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tv   PODKAST  1TV  February 15, 2024 1:30am-2:15am MSK

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such an extraordinary friendship and love was born, they walked there, walked, read poetry , in the thirty-ninth year, ordinary prince odoevsky died of malaria, and lermontov was so shocked that he wrote a poem in memory of adoevsky, you can also read a fragment now, try it the quiet flame, the feeling did not go out, he retained the sparkle of his azure eyes, and the sonorous laughter
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of children, and to remind relatives and friends, they made a necklace, made a necklace, poured out crosses, here we have one such lady’s ring, we will show it, that is. stunning beauty, i would get one for myself, well, bypassing siberia, of course, because these are two diamonds, a ruby, these are already fashionable ladies’ jewelry that maybe they wore in siberia, or maybe they were already sent, so to speak, to the middle zone in moscow st. petersburg, and of course it would be chic to wear such a wonderful ring, but can i add one very interesting thing, the thing is that we have already mentioned that some rings were made from shackles. this is true, but in our museum there is a gift from the family benkendorov, and this is a very interesting gift, this is a tray, a small tray forged from shackles, there in siberia, and if we have
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underglaze painting there, and if we look at it, it means that this is the back side, then we will see what is written there greetings from the decembrists from siberia, and there is a date... a comrade-in-arms of emperor nicholas i actively participated in the trial of the decembrists then
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headed the third department, which was supposed to monitor, strictly monitor dissent, so that - a reason to remember, talk, we still we are grateful to him for the portrait gallery that he created, he was a very good artist, he took lessons, and he sketched the decembrists there, and also sketched the surrounding areas where they lived, so now we can
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see all these portraits, there’s more , more than 100 portraits, well, firstly , his self-portrait, which at the very beginning we could see here, they were just shown, his portrait... portraits of other decembrists, but there’s such an interesting story that at that time the portraits of the decembrists, their images, they were banned, well, as state criminals, and many of their admirers did not even know them by sight, for example, alexander ivanovich hertsin, who in 755 published the journal polar star, calling it in memory of the first magazine polar star. the authors were rayleigh and bestuzhev, so he didn’t know his idols by sight, he put a lot of work into getting their memories, letters, some works, poems, he published all this actively, he didn’t know by sight, here we have a cover, yes, on which we see five
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profiles, here are five executed decembrists, but so that the audience understands, yes , this has nothing to do with them, it’s just a fantasy, so to speak,
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there are several copies where there is a portrait without tuzhev, for example, i don’t know what kind of portrait it is could be located, i honestly don’t know either, but we have it.
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the most interesting thing is that he could have arrested the imperial family altogether, because - under his
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command there were quite a lot of people, they literally entered the territory of the royal palace, and of course it was completely it’s amazing, but then they didn’t do this, they went out to the square, look at what an expressive face, what a great photograph, and then we have joseph. poggio, too, so to speak, yes poggio, he was a wonderful person , of course, then we have a photograph of our favorite pushchina ivan ivanovich, and how interesting, we have several photographs in the museum, but there is no such photograph, so we found it, look , i noticed at podzhu at pushchin, they have chibouks, they are with chibuks, this is such a separate chic, in general, at that time, as far as i understood, studying a lot the amount of material, it showed me,
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and portraits of their children, elena and mikhail, and they say there were such stories that sergei grigorievich volkonsky, which means he said goodbye very much in siberia, walked around in a sheepskin coat , in felt boots, which means he was often seen at the market with the peasants, where he shared bread and water with them, so to speak, gossiped about politics, and also about... gardening, he had, yes, a wonderful vegetable garden, one of the best, in
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fact, we have it, again , thanks to nikolai bestuzhev, then, watercolor, the courtyard of the petrovsky prison with a vegetable garden, it is possible that this means that this vegetable garden is, in fact, sergei grigorievich’s, most likely, depicted here, but there is more, which means, in addition to the vegetable garden, we can look into the cells.
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ermak, yes, but educational, i usually formulate this way about, we continue our conversation, the precious stories podcast and its host are with you, again having studied a certain amount of materials, that a certain number of, well , nobles, who later began to be called decembrists, before december performance
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they were somehow so strange exaltation, griboyedov calls exaltation of the twenty-fifth year, but any exaltation. they had some very crazy experiences, some kind of love passions , maybe they were subject to this kind of romantic impulse, among other things, this was the catalyst for their performance, from griboyedov’s correspondence we know that prince alexander ivanovich adoevsky was deeply in love with a lady who was even older than him, married, and he spent evenings there, very mushroom-eating without... he calmed down for this strange passion, this feeling, comparing, apparently, with myself, because from such a feeling i burned out like coal, i wrote griboyedov then i worried, well, what kind of novel griboedov had, it’s not interesting, from which he spoke like coal, it would also be funny for me to know, in any case, it was the era of romanticism, therefore, there was a lot of romanticism in human relationships, in love
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relationships, and to be honest, in politics too, ah. how gloriously we will die, well, what kind of exclamation is this from one of the ideologists, the leaders of the movement, you know, so of course, of course, it was really very typical for people of this circle, for a certain part of the people of this circle, undoubtedly, it is a great pity that these people were lost for further state building, for the development of the country, and so on, although they managed very...
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very strongly resisted and even offered he wanted to go hunting and go to germany, but this, too, by the way, to lunin’s honor, he said that no, he went on a trip and returned, ended up in st. petersburg, so he was sitting in vyborg castle, and here too there is such an interesting story, general governor of finland zakrevsky, arseny andreevich came, well, from the commission, yes
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, that means, to check on the inmates, they were such, well, serious people, such... a four-story building, on the fourth floor there was a cell and there was a leak from the ceiling and water was flowing, and he comes and says: well how is mikhail sergeevich sitting with you, yes, great, everything is fine, arsem , the only thing missing is an umbrella, he wrote very tender letters to his sister, was interested in natalya pototskaya, how she was, what, and she died in the thirties, he didn’t know about it , after that i also wrote, which means i wrote and i was sad, like this. history, at the same time he began to write anti-government treatises and believed that he would not be deported further to siberia, but he could have been deported, in the forty-first year they deported the vakatui, where in the forty-fifth... they crushed him with a silk handkerchief, and this was not considered murder , because the blood did not flow in according to eastern, according to eastern concepts, so we have someone who was exiled further than siberia, and there is
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also someone who was exiled from siberia, well , let’s put it briefly, one of our absolutely wonderful people, the decembrists, the zvalishins dmitry irenarkhovich, for whom very few people know anything at all, just if you go over it briefly, for example, in the nineteenth year at the age of 13 he was already released from the naval cadet corps... at the age of 17 he was a teacher of astronomy, higher mathematics and mechanics in the years 18-21, twenty-second to twenty-fifth, he made a trip around the world, then the commander, commander of the cruiser was mikhail lazarev, later an admiral, in general he was such a very strange person, he was very short, very behaved strangely, very strange reviews during the day, he walked around in strange capes, in some kind of caps with...
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so that he would be arrested a second time and wanted to be in the center of events, a participant, he is 21 years old, generally going crazy, we are very much for him we are grateful that he left vast memories , absolutely amazing memories, he left, it’s amazing to read it, i just advise everyone, there’s a lot of, not even disingenuous, things about our friends the decembrists, a lot of hilarious stuff, but he scolded them for not taking care of the soldiers , then i noticed that in general, the serfs who came with their wives, no one exiled them to siberia, so to speak, right? told how the decembrists went to work, which means everyone took out the samovar , played lotto, so whoever wanted, so with
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a shovel, if that’s what it was, well, to maintain physical fitness, some kind of wonderful party was described, when everyone was in in tailcoats and tuxedos, and also a string orchestra played a string quartet, because already at the settlement everyone played music well, so , in fact,
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it has always been for us and will always remain the most romantic story. this was a precious stories podcast. ekaterina
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varkan and sergei nikrasov were with you. one day i suggested it to my friends. hello, today we are gathering our thoughts about artificial intelligence. harutyun vashkhanovich avitisyan, academician of the russian academy of sciences, director of the institute of system programming, protyrey, pavel velikanov, associate professor of moscow. you know, as a pre-question, a warm-up question, i want to ask you this. what would you say is the biggest horror story today? about artificial
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intellect, which has nothing to do with reality, but what really causes you anxiety? there are a lot of horror stories , but globally, my opinion is that it is very important that our society and we understand that we are still dealing with advanced it technologies, and not artificial intelligence in the real sense of the word, but the horror stories concern basically , they make films on this topic, mostly about the fact that artificial intelligence will get out of control, that it... will become more powerful than man himself, and it seems to me that here it is very important to define this divide, that these are, in principle, different worlds, and in this sense there is no need to be afraid of this, while the accelerated implementation of any technology, including artificial intelligence, which gives a significant increase in productivity labor, i will say this, sometimes by tens of percent, sometimes on an orderly basis, without control
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of mechanisms or technology. checks for trust, so, for security in a broader sense, of course, this is very, very dangerous, and sometimes they even scare me that the public opinion, poll public opinion and are proud that 70-80% of our population believes that artificial intelligence is not scary, it’s normal, yeah, because generally speaking, you should be a little afraid of this, in this sense, let’s discuss the details, what will the clergy say, i think that one of the most dangerous horror stories that is very attractive. for most people , the idea is that artificial intelligence will quietly replace a person and thereby make his further existence meaningless, it seems to me that this is, of course, a horror story, this is what really worries and worries, this is the eternal problem of man, which at one time was still plato in the state, it was thought that it would be resolved when... by the way
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, a huge space would be freed up by the development of technologies for everything else that helps a person in life time for the spiritual cultural development of man, here is our experience of industrialization and post-industrialization and modern digital time, it shows that there is nothing like that, 12% of the content on the internet refers to indecent things, but at the same time, yes, about 60, even more than 60% of requests are addressed specifically to this area, that is , what we are talking about, about the fact that human sinfulness is being actualized, we find ourselves surrounded by such vile, very soft, very sticky pillows, from which it takes much more to tear ourselves away
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effort, the simplest is an image, an example, a person who lives or at least has experience of life in a village, he knows perfectly well that if he does not go to the well, if he does not bring water, if he does not bring firewood, if he does not feed the cow, then he will not he can, but he just won’t survive, man, who lives in an apartment, he is guaranteed, even if he practically does not pay for utilities, he knows that he most likely will not be kicked out, it will still be warm, there will still be water in the tap, there will still be something and somewhere he there he will find something for himself... he will scrape together something to eat with his neighbors, and he can afford the luxury of sitting in front of the tv before, now playing games on social networks and so on, that’s the question, why does a person sorely lack internal immunity for in order to resist, to resist such temptations, let's definitely talk about it, there are just a lot of questions at once , unfortunately there is not much time, in principle the main answer has been given, but i still want
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to maybe explore this topic a little. look, alan turing, the famous mathematician, i think, in the fifties or the year published his article asking the question, can a machine think, if i’m not mistaken, he then proposed the so-called imitation game, yes, that’s it if there is a leader, a person and a machine, then the leader is given a task, he asks questions like this two of his interlocutors and must use their answers to determine which of them is a machine, which of them is a person, in my opinion, thuring said that if...
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i, as a person who does this, see this, doubts will begin to appear, i will share , but so far i have no doubts , yes, i have no doubts now, that everything that is happening now is one way or another very well advanced machine learning, with its own tricks, very advanced, good, and in this sense,
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of course, we all know directly that in many in some places it’s very pragmatic to use this, because it was once correctly formulated that, well, i don’t know, there’s a manager, a doctor, any person with artificial intelligence. so the fact is that when elon musk , for example, was asked, what did he say, i have an assistant, that is, there are a lot of experiments with unmanned vehicles, but in the sense that an unmanned car drives wherever it wants, and it’s fine, this no,
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i’ve been talking about this for a long time now and have said that if there is a dedicated circuit, a special environment, whatever you want call it technologically , just humanly, then yes, then a driverless car makes sense and it will drive, but if, for example, on a city scale, this is not a chess game, where a computer can learn to play with itself, this is not a game of go , this is an environment that is changing, where it is changing dynamically and unpredictably, that is , driverless cars, while this is a research project, a project, i just want to bridge the gap, that when you said about subjectivity, i remembered that in 2011, when the computer watson , in my opinion, yes, jeopardy won, one of the philosophers said that watson doesn’t know that he won in giobard, that’s right, that’s how it seems to me. a very important topic is that a person in a situation where he does not have a pre-prepared algorithm, he dives into a certain depth, artificial intelligence has nowhere to dive, well, that is, there is no spare space from which
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the necessary algorithms could be quickly pulled up to solve this issue , well, by the way, i also remembered this now, i read somewhere that when you compare human brain with a computer, yes, then we still proceed from the fact that a computer is a system... the idea that neural networks and the human brain are one and the same thing, well , to put it mildly, is not even discussed anymore, this is no longer a hypothesis, in my opinion pavel balaban, our famous academician there, now he says that everything connected with human memory is not connected with neurons at all, with new
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cells, well, not with new ones, but with known ones, and we need to study them and a new direction, in fact , we all need to do this, so the brain a much more complex story, probably this is the very last thing that a person should not relate to this, that now let’s implement it everywhere at any cost, because it’s profitable, well, it’s clear that when you let a person through on the subway, well, what’s the difference, well even if he deceives and comes in, well, let him come in, it won’t affect anything, and if he goes to a nuclear facility,
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for example, it’s probably not worth the risk there, and there should also be protection circuits to check exactly what he or this is not him, here it seems to me that there is already world practice in this side is coming, the europeans are generally strict, so they announced at our conference in may that we will about... there will definitely be regulatory measures, well, for example, in aviation, you know, there are strict rules, uh, just if you are not with to develop an operating system for aviation from scratch, for example, it is impossible to certify, that is, it is quite strict, and there is no artificial intelligence there, it is ordinary software, but it is an extremely dangerous zone and, accordingly, the costs of certification for support are sometimes several times higher than for the development itself, we do this, that's why i do this i know well, we make a real operating system ourselves , finally the third part, when you can use it as...
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and at the same time they were based on scientific knowledge, and not because we are afraid of it, let's go there, if we move away from fears and look in the opposite direction, these are the main hopes that we can place on the development of this technology, here is father pavel, well, it seems to me that the main hope is that we will have the opportunity to make such a qualitative leap in understanding the depth of formal data processing, even if we... let’s take, relatively speaking, the languages ​​there, because
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today we are all witnesses to how much the quality of translation has advanced not only from modern languages, but also from ancient ones, for example, i don’t speak the ancient armenian language there, but today, thanks to artificial intelligence, i i can imagine in general terms what the holy fathers were talking about there, which is interesting for me during this period, that is, something completely new is being revealed earlier. absolutely inaccessible to me, in my status, with my level of knowledge, an area that i can already use, plus or minus quite adequately, i think that, of course , this is a huge help, on the other hand, remembering the story with our seminarians who tried to write a sermon and were then very upset that, in general, not each of them could write such a sermon that it would be guaranteed to pass the test of...
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consciousness, but on the other hand, for a believer, a completely different perspective opens up here, and from the christian anthology, we understand that a person without god, he is not a person, in this sense i really i like the image that father sergei bulgakov uses, he says that in a person there is a hole drilled into infinity, that’s why i really like this image, but the hole does not have its own nature, you know, that is, it opens... in my opinion , an absolutely stunning perspective, such
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fearlessness in the scientific field. academician harutyun avitesyan, protereus pavel velikanov, i am vladimir ligoidem, today we gathered our thoughts about artificial intelligence. you know, i think that there is not a single industry now our life activity, where artificial intelligence will not be introduced, because once again, i think karmarsk said, yes, that the capitalist will sell 100% of the profit and the mate, here. to matize, this is all connected again with artificial intelligence, because
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in traditional ways, if you do this, it ’s just very expensive, in medicine, in fact, most of us just don’t go to doctors, to be honest, well, i have a population of mind, and therefore what we are doing is we are trying to move in this direction and those that screening of the population is constantly passive, for example, through the devices that we carry with us, there is a single-channel system now in watches , and a person can be brought to the doctor earlier. and as you know, the earlier the diagnosis is made, the better it can be treated, from my point of view this will not lead to the fact that doctors will not be needed, on the contrary, the pressure will be even greater, doctors will be needed more, but the benefit factor will be used. cannot grow sharply, that is, if previously we served there, i don’t know, 1.0 people, then we can reach 10,000, but more, and a good doctor will be able to convey his knowledge to the regions, even to villages, where sometimes there are no doctors, god forbid that there is a filsher, that is, these are simple examples, and there are a lot of them, in fact, i i’m not talking about production , where
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production analysis methods have been used for a long time; i don’t know the flow in order to reduce defects, and it seems to me that there are simply no problems here... there are no problems, this needs to be implemented, i’m certainly not the person who, despite saying that security, trust that wants to stop this, but it needs to be done wisely, again, it needs to be done so that there is control over it, control not in the sense that usually people understand it too, technologically thank god, we are a fairly advanced country in this regard , we are not lagging behind anyone, here ’s a little about the social consequences, but at one time, like many, i probably read martin ford’s book, the robots are advancing.
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the problem of the extinction of entire professions of directions, and that this is unlike anything, because ford argued that the speed, which is happening, it is unprecedented, and never a single invention, including electricity there, has ever given such results when our negative effect exceeded in the long term the possible result, positive, while he was mistaken, judging by his forecast, but is there risks, if you allow me not to answer, but... i will expand your question into a very practical plane that i encountered, and i am a person from analog childhood, adolescence, youth, and i remember very well that if you some problem arose in interaction with some different services, there was always a hotline number, you could call somewhere
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and after some time hear the live voice of a live operator who would in one way or another get involved in your problem, today it’s like this : there’s no point in calling there if i still most likely won’t resolve this issue, well, this is a stone in your city, but in fact, i think these very issues will definitely be resolved in more or less the next 5-10 years, because now translators are already appearing right away hang it in your ear and communicate with each other in different languages, i just
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returned from china, there was a girl in a hotel, i don’t know a word of english at all, she had a device on which she spoke chinese and translated it into english. everything was fine , not the other way around, that is, the profession, she and i, we communicated without an interpreter, she calmly understood everything, we did everything, that is , potentially, of course, in a mass sense, yes, but this does not mean that there will be no need professional translators for specialized stories, in this sense, well yes, there is a social danger that some professions will be unclaimed, well, once upon a time the same thing happened to horses, but in this story, it doesn’t seem so dramatic to me. if we manage all this correctly, that is, especially for our country, where we have quite large resources and a small population, we need to fight to improve the quality of this population, that’s what we need to invest in, education, secondary education.


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