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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  February 15, 2024 10:50am-11:58am MSK

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i realized that there was a whole crowd of us in the elevator, we all couldn’t lie down, and then i lay down there somewhere like the letter g, but we lay down. andrey petrovich, what else do you need to know if you are stuck in an elevator? it’s really worth taking off your clothes, because if you wear clothes, you will sweat more, and you will still be nervous one way or another. where it leads? this will lead to the fact that gradually, but very soon you will begin.
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firstly, hypoxia will develop in the elevator, old elevators do not have fans, new models already have them, but they may not either work, so everything warm is removed , you must stay in the lightest clothes, plus , the clothes that you take off and lie on it, they will also act as a shock absorber for a fall, which means they will continue to fall, what will you now teach your mother, who forced everyone stand, even a dog in a falling elevator, uh, that's what you have to lie down. go to bed, take off your outerwear, mom, everyone lie down, if the elevator falls, sit down, my dear, a gift for you, this is a souvenir for you, the rule for entering the elevator with a child with a stroller, you take the child in your arms, go in, only then roll the stroller into the elevator; under no circumstances should you leave your child in the stroller, either inside or outside. only in your arms, show that you
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are holding the child in your arms, it is absolutely not allowed in a stroller, you just have to follow these rules, nothing more, and you will be happy. that’s all for today, it’s time for us to finish, and as always, in the end, let’s just say one thing: you and i had a good time, may you live a healthy life. hello, the information channel on the first one is starting to work live, this program will be shown in the studio by ruslan astashko, olesya loseva. vladimir putin, after an interview with tucker carlson, gave another one, this time to a russian journalist, our colleague pavel zarubin, the president admitted that he did not get much pleasure from the interview with. since
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he did not have the opportunity to conduct an acute dialogue , frankly speaking , i did not get complete pleasure from this interview, but, but he went rigidly according to his own, judging, judging by his plan, and he fulfilled his plan, but to what extent it was ultimately meaningful, it’s not for me to judge, it’s... just spectators, listeners and maybe readers of the received material, they must make their own. but tucker carlson seemed to like everything, he continues to introduce the citizens of america to russia and its culture, he published a separate video about the moscow metro, the journalist was struck by the contrast of our metropolitan subway with what they have in the usa, where they are filled according to his in the words of the homeless.
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dirt and graffiti, it’s interesting that for his video about the moscow metro he chose the kievskoye station, we think that this is no coincidence, but what hints does he give about this, what else putin said in his new interview, we will discuss it immediately after a short advertisement. in the potagonian fjords of chile there are hundreds of kilometers of coastline where no human has ever set foot. machu picchu is a city floating above the clouds. we can be transported to another time, feel the genius, the greatness of the real american cultures that were destroyed by europeans; from all points of view, the incas and ostecs were head and shoulders above in a cultural, civilizational sense. today every brazilian is a little indian, a little european and a little african, and that's what enriches our people. the cuban revolution is one of the most important events of the 20th century; it was led by a group of revolutionaries.
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bixir of youth, most of our formulas are unique and effective, so we create our own unique product, in 2013 we released the first snowmobile of our production, after that we began to expand our model range, ranging from small cubic 100 cc to 800 cc, in the production of our snowmobiles we try
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as much as possible localize russian production, you have a very large an assortment of snowmobiles, but this is of course for girls, our everything. premiere on saturday on the first. the palm is open. under no circumstances should it be clenched into a fist. the only place where there could be a gun is in the left hand under the napkin. we can avoid the opening of a second front only if we decapitate the leadership of countries hostile to us with one blow. it became known that the germans were preparing a large-scale operation in tigeran. dear gevorg. all six umbrellas that you ordered for your father’s confectionery are ready, six umbrellas meant six paratroopers, were they germans or no, then i saw an army boot , they don’t wear those in iran, i’ve been working for four years now, during this time i didn’t ask you for anything, we
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found these six german radio operators, and someone else will take them, some water drink, comrade stalin grinned, we were excited about the six germans we found, hurray! to mark the centenary of georg vartanyan on saturday on the first. and 64 years after the tehran events, selle sandis, churchel’s granddaughter, came to moscow. she thanked me for saving her grandfather's life. premiere, i love my country. on saturday. on first. we, contemporaries of the red era, suddenly felt like russians, heirs of a huge, mysterious russian history hidden outside our cities. i collected
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huge multi-colored boulders lying along the shores of the pskov lakes, which reirakh loved to paint so much. i brought them to a single place on the pechersk road and built a mountain out of them. i cut down a crucifix with hot self-lights from a huge siberian larch, i remember how this crucifix, mounted on an armored personnel carrier, moved across the whole of pskov, aest, a thing-like bird, descended from the sky onto the crucifix. premiere, alexander prokhanov. confession. on monday, on the first. this morning , russian ships and strategic bombers fired salvos at ukrainian armed forces targets. an air raid alert was declared throughout ukraine. mayor klyachko confirmed arrivals in kiev. ukrainian telegram channels write about explosions in nepra, zaporozhye, lviv and
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khmelnitsky region. but not only in the sky does ukraine have a difficult situation, but on the ground, on the line of combat contact. this is also recognized by the new commander-in-chief in usa, alexander syrsky. he stated that... which is very things are tense now in the kupinsky and ovdeevsky directions. together with the minister of defense of ukraine rustem umerov, we made a working trip to military units and units that hold... defense in the avdeevsky and kupyansky directions. the operational situation is very complex and tense. the russians continue to increase their efforts and have a numerical advantage in personnel . the enemy is actively using aviation, inflicting defeat with guided aerial bombs, and conducting dense mortar and artillery fire on our positions. the ukrainian armed forces are conducting defense operations in extremely difficult conditions. based on the results of the work, several important decisions were made aimed at strengthening combat capabilities. our military units , zelensky also talks about the problems, he had to admit that the ukrainians cannot
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cope with the staffing of their units, but zelensky has objectively not yet succeeded in resolving problems, but has had incredible success in creating them. meanwhile, one of the most painful for the armed forces of ukraine in the avdeevskoe direction in kiev , they are considering completely different scenarios for the development of events, including the loss of the main supply line near the city, this is what they say about it. the defense in the avdeevka direction continues, the situation there is tense, but we also see where the enemy wants to advance, he wants to cut the logistics artery in avdeevka to ensure an operational encirclement, we are taking countermeasures, well, again, according to the ukrainian side, in the dnepropetrovsk region we have already started preparing for delivery avdeevka, local journalists write that more than two were dug up for the militants.
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this is their situation, well, our soldiers are undergoing training, preparing, conducting exercises, pavel kukushkin in the stream of the popular front in the trench truth section showed how this happens with our guys.
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here the chinese are training, chinese comrades, li, li, what are you going to practice now, dude, tactics, tactics, behind me there are fighters from the international brigade tag, daily training takes place at the training ground, even those who are not in combat on duty, constantly train in tactical training, in fire, now they will also take place, first... always handle the weapon as if it were loaded, second, point the weapon only where
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we are shooting, in this case, the target situation, third, malis the trigger, apply then, when the weapon is aimed at the target, we aim, we aim, the front sight is rear sight , look at me here, the enemy appears on our right side, that you are marking time, like old grandfathers turn around, one step should be left foot, one step, that’s it, that’s it, you’ve taken an aggressive stance, we have a military correspondent of the popular front on direct communication,
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the control zone is about one and a half kilometers deep, thereby the guys cover the eastern flank of novomikhailovka, where our guys entered and entrenched and... quite serious battles and advances continue there, also in general in the donetsk direction there is a very high intensity of work of our aviation, which operates literally along all supply roads to one or another settlement from the outside the enemy, all the enemy’s strongholds are constantly being rehearsed
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in order to give our guys the opportunity to get closer there before a shooting battle and, accordingly, knock them out directly from... well, they don’t always take such steps, they constantly send reinforcements, now the organization azov, banned in russia, is arriving at the front lines positions, and what is most important, just a few ago, firstly, we already knew that they had moved here, and secondly, they announced it themselves, today
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it is literally suffering quite large losses from the wheels, and with all this, these losses... are also confirmed by the ukrainian side, that is, if some of the most prepared and desperate, let's say, groups from the enemy suffer losses that are quite serious and tangible for them, then what needs to be said about, say, the territorial defense battalions, which were recently collected , formed and sent to the front line completely unprepared, but we can say that this is the hand of syrsky, you can already feel that he...
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even despite the fact that they are trying to do this to him accuse him of treason, attempted coup and so on, he is a system player, this is why vladimir vladimirovich said that joseph biden is better, impaired cognitive abilities are always not bad, but for predictable in everything for the declared enemies of the united states, here in this regard, we didn’t come up with this, it’s trump, he’s pragmatic, cynical, he’s ready for a deal, but another thing is, congress is very restrictive, okay, but will they be able to bind him? the president of the united states, that’s what they prescribed for the period of aid for ukraine, well only until the twenty-fifth year, even from the point of view of the fact that the democrats are doing this, this is also very significant, and even for them
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the coming to power of trump, they understand perfectly well that the help will stop there, their task is not to help ukraine, but kill your competitor, or am i mistaken, well , first of all, there is a specific amount of 95 billion, yes, which is scattered in taiwan, ukraine and israel, it cannot all be scattered, but ukraine is 60, and of which ukraine is 60, so... johnson and his supporters will go so far as to they will say, well, okay, we don’t link the us-mexico border with this issue, even if it does, it will most likely be cut, the amount could still be significant, it will have to be distributed somehow in tranches, so there is enough work for a whole year, they understand perfectly well that what they will do, until... congress has not voted to allocate this assistance, there are a lot of scandals, showdowns and in the terrarium of friends, and maybe
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alexey said correctly, democrats don't sleep, they work, they, they will work until stubbornness, of course, until finally the election results confront them with a fact, only biden is sleeping, but it seems to me that biden is not sleeping, but he suits us, as our president said, but predictably he is sleeping, in washington indeed. there are now disputes over the allocation of aid to ukraine. let us recall that the other day, american senators, as we have already said, decided to allocate $60 billion to kiev for military needs, but first , let’s remember in general the mood with which all this was discussed and accepted. open the champagne, pop the cork, leaders democrats and republicans in the senate are halfway to kiev, they have 60 billion dollars with them, i don’t know if it’s cash or what, but they ’re carrying it. your money to kiev they have little time , however, neither time nor money to deal with our border, we have an invasion, small invasions are taking place along the entire border, in a month there are 800,000 illegal immigrants, and in the senate they
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only have time to pack the banknotes , fill the planes with them, cool the sparkling wine and fly to kiev. well, as we said, not everything is so simple and unambiguous; there is a real battle ahead for a specific decision on this issue and the decision is truly fateful. for the kiev regime , well, it’s interesting that even now such an ardent russophobe, senator lince graham, remember, the same one who came to kiev, grinned, said how good it is that we are not losing our own and at the same time killing russians, and so even this linsey graham, he opposed giving money to ukraine. last may, linsey graham visited zelensky in kiev, warmly hugging the embattled leader and then calling on president biden to do more to help... in the fight against russia. but this week graham repeatedly voted against sending $60 billion in aid to this country. the longtime hawk abruptly announced in the senate that he would no longer
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attend the munich security conference, the annual pilgrimage for world leaders to discuss global security issues that has been a mainstay of his schedule. as for grem, he has a clear position of mind on his face, he is always for or against, he has no other choice. without options you can't go wrong. true, speaker us house of representatives mike johnson yesterday said that they would not succumb to pressure and would not pass the bill approved by the senate, this is how he argued it. americans don't particularly feel loved or heard by the biden administration. they're calling on the biden administration to secure the border so we won't be forced to pass a foreign aid bill that most republican senators opposed.
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they mocked speaker of the house johnson on social media on the official white house page published this sarcastic valentine with a message for a specific congressman. alexander, well, it turns out that the split in the us elites has reached such an extent that they allow themselves direct offensive attacks on the official website of the white house, that is, on behalf of the us president, against their opponent. they give it to him like this. good afternoon, well, here is a very interesting point from the point of view of allocating this assistance in general, yes, the senate voted, as i understand it,
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that the lobbyists of the military-industrial complex. the united states contributed a considerable amount of money to many senators, which they suddenly began to support, yes, but the congress did not pass, whether they will put more pressure on us, we’ll see, but it is unlikely that the united states of america will allocate a huge amount of money for the kiev regime, taking into account the fact that other strategic ones are a priority conflict zones, which the american budget will also handle, they will not be able to handle the conflict in ukraine and the middle east. there, predicted there in the asia-pacific region, in latin america, they will not have enough strength, and of course, they will be sacrificing something, now they are bidding , now they are earning money, that is, we can see this in principle from the decisions, and there are chances that before the elections they will be able to vote on this bill for help, because there is not much time , on the one hand , on the other hand, this is key, now there is an intrigue, they are not bargaining for ukraine, they are bargaining for texas, abroad, of course for... texas
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is a deal that should have taken place, but so far we do not see a consensus, since congress doesn't vote, we'll see if it works out push, but i’m not sure that they will really allocate exactly the planned amount of funds that i ’m talking about, most likely it will be a much smaller amount than they expect, well , the kiev regime is already, as they say in ukraine, a fool with a thought rich, yes, they were already happy, they spent it, everything was already presented there , as if this money had already been allocated, yes, the prime minister of the kiev regime shmygal already told where this money would go, the next morning they woke up with such a terrible hangover from new news. well in general democrats always act on the principle: if there is no compromise, look for incriminating evidence, apparently the incriminating evidence has already been presented to the republicans , including in congress, but this incriminating evidence obviously did not work, because no amount of pressure has the desired result and they are really trying very hard
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to bend it now from... us congress mike jones. biden, let me remind you, recently called on him to immediately put this bill to a vote. he said: don’t expect anything from me at all. biden has activated and that means the sick head of the pentagon, lloyd austin, and the representative of national security, kirby, everyone possible. well, that means the arguments are over, we need to think about what to do next. listen, and they came up with the idea, well done, they switched to heavy artillery. yesterday , the house intelligence committee notified all members of congress. about a serious threat to national security called on joseph biden to declassify information on this matter so that the americans and their allies could openly discuss response measures, but biden’s national security advisor, salevan could not clearly explain what kind of threat this was, and which the white house was so afraid of. can you tell americans that they shouldn't worry about what biden
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calls national security threats. it is impossible to answer this question by simply saying “yes.” i am confident that president biden 's decisions will keep the american people safe in the future. earlier this week, i approached the g8, the leadership of both houses of congress and the select committees on intelligence within them, to personally propose to them give them a briefing. in fact, we have scheduled a briefing for four members of the house eight for tomorrow, which is extremely unusual. threat to the usa. well, you, friends, understand everything perfectly well, there will be no surprise for you,
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naturally, this is a threat, this is us. you russia. house intelligence committee chairman mike turner has provided all members of congress with information about a serious threat to national security for their consideration. two sources and an american official, told cnn that the threat was linked to russia. the united states has long been concerned about russia's military capabilities and its destabilizing influence in europe and around the world as the conflict in ukraine continues and prospects for sending additional us aid to kiev are shaky.
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the first hypothesis was that iran was preparing to launch nuclear weapons, this topic was quickly dismissed, because iran seems to be not such a big, serious national one, then information appeared that it was something related to space, then i alexey alekseevich thought that they would now say, we found aliens on... even to re-elect biden, now he’ll figure it out somehow, biden established contact with them, everything is fine, then it turned out that it’s russian, but they say that the russians are preparing to use, i’m quoting the american media, nuclear weapons in space, the use of which is impossible to track for
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destruction all us reconnaissance satellites, the threat indeed sounds serious, but how realistic? well, firstly, the united states itself started this situation with space weapons by starting to deploy esens there. in the future it is designed for such a certain scheme, which was used during the time of macarthy , yeah, because it - well, too much has already been created and not just opposition in the united states, but those forces that are uncontrollable, that are multidirectional, multi-vector,
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there are centrifugal, there are those that are at odds with each other, there are such like tucker carlson, who simply raised the public, which means the world public, all this needs to be done somehow, remember, there was an act of 2001.
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they can come to this, this is really serious, well, it’s still being decided in america state, this will be a prize, this is the question of whether ukraine should be or not, zelensky is not wasting his time, he is trying to solve problems at the front and decided to blind us, for this he convened a whole meeting with the military, that’s what he told them proposed: arlan and zala drones over the front line are eyes for russian artillery and attack unmanned aerial vehicles, but... in ukraine there is a solution to how to blind them, a systematic approach should be introduced from identification to the effective use of electronic warfare weapons. here's about our new ones developments related to rap, they said in the stream of the popular front. recently
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i read from boris rozhin that mobile jammers against drones have appeared, but of the backpack type, how effective are they, if there is any real application and... uh, how dangerous are they for a soldier there and is it possible to somehow detect them, let's try to figure out how all this works with electronic warfare engineer vitaly vladimirovich dolgov, and vitaly vladimirovich. well, how does a similar system work, a backpack with a jammer, here it is in a mobile state, when you need to constantly change position and so on, it works, or he needs to sort of stand up, well, at least fix himself in some way, or while running it works, while running it works, that’s what the thing is that it should not be heavy , light, mobile, so to speak, its range of action is especially small now, or about up to 500 m. that’s why improvements are now being made to increase, well,
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more or less power , yes, but leave the mass there, well, no more than 15 kg, because the same 15 kg is not, well , of course, of course, it’s very heavy, given that the fighter already has weapons and all the armor, but regarding radiation - you know, they usually always ask the question, since it’s related to the reb , then the radiation, is there any danger or something harmful from it, no, the power... which we are now putting out, it will not affect in any way, it’s one thing if we, say, raise it to a watt , oh, up to a watt, up to 1.00 watts or higher, well , there might be something, yes, now the ears are all about we are going to 300 watts, but what about serialization from such systems, slowly, surely, we are moving towards this goal, yesterday the nineteenth regular meeting of the sponsoring countries of ukraine in the ramstein format was held online, at which mini...
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sweden, great britain, denmark, germany, lithuania, estonia, the netherlands, latvia. twenty countries have officially joined the demining coalition. it is worth noting here that ukraine. austin came out after treatment for either his bladder or other illnesses. journalists noticed that in his office there was a device similar to medical equipment. it is interesting that austin was not present at ramstein, well, he was sort of sick, but a few hours after the ramstein meeting , austin held an online meeting of state representatives and announced that he was continuing to work and leaving his post. despite his age and prostate cancer, he is not going to, and then
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austin started talking about ukraine. the outcome of ukraine's struggle will help determine global security for decades. for people of principle and for governments with a conscience, it is impossible to remain in side while ukraine fights for its existence. ukraine will not give up, and neither will we. well, there is such a chronic degree of lies and hypocrisy, which in america is referred to as... and i have often been on the battle line, indeed the threat of drones, it always exists, similar developments that you presented on the air, they are really very useful and can save a lot of life, but i don’t believe in some kind of coalition of the kiev regime there, that the whole... the west will now give it some new drones, they are made in a makeshift manner
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they can collect, yes, some part will come, some part will be sold, but this is not the coalition that zelensky wants to show, they have failures in all directions, they are already renaming the streets in avdiivka before the surrender of this city, that is lately the counter-offensive has failed, all their defensive actions have failed, they are losing cities, villages , territories, about which...
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it’s difficult, i can hardly imagine what the enemy can now imagine something serious like this, you understand, their military-industrial complex works , well, as usual, standard military-industrial complex
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of any state, there are serious military techniques and so on, this is very extended in time, if they deliver the drones that they had at the beginning of a special military operation, then effectively... they will be quite low, because now everything has moved forward so quickly , that these are the drones that are not handicraft assembled on their territory, they are in many ways more effective than what costs 100 times more there and is supplied to them from the west, so this is purely formal, in fact, purely demonstrative support, of course they will appear, some are even effective, but those drones, no matter how they laugh at them, and we just collect exactly the same ones... also in huge quantities, they are much more effective than this coalition, we need it also understand and evaluate all this adequately, but are there any chances to somehow influence or options to somehow influence the enemy to have fewer of these drones? there is, of course, we do this, we hit the places where the enemy collects them, there have already been many
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successful strikes, i hope today’s strike at night also hit those places, where the opponents collect them, because the previous ones were exactly like that, that is... geography suggests that it may very well be, it was kiev, lvov, ivanofrankovsk, dnepropetrovsk, zaporozhye, and two airfields, it’s clear there, starokonstantinov and mirga, it’s clear that they hit, that is, in general, i think that this is one of the main tasks that our aerospace forces perform when they strike deep into the enemy’s defenses, or rather at the enemy’s rear, and reserves, of course, which they try to throw the front circus, now they are actively moving it, as i understand it. are already being attacked, but what is the situation now at the front, where syrsky is trying to send reserves, where we are advancing, because the front line is constantly moving, and moving almost along its entire length, but i heard your remark, a little earlier, you talked with one of colleagues on the topic that nothing is falling anywhere, in fact it is falling in one place, yes, in
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the avdeevka area, and they are throwing it there, trying to throw in reserves, we won’t talk there, get ahead of ourselves, very serious things are going on there battle.
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how strong are they? the key thing is that they will gnaw at such a height with their teeth, in fact, you can’t even imagine that the importance of the watch cannot be overestimated, if they lose it, they will fall apart. the entire northern front, the northern front means, i beg your pardon, the donetsk-seversky, that is, the territory of the donetsk people's republic, that is, we immediately have prospects in the direction of kramatorsk, druzhkovka, konstantinovka, they immediately begin to have colossal problems, there will be a fight for it seriously, they'll try to hold him back, nevertheless, here yesterday there were our attacks, our guys have already gained a foothold on the edges of ivanovsky, that is, we are gradually pushing it towards the hourly ravine, i really hope that there will be battles in the near future. will begin precisely within the city limits, let me remind you that his enemy evacuated the entire population about 5 days ago, that is, they thus prepared them for battles already on the streets of the city. yuri ivanovich, but mm, they can’t help but understand this, of course there is a specific enemy there, but there is no point in considering them complete idiots, they are too
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they see that things are starting to fall apart, that they don’t have enough strength and resources, and they need to do something, because as events are now developing, we have them in all respects. let's put the squeeze on what they could theoretically do? in fact, little depends on them, the only thing on which their possible serious resistance may still depend is on supplies from the west, that is, it is clear that they cannot produce any serious weapons in large quantities on their own, well, except for pividrons, but i i hope by spring summer we will solve this problem with help, we already have ready-made devices that have been tested, i think we will launch mass production and partially solve this problem, and other weapons. but they need artillery systems, and tanks are needed, and ammunition for them is naturally needed, all this is still hanging in the air, until ronsteim, you remembered runsteim today, i heard part of your broadcast, so -
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remove your hands, oh, remove your hands from me, no, no, no, don’t come near me, don’t surround me, are you not unscrewing, don’t crush me, that
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don’t worry, guys, you’re already disgracing your uniform and your lack of uniform, you ’re disgracing the military people, then go there, they stink, and you think that i don’t go there, but you go, since there’s a war, i see you here even more often i'm sure you don't mind, but what, you wanted to go and help, pull in 200?
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now even the ukrainian soldiers themselves admit that non-combat losses are much higher than losses on the battlefield, in addition, after combat operations, soldiers get post-traumatic stress disorder, that’s what they say about it: click the alarm statistics like this. unfortunately, the statistics are such that after the end of any war, in 5 years in ordinary life , more people die from a deterioration in their psychological state than from the war itself: suicide, alcohol, drugs .
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to get into the army, ukrainians are ready to risk their lives, sometimes this risk ends in death, a ukrainian draft dodger froze to death in the mountains of romania, rescuers found ukrainians who were trying to escape from square, they illegally crossed the border and climbed mount marumesh, it later turned out that one of the three men died due to hypothermia, but they are really ready to do anything to avoid going to the front, and at the same time, because here at least the majority have a chance to survive, well, let’s be honest and objective.
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produce more weapons. this is the second time this full-scale russian invasion of ukraine has occurred. 10 years ago there was annexation of crimea. it can be stated that ukraine has been defending itself against russia for 10 years. this confirms that today russia is the biggest threat in the euro-atlantic space. eat known problem. bundeswehr. it is extremely poorly equipped, it has only enough ammunition for 2 days of war, there are problems with the number of military personnel, the army lacks about 20 thousand soldiers, so germany in the future may conscript not only men, but also women. many say that the country does not stand a chance in the war, but now everything must change. the pressure from politicians and the military has become so strong that berlin must act. strict measures are already being taken that will make it possible to be prepared for
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any military action, even in the most critical case. germany is getting ready. when i look at our politicians, i see that they are going crazy, every one of the german tanks supplied to ukraine is about to change the game on the battlefield, how many times should ukraine have won after we sent armored personnel carriers, leopard tanks there fighters , why is the government so passionate about war, why do they advertise weapons so much, how is it possible that germany is now the largest supplier of weapons not only to the usa and ukraine, but all over the world, what is the problem people have in this country? well , at the same time, the financial times writes that germany will have to cut social spending in order to realize all these military ambitions, but with germany everything is clear, it has sold out, but the worst thing here
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is not that it has sold out, but what price it will have to pay the germans and... the germans will eat this cactus, they will pay, but we know very well what the germans are, squeezed in a vice alexey alekseevich, especially after the first world war, the treaty of versailles, are there such risks now? yes, of course, of course, europe is now being plunged into exactly the state that happened after the first world war, which prepared the second world war, although historians believe that this is one war, there was simply a period of freezing of the conflict , which led to very serious consequences, so i am extremely the statement is troubling.
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the community is still a marginal politician, we need to change this reality by bringing new political leaders into positions, of course, we are limited in the information and financial sense, but i think that the work directly working with the civil society of european countries will be very effective, now, so to speak, the wheel of samsara has already turned, people who call for war, for help in ukraine, they cause rejection, and this must be taken advantage of .
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well, it’s hard to imagine that a politician of this rank treated the interests, the economic interests of his country, his people with such disdain, i won’t go into detail now, but in practice this is exactly what happens, and we see it. ivan pavlovich, but details and details we we know, we understand what he is talking about, in spite of social things, to develop the army, strictly speaking, a militaristic attitude, will they be able to ideologically prepare the germans. this is a good question, because in fact it is obvious that we are now witnesses to the fact that in germany, it means that a split personality has set in, in society and the state,
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because alexey correctly said that he had described, say, part of the picture, but the second part of the picture, i came across these people, these are specific nazis, there are many of them too, these are they are in society, and these people exist, ivan pavlovich, and most importantly, they are no longer ashamed of it, that’s the point.
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yara, the situation , the situation, let’s say, is historically very correct, the ukrainian media have already frightened their audience with the information that the russian group is located literally a couple of kilometers from the city, but we will probably please our viewer, because here we have we have had significant successes, a couple of days ago the popovsky forest came under the control of the russian group, in addition, the paratroopers got hooked on ivanovskoye in bogdanovka has not been taken... enemy strongholds, but let me remind you, this is already a suburb of chacha yar, ours is being pressed ever closer to chacha yar, and the enemy is already taking the last measures, now they have begun to use some kind of new development, these are
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ukrainian suicide bombers, what is happening as follows, the mobilized, who do not understand the war at all and do not know what the balance of forces is, the senior in the position tells them that there and there at some point the connection has been lost, take the walkie-talkie. and convey - convey, but for them it turns out for ours, but there is a russian group there, so a fighter comes knowing absolutely nothing about who he is coming to, what he is going with, and he is taken prisoner, and so there is a beacon built into the radio, it was done in order to determine the place, the exact place location - ours - the exact location of ours next, for the next 5 minutes an artillery strike is carried out on this point, well, actually these are like this... the last measures that kiev is trying to take and for it this is probably a war in panic mode , but here's the news, thank you very much, sergey, these are very illustrative examples of people who
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don’t think about their own people at all. sergey sreda was in direct contact with us, now there’s a short advertisement and we’ll come back, everyone is whispering behind my back, everything about what’s under my hand, russia is over. my brother, grigory grigorievich. your highness, empress, grisha, a lot of korlov, you have fallen, our star has set in the given, but little is allowed, but what should i do if i love you? we ask for forgiveness, little lady, that's where you're coming from, run, run, great, golden age, great premiere, watch after the program time, premiere, i love my country, on saturday on the first. attention, the train won’t go any further
11:53 am
, please free the carriage, please help me, to be honest, i’m dying, save me, this is serious, give me a ruble, listen, young, smart, educated, if you decide to get carried away with me, first of all, you must find something good in me, appreciate it, start admiring it, i felt there would be one they said, i hate it since childhood, but most importantly. oleg yankovsky's eightieth birthday, being in love leads you astray, you fell in love there, but to at your own request, on sunday on the first. look, why did you do this, what about?
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junior lieutenant, ignatia vladimir ivanovich, sapper. there is a pulse, but weak. who did you cross? i stood up for the girl. now he will look for me. what's happened? i need a dog. so that everyone wins, this is not necessary , you do not approach him, but retreat, invite him to attack, he is a predator, help him, this is who he is, volodya, the one who saved me, you are nothing to each other, this is chechnya, we can’t do this here, i’ll see him like this again, you’re not here there will be, doomed, the premiere of the serial film on sunday! on the first, i want
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you to bring out the doom for battle, what happened is my fault, no, it is, and it is my fault, only you and i are to blame, not because we aroused dreams. some have a sensitive nature , and those who served the truth, not people, you are my friend, maybe the last, i would not like to lose a friend, listen tomorrow, no one can know, for sure, we have the same goal, what's the difference? you said you love
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me, and you? i believed, i want to take you by the throat shake this disgusting, lying, licked, stupid, arrogant empire so that to the outskirts, to the farthest corners, imagine what a storm will arise, you will probably lose. and i will retreat , but a beginning will be made, just hurry up , do you gentlemen, the conspirators want to wait, do you think they can start disturbances, i will start, gentlemen, a big premiere, a time of anger
11:57 am
, what are you whispering about, we are preparing a coup, take me, soon on the first. now in all russian cinemas there is a new large-scale war alexei german the younger's drama air, about how yesterday's schoolgirls volunteered during the great patriotic war.
11:58 am
now, i would even go again, air, already to the cinema, a cinema ticket for the film air would be the best gift for defender of the fatherland day. next, news on channel one. hello! it's time for news first; we'll tell you about the most important events right now. and at the beginning of attacks on rear targets of the armed forces of ukraine , explosions are reported in the kharkov, dnepropetrovsk, lvov, khmelnytsky, ivano-frankivsk and volyn regions, in swan zone.


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