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tv   Vechernie novosti  1TV  February 13, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm MSK

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we are talking about interest next year, not this year, and then, if they do something, but we a can not pay debts, b. freeze their assets in our country, which are larger than our assets there, well, then we have this money invested in their debt obligations, well, transfer them to ukraine, well, who will buy your debt obligations, so our cause is just, there is no need to worry, victory will be ours, we give the floor to the news, the big game will return. at 23:00 don't miss it. hello, the evening news is live. about we will tell you the most important events right now. we destroyed enemy equipment, repelled attacks by ukrainian armed forces assault groups, and this is far from it. everything,
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what other combat missions were successfully completed by the russian military on the front line, new data from the ministry of defense. strict control and proactive work, everything to ensure our safety. the national anti-terrorism committee was informed that the svo initially managed to prevent over 400 terrorist attacks. the diplomatic key to resolving one of the most acute conflicts, ways to resolve the situation... from design of commissioning, how enterprises have adapted to work in new conditions and what tasks the government faces to achieve technological sovereignty, a statement by mikhail mishustin. and the mission was completed by a space truck. sms-24, which was
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launched six months ago, undocked from the iss today. the replacement number 26 is already preparing for the start. we start with data on the progress of the special operation, as reported by the ministry of defense, in the zaporozhye direction from the verbo man-portable anti-aircraft missile system, russian soldiers shot down an enemy mi-8 helicopter. in the krasnoliman direction, our unit improved its position along the front line. we occupied more advantageous positions above donetsk, and also stopped at least five enemy attempts to launch an active offensive. in this area, the ukrainian armed forces suffer the largest losses in manpower, more than 350 militants per day. a large quantity of equipment was destroyed at yuzhnodonetsk, including a foreign artillery system made in the usa, as well as an electronic warfare station. and just like that issues relating to our military department, as well as the ministry of foreign affairs and justice.
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more on security issues, over 400 terrorist attacks have been prevented by the russian special services and law enforcement agencies since the beginning of the northern military district, this was reported in the national anti-terrorism committee, while information security centers created in the regions largely help to identify crimes; social networks and messengers are actively used to organize terrorist attacks and riots ukrainian special services. this is how it became known today. on sabotage, which
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a hut was being prepared on orders in the leningrad region; militant caches were discovered in the dpr and lpr. about strict control and proactive work, in the report by alexey kruchinin. familiar work for the national guard in the liberated territories. a signal was received from local residents. in the destroyed building, presumably, there is a cache of ukrainian saboteurs. when inspecting the basement, we saw a package with unknown contents. during its cutting , it was previously discovered. dangerous device similar to grenades. the catch is decent, as reported by the russian national guard inside it turned out to be more than 2.0 rounds of ammunition, including foreign ones, and about 60 grenades. but mariupol, the fsb is already working here. you have to search among abandoned things and debris in a private house. the cache under the sofa is mined; if someone accidentally discovered it, an inexperienced person would simply blow himself up along with the contents. the first thing you can see is that the services are working, yes, that is , the bandage is right there, the person, well, if he opens it, the first thing he will do is grab it. touch it, right
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behind it, right underneath it lies a mine, that is, ml, ml8 it’s like, and under it there’s a part stratil bombs with reinforced tape, another cache in the closet, here is a saboteur. the ukrainian security service, which not only actively plans sabotage in new regions, but also sends its recruited agents deep into russia. here is footage of the arrest of a previously convicted citizen of belarus, who, using homemade explosives, set fire to a transformer substation in tula. having received a video report about the terrorist attack, ukrainian curators sent him further to voronezh, but they were already waiting for the arsonist there. received two new targets, pumping station, one coordinate the second transformer substation, one of the two had to be burned down, was unable to carry out his plans, as he was detained by law enforcement officers, here at dusk in the leningrad region another
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saboteur is making his way through the snow, with him a bag and a ski pole, at the fence that encloses the gas distribution station , the attacker also takes out a telescopic fishing rod, i took the bag... threw it between the fence and the barbed wire, i lifted the barbed wire and with the help of a fishing rod slipped it all to the pipe, on the territory of russia i ended up the task of the sbu, for what purpose did you come, the task was to damage the pipeline, what method, the method of detonation, it was not possible to complete the task of the sbu, the criminal at that time was under surveillance, caught, as they say , red-handed, i’m holding, i’m holding, detained during interrogation admitted that the coordinates of the cache where the explosives were hidden were given to him by his curators via a messenger, as fsb head alexander bortnikov noted at a meeting
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of the national anti-terrorism committee, social networks and messengers are the main tool of the ukrainian special services for organizing terrorist attacks and riots. our intelligence services and law enforcement agencies reveal facts like this every day and detain the perpetrators. the scale of terrorist threats is evidenced by the 419 first-prevented svos—transgressions of a terrorist nature. an automatic system for monitoring the media, internet sites and social networks helps russian security forces respond in a timely manner. since the beginning of the special operation, more than 360,000 extremist materials have been removed, every tenth of them was in one way or another connected with the ukrainian special services and neo-nazis. alexei. ukraine will not be able to gain the upper hand in the conflict with russia, no matter how the west tries to pump the kiev regime with money and weapons. this opinion was expressed by journalist tucker carloson in an interview with the american senator. the presenter emphasized that support for ukraine from the states of the collective west will lead to
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an even greater number of deaths. in addition, this will entail further degradation of the economies of the united states and european union countries. ukraine will not be able to win. in a conflict with russia, the ukrainian military will not be able to hundreds of billions of dollars, oust the russian army from areas of eastern ukraine. ukraine has no industrial potential, just as neither nato nor the united states have it. canada refused to extradite ss man yaroslav gonka to russia. the authorities cited the absence of a bilateral treaty on estradiation. our embassy in atawa called this response an obvious politically motivated excuse. moscow will continue to seek justice, diplomats emphasized. let me remind you that in september last year in the canadian parliament, where ninety-eight-year-old yaroslav gunka was invited to a meeting in honor of zelensky’s visit. the invitation was sent to him personally by prime minister justin trudeau. he later tried to disown this story. that day, the nazi
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was introduced to the audience to applause as a veteran of the fight against the russians. in fact, he was part of the ranks of the golyachin ss division, notorious for the massacres of civilians and bullying during the great patriotic war. in our country, the gunki have been routinely charged with genocide. vladimir putin approved the list of instructions based on the results december press conference, the government needs to prepare a proposal by march 1 to speed up the provision of benefits to soldiers and veterans of the northern military district. in addition, it is important to provide volunteers who are involved in new territories with equal social guarantees and insurance payments. and the preferential mortgage program at a rate of 2% per annum should be extended to the secondary housing market in the dpr. lpr zaporozhye and kherson regions. another instruction concerns the creation of a special economic zone of shibekin in the belgorod region. putin also ordered to analyze tariffs for travel on the m-12 kazan expressway and consider increasing the number of far eastern
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routes that participate in the subsidy program. ways to resolve the situation in the middle east are being discussed in moscow at the thirteenth international middle east conference. another example of how us policy leads to tragedy and humanitarian catastrophe in the region, while the states and their allies, betting on dominance, seek to exclude russia from all settlement mechanisms. anatoly lazarev, more details. the valdai international discussion club called its middle east conference unambiguously: the time for decisive action. to discuss these actions, about fifty specialists from 16 countries gathered at a site in moscow. why is the palestinian-israeli conflict foreign experts.
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position, valdai club experts see the key to a diplomatic solution to the problem. there is a need for international pressure, a common position of states regarding current events, what is legal and what is not. russia is part of the international world order, it must participate in solving the problem of the region. lovrov stressed that russia is soon planning to hold an inter-palestinian meeting to resolve the conflict in the middle east. the initiative of the united states and great britain, according to him, comes down to bringing gas under control. without meeting the just
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demands of the palestinian people , there will be no peace and stability in the region. israel is a tool in the hands of the united states, which does not want to allow multipolarity. the united states and a number of european countries are waging an aggressive war against the palestinian people. these countries do not have a serious plan for a ceasefire. in general, as lavrov said, moscow now does not see prospects for rapid stabilization in gas. given israel’s uncompromising attitude towards a forceful solution, but this does not mean that we must abandon attempts to resolve the problem diplomatically. anatoly lazarev, dmitry kochurin, evgeny stefanchuk, channel one. russia should say goodbye to the parliamentary assembly of the organization on security and cooperation in europe, due to its dependence on the united states. this was stated by state duma speaker vyacheslav volodin during a plenary session at okhotsk ryad. deputies expressed support for this proposal.
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there is nothing for us to do there. the developments of russian scientists, many of which have no analogues in the world, need to be more actively introduced into production and exported to friendly countries. this will help.
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often serves as a driver for a country's technological breakthrough. anastasia kobudeva will continue. technological sovereignty, which is so they say lately can be described in two words. the quality of life. take medicine, for example. artificial intelligence helps doctors make diagnoses , find signs of pathologies on x-ray images, the government’s strategic session is again devoted to technological development, work is underway on modern solutions that help preserve people’s health, increase the effectiveness of prevention, and treatment of complex diseases such as diabetes mellitus and hypertension. for remote
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monitoring of health conditions, it is created line of high-tech products, the patient will soon become... continuous monitoring of vital indicators is available. the development of science and technology must be a response to challenges in the economy, says the head of government. over the past year, our country has literally made a technological breakthrough, despite all the unfavorable forecasts. industrial production at the end of last year increased by 3.5%. the manufacturing sector grew by 7.5%. the growth of the machine-building complex is about 21%. enterprises not only adapted to work in the new conditions, they rebuilt the cooperation chain and logistics, but what is very important, they are increasing their capacity and gradually occupying market niches that were vacated after the departure of a number of foreign companies. the president recently, at a meeting of the council on science and education, emphasized that
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the priorities of scientific and technological development should be closely related to all key challenges in the economy with... the commissioning of innovative systems of science-intensive equipment, for this purpose only this year 122 billion rubles at this amount of funding from extra-budgetary sources is twice as high as it reached last year.
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about two dozen green power generation facilities with a total capacity of 340 megawatts have been built. the wider dissemination of such technologies allows not only to increase the reliability of energy supply to the regions, but also, which is very important, to reduce the share of harmful emissions into the atmosphere. the government supports our technological talents and creates a comfortable atmosphere for doing business at all stages, from the inception of an idea to entering the market. near six dozen. enterprises received grants totaling more than 9 billion rubles. this will make it possible to open or expand production for the specific tasks of large corporations. over 34 billion more were provided in the form of corresponding preferential loans. more than 200 companies were able to use these funds. and on march 1, the online business start service will launch, and how the platform will work,
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deputy prime minister dmitry grigorenko said. through one window, three actions are performed at once. innovations were discussed today by the participants of the second
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forum of future technologies, which opened in moscow, in the center of international trade, and the main topic of the prospects for the development of our medicine, vladimir putin sent a greeting to the participants, noting that the unique achievements of medical researchers need to be implemented as soon as possible at all levels of healthcare, with the key the priority here is to build a system. medical care around a person, a specific patient. the topic will be continued by olga knyazeva. the device will take your cardiogram. well, and then accordingly will give you the result. such a pocket cardiogram can be sent to your doctor at any time directly from your phone. it turns out an ecg anywhere, at any time. a device that fits in your wallet will tell you how your heart works in a minute. this is our present, which until recently turned out to be in the future, like gene therapy, bionic prostheses, and even the printing of human organs.
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therefore, our national need for this is enormous. production of these devices will begin in september. the total is now over forty various types of medical devices are being developed with the participation of russian materials and technologies, as well as partner countries. today we held a meeting at the brix level of all interested parties from all countries, including brix in its expanded composition. last year we initiated the creation of a separate working group on nuclear development. medicine in the brix countries. the second forum of future technologies is dedicated to the most modern personalized approach to human health, when treatment takes into account many individual factors, each of us, from habits to
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genetics. understanding the basis of disease at the gene level has ushered in a new era for more precise, personalized medicine. thanks to the rapid development of technology, analysis of our genes is becoming a fairly routine study, and therefore available to our patients, along with others. quite ordinary medical tests. thus, starting with diagnosis and continuing with prevention, ending with treatment, medicine today has unprecedented capabilities. already a year in russia for every child do advanced non-natal screening. babies are not tested for five rare diseases right in the maternity hospital, as before, but for 36. among them is spinal muscular atrophy. severe forms are when a child does not walk, does not hold his head up, and has difficulty breathing. thanks to screening, a diagnosis is possible. we have been doing a lot of work on this, and legislatively and naturally
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the professional community is doing a lot of work on this, today the palette of drugs is already expanding, but nevertheless , the primary task, it remains, is to identify these babies even before the very first signs illnesses, we can confidently say that we can afford them today. not developing the disease, and this is of course fascinating. the first results of expanded nonnatal screening, almost 700 children with hereditary or congenital diseases were identified. all of them are registered with specialists and, if necessary, receive medications from the state fund circle of good. another important genetic test is being gradually introduced free of charge in our country, within the framework of regional projects, when you can donate blood in the early stages of pregnancy find out everything about the health of your unborn child. to date, more than 30 thousand women have been examined, 30% of them were successful. increase the detection of chromosomal pathologies due to what? due to the fact that we identify those chromosomal pathologies that standard screening does not detect, due to the fact that the test
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is more accurate, that is, in those women who had not previously been detected with a chromosomal pathology, but for whom it seemed that the child would be healthy, unfortunately i was born unhealthy, but the npt detects these women much earlier. genetics in the service of epidemiologists. on behalf of president in russia, a database is being created where there are already more than 300,000 genomes of various microorganisms. we are not just talking about those related to covid, and this is a matter of national security today. it has become much easier to deal with us biologically. you must clearly understand this, the nuclear umbrella created today preserves our sovereignty, but they will deal with us in a completely different way, with the help of biological weapons, the ministry of defense, the deputy prime minister, the president speaks about this all the time, so the key question is: we are in kurchatka institute, with the full support of the government and the president, created the second kurchatka institute. institute, one institute of atomic energy, the second institute - bioorganic, biological, genetic, nature. another task that time dictates is the creation of a system that monitors the state
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of the collective and... election chronicle: the central election commission today determined the time for the release of campaign materials of presidential candidates, free broadcasts were distributed between five federal television channels, three radio stations. in the meantime , the candidates themselves and their representatives continue their election activities in different... co-chairs of vladimir putin’s headquarters continue working trips to the regions, artem zhogo is in kursk today, he visited the branch of the defenders of the fatherland foundation and the center for military-patriotic education, it is you who will build the policy of our state, to defend our state, and accordingly, this is not the future, this is the present, that is , everything is being laid now, namely, all the security for the future of our country, namely
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confidence in the future. the single candidate from the new people and growth parties, vladislav davankov, visited the plant where environmentally friendly transport, trolleybuses and electric buses are produced. davankov discussed updating public transport and landscaping with local activists. i asked how many electric buses or trolleybuses were produced here in the city of vologda itself, i was told that... only three, what is this from? because i believe that regions, cities, should make their own decisions, buy some kind of transport, have the money for it, so one big block of my program is more money for the regions. running for elections from the ldpr , works in moscow, today he proposed to direct the fees of cultural figures discrediting the army and the country to support youth, to redirect any profits from...
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the activities of such public to the development of gifted youth, to the development of gifted children, to the development of centers for children creativity, on cultural centers in the village, on what is really important today for the future of russia, this is what needs to be done in the very near future. and in the central the election commission today decided which candidate would receive it when.
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the progress ms-24 cargo ship undocked from the international space station today, then entered the atmosphere and disintegrated. fireproof structural elements were flooded in the non-navigable part of the pacific ocean. this was reported by roscosmos. the spacecraft was launched six months ago and delivered 2.5 tons of cargo to the iss. during this time, he performed several orbit corrections and helped avoid a collision with space debris. the next progress truck ms-26 starts from baikonur 15 february. and that’s all for now, thank you for being with us, right now time will tell the program. hello, live on the first channel, time will tell the program, i’m artyom shenin, and today i’ll start the program with the bitter news that came
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this morning from...


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