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tv   Zhit zdorovo  1TV  February 14, 2024 10:00am-10:51am MSK

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here it cannot be any other way, he has notebooks there, and various texts in which he says: what do you actually have, he seems to be arguing with the ukrainian, you have nothing except grushevsky and taras shevchenko, thank you very much, all the best to you. makarenko has a very paradoxical and interesting idea; he says that normal children, or children brought to a normal state, are the most difficult object of education, their nature is subtler, more complex. requests, deeper culture and diversity of attitudes, namely they require from you a narrow scope of will , not striking emotions, about the most complex tactics, this is what he is talking about now about those of our children who are exposed to the influence of the internet, in a new technological environment, argue with us with their parents, and, frankly, are in a situation of choice , very difficult, moral, as in the conditions of an information war, not to get confused, not to succumb to this alien manipulative... influence,
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again, in makarenko we can find these most complex tactics, as with smart, thinking, but sometimes confused young people , find that same common language, so open the right books, use the school of the great russian teacher, thank you very much for coming to us today, viewers, as always, i remind you that you can all the news that causes you please send your opinion to our editor, there are also reasons to be proud, all the best to you. my ideal morning is very simple, we start it with scrambled eggs and bacon, the russian person differs from others in that the russian person has a soul, there is responsiveness, there is patriotism, for me a patriot loves
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his country, i’m more of a humanist, i’ll study in a technical specialty, we are comprehensively developed and good in both directions, but everything is delicious here in the krasnodar region, come, try everything, look at everything, well, we we get out by car, on borzh, along the tundra, through the swamps through the sneinsky autonomous okrug to the komi republic, i love russia for its large open spaces, freedom, because everyone here is very kind, probably this is the best place on earth. the first channel presents well, dear friends, everyone celebrates valentine's day on february 14, and progressive doctors, world impotence day, how to...
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defeat this disease, about this and much more in the program to live healthy, well, my dears, world impotence day is celebrated once year, february 14, and you thought it was valentine's day, or maybe the coincidence is not accidental, today we are starting this program with the following topic: stupid questions about... potency, we are waiting for our guests, and as always we tell you , there are no stupid questions, there are stupid ones answers, you can contact us, doctors, with any questions, we will answer competently and correctly, we are waiting for the first guest.
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so, i have a ridiculous question, but i’ll ask anyway, but my health has always been excellent, then problems with potency began, so, my wife says, maybe you have heart problems, it will happen soon, well, what a heart, why she not interested in potency, maybe she has someone, really, no, what to take care of her husband’s potency, she’s concerned about her heart, germanshaevich. if a man dies, this is real a tragedy for the family, you understand, that is, in the coordinate system, life is more important for the wife, this is good, what is the connection between the heart, these are the three vessels of your body. this
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smallest diameter is a vessel that brings blood to the penis, in principle , an erection is a blood pressure, this is a vessel of the heart, and this is... a vessel of the lower extremities, well, for example, an artery, a huge sucker, look, if if an obstruction appears in the vessels or an atherosclerotic plaque, then first of all it disrupts the blood flow in the small vessels of the penis, then it can grow close the heart vessel too, that scientists have discovered that if a man comes to the clinic with a problem with potency in the next 2 years, the risk of developing a heart attack, angina pectoris is much higher than for men whose potency is preserved, she simply says: you know, my dear, let ’s first check the heart, cure it, and then
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start taking pills and everything will be fine, it’s clear, that is, potency is an erection, erection is a vascular phenomenon, it’s blood. tendency, it’s clear, so your wife loves you, 100%, 100%. we are waiting for the next guest, my wife says that i snore in my sleep, and says
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that this is very bad, and also hints that my potency has become worse because of this, and i believe that every man should snore, and there is no potency here at all what does it have to do with it, that is... a man snores, you don’t snore 5 kopecks, you , not a man, something like this, but how interesting she hints to the man, she hints to me, as she hints, she says, something is wrong with the patent you, yes, well, somehow yes, sometimes you are dissatisfied in the morning, mikhal egorovich, snoring potency, whether this is somehow connected or not, of course, it is connected, of course, that what snoring is, is a condition when during sleep your soft palate recedes and closes. breathing paths , in fact, you experience opine, that is, some kind of breathing, that is, for some time you simply do not breathe, accordingly, hypoxia of the whole body develops, and this affects the production of testosterone, and testosterone
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determines the level of our potency, well together with other, so to speak, factors, but this is the first factor that we are talking about... potency, now i want to show how snoring develops, and yes, indeed this will affect potency, but what’s even worse is that it will affect the other, so you lie down, you fall asleep, and what happens, the uvula of your soft palate sinks, so you snore, because just like that, it sank and began to vibrate during inhalation,
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they put a ball like this in there, why is this done, so that a person in this t-shirt in this shirt cannot turn his back, so that people do not sleep with their backs, because only this position provides you with this retraction soft palate, understandable, yes, understandable, therefore we are giving you this t-shirt, we attached this pocket with a ball to our surgical one, but you can attach it to any football. thank you for the question, we are waiting for the next guest,
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my question is this, i used to take pills to increase potency, so, now a friend recommended me a gentleman's... spray and you tried it and what happened? it turned out that its effect is literally 10 minutes and i am ready to give love to a woman instantly. before , i kept waiting for the pill to work or not, because it happens that it didn’t work and the woman left me dissatisfied, well , it just feels like your job is like this, well , when it works out, then, look, first, get your spray, pills made a revolution in their time, because it turned out that there in 40 minutes, an hour the pills begin to work, men began to experience potency from the pills, this was, in principle , a huge progress, the drug dilates the vessels of the penis, as a result, since
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i repeat once again, the phenomenon is vascular, the vessels dilate, blood supply to the penis occurs, the penis enlarges size, that is, this phenomenon is the phenomenon of erection. the man, of course, sprays the spray into his mouth, sprays always work faster, why? because the spray is absorbed directly into... the oral cavity, our oral cavities, especially under the tongue, have a huge number of vessels, here is german shaich, he knows well that in cardiology we love nitrospray, nitroglycerin spray, because it acts almost instantly, except moreover, the medicine does not pass through the liver, through which all tablets that are absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract pass, then there is, in fact, you can achieve the effect in 5-10 minutes, but what to use all for...
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that in general all the drugs in this group were created for cardiology, so that they dilate blood vessels, the only thing is that it is really one spray, here is one spray, no more is needed , of course, keep yourself in control, man, after meeting you i feel scared for your fate, we are waiting for the next guest, i have... such a question, not so long ago my wife forbade me to drink beer, she says that i will be impotent , my
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belly has grown, well, i heard that it’s her somewhere i might have heard that when men drink beer, their bellies grow and they lose their virility, but i didn’t notice this, can i listen to her, can i hear my wife, listen, you’ll answer, listen, regardless from nothing. you need to listen, beer belly is beer or something else, and how the belly affects potency, beer belly is such a figurative name for the so-called abdominal form of obesity, that is, it is, in principle, one of the forms of obesity, quite often it happens among people who abuse beer and fast food, it is the most dangerous, because it...minal obesity works in such a way that a man's
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testosterone secretion decreases, that is, he actually loses this masculine strength, it has been shown that if waist circumference exceeds 92 cm in volume, there may already be problems with testosterone, and if you have a waist circumference greater than 102 cm, then testosterone will practically be reduced, now we will show you... this picture, men just need to remember visceral obesity or abdominal, abdominal obesity , at all testosterone, if it is normal, is a fit man without a belly, as soon as the belly begins to increase, substances that are produced in the so-called visceral fat on the abdomen, they simply progressively reduce testosterone, so you have a belly... there is still small, but the conclusion remains unequivocal, she is right, belly,
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to a decrease in testosterone, we are waiting for the next guest, my question is this, my wife scared me, she said that the absence of a morning erection is a sure way to the absence of a reaction at all, and i believe that this old wives' tales. if a man doesn’t have a morning erection, it means he simply didn’t get enough sleep, got up early, he has to go to work, so that means an erection in the morning herman shech is osvetiological. a physiological phenomenon, we have slobbered on a brand, we are showing you a medical experiment, so, since you are sleeping, maybe you will miss, miss your morning erection, how you can check it at home, a home test, and you take a roll of welding,
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stick it on penis look how either they will remain like this in the morning, or you... had after all, there’s an erection, oh, oh, that means if , if the stamps are torn, then it would just be missed, but no, but very often a morning erection occurs in a dream, neither your wife sees it, nor you see it in the morning erection - this does not mean that you got up, but you have an erection, you went to brush your teeth, no, you got up and you are doing business, well, let us say this: that is, the absence of this phenomenon indicates a problem: first - vascular, which is there is no blood filling the genital area, or you have a low level of male sex hormone, testosterone, accordingly these problems are treated, and if you really have such
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a phenomenon, you need to go to a urologist who deals with male problems. he will give an examination and , accordingly, at the same time, you need to check the heart, of course, so if this test with a brand is checked, it is very easy, it ruptured in the morning, which means there was a morning erection or a night erection, which means there is no need to ring the bells, if the test with a brand is such that it didn’t rupture, which means there are problems with the vessels and need to be examined, thank you everyone, dear men, let's take a short break and then continue. the fruit of passion, it is believed that this fruit gives love strength, the amount of testosterone increases and, naturally, the impulse goes to the brain, and accordingly our libido improves, spermatogenesis also, by the way, we try passion fruit, allergies
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will lead to a heart attack, nuts, seafood. sometimes fish can immediately cause anaphylactic shock, and this is not just redness or swelling, any allergy sufferers should urgently have their heart checked, sticks in hands first, what song do you remember, mikhal egorich, something march, march, it’s fun to walk through the open spaces, through the open spaces, through the open spaces, scandinavian.
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forests of the modern and future world order, is there a separate latin american civilization? some people think that no, others are sure that there is a latin american civilization, here it is. civilization premiere, film four. latin america, tomorrow on the first. you see how happy i am,
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because i finally have time for myself, a super breakthrough idea, because no one in the world has done this, to create an online one. designer of cosmetics, i feel like a sorceress who creates an incredible elixir of youth, most of our shapes are unique and effective, so we create our own unique product, in 2013 we released the first skimmer of our production, after that we began to expand our model range, from 100 cc to 800 cc , in the production of our snowmobiles we try to localize russian production as much as possible, you have a very large one. mensnowmobiles, but this is of course for girls, our everything, premiere on saturday at first, it doesn’t happen that a person... was in your life, then he disappears, even if he dies, in this girl you almost don’t recognize the child who 5 years ago lost the most precious thing, his mother? i don’t think that i am without her,
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i have a pile of memories, but this is my mother, yulia nachalova died very young at 38, leaving her beloved daughter, vera, to her parents and ex-husband. i said that, unfortunately, i have very difficult news for you, that mom is no longer with us, that at that moment, then... this is a big responsibility tell your child that his mother died. how did yulia’s only daughter survive this loss, what path did she take after her mother’s death? i’m just somehow very mega-strong, somehow i felt like i pulled myself together, that is, our exclusive 5 years of the adult life of a girl who decided, no matter what, to become a star in memory of the famous mom. when you appeared, my life changed. i will always be with you. exclusive with dmitry borisov. premiere. on saturday on the first. we,
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contemporaries of the red era, suddenly felt russians, heirs of the huge, mysterious, hidden outside our cities, russian history. i collected huge multi-colored boulders lying along the shores of the pskov lakes. i loved drawing reirakh so much, i took them to one place to the pechersk road, made a mountain out of them, hot with gems, cut down a crucifix from a huge siberian larch, i remember how this crucifix, placed on an armored personnel carrier, moved through the whole of pskov, a stork descended from the sky onto the crucifix, thing bird, premiere, alexander prokhanov, confession. on monday on the first, this program to live healthy, dear friends, oh
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, this is love, the fruit of passion, we still haven’t forgotten that today is valentine’s day, otherwise we celebrated world impotence day, we just went wild with delight, in my opinion, our viewers, well , morakoya, mikhail egorovich, raft of passion. raft of passion, they brought us different varieties of passion fruit, bring us passion fruit into the studio, oh, what a beauty, mikhail egorovich , let's show how it blooms and how it grows, fashion fruit, in direct translation, passion fruit, incredible. blooms, incredible it’s beautiful, you see how beautiful the flowers are, and they grow incredibly beautifully, that’s where the bee pollinates, moracuyu, you see what, what kind of life
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the marokuya has, mikhail egorich was named for this in the first place, this fruit is because of such beautiful flowers, in any case the reason for this name was precisely the flowers, this is how the brand grows and ripens. these are the substances that determine, if we are talking about the general condition of the body, determine the number of sperm, desire, libido, and so on, that is, they conducted experiments with... rats in india and we looked, let's go, we found out on rats all the most important things from the lives of men, and we looked, are you with us or are you against us, those, so, those
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rats that received those rats, we said at the portrait of the man, so mikhala igorich, received flavonoids, their activity was several times higher, and naturally, they had a greater attraction to the opposite, which means that sperm production increased. the amount of testosterone and naturally the impulse goes to the brain and, accordingly , our libido improves spermatogenesis, too, by the way, that’s the question: the benefits of flavonoids, but we need flavonoids not only to obtain testosterone and spermatogenesis, but they are also very important for ours. vitamin c
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, why is it needed, vitamin c - let another professor tell him, and then you professor , speak out, the vice is needed so that the elasticity of our blood vessels is as good as possible, and this is very important for our retina, because the retina is supplied with blood extremely difficult and a lot, it really depends on how high quality the small vessels are, how much you... are needed for the vessels, therefore, it is wonderful for the eyes, well, cardiologists tell you too, otherwise you are all about potency, the antioxidant reduces the development of atherosclerosis and men and women remain with normal, good skin, and vitamin c also makes it possible, of course, to maintain good skin, so in this i mean, there are so many points about the fact that this is the fruit of passion, this is
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really the fruit of passion. you know, today we brought three exotic fruits into our kitchen, which, roughly speaking, appeared in russia after perestroika, these are passion fruit, kiwi and mango, if you compare them with from the point of view of flavonoids, these substances that provide passion and so on, who is in first place, if we are talking about flavonoids, then of course passion fruit is in first place, 150 mg per 100 g in second place.
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the color is like a plum, yes it should be such a purple burgundy, and then the fruit should be light and quite elastic, but at the same time soft, and harmless, pierce all sorts of things, how to properly store marracia? it is best to store maracuja, of course, in the refrigerator, just in its usual form, without packaging it in... so whoever has never eaten maracuja, pick up hand, he’s a young man , the minority didn’t eat everything, that is, we live in the country of maracul, my god, by the way, yes...
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hello, but this is a classic dessert, it’s yogurt, you can use sour cream, i even recommended sour cream better , because moraco is sour and thickens it even more, and we serve it in layers. the most interesting thing is that it can still be frozen, and after you freeze it, puree it in a blender until smooth and it will turn out naturally, that’s right, mix classic creamy ice cream with it just like that, and there’s a lot of fun there on the bottom, no, morakoya on the bottom and on top, and this is cool, because it marinates both layers; they turn out even thicker, and in the meantime, we won’t show off , we’ll give you a simple morakoya, try it, lesh, please give me all the small spoons so that people
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could. eat in peace, i’ll leave hermann shai ’s website to eat with us in rich russia, and i’ll spend it all, it’s time for us to talk about medicine, you know, dear friends, our medical topic is simply dictated by life, because it just recently turned out and was published a huge study that if a person has a food allergy, then his risk of heart attacks and strokes increases sharply, how much, with which the risk of heart attacks is comparable from 70 to 100%. people who are as if they smoke or as if they are obese, so today we will talk about food allergies, but let's start with this study, i repeat again, this is the latest study, so it was in 2023 , study published:
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more than 500 people in the united states studied the link to food allergies cardiovascular disasters were directly demonstrated here. a screenshot from this study that - food allergies are associated with a high risk of cardiovascular diseases, it’s clear why, look, this is basically the life cycle of our vessel, we are born with a smooth vessel and then damage appears, a hole through which fats enter into the vascular wall, oxidize and form a plaque, what? occurs during an allergy, that is, how the allergen affects the wall of the vessel, that is, when it comes from the mouth to us, it occurs damage to the vascular wall, and after that
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cholesterol rushes there and forms a plaque, respectively, people with food allergies who consume food allergens, they are not allergic to crab, to seafood, to crabs, yes, i understand, a question for our experimental nine, tell me, on what , who is allergic, i am allergic to fish, and
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for me to certain types of seafood, mussels, clams, they cause, you know, itching, my cheeks begin to turn red, uh-huh, give me the sediment, what do you need, nuts. for nuts, further, we specially collected those who have food allergies, i have an allergy to wheat in the form of such redness on the skin, then, i have an allergy to soy, well, look, you also want to say, well, let’s go to oranges, to citrus fruits, while we are undergoing this examination, here from these words are allergy, i want to go with andrei petrovich to this model, these are true food allergens, there are eight of them. indeed, these are eggs, seafood, cereals, citrus fruits, milk, fish, nuts and soy, these are the eight allergens that are responsible for 90% of all food
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allergies, in fact, they sometimes happen others, but this is the bulk of all food allergies, here we are presented with what our task is after these studies, our task is very... we must fight and prevent this at all costs with our food allergies allergic, because chronic allergic inflammation will be constantly activated, we need to control it, because inevitably this chronic inflammation will lead to vascular damage, which herman shaich spoke about, so of course, if you know your allergen, it avoid to exclude. so that you do not provoke additionally, you must know which products, which culinary recipes contain this allergen, so as not to accidentally encounter it, this is the first, second, you
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must, if suddenly you know that you have such a possibility of an encounter, you should take antihistamines and drugs that stabilize the cells and prevent them from exploding. why? because, unfortunately, allergens such as nuts, seafood, and sometimes fish can immediately cause anaphylactic reactions, the so-called reaction, anaphylactic shock, and this is not just redness or swelling, it is loss of pressure, loss of consciousness, respiratory arrest. i have such a syringe, i brought myself three, one for training in this set of three, it works like this, a person fell in front of you, take his syringe to any place, bang, well, most often it’s the shoulder, this bucket is right through
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the clothes , bang, a dose of adrenaline is administered, the blood vessels spasm, the anaphylactic reaction stops, in general, things are, in short, serious, so people with food allergies get examined. have emergency treatment with you before going to a restaurant where you don’t know what sauces there will be, or not take sauces, or drink antihistamines and drugs, stabilizers. membranes that you should discuss with your doctor, they all exist in russia, they absolutely exist, these are the brief tips we have as a result of this new research, now we will pause for a minute and meet with you in an unusual setting, sticks in hand forward, which do you remember the song, michal yegorich, something march, march together joyfully walk across the open spaces, open spaces, across open spaces, nordic walking
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is the best type of physical activity, how to do it correctly? my god, grisha, what happened to you? forgive me, i am a soldier, ekaterina alekseevna is my empress, only. afraid.
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they don’t wear these in iran, i’ve been working for four years now, during this time i haven’t asked you for anything, and we found these six german radio operators, and someone else will take them, drink some water, comrade stalin grinned and they brought them into the hall six germans whom we found, on the occasion of the centenary of gevonk vartanyan on saturday on the first, and after 64 years after the tehran events.
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it is important to remain icy calm. ice splashes from under the skates, like sparks of hot metal. and the ice melts like steel. hot ice, sports competition of the strongest. live broadcasts from magnitogorsk, on the weekend on the first. attention, the train will not go any further. please vacate the carriage. vera , help me, to be honest, i’m dying, save me, this is serious
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, give me a ruble, listen, i’m young , i’m smart, i’m educated, if you decide to become interested in me, first of all you must find something good in me, appreciate it begin admire, i felt there would be one they said, but i hate it since childhood, but the main thing is to get in shape, what kind of hike is this, where is talya with you, thank you, well, the fact that the madhouse is crying for her is... clear, but for starters you still have to cling to something, primitive, cuttlefish, loser, this is a crazy librarian, leading you astray, you fell in love there, and for oleg yankovsky’s eightieth birthday, you fell in love of your own free will, on sunday on the first, look why you did it ? about what?
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junior lieutenant ignatia vladimir ivanovich, but the weak, who cares for you? i stood up for the girl, he will now look for me, what happened? i need a dog, a fighting monster, so that everyone can win, it’s not necessary. approach him, retreat, invite him to attack, he’s a predator, help him, it’s him, who is he? volodya, the one who saved me.
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the theme is street nordic walking, because we are completely different already on the street. today it will be proven today that this is the simplest and most effective way to somehow improve your health. i’m wearing felt boots, i have these boots, they’re beautiful, and we’re wearing sneakers. all the rest are in sneakers, and i remember my keverovo childhood and youth, how germanshaich and i went to classes and were completely happy in our felt boots, this is coffee, i’ll put it here so that it cools down a little, so, the first thing is scandinavian walking, roughly speaking, to put it simply, is walking with sticks, sticks
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make it possible to move your arms, that is, you don’t barely walk like this, but you move your arms, so the load is much greater.
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mikhail egorovich broke away, and we are catching up with him, mikhail egorovich, we still have him buried somewhere layout, god, we missed our layout, so mikhail yegorich, what should we say, as we have already said, that during normal walking we work the muscles below the waist, but with scandinavian walking the muscles of the shoulder,
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the shoulder itself, the pectoral muscle work, that is, all these muscles that are shown here, they are involved in the act... many times, they have proven , they even did research, people who just walked with normal nordic walking, and just like that, nordic walking, that is, they have physical the load is greater, and the muscle mass is greater, and as we said, cardiovascular system, improved, immunity memory. of course, people who walk do more than 150 minutes a week.
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in other places and regions of our country , that’s not all, when you go outside, your oral immunity changes radically,
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andrei petrovich, you remain, firstly, firstly, we are really in the air, in the air it is almost impossible to become infected with a viral bacterial infection, because the concentration is low, plus we have a more humid environment here air than in our apartments, respectively.
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“stop, stop, well, in fact , we spend time together in this way, and this gives us the opportunity to really
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enjoy communication, and from each other, indeed, and the fact that we spend this time together counts towards our production of oxytocin, yes, and oxytocin is an attachment hormone, let’s summarize: first, for the cardiovascular system, nordic walking is great, since it’s for the immune system. direct production of immune cells and huge protection in oral cavity in the nose, and this is our first line of infection, for the joints, for the joints, especially because all joints, all groups of joints work, then endorphins, joy hormones, are produced, if you burst out a song, then in general there will be beauty, who -someone will think, well, some guy says hello, someone will think, well done, and a song is coming. sings, so our advice is the same: be sure to walk, germanshevich, come to me that you left me, be sure to walk,
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nordic walking is walking with sticks,


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