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tv   Kukli naslednika Tutti  1TV  February 14, 2024 7:55pm-9:01pm MSK

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so that you are ready to understand that the time for short distances is over, so that you save your strength, intellectual, mental, emotional, for a long distance, understanding that this is also a hurdle race, and there will be many barriers. remember, 4 years ago, we were just beginning to discuss some incomprehensible problem in china with half a laugh. just 4 years ago, how much has changed in that time. and...
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who riveted as many as 17 films, barely left the white house. the films were so-so, the audience didn’t like them very much at the box office, but here what’s interesting is that the paintings reveal the main fear of the american political elite: a hybrid war, the elite are losing power, the us empire has fallen and the end of the world. who do you think deserves the role of savior? that's right, michelle obama. the wife of the former us president is still on the bench. biden is in the game, but how long will michelle be actively trained and warmed up to go into battle, though there are also competitors, greedy for power, if slow mo is forced to leave the race, prophetic films or naive fantasies, ex-first lady of the usa michelle obama, maria butin is with you, this is the doll of the heir tootie, we are starting, as you all saw, about an hour ago.
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has anyone seen a photo of her being pregnant? ending with her developing activity on the internet, including revelations with very intimate details. i remember i was supposed to give a performance, i was already dressed, all that was left was to go out and go to the event, literally at that moment the tide began to flow. why did the americans suddenly need to know all this if they were sure that she would never run for president? in there are three constants in life: death, taxes and the fact that michelle is not running for office. without any ambitions, without experience and practice, at least in one government position, or maybe this is a subtle calculation of political strategists, in conditions when there is no one else to put in the democratic party, it is too early to bring an untested figure to the public, it is dangerous, michelle’s foreign policy high approval rating is 10-12% higher than biden's, if you throw her under the covers, the primaries will quickly melt; she herself may break under pressure ahead of time, we have more kamala. in reserve, but she’s so unpleasant
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, she once failed the primaries to smithereens, quarreled with black voters, with women, everyone doesn’t like her so much, who else should replace biden, michelle obama, the perfect choice, she’s incredibly sweet, with 60% of the sympathy of americans, it is warm, cozy, as if hospitable, it will definitely attract women with higher education from prosperous suburbs. journalists found out that back in december, michelle took a special psychological training course in chicago. as soon as it became known about the biden administration's intention to push through a ban on trump from participating in the primary in colorado. this is the psychology of behavior, resistance to stress, endurance to stress, the basics of correct speech and dialogue. in addition, it is no secret that obama is constantly in contact with hillary clinton and kamala haris. according to insider information, industry groups in illinois and texas gave michelle obama the green light before the primary. and barakk has already begun negotiating
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approvals for future posts in the federal government and ministries. in the new year obama has learned that visits to the uk and australia are planned, approvals are underway for representative visits... in the spring to qatar, saudi arabia, india and japan, that is, they plan to either walk her or introduce her to her main allies. this time in arriada they will probably not forget to let her out with her head covered; in britain there is no one to pat her on the back anymore. so far, the situation is this: she is unconditionally supported by the blm movements, miitu, feminists, lgbt and other non-traditional pluses such as transgender people. manufacturers of liquefied gazagonatsiru remain neutral for now.
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the training was not in vain, he speaks still confusedly, but with restraint, as if thoughtfully, dressed decently. even her biographer praised michelle. she began to follow the same formula that barack used when he ran for president. and as the telegraph put it, unlike biden and trump, she does not have her own stigma on the way to the white house. she runs when we all vote, a soros-funded project. she has almost 100 million followers on social networks. with the appearance of michelle s. we can discuss your departure from the white house, when you boarded the helicopter, did you have the thought:
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free, finally, free, yes, or was it a mixed feeling that you felt, in the white house you can eat whatever you want, and girls did. orders, i'll have a biscuit sandwich with chicken, and i'll have waffles, we're trying to leave, they wake up, and i need to send them out, hey, get up, the tramps are on the doorstep, get up and get out, you understand me, wow, there are tears around, everyone is crying , the staff is crying, and i'm trying not to burst into tears, but then we boarded plane number one, already on the plane i started crying, exactly 15 years ago michelle and barack also kicked out.
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michelle both this is a realistic scenario, who thinks this is fantasy? well, give us your versions. no, well, to be honest, i myself have little faith that michelle obama will go to the polls in twenty years, twenty eight, thirty two, of course, no role, no, he definitely has a role, yes, that is, in -first, you need to understand that barack obama and michelle obama have a huge fund. barack obama, of course, has his own specific agenda, michelle obama certainly has his own agenda, which she is working on, including a nutritionist. everything else, but in general, they already have enough opportunities to influence american politics without directly getting involved in all these election processes again, well, why, if, for example, joe biden’s current term is called barack’s third term obama, there are a huge number of apparatchiks there, they just
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migrated, spent 4 years in the opposition, when trump was there, and now they are back at the helm, why go back, if you can work with public opinion directly, and you can earn decent money from it, which is what they do. yes, the same michele obama can speak not at the american level, but , god forgive me, at the international level, somewhere to her heart’s content, for example, yes, get huge money, half a million dollars for each lecture and so on, why get directly involved again, come back into politics? igor, i see that you disagree, but where are you all from? do you know, when was the last time you were in america? well, some of what i just said, i ask, was the last time you were in america, and some of what i just said is factually incorrect, absolutely everything, yes, come on, come on, let's try, prison, prison court siberia, that's what awaits this whole clique that made a revolution in america, that runs this, that these people, you think that these people... something sacred, what do they care? -the rules were overstayed in the opposition, what are you talking about? do they kill people, others? nothing,
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michelle obama will climb into power, absolutely yes, this is one of the two candidates who are the most real today, because the democrats have a problem, the gay patron newson, and the third, literally, and the third, you will laugh now, literally, they said yesterday , that hillary is again a considerer. they understand that if trump comes to power, then that list of 6,000 people who were arrested , put in prison, and some are highly vulnerable, and we have the death penalty, it will be executed, well done, don’t freak out, you and donald trump we haven’t met, i have met, yes, we have, so trump will come in ’22 and do everything, what he hasn’t done in 4 years is, of course , as naive as possible, read american newspapers. tara, please tell me what the difference is between michelle obama and a possible candidate? yes, none. you will have absolutely
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the same administration, because everyone is an apparatchik. zindman, all the people who work and who really manage will remain in their places. sergey sergeevich, we will attract you. what does the situation look like now? i see that today michelle obama's position. she is very complicated, michelle obama does not want to go to the polls on her own under any circumstances, she looks like some kind of puppet, and if they wanted to pull her out earlier, they would have pulled her out, but i agree with one important idea: trump, when he came to power , he did not appoint a special prosecutor who could imprison hillary clinton, any lawyer, even a c student, will tell you that this could have been done, there would have been handcuffs on her hands, real handcuffs. but if it happened, it would be instantaneous, it was there would be a chain reaction. today,
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you will not find a more corrupt family than the bidens and than the obama family. they only need politics to protect their personal interests, they could easily earn money, they could earn billions on netflix, but one problem, prison, prison stands over them, they understand perfectly well, the alice principle, if you don’t run very fast, you won't even stand. on the spot, i listened to obama in it, and you know, obama michelle or i the senior president, i heard it for the first time in 2007 year, he speaks very well, a talker, but when i later compared him with michelle obama, i saw how people’s eyes lit up, she presented her book, she seemed to say very simple things and said how many stores and healthy food she discovered what a healthy lifestyle is, do you know how people? they treated her sincerely, i just watched, this is a different attitude, what they are doing now, this is a society of a performance,
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a certain performance is being played out in which new actors do not appear, the same actors they play because they understand perfectly well that if new actors come now, they can create some new rules of the game, do you want a new script, no, i don’t believe that she will become president, but i believe that she has very, very good chances of becoming vice -president, that is, to strengthen someone, she can strengthen someone or insure... today, she, as a person who can lead voters with her, definitely, but whether she has popularity, she definitely has, it is much higher than that of the president, and note that the latest for 2 years she has not been called exclusively as michelle obama, without reference to barack obama, but why? but it’s very simple, she is independent, and gremi, she gets on her own, and they don’t remember about her husband, she has to be dragged too much.
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but the fact is that she hasn’t given an interview about politics for probably a single year, then suddenly she comes out with a political statement in this interview. roman, tell us, help us, allow yourself. to say something of my opinion in relation to, say, barack obama, this speaker who - did himself as such, he was not initially the same as he has become here now, i saw a video of him earlier, he stuttered, his throat was dry, he stuffed his hands in his pockets, and you can still feel it, he is not real, people, apparently they feel it, that you know, he seems to be from
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the people, but he is a white american, fake, fake, thank you, he’s fake, yes, here’s michelle, she says, as they used to talk about... american women, and i’ll note here, i think that someone knows this, when the list of first ladies was compiled, she took second place, this very cool, and the first place on this list was taken by jacqueline kennedy, mrs. clinton, they started talking about her here, she is ranked at the very end on this list, she is in tenth place, and also, i looked at the press, the american press is not... .. the german press, the french press, nowhere in the course of twenty years , roughly speaking fifteen, was there such a thing as michelle obama striving for power, i said, i don’t want to be in power, i don’t want to be in power, she said so, but the same hillary, that means, especially, who took only tenth place, she is annoying, dishonest , power is constantly being torn, and you know, god
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didn’t give rags to a lively cow, from the top of your experience and your research... today , two issues will appear in the election campaign of 24: this is the gender factor after the decision of the supreme abortion courts, the second - problems of school education. here she
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has something to say, she can act as a very strong debater in relation to trump. and trump will have nothing to say here, we know this well. and finally its very form. trump is very bad at campaigning against women, and he constantly slips into this kind of sexism. well , look at how he actually described nicky haley to the republican audience. well, i know her, she has a chicken brain, but can you imagine that any statement regarding the humiliating... michelle obama of this kind will have in relation to the presidential race, when it will be not only republican, but also democratic and independent, in fact telling the audience it can cause direct the opposite point, it can provoke trump into this sexism, in this case they will say, well, here is a man of the old
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era, by the way, if today the democrats really dump biden, then trump may go there too. means that, does she choose her pay at all, if she does it herself, then the choice is very strange, my god, grisha, what happened to you, forgive me, i’m a soldier, ekaterina
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alekseevna - cnop gin a product of the stellar group, monte shoca cognac, a product of stellar group, r.o.m.
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the palm is open, under no circumstances should it be clench into a fist. the only place where there could be a gun is in the left hand under the napkin. we can avoid the opening of a second
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front only if we decapitate the leadership of countries hostile to us with one blow. it became known that the germans were preparing a large-scale operation in tigeran. dear gevorg, all six umbrellas that you ordered for your father’s pastry shop are ready. six umbrellas meant six paratroopers, whether they were germans or not, then i saw an army boot , they don’t wear those in iran, i’ve been working for four years now, during this time i haven’t asked you for anything, so we we found these six german radio operators, and someone else will take them, drink some water, comrade stalin grinned, they brought six germans into the hall, whom we found, hurray, for the centenary of givork zartane. on saturday at the first, and 64 years after the tehran events, selya sandes,
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churchill’s granddaughter, came to moscow, she thanked me for saving her grandfather’s life. fire and ice, two elements at the junction of which give birth to real, great art. emotions are running high, the atmosphere is tense to the limit, but for victory it is important to maintain icy calm, splashes of ice from under the skates, like sparks of hot metal, and the ice melts like steel. hot ice, spartakiad of the strongest, live broadcasts from magnitogorsk, on the way out. and we have rumors, gossip and news from the field saying
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michelle obama is being prepared to participate in the us presidential elections, and that the image is good, and biden, to be honest, to put it mildly, is not himself, how great are her chances, we are finding out. this year, forbes named michelle obama the most powerful woman in the world. americans loved the first lady more than her husband , the president, an exciting series under the name barrack and michelle did not end with their departure from the white house. now they are removing it themselves. i want you to not forget that when the world collapses, you should not blindly trust anyone, especially white people. even my mother would agree. obama's chita produced an apocalyptic film for netflix with julie roberts in... strongly determines
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domestic american politics, it was done a long time ago and rightly so. many people still hear about the luxurious charity dinner at george clooney’s villa, which brought almost 15 million to the treasury of barack obama’s campaign headquarters. dollars, among the invitees were robert downey, jr. salma huyck, tobey maguire, barbara streasant, say netflix chief content officers ted sarandes raised $600,000 for obama, who appointed sarandas' wife nicole ovan, ambassador to the bahamas, in 2018, a year after leaving white house barack obama and michelle obama have already entered into a multi-year agreement with netflix to produce films and tv series of a wide range of content. the amount of the deal has not been disclosed, but specialists in similar agreements decided that it could be something around 300 million dollars. the obamas created high ground production in honor of the song of the same name by steve wonder, a dear favorite in their home. their production company has already produced four feature films, five documentaries, nine television
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show series, and numerous podcasts. an oscar statuette for a documentary, an amy award for directing and many small-narrow professional awards in various categories. the reason their products are so popular is that the obamas became the first former white house occupants to satisfy the public's request for a personal perception of reality by the president. the favorite book that they advise americans to read, playlists from their favorite soundtracks, homemade recipes for delicious healthy food, all this has already resulted in a stable high income for the family, but michelle has something to spend on. in 2019 , obama invited sex and the city star sarah jessica parker to the presentation of her memoirs. michelle arrived in a yellow balencia dress with draping and shiny high boots from the same brand. on the background a hollywood miniature diva, she looked like a giant with a height of 184 cm, michelle constantly tells everyone how she struggles with excess weight. complains that age-related changes, and she is already 60, prevent her from playing sports as before. michelle obama
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has appeared on the cover of wok magazine three times. the beginning of the title of style icon. michelle obama's exclusive evening dress from versaschi, created specifically for a gala dinner in the white house, cost $12,000. in the former first lady's wardrobe you can also find a dress from christian siriano for $1.00, a jacket with a jay mendel skirt for $6,800, as well as jimmy choo shoes and regular sneakers for $600. michelle has a personal grammy for best spoken word album. her memoirs, the beginnings, were released as an audiobook. there was a book. translated into 31 languages, for the second time the grammy lost to actress meryl streep, senator benny sanders, and canadian writer and music producer, who were nominated in the same category. some conservative netflix users saw their work as a political gesture and even understood the wave of rejection from subscription, especially when their company was joined by a family friend, us ambassador to the un, national security advisor susan rice, better known as a solver of any issues, and
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part-time a theorist of new things. it's no secret that it is hollywood or film production that uses us intelligence services to influence people's consciousness. often a special message is embedded in certain paintings. and what’s interesting is that yesterday’s politicians in power, well, probably still in force, suddenly begin create your own so-called production, that is, invest in film production.
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from zero to ten four , in order for people to watch, you have to pay extra or put it somewhere correctly, this is a big business, this is a feeder, then for what , that is, if no one is watching, and there is only a last name, then why ? i’ll say something very straight away, maybe harsh, but they took control of netflix when it was still in the white house, they need a pension fund. obama thinks in advance, we'll be brock now, we don't have money, let's do it in advance let's make ourselves a feeding trough, let's make ourselves such a big beautiful hay drain that we'll eat,
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they send it. that is, both obama and clinton , they are all there, well, the clintons have their own, they have their own business, it’s called a company that owns various media, you know, how interesting, these media ban my films all the time, and these media constantly they scold putin, and at the head of this company is chelsea’s daughter, de facto - this is control in general of all content that is produced, all this will be controlled by the democrats, in america there is ... fashion, here they are, when they prepare public opinion on this or that development of events, they launch some kind of film, well , for example, let’s say, yes, in relation to viktor bout, the arms baron was launched, in
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relation to me, the red sparrow was launched when the white house should hillary clinton was coming, there was a house of cards, and then , just recently, when they started rocking obama, the film came back into fashion... according to obama, during a meeting with her majesty, looking at michelle, the queen remarked: “you are so high." the first lady
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responded that her heels were from jimmy chew adds a couple of inches to her height. at this moment, elizabeth ii pointed to her black shoes with disappointment and said: these shoes are a complete misunderstanding, aren't they ? then i admitted it. to the queen that my legs hurt, she admitted that her legs hurt, we looked at each other with the same expression on our faces, something like, when will all these world leaders standing here around us finally finish, then the queen laughed charmingly , at that moment it did n’t matter to me at all that she sometimes wears a diamond crown, and i flew to london on the presidential plane, we were both just two tired women suffering from uncomfortable shoes, and then i did what i do instinctively, yes i feel a connection with a person who shares my feelings, i tenderly put my hand on her shoulder. i arrived on the presidential plane, she is just a queen, in fact we are ordinary women, we wiped away a tear here, and galina,
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michelle obama, how do you assess her from a professional point of view, as a politician, as a woman, what is she wearing? well, in 8 years the presidency of her husband, and michelle, in fact, was perched, literally perched on... destal style icons, in fact, the best designers in america are working on this image, but despite this, she very often makes such mistakes and she makes mistakes in the protocol , here, for example, she is with her head uncovered, this is a well-known case, but in saudi arabia, and moreover, she managed to extend her hand to the male members of the royal family to shake , which in general is strictly forbidden to do , this cannot be done, maybe uh-huh, here in general, her clothing style is of course. leaves much to be desired, but i will say more, that is , she has responsibilities, one of the unspoken responsibilities, that is, she must demonstrate the clothes of american designers. there was such a very interesting case, once - at a meeting with the president of china, she
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allowed herself to wear a dress by the english designer alexander mcqueen, in general, and she was very loudly condemned for this, i will allow myself to quote something else, and these are the words of caprice and pinovik marshall. at that time she occupied post of us chief of protocol. the first lady cannot decide for herself what she will wear. at a formal event, every item that goes on michelle's body, from t-shirts to earrings, is carefully selected according to etiquette and checked for potential cultural political implications. so, for this red dress that she wore with the president of china, oscar dalorento spoke out to the deceased now, that is, he said that she was obliged to wear a dress by an american designer, but because she is meeting with the chinese president and they need to increase sales. american goods in china, that is, we understand, yes, that everything is very cynical there, but there is one more point, now you are showing these shots when she entered the white house for the second time, one of the first events that she held , that is, she
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put a lot of emphasis on the fact that he works with young people, she wrote a lot of programs, she implemented them, and so one of the first meetings in the white house was organized by her with designers and fashion designers, and 150 students were invited by their favorite designers and fashion designers. schoolchildren from five states was in the designer, twice she wore his dress specifically for the inauguration, with narciso rodriguez, this red dress will now be famous, which she made.
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it will be all in one, yes, yes
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, thank you, you know, about the man, i will tell you the following , but this is an opinion, and nevertheless, it means, of course, she is a woman, of course, for i saw her, like you like you you know where, i saw how she treats children, man he can’t treat children like that, in my work i’ve met trans people and talked to them , you know, they are absolutely similar to women, it’s men who are trans, but there is one thing that cannot be changed, this is their voice, they have not had surgery anywhere , they did it in thailand, they did it in the usa, in the uk , whatever, but the voice doesn’t change, so this is the story, and another moment, you know, i see the following, i see the discrepancy, how it is expressed, her the point is that these are some strict suits, it may maybe some kind of, i don’t know, there’s special clothing, it’s hers, but they make her into a different person, more cheerful, more cheerful, so she doesn’t look like what they can make out of her now, like that. maria, yes, well, i agree with roman
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, of course, this is absolutely a woman, but where is at least one photo of a pregnant woman, good question, yeah, this is actually what they ask in america, but it can’t be, okay, let’s leave it, that means their showdown, who is there, what, what, yes, and not in the same place as the birth certificate of her husband, who is not there, who is not born in america, who was born in kenya and who is the biggest fake, this is the whole history of this man’s presidency, you know, against the background of biden, who constantly gets his names mixed up, constantly stumbles, falls and talks to spirits, any candidate will look advantageous, colleagues, the deadlines haven’t passed yet, no, tara, but i can still be elected. maybe
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michelle obama. michelle obama will certainly gain popularity for being the first black female president of the united states. this will be a huge surge of populism. support. and to unfortunately, there is another perspective, perhaps my colleagues will suggest it. this is a shadow government and this is already happening, the whole atmosphere is now being created to make a smooth transition while maintaining the previous administration, so of course they can lead us to world war iii. this is a very difficult time, unfortunately, michelle obama is creating this surge of populism, she could be a problem for donald trump. huge amounts of money are spent here creating an image in the media, on netflix, and books are published. so she can be brought to the white house, this
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a very possible future, this deadline has already passed, but what can they do, if he has health problems or something else, then they can create a new congress, this could happen ahead of schedule, they can take advantage of constitutional amendments, michelle obama does not have to to do something for this, she can act in her own way. kamala haris is already biden's vice president. convention, it will be held in august 2024, the person did not show up, well, there is no person at all, but at the last moment the leaders of the democratic party make a decision submit a candidacy to the convention and say: listen, we’ve discussed it, and our current candidate, who is joe biden, well, he
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’s discredited himself a little, or he recused himself, just excuse me, i’m tired, i’m leaving, we need to nominate someone, imagine, it cannot be that there is no one, then the decision... this means that michel obama has until august 2024, or more precisely, most likely, until july of the twentieth year, so that there is at least a little time to make a decision, i understand correctly that it is more profitable to keep the intrigue until the end, because as long as she does not declare that she is in politics, she can calmly.
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a winning story for the democrats, because michelle obama is perceived more as a star, as a celebrity, not as a politician, and as soon as she becomes a politician, her ratings fall, this is the case, and secondly, of course, a person who is not even participated in the primaries, to whom the crown and the dem party were handed over just like that, but has about zero legitimacy, although today we have those who believe that it is no longer up to any decency is not left in american politics, and in principle, anything can be done, i think that after all, the democrats will try to make it all more beautiful, by the way, i agree with...
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let's take a break for just a couple of minutes to find out even more interesting things about the presidential race in the usa about the role of michelle obama, maybe she is a future candidate or even the president, stay with us, in our studio there are stars, their brothers and sisters, i have always... been a little jealous of my younger brother, we are dealing with a very interesting personality , dad is an actor, mom is an actress, i tried to avoid the maximum of this achievement, but it didn’t work out, the retreating enemy was pronibal , but now i don’t envy makar, but i’m just happy to talk to me, we are not only
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brother and sister, we are great friends, i sometimes forget that she is already a mother, an adult , she’s still my little sister , profession, it’s impossible not to be friends, because otherwise they’ll immediately devour us, we’re rich, we should be with the tigers, the main event of the olympics, in principle, here they are, our sisters, when we were just starting our careers, they checked us, they thought that one person was doing this twice, mom and dad divorced, zhora stayed with his father, i left with my mother, thank god we all talked together, i will never get tired of saying thank you, because it was zhora who taught me to play the guitar, everyone says that we are alike and that we are twins, no, this is not so, scientifically, and we are twins, i wish everyone to have a brother and sister, this is very cool, on saturday on the first, bourbon steersman is a product of the stellar group, whiskey
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mancacher, a product of the stellor group, gin cnop, a product. dog, fighting monster, so that everyone can win, it’s not necessary, don’t come near him, but retreat, invite him to attack, he’s a predator.
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suddenly we felt like russians, the heirs of a huge, mysterious, hidden outside our cities, russian history, i collected huge multi-colored boulders lying along the shores of the pskov lakes, which the reirs loved to draw so much, i brought them to a single place to the pechersk road, i folded a mountain from there, with hot gems, cut down a crucifix from a huge siberian larch...
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confession on monday on the first, what happened was not my fault. "yes, and my fault is there, but you and i are not to blame for the fact that dreams were aroused, some have sensitive natures, and by serving the truth, not people, you are my friend, maybe my last, i wouldn’t want to lose a friend, listen, tomorrow, no one can
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know, for sure, we have the same goal , what difference does it make, what role, who will remember, you said that you love me, and you believed me, i want to take this disgusting, emaciated, stupid, man-loving empire by the throat, shake it until it reaches the outskirts. so that it goes to the farthest corners, imagine what a storm will arise, surely you will lose, and i will retreat, but a start will be made, just hurry up, do the gentlemen conspirators want to wait, do you think they can start an indignation, i ’ll be late. gentlemen, we've fallen behind,
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there's a big premiere, it's time for anger, what are you whispering about, we're preparing a coup. take me, soon on the first. michelle obama and her husband invest a lot of time and effort into film production. what ideas do they convey to the american consumer, what do they focus on, and most importantly, why? and yet, colleagues, from the outside, i will return again over to you. obama, suddenly in august the devil will jump out of the snuffbox, could this happen?
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it may well be, and moreover, it will be beneficial, because it will be a newcomer effect, that it will be something fresh, something new, maybe something unexpected for many, she has no chance against trump, because she doesn’t have much political experience, she doesn’t have experience in political discussions.
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has some kind of political background, it is not michel obama’s program, cybersecurity issues, because in principle, you noted quite correctly, that hollywood very often prepares public opinion, including for some decisions regarding the armed forces, for example, when the space force was created in 2019, several years before that, back in 2015 already... to one of the people who work over the films of the marvel franchise, they called from the pentagon and said that they were interested in superhero films on a space theme, and this was the process of introducing into public opinion the ideas of military operations in space, the ideas of militarization of space, through a fantastic thunderstorm from outer space, well, if does anyone know the movie of the marvel franchise, there
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are always some aliens there, it doesn’t matter, in the movie “leave the world for some reason the house is surrounded by deer who are trying, it means there, that is, the animals come wild and all this is, well, post-apocalypse takitya
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.beginning, i heard a lot of chatter, it looks like they were chatting about this, what more chatter? i advise you to read the newspapers beyond the first page, the russians recalled all their employees from washington, have you at least heard about it, something is brewing, i don’t know what exactly , maybe we will never know, maybe we just need sit in safety, pray if it helps you. “i won’t let anyone hurt you, if that’s what you mean, i want you to not forget that when the world is collapsing, you shouldn’t blindly trust anyone, especially white people, crap, i saw a huge drone, it just
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flew and scattered thousands leaflets, i don’t know what’s in there. paternity or father in another translation was also released by their own production company, there it’s again an adaptation of a book, a biographical
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writer who lost his wife when she died giving birth to his daughter, but... but the trick is that the writer was white, but in the film adaptation the protagonist is already dark-skinned, and this was deliberately noted by the creators, that in order to introduce a positive image of a dark-skinned father, by the way, the film became completely uninteresting in hollywood watching something that you always know if a black man appears , he is 100% good, but before there was some kind of intrigue that there might be a maniac there, a killer, he is like that because black is 100% good, at least give me one where black is bad, here i am... on the contrary, as were there before similar, for example, during the cold war, and there was a censorship officer at paramount, luigi lurasha, who, on instructions from the cia, this is a quote from his correspondence, included decently dressed blacks in the plot, in order, therefore, to confront the accusations then with side of the soviet union into racial
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segregation, oh, and how do you... you see for yourself, and as a professional in this studio, what’s the point and why are they created by such people now, well, the clinton studio there then it means harry. that is, a lobbyist for the film industry, she is almost consists entirely of former officials, that is, for example, their current chairman is a former us ambassador to france. it's profitable, right? in principle, this is a system in which a semi-automatic situation has developed,
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where it is beneficial for hollywood not to deviate too much from the official political agenda, at least the external political agenda, and it is beneficial for the government to support the development of the film industry in every possible way. another position? there is development, development of this matter, it is not hollywood that submits to washington, washington comes to we are looking for ideas, because first you need to give birth to an idea, they are not capable of giving birth to anything , they are managers, they count, carry out, give, do management to the military-industrial complex, when he arrives, money is not important, as absolutely, look, shadows of garbage on the way , i’m filming a big commercial for jeffrey katzenberg and... at this time secret service appears and lands our drone, it’s 2013, i ask why? because in the house next door where jeffrey katzenberg lives, barack obama is visiting.
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second example, gafen, who, spielberg kasenberg, this is also dreamworks skg, is late to meet him, a man calls him, where are you, where are you? he says, you know, i’m sorry, i can’t, i’m sleeping here in one place, and it’s already late here. there’s already a regime here, they won’t let me out , where are you sleeping so they can’t let you out , you’re a hafen, you have 4 billion dollars, i say, i ’m sleeping in the white house, they left me to sleep overnight, so hollywood and washington are in the role of washington’s subordinates , not hollywood, from the point of view of the tail wagging the dog or the dog wagging the tail, one can dream that any the dog followed its tail, but this does not always happen, the film was good, and if we look closely at where the money comes from, who is the customer, then it is the deep state that is the customer, it has always been this way, starting with the words of hughes, this money came there, special services , they are working out these scenarios, look how they have emptied, gutted the
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same koreans now, thousands of koreans are sitting and selling this idea to hollywood for free, here is a good scenario, what you showed about hackers, but the idea is simple, anyone who has read the nuclear security doctrine of the united states of america will see an important article there. a special working group was created for this and there was a discussion, there was this one at the university when i was studying, just about the un, then the discussion was, that is, on what the spears broke, just on this, is it possible to answer kinetically, that is, by military means against a threat like a hacker attack, but... what was the position of our side, they said, well, in principle it would be possible, but attribution, that is it is, unfortunately, impossible to establish the source who did it with 100% certainty ; the question, as they say, is who to shoot,
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to assign the culprit, that’s what the united states was seeking, so this group was blocked, and i don’t think there has been any resolution on it since 200. i wanted to say just about the military-industrial complex and intelligence. you can’t make a film about war without permission from the pentagon, you can’t film anything military, if you watch films produced by obama, they are also about fear, existential threats, about heroes must save us, this is a poison that the russians, chinese, enemies inject into us, that is, this is such a threat to existence, before they were aliens from outer space, now they are not. in fact, it is trying to hide the real enemies, and they are doing this, and the military-industrial complex and intelligence, they have seized power, if they
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can throw trump out of the race, and the supreme court will do this, it could lead to a civil war. what we haven't mentioned yet is that this movie featured those famous, well-known or infamous well-known electromagnetic irradiators, yes , that is, this is the hysteria that... america has been going on for a long time about the fact that the russians are allegedly irradiating employees of the american embassies with some kind of low-frequency sound there in cuba, in vietnam, in a number of other countries, they have pain and problems with... with health and so on, here you can see that we turned on these same emitters right over america as a whole, a huge number of people have worsened health problems, in general we see that michelle obama successfully parasitizes on the current agenda, this is of course what they really like to do, and they do it professionally, and of course the main plot is still the main one, even it is not external, it is internal, that is, all these external threats of attack for america, they are also being considered precisely in the context that america is divided, and there is that same cultural polarization.
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that it’s easier to control a person this way, moreover, this threat should be almost conscious, remember, for example, you walk into a dark room, why are you afraid? most of all, the unknown, the frightening darkness, suddenly something will jump out and it’s not clear what , this is still a child’s fear, it is this that is best to control a person when it is not clear where a threat will jump out from, but if... listen to your
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puppeteer, then everyone says, promises, everything will be fine , do not believe, trust the facts, always turn to the light. maria butina, the heir tuti doll, was with you, now is the program time. hello, the program is on air, ekaterina berezovskaya is in the studio, here are the main topics. innovations in healthcare, how they are help prolong life, vladimir’s big talk.


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