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tv   Vechernie novosti  1TV  February 14, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm MSK

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both muslim and latin american, all in fact with a few exceptions, so the west is fighting in hysterics, it is still strong, it can create problems, but it can no longer offer anything positive, offer itself as a model, because it is sinking much faster than i even expected, which means our job is right, victory will be ours, we pass... a word to the news, the big game will return at 23:00. hello, we will tell you about the most important events on the evening news right now. the first in russia and one of the largest in world. vladimir putin visited a unique center
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for diagnostics and telemedicine, where research done in different clinics is studied by the best specialists and even artificial intelligence. the power and beauty of flowery syria, the head of the ministry of defense checked the implementation of the state defense order for the production of missile systems. sergei shaig was shown the ready-made chryzontema s atgm, and what tasks the minister had set. great. worked near the village of rabotina, our air defense systems shot down a ukrainian mi-24 helicopter, foreign equipment was destroyed in different directions, as well as 100 enemy drones, data from the front lines, about strengthening our sovereignty, developing communications with the global south and east, and relations with the west, which is trying to manage chaos. foreign minister sergei lavrov spoke in the state duma. they extinguished the fire all night, hundreds
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of people were rescued from the fire trap, two criminal cases have already been opened in anapa after a fire in a high-rise building, how did the rescue operation go, what problems were revealed after the emergency? there is something to be proud of, something to strive for. today is industry day at vdnkh. regions presented their achievements, how is the industry developing, what challenges do manufacturers face? and we start with the footage that we received shortly before our release. vladimir putin arrived at the international trade center, where the forum of future technologies is taking place. its main topic is the prospects for the development of our medicine. at the thematic exhibition, the president got acquainted with the advanced developments of scientists; stands presented innovative solutions in the field of genetics. the head of state was also told about achievements in the field of biotechnology and application of artificial intelligence. how to improve medical care
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should focus on the salaries of health workers in rural areas. heads of regions, these funds come first . then, last year , we introduced monthly payments for primary care medical workers. and this is what we agreed on with the government last night. i propose to increase their size for specialists who work in small towns and districts from march 1 of this year. centers and villages,
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at the same time, pay special attention is necessary to support doctors in the most in-demand areas, as well as employees of district district hospitals. in cities where between 50,00 and 100,000 people live, doctors will receive an additional 29,00 rubles in addition to the basic salary. nursing staff - 13,000 rubles. and in populated areas. where less than 50,000 people live, such special payments will be significantly higher, namely 50,000 rubles. doctors will receive 30,000 rubles monthly in addition to wages and salaries. secondary health workers link earlier, the president visited the moscow center for diagnostics and telemedicine, the first in russia and one of the largest in the world. it
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united 400 highly qualified doctors; per week they remotely process over 130,000 computer and magnetic resonance imaging scans and x-rays. just 4 years ago , it took specialists more than a day to describe radiation studies. today, thanks to large-scale equipment upgrades and the introduction of artificial intelligence, it takes less than 2 hours. about how it increased quality of medical care, statistics say. the average life expectancy in moscow has increased to almost 80 years, and this is progress, noted the mayor of the capital. report by anna kurbatova. the latest technologies in medicine, for example, are like this. x-ray studies carried out in moscow clinics are sent here. to a single 24-hour reference center, well, for example, in this office, mammography images, computed tomography results are analyzed together by doctors and artificial intelligence, what it shows you, density breast according to acr, when the doctor is just starting to study the image, the digital doctor
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has already placed accents on it with color , green is what is highlighted, green is the area of ​​compaction of the lung tissue, computer vision sometimes sees even more, 5 years ago i... i could imagine that modern technologies would focus attention on such details, neural networks help to find signs of lung cancer, pneumonia, osteoporosis, aneurysm, aorta, coronary heart disease, stroke, everything in images 37 different diseases. artificial intelligence helped us identify focal formations in both lungs. in addition, artificial intelligence indicated to us the presence of calcified plaques in the walls of the coronary arteries, that is, this patient has atherosclerosis. the accuracy of the diagnosis
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is 95.44 minutes, and it was 27 hours, yes, this became possible thanks to a large-scale update of the entire moscow healthcare system. almost 1,500 of the latest digital devices, ct scanners, angiographs, mris were purchased from the capital’s clinics, and all images began to be uploaded into a single digital storage. and, of course, no doctor will be able to keep in mind the course of each patient’s illness over many years, but now you can view the history of research digitally from any computer. in general, this is one of the largest in the world. testing of artificial intelligence in radiology diagnostics and the first project in the country that is being implemented on such a stream of research. in addition, on the basis of a huge flow of data, knowledge, about 10 million of them are received by the alreadyological center per year today, they are processed with
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with the help of computer vision, like 10 million images, yes, 10 million images are received per year, this is a huge scale, and it is on this basis that artificial ones are trained. this approach to work, when diagnostics in a clinic can be carried out by a laboratory assistant, high-quality radiologists describe the studies in one place, has affected the loading of equipment, we look at how this equipment is loaded into the clinic, as a result, the volume of research in clinics with essentially the same equipment increased threefold. well that's how things are right now the president was shown online. this is your equipment loading, this is loading about here today. 48, around 100 , 98, 99, of course, because , because the system is designed in such a way that there is data that is constantly collected from us, it could be a children's x-ray machine, for example, children's x-ray devices will never be loaded at 100 %. 100% is not, not
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always the goal, what is important is the efficiency of use so that there is no queue here. by the way, the doctors who work here previously worked in moscow clinics. sat alone at the machine , in general, who to ask, ask on the phone, call someone, this is not very effective, today doctors sitting here can ask each other, ask a question, say what do you think it is constant, permanent consultation, labor productivity increased by 320%. this figure is now available in all medical organizations in moscow, in clinics, according to the mayor, they have completely abandoned paperwork, many appointments are now conducted online, the medical record is electronic, what else did sergei sobyanin tell the president? in twenty-first year, artificial intelligence today a special service provides options for a preliminary diagnosis of a semi-numerical doctor. thus, we have already made 13 million diagnoses. however, the digital diagnosis is confirmed by a real doctor. and here, perhaps,
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is the main result of the enormous work done in the moscow healthcare system in recent years. the life expectancy of muscovites has increased since 2010. from 74 years old to almost 74 years old, this is a good result and great progress, anna kurbatova, pavel. first channel. the minister of defense checked how the state defense order for the production of missile systems is being fulfilled. sergei shaigu visited one of the enterprises in the moscow region, where the head of the military department was presented with ready-made samples of the chryzontema s anti-tank missile system, equipped with modernized guided missiles. the military calls this installation the most powerful ground-based weapon in its class. one such vehicle is capable of destroying up to five tanks. special attention.
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confirm the characteristics that were laid down initially, and now we will talk about the following samples: the range is quite large, this applies to manpads systems, this also applies to missiles and iskander and dagger, this applies to everything that we need today to combat unmanned aerial vehicles, now the latest report from the special operation zone a ukrainian was shot down by air defense. mi-24 helicopter near the village of rabotina, zaporozhye region. in addition,
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almost 100 enemy drones were destroyed by aviation and missile forces, the s-300 installation, the radio-electronic station were disabled struggle bukovel. in the krasnoliman direction, the units improved the position along the front line and repelled two attacks by ukrainian armed forces assault groups. in the donetsk sector , at least six enemy attempts to go on the offensive were stopped. the enemy lost almost 400 fighters, equipment was destroyed, including foreign ones. vladimir putin spoke about the importance of strengthening the structure of the ministry of emergency situations in new regions in his video message to the board of the ministry, which was held today in moscow. according to the president, professionally and courageously rescuers operated in the dpr, lpr, zaporozhye and kherson regions, at the risk of their lives they evacuated people from dangerous areas. the head of state noted the work of the ministry of emergency situations in other regions, the elimination of the consequences of fires, as well as the devastating earthquake in turkey, and the evacuation of our citizens from the middle east conflict zone.
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the issues of ensuring the safety of schools, universities, hospitals and other social institutions in all subjects of the federation should remain under the constant control of the ministry of emergency situations. we must not reduce attention to places of mass stay of citizens. all such facilities must fully comply with modern safety requirements. moscow, defending its interests and advocating for a better future for the world , is at the forefront of this struggle. in an attempt to control the chaos, it destabilizes region after region. sergei lavrov stated this
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while speaking at the government hour in the state duma. the head of the ministry of foreign affairs emphasized that strengthening russia’s sovereignty remains one of the main areas of work. and the hostile line of the collective west not only creates threats, but also opens up additional opportunities for developing relations with other countries, including china. anastasia kobazeva listened to the minister’s statement. in high spirits, sergei lavrov, accompanied by a deputy. goes to the so-called government hour, but there are so many questions for the minister that it’s immediately clear that an hour can’t get by. this format of the meeting, as parliamentarians say, is an opportunity to learn first-hand about the vectors of the country’s foreign policy. soon 2 years have passed since the start of the special operation. on what conditions is russia ready? sit down at the negotiating table? lavrov gives a comprehensive answer. we remain open to a political and diplomatic settlement, based on taking into account our legitimate interests, on the basis. taking into account the realities that have developed over many years and which have now led to
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the current situation, however, in the absence of serious proposals from those who declared war on us, they do not want to take into account neither our interests, nor the realities on earth, to agree, of course, at the table negotiations until it works out, such options are not visible, and we proceed from the fact that the security of russia, including... residents of new russian regions, the life, honor, dignity, rights and interests of our citizens will be reliably ensured, and the goals of the special military operation, of course, will be... and this is unchanged, just like the fact that russia i do not agree with the principles of a unipolar world order; this model is outdated and has outlived its usefulness. in march last year, the president approved the concept of russian foreign policy, an emphasis on multipolarity, but the states are in no hurry to give up their claims to global dominance and their own exclusivity, lavrov emphasizes. a choice
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made by president putin, with the support of the political class of the entire people, to stand up for life.
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india and china followed this path. moscow and beijing are working to strengthen the partnership, and as sergei lavrov noted, the relationship between the two countries is at the highest level in their entire history. this year, russia and china will celebrate the seventy-fifth anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations. russia will preside over brix in 2024 and this. the year began with the addition of five today brix is ​​one of the moaning ridges, like new members: egypt, ethiopia, iran, united arab emirates and saudi arabia. they say, an emerging multipolar world, and we are doing everything possible so that after expansion, brix continues to strengthen its position as a reliable, effective conductor of the interests of the world majority.
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the foreign secretary was asked what the prospects were for creating a single currency within the framework.
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federal customs service, not a single product is a key supplier of data for can enter russia without a valid certificate, development together with rosakcreditation has developed a simplified declaration mechanism; if in june of 22 i reported to you about 3
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declarations, now our system has already recorded more than 140 thousand such declarations and... what is important is that they are largely used by representatives of small medium-sized businesses. the industrial development of the region, the demographic situation, the social sphere, are in the spotlight of the speaker of the federation council valentin matvienko, who today is on a working trip to norilsk, where she visited the nadezhdinsk metallurgical plant plant, and also at the enterprise, the chairman of the upper house was shown how the clean norilsk environmental project is being implemented. in addition, the program includes meetings with the regional leadership. and we control how it is implemented , and houses will be built, and housing will be rarely occupied
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, and there will be a new school, a new kindergarten, a new clinic, and much more, this year has been declared by the president of our country as the year of the family, we are additionally considering there, what benefits, what support measures, how can we strengthen the institution of a large family, because these are not slogans, this is actually the support of the state, this is... the preservation of russian traditions and the federation council is very actively involved in this work. the inauguration of ilham aliyev took place in azerbaijan today. the ceremony took place in baku at the mil majlis, in the local parliament. aliyev took the oath on the constitution and swore to remain faithful to the national values ​​and traditions that the azerbaijani people have created over the centuries. on february 7, he was re-elected to a fifth presidential term in early elections , with more than 92% of voters voting for him. ilham. there is interaction with future voters in
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the regions. it’s a busy time in the central city and the closer the march elections are, the more active the election commission is; today they discussed the issues of registration of authorized persons and remote voting. yuri lepatov, more details about everything. the electoral commission center is working as planned, said e. yes, such dynamics are good, this is voting at the location, that is, the use of our wonderful mobile voter mechanism, and i ask our colleagues to continue
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promoting this form, so that everyone who wants to vote, but who encounters certain difficulties, could, having familiarized themselves in detail with this mechanism, ensure themselves the opportunity to vote. there are also jobs in the headquarters of presidential candidates. enough , the co-chairman of vladimir putin’s election headquarters, vladimir mashkov, arrived in sevastopol to meet with united russia activists and children from the public organization special youth. personal meeting with a popular actor and director, who is convinced that right now creative people should occupy active public position. a great event for those who share this opinion. all regional representatives collected signatures in support of our candidate vladimir vladimirovich putin. sevastopol is in the lead in this sense, you carried out this very serious, attentive work , 3.5 million signatures were collected throughout the country, this is
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10 times more than the required number for submitting self-nominated presidential candidates, you see, vladimir vladimirovich could have gone from the party , but it was fundamentally important for him to go as a self-nominated candidate. to see the desire and support of the broadest masses, regardless of political preferences. russian presidential candidate from the communist party of the russian federation nikolai kharitonov flew to the urals to meet with his supporters. they greeted him with songs and loaf of bread. the program of this visit includes a visit to the pioneer museum raise bonfires, laying flowers at the foot of stella, the city of labor valor in the center of yekaterinburg, transferring cargo to soldiers participating in a special military operation, and communicating with voters. we have been sending humanitarian convoys literally since the beginning of that problem, the disaster that has plagued the donbass since 1914, this will already be the 122nd
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convoy, thousands of tons sent, the meeting will be in the evening with a representative of the labor collective, a lot of delegations from the federal ural district have arrived, enough from the ural federal district, many representatives of the labor collectives, our leaders and representatives of regional party organizations, assistance will be targeted. two criminal cases have been opened regarding the provision of unsafe services and the intentional destruction of property. investigators are finding out like in a house where, according to documents, the floors should be reinforced concrete, the living floor with wooden structures, it was this that caught fire the night before, and in the morning it burned to the ground. rescuers, risking their lives , fought the flames all night and evacuated almost
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4.5 hundred residents from the burning house. they were temporarily placed in hotels and boarding houses; psychologists are working with them. the fire was localized to an area of ​​1.2 m2, the fire was assigned a fourth rank out of five possible. now we move to vdnkh. today is the day at the main exhibition of the country industry. in the seventy-fifth pavilion , the top 10 regions of industry leaders presented their achievements, discussed the results, as well as the challenges associated with them for industrial development. the head of the ministry of industry and trade denis mantorov noted that growth.
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officially, only 100 were spent, which is 20%. this suggests that our market is interesting, our potential is also interesting, we are definitely not closing our borders, and we will continue to attract, creating appropriate conditions for this, both for individual specialists. so actually for investors owners of enterprises who are ready to come from abroad and create here. external pressure triggered positive progress in production. the 1900 sanctions, for example, became the driving force behind the development of electronic engineering. this industry in the country has actually begun to be formed anew. production in the field of low-volume chemicals has been increased. these are polycarbonates, plastics,
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we use. rates have been reoriented, it is planned to open industrial parks and industrial zones abroad, which is achieved by expanding the network of trade missions. for example, the ansat medical helicopter, produced at the kazan aircraft plant, is supplied to dozens of countries. the top 10 regions of industrial leaders were surprised today at the russia forum exhibition. an industrial electronics plant presented an ultra-thin domestic laptop. thin,
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comfortable, light, the most. lightweight laptop 930 g per month, if you remove the label, you will not be able to distinguish it from the most branded models, our equipment is no worse than its western counterparts, in some ways even better. kazan now also claims to be the computer capital of russia, there are several months ago , the production of motherboards that are compatible with domestic baikal and elbrus processors was launched. this is the key to technological sovereignty. the nizhny novgorod region was also in the top 10 demonstrating serial production at the exhibition. russian-belarusian trams under the minin brand. the chelyabinsk region is traditionally strong in the production of special equipment. the famous urals can operate in harsh arctic conditions. in addition, a new automated takeoff and landing system for aircraft carriers is being developed in chelyabinsk. within today's business program, guests of the russia forum exhibition can get acquainted with the latest developments in the domestic industry,
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learn about '. prospects in the technology industry and government support measures, all this at master classes and panel discussions. maria saushkina, dmitry kochurin, andrey kolobaev, larisa nikitina, channel one. and that ’s all for now, thank you for being with us, right now time will tell the program. hello, live on channel one, the program time will tell, i’m artyom sheinin, and today is 14 february, and as we know, and on february 14 in some cities of the russian federation, this is a holiday that is associated with hearts that people give to each other with which they take pictures, don’t be scared with me.


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