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tv   Bolshaya igra  1TV  February 14, 2024 11:00pm-12:01am MSK

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i am princess tarakanova. there's a big game on the air. for several months now it has been clear that...
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the truth that syrsky sets out is that their defense, unlike our defense, will , of course, be distinguished by maximum efficiency, that russia will suffer huge losses, ukraine has complete technical superiority in weapons , ukraine has more progressive tactics, ukraine has more professionally trained, so to speak, trained personnel. therefore
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the russian armed forces should catch there there’s nothing, you know, when you read this and then look at what’s happening on the line of combat contact, of course it’s a little surprising how it’s possible so openly, or in the expectation that the german public knows nothing at all, although the same this war correspondent, röbki , is well-known; he speaks quite objectively. the state of affairs, well, also, of course, with notes of a certain hysteria, that it was time to deliver what was promised and even what was not promised, but nevertheless, these assessments of syrsky and the german correspondents, they they vary very well in tone in terms of the perspectives they paint, no matter what.
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on the other hand, i believe that there are great ambiguities in western military assistance to ukraine, that there are significant delays, that we can already say for sure that there will be a significant delay in american assistance, because even with the optimal option for kiev, this assistance will not arrive for several months, in connection with what formal procedures will be in congress?
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everything, all headquarters, all command posts, everything, all reserve command posts, in general, destroy the entire russian infrastructure , and this is quite within the capabilities of ukraine , frankly speaking, i don’t know where and what they are going to produce, yes, drones, they are assembling them somewhere in small workshops, but so that there is a large industrial production, especially moreover, the russian, russian armed forces regularly.
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what was transferred only later will be given to ukraine. european union. germany promises to deliver four times more this year than last year. last year it was 200,000. germany delivered, well, by the end of the year 800,000. well, taking into account the ukrainians’ consumption of 8,000 per day, then another 3 months should be
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enough. i, dmitry, you see, all these bravura statements about what we will produce. we will destroy, we’ll see, from my point of view, we need to destroy the infrastructure even more harshly. today i read with pleasure that in kramatorsk they began to work on an e-locomotive and e-car depot. if you want, so to speak, to disrupt these transport operations, if there is no task to collapse bridges and tunnels, then it is necessary to destroy locomotive depots, this is also like... thank you, what impresses me is that not only all these bravura statements take place, real deliveries also take place, but what impresses me is to what extent
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i personally with my colleagues on channel one, we cannot find any evidence that they in the collective west are seriously thinking about... the possibility of negotiations and broader normalization with russia, and so, they, uh, all these ukrainian figures in no way talk about the possibility of negotiations, unless they are promised in advance to return all lost territories, including crimea. and, what’s more serious for me, it’s getting ready now, it’s starting tomorrow. "the munich security conference, well known to you, and there they prepared, as they usually do their report, which they present to the conference participants in advance, a very representative gathering of who's who of
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the collective west, so i looked at this report, there is no words about the possibility and need to seek some kind of reconciliation with'. russia, instead there is the following. let's listen. first of all, eu and nato members must double their financial and military support for ukraine, because a russian victory would be a disaster not only for ukraine. russia, which has become stunned in battle and has transferred its economy to a war footing, will quickly re-arm and begin looking for its next victim. no one in europe is immune from russian aggression and hybrid warfare, and doubts about american security guarantees are increasingly growing. a russian victory would set a dangerous precedent for conflicts outside europe. showing that the principle of the inviolability of borders no longer exists, and aggression and war crimes are completely justified, therefore decision-makers in europe and the united states must fight fatigue from ukraine and help kiev quickly get out of the gray zone. for me, this is a very serious statement,
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because from the point of view of the collective west, the stakes are increasingly raised, if ukraine is not allowed to win, then the entire west.
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a counteroffensive to hopes that ukraine could defeat russia. now we're talking about that we must not let ukraine lose, because if it loses, then the threat will hang over the entire west. it is clear that we... of course, it is argued based on the fact that we need to resist the growing
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tendency in the west itself in favor of this war being finally somehow stopped, because they are actually fighting here in this report not so much with russia, but with its internal enemy, who does not want this, which is called trump in the united states, saying that ukraine cannot continue recklessly only in credit to give weapons, they say , against the background of those publications that are happening everywhere, that generally speaking, the strategy to defeat russia turned out to be a failure, russia will not, will not lose the war with ukraine, russia cannot lose it, well, tucker kalson, who has recently become very quotable, and was very quotable before, says that this is impossible in principle, and he is absolutely right, so that...
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we remember very well, the german generals were panicky afraid of a second war in two fronts all the time
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fell into this situation, during the first world war and the second world war, here for so many years they warned that russia should not be allowed to unite with china, casenger set out to divide china with the soviet union at one time, and now they, through their own efforts , with their laws, bills, their uncritical attitude to reality, they are simply pushing to... until now, they need to do this, because what this writes are directly involved in this whole
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strategy, they are in their career worried within the western world itself, if it is said that the king is naked, that in fact they are leading in the wrong direction, you understand what cataclysms arise politically within, they arise here and there in different countries of europe in the united states itself, that is from your point of view, this is an attempt to justify past mistakes, and not a statement about new ones...
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to abandon claims to global dominance and one’s own exclusivity, and from attempts to impose an unviable unipolar model on the international community world order. as part of myopic politics, the western minority is actually waging a hybrid war with everyone who determines their foreign and domestic policy on the basis
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of national interests, on the basis of international law and who is not ready. obediently integrate into the so-called rules-based order invented by the west for the purposes of neo-colonial development of the world. from my point of view, this is a very serious statement, in form, in content, and one gets the impression that lavrov does not expect that in the foreseeable future there will be some positive opportunities with the united states. what do you think? i think it's exactly the same thing. our minister , not only lavrov, but no one expects that any encouraging prospects will appear , there are none, they are not visible in any way, and in my opinion there is no longer any hope that they will suddenly appear from somewhere, in essence, the minister repeated an already well-known position, perhaps strengthened
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the terminology somewhat, the term western minority appeared, we used to say the majority, see in the statement from which the program began, because it was not only about a statement, but to some extent about a spell, it seemed to me that a statement differs from a spell in that a statement is addressed to an external audience, and a spell is largely addressed to oneself, then, what the west is now voicing reminds me very much
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of an attempt to convince themselves that they are right, which is extremely difficult to do, what else?
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president putin dmitry peskov denied the message that there were some negotiations, that there were some initiatives on russia’s part to freeze the situation, i don’t hear, for such initiatives to come from washington in any form, it is not true, as some in moscow think, that there are no conversations, that there are no contacts, including at a very serious level, we know that...
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you know, there is such a canonical statement by mao zedong, the prospect is bright, but the path is winding, here it’s not that there are no bright prospects, but no winding path is visible, that is , it’s just a dead end, well, the specific statement of the minister that i mentioned is that now unfriendly countries will not be allowed to independently, individually... recruit russian employees for their embassies? what does this have to do with? well, you know, generally speaking , this is something that should have been preserved a long time ago, well, right up to... this ban on the previous practice - this is, in general, one of those remaining legacies, tails coming from somewhere in the nineties, we have always
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had a department for servicing the diplomatic corps, we have one now, within its framework individual units are in charge of issues of diplomatic real estate, hiring personnel for foreign diplomatic institutions and other issues of medical care for the diplomatic corps, and so on, in general , this system even in soviet times... it worked now, it works, but then, under a certain pressure, as far as i remember, the foreign embassy was granted the right enter the labor market to look for, say, employees for yourself, well, relatively freely, as well as real estate for, say, long-term rent, and maybe even purchase for diplomatic missions, we generally find ourselves in an unequal position here, why, because there are...
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categories of workers on the ground, but mostly on their own, it’s just the west and, above all, the americans, just the opposite, they have a large some of the staff are locally hired employees, whom they, to a certain extent, select themselves and, moreover, they themselves cover with some kind of quasi, well, not national passports, but some kind of documents that allow, well, let’s say, strengthen their protection in a famous degree, i have...
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here you need to remember the recent statement by president putin that from among those who received western grants they also tried to recruit a fifth column, and i saw with my own eyes in the nineties how employees, russian employees, for example, of the american embassy, ​​no, i did not see how they were recruited, but i know from them themselves that they were promised an opportunity after some years of faithful service. the opportunity to move to the united states, potentially obtain american citizenship, that is, in other words, i don’t know how to say this that’s right, you use precise
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expressions, there was an attempt to create a support group, a zone of influence, how would you define this? well, of course, of course, simply tempt with possible future privileges, preferences, citizenship, and so on to form stable preferences. in front of his local hired personnel in afghanistan when they left there, so there is no need to harbor illusions here either, but the fact that konstantin ferovich is absolutely right, such a carrot existed, and what can we say about
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our nineties, this is now in to a large extent, the fog in our heads has cleared , and even then, apparently not completely, then it was really like that, you know, here’s the arrival, but now they themselves clean the toilets, yes, yes, well, i remember the last time it was back in ... behind me we see 10 real drones. it is alleged that so allegedly
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do not use schools as places. locations, this is their generally accepted practice, they are stationed in hospitals or kindergartens, from a military point of view - this is actually very stupid, then the whole platoon sits, one hit, that’s it, the platoon has disappeared, ukrainians they claim that the russians allegedly stole the letter i from them, our language, our culture, the letter i was also stolen, it will only remain there if all the russian letters are thrown out of the ukrainian language, anti-fake, premiere, tomorrow on the first, junior lepin.
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this is him, who is he? volodya, the one who saved me, you are nobody to each other, this is chechnya, we can’t do this, i’ll see this again, you won’t be here. doomer, the premiere of the serial film, on sunday at the first, i want you to take doomer to battle. speaking at the discussion platform of the valdai club, minister foreign affairs lavrov talked about what is happening in the gas sector and how he sees american intentions on this issue: vitaly naumkin, scientific director of the institute of eastern studies, let us first listen to what the minister said. we are now hearing recipes that are again being put forward,
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put forward by the united states, first of all.
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with egypt rafah, these attacks that were carried out on this, on this city, on this point, they had terrible consequences, more than 100 people were killed, more than 200 were injured,
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and... indignation in the middle east is growing, it is growing, and today at the level of the population, in any case, it is simply going through the roof, and there is no, no movement towards any attempts to resolve negotiations , any talk about anything, at all , besides the fact that they allegedly freed two hostages there as a result of the attack on rafah, and netanyahu does not calculate the long-term consequences of all this, this is the same thing... trust in his own, his superiority, power, which will definitely shoot him in the back, will definitely shoot, this is absolutely, obviously, the same tension is growing around iran, the situation is escalating, and well , if you take the red sea, and the movement of ansarul, and the blows that are inflicted in general also on innocent people, on the civilian population there in region of yemen, i think that all this means
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growth by...
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very careful, very cautious, and china
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is economic and maybe even military, but still, as it always has been, in my opinion in history, it avoids risks unnecessary and somewhere cooperates with everyone, with everyone forces, although he has tension there in relations, some in relations with turkey and other states, andrei ivanovich, does china play an active role or, as they say, comment from outside the negotiation process? well, you know, i would say between the first and second option, its role cannot be called active, although in international organizations, in the same security council, china certainly plays an active role, our positions, well, in almost everything, in this particular case coincide , and as for -
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these footage from israel, broadcast in
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the european union, creates a mood among the population of these countries, and today israel is completely out of favor among the population of the european union, but the political elites , as we know, are fastened with all sorts of belts to the chariot of the united states, and the united states, in the strength of the entire history of relations, simply contrary to all the evidence and despite the fact that they... in this case are losing on this, they simply cannot get out of the constant policy of supporting israel and the vote in the senate on this matter, once again this emphasizes, that is, the commitment to israel is more important than everything else, and whatever the taste points there, bomb a little less or shell not so much, with no real influence on israel changing its tactics. during this operation they cannot provide , because they simply
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immediately encounter internal resistance in the very depths of their state, so we, it seems to me, today in some ways, like china, find ourselves in a more advantageous position, because we are not the ones actually provoked all this, we are not behind the aggravation in the middle east, it is precisely the actions of the west, the united states, the european union, which is attached to it in... in this matter, we were once removed from the middle east settlement, but now the shoots have sprouted. general on october 7, when hamas attacked israel, it was already quite a long time ago, yes, and we hear all the time that israel is conducting a military operation, that this military operation will lead to the liquidation of hamas, and after that, well, at least at least, not that everything will be solved, but at least the operation will end.
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they drove and destroyed almost the entire northern part, drove a million refugees to the south, to the same rafah, now under the pretext that four hamas battalions remain in rafah, to leave these four battalions, so to speak, all this neutralizes the future, coming victory of israel, so it is necessary to finish off, to the question of what to do with these million refugees, how to drive them back to the north -
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it’s useless there’s nowhere to just live among the ruins, and there ’s no point in being under attack either, uh, for these unfortunate palestinians no, where else is there? in egypt? egypt has already warned that there will be political consequences, up to the breaking of the kemdev treaty, well, not to the breaking, in my opinion, to the suspension, the denunciation of the kamdev treaty is serious. which borders the gas sector, syria makes a statement that it will not stand aside either, they remembered the dutch heights, they called it, so to speak, the sacred goal of the syrian people, although i remember that this one on the question of the syrian heights at one time as- then even went into the shadows, the syrians. of course oh they didn’t forget about it, but they never pedaled it.
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and i have the impression that if things get hot, as they say, then both the egyptians and the syrians can escalate the situation, especially since even the egyptians, even, and what about the egyptians, you know, the egyptians, they , i think, but they don’t like hamas, they haven’t forgotten the humiliation of 67-7, when... israel got revenge, jordan, by the way, is also beginning to declare that it will not stand aside and is also ready to escalate, so say the situation in israeli ardan border on the western bank, that is, the houthis have somehow retreated, so to speak,
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a little into the shadows, this situation there with shelling on the red sea, now everything is already concentrated around rafah, and i say again that... to the end, oh, how far away, all this stuff, we’ll finish it in a week , we’ll decide everything by the end of the month, they won’t solve anything, it seems that everyone has the impression, especially in the arab world, that we are no longer talking about hamas, generally speaking, in general, that the palestinians are not was in this territory, and we are talking about one and a half million people, ethnically pure, this is obvious, we said that at first it was, so to speak, palestinian-israeli.
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russian institute that deals with the region, what are your, how to put it correctly, predictions or at least premonitions , forecast, forecast, forecasts, well, a forecast is so much stronger, voraganya, i said so, something between forecasts, sensations, foresights , what will happen there, this is the word i tried to use, well, it’s more like some type of stagnation that exists. has a chance to last there for quite a long time, but if israeli strikes and its policies of expulsion of palestinians, deportations and ethnic cleansing continue with the same intensity, this will of course end badly, but i am afraid that in conditions where, in principle
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, a significant part of the elites in a number of states in the middle east, they are not inclined to take great risks. hostile propaganda work and carrots will be like what was said about donkey here and carrots will be shown all the time to boast, but at least you don’t have
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i have no feeling that things could come to a military clash between russia and the united states, i think that this can be avoided. except that if some kind of powerful , very serious conflict occurs in the middle east from within, then the question will arise of who should intervene, who should not, but in principle - between, quite possibly , between israel and egypt, due to the fact that rafah is right on the border with egypt, and egypt doesn’t want to, but egypt is unlikely to do so ; egypt is weak for this, so let’s go to advertising, we'll be back in just a few minutes. in the potagonian fjords of chile there are hundreds of kilometers of coastline where no human has ever set foot. machu picchu is a city floating above the clouds. we can be transported to another time, feel the genius, the greatness of
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real american cultures that were destroyed by europeans. from all points of view, imki and otstek were head and shoulders above. in a cultural, civilizational sense. today, every brazilian is a little indian, a little european and a little african. and that's what enriches our people. the cuban revolution is one of the most important events of the 20th century, it was led by a group of revolutionaries led by fidel castro and ernesto cegivaara. latin america is one of the advantages of the modern and future world order. is there a separate latin american civilization? some believe that no, others are sure that there is a latin american civilization, here it is. civilization premier. fourth latin america, tomorrow on the first, what happened is
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my fault, no, it is, and my fault is, only you and i are to blame not because of dreams aroused, some felt sensitive. to nature, but to those who served the truth, not to people, you’re my friend, peter, maybe my last, i wouldn’t want to lose a friend, listen, tomorrow no one can know, for sure, we have the same goal, what’s the difference, what role, who will play? you said you love me, and you? i believed, i want to take
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the disgusting, deceitful, emaciated, stupid, arrogant empire by the throat, shake it to the outskirts, to the farthest corners. can you imagine what a storm will arise, you will probably lose, and i will retreat y... the beginning will be made, just hurry up, will the gentlemen want to wait for the story? do you think these might start an uproar? i would start, gentlemen, back off! big premiere, time of anger, what
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are you talking about, we’re preparing a coup, take me, soon on the first, big on the air. at least statements from kiev that they would like to transfer the confrontation with russia in the military sphere to
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a different phase, which seems to them much more profitable. we are talking about terrorist sabotage activities as a constant supplier of news that is so important for mr. zelensky, due to his profession , first of all, of course, due to the fact that this influences his western sponsors, who in this way... he convinces them, ukraine is able to resist and achieve some successes, what successes in attacks inside russia, the defeat of some civilian objects, and so on and so forth, that is , the regime in kiev becomes much more toxic in general if we, for our part , wage this fight, but unlike israel, which fights against the palestinians, wanting to clear... the territory , to take this territory under our control , we have never had plans to clear ukrainian territory, we
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are considering ukrainians, our president often spoke about this, including in this sensational interview with tucker carlson, that we are one people, russians ukrainians, from this point of view, we are not engaged in cleaning up ukrainian territory, but they have actually been doing this since the very first days, not even since the twenty- second. in 2014, they declared a goal: first of all, it is necessary to return the territories. zelensky, much later becoming president, he said that if someone likes russia, this was even before the start of a special military operation, there in donetsk, in lugansk, then let them go to russia, and we will regain our territories. they care about territories, not people. people are important to us. and we, of course, are obliged to pay attention to the change in this style of military conduct.
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is to stop this threat as quickly as possible, and this regime in kiev is becoming toxic not only for us, it has always been toxic for us, it is toxic primarily for its own population and even for their sponsors, because this behavior of theirs can lead to a lot, to a variety of unpredictable consequences already in relations between russia and the west. i think what you said is very, very important because
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the strategic alignment, strategic stability, the presence of the united states in europe, relations with russia and relations with post-soviet countries that are not members of nato. what is interesting, well , firstly, the general general, so to speak, conclusions that a long war, not long interests of the united states, because the risk of a direct clash with russia will only increase. what’s also interesting is that all these criteria are considered there in great detail, starting with the deployment of a missile, ukraine in nato, that is, a lot, not a single word about the so-called zelensky peace formula, not a single word about a return to the borders of the ninety-first years, not a single word about any kind of reparations, compensation, or any
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guarantees, that is - you understand, the mood is the one set out by the authors of the report, with taking into account the fact that the rand is not just, so to speak, some kind of brain swing-tank, which is somewhere on the sidelines, after all, it is a leading, leading research center, actually affiliated with the ministry of defense and, so to speak, supported by money the pentagon, i think that sam sharob and his co-author express not only...
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this is a refusal of the american leadership of this ramstein, let them work there in nato, create another structure, some department there, put a pole or a latvian there, and let them plan there these deliveries are so bad that it’s because they are afraid of trump’s arrival then you know what you just said.
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the consolidation of, say, the entire middle eastern world, even the islamic world, the arab world, at least this is a complex task, a very difficult one, but in this, in this regard, i want to say that today more and more people look at russia as a possible protector, as a defender national interests of the state, in this part of the world, so here we need to be prepared to more actively develop the brix format, in this format in...
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year, on which, in fact , i congratulate everyone, and the countries around it, the countries of the buddhist mentality, culture, uh, are also celebrating, all this will continue quite officially until february 25, because it will be the 15th day of the first month of the lunar calendar, the yuanxiao holiday or the lantern festival, here they are finishing up the new year, so after that in early march there will be a parliamentary session that will sum up the work of the new government in...
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regional elections within china, but at the same time he expressed one very interesting thesis about that china, china, the people's republic of china, beijing, will not tolerate a proxy war
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or those who push it towards a proxy war.


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