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tv   Novosti  1TV  February 14, 2024 3:00pm-3:16pm MSK

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because until now we have given the ukrainians enough weapons. if russia wins this war, or very modestly speaking, if it can maintain control over those parts of ukraine that it currently controls, the so-called land bridge that extends all the way to crimea. this will be the west's first major defeat in the second cold war, because we were all in the game. how many speeches did western leaders make in support of ukraine, how many promises did they make, how many promises did they not make to be there as long as needed. with this scenarios the west will be worse off. hello, there is a news broadcast on channel one, in the studio of maxim sharafuddinov. in fulfilling the state defense order for the production of missile systems, sergei shaigu is in the spotlight today.
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visited the mechanical engineering design bureau in the moscow region, checked how work is going on modernizing weapons, the minister of defense was shown the ready-made anti-tank complex chryzontema s, shells and several more samples were improved for it, including the gigitt support-launcher with missiles manpads verba. the plant has increased production volumes and specialists continue to increase capacity. sergei shaigu demanded that the production of products be accelerated, after which, at a meeting, the head of the defense department set the task of quickly finalizing the systems, taking into account the experience of their use. done - work that allows us to hit targets with greater accuracy with a range corresponding to the characteristics, and the weapon has been brought to normal combat condition, we can confirm those characteristics that were laid down initially, and now we will talk about the following samples: the range is quite large, this applies to manpads systems. this
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applies to missiles, iskander and dagger, this applies to everything we need today to combat unmanned aerial vehicles. earlier, the ministry of defense reported that the russian military stopped another attempt by the kiev regime to carry out a terrorist attack. the militants used aircraft-type drones. that night , nine drones were intercepted over the belgorod and voronezh regions, as well as over the black sea. as for the situation. svo on in the kupin direction , su-34 fighter bombers struck enemy positions. high explosive bombs covered enemy fortifications and armored vehicles. and near the village of vesyoloye, in the dpr, tula paratroopers are confidently holding their lines. this time they did not allow the ukrainian armed forces units to rotate personnel. all access roads are under our fire control. the artillerymen of the vostok group are also ready to attack the enemy at any moment.
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our grad hurricanes are in use in the donetsk sector; they are capable of hitting targets at a distance of several tens of kilometers, we can handle any task, smash a hangar with the militants’ garden volley equipment, cut off the path for reinforcements, now the fighters are helping to liberate avdievka, reporting from the front line by sergei ponomarev. the first two sightings immediately receive corrections from aerial reconnaissance. the next salvo is exactly in the indicated square. yeah, it's going to be hot now. 16 shells, one after another, cover the positions of the ukrainian armed forces in landing and a huge area next to it, the enemy will definitely not have rotation, this area in the southern donetsk direction is under fire control of the vostok group's rocket artillery and its grad crew are constantly on duty at the front line. the command was received, we left for the destination, arrived in about 10 minutes, and we unwrapped the package in the car, well, about 5 minutes too, in a minute for two full packages. everything
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is firing, well, in general, i say, 15-20 minutes is all, we roll up the vehicle, we can’t hesitate, the enemy’s artillery also responds, the cabin of this installation is full of holes from shrapnel, here it came, here everything was gone, after that shelling the car miraculously remained on the move, there was no crew inside it was, so everyone continues to serve intact, by the way, many dsvo were not artillerymen, according to the commander, this is not a problem for... working in hail, easy to master, two days of practice and the specialist is ready, the first combat tour is remembered for a lifetime , it’s just that even i don’t know, it can’t be described in words , you have to see it, everything is bubbling inside, and the first times are still very similar, the effective range of hail is up to 20 km, if the target is further or it is larger, this is work, as they say here for older brothers, rszzo uragan, a car from the southern groupings, the weight of one high-explosive
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fragmentation projectile is almost 300 kg, so there is no way to do it manually, only with the help of a crane. there are exactly 16 shells in the loading machine, that’s how many can be placed in one package of hurricane 200. a 20 mm caliber for such power and purpose is selected according to the appropriate building , a three-story five-story building can be completely folded in a slow-motion fragmentation façade, but it does a lot of damage, there’s practically nothing left of the equipment , if there is a direct hit, here is footage of one of the recent examples of work: reconnaissance discovered equipment in an old hangar behind enemy lines, one salvo was enough. fzo, as a rule, deprive the enemy of the opportunity to receive reinforcements and attack supply columns. the biggest success of this crew of the 238th brigade, according to the commander with the call sign moroz, was undermining. a column of equipment with mercenaries was followed by a column of pickup trucks, and
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we covered it with more than 200 people, well , that’s what they say. now they are helping to liberate avdeevka, they say that kamikat drones in this area are often worried about the enemy, here he is... the artillery is working chaotically, which in its own way it is indicative, the enemy runs, shoots here, shoots there, shoots there, shoots here, and the effectiveness of his shooting lets you know that he is still there, but is not working effectively. sergey ponomarev, roman serebrennikov and mikhail vasiliev, channel one. more than 2 million people have already submitted applications to participate in remote electronic voting in the presidential elections, the head of the election commission center ella pomfelova reported. over 700 thousand more want to vote at their location within the framework of the mobile voter mechanism, and 100 thousands plan to do this in moscow. and as reported at the cec meeting, the moscow election commission will organize several temporary polling stations for them, they will be allowed to install an electronic voting terminal, and on saturday the electoral commission center
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will launch the inform week project. across the country, our colleagues, members of precinct election commissions, will begin work on... contact precinct commissions. now vdnkh, everything that happens there, can be followed from our studio; today at the grandiose exhibition of russia, industry day is discussing major projects, including in the field of space. an agreement was also signed to establish woodmurtia production of rare earth magnets. they
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are used in electronics, medical equipment, engines, electric vehicles. according to deputy prime minister denis manturov, european and american businessmen, contrary to politicians’ assertions, are still interested in the russian market.
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they loaded a truck with manure, the body was filled to the brim with agricultural waste, huge piles are now showing off at the doors. farmers are dissatisfied with cheap imports from ukraine and other countries, many farms were on the verge of ruin, not only in france, in spain, where there were also protests, farmers emptied a van with moroccan tomatoes, vegetables were thrown onto the roadway, and the geography of such actions looks like it will grow, large-scale protests next week promise to poland, the czech republic and slovakia. in conclusion, about the warm support of our guys on the front line from those who themselves seemed to need support, we are talking about a disabled woman from crimea who literally warmed hundreds of soldiers, she knits warm clothes for them by touch, since she lost her sight, and through volunteers she sends them to the fighters, as a piece of something
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dear, homely, with faith in our speedy victory. report by valentina solovyova. i thought so, i think, not for beauty, but for warmth. that's right, well , here's a tie, all my hats are like this , like this, you know, so that the ears are closed, her hands are covered in calluses, svetlana donetskaya is in a hurry to warm as much as possible. i drew this today since february 23rd, i also try to help my grandmother, at least there , by drawing one picture a day, so that the soldiers too would be happy, with what thoughts do you knit, with some kind ones, well... like mom, you know, here are the socks- then put warm ones on your legs, so that your legs are warm, so
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that they don’t freeze, before she became disabled, she worked as a doctor, svetlana donetskaya hasn’t seen for 10 years, she lost her sight after taking the wrong medicine, this happened back in ukraine, they gave me insulin, it was called hamulin, and no one has ever told me no one doesn’t say anything, even despite the fact that you are a doctor and despite the fact that you worked in... the city health department for more than 20 years, it turns out that it’s an american experimental insulin that causes detachment of the retina of the eye and that’s it, they did an experiment on you, well, the americans were waiting , the ukrainians did ours, they did it, the most important thing, says svetlana donetskaya, she managed to see the crimean spring, would you have seen it? what happened, somewhere i ’m going to cry again now, but at every step people
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were carrying out tablecloths, tables, accordions, guitars, they sang, danced, i remembered my grandmother , she said, the biggest, biggest holiday - she considered it... easter and victory day, so this is the same thing, then i saw old people whom i had not seen for probably 10 years, they they didn’t leave the house at all, they were almost 90 years old, can you imagine, they went to vote with chopsticks, this is a very big holiday, svetlana adolfovna started knitting a long time ago because of arthritis, so her fingers hurt less when working, when the special operation began, she decided that this way warmth... will be able to support our guys, met the volunteers, woolen sets from svetlana
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donetskaya are already worn by our artillerymen, part-time work, here is a whole box of such warm socks, thank you very much, all this is for you, a special thank you, because the best are there, really the best are there, and i really want to help them, overcome this. pizza, we knit special forces with pizzas, so i’m from special forces, she continues to knit and knit,
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knowing how important a piece of this home warmth is now to our soldiers on the front line. i love you all so much, boys, my dears, like mom, come home, quickly, we we love you all, everyone, and the fact that... the women's relay in cross-country skiing at the all-russian sports day
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was like an action-packed film with its incredible outcome. the arkhangelsk region team fell behind by almost a minute after the first segment, and this gap remained until the last stage, which was run by veronika stepanova, the leader of the current season and olympic champion in the relay. at this moment, of course, they remembered her brilliant performance at the last stage of the gold olympic relay in beijing. well, at the spartakiad - this is the second highest award for stepanova, who previously also won the skiathlon. in the men's relay , the national team of tatarstan and the team of the komi republic competed for gold medals, and here the fans were also
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in for an intriguing experience.


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