thing in life, but i’m already speculating , what else is worth living for, at 25 years old a girl talks about love, and not about herself, how convenient it will be for me, i’ll love, i’ll go, i’ll love, i’ll do it, you know, she’s ready for this , she’s ready for a relationship, trust my instincts , you know, but we have other advantages, we got together, quietly, and honey, what can you say, well , first of all, very...
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“it seems to me that his first bride i just didn’t like it, it seems to me that he won’t choose the first bride, the second bride, she’s so much more cheerful, that is, she’s such a lighter, i i invite everyone to come out and support timofey." i hear footsteps, hello, hello, listen, i was so stunned by this surprise that i didn’t even forget to change my shoes, me too at first, i haven’t tried cheesecakes yet, very cool, thank you very much, thank you, so
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i’ve decided on you, we’re going to drown kamchatka , we’re going to drown kamchatka and dance, i’m very glad, i’m very pleased, thank you, me too, let’s go somewhere, let’s go, we have a couple timofey and valeria, if you’re single or did you like any of today's participants? programs, write to the website of the first channel, and i am larisa guzeeva, i wish that your loved one will definitely tell you. let's get married. in voronezh we have the admiralty embankment, there is a ship there, it’s a privilege for the destination, it’s a wonderful place to take a walk in both winter and summer. i love all the people who live in russia and therefore i want to hug them tightly. once upon a time,
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i went out into the winter, there was a strong frost, it climbed slowly up the mountain, the horse was carrying the snow to the island, the main thing is to do sports, the more you move. the longer live, i would like a large table tennis center to finally appear in our city, and i would really like to become a sportswoman, you can travel to different countries and cities, health is the most important thing and special greetings to the tula region, here he began to hit, then well , my ex-husband has been harassing me and my car with a metal painless bat for five years now, stalking me, why did they open a criminal case against you? he knocked me to the ground, sat on top of me, began to choke me, i bit him on the ear and they sewed his ear back on, you are the one chasing me, you are not letting me live normal, but you are worried about your daughter, do you think she is not developing as well as she should?
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that is, the child just at the sight of me, she even throws the bike, she just runs away , she has a bat in her hands, he hits your daughter’s car, but i tell him, what are you doing, and you want lena to go to prison? i want her to just leave us behind, i’m not bothering you, why am i seeing you for the first time, why do you have long sleeves on your jacket, are you hiding, i can show you everything, i have nothing, but i have a woman, who knows exactly all the details and she is also in this studio, and guess who? good afternoon, i can understand a lot , i can accept a lot, well, this is a simple situation, but
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so vital, i ran 3 km after you to tell you that you are unpleasant to me, i came to you at 5:00 in the morning, to say leave me alone. yes, it’s a good story, the main thing is, what does baseball bats have to do with it, if our people have never played baseball, a shovel, of course, no baseball. today in our studio elena melikhova from novosibirsk. elena, hello. hello. tell me what happened to you. for the fifth year already my ex-husband pesters me, stalks me, beats me, drags me to court, interferes with raising my child. i just can’t do it anymore, i don’t know what to do. this is the last cry of the soul, the last where i could come, no one can help me. help me please. wait, 5 years is after the divorce, right? after divorce, 7 years. i endured it, and he , well, periodically beat me, that is, he was a tyrant,
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this is one sober person, when he drinks, this is a completely different person, he gets wedged, and how many children do you have? we have one child, 7 years old, emily’s daughter, the child also saw it all, at the age of 2 she already started talking, dad hits mom on the head, wait, you were together for 7 years, 7 years, he beat you for all 7 years, well, not all seven , but almost immediately. he showed aggression, then he apologized beautifully, came, i’m sorry , i have associations with flowers, first you get hit on the head, and then there’s this bouquet of flowers, for a birthday you can do something like this, then after a while i realized that he just started watching me, that is, i was driving, he was following me the car will catch up somewhere, then i’ll go into the dining room there to eat, well, i throw it off, i eat, that’s it, he threw it off several times, he came in, i’m with him...
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more smell, i go around the car, open the trunk, evgeniy in the trunk, the joke didn’t work, you know, that is , and why did he get in there, well, he said, he wanted to go for a ride, well, see where you are, that is, these ones, well, i forgot that booze smells, well, yes, a little like would have burned himself out, then his birthday is actually october 31st, he’s at work with an employee, he has a new job there, let's fry the kebabs, i marinated them. i fried him, brought him, that's it, back , we're leaving, we're getting into the car, we're driving away, he gets
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a text message on his phone, honestly i never read it, i just turned around in the dark, it says back down, the car is a legacy, i say, open it, he opens the coordinates there, where we were going, but since evgeniy was drunk, he couldn’t restrain himself and said that yes , you have them in both cars, gps beacons, plus at any moment i connect and can listen to what’s going on... in the car, wait, well , you kept your promise, that is, you yes, immediately on that same day, specifically , that’s it, period, not a single day, i didn’t meet him again as a man, didn’t give the slightest hope that there might be a wife, no, immediately categorically no, that’s it, i put an end to it , i decided to leave him, then the divorce , how the property was divided, how he behaved in the divorce, we had an apartment, that is, well, how it was, we met, he invested in the construction, that is, he waited until she will be built, we lived with my parents, my
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parents had a large four-room apartment, then this apartment was his there it was built a little outside the city from novosibirsk, we renovated it, we lived in it for exactly a year, i was still pregnant, before, that is, well, i gave birth, he went on a business trip, i came to my parents, there for our city just doesn’t have a clinic, it’s not particularly well developed. nothing, i came to my parents, it started from there , that is, well, i gave birth on a business trip, one, two, three, that is, i, with a small child, lived there with my parents, he was just passing through from a business trip, we weren’t in that apartment lived, he re-registered it as mother, a disabled person, that is - during separation it is not divided, everything that we did there, furnished, equipment, furniture, everything remained there, they didn’t even let me in, excuse me, but take it away. his personal belongings, that’s all that he considered necessary to bring, he brought, himself, himself, whatever i want
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, i’ll give, yes, now there are debts for elements, he literally paid off all his debts before the program, does he communicate with the child or not , you know, at first he still somehow communicated, communicated, again, you know, he has no love, some kind of love, here, here are photographs, come, take a picture of the candy, if you dumped the candy at the dacha, take a picture for the court, go, i say, thank you, even though they don’t put the candy in the bag afterwards. you don’t take it away, do you live with your parents now or not now, we later took it, i took an apartment, i was forced to take out a mortgage, you live with your daughter in this one, let’s see how you live, it’s interesting, shall we? i was forced to buy this apartment after a divorce with a mortgage, since my child and i were left without housing, well , we can’t finish the renovations, we still don’t have any money enough, the monthly payment is about 15 thousand , i would like to raise the ceiling, i took out a mortgage , i thought my ex-husband would help somehow, in the end there was no
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help, instead i see summonses to the courts, which is stopping me, i can’t just take care of the child, not really working , i’m torn, i just can’t get anything done, of course, you cry, of course, when you go, every day you look in this box, and there’s a letter, my only daughter lives here, my happiness, my dear, my daughter , the girl loves to put on makeup, she used to i did aerobics, she... and brute force, i remember this movement, i learned this from aerobics, the main thing is to believe in yourself, yes, these are my medals for sports arobics, i took part in competitions, but unfortunately
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, we couldn’t do any further because it’s very expensive financially, well, before we at least drove a car, then my dad... so he wanted to take it away from us, they seized the car, now there’s a taxi somewhere, a taxi is expensive, it’s 30° below zero here, well, it’s kind of hard, here's the car itself, we'll buy your car, it's relevant, but i can’t sell it because it’s in my custody, oh, there are court letters here too. in what car arrest? and when we , well, that is, we were getting divorced, we voluntarily divided the property, the apartment itself remained, he had two cars, this little one there cost about 120,000, we bought it, and the car was also worth half a million, it was left to him, this car was left to me, in march
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of twenty-three, and he asks, i ask him to return the car, since it’s mine... mine , that is, i don’t pay child support, and the car, the financial condition of the car has worsened, please give it to me, in which i feed the child for myself for you, these trials lasted for six months, there were witnesses, my relatives also went, and he carried out expert examinations, he goes everywhere with lawyers, he has one lawyer everywhere. three fat hamsters, ford, carnegie and rocksever foundations. we are determined to play our part in building a better world. how large american funds are trying to seize control over the whole world. they train a mass of people, who then end up in the white
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house, managing everything. fund of 11 billion drives through itself up to one and a half trillion. you can't just have the cia. the opposition took and gave money, russian interference in internal affairs, laying out an intermediary who provides intelligence services, tries to misinform the society where they go, in russia they failed to do this, but let’s say, in ukraine they succeeded. the carnegie foundation, which operated in moscow, was declared an agent and terminated its children. their main task, after all, is to move on to global depopulation, and this is precisely working with public consciousness, transgender story, the creation of genetically modified food, golden rice was supposed to feed everyone, but now it turns out that everyone is not. that they imagine themselves to be the inhabitants of heaven, and this is why they are dangerous. the funds, the real masters of the west, the dolls of the heir tutti, are on the first today. fire and ice. two elements at the junction of which real,
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great art is born. emotions are running high, the atmosphere is tense to the limit. but to win it is important to remain icy calm. ice splashes from under the skates, like sparks of hot metal. and the ice melts like steel. hot ice, spartakiad of the strongest. live broadcasts from magnitogorsk, february 17 and 18. on the first. why did they open a criminal case against you? we had a dacha, well , my parents still have it, that is, i’m 34 years old, so much for this dacha, after evgeniy’s divorce. decides to buy a plot there, too , in this very garden society, buys a plot, builds a house there and begins, that is, i come, if to friends, he also starts
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hanging around there, he, that is , pesters me like that, i stopped going there altogether , from the word at all, that year, at twenty second, uh, well, we decided, we were invited to a birthday party, we decided to go there to the dacha, and we, we, we, you, you, it’s you... about whom - the man we met imin, 2.5 years about we met, until this situation happened at the dacha, in fact, on the first day off he met us right away, that is, on an atv behind the company, and then he came to talk, they talked, the next day off with friends there was all silence, 2:00 in the morning he arrives atv, we are sitting in the fence in the gazebo, he comes into the gazebo and, well, rudely causes imina. drunk, drunk , if the first time they talked, he was sober, intelligently, then another person arrived, just
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whether he was drunk or not, yes, he was drinking, he began to provoke him, he says: evgeniy, please , let's talk tomorrow when you sober up, please, stay human, like, and go on vacation, and he took him like that by the t-shirt, well, that is, there was some kind of manipulation there, in general, they had a fight there. we had a good fight, that’s all, that is , evgeniy left, we parted ways, we sat out we sat for another hour, probably went home to our parents, he came, then finally at 5:00 in the morning, let’s not, here is the main twist of this story, why a criminal case was opened against you, why did you rush to his house at 5 :00 in the morning, why, and i’ll explain why , i understood that this conflict would not end, i was afraid...
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the car drove off there, got caught in the neighbors’ fence, well, why do i have to do a criminal offense for trespassing, plus i’m leaving home, in 15 minutes drives up, i hear the atv again, at
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6 am it’s already about 5 or 5-6 like that, i i run out, evgenia immediately jumps off the atv with a bat, starts hitting emin’s car and me, well, i was closing the door somehow trying to do something there. our wait, so a criminal case has been filed against him? or no, no, for this they gave him a 7,000 fine and an administrative article 6:1 yes for you , but for me, after that he beat me with a bat, my father and imin ran out, he threw me to the ground, sat on top, started to choke, started to choke, bent over, started screaming, i’ll kill you now, i bit him in the ear and they sewed his ear on, 115, part one, intentional causing minor harm to health, will you bite? or they took a bite, but not completely , but they sewed it on him, yes, he took a bite, you know, you and our correspondent visited the scene of those
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events, and you told what happened , here we actually sat in the gazebo, an atv drove up and stayed right here near neighbors, he jumped off the atv, that is, well, i ran out towards him, like... i ran, somewhere, well, probably in this place, so we met, then he started beating, that is, well, me car, a metal painless bat, but i tried to somehow brush it off, there to defend himself, then my father and emin ran out to the noise, or, well, they saw, they also began to cover, to defend, he struck several blows and landed a mine on the arm, then evgeniy knocked me down to the ground here, i was lying below, he was sitting on on top of me, he began to choke me, that is, then, when he bent down, screaming, he began to say that i was going to kill everyone here, well, i bit him on the ear, because i already felt that he was going to strangle me, the neighbors came running at the noise.
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neighbors, well, erokhova, kosyanova’s family lives there, they already ran through after i bit him on the ear, they pulled him away, somehow they tried to pull him away, took this baseball bat away from him, well, that’s it, he started calling an ambulance, drove away the atv, then my brother woke up, well, that is, he already saw when he rolled away the atv, let’s let's listen to what your ex thinks, he came to our studio and... evgeniy, we are waiting for you, damn it, you're completely out of your mind, you're the one who's following me, you're not letting me live normally, i have my own family, i i want to live in peace and see my child, and what kind of family do you have? i have a woman, we have two children, we we got together, he had two children, and we are now trying to judge communication with the child , that is, we have a solution, but i’m hiding the child,
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especially after... and you got along with this woman a long time ago, we’ve been living for the second year, the second year , and before that they didn’t pursue their ex, absolutely not, and didn’t want anything from her, i don’t want absolutely anything except communication with the child, they didn’t take them to court , they didn’t come at night on an atv, they didn’t deal with the man with her, with her i communicated with a friend, that is, we had some questions, repeatedly when calling elena, as soon as i wanted to find out how the child was? yes she feels, maybe she needs to bribe something there, she turned the whole conversation , that is, to their relationship, that is, she was constantly bragging, but how to put it, put it this way, i just don’t understand what you ’re talking about, but she apparently she compared like this, yes, yes, yes, that he earns good money, that is, he provides for them there, he has good parents there, i have, wait, well, you’re not a stranger to her,
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with these stories. he has a lot of money, he provides for the child there, why then should i yes, pay your mortgage , stretch the ceilings, that is, pay for the light, that is, you didn’t stalk her, but no, of course, why do i need her, and you didn’t keep an eye on her when we lived together, and you didn’t put bugs in the car, there’s no surveillance they installed it in her cars, i didn’t install it, i didn’t install bugs in my car, but a sensor. gps is easy to understand where the car is , at that time, car thefts became more frequent in those years, that's it, let's take a break from cars, so we heard from your ex a version of what happened and what is now being examined in a criminal court, now i want see your version.
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we were resting, that is, we had already gone to bed with a friend, i woke up from the fact that she was sitting on top, she hit me with a block, that is , a wooden one, on the temporal part of the head, i closed my eyes, i watched her, she had a knife in her hands, well, some kind of thing worked. it’s an instinct of self-preservation, i threw it away, that is, i threw it off myself, knocked out the knife, accordingly, now this whole concert has begun, did he water me from my home? that is, here she is trying to get in there again, here she makes a scene, tears my underwear, grabs my genitals organs, the whole body is leaking, she scattered all the dishes there, beat her, took eggs from the refrigerator, start, well, apparently she was in a narcotic state, perhaps even in a narcotic state, and her great-daughter said that she would kill her, after which she drove off drunk in her roommate’s car, demolished it. into
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the fence and i had to follow her, see what she would do next, i was very worried about my daughter, i arrived on an atv, but now i was approaching a bush, i just felt a blow to the face, from the side, well, apparently her roommate, because when i well i started to come to my senses, he, she, that is, her father, her brother - everyone started beating me, that is, she was sitting, biting off my ear, it was all sewn up, here she was... bitten, it did it deliberately, my legs, arms, bruises on my body were broken off, i just, roughly speaking, walked under myself for a week, they just hit my legs with some kind of stick, that is, they beat off these parts, and they simply destroyed me, i question about the child, and you are worried about your daughter, do you think she is not developing as well as she should? yes, this year, that is, i only saw her two or three times, i tried to go to... that is
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, the child just at the sight of me, she even throws the bike, she just runs away, turns her back, i’m coming up, daughter, daughter , what happened there, how she just stands there like that with her face, she’s afraid to talk. who initiated the divorce? i'm elena. it turned out like when she found out that i knew that she was cheating on me, that is, i was cheating on her, but how did you know this, and how did you know this? while i was in the service, i had some kind of premonition that i i opened the phone, just to see, usually she’s still at home at this time, i open the phone, i look, the car is parked in the wrong place at 9:00 in the morning, yeah, it stood there for more than an hour and i asked her, i said, where are you, she says, yes, i was waiting there for this and that, and it’s true, i already knew then, i guessed that he was following me, i went to work, called him, i say, i went to work , stopped on purpose, and he told me let's call, well, he keeps track of where the car is driving with you, and what's in it so-and-so, well, i really don’t understand, well, he
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connects, listens to the conversation, well , excuse me, i can, well, it’s like digging through underwear, we’ve already formed an impression of our heroes, yes, but there are people who have known them longer , and these people who know everything, i mean the neighbors, let's see, yes, what do they think about this strange couple, she is terrible, he is normal, hysterical, always screaming, audibility, wow, at the child, at the parents, and he could elena raise her hand to me, rather she was on him, wow, all by herself, i i saw that downstairs, when in the car, they joined the car, that they were making out there, well , it didn’t happen just once, but several times, and what else happened? well, she was constantly arguing with someone like this, the alarm went off on the street, someone’s, she was screaming at the window, they accuse him of following her everywhere, she’s following him
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on social networks, my daughter-in-law told me that, what’s she doing there ? she's throwing mud at him, this was a few years ago, she was always egging him on to conflict, so that he would defend her with someone else. "she will have neighbors and send him to figure it out, this has already happened, it happened, in my opinion, there will be so many stories, what she egged him on, how he is still alive, the poor fellow is left , it’s normal, this is all nonsense, no one is there, they never had a conflict, no, no, no , they were a decent family, no, that they were arguing, i never heard of it, honestly, i saw that he was a little constantly on edge, well, kind of nervous, yes, he’s just him..." from the entrance once he ran away, and i came in, he hit me with the door with all his might, well , he didn’t even really apologize and ran on, i didn’t see him drunk, i always saw him in a car in uniform, he drove up and never heard any noise , but elina herself, she’s like, well, a normal girl,
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completely independent, in power, orlova was sent to moscow to certain death, there was burt in moscow, archbishop ambrosi killed, if i had received a husband from a young age whom i could love, i would not have changed towards him. a certain person has appeared in europe calling herself princess vladimir, the daughter of the late empress elizaveta petrovna from alexei razumovsky, this self-named princess claims to russian throne. great golden age, great premiere. watch the time after the program. the palm is open. under no circumstances should it be clenched into a fist. the only place where there can be a gun is in the left hand under
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the napkin. we can avoid the opening of a second front only if we decapitate the leadership of countries hostile to us with one blow. it became known that the germans were preparing a large-scale one.
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at 38, leaving her beloved daughter, vera, to her parents and ex-husband. i said that, unfortunately, i have very difficult news for you, that mom is no longer with us, that that moment, that evening he experienced, only he knows, it is a great responsibility to tell your child that his mother has passed away. how did yulia’s only daughter survive this loss, what path did she take after her mother’s death? i’m just somehow very mega- strong, somehow everything felt like this to me. pulled herself together, that is, our exclusive 5
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years of adult life of a girl who decided , at all costs, to become a star, in memory of the famous mother, when you came into the world, my life changed, i will always be by your side, exclusive with dmitry borisov, the premiere is on saturday on the first, you and your father-in-law, ex... what kind of relationship before this beating at the dacha was the most ideal relationship, that is , when neither elena nor the former mother-in-law were there, and he took part in the conflict santa, he was there, he was there at that moment, let’s call viktor nikolaevich, excuse me, i had to come here with this, because it’s evidence. which knock on nothing in the kolovansky district
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of the city of novosibirsk, like that for a year and a half there was no damage, all the testimony of witnesses is based on it, that there were blows to the body , the car was smashed , but they just brought it to us in vosibirsk yesterday, and you yourself saw this fight, yes , i mean, it was in front of your eyes, well, not the whole fight, what episode, when.
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.. the neighbors came up to the door of this whole mess, well, let ’s talk to them, listen to what they told us, this turns out to be our house with our parents, here is elena, everything happened over there, here’s the bat with which evgeniy arrived, right away i was running, my mother was running after me, the car was broken here, pita was lying somewhere here, and here was lying... elena, accordingly, zhenya was strangling her , uncle vite, her dad, was sitting on top, trying , it turns out, to pull him away, here a roommate ran out, ran here, his hand was very badly broken there, because it was swollen, at first i pushed him away , shouted to my wife, i turned around, it turns out that lena was already on top of him, but evgeniy had an ear, his father was still there, he took it all off, then they already started fighting among themselves, this is evgeni. and elena’s roommate took us there at the entrance to
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the dacha there and invited them all for the day birth, he was driving there, he started a fight there, he was jumping on everyone, he was throwing cigarettes at a woman, there was also a fight there, he also called a mine several times to come here, we heard it in the morning, he became beaten smash the car window, and then we hear screams, hang, well, of course, we came running, you come, in his hands, and he seemed to be like this, and she was sticking out of him. did he beat her before? i witnessed
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that when they lived in our apartment, they were talking about the four-room apartment, yes, that he was drunk, he was drunk, he was inadequate, he doesn’t understand what he’s doing, and he fought her off, she locked herself in the toilet, my wife and i held him, that happened once, yes, while they lived with us, they didn’t live with us for long, yeah. and there was a door, there were dents on the door when he was fucking, he was just knocking on the door from these coils, you know, it seems to me that the inadequacy of our hero is greatly exaggerated, well, i don’t know what he looks like, but surely you didn’t stop, you, you drink sometimes, right, well, like all people, i’ll drink all the pork on holiday, that your new woman, beloved, zhanna, she’s not she complains, for some reason he doesn’t strangle her, for some reason he doesn’t beat her, but they just started living, i just want to call zhanna here
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to ask how they are living, what are you trying to achieve, really, what am i trying to achieve? it’s just that we live as if in the bermuda triangle, it’s just that here i am, evgeniy and you, well , we don’t need anything from you, he just wants the only thing, just to meet with the child, to communicate normally, that he courts are like this, he pays so much attention to me to the courts , trying to take away cars, how do you even think about this, zhanna please tell me, are you wearing black tights because you are hiding bruises, he is beating you, no, why do you have long sleeves... i can show you everything, i have nothing, you know, i also have a marriage behind me, two children , and we’ve been together for almost 2 years, if he had raised his hand to me at least once, well, excuse me, i would n’t have tolerated it, but now she asked you a question, like who do you want if he’s everything?
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time is suing me, evgenia generally protects me from all this, that is, he doesn’t give me all these smallest details he’s telling me, so i only know this... that she’s starting to throw some kind of hysterics, some lawsuits are flying in , he naturally has to respond with something, and you want lena to go to jail? i want her to just leave us alone, i have only one request for her, just to calm down, i’m not bothering you, this is the first time i’ve seen you and generally the first time i’ve heard that he has someone, i even i didn’t know that he had someone, let’s see for ourselves and, most importantly , show laziness how you are now. maybe you live at something will click, jump, or , i don’t know, it will switch, i’ve worked hard, i’ve worked hard,
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but just, let’s wash ourselves and eat, i love it very much... here is our room, here we basically work, this is how zhana takes care of our a common matter, he makes a report, we have a big family, that is, in the evening we all gather
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here, karina, kirill is small, and i would like there to be at least one person for us... more imila, my dear, my daughter was here with us and she already lived with us, karina always wanted a little sister, well you'll have a brother later, we'll give birth to you, look, he filed a lawsuit against some car that he himself once left for her? yes, in fact, i gave the car for temporary use to transport the child, but you had two cars, one was left to you after the divorce, we sold one before the divorce. no, that they paid off the debts that she collected, in fact, everything, well , this is the car in which she takes your daughter to school, what kind of place is this to go to court to say that your life situation has worsened, how old are you, wait, i said this, i didn’t say that, that my financial situation has worsened , on the contrary, i’m raising it up, but this is my thing
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that was used, return it, but a happy man will never do that, if everything is fine with a man, he will only give more, no, wait, you said a good thing , zhanna, what are you doing, he doesn’t let you in on all the details, apparently he’s protecting you, yes, but there is a woman who knows exactly all the details, she’s also in this studio, and guess who? lawyer, lawyer, yes, elena protsenko. tell me, elena vasilievna, please, we have a bat right here, which... for some reason was not included in the case as material evidence, but why? here, accordingly, there was one very interesting story: as part of the consideration of the case of 6.11 kapors, that is, we really had a question about the beat.
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maybe a little from the lip, but i don’t think that i lost a lot of blood, i told you now there was blood from evgeniy’s ear, there was a lot of blood , i had, well, beats , that’s damage to the body, yes, let’s do that , you are adults, i personally find it deeply unpleasant.
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what you like, do what you like, i a hereditary teacher, my mother and my aunt , our total experience today is already 75 years, people from all over the country and neighboring countries come and try what i have prepared, i really like it, how beautiful kazan is, what a history it has, and should we move to totarstan, i think, well, everything is done, people who start playing the guitar there, never leave this business as you started, do it to the end, russia. summer ladder lace, close to the heart, folk songs , cherish, preserve and develop our
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russia, our most beloved, most good country. in the potagonian fjords of chile there are hundreds of kilometers of coastline where no human has ever set foot. machu picchu is a city floating above the clouds, we can be transported to another. time to feel the genius, the greatness of american cultures, the real ones, which were destroyed by europeans; from all points of view , the imks and osteks were head and shoulders above in a cultural, in a civilizational sense. today , every brazilian is a little indian, a little european and a little african, and that's what enriches our people. the cuban revolution is one of the most important events of the 20th century, it was led by a group of revolutionaries led by fidel castro and ernesto. america is one of
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the advantages of the modern and future world order. is there a separate latin american civilization? some believe that no, others are sure that there is a latin american civilization, here it is. civilization premiere, film four. latin america, on thursday, on the first. do you see how? i'm happy because i finally have time for myself, great a breakthrough idea, because no one in the world has done this, to create an online cosmetics designer, i feel like a sorceress who creates an incredible elixir of youth, most of our formulas are unique and effective, so we create our own unique product, in 2013 we released the first snowmobile of our production , after that we began to expand our model range, starting from small-cubic ones ending with... 800 cc, in the production of our snowmobiles we try to localize as much as possible with russian production, you
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a very large assortment of snowmobiles, but this is of course for girls, our everything premiered on saturday at the first, junior lieutenant ignatia vladimir ivanovich, sapper. there is a pulse, but weak, who did you cross? “i stood up for the girl, now he will look for me, what happened, i need a dog, a fighting monster, so that everyone can win, it’s not necessary, don’t approach him, retreat, invite him to attack, he’s a predator, help him, this he, who is he, volodya, is the one who saved me, you are nobody to each other.” this is chechnya for us i can’t, i’ll see this again, you won’t be here. doomed, the premiere of the serial film,
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on sunday on the first, i want. so that you bring the doomed to fight, we talked to the girl, let's listen to what she thinks about dad and mom, my dad is tall, kind, and who else, well, i don’t remember, the last time i saw. dad in the summer, he was riding an atv, and i was driving along the road , we met, he just said hi, let’s go on riding, and i love being with my mom more, well, he always takes me somewhere for training, but dad doesn’t take me, most of all the day was filled when we went to
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the play center with dad, this is when i was four. i was a year old, my mother’s friend gave me this , aunt rita gave me this, grandma larisa sewed this for me, and where are my dad’s toys, but i don’t know, i remembered, my dad gave me two piggy banks, this piggy bank. which dad gave, well , mom gives, i lay down, i’m saving for a mortgage , the child, in my opinion, is intimidated, the father’s position is understandable, the mother’s position is understandable , while they have completely different things to do, they don’t need this child, because this his own personal life, he has his own personal life, so i think you generally need to somehow give this child to your
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grandparents, i think this is a more decent achievement, no good advice or... not as a lawyer, as a person i’m telling you, who has gone through a lot of divorces, you really think that, well, now you think that by such behavior, by not allowing the father into his daughter’s life, you are taking revenge on him, and you are helping her, in fact , after she turns 18, the father in her life it will still appear when you no longer put pressure, and the attitude towards you for these
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actions of yours will be what you will receive from your daughter, you know, after some time you will definitely. don’t go there, pay alimony , leave it, stop this story, and as a man, go forward, if you want, if you hear me, you should see who is in front of you, but if a woman is hysterical, you should be twice as calm, she’s still more hysterical, you calm down four times, this is the only way it can stabilize, highlight your daughter in the foreground then something can happen to you change.


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