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tv   Proekt Tsivilizatsii  1TV  February 15, 2024 7:55pm-8:58pm MSK

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when it ended for me, when at all, i couldn’t imagine that someday i would see some afghan, not that there, well, in general, that i would want to see him, and so on, and already in ninety-nine i was in afghanistan and we interviewed akhmatshah masud, who was our only ally at that time, and then in 2011 we went to afghanistan, where, together with the afghan mujahideen, we installed a plaque commemorating the battle of that very ninth company, they and we are no longer... .i hope the wounds are early or they will heal later, but this is still very far away, while we are watching the cycle of civilization on channel one, today about latin america, don’t miss it!
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latin america is one of the poles of the modern and future world order. 25 states, plus the residual colonial possessions of great britain, france, the netherlands, and the united states. it covers an area of ​​21 million square km, which is comparable to the area of ​​the ussr. more than 660 million people, in eighteen countries the state or official language is spanish, in brazil portuguese, in haiti, french, in former and current british colonies, english, in suriname and some dutch colonies, dutch, over 10% of the population still speaks amerindian languages. well, the question is: is there a separate latin american civilization? some believe that... no, this is just a branch
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of western civilization that has completely destroyed the andean, yucatan, mexican or mayan civilization that existed there before the arrival of europeans, others argue that latin america is now in the process creating their own unique civilization and a mixture of iberian, european, indian, african cultural traditions. and some are sure that there is a latin american civilization, here it is. however, latin american civilization. if you ask people on the streets of moscow, london or beijing what latin america is primarily associated with for them, i think the first answer will be approximately the same: carnival in rio, and also football. therefore, it is absolutely no coincidence that
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vladimir, going on a big trip to several latin american countries in 2014, putin chose to visit rio daneiro on the day when the closing ceremony of the world cup was to take place . for many people in the world, for millions of people in the world, football is more than a sport, it is an image, and for many even. the meaning of life. yes, everyone knows about football and carnival, but few people remember that america is named after the sailor from florence, america vispucci. and it became latin from gold, to which most of the languages ​​that europeans colonized it go back to. but this is a huge continent with its once ancient and rich in culture and incredible nature. here in southern peru, on a plateau of extension. 50 km away you can see the giant
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nazca geoglyphs; latin america is home to the longest mountain range in the world, the andes. venezuela's angel falls are the highest in the world, and the amazon is the greatest of the earth's rivers. i miss latin america, of course i can't. no human foot has yet stepped on it. the most beautiful mountains i have seen in my life are the north-west of argentina, the vicinity of salta - chile has hundreds of kilometers of coastline, where up to these are mountains of different colors and different shapes. machu picchu is the mountain from which soaring above the clouds, which was the capital of the inca empire. machu picchu, if you get there early in the morning. you can see how it is completely hidden
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by clouds, how the clouds part, and we see these structures, these buildings, we can be transported to another time, feel the genius, greatness of real cultures that were destroyed by europeans, the population of modern latin america is mainly are mestizos, children from mixed marriages of europeans and indians, or mulattoes, descendants whites and blacks, who were massively imported to the continent as slaves, and there were more mulattoes in the countries of latin america than...
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origin, this is the result of the genocide that the colonialists carried out on the american continent. after the expedition of christopher columbus, who discovered the islands of the caribbean sea, the coast of central america and
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venezuela, the first spanish settlements were founded. on the islands of hispaniola, now haiti, in cuba, which became strongholds for further penetration. deep into the american continent, state and the osteca civilization was destroyed by the conquistador expedition of fern cortez and subsequent spanish colonial rule. cavalry, firearms , and infectious diseases brought by europeans helped reduce mexico's indigenous population from 25 million to 9 million in less than half a century. then it will be the empire's turn. the incas, who will be dealt with by the conquistadors of pisara. by the beginning of the 16th century, spanish dominance was established in mexico, california, florida, central america on the entire south american continent, with the exception of the territory of brazil, which was developed by portugal, and the guianas, divided
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between england, holland and france. aboriginal resistance was suppressed by fire and sword, even to the point of total extermination. today, on the site of tenachtitlan, the ancient aztec metropolis destroyed by the spaniards, stands the capital of mexico, mexico city. in 1500 , tenochtitlan was one of the largest cities in the world with a developed sewerage and water supply system. historians estimate the number of its inhabitants from 350 thousand to half a million human. for comparison, in the same 16th century , the largest city in europe was paris.
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of the spaniards of that time, from all points of view, the incas and ostecs were, well, head and shoulders above precisely in the cultural, in the civilizational sense. well-known fact: american indians are descendants of eurasian inhabitants. the bering strait, which, of course, was not called that in ancient history, became so shallow that it became an isthmus, a bridge between continents, and it was along it that the first people came to america.
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the study of remains from the most ancient burials of south america made it possible to find out even the time separation of the indigenous inhabitants of the new world from the population. siberia, it’s strange that russia has not yet been accused of this, because the buryats at one time invaded america through the bering strait and became indians. by the way, the word shaman is my favorite. you won’t find this place in tourist guides, unlike, for example, the egyptian giza, where the famous pyramids are located, and meanwhile, it is in the mexican choluli that the largest pyramid in the world, the great pyramid of cholula, is dedicated.
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defeat the empire and the inca empire, neighboring peoples, it was these peoples who, by and large, helped the spaniards with empires that subjugated many only when they themselves began to be destroyed, they realized how wrong they had been with their choice. the spanish priest bartolomes, who arrived in latin america with the conquistadors, described what he witnessed. usually in the following way: they built a grate on stands, tied prisoners to it and
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lit a slow fire below. many of those whom the spaniards captured, they cut off both hands and, tying the severed limbs to shoulders, they said: “now go and take these letters to the others.” but only very few, and perhaps no one at all, managed to survive, as they bled to death, and after walking a little forward, they fell dead. they also poisoned the prisoners with dogs. they poured boiling oil over them, ripped open the bellies of pregnant women, hung small children on gallows, starved the indians, and then fed them, mad with hunger, the meat of their own children. when one of the resistance leaders of the mexican indians , cuatemoc, was captured, the spaniard ern cortez demanded that he tell him where the treasures were hidden, but he was silent because they were sacred...
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true, it soon became clear that indian slaves were bad and died too quickly in captivity, then ships with africans went to america, and the pope i even came up with an explanation for this. in the case of the indians, the catholic church came to the conclusion that they were people; in the case of blacks, they came to the conclusion that they were not really people. therefore, they continued to be used for several more centuries as slaves on plantations, starting in the middle of the 15th century century, when the first ship with black slaves from africa arrived in latin america and until... from the moment when, 3 centuries later , the fish trade was finally banned, the europeans brought to their plantations, according to their very underestimated estimates, more than 12 million africans, but this colossal figure does not reflect the completeness of the picture, including because slaves married and gave birth to children, who also automatically became slaves, and if
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in 1680, for example, in virginia, african ... haiti, dominican republic, modern, cuba, all large islands, where the local population was slaughtered, slaves were brought from africa, well, i’m not even talking about brazil. where mulattoes, sambas and purebred blacks, they probably make up a little more than half the population, but at the same time, all the wars for independence, the entire struggle for freedom from the metropolis and civil rights in latin america, as a rule, were not waged by them and not by the remnants of the indigenous inhabitants of the mainland , kriols,
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that’s what in europe they called those whites who were born with... the oceans in the colonies, it was they who became the mouthpieces of freedom in latin america. who are you? people! latin americans have always strived for independence, and the history of the continent is full of the most striking examples of this. this was the case during the period of struggle against colonialism, during the time of the famous simon bolivar, who became a symbol of freedom. not only for latin america, but perhaps for the whole world, for all humanity. simon bolivar is a great, outstanding figure in latin america, creates the state of colombia, and dreams of creating a confederation of latin american states. bolivar admired george washington and was
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a supporter of the united states, considering it a model of a free fatherland and the center of civic good.
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the first emperor of brazil visited the court of alexander ii and almost made a choice in favor of a russian princess, which would have changed the history of brazil. but pedro chose a bride from the austrian royal family, which, however, did not prevent the strengthening of relations between brazil and russia. pedro ii visited our country and was a guest of the russian imperial family. following brazil, on the path to fighting
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but europe, weakened by the napoleonic wars , was far away, and nearby the united states of america was gradually gaining strength, a country that today is called the world's main manipulative invader. this is your first appearance on television. yes, jack. what made marilyn munro stand out from this model's crowd of starlets? what forced the whole nation, and the whole world. unanimously proclaim her as your goddess. director billy wilder said she was monstrous.
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cognac monteshon product of stellar group rom kastro product of stellar group. vodka veda, product of stellar group. old barrel cognac, a product of the stellar group. bourbon stirsman is a product of stellar group. where did the ambulances go in olchevsk, so that they would say that the ambulance will not come to you, this cannot happen, there is supposedly only
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one ambulance in the whole of alchevsk, the photo is just from somewhere in the pictures, it has nothing to do with alchevsk, all the cars on the move, new, visible in the park, a lot of headlines in the press about germany, people are losing their jobs, about 77 homeless people are registered, so many people dressed purely culturally in tack collecting bottles, never seen before , who is the only world politician who is recognized in germany? anti-fake premiere, tomorrow at the first, in our studio there are stars, their brothers and sisters, i have always been a little jealous of my younger brother, we are dealing with a very interesting person, dad is an actor, mom is an actress, i tried to avoid this maximum of covetousness, but it didn’t work out , retreating. we are not only brother and sister, we are great friends, sometimes i forget that she is already
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a mother, an adult, she is still my little sister, which is not in your profession you can’t be friends, because otherwise they’ll immediately devour you, we are rich, we should be with the tigers, the main event of the olympics, in principle, these are our sisters, when we were just starting our careers, they tested us.
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where is talya? thank you. well, the fact that the madhouse is crying for her is clear. but first, you still need to cling to something. primitive. jonah. this crazy library is leading you astray. did you fall in love there? yes. to the eightieth birthday of oleg yankovsky. in love by choice. on sunday on the first. look. why did you do that? just, we, contemporaries of the red era, suddenly
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felt like russians, heirs of a huge, mysterious russian history hidden outside our cities. i collected the huge multi-colored boulders that i loved so much from the shores of the pskov lakes. draw about the reirs, i brought them to a single place to the pechersk road, there was a mountain here, hot with gems, i cut down a crucifix from a huge siberian larch, i remember how this crucifix, erected on an armored personnel carrier, moved through the whole of pskov, aestes descended from the sky on the crucifix, prophetic bird, premiere, alexander prokhanov, confession on monday, on the first december 2 , 1823, president james monroe, in his message to congress, stated that in view of
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the superiority of american political... institutions over european ones , the united states had a direct interest in ensuring, i quote, the freedom of happiness of its friends under this side of the atlantic, the united states will view any attempt by european countries to extend their systems to any part of this hemisphere as a threat to our peace and security. so, the principle is america for americans turned into a divinely ordained mission of the united states. carry out its own expansion throughout the american continent. now washington has begun to view latin america as its rightful backyard . the beginning was made by the war with mexico of 1846-1848, when the gringa, as the americans are called in a circle from their borders, chopped off 2.5 million square kilometers of ancestral mexican territory. actually, all those
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southern states that are today. symbols of the usa, texas, arizona, colorado, california, these were all once bylikan territories. the american protégé porfirio dis, overthrown as a result of the mexican revolution of 1910-1916, once said, commenting on the situation of his country. oh, poor mexico, you are so far from god and so close to the united states.
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we are grateful to our latin american partners, citizens of your countries, for their attention to the necessary interests of our russian compatriots, for the memory of the role russian people played in the formation of some states and institutions of the countries of the continent. this is exactly what happened in paraguay, which quite possibly survived as an independent country, was thanks to the russians. and today, in the name of ivan, not juan, exactly...
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yes, in paraguay everything was heading towards war, and they had to fight against the much more numerous and well-armed army of bolivia, the command of which was invited to command the german career general hans kunt. bolivia sought to secure access to the ocean, but it was the american company standard oil that pushed it into military conflict, namely its confrontation with the british shel. behind the paraguayan authorities and became the true engine conflict. one hundred people were going to fight for the region of grandchak, where oil was found. the majestic pantheon of military glory in assuncion. monument to the heroes who died in various battles defending paraguay. there are dozens of names on signs in a separate room. then in 1935, in the chaca war with bolivia, which was
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technically much weaker, paraguay, under the command of russian officers, managed to defeat an enemy superior in numbers and weapons. from the very first days of that war , the russians stood on the front line. nobody said: “i’m russian, i have nothing to die for here.” they were in the most important and first sectors of the front. there are stories in the army about how risk-taking and brave the russians were. general kunt, when asked by a swiss journalist about the reasons for the loss in the czech war, answered this way. i underestimated the russians. this happened a few days before the start of world war ii. it would seem that this new, bloody battle, unfolding on another continent, did not concern the countries of latin america at all. but that's not true. we simply
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do not know about the submarine war that was waged near shores of the atlantic. it was then that a german submarine attacked and sank a brazilian submarine. the snake would sooner smoke a pipe than brazil would enter this war, but when this happened, the soldiers of the expeditionary force heading to europe ironically received
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chevrons with this very image of a snake smoking a pipe. the first fighter squadron of the brazilian air force was also presented in italy.
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it seems that the us government will still interfere in internal political processes in other countries, it is unlikely that the process can be revived because it has gained a lot of momentum. recently, a couple of years ago , a military coup took place in peru with the active support of the united states. nobody knows anything about this coup in the world, there is no scandal, none of the democratic journalists and governments care about this topic, in peru the police and army are now killing indians, in peru there is a completely illegitimate regime in power, but the world is now talking about ukraine, russia, the officially appointed press, the world's
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villains. the result of this ongoing us interference in latin american affairs is as follows: nowhere in the world have there been so many coups d'etat as here. a few examples: 1989, the us military invasion of panama under the pretext of protecting its citizens, in fact, in order to continue to own the panama canals. before that, in 1957, a coup in haiti brought dictator françois duvalier, better known as papa dogue, to power. the dominican republic, the era of the reign of local dictator rafael trugilio, which lasted from 1930 to 1961, can rightfully be considered the most bloody. while he was in
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power, more than 50 thousand people died in the country, 10 thousand of them black, and the guatemalan dictator.
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the people of countries under the rule of controlled dictators have now begun to work on the united states.
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surrender and flee the country, but he refused. the magalianis radio station brought the president's final address to people around the world, recorded against the backdrop of gunfire and an explosion. i will not resign; at this
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crossroads of history, i am ready to pay with my life for the trust of the people. long live chile, yeah long live the people, long live the working people, these are my last words. i am sure that my death will not be in vain, i am sure that it will at least be a moral lesson in punishment, treachery, cowardice and betrayal.
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activities of transnational corporations. business the rockefeller empire controlled sugar production and nickel production in cuba. morgans, finance, electricity, communications, cigar production in cuba. energy, telephone network, copper mines in chile. melons, chilean, iron ore deposits and so on and so forth. the united food company owned millions of acres of prime agricultural land. in cuba, guatemala,
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honduras, costa rica, panama, ecuador, colombia, haiti, nicaragua, dominicans, jamaica, it was because of the dominance of this fruit that these countries were called banana republics. it is not surprising that any attempt by latin american states to bring natural resources under their control led to bloody conflicts, revolutions and coups in which intervention was a factor. chthon played a decisive role. so in the middle of xx century, when land owned by the american united frood company was nationalized in guatemala. the company convinced the us authorities that the duly elected president of guatemala, jacoba arbenz, was a communist and therefore dangerous. the united states organized a military invasion and installed pro-american dictator castillo armos in the presidency. thus began a thirty-six-year civil
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war. the guatemalans had no time to fight the americans; they killed each other. american secretary of state henry kissinger was asked: “why doesn’t the united states have unified latin american policy." he answered rather rudely. but there is simply no latin america. such an attitude cannot but cause a response, more often not at the level of open politics, but selectively. in many countries there were national liberation movements that wanted to win not through, let's say, elections, and through the uprising of the armed. ernesta chaquevara developed this theory of the guerrilla hearth. augusta sandina, the national hero of nicaragua, became the first who was able to militarily force the american army to leave the country marines, but he himself fell victim to betrayal by anastasio samosa. the same one
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they were talking about in washington. he's a son of a bitch, sure, but he's our son of a bitch. the struggle against the dictatorship of samosa lasted for decades. and in it, the most important role was played by the current president of nicaragua, daniel artega, one of the leaders of the sandinista revolution. but still, the most striking event in the history of modern latin america, a source of pride and an example to follow, was the revolution of 1959. the cuban revolution opened a new stage in history.
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belonged to spain, presciently warned about possible expansion by the united states. the plateau amendment was repealed in 1934, and this happened, paradoxically, not without the participation of hase marti. two american marines could not find a better time and place
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than to relieve themselves near the monument to hasa martí, a symbol sacred to every cuban. the struggle for independence that began in havana is impossible to describe, the americans urgently evacuated these two marines quickly back to the usa so that they could simply they weren’t killed on the spot. in this photo, next to the young fidel castro, comandant tc, a man who has become a brand in the modern world. after chagiwara continued his fight against us power in 1900. in 1966 he went to bolivia. the standard of living in this country under dictator rene artugno was poverty-stricken. chigiwara was supported by many, but
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there were also plenty of those who were tired of the constant unrest. as a result, chagivara's partisan detachment was tracked down, he himself was captured, and then...
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the capture of turkey, the imbalance in the world caused by the deployment american missiles in different countries, including very close to our borders, for example, in turkey. and besides, the threat to cuba from the united states. the crisis was overcome. the americans removed their missiles from soviet nuclear missiles to cuba, which became the soviet union's reaction to the strategic and ussr from cuba. certain agreements were reached, which are still being respected , or rather, they are still being observed, because
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global trends look disappointing. the ussr collapsed, the usa became convinced that there was no no one is more important than them. the policy of double standards began to be demonstrated even more clearly and was the first to be highlighted. what is happening in the us backyard in latin america. american proj cause opposition among the local population, the local population wants to come and overthrow, but then the americans regain their positions. true, this succeeds less and less every year. the world is changing, to understand this, it is enough to realize that today it is one of the twenty most influential countries in the world.
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america, and its politics are obvious, is here they have stopped looking back at the opinion of the united states, and this is clearly visible from the outside, from across the ocean. a truly effective and durable state system cannot be imposed from outside. it grows naturally from the civilizational roots of countries.
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but it was still a soft performance; at home in venezuela, chavez was much less restrained. go to hell, you dirty yankees, you'll go to hell. during ugachavis’s visit to russia at the very beginning of the 2000s, vladimir putin discussed with him the policy of rapprochement between the two countries. we were we have known ugachavis since 2000. and during this time , it was true that primarily business-like, but at the same time kind, warm and friendly relations developed between us;
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this certainly contributed to the building of interstate relations, everyone is whispering behind my back, all about the fact that under my hand, russia is over. my brother, grigory grigorievich arlov in apalla, our star has set in your highness, empress grisha. much is given, but not much is allowed, but what should i do if i love you? we ask for forgiveness, little lady, that’s where you’re coming from, run yours, run, great, golden age, big premiere, watch after the program time. mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellar group. сnop gin, a product of the stellar group.
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under no circumstances should it be clenched into a fist, the only place where there can be a pistol in the left hand to hide the second front is only if we decapitate the leadership of countries hostile to us with one blow. it became known that... the germans are preparing a large-scale operation in tigeran, dear gevorg, all six umbrellas that you ordered for your father’s confectionery are ready, six umbrellas - meant six paratroopers, whether they were germans or not, then i saw an army boot, they don’t wear those in iran, i’ve been working for four years now, my premiere is on sunday on the first, the mutual interest of russia and
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latin american countries is growing. this is a trend, and the trend is clear. it is also important that people of indian origin are increasingly leading the countries of the region. the most recent example is bolivia. eva-moralis, a representative of the multimillion-dollar aymara ethnic group. he did not remain in power for long; he was forced resign under pressure from the military when protests began in the country. clearly inspired from outside, a warrant was even issued for his arrest, but in the early presidential elections, in spite of everything, moralis' supporter, luis arce, won, and the case against the now former president of bolivia was closed. power in latin america has always been deeply russian. so just a couple of decades ago, the president of bolivia,
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the most indian country in the world, where the majority of the population is indians. was not just pale-faced a representative of a superior race, but he knew nothing about the indians of his native country , they never interested him, he even spoke spanish with an english accent, so now the appearance of people of indian origin in latin american politics is symbolic, this is important, these are the people standing at helmsmen in the united states became worried, clearly demonstrating a desire to reverse the situation. in 2019 , john bolton, an adviser to then us president donald trump, said that the monroe doctrine is not a past, but a present. today we are with we proudly announce. the munroe doctrine is alive and doing well. in latin america they understood him very accurately. moreover, when
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biden came, us policy in the region did not change at all. a recent example of this was the american attempt to bring juan guaidó to power in venezuela. did not work. guaido has now emigrated to the united states. if the united states had continued to rely on him, he would certainly now be teaching somewhere at harvard, traveling around the united states
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s... visited cuba, nicaragua, argentina, and then paid an official visit to brazil, visited rio de janeiro, brazil, fortaleza, where he took part in the brix summit, and held bilateral meetings not only with brix colleagues, but with latin american leaders, with the president of bolivia, eva morales of uruguay, jace mujica, peru. chile by michel bechelet, colombia by juan santos. putin cheered at the final of the world cup, after which russia took over the baton for hosting this tournament in 2018. during the visit vladimir putin to latin america, the first point was cuba, where our president met with fidel castro. this was a leader,
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this is a man who... thought about people every second, and not only about the cubans, he thought about all of latin america, he thought about all the people on the planet, on earth, and... really his entire consciousness was imbued with caring about achieving the common good of justice, he was a unique person, these are the kind of people latin america produces. the americans hardly liked all this, their interference in the affairs of latin american countries only intensified, and the then president of brazil, dilma rusev, warmly welcomed him.
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countering this, latin american countries are developing a common market known as mercosur, moving towards brix, and this is strength. over the past decades, investments
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by brix countries in the global economy have doubled, with total exports reaching 20% ​​of the global total. enshrined in the monroe doctrine, the american view of south america's place in the world as god-given. appendages necessary exclusively for prosperity of the great north american democracy, is increasingly at odds with the understanding of their fate by latin americans themselves. the right-wing tilt of 2010 gave way to a new left-wing renaissance that began with the victory of lópez obrador in the 2018 mexican presidential election. following this, left-wing politicians began to win one victory after another. albert. peru, gabriel boric in chile, in 2021. in 2022, for the first time
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, left-wing politician gustavo petro won in colombia, and luiz ignacio lula da silva returned to power in brazil. there are also those on the right zigzags, like meley with a chainsaw in argentina, but the vast majority of latin american governments are characterized by moderate anti-americanism, combined with their own expressed views on world problems, and not a single latin american country supported anti-russian sanctions and did not supply weapons to the kiev regime. in 2012, europe suddenly remembered that the mayan indians had a calendar, the most accurate in the world, or rather even... the gregorian one, which we use today, but they remembered it only because this calendar predicted the end of the world, the western world froze in anticipation of armageddon. when 2012 passed without
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ending in a global catastrophe, everyone breathed a sigh of relief and few realized that the prediction had actually come true. the cycle changed, western civilization began to decline more and more, while others, including latin america, embarked on a path of rapid development. it seems to me that now there are many reasons to talk about latin american civilization. she no longer resembles her indian homeland, she is little looks like a copy of the conqueror. populated the continent of europe. latin america, capable of showing solidarity, is shedding the munro doctrine, freeing itself from the unconditional influence of the united states, strengthening
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regional integration, increasingly influencing world politics, and steadily increasing its weight in the world economy. and turns to its roots, growing from different continents. in the west they like to talk about themselves as the heir of ancient greece and ancient rome. in fact, europeans discovered antiquity only a thousand years after the fall western roman empire.
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because it is in your own interests, if you do not admit it, you represent a universal evil that must be eradicated, the premiere of civilization, film five, the west on tuesday on the first. hello, the program is on air, ekaterina berezovskaya is in the studio. here are the main topics. the ukrainian armed forces struck belgorod again, and among the victims was a child. latest data on dead victims.


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