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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  February 14, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm MSK

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but at the same time you throw this in once, and then they throw in something like a gas pipe, they throw it in again, and not a single document, while it seems like the neighbors have a whole folder with documents, while administrative responsibility is already two protocols, shared ownership is, in principle, a bomb delayed action, the fact that the neighbors lived for 28 years in perfect harmony with valentina nikolaevna is a huge rarity, i’m not a builder, but what i saw was this crazy mess, you seem to be putting things in order there, but i didn’t see any order at all, i i haven't seen any innovations something... built, something done, something that would distinguish the plots and houses of neighbors from your plot and houses, there is nothing there so that, oh, really, alexander, how beautiful it has become, you know, really, they tell you , and you, like a little child , are trying to justify us that no, no, i want it differently, probably somewhere deep down, you really want it differently, you really want to put this order in place, but if you want it, don’t start from destruction, from gratitude. and you came know how everyday
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terrorists, that’s just impudence, legal nihilism, the feeling that everyone in life should, everyone, but not me, the fact that for the last 3 years your grandmother was simply abandoned, if not for the neighbors, good people, these and others who next to you, you didn’t calculate something when you came to our program, because you got it right, you got it, because i really, i won’t stop, i will demand from the prosecutor general. so that they look at this number of statements, replies, why the law is ignored not only by you, why is it not controlled by the authorities that are supposed to monitor the implementation of the law, that’s the big question, first he took my daughter, then he stole my son, you bastard, my ex-husband took my youngest child from me, the children want to live with me, i can’t have them how to give away things, what he dreamed about, that’s what he says, he just doesn’t have the strength.
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i can’t bear to look at this mockery, this atrocity, just give him a little more directly, but because he caught up with her, tore her clothes, he didn’t beat her, he wanted her, wanted her, there must be a mutual desire, perhaps you if there was sex and a gorgeous family, he’s such a screenwriter, he’s a screenwriter, that’s how he’s like a screenwriter, he’s more than like a prosecutor, your personal life is like now, i’ve just started a new one with me , her name is also yulia, yulia came to our studio in order to tell: how bad life is for her with this monster or something else? good evening, the big game is live and i’m vyacheslav nikonov. today russian president vladimir putin has a busy day; together with the mayor of moscow, sobyanin, he visited the diagnostic and medical center.
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it will be possible to deliver 16 times faster than with with the help of artificial intelligence, diagnosis using conventional technologies, and on a nationwide scale, results.
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when information becomes available, we will inform you. today is an important day in the history of at least two cities that are very important in our country, on the other hand, of our entire country. on this day, in the year 1943 , our troops liberated rostov-on-don, which i have the honor to represent in the state duma, and lugansk, which became the capital of the new russia, from the nazi invaders.
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february 25, well, of course, we must, of course, extend this voting period so as not to create danger for those who come to the polls. therefore, for some reason i think that similar decisions can be made in our other new regions, and early voting can begin earlier there too. well, the special military operation continued and, of course, all attention was primarily focused on avdiivka, where yesterday our armed forces managed to cut the most important transport artery to supply the defending ukrainian industrial group. spect keep him. boris alexandrovich rozhen is in direct contact with us now. boris alexandrovich, good afternoon. what's the news today? good afternoon. yes, indeed, the main event of the last day was certainly the cutting of the key supply route in the deevsky grouping, which
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runs along industrial avenue. our attack aircraft broke through the enemy’s defenses, which had a chain of support workers covering this road. now it has been physically cut off, the enemy essentially has two left. sakhima, so they walk along the flooded quarry, residential developments are advancing , and accordingly they are advancing in the direction of the railway station, that is, in general, the battles are already taking place directly in the city, our troops also have an advance south of avdievka in the area of ​​​​the air defense unit, the fortifications of the zenit area, where
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our troops also created a threat of encirclement two large strongholds of the enemy, in general the situation is getting worse, the enemy admits this, it is no coincidence that the azov brigade has already been thrown into battle. in order to somehow stabilize the situation, it is already suffering losses, and nevertheless, stop the enemy is not succeeding in the offensive of our troops, the crisis there is growing, but if we talk about other sectors of the front, then in the rabotino direction our troops continued offensive operations in the rabotina area, today information has literally just arrived that an entire squad of ukrainian soldiers surrendered in positions to south of rabotin, our troops also pressed west of verbov. on the vremevsky ledge , our troops continued attacks north of shelter to the west of staromaisky, our troops had successes in ugledarsky direction in the novomikhailovka area , assault operations continue in the village itself, our troops are gradually
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advancing there, somewhere around 10% of the village on the eastern outskirts is already occupied, we also have progress to the north of novomikhailovka, in the marina direction there is progress in... movement in the direction of chasov yar, somewhere around 1.6 km, now separates our forward positions from the outskirts of the city, on the northern ledge without changes, in the slatovo-kupyansk direction our troops advanced at tabaevka and krokhmalny, and well
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and directly north of kupyansk, our troops advanced east of petropavlovka, in general, in all sectors of the front, our troops have the initiative, the enemy is now only... fighting back, thank you very much, boris aleksandrovich rozhen with very accurate information, which, i must say, is almost the commander-in-chief of the ukrainian armed forces, alexander syrsky, immediately confirmed that he gave his first interview in his new capacity, to german television, but let’s listen to what he said, the situation at the moment, the situation at the present time the time can be assessed as difficult, that is, the enemy is now actually advancing. front line, and we have moved from offensive actions to conducting a defensive operation, and the goal of our defensive operation is to deplete the enemy’s forces, inflict maximum losses on him, using our fortifications, our advantages in technical terms, in terms of the use of unmanned aircraft, electronic warfare equipment and maintenance prepared
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defense lines. for us, the main task and main goal is the life of our soldier-officers, those combat units that carry out combat missions without intermediaries, we cannot afford the kind of attitude that... the russian commanders have when they carry out that... tactics of meat assaults, i’d rather leave some position, but i won’t allow death all personnel. well, of course, it was surprising for everyone in ukraine to hear this, because
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it’s true that everything is fine, all this is what the european audience wants for no meat storms, that in bakhmut everything was probably wonderful and so on, but in fact the crisis is growing, because what once again to assemble the same army that they had at the beginning of the mtr, trained, which went through the ato and joint forces operation zone. they cannot, and what is happening there in ukraine is that the local commanders of the ukrainian army are responding to them to receive unqualified, untrained personnel, the losses of which amount to 80, or even 90%, that is disposal, mobilization is in full swing, against the backdrop of the fact that there is indeed a shortage of heavy equipment, artillery systems and...
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now everything will be fine, they have everything there cares, maybe even show some exemplary unit, in which the equipment is good, and the supplies are good, and the shells are good, they will bring foreign correspondents there to show how wonderful everything is, but hide hundreds of graves, or even thousands, that appear every day, hiding the fact that everything is falling apart around you will be more and more difficult.
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and there is valor, but we all understand perfectly well that mature people who care about their reputation will have an extremely specific attitude towards people who are proud the fact that they deceived someone there, this applies to the americans, and europeans, ukrainians directly, they certainly bring down these kinds of speeches reputationally, they are very, they destroy reputations, they put them in a very vulnerable
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position reputationally, in the future these people they simply will not will be able to participate in the processes. which will be conducted within the framework of big politics, they must clearly understand this, they have worked out the material in terms of reputation and meaning, so i believe that the more such speeches, the larger the world community will see who the russian side really had to deal with, and that they will inevitably come to the conclusion that we were right, well, it must be said that, in general, big politics and serious things were not discussed in the interview with karasev , this was discussed today in the state duma of the russian federation, where a government hour was held with the participation of the minister of foreign affairs sergei vikovich lavrov, well, you know, all ministers report to the state duma on their activities, so today there was a devil of sergei
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viktorovich, the speeches and answers to questions were very, very interesting, we specifically asked our great expert dmitry suslov to participate in our program in an unusual place, precisely in order to participate in the discussion of our minister’s report. well, naturally, there are many questions about whether it will be possible to agree on something with western countries, whether dialogue with western countries is possible, that’s what the minister said. washington and its allies do not give up the dream of inflicting a strategic defeat on us, however... in lately, seeing the successful actions of the russian army in the ukrainian theater of operations, in the west they are no longer talking about their victory, but about how to prevent putin from winning. this does not change the essence, in our work we proceed from the fact that the security of russia , including the residents of new russian regions,
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life, honor, dignity, rights and interests of our citizens will be reliably ensured, and the goals of the special military operation, of course..
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.security based on what was in the istanbul communiqué, but to this istanbul comics also need to add new realities on earth. the west is categorically not ready to talk about this; accordingly, it is betting on prolonging the conflict, at least until the presidential elections, and will do almost everything to prevent ukraine’s defeat until then. for now , the policy is delaying. well, the policy is delaying, as you know. leads to the fact that russia’s position is becoming increasingly tough, and the longer the delay continues, the worse the conditions under which ukraine can count if he can count on...
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michelle obama is being prepared to participate in the us presidential elections, according to the plan, sometime in may joe biden will announce that he is withdrawing from the elections. obama becomes the only democrat in the country who can defeat trump. you will not find a more corrupt family than biden and than the obama family. this is the whole gang that has sworn allegiance to the military-industrial complex and intelligence and works for them. but trump did not vow. we need a continuation of the biden regime, and that continuation could be michelle obama. i'm with i'm terrified of what could happen in the next elections. as long as she does not declare that she is in politics, she can easily promote herself through any films.
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they've been wearing plus glasses since childhood, we'll tell you today: products that will save your liver, i'm falling in an elevator, how to save a life, the program to live healthy answers the most important questions, tomorrow on the first, civilizations, premiere, film four, latin america, tomorrow on first. the palm is open; under no circumstances should it be clenched into a fist. the only place where it can be a pistol in his left hand under a napkin. we can
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avoid the opening of a second front only if we decapitate the leadership of countries hostile to us with one blow. it became known that the germans were preparing a large-scale operation in tigeran. dear geborg, all six umbrellas that you ordered for your father’s pastry shop are ready. six umbrellas. meant six paratroopers, whether they were germans or not, then i saw an army boot , they don’t wear those in iran, i’ve been working for four years now, during this time i didn’t ask you for anything, so we found these six german radio operators, and someone else will take them, drink some water, comrade stalin grinned, six germans were brought into the hall, whom we found, hurray, for the centenary of gegork vartanyan. on saturday at the first, and 64 years after the tehran events , selya sandis, churchill’s granddaughter, came to moscow, she
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thanked me for saving her grandfather’s life. premiere, i love my country, on saturday, on the first. attention, train. will not go further, please release the shoulder strap, please help, to be honest, i’m dying, save me, this is serious, give me a ruble, listen, young, is with intelligently, with education, if you decide to become interested in me, first of all you must find something good in me, appreciate it, start admiring it, i felt i would be alone, they said , i hate it since childhood, but the main thing is to get in shape, what kind of hike is this, where did you get at your place? thank you, well, the fact that the madhouse is crying for her is clear, but first you still have to cling to something, a primitive, a cuttlefish, a loser,
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this is a crazy librarian, he’s leading you astray, you fell in love there, and for oleg yankovsky’s eightieth birthday , in love by choice, on sunday on first, look. why did you do this, just junior lieutenant ignatia vladimir ivanovich, there is a pulse, but weak, whose path you crossed, i stood up for the girl, he will now look for me, what happened, i need a dog, a fighting monster, so that everyone can win. it’s not necessary, don’t approach him, but retreat, invite him to attack, he’s a predator, help him, that’s him. who is he? volodya, the one
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who saved me, you are nobody to each other, this is chechnya, we can’t do that. if i see this again, you won't be here. doomed. premiere serial film. on sunday on the first. i want you to bring doom to battle. big game live. foreign minister sergei ovekovich lavrov spoke at government hour in the state duma today. he touched upon the entire spectrum of world problems, including, of course, problems related to the middle east crisis, where blood continues to flow in the gas sector, and not only. listen to what our minister said. the same destructive approach as in the ukrainian issue is being taken by the united states in the middle east.
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the region is an absolute dead end, moreover , you know, i cannot verify this fact, but it comes from very serious sources from iraq, and as if within 3 months the american bases should leave this country, that is, this is a prediction or assumption that the americans will have to leave the middle east, apparently their bases will really remain on the arabian peninsula, but... it’s quite
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obvious, because - in syria they apparently didn’t get involved in dereszor, they pump oil there and so on, and shelling goes on constantly , and with territory of iraq, most likely through the territory of syria, moreover, here there was a conversation about what we can negotiate, i’m almost sure that the american military, at least through any military contacts, will turn to our military with a request to pass through syria. through damascus and to the mediterranean sea, because what they write on social networks, they are so tired, in general they are under attack all the time, american servicemen are dying there, the white house has to hide it, tell some about some helicopters that crashed somewhere and the like, then, regarding the immediate situation in israel
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, the gas sector. i remind you that israel has set itself the task of, in general , taking control of the so-called philadelphia corridors, this is the border, this is the sinai peninsula, this is the border with egypt, which the egyptian leadership categorically objects to, even up to the breakup agreements , this is the time, that’s why it’s... for this purpose, as i understand it, and they’re going to launch an assault on rafah, well, of course, that’s everything there is covered with fig leaves , let’s say there’s a million people, you can imagine what it’s like to put a million people in plastic tents, now the heat will start there, among other things, and there’s a million
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people in a completely unsafe zone, they say even... one and a half, well, at least a million, that’s vyacheslav alekseevich , at least, well, that is, well, yes, let’s let egypt take it for itself, and let jordan take it for itself, the jordanian king was just in the white house, yes, but we were so funny about about yes, this technique, nevertheless, he also set a condition, he said under no circumstances, i won’t take these refugees, he already has a third of the population at least if. not half, these are palestinians, palestinian refugees, well, who have already settled 60% of the population are palestinians already in jordan, 60, yes, i think, half, i think, once there was a third, but it doesn’t matter, that is, he said, i won’t take it, he said, egypt says the same, we won’t take these refugees, israel of course wants it, no, the person has no problem, you know, there are no refugees, and there is no problem of palestine,
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the situation is absolutely stalemate. and a dead end for the netanyahu government, which is simultaneously conducting an operation in the north of israel in the south of lebanon, it must be said that...
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which clearly looks like a terrorist act, well, in fact, the iranian leadership has already said that this is a terrorist attack, yes, well, we know who they are commits, it must be said that the israeli intelligence services actually have enough well-wishers to whom they pay on the territory of iran, iran is a complex country, in fact, the iranian leadership and not is hiding this, at least from its society, the iranian leadership is definitely not hiding this, but very... the mood in iranian azerbaijan has changed, which we talked about before the broadcast with my colleague lionkov, but it must be said that the situation is actually inside iranian, despite the fact that iran, of course
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, has achieved great heights, it can also be fraught with instability in some sense, we need to be prepared for this, because it is still close to our border, iran is our neighbor, and we are with him. yours will be confirmed the words that there will be no american bases in iraq for 3 months, which is actually possible, because there were leaks from american circles too, then it is clear that the american bases will not remain in syria, because they are supplied, in general, if i’m not mistaken , almost foreign affairs this was published, that is, well, it was an unofficial statement, but it is clear that in this case american bases in syria will fall, you haven’t mentioned the most important, of course today’s event, for the first time in 12 years, president erdogan,
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yeah, visited egypt, and at the carpet president assisi met him on the path below. this is truly the most important event, because the last 12 years have passed since the muslim brothers were massacred there. he doesn't kick. vyacheslav alekseevich, i draw your attention to the fact that it was not president assissi who flew to ankara, it was erdogan who flew to kassita, this is also really, this is really an important circumstance. well then, if we even look at this map, which is generally on such a large scale, we will see here several brics countries, here is egypt, here is saudi arabia, here is the same most iran, when i say iran. this is not only the country with which the agreement is being prepared, our partner, the closest in the shanghai organization for cooperation on brix, is russia, which chairs brix. naturally, sergei viktorich could not ignore this issue in his speech in the state duma. let's listen: our presidency
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is under the motto of strengthening multilateralism for equitable global development and security. today brix is ​​one of the groaning ridges, as they say, of the emerging multipolar world and ... events with the participation of parliamentarians , in which we attach great importance, including the brix parliamentary forum in st. petersburg, here are the brix partners, that is, this is brix plus the obvious, yeah, and here’s what’s interesting,
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we’re not just talking about specific countries, we are talking about creating such an umbrella structure brix with international organizations, brix csto, brix merkasur. brix is ​​an organization of african states, an organization of arab countries, yes, muslim countries, and so on and so forth, that is, in this case...
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we need to adapt to the expansion that has already taken place, we need to somehow harmonize the participation of new member countries, including saudi arabia, iran, egypt, the emirates and so on and so forth, ethiopia to the processes within the brix, but for, but at the same time with this adaptation, it is necessary to strengthen ties with the world, with other countries of the world majority, firstly, with those countries that wanted to become members of brix, but have not yet become members.
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egypt. that it shows that on the one hand the result of the policy of the united states is a creeping escalation in the region , on the other hand, there is a strengthening of partnership between the countries of the region themselves without the participation of the united states, or even on an anti-american or even on an anti-american basis, we have seen a rapprochement or normalization between iran and saudi arabia, now there are very difficult relations between erdogan and assia came after, let’s say.
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china accepted credentials from the ambassador of the taliban afghanistan, i must say, little attention is now paid to the situation in pakistan, and there is a very serious elections. parliamentary, and this is a parliamentary republic, an event and destabilization, two regions are almost completely beyond the control of islamabad, and this is very interesting, because pakistan has a special relationship with turkey, and what’s more, and pakistan also has a special relationship with china, they even produce fighter jets together, here the question really is, in what position, as colleague ovadkov says, will turkey be, which... has now received the f-16 from the americans. yes. well, brix is ​​not
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planned to expand this year, as far as i know, there are a number of countries that are in line, and some of them are very important countries, including the largest muslim country, called indonesia, with a population of almost 300 million people, which means it is a serious country. and just today they were summing up the results of the presidential elections. to say that the results are good, already in the first round the sample of the subiant , who performed there the actual position of minister of defense, together with his vice-president, and this is the son of the current president joe kavidod gabrian, has already been recruited in the first round, more than 58 percent of the votes; a second round is not even needed; these are the people who, in general, are committed to constructive cooperation with our country. from brix and put forward a peace plan for ukraine as well, so i think that
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indonesia made the right choice, but the west continues to drop its masks, telling why they are really fighting in ukraine, well, this is just the limits of cynicism, i said, it seemed no, but it turns out there are still opportunities to add cynicism, and he added. unsubscribe, as i understand it, so that it is nonsense it’s not visible, but here’s the editor-in-chief, listen to it. vladimir putin has already carried out a full-scale invasion of ukraine, his country is rearming much faster than europe. europe is now an extremely dangerous place, even taking into account the fact that donald trump
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is not yet in the white house, he is now saying very destabilizing things. his words may encourage putin to go even further. and at the same time, our help is...
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the truth, but as an absolute truth, and this truth is now simply destroying the entire virtual structure that the western propaganda and which it strengthened with the help of hollywood, i don’t know something there, and well , just now everything will collapse like a house of cards. alexey, you admit that she still has employers who pay her a salary, but she stopped receiving instructions from them, i doubt it, this is impossible, with this option she loses her position. it seems to me that their house of cards is really falling apart, because what she says, well, if only it would work, that is, you can understand the logic, ukrainians are dying, but the west is gaining geopolitical success , in fact, for them the tragic situation and the dead end is that ukrainians are dying,
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europeans are degrading and deindustrializing, and russia is strengthening, yes, well, they are just worried about the fact that ukrainians are dying the least. what makes me happy, communication , communication with friends, when a person tells me , thank you, to see how your work brings happiness to people, in short, i am very happy and wish everyone to experience these wonderful emotions and family warmth, comfort, well-being,
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since 2024 has been declared the year of the family, i would like to wish all my colleagues, first of all, health. secondly, perseverance , wisdom, the most important thing is mutual understanding , the most important thing is to be friends, a spouse is the best friend, for all those who want to achieve their goal, never give up, it is always important to have support, family, friends, and faith that everything will be fine, my god, grisha, what happened to you, forgive me. i am a soldier, ekaterina alekseevna, my empress, only. you are afraid of an impostor, let’s say, i am afraid when everything is ready for battle. any delay is like death, if you don’t attack in time, you can lose a winning position, princess tarakanova, i want to know who she is,
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the great golden age, the big premiere, watch the time after the program, the palm is open, under no circumstances should it be clenched into a fist, the only thing a place where there might be a gun in the left hand under a napkin. we can avoid the opening of a second front only if we decapitate the leadership of countries hostile to us with one blow. it became known that the germans were preparing a large-scale operation in tigeran. dear gevorg, all six umbrellas that you ordered for your father’s pastry shop are ready. six umbrellas meant six paratroopers. are they germans or not? and then i saw an army boot. they don't wear these in iran. i have been working for four years now, during this time. i didn’t ask you for anything, we found these six german radio operators, and someone else will take them, drink some water, comrade stalin grinned, we were excited about the six germans
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we found, hurray, for the centenary of georg vartanyan, on saturday on the first, and 64 years later, after the tehran events, selya came to moscow sandes, granddaughter. cherchel, she thanked me for saving my grandfather’s life, fire and ice, two elements at the junction of which real, great art is born, emotions are off the charts, the atmosphere is tense to the limit, but for victory it is important to maintain icy calm, bryzgelda. from under the skates like sparks of hot metal, and the ice melts like steel. hot ice, spartakiad of the strongest,
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live broadcasts from magnitogorsk, on the weekend on the first. we, contemporaries of the red era, suddenly felt like russians, heirs of a huge, mysterious, hiding behind... aest, a prophetic bird, descended from the sky. premiere. alexander prokhanov. confession. on
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monday, on the first. big game on first. the united states senate voted in support of aid to ukraine. the leader of the democratic majority in the senate , well, at least 19 republican senators were on the side of military aid, but chuck schumer, 70 senators voted, this means that he made a statement on the results, which, in my opinion, was no less self-exposing than all other statements of western politicians, it turns out why they are providing assistance to ukraine, whether they are providing assistance to it, well , let’s listen. we will make vladimir putin rue the day he dared challenge america's leadership. we will also send a message
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to other leaders, like chinese president shizen ping, not to test our resolve. we are also sending a clear , bipartisan message to our nato allies. we passed this vote with strong bipartisan support. i believe that if speaker johnson brings this bill to the floor vote in the house of representatives, it will be met with no less than bipartisan support. they don’t actually help ukraine, they make putin regret that he challenged american leadership, they understand what we are really talking about , well, of course, we are talking about the national security of the united states of america and its vast national interests, where there is no knowledge, there the national interests of the united states are everywhere, but the paradox here is that initially, when they stirred up this conflict in ukraine, by the way, the report corporation, how to stop. russia, which discussed hot spots around russia, that if they were launched, then russia could be established. the most promising, by the way, was
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ukraine; it was in 1918 that money began to be pumped there. is already training specialists, only for four brigades that will train according to nato standards, they spent 256 million dollars, and ukraine had to fight, and the warehouses were full of military equipment, a very quick war, as they said, everything will end quickly, why it has arrived, the warehouses have been emptied, we need to re-equip ourselves, our order books are full , europe demands in return for what it delivered to ukraine, while we also need to provide assistance to israel, there is also the taiwan issue, and so on and so forth, like money. there is, there is money, but there is no vast amount of resources, and most importantly, there are no specialists even in high technology, yes, and those hipsters who have now filled american cities there, they will look bad at the machines, i think, not even at all, well, biden immediately after the vote in the senate inspired and decided to convince the house
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of representatives to support the bill, let's now listen to the president of the united states. “we cannot retreat now, this is exactly what putin is betting on, he said it himself, to support this bill is to stand against putin, to oppose him is to play into his hands, the stakes in this battle go far beyond the borders of ukraine, if we do not if we stop putin's thirst for power, then he will not limit himself to ukraine alone, then the price for america of our partners will increase even more. history is watching, history is watching, history is watching, failure to support." history is watching, it is watching, in moments like these we must remember who we are, we are the united states of america, the whole world is watching us, and nothing is impossible for us as long as we act together, in this case act together means together with our nato partners. god bless you all, and may god bless our speaker. i
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'll be back later to answer questions.
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foreign assistance, as it does not concern border security. johnson said congressmen will act on their own to solve this problem. but the package also includes assistance to israel. will israel
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last long without american help? not for long, they worked for israel , you understand, there is a problem here, israel can wage a war on two fronts, the people are fighting and the army is still good and the training and so on i recommend everyone to watch the israeli series fauda, ​​but without this help there is no, this is just a short answer, myself are producing weapons, but now those personnel who...
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nevertheless have a logic, because it’s so teenage again, that is, if we we insist, it will work out anyway, let’s offer it again, push it again, and so on, here it is. here, in fact, everything will be decided by the question of how principled the republicans are in upholding their own promises that they have already made, if they break them, then they will continue to be broken, and here it will be a sad spectacle, just a spectacle, well, i don’t think that it will be sad because, well, michael johnson is really in a difficult situation, but he cannot put to a vote a bill that has no money for border of the united states. america , now, in fact, managed to get this through the senate, when this issue was taken out of the equation, so for him the situation is absolutely deadlock, the pressure will be strong, in the end, i think, some money
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will appear for ukraine, we don’t need much here hope that johnson or trump will stop financing the ukrainian war, because the stakes are too high, the stakes are really huge and, by the way, i also spoke about this today within the walls of the state.
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all the great civilizations, all the great ones are with us civilizations and chinese, iranian , iranian, persian, and indian
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, and african, and muslim, and latin american, all with a few exceptions, so the west is hysterical, it is still strong, it can create problems, but suggest. anything positive, he can no longer offer himself as a model, because he is sagging much faster than i even expected, which means that our business is right, victory will be ours, we give the floor to the news, the big game will return at 23:00. hello, the evening news is on air, oh we will tell you the most important events right now.


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